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  • Pages: 51
The Art of Questioning

Presented by: Mrs. Estelita V. Llanita Lasallian Master Teacher


What questions can you draw out from the image?

The unexamined life is not worth –living… the most important thing is to ask question….

Socrates (Σωκράτης)

"I know you won't believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others."


method of inquiry or method of "elenchus,"  to solve a problem, it would be broken down into a series of questions  the answers to which gradually distill the answer you seek.

6 types of questions that Socrates asked his students

Conceptual clarification questions -Why are you saying that? -What exactly does this mean? -How does this relate to what we have been talking about?

More… What is the nature of ...? -What do we already know about this? -Can you give me an example? -Are you saying ... or ... ? -Can you rephrase that, please?

Probing assumptions  What

else could we assume?  You seem to be assuming ... ?  How did you choose those assumptions?  Please explain why/how ... ?  How can you verify or disprove that assumption?  What would happen if ... ?  Do you agree or disagree with ... ?

Probing rationale, reasons and evidence  Why

is that happening?  How do you know this?  Show me ... ?  Can you give me an example of that?  What do you think causes ... ?  What is the nature of this?  Are these reasons good enough?

More..  Would

it stand up in court?  How might it be refuted?  How can I be sure of what you are saying?  Why is ... happening?

And more  Why?

(keep asking it -- you'll never get past a few times)  What evidence is there to support what you are saying?  On what authority are you basing your argument?

Questioning viewpoints and perspectives  Another

way of looking at this is ..., does this seem reasonable?  What alternative ways of looking at this are there?  Why it is ... necessary?  Who benefits from this?  What is the difference between... and...?

More  Why

is it better than ...?  What are the strengths and weaknesses of...?  How are ... and ... similar?  What would ... say about it?  What if you compared ... and ... ?  How could you look another way at this?

Probe implications and consequences  Then

what would happen?  What are the consequences of that assumption?  How could ... be used to ... ?

More  What

are the implications of ... ?  How does ... affect ... ?  How does ... fit with what we learned before?  Why is ... important?  What is the best ... ? Why?

Questions about the question  What

was the point of asking that question?  Why do you think I asked this question?  What does that mean?

The art of questioning  Questioning

is an integral part of an inquiry centered classroom.  It is a learner’s thinking tool to carry out investigation about a subject matter.


power to question is vested with the teacher who uses this tool to either approve or disapprove of children’s knowledge thus empowering or disempowering them.


Distribute questions so that all, including non-volunteers, are involved. Balance factual and thought-provoking questions. Ask both simple and exacting questions Encourage lengthy responses and sustained answers.

GENERAL GUIDELINES 5. Stimulate critical thinking 6. Use the overhead technique: 1) question, 2) pause, 3) name. 7. Insure audibility, then refuse to repeat questions or answers 8. If a student asks a question, don't answer it until you've asked the class

GENERAL GUIDELINES 8. Personalize questions 10. Suggest partnership by inquiring

Levels of thinking skills  Low level

thinking  High level thinking


Upper /Higher Level Thinking Skill


Critical Thinking Wheel Students

need to learn how to process information rather than merely memorize information.

What’s in a question, you ask?

Answer… Everything. It is a way of evoking stimulating response or stultifying inquiry. It is, in essence, the very core of teaching. —John Dewey (1933)

Learning has two sides: Knowledge/Information Questioning/Yearning




Factual Convergent Divergent Evaluative Combination

Questioning technique •The teacher should begin by obtaining the  attention of the students before the question is asked. •The question should be addressed to the entire class before a specific student is asked to respond.

Questioning technique •Calls for responses should be distributed among volunteers and non-volunteers, and  the teacher should encourage students to speak to the whole class when responding. •However, the teacher must be sensitive to each student's willingness to speak publicly and never put a student on the spot

1. Factual  Soliciting

reasonably simple, straight forward answers based on obvious facts or awareness.  The lowest level of cognitive or affective processes and answers are frequently either right or wrong.

Example What

is the former name of Jakarta? Answer: Batavia

More example Name

the Shakespeare play about the Prince of Denmark Answer: Hamlet

2. Convergent  Answers

to these types of questions are usually within a very finite range of acceptable accuracy  These may be at several different levels of cognition

3. Divergent  These

questions allow students to explore different avenues and create many different variations and alternative answers or scenarios

Example  In

the love relationship of Hamlet and Ophelia, what might have happened to their relationship and their lives if Hamlet had not been so obsessed with the revenge of his father's death?

More example  Like

many authors throughout time, Shakespeare dwells partly on the pain of love in Hamlet. Why is painful love so often intertwined with good literature. What is its never ending appeal to readers?

4. Evaluative These

types of questions usually require sophisticated levels of cognitive and/or emotional judgment.

Examples  a.

What are the similarities and differences between the deaths of Ophelia when compared to that of Juliet?  b. What are the similarities and differences between Roman gladiatorial games and modern football?

More example  c.

Why and how might the concept of Piagetian schema be related to the concepts presented in Jungian personality theory, and why might this be important to consider in teaching and learning?

Example  On

reflecting over the entirety of the play Hamlet, what were the main reasons why Ophelia went mad? ( This is not specifically stated in one direct statement in the text of Hamlet. Here the reader must make simple inferences as to why she committed suicide.)

5. Combinations  These

are questions that blend any combination of the above.

Figure 1. Categories of Questions Category 1

Category 2

Factual Closed Convergent Lower level Low order Low inquiry

Higher cognitive Open Divergent Higher level High order High inquiry

some tips on questioning techniques to enhance active learning:

1. Ask Challenging Questions 2. Ask Well-Crafted, Open-Ended Questions 3. Ask Uncluttered Questions 4. Learn to Wait 5. Presentation

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