The Accountability And Oversight As One Of Dpd Functions

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  • Pages: 15


DEWAN PERWAKILAN DAERAH REPUBLIK INDONESIA Abbreviated as DPD RI or Indonesian Senate, is a state institution consisting of people’s representatives, 33 provinces (the regions), fighting for regional aspirations and interests.

Plenary meeting of DPD-RI

As compromised with the Indonesian Parliament and one of the DPD RI’s main functions is entrusted to bridge intergovernmental relations between the central government and the regional government and at the same time to oversee the activities on both institutions.

To carry out the people’s mandate beyond the call of duty, the DPD RI has the responsibility for holding both Governments to account by overseeing its work and meeting so that is does not infringe on the rights of citizens and does not lead to the wastage of state resources and its constituent with the public interest.

Article 22 D (3) of the 1945 Constitution (Indonesian Constitution) mentioned that the DPD should oversee the implementation of laws concerning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Regional Autonomy Formation, Expansion, and Merger of Provinces Relation between Central – Local Government Management of Natural Resources Implementation of State Budget and its Balance Budget between the Central and Local Government 6. Taxation, Education and Religion The results of the said oversight will be submitted to Parliament (The House of Representatives/DPR) for their consideration.

From 2004-2008, DPD has conducted oversight of the implementation of no. 1, 2, 3 and 4 above in consultation with the regional stakeholders in government and civil society through the Clearing House (Public Aspiration) in each region. It formulated solution to key problems directly, effecting the implementation of the Regional Authority. Follow by no. 4, 5, and 6 in the same format as above with the relevant departments (institution) and maintain close contact with them. In this way their plans can adequately reflect the real needs and concern of the people welfare.

After all in a number of ways such as DPD receiving the regular reports from both side Central Government and Regions on their activities, putting questions and using interpellation to members of Executive, setting up special committee and organizing field visit to carry out enquiries into Executive conduct and remedial action.

The result of oversight among others as: 2. Amendment Law no. 22 of 2003, no. 32 of 2004 and no. 33 of 2004, all concerning the regional autonomy and its relevant. This is done by DPD after making consultation with stakeholders in government and civil society in the region or through the Clearance House (People’s Aspiration) which is located in each region. This is also done by the DPD after receiving aspiration of the region and DPD feel that these 3 (three) laws are not in line with the essential spirit of the regional autonomy accordingly.


The problem most strongly found in the region is continuing injustice in allocation of the proceeds from management and utilization of national resource and its relevant. For example: Many regions such as Aceh, Riau, East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and Papua have great economic distribution to the Central Government, but have not received a sufficient allocation of this revenue to finance development in the regions from which their contribution device. The DPD as representatives of the region and emanation of civil society are seeking well managed professionally in solving the problems by comparing with other well organized and respected regions.

3. Related to oversight no.5 and no.6 concerning the Bill on National Budget related to the financial balance between the center and the regions. DPD in this case need lobbying various related parties that strongly influence the success of the proposed to obtain adequate budget allocation from the State Budget and Regional Budget these include the budget for education, taxation and religion.

Therefore the focus in oversight of DPD RI is concentrated in the Budget for obtaining suitable and adequate basic social service as fundamental right of every citizen, especially with regard to the need to provide basic living standards on a minimum level for the people welfare. Furthermore this is in considering and coincide with the 7 points of 2008 National Budget’s priority by the Government to realize, namely: poverty alleviation, unemployment reduction, educational quality, health, basic infrastructure, public services, and corruption eradication.

TO THIS END Apparently due to the government has signed the latest international agreement on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), it is need to stressing the following: 4.DPD has an important oversight role over the government’s

performance in implementing health policies. This is because the provision of improved health services to the public is the core of regional autonomy as we note 1945 Constitution Article 22 D (3) mandated DPD RI to oversee the implementation of land enacting the regional autonomy. It’s followed by the public’s right to basic education by assuring delivery of agreement targets. 6.Don’t violate the principles of DPD RI’s independence and

autonomy in accordance with provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations, and based on principles of equality and mutual benefit, and are open for reporting and accountable to the General Public (transparency of external assistance to the DPD RI).

LAST BUT NOT LEAST 2. For the Republic of Indonesia DPD has a vital role to play in assuring that all people can contribute their performances to the well-being of their communities and society and for the world through MDG’s. 3. However and as far as DPD RI concerned its holy duty in oversighting the action made by the Executives (Central and Local Government), it is depend upon both their behavior and attitude.

www.senatorhamdhani.blogspot. com

Government must assume its responsibility and mobilize skills to entire flow of informationto citizens. The tradition of secrecy should be discarded. In fact, the oath of secrecy should be replaced with the oath of transparency. While the right information is means of determining justness (or lack there of) of the Government’s action, it should accord high importance to the public interest in creating good governance.

www.senatorhamdhani.blogspot. com

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