Thanks For The Memories

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Denver First Church of the Nazarene January 18, 2008 - Totals

Sunday Evening Services Tonight the evening service is the “Symphony of Praise” concert. Next Sunday, February 1st, we will not have an evening service. Come join us again on Sunday, February 8th at 6:00 pm.

Giving This Week’s Need:

$ 63,000 January Tithe Monthly Goal: $ 257,500

Singles Planning Meeting Meet in the Community Room TODAY following the morning service. Bring a brown bag lunch. We’ll work on planning events for the Singles group. More info: Blanche at 303/829-8894.

To Date: $ 120,901 January Faith Promise Monthly Goal: $ 26,155 To Date: $ 10,483 YTD Tithe YTD Goal: $ 2,265,857 To Date: $ 2,106,779

Women of the Word - Correction The times for this women’s Bible study are Tuesday’s from 9:30-11:00 am or Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm. Both days meet in the Fellowship Hall. Info: Karen Gunstream at 303/805-8660.

All Youth Parent Meeting TODAY, meet in the Rock Room from 4:30-5:30 pm. The summer calendar details will be revealed! Refreshments will be served afterwards. Youth are welcome to attend as well. Contact Tina at 303/806-2611 for more info.

Attention Widows We cordially invite you to a luncheon on January 31st. We would be honored to have you join us for a time of fellowship & encouragement. Wilma Fleshman will speak to us. If you need transportation, please call 303/806-2612.

Mission:Denver - Saturday, January 31st Help serve food and distribute clothing to those in need! Meet at DFC at 8:00 am. Ends approximately 1:30 pm. For info, call John at 303/3287303. Mission:Denver location: 2877 Lawrence St.

YTD Faith Promise YTD Goal: $ 294,866 To Date: $ 229,711

GETTING TO KNOW YOU We want to get to know you better! After you’ve filled this form out, drop it in the offering plate, hand it to an usher, or take it to the receptionist’s desk near the breezeway. Name:_______________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Childcare Tonight There will be childcare available for the concert tonight and it will begin at 5:30 pm. Childcare is for ages 3 and under only. Ages 4 and older will sit with their parents. Bake Out Blessing TODAY is Bake Out Sunday! Please bring your baked goods and drop them off in the Breezeway. We will distribute these goodies to local businesses to brighten their days!

Farewell Reception for Pastor Tim and Jane Please join us TODAY, for a farewell reception for our dear friends, Pastor Tim and Jane Stearman. Drop in from 3:00-5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. We will do a card shower and we encourage you to include gifts of appreciation. “My House Will Be Called A House Of Prayer” Isaiah 56:7 Lord, help us to wait expectantly for your answers, even when we don’t see. The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.” So Elijah said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’” I Kings 8:44

Fun in the Snow at Copper Mountain, Sat., Feb. 7 Whether you ski, snowboard, snowshoe or shop, it’s bound to be a fun time! Meet in DFC’s parking lot at 6:00am. Bring $5 for the van and $ for breakfast & lunch, your own equipment or $ to rent. Sign up at the Men’s Booth (regardless of gender) by Wed., Feb. 4. Ages 12 and under need to be accompanied by an adult. Info, call Jane Ann at 303/791-1330. Singles Super Bowl Party Sunday, February 1st, come cheer on your favorite team for the Super Bowl at Denise’s clubhouse at Fallingwater Condos. Meet at 3:30 pm and bring sides to go with chili. For more info: Denise at 918/521-0377. Pie Auction - Save the Date Our Annual Pie Auction Youth/Children’s Fundraiser is right around the corner, Sunday, February 15th. Please mark your calendars for this evening of fun!! Have a chili dinner with us following the service before the auction begins. Come help us raise funds for our summer programming. If you are interested in donating a “homemade” pie, please call Cara at 303/806-2611.

City: ________________________________________________ State: _______________________________________________ Zip: ______________

Birthday: _____ /_____ /________

Phone: _______ - _______ - ___________ I prefer contact by:



Occupation/Major: ____________________________________ School: _____________________________________________ Marital Status: [

] Single


] Married (Spouse: _____________)

Children's Names and Ages: _____________________________ / ___________ _____________________________ / ___________ _____________________________ / ___________ [

] 1st time guest; [

] 2nd time; [

] regular attendee

How did you first hear about us?: ______________________ I am interested in:

Tennyson Center The Tennyson Center Ministry will be going to visit the children and enjoy a church service with them on February 8th at 1:30 pm. Please call Jon Tinniswood at 720/273-0028 if you have any questions.


] more information


] serving


] what it means to be a follower of Christ

Women’s Retreat - April 24-26 The Colorado Women’s Conference, Church of the Nazarene Annual Women’s Retreat begins on Friday at 7:00 pm and ends Sunday. It is at the Great Divide Lodge in Breckenridge. Conference registration is $99. Room rates range from $50-200 per person depending on the number of women in a room. For more info, please call Lisa Smith at 303/574-0894 or email at [email protected].


] connecting to a community during the week

Year of Jubilee Pictures The pictures in the hallways from the Year of Jubilee will be up until February 1st. If you would like to bring your camera and take pictures of the photos, please feel free to do so. Mail vs. Email Several have requested that the weekly email being sent out from the ministry staff be sent by USPS to all members of the congregation who do not use email. This project is underway. Please understand we have a list of over a thousand non -emailers. It will take some time, using our present system, to do the appropriate cross-checks to reduce this list to a manageable number. For further clarification, call Randy at 303/806-2625.

I have made a decision to: [

] follow Christ...


] re-commit my life to Him... ...and would like someone to follow up.

Notes for Leadership Team/Staff/Pastors: __________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ January 25th AM Service (Sanctuary) Symphony of Praise (Sanctuary)

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