Tg Scheme

  • June 2020
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SCHOOL PLACEMENT SCHEME OF WORK (2018-2019) Student Name & ID No. Conal McCormack G00334378

List of Topics: Polygons, Orthographic Projection, Pictorial Drawing. No. of Pupils: Length of Lessons: 40mins Time of Lesson: NA

Subject: Technical Graphics Pupil Year Group:1st Year No. of Lessons: 30 Date: NA

PREVIOUS LEARNING         

KNOWLEDGE Class rules and routines. Familiar with Technical drawing equipment. Knowledge of basic construction lines. Understand how to construct title block and page border Names for equipment Triangles Quadrilaterals Inclined lines Correct Annotation

SKILLS         

Proficient in the use of the technical drawing equipment. Line weighting Setting out the drawing sheet. Use of T-square Able to portray the basic principles Construction of quadrilaterals Use of sets squares Neat penmanship Division of lines


Asses prior learning and build upon this knowledge.

Facilitate different levels of learning within the classroom.

List the examples of the use of a development in everyday life.


Graphically represent the relevant principles of technical graphics to complete many in class and homework assignments. Work with their peers comparing each other’s work. Both students will give advice to each other to reach their full potential. (Dewey – CoOperative Learning) Compare the current topic and methods of working to elements they may find or see in everyday life.

Question the students on the different methods of drawing using higher and lower order questions.

Evaluate and identify equipment and method used and justify their use.

Initiate a designing aspect to the solidworks projects.

Illustrate a clear vivid personal design to their piece.


Completion of worksheets and in class problems.(original worksheets)

Monitor the relationship between each students.

Students will relate their work real life examples. Examine each student with an end of topic exam on the key points of the topic. Each design will represent the student’s hobbies or pastimes.





 Questioning

 Word wall  Annotate drawings

 Mental Arithmetic

 Discussion

 Adding and Subtracting numbers

 Demonstration

 Mind Maps  Etymology

 Measuring objects

 Physical Models

 Drawing Questions

 Converting mm to cm  Presenting

 Emphasize correct grammar


 Presentations

 Group discussion  Theme Posters

 Animated

 Using scales in drawings  Time keeping


 Explaining board

 Animations

 Solid works Models


 Freehand sketches

DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGIES  Gender neutral projects  Allow design aspect to open make and female Gender Inclusion

students various ideas of design.  Mixed gender seating plan  Mixed gender groups Question both male and female students equally

 Step by Step PowerPoints of many topics to lead the students through the content.

Mixed Ability Teaching Strategies  Formative Feedback provided by the teacher during

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Strategies Multicultural Inclusion

each lesson. Extra tasks for the faster students, allow them to help others also. (links with a student’s affective learning)  Yellow background and comic sans text used in PowerPoints Information given in bullet point format.  Non-Text heavy presentations. Focus on using Imagery  Group work allowing the stronger students to help walk the SEN students through the exercise Mixed-culture seating plan in place.




1 26/11/18 To 30/11/18

Christmas Examinations Begin

2 3/12/18 To 7/12/18

Christmas Examinations begin

3 10/11/18 To 14/12/18

4 17/12/18 To 21/12/18


Orthographic Projection

 Introduce the class to a new topic called Polygons.  The student teacher will perform an ice breaking game for the teacher to become familiar with the students names.  Explain the equipment needed to for this topic.  Explain what a polygon is.  Draw a basic shape of a Polygon.  Basic shapes  Sketching  Plan  Elevation  End View


 Class Discussion  Quizzing the students (Socrates)  Questioning  Word Wall  Think Pair Share

 Class Discussion  Questioning  Word Wall


 Word Wall  Working Drawings  Animated PowerPoint  Model  Homework  Google Classroom

 Animated PowerPoint  Solidowrks  Model  Homework

Christmas Holidays 5 7/1/19 To 11/1/19

6 14/1/19 To 18/1/19

7 21/1/19 To 25/1/19

Orthographic Projection

   

Basic shapes using 90 degrees Plan Elevation End View

Orthographic Projection

   

Orthographic Projection

 Introduce Horizontal and vertical Plane  Sketching

Basic shapes using 45 degrees Plan Elevation End view

 Class Discussion  Questioning  Word Wall

   

Class Discussion Questioning Word Wall Think Pair Share

 Class Discussion  Quizzing the students (Socrates)  Questioning  Word Wall

 PowerPoint  Printed Drawing Sheet  Model  Solidworks  PowerPoint  Handouts  Printed Drawing sheet  Model  Solidworks  Definition sheet  PowerPoint  Handouts  Visualizer  Solidworks  Model

Orthographic Projection

    

9 4/2/19 To 8/2/19

Orthographic Projection

 Sketching  Introduce Conical and Cylindrical shapes  Plan  Elevation  End View

10 11/2/19 To 15/2/19

Orthographic Projection

 Recap on the work covered  End of chapter in class exam

8 28/1/19 To 1/2/19

Sketching Inclined shapes and lines. Plan Elevation End View

 Class Discussion  Questioning  Word Wall

   

Class Discussion Questioning Word Wall Think Pair Share

 Class Discussion  Quizzing the students (Socrates)  Questioning

 Observations  Higher order questioning O  Animated PowerPoints  Word wall  Homework      

PowerPoint Visualizer Soldiworks Model Sticky Notes Printed drawing sheets

 Summative assessment  Party

Key: L= Literacy, N= Numeracy, O= Oracy, G= Graphicacy, MA= Mixed Ability, CL= Cooperative Learning, GI = Gender Inclusion, ET = Educational Technology, and C&I= Creativity and Innovati

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