Test Guide-medievil Europe

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Social Studies Test Guide VOCABULARY Chapter 10 Knight- an armed, mounted soldier of the feudal period who gives military services to a lord Monastery- a place in which a community of religious people live Feudalism- a way of government which large landowners or lords gave protection to people in return for their services to the landholder Hierarchy- a group of people organized or classified by rank and authority Fief- a large feudal estate Vassal- a person who receives land and protection from a feudal lord in return for loyalty to that lord Oath of Fealty- a feudal oath of loyalty swore to a lord in exchange for an award of land Homage- an expression of public honor or respect Manor- the castle and estate of a feudal lord Serf- a member of the lowest feudal class Guild- an association of trades people Charlemagne- king of the franks and emperor of the west Chapter 11 Clergy-the group of people who have been ordained for religious services Excommunication- the act of expelling someone of membership in the church Tithe- a tenth of ones name contributed voluntarily to the church University- guilds of students and teachers Patriarch- the main leader of a family or tribe Icon- a picture or representation of a Christian person Schism- a separation or division into factions Chain mail- a type of armor the crusaders wore Saladin- the Muslim leader in crusades Richard I- the English king that went on the third crusade

Chapter 12 Plague- a highly contagious, often fatal, epidemic disease Monarchy- a strong central government ruled by a king or queen Heretic-one who speaks beliefs different from thee accepted church opinion Individualism- personal independence QUESTIONS Chapter 10 Q: How did Charlemagne improve learning and the quality of the church in Medieval Europe? A: Charlemagne encouraged education and scholarship. He also made the court the center of culture Q: How did Magna Carta pave the way for a new social system in England? A: It focused on the right of nobles. It acknowledged the rights of the lords and prevented a king from taking those rights away Chapter 11 Q: Describe the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church A: 1. Pope 2. Cardinal 3. Archbishop 4. Bishop 5. Monk Q: Why was the conflict between Henry IV and Pope Gregory significant? A: Henry appointed bishops and told Gregory that hew as no longer Pope. Gregory punished Henry by sending him outside in the snow for 3 days until Henry asked for forgiveness Q: What 3 religions have important places of worship in the holy lands? A: 1.Christianity 2. Judaism 3. Islam

Q: Why did the Christians want to recapture Jerusalem? A: Because they wanted to have the holy land for themselves Q: Were the crusades successful? Explain. A: Crusades were notoriously bad for plunder. A few people got rich, but the vast majority returned with nothing Q: How did the crusades benefit Western Europe? A: Positive benefits in growth of trade of which more in future class. Architectural impact of Crusader castles. New awareness of the outside world Q: Why did the crusades prove disastrous for the Byzantine Empire? A: The Byzantine army was crushed and annihilated, and Jerusalem fell to the hands of the Muslims Chapter 12 Q: List 4 things that helped to weaken feudal arrangements A: 1. The increase in royal power 2. Kings forming monarchies 3. The Black Death 4. A centralized government was established Q: How did the Black Death help weaken feudal arrangements? A: The Black Death reduced the population of England by one third Q: How did changes in warfare in the 1300s help to change European society? A: The use of gunpowder, fireworks, guns, and flamethrowers led to more effective and advanced combat

Chapter 2 Reading Notes Q: Responsibilities of the monarch in the feudal system A: For protecting their leader from enemies they were rewarded land Q: Why was William the Conqueror considered important? A: William successfully dealt with rebellion. Ruled his territories with a firm hand, and took firm control of England Q: What are the responsibilities of lords and ladies? A: Lords -managed and defended their land -sometimes acted as judges Ladies -raised and trained their children -observed the household Q: What was the role of noblewoman? A: ??? A: What were the responsibilities of a knight? Q: The knight would be a member of the king's army, and would fight whenever the king asked him to. The knight would be bound by the code of chivalry. Q: What is the code of chivalry? A: the rules and customs of medieval knighthood Q: What are the peasant and serf responsibilities? A: Peasant -worked -tended livestock -raised crops Serfs - A member of the lowest feudal class, attached to the land owned by a lord and required to perform labor in return for certain legal rights

Chapter 3 Reading Notes Q: What was the purpose of sacraments? A: They were sacred rights that Christians believed brought them grace Q: Why did people go on pilgrimages during the Middle Ages? A: To show their devotion to god and to hope to be cured of their sins Q: What were the crusades? A: Crusades were military expeditions to land where Jesus had lived Q: How did art reflect the influence of the Catholic Church? A: Most art was made for religious services Q: What were cathedrals? A: A Cathedral was the most important building and church in the city Q: What were key architectural features? A: shafts of a column or the arch Q: Who was Thomas Aquinas? What did he try to do with theology and ancient philosophy? A: He was an Italian scholar that tried to bridge the gap between reason and faith Q: Describe 2 influences that survive on modern times in: 1. Art/architecture 2. Education 3. Holidays 4. Religious orders A: Art/architecture - The arch - Dome Education -the use of lower case letters -kids home schooled Holidays - Christmas - Easter

Religious Orders - People going to church - Praying Chapter 4 Reading Notes Q: Where were medieval towns located? A: Scattered communities in the countryside Q: What contributed to the growth of towns? A: improvement in agriculture and a lot of surplus Q: What is a carter? A: The right to goven himself, make laws, and raise taxes Q: What is a guild? Why were they established? A: an organization of people in the same craft or trade. They were established to help and protect people doing a certain job Q: How did a person become a member of a guild? A: by working 7 years as an apprentice, staring at the age of 12 Q: What are some examples of guilds? A: cloth makers, cobblers, and stones man Q: How did guilds help the family? A: protected them and dealt with complaints from customers Q: How did merchants become wealthy? A: With trade and the growth of commerce Q: What was a fair like? A: Fairs where goods were sold which came over all of Europe and the east Q: Why were Jews mistreated in Medieval Europe? A: They were thought to poison the wells

Q: Describe a home in Medieval Europe A: Most were built from wood, narrow, and sometimes 4 stories high Q: How were medieval girls different from modern girls? A: Girls married and learned household skills at a much younger age Q: List 2 diseases of the middle ages A: 1. Measles 2. Leprosy Q: What caused unhealthy living conditions in medieval towns? A: Limited medical knowledge Q: Why were towns dangerous? A: Pickpockets and thieves were on the lookout for travelers Q: Explain 2 methods of guilt or innocence of criminals A: 1. Putting the criminal in a well with their hands tied behind their back. If they floated, they were guilty, if they were drowned, they were innocent 2. Fighting the criminal in a duel Q: What is the difference between a mystery play and a miracle play? A: 1. Mystery plays 2. Miracle Plays acted out stories religious drama from the bible Q: What was the church’s attitude toward miracle and mystery plays? A: Very positive. The saints of the church played a role in the plays Chapter 5 Reading Notes Q: How did Henry II improve English law? A: He made legal reform a central concern of his reign. Made law more fair. Q: What was the model parliament? Why was it created? A: Edwards called together a governing body called the model parliament in order to include more people in the government

Q: How did these political developments in England contribute to the decline in Feudalism? A: It strengthened royal authority Q: Why was the plague called the Black Death? A: Because black spots formed on the skin of the victims of the disease Q: How did the plague spread? A: The dirty conditions people lived in. Fleas that fed on the blood of infected rodents spread the disease to humans Q: How did the plague contribute to the decline of Feudalism? A: Power shifted from the nobles to the common people Q: How did the 100s year war start? A: Fighting for the land in France Q: How long did the 100 years war last? A: 116 years Q: How were the English able to defeat the French in early battles? A: English men had advantages over the crossbow with their longbow. It was more effective, more powerful, more accurate, and its arrows could reach a farther distance. Q: Who was Joan of Arc? A: A 17 year old peasant girl. She led the French army to victory in the battle of Orleans. Q: How did the war contribute to the decline in Feudalism? A: the war helped shift power from the feudal lords to monarchs and the common people

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