Teachers Without Borders Gombe Conference

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TEACHERS WITHOUT BORDERS (Africa Regional Chapter) In collaboration with Gombe State Ministry of Education, Gombe, Nigeria


Made Possible by Cisco Systems’ Commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative

FOREWORD Teachers Without Borders (TWB) is an international nongovernmental organization that is committed to empowering, connecting and celebrating teachers to bridge the education divide as well as to the utilization of teachers for the actualization of the United Nations’ (UN) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and capacity building for teachers (educators). This first international conference of educators is therefore, organized to assess how far we have gone towards the attainment of the MDGs by the year 2015 and the expected roles of educators and education in the achievement and sustainability of the MDGs. The abstracts submitted in the readiness for the conference cumulated to the publication of this Book of Abstract. The quality of the abstracts herein demonstrates and attests to the academic prowess and brilliance of the conferees. I therefore, salute your academic excellence and wish you a successful deliberation on issues that would emanate from your individual presentations. I also have the singular honour and privilege to welcome our esteemed invited guests both local and international, who have made a date with us at this maiden International Conference of Educators, tagged Gombe 2008. To our great partners that is, the Gombe State Ministry of Education, CISCO for the Clinton Global Initiative, Federal College of Education (Technical), Gombe and of course the Federal College of Horticulture, Dadin Kowa, Gombe, I say a big thank you for your immense support and contributions that have made this conference a reality. Finally, I commend the tireless and sleepless efforts of the Members of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for working round the clock. I sincerely attribute the success achieved to the efforts of the LOC members. More grease to your elbow! Mr. Raphael O. Oko, Africa Regional Coordinator, TWB, Abuja

HEALTH EDUCATION AND PREVENTION AS PATHWAYS TO ACHIEVING THE MDGS: THE CASE OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Josephine Nkiru-edna Alumanah, Ph.D Senior Lecturer Department of Sociology/Anthropology University of Nigeria, Nsukka [email protected]

ABSTRACT The importance of health education in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) was assessed. The eight MDGs are related, however, reproductive health was considered, but specifically Goals 5 and 6 – maternal health and HIV/AIDS respectively. Health Education is ‘the principle by which individuals and groups of people learn to behave in a manner conducive to the promotion, maintenance, or restoration of health. The ultimate aim of Health Education is Positive Behavioural Modification’ (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). The AIDS epidemic is known to affect women, the young and the poor most. There is increasing evidence that unequal gender relations contribute to higher risk of HIV transmission for women and girls, as well as to low levels of use by women of family planning and maternal health services. The World Bank referred to women’s education as the single most influential investment that “can be made in a developing world” (Ashford 2001: 24-25). It added that “educating women is an important end in itself”, as well as a “long term strategy for advancing women’s reproductive health”. Health education and health information programmes should also be emphasised in prenatal care, more so for primigravidas (first pregnancies). This will create awareness to make own choices of facilities, and also able to handle customary and legal barriers to women’s health care, particularly in the area of decision-making. As prevention is the major way to limit the spread of HIV, education is a fundamental way into every aspect of prevention, and is vital for behavioural change which can reduce risk and vulnerability. Proper education empowers individuals to make free and informed decisions, be in a position to negotiate sex and condom use. For many people in developing countries, antiretroviral (ATV) drugs and treatments are unaffordable, unreachable, and in some instances unavailable, thus, prevention is vital. There is evidence that education protects against HIV infection (Carr-Hill 2002, Duflo et al. 2007). Thus, education is a powerful aspect of prevention in combating the spread of HIV/AIDS. Target-based HIV/AIDS education programmes can be effective in limiting the spread of HIV/AIDS and its opportunistic diseases. Since the transmission of HIV is mainly through heterosexual relationship, the problem is a behavioural TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MDGs: NURSERY EDUCATION AS A BASE FOR FUNCTIONAL PRIMARY EDUCATION BY ASABE C. DUBUKUMA,

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, F.C.E.(T) GOMBE, GOMBE STATE, NIGERIA. ABSTRACT The pivotal role of nursery education for effective primary education and life long learning is the focus of this paper.The problem's and challenges associated with nursery education would be identified which serves as a threat to successful achievement of MDGs. These problems and challenges one which requires constant and practical information for positive behavioural change. Programme planning should include advocacy, policy formulation, training, conferences, seminar, workshops, counselling, monitoring and evaluation. Middle Level Manpower Production; A Panacea for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria .

BY Suleiman Abdulwahab and Tafida Ibrahim F C E ( T ),Gombe Abstract A sure measure of attaining increased productivity, alleviating poverty, achieving self reliance, maintaining peace and security, combating unemployment and ensuring sustainable development is through the development of human capital. Human capacity building is about education and health. With highly skilled and healthy citizens, the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is ensured. This paper illuminates with special focus on vocational and technical skills, the current trends in the production of middle level manpower in Nigeria , reviews existing programmes on Vocational Technical Education, identifies challenging issues in the production of middle level manpower and proffers useful suggestions for improvement.


DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL STUDIES,SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL),GOMBE. Abstract For a developing country like Nigeria, to achieve the MDGS, much is required most especially considering the time frame set up to achieve them and the nature of commitments of the people towards issues that borders collective interests. It was on this note that, this study was set to examine gender imbalance in the learning of English language and to point out the implication of such imbalance on the achievement of Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria. A questionnaire was administered on 800 female students in secondary schools eliciting their views about the factors responsible for their poor learning and poor performance in English language. The data collected was analyzed using Chi Square statistics and the outcome revealed that gender characteristics and attitude of the female towards the language influenced greatly their performance. The implication of this outcome to the promotion of gender equality and empowering the woman among other things, is that if the female students in the secondary schools can not perform well in English language, it implies that they can not learn the various subjects in the curriculum well, because English is the vehicle for learning of all subjects in Nigerian schools. In addition, credit pass in English is a compulsory requirement that all candidates are required to get before they could be admitted into the universities, hence it implies that must female students can not be admitted into the universities, and this further implies that the number of women required to participate actively and meaningfully in all spheres of the economy can now be few. This is an important challenge to the achievement MDGS and therefore it was recommended that urgent step should be taken to overcome this situation if the nation wants to promote gender equality and empower the woman. LANGUAGE EDUCATION AND THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MDGs By Talatu D. Waziri, Federal College Of Education (Technical) Gombe, Gombe, Nigeria ABSTRACT Good language teaching in a school is an affair of an organized teamwork under the responsibility of the English teacher. The classroom serves chiefly instruction, while the school generally serves education. Language thus plays a fundamental role in the process of acculturation and is thus intimately connected with educational theory and practice. All teachers are therefore teachers of language. It is in view of this therefore that, this paper would dwell on the contribution of language education in the understanding of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). VOCATIONAL/TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALs IN NIGERIA: CHALLENGES AND THE WAY FORWARD BY Adamu Umar Kwami, Abdullahi Umar and Ahmed Ibrahim,

Federal College of Education (Technical), Gombe, Nigeria. ABSTRACT Vocational/technical education over the years has witnessed serious hindrances in meeting the required teaching qualification and standard to match the new technologies in vocational/technical education and its set objectives. The paper examines the present status of technical/vocational education, its roles and challenges ahead toward building an effective vocational/technical education that would meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria. It finally proffer ways of improving vocational/technical teacher education programme.






KAMAR TIAMIYU SALIHU & JOSEPHINE W. MUSA (MRS) FCE(T), Gombe The widening developmental gap that exists between the developed and developing nation is deplorable and a serious threat that inhibits the overall growth of any emerging member of the global community. The need for a well structured plan of action such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by world leaders to address this ailing dichotomy and fill this gap by this generation cannot be over emphasized. Technical Education which is primarily aimed at producing highly skilled, competent and reliable manpower, alleviating poverty as well as an instrument for promoting environmentally sound sustainable development is an essential tool for translating the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals into reality by helping to bring all important global vision to fruition.


2. A.S. Bappa (Phd,) School of Vocational/Technical Educ. ATB University Bauchi


The British and subsequent Nigerian Government made some concession to Muslim by injecting some doses of Islamic instruction into the secular curricula. However, this concession was not meant to, and did not stop some parent from boycotting the western oriented Schools. They continue to enroll their wards in the Almajiri/Tsangaya Quranic Schools. The adoption of Millennium Declaration by Nigerian Government, which contained the Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2015, is the right step toward bringing on board those children that are not opportune to get the universal Basic Education and life sustainable skill irrespective of their background, religion and circumstances of birth. This paper attempt to examine the Almajiri/Tsangaya Quranic Education in pre colonial and post colonial era, admission and class structure, curricula and method of instruction. It point to the million of children are enrolled in this school system presently. The paper advocates the good understanding of the Almajiri/Tsangaya System of Education and the involvement of the real stakeholders in fashion out of effective strategies that will make Almajiri/Tsangaya Schools beneficiaries of the MDGs. The Role of Statistics in the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals By Ali Adamu Department of Mathematics Federal College of Education(Tech), Gombe, Nigeria. ABSTRACT This paper examined the role of Statistics in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) by the year 2015. This was achieved through examining the concept of Statistics, the importance of statistics and the other relevant areas for the application of Statistics in actualizing the MDGs. Recommendations are made which include using statistical data in planning or executing any project of MDGs.


ABSTRACT The recognition of the roles women play in horticulture is fundamental for agricultural development in sub-Sahara Africa. More importantly, recognizing and supporting this role is crucial for the development of women and the fulfillment of their economic potentials and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Gender is said to have proven to an essential variable for analyzing the roles, responsibilities, constraints, opportunities, incentives, cost and benefit in agriculture. Innumerable development project, Government programmes, research studies and theoretical models have demonstrated that the improvement of women access to agricultural research and extension services, reduces the gap between women and men, which becomes a catalyst to poverty reduction, improvement of peoples standard of living, and good government that gives men and women equal voices in decision making and policy implementation, good governance, attainment of MDGs and other global / regional targets. The achievement of equitable rapid economic growth in horticultural industries by women is anchored on: A- Policy, partnership and programme reforms through mainstreaming of gender concern at all levels. B- Gender education and capacity building to enhance necessary technical expertise and positive gender culture. C- Legislative reforms to guarantee gender justice and respect for human right and D- Economic reforms for enhanced productivity and sustainable development.

VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION: PANACEA FOR THE ATTAINMENT OF MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN NIGERIA By Mfam, Kyrian Ibi M.Ed C/o Hon. John Enoh Owan-Enoh, House of Representatives National Assembly, Abuja, [email protected] ABSTRACT

Technical and Vocational education is a household term which is an integral part of general education, a means of preparing for occupational fields and for effective participation in the world of work, an aspect of lifelong living and a preparation for responsible citizenship. It is also an instrument for promoting environmentally sound sustainable development; and a method of alleviating poverty. The principal task of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to alleviate poverty and reduce the existing gap between the poor and the rich. This echoes the indispensability of vocational-technical education in the attainment of MDGs. MDGs is a set of goals targeted at eight areas – poverty, education, gender equality, infant and child mortality, maternal mortality, reproductive health, environment and partnership. To ensue indebt study, the paper concentrates on some goals which seem to have direct bearing with the sub-theme under focus such as Education, Partnership and; Extreme poverty eradication, etc. At the wake of national reforms in Nigeria which kick-started in 1999, National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy emerged as the sole change instrument designed to lead the much desired transformation and radical realization of MDGs. This is because of the call for local resources mobilization to meet local needs since each UN member States has its own characteristics as influenced by the local environment. Technical and Vocational education is already on the lead championing the mobilization of local content for national development through quality educational service delivery. Indeed, the philosophy occasioning the introduction of Vocational and technical education programmes in Nigeria tertiary school system and the vision of MDGs shows that the former is panacea for attaining the latter.

STATE OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN NIGERIA AND THE ACHIEVEMENT OF MGDs BY ALI USMAN ABDULLAHI DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER FCE (T) GOMBE Abstract Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is generally agreed to be having a positive net effect on reducing poverty and hunger, enhancing education and gender equality, and improving health and environmental sustainability, which are the actions and targets identified as ‘development challenges’ in the Millennium Declarations and formally named Millennium Development Goals. However, taking a close look at the Nigerian situation in relation to ICT, one can observed that, though there is a positive effect, it cannot be seen a complete one. This paper makes a comparison between the consideration that leads to the above general statement on ICT and what is currently obtained in Nigeria as far as ICT is concern. It also suggests possible solutions and recommendations.

RELEVANCE OF SPECIAL TEACHER UPGRADING PROGRAMME (STUP) IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNIVERSAL BASIC EDUCATION (UBE) PROGRAMME BY ABIMBOLA NURUDEEN GBOLAHAN ADESHINA, ALI ADAMU BODERI FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL) GOMBE, NIGERIA AND ABIMBOLA ABIBAT AJOKE GOVT. DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL, ARMY BARRACK, BAUCHI, BAUCHI STATE. NIGERIA ABSTRACT The urgent need for qualified teachers in the basic sector of our education system can never be over - emphasized. This paper is an appraisal of governments’ efforts towards solving the problems of insufficient and unqualified teachers in the basic sector of our education system. The paper discussed the features of Special Teacher Upgrading Programme (STUP), stated its goals and explained how the goals will solve the problems highlighted above .The paper also highlighted the consequences of not solving the problems of insufficient and unqualified teachers and advised that the serving grade two teaches should take the programme as a rare and golden opportunity. The paper also stated the need for all stakeholders to fulfill their obligations in the programme. The paper recommended that the federal government should extend the deadline for all teachers to attain the minimum teaching qualification of NCE to 2013 and admit two more sets of serving grade two teachers in STUP so that there will be a significant increase in the number of qualified teachers in the basic sector of our education system by the end of the programme.

The Role of Statistics and Education in Poverty Alleviation By Ali Adamu Department of Mathematics Federal College of Education(Tech), Gombe Nigeria .

ABSTRACT This paper examined the role of Statistics and Education in alleviating poverty in Nigeria. This was achieved through examining the concept of Statistics, the important of Statistics and Education in alleviating poverty in Nigeria .Lack of effective evaluation of the progress of the programme using statistical tools is one of the bottlenecks in poverty alleviation. The Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). By: JIMOH, A.A. & SALAWU, S.A. Computer Education Department, College of Education, Azare. Abstract Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a sine qua non in all sphere of human endeavours in this 21st century. It has, in fact, changed the way we do things. It is a force that has transformed many aspects of our life in fields such as Architecture, Engineering, Medicine, Business, Banking, Education, Science, to mention but a few. This paper explores the various ways by which the ICT tools/products can be used in achieving the Millennium Development Goals by the year 2015, as agreed by the countries of the world. It points out some of the efforts of all the three tiers of government in order to achieve these goals, even before the targeted period. It also suggests some recommendations that if exploited, will surely enhance the attainment of the goals.

Effect of Active Learning on Students’ Achievement in Mensuration: Implication for Secondary School Mathematics and the Millennium Development Goals By Samuel J. Obarakpo Department of Mathematics & statistics The Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa. [email protected] Abstract. The study determined the effect of active learning on students’ achievement in mensuration. It in addition determined the differential effect of active learning on the mathematics achievement by gender in mensuration. 200 SS II students were randomly assigned to two groups, control and experimental groups.Both groups were taught lessons in mensuration for four weeks using the conventional method for the control group and the active learning technique for the experimental group.At the end of the four weeks, a 20 – item essay type mathematics test covering the area of mensuration taught was administered and the data obtained analyzed.Results from the study revealed that the experiment group achieved more in the mensuration content than the control group. Also the male students did not perform significantly better than the female. It is desired that teachers should make some deliberate effort in teaching mathematics using the active learning technique.

SCIENCE EDUCATION: A PANACEA TO ACHIEVEMENT AND SUSTENANCE OF THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS. By Jamil Mikhail Y., FCE(T), Gombe Science, as it is known, plays a major role in the life of an invidual. Today, the developed countries could not have been without science. Any country therefore wishing to be listed among the developed ones must, at all cost, improve its science and scientists. Nigeria is one of the countries wishing to be among the first 20 largest economies of the world in addition to being a key player in the global economy. But this cannot be possible without effective science teaching at all levels of education. This paper sheds more light on the challenges of teaching and learning sciences as well as suggesting some possible recommendations that can serve as a solution to that effect. ESTABLISHING THE CONTRIBUTION OF GENETIC RESOURCES IN DOMESTIC ANIMAL DIVERSITY FOR FOOD SECURITY TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS BY YAHAYA, B1 SAIDU, S.G2 and YAHAYA, N. P3 1

Federal College of Education (Tech) Gombe, (SOVE). 2 Federal College of Education Yola, (SOVE). 3 Gombe State University, Gombe, Faculty of Science and Remedial Studies ABSTRACT World food production and agriculture utilize only a few animal species, within which many breeds with unique characteristics exist, and the genetic resources which form the pool of domestic animal diversity available to meet the increasing massive global demand for food and agriculture is always diminishing. This biological diversity is being lost as human population and economic pressures accelerate the pace of change in traditional agricultural systems. As a result, more and more breeds of domestic animals are in danger of becoming extinct. Greater efforts in the conservation and sustainable use of these irreplaceable resources are required to prevent, stop and reverse this trend of erosion of diversity. Therefore, there is the need to establish the contribution of these animals through monitoring, characterization and a well-managed development and utilization strategy over time of the gene pool of each species. This paper

examined the contribution of some animals genetic resource (AnGR) and the component of biodiversity which is essential for efficient and sustainable production of food from a variety of domestic animals that will satisfy the many different needs of human societies in eradicating extreme poverty and hunger as contain in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) eight point agenda, by the year 2015.

PERCEIVED IN INSTRUCTIONAL NEEDS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION (ECCDE) CARE GIVERS AND ATTAINMENT OF THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS BY OLUWASANUMI A. ADEPOJU (Ph.D), ESTROM TORO JOKTHAN (Ph.D) & SANI AHMED FACULTY OF EDUCATION, GOMBE STATE UNIVERSITY The study sought to empirically document the profiles of the Care Givers of Early Childhood Care and Development Education (ECCDE) in Gombe State. The study also sought to examine the profile of the perceived instructional needs of the ECCDE Care Givers. In addition, the study investigated the influence of the Care Giver variables such as gender, age, qualifications and years of teaching experience on their perceived instructional needs. The study sample compressed 152 ECCDE Care Givers drawn from the eleven Local Government Areas of the State. An instrument styled ECCDE Care Givers Perceived Instructional Needs Questionnaire (ECGPINQ) which was developed by the researches was used for the collection of data. The ECGPINQ is a 24-item questionnaire based on three-point Liker-type scale. Data analysis involved the use of percentages, chi-square and multiple regression analysis. The implications of the findings on ECCDE and the attainment of the MDG would be discussed. TOWARDS THE ATTAINMENT OF THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS: A PROPOSAL FOR A FUNCTIONING TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAMME IN NIGERIA BY OLUWASANUMI A. ADEPOJU (Ph.D), & SANI AHMED FACULTY OF EDUCATION GOMBE STATE UNIVERSITY

The paper proposed some reforms that are felt to be needed in reshaping teacher Education programmes in Nigeria. The proposals were based on the premise that the attainment of the Millennium Developoment Goals with respect to education is very much dependent on the qualities of teachers which in turn is dependent on the qualities of Teacher Education. The paper argued for the need to have master degree to be the minimum entry qualification into the profession, and proposed for the transformation of all Colleges of Education into degree awarding Colleges of Primary education that would run six year professional training programmmes in Teacher Education leading to the award of master of Teacher Education (Primary), in the same vein, the paper posits that all prospective teachers in secondary schools must firstly be subject specialists and must have acquired a degree in their teaching subject areas before being enrolled in a two year intensive professional training in education leading to the award of master of Education (secondary). The paper advocates for the need for teacher education programmes to be orientated towards more practical professional training, and to this effect suggest a system of teaching practice that is akin to the clinical laboratory approach of medical education. In addition the paper suggests the need for every institution running teacher education programmes to have Demonstration Schools that should be patterned after teaching hospitals. VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION: A PANACEA FOR POVERTY ERADICATION. By Mr. Joseph Ayerhan & Mr. Hycenth Manjong Dept. of Bus Education, College of Education Jalingo

ABSTRACT Prompted by widespread of poverty, Environmental degradation, low standard of education and health etc. This paper attempt to look at how development could be improved upon and poverty eradicated through vocational and technical education which enables an individual acquire the necessary manipulative skills to enable him/her work in a particular industry or chosen career .


BY HASSAN SALAMA DALA FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL), GOMBE. ABSTRACT Information and communication technology (ICT) facilitates access to electronic information which has become invaluable in complementing traditional library resources. The study describes what an ICT is all about. It identifies the role of ICT's in Academic libraries to improve the standard of education in the country so as to achieve the MDG's by 2015. The paper also describes the types of ICT's found in academic libraries and the problems facing the use of ICT's. The study also suggests strategies on how to overcome ICT'S problems in academic libraries. SCIENCE EDUCATION: A KEY TO THE REALIZATION OF THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENTAL GOALS. By Aishatu Ibrahim. A Student of Maths/Computer Department, Federal College of Education (Technical), Gombe, Nigeria Abstract Science Education is the acquisition of a body of knowledge through which the individual integrate himself effectively into the society. This paper therefore, outlines the basic aims of Science Education in Nigeria, it points out how the Millennium Developmental Goals (MDGs) can be achieved through Science Education, it also discusses Nigerian place in the realization of the MDGs as it relates to information, education and liberal access in rural communities as a means of halting and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS among the most vulnerable groups. It looks at gender gap in access to information and education about HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. The paper summarizes the importance of improving maternal and reproductive health through Science Education as well as the problems facing Science Education in meeting the MDGs by the year 2015.


Dr.Umar Adamu Muh'd Department of languages Kaduna polytechnic ABSTRACT The paper aimed at discussing the role of languages towards achieving the millennium development goals(MDGs The concept of the languages and its importance were discussed. Moreover, the concept of MDGs and its objectives were also highlighted. Finally, the role of languages in achieving MDGs was also deliberated upon.


ABSTRACT One of the eight specific millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be achieved by the year 2015 is that of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger from the under developed nations of the world. This goal is not just timely but very crucial especially in this present dispensation of economic and financial crisis all over the world, and where government of developing nations can not tackle the provision of jobs for its teeming population in order to avoid the scourge of poverty which has become a global phenomenom.This paper briefly reviews the areas of Home Economics entrepreneurship, the initiatives for poverty reduction as well as the strategies for success. It highlights some of the dormant issues that militate against eradicating poverty via Home Economics entrepreneurship. It is hoped that discussing these issues will provide participants with thought provoking ideas and tools for repositioning, refocusing and redirecting attention to entrepreneurship in Home Economics .Recommendations were made to helping

Home Economists or participants to move with current global trends and to make entrepreneurship in Home Economics relevant, vibrant, dynamic and sustainable.

EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE TOWARDS PROPAGATING MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS ABUBAKAR MOHAMMED GOMBE SCHOOL OF BASIC AND REMEDIAL STUDIES GOMBE STATE UNIVERSITY [email protected] ABSTRACT Achieving Millennium Development Goals is only possible through effective utilization of language. Literature which uses language in a most effective way (prose, poetry or drama) presents a great chance (medium) to be utilized by educators in enhancing awareness among pupils, students and the general public. This paper tries to present educators in two categories: the formal and the informal. The formal include class room teachers and presenters at conferences while the informal include oral artistes, media, and non formal discussions. While the former has limited audience, the latter commands wider coverage. This paper gives emphasis on the role of oral artistes and community theatre (through the media) that penetrates house holds and prompt discussions among audience. It aims to conclude that educators ought to rely on didactic songs and dramas in indigenous languages among maj or means of creating awareness, educating and encouraging not only students but also the general public who are expected to actively participate in realizing the goals. Demographic Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Agriculture Teachers: Essentials for Food Security and Poverty Eradication By Oguntunde, Gabriel Ayodele Department of Agric. Education FCE (T), Gombe ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of demographic factors on the level of job satisfaction of Secondary School Agriculture Teachers as an essential tool for food security and poverty eradication in Gombe State. The study was a descriptive correlation design. Data were collected from 50 Agriculture teachers using a structured questionnaire. Result indicated that there was significant relationship between the levels of job satisfaction and age, gender, years of experience, marital status, current rank and growth possibilities except educational qualification. The study recommended that for the teaching and learning of Agriculture to yield the desired

objectives of developing students’ interest, preparation for employment and further studies in Agriculture, teachers should be appropriately motivated through constant career development strategies

Vocational and Technical Education and the Achievements of the MDGs By Orah Isaac John Mechanical Department Federal College of Education, PMB 60, Gombe. Nigeria. ABSTRACT To understand the relationship between Technical and Vocational Education TVE in connection to Millennium Development Goals MDGs achievements, there is need to identify the structures, the process and the the patterns of operations based on the target areas. In this paper, attempt will be made to identify some policy declarations of: - TVE goals - MDGs goals and the common indices that are challenges to this system of education. Viewing Technical and Vocational Education aspect of system of Education in Nigeria, the Role and practices are determined by the National policy on education NPE. The policy and implementation control the direction of the Education system that Educators seek ways to attain. Comparative Education study of TVEGs and MDGS disparity/similarities, will give direction in the study. The question now is what are these MDGs goals? Where is their position in this system of Education? What are the challenges of these goals to Technical and Vocational Education? What are the achievements made so far? The set target year of 2015 is the focus for achieving the MDGs set goals. Where are the indicators to show where we are now and how to complete the raise? Attempt to answer these questions will bring to focus the position of Technical and Vocational Education and the achievements of MDGs. The paper concludes with the benefits of MDGs objectives to TVE system of Education.


Literacy level in Nigeria has steadily and gradually deteriorated, especially within age bracket of 15 to 24 years groups. By 1999, the overall literacy rate had decline to below 65 percent from 72 percent in 1991. This problem of decline in the literacy level of Nigerian’ student has drawn the attention of many scholars, politicians development workers, local and international organizations for many years now, with an increased tempo in last10 years. This lack of basic education deprives young people of choices and opportunities, and makes it harder for the country to tackle poverty and disease. In order to address this problem worldwide, the United Nations millennium declaration was adopted at the millennium in September 2000, with one of its basic objective, being to achieve Universal Primary Education by 2015. This implies that by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike will be able to complete cause of primary schooling. This paper looked at the possibilities of using ICT in helping educators to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The paper also discusses some of the challenges facing the accomplishment of the MDGs goals, and possible recommendations on how to overcome this challenges in order to meet 2015 deadline. The challenges of English language teachers in educational system in achieving the millennium development goals by 2015. By Kaluchi Patrick. Dept of General Studies,School of Engineering, Taraba state polytechnic, Jalingo, Taraba state. Abstract The central focus of this paper is to examine the challenges facing the English Language Teachers in Nigerian educational system in achieving the millennium development goals by 2008. Such challenges as being able to teach English Language effectively; being professionally trained; Making full preparation and well planning of English language activities; and being a good model to students by the way the teacher uses his language accurately. The paper also strives to look into the problems confronting the English language teachers in the process of carrying out their civic responsibilities, such as lack of instructional materials; not able to attend seminars, workshops, and in service training to up date their knowledge. Finally, the paper proffers solutions to problems for the improvement of educational system and so to be able to achieve the millennium development goals by 2008.

THE VULNERABILITY OF WOMEN TO HIV/AIDS: A THREAT TO THE ACTUALIZATION OF THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS By Adaka, T. A. Federal College of Education (Tech), Gombe, Nigeria Abstract At the dawn of the new millennium all Heads of Government converged at the United Nations’ (UN) Headquarters in New York from September 6 – 8, 2000 and reaffirmed their faith to the UN’s Charter as indispensable upon which a more peaceful, prosperous and just world would be premised. With this mission, the resultant outcome of the Millennium Summit was the Millennium Declaration with 8 specific Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be attained by the year 2015 globally. The thrust of this paper is therefore, to find out the causes of high vulnerability of women to the menace of HIV/AIDS. The paper would provide data across the globe to buttress the disproportionate impact of the menace on women mostly from the third world countries. Finally, as HIV/AIDS is increasingly ravaging humanity world wide, it serves as a threat to the realization of the MDGs by 2015, the paper therefore, concludes by proffering the way forward to the achievement and of course the sustenance of the MDGs.. The Realization of the MDGs: The Association of Teachers Against HIV/AIDS Model By Lydia I. Dabo & Esther Msheliza Home Economics Department Federal College of Education (Teach), Gombe. Abstract This paper presents activities fashioned out by the Association of Teachers Against HIV/AIDS in Gombe State in an attempt to support the fight against the dreaded disease _HIV/AIDS menace which is ravaging humanity world over particularly the abled bodied population. This menace is a serious threat to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the year 2015 which is just around the corner. Recommendations are also made to individuals, families, religious organizations, health sectors and educators in carrying out activities that concerns curbing the menace of HIV/AIDS especially the younger generations as they are the most vulnerable groups. Meanwhile, the acronym HIV/AIDS stands for Human Immune Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND THE ACHIEVEMENT OF MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDGS) By Mohammed A. Y. Balla Library Dept. College Of Education Hong Adamawa State. And Benson Reuben School of Education Dept. of Curriculum and Instructional Technology College Of Education Hong Adamawa State. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Information and communication technologies (ICT) are central to the creation of the emerging global knowledge based economy and play an important role in accelerating economic growth and in promoting sustainable development aimed at achieving Millennium Development Goals. The paper attempts to review the impact of ICT and its attendant problem and the role of MDGS in the following areas; Poverty and hunger, Universal Primary Education, gender equality and empowerment, health and environmental stability. Conclusion is also drawn from the findings and recommendations were made. LEARNERS OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE AND CROSS-LINGUISTIC INFLUENCE: APPLIED LINGUISTIC CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS BY CHARLES Z. SABE (PhD) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GOMBE STATE UNIVERSITY E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT The assumption underlying this paper is that language is a powerful factor in the achievement of the developmental goals of a society. Based on this assumption, and given that English is a world language, the paper discusses the essence of cross-linguistic influence, its evidence and effects on the inter-language of learners of English as a second language, and presents applied linguistic considerations for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

ACHIEVING THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDGs) 2015 THROUGH BASIC CONCEPTS IN THE TEACHING OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE IN NIGERIA. BY LONGSHAL, M. WAKILI DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION FCT COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, ZUBA ABUJA, NIGERIA AND USMAN, MONDAY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL) POTISKUM, NIGERIA Abstract The current decline in student’s enrollment in agricultural science especially at secondary and tertiary levels of our education is a reflection of the poor methods of teaching used at the primary level where emphasis is laid on theory with little or no concretization of basic concepts. This results in loss of interest by pupils/students which defeats the objectives for teaching agricultural science at this level. Therefore, teachers of agricultural science must employ a more practical approach with a view to stimulating pupil’s interest. This will result in producing future dynamic farmers equipped with competent skills to boost agricultural production thereby creating employment, reducing extreme poverty and hunger thus achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2015. This paper examines the basic pedagogical concepts for agricultural science, the philosophy and objectives of teaching agricultural science at the basic level as well as the relationship between agriculture and MDGs. Major characteristics needed by agricultural science teachers, the role of agriculture in meeting the MDGs and the implication for teachers were also highlighted in the paper. THE ROLE OF BOOK PUBLISHING IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MDG’S

By: Gayus S. Yaji Federal College of Education (Tech), Gombe Abstract: Books serve as medium of information dissemination and communication.

When information

materials are relevant, current, timely, and in the right quantity, it serves as catalyst for national development. Book publishing in Nigeria has come a long way in- spite of the challenges or problems associated with their development and production. This article x – rays the role of book publishing in Nigeria and the role it plays in the development of the nations educational system, which is one of the areas the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’S) is set to achieve by 2015. The role of ICT’s in the Nigerian publishing companies to meet the challenges of book publishing in the country is also examined.

The problems confronting the book industries are

also highlighted and suggestions are given on how to overcome them.

Functional Education : An Imperative for Achieving Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria by the year 2015. by Bello Muhinat B. School of Education Department of Educational Foundations Federal College of Education (Tech), Gusau, Zamfara State.

Abstract MDGs are globally set goals and targets for improving the Human Development Index (HDI) and propelling the wheels of economic activities while expanding the private sector for enhancing gross domestic products per capital. The first of the eight goals is "eradication of extreme poverty and hunger." This paper discusses functional education which help in the development of self-reliant citizens, who can contribute and function positively to the economic development of their society. functional education was viewed from the functionalist idea and the paper recommends that Nigerian educational system at all level must be adequately funded so as to be able to produce fully learned citizens, who will be self-reliant and reduced poverty and hunger to the barest minimum

. BRAIN DRAIN AND THE FATE OF VOC/ TEC IN NIGERIAN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION BY WARTUNG DAWEL LUKDEN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, P.M.B 27 PANKSHIN. PLATEAU STATE ABSTRACT The issue of brain drain in some key sectors of the Nigerian economy is not a new phenomenon. The well educated, highly skilled and specialized individuals leave low paying jobs for highly paid jobs usually outside Nigeria . It is, however, being observed that there is also movement of staff from one Ministry to the other or companies to the detriment of such affected organizations. The paper examined the latter in Vocational and Technical Education in Colleges of Education. This was done by developing a questionnaire whose content bordered mainly on the issue. The respondents were drawn from two schools of Voc/Tech Education (Federal and State). Data collected was analyzed using simple percentages. The results in key areas showed most (80%) of VTE Lecturers would prefer to be university Lecturers; 75% agreed that VTE Lecturers were actually leaving for the university system; 70% said they do not know of any university Lecturer that have opted to be in a College of Education System; 60% agreed that Heads of Organizations in the execution of MDG Projects benefited financially; 56% of respondents were undecided that corruption will be minimized by 2015; 56% agreed that Lecturers of VTE will not leave if conditions of service were the same; 81% preferred to be a Professor than a Chief Lecturer. The admiration for the university system did not depend on department, gender, qualification, rank, years in service or whether State or Federal. Measures to curb this drift should be put in place to stabilize the VTE Programme in Colleges of Education.

FOOD SECURITY IN NIGERIA: CONCEPT AND STRATEGIES BY E.U. EGBUTAH Department of General Agriculture Federal College of Education (Technical),P.M.B 60 Gombe,Gombe State. ABSTRACT The present Federal Government of Nigeria places much emphasis on agricultural development. However, no meaningful agricultural development can be achieved without a search for a proactive food security strategy. This paper is concerned with new food strategies that will greatly meet the challenges of food insecurity in the present millennium. The paper defines the

concept of food security .It reviewed the food security and agricultural situation in Nigeria and identified their inadequacies .Consequent upon these inadequacies, the paper discuses new food security strategies .The paper concludes that if the current democratic process will yield dividends to the citizenry ,the agricultural sector must be revitalized and made most relevant of all. The Role of Mass Media in the Achievement of MDGs By GAMBO IBRAHIM AHMAD Department of Mass Communication Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna. [email protected] & I. G. SALEEMAN Department of Mass Communication, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna. .ABSTRACT In September 2001, 147 Heads of State that attended the United Nations Millennium submit endorsed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This paper therefore looks at the Role of Mass Media in the Achievement of the MDGs. The strategic positions of the mass media in the nation’s scheme of things render it vital tools that can be used in the actualization of the Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria. To achieve this, therefore, concrete and sustainable and workable communication strategy must be evolved and adopted by all mass media organizations. Communication Strategy is a researched and planned process, crucial for social transformation, operating through three main strategies viz: advocacy, social mobilization and programme communication. The paper therefore examines the three Communication Strategies - Advocacy, Social Mobilization and Programme Communication that the Mass Media can use for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. The paper concludes that the Community, which is the baseline for any meaningful development should be focused by the Mass media in the publicity campaign for the achievement of MDGs in Nigeria by 2015.

ROLE OF VOCATIONAL BUSINESS EDUCATION IN POVERTY REDUCTION: The National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS). And Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Perspectives. Dangana, Abdulsalam Bawa (MABEN) Department of Business Education, FCT College of Education, Zuba Abuja, Nigeria [email protected] AND Okpan, Marjorie Okanga Cross River University of Technology, Calabar. [email protected] ABSTRACT Ensuring a functional, qualitative and viable education system should be the watchword of every nation-developing or developed not just being educated but, that type of education that could lead to one being self-reliant, self-employed, self-dependent, and self-sustained after graduation. Therefore, one of the features of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and as enshrined in the National Economic Empowerment & development strategy (NEEDS) Agenda, is to address the issue of poverty. Poverty reduction, and in particular eradication of extreme poverty has become a global and topical issue. Poverty in Nigeria is real and for a country richly endowed with abundant human, material and natural resources, her citizens must not and should have no business whatsoever with poverty. This paper focuses on the fact that if Vocational Business Education, being a skill acquisition, self-sustaining and job-creating programme for gainful selfemployment opportunities is then adopted in all strata of education sector, it can serve as a means of poverty reduction and /or eradication given the focus National Economic Empowerment & Development Strategy(NEEDS) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE IN THE ACHIEVEMENT AND SUSTENANCE OF THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS. By EWUZIE UCHE CAROLINE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECH), GOMBE Abstract

The Millennium Development Goals {MDGs} is a clarion call that is to necessitate partnership, peace and justice among the developed and the developing countries of the world. The purpose of the MDGs is to bridge the development divide between and among nations. it is a process towards achieving the Basic Life Goals {BLGs} and to build a world without borders through global partnership, where all nations and people come together for the good and development of others, and to live in harmony with one another as members of the global family. In an attempt at actualizing the MDGs, language is therefore found to be inevitable if the goals must be understood, implemented, achieved and sustained by the year 2015. This paper therefore, examines the role of language in the understanding, implementation, achievement and sustenance of the MDGs generally and specifically the Universal Primary Education {UPE} and global partnership among nations of the world. This paper also provides the way forward if the MDGS are to be achieved and sustained by the year 2015. ____________________

The Role of the Community in achieving the MDGs ANIEFIOK H. UDOM, Ph.D Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi, Kano-Nigeria Abstract The march to sustainable development the world over is predicted on all – participatory efforts of the society. The society encompasses the people, government, media, community, learners/students, teachers, the NGOs, etcetera. This paper focuses on the community as part of the society that has the duty to partner with the government to achieve the world’s eight - point Millennium Development Goals. The potentials, human and material the community has, if properly harnessed could go very far to transform life. The paper treats these potentials of the community and emphasizes government partnership with the community at federal, state and local levels for meaningful achievement of these goals.


I. M. DANJUMA,  B. I. YARIMA,  L. ABDULHAMID ABUBAKAR TAFAWA BALEWA UNIVERSITY, BAUCHI  I. M. AMINU NATIONAL TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE, NORTH – EAST ZONAL OFFICE, BAUCHI ABSTRACT The Special Teacher Upgrading Programme (STUP) is a two year intensive course designed to upgrade serving Grade II teachers to the NCE level in Nigeria. This study was a survey aimed at making general appraisal of the programmes at its initial stage with 5,917 enrollments in North – Eastern Nigeria. A total of 240 student-teachers and 48 facilitators made up the sample for the study. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. Two instruments were constructed and used for data collection namely; the student-teachers questionnaire and Teacher Evaluation Form. The findings of the study revealed that by virtue of the student-teachers experience and qualifications as Grade II holders, the programme commenced in earnest as course books were produced and distributed. Also a good number of student-teachers come to the learning centres from a distance above 21 kilometers. The finding also indicates that their personal engagements tend to affect their studies. It was evident that facilitators have a reasonable mastery of the subject matter and used effective teaching strategy. They appear to demonstrate efficient management of lesson and sympathetic with the plights and learning circumstances of the students bearing in mind their age and their other problems. Recommendations were made based on the findings. WOMEN EDUCATION AS A VERITABLE TOOL FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT By Mrs. M. C. Osuofia Abstract No nation can develop beyond the level of education of its population and Nigeria cannot be an exception. Education is a key factor in the civilization and development of any nation therefore for Nigeria to achieve the Millennium Development Goal Strategy (MDGs) there is the need for

women education and empowerment. The education of women helps the family especially on the health and nourishment of the children. It empowers them economically by providing the means for gainful employment as well as participating actively in political governance. It is the thrust of this paper to highlight the importance of women education as a tool in achieving the Millennium Development Goal Strategy (MDGs). Also it will show the positive roles of women education in the development of a nation. It is therefore recommended that the government should pay more attention to the education of women if we must achieve the MDGs by the year 2017. We also recommend that women should not be discriminated in all spheres of our national development.

Strategies for material resource development for effective Home Economics Education towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.(MDGS) AMINA.H.ABDUL Federal College of Education ( T ). Gombe. Nigeria Abstract Home Economics in all its ramifications is vocational in nature and thus cannot be dispensed effectively without the use of material resources if it is to give adequate skills for an improved and usefull living. It is a discipline that has the potential and qualities relevant to the realization of the Millennium Development Goals. (MDGS). However non availability of necessary facilities for teaching remains a major constrain to achieving the aims and objectives of Home Economics and by implication the MDGs. This is not surprising however as funding has been a global problem to most meaningful programs. To this end this paper focuses on strategies for material resource development by the teacher for effective teaching of the subject.


ABSTRACT In view of the objectives of the MDGs which emphasize global peace, justice, partnership, interdependence and poverty reduction among nations of the world. It is an ideology which has become the only channel to solve and breach the gap between the developed and underdeveloped counties of the world. This of course is a process which has been forced to be reckoned with. This paper therefore, discusses and highlights the roles of Home Economics in the achievements of the MDGs. Recommendations will be made for effective and functional Home Economics that will propel the attainment of the MDGs by the year 2015.

EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: THE CHALLAENGES FOR MDGs IN AFRICA BY 2015 Dr. M.N.BARAKA, F.C.E (T) GOMBE ABSTRACT The world will continue to be witness rise in the use of telecommunications and information technologies in almost all aspects of human endeavor. The wireless revolution and the Internet are not only changing the way we live our lives but also shaping the manner in which we transact business and pursue education in school and in informal education settings today. Information technology thinking has evolved into a broad pragmatism, realizing that information development must move behind economic growth to encompass significant goals such as poverty reduction, improved quality of life, enhanced opportunities for better education, heaths care and more. This paper examines the concept of information technology and how it could be used by M.D.Gs. initiative to promote functional education in Africa. We shall first explain the concept of information technology and how it has been applied elsewhere in the world. We shall then proceed to suggest how the M.D.G. initiative could be applied to the development of Education in Africa, pointing out the Challenges and prospects. THE ROLE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN ACHIEVING THE MDGs BY 2015 BY ADENIYI TAIYE FCE(T), GOMBE ABSTRACT The technological development of any nation is determined by the extent and quality of its technical education .This is particular desirous as we march towards globalization, which requires bridging the developmental divide among the developed and underdeveloped (developing) nations of the world .It is therefore imperative that, the role of technical education in achieving the MDGs by 2015 cannot be over emphasized. This paper therefore examines the concept of MDGs, technical education in nation building and its prospects.

Roles of Language and Education in Achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) By Bulus Wayar Gombe State Universiy, Gombe. Abstract To achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Nigeria’s economy must be overhauled, and the only possible means to realize these laudable objectives is to develop an ever changing man power through both quantitative, and qualitative educational systems. The classroom must face the challenge by adopting dynamic technologies via a deliberate selection of language of science and technology-English. English in Education is more than a mere means of communication, but a tool through which other courses are developed, and taught in Nigerian schools. Education to a nation’s building has no substitute. Nigeria needs a well developed, structured, and contemporary system of education not only to achieve the MDGs, but one that flows with the winds of change. TEACHERS EDUCATION AND THE ACHIEVEMENT OF MDG’s IN NIGERIA BY Alh. Idris Mohammed Federal College of Education (T), Gombe Abstract Education is at the centre of all human endeavors. Human developmental efforts cannot be accomplished without sound education bases. Developing countries like Nigeria are far left behind in terms of literacy, health, agriculture, economic development e.t.c. These happened to be areas of focus of the millennium Development Goals to be achieved by the year 2015. Achieving high literacy rate and the ambitious Education for all goals cannot be attained without adequate supply of qualitative teachers at all levels of our educational system. The role of the teacher in achieving the eight MDGs cannot be overstated. The focus of this paper is on the reorientation of teacher education and capacity building of the current workforce to enable them contributes to the achievement of these goals. Teachers Without Borders based on its philosophy can play prominent role.

TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MDGs: NURSERY EDUCATION AS A BASE FOR FUNCTIONAL PRIMARY EDUCATION BY ASABE C. DUBUKUMA, SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, F.C.E.(T) GOMBE, NIGERIA. ABSTRACT The pivotal role of nursery education for effective primary education and lifelong learning is the focus of this paper. The problems and challenges associated with nursery education would be identified which serves as a threat to successful achievement of the MDGs. These problems and challenges therefore, hinder the target of ensuring that all children complete a full course of primary education by 2015. Recommendations towards successful achievement of the MDGs are provided and as such functional early childhood education is encouraged. Finally, the researcher x-rays the possibilities of sustaining the MDGs after its attainment hopefully by the year 2015. THE ROLE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND THE ACHIEVEMENT OF MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS BY ASOTIBE NGOZI P. & AYERHAN JOSEPH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, JALINGO This study was aimed at determining the role of information technology in the achievement of millennium development goals. This paper examines issues like what millennium development goals are, the common interests of information and communication technology and millennium development goals, the challenges, the impact of ICT on millennium development goals and finally, the role of ICT in the achievement of millennium development goals. This study revealed that there have been major gains in several areas without sufficient progress in the reduction of extreme poverty. Therefore all hands must be on deck in order to deploy ICT infrastructure for economic growth and the achievement of the desired goals.


ABSTRACT The Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) are laudable and very worthy to be pursued so as to catalyze the needed growth and development we so crave for in Nigeria. It is obvious that the achievements of these goals can only materialized through giving the citizenry the appropriate level of education. A critical observation reveals that the MDGs are in striking consonance with the objectives of our Science and Technology Education (STE). To actualize the MDGs therefore, we just need to doggedly purse the objectives of STE. Any problems bedeviling STE are directly cogs in the wheel of the achievement mechanism of the MDGs. This paper has therefore discussed such challenges of STE including ineffective STE teacher preparation, nonfunctional curriculum, paucity of funding, unequal educational opportunity, science and technology transfer, academic sabotage and bastarelization of standards, poor attitude to work etc. Suggestions as to how to surmount these challenges so as to pave the way for achieving the MDGs on plan (i.e by 2015) are given. It is strongly opined that the earlier these recommendations are executed the better and faster the achievement of the MDGs


ABSTRACT By HON. AGWOM, STEPHEN ITSE (M.HSN,M. CASSON) & TURAKI, J.P. HISTORY DEPARTMENT, COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, GINDIRI PLATEAU STATE NIGERIA. This paper examines those factors that have affected the status of the entire education industry in Nigeria and will likely affect the implantation of the 2000 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) expected is the achieve b y the year 2015. In any industrial set up, the world over the motivation and weal fare of the nation workforce is paramount in order to maximize outputs. However, this paper observes, with dismay the absence of motivation and general welfare strategies in the teaching profession as strong impediments to the achievement of desired educational goals and standards. Finally, it proffers some strategies to checking the existing crisis in the education industry for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015.


Abstract The MDGs are reduce poverty and hunger; to achieve universal primary education; to promote gender equality and empower women; to reduce child mortality; to improve maternal health; to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; to ensure environmental sustainability; and to develop a global partnership for development; there are many factors Millennium Development Goals is a world project which is presently championed by the United Nations Organization (UN) The MDGs has eight point goals, which ranges from; to eradicate which will lead to the achievement of the eight point goals one of those factors, is the role of NGOS towards achieving the MDGS. This paper therefore x-rays the relationship between NGOS and UN; the expected roles of NGOs towards achieving the MDGs; and some of the envisaged problems that will make the NGÓ’s not to excel in their roles of making the United Nations to achieve the millennium development goals by the year 2015.

UTILIZING THE VALUE OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY FOR MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN THE RETRAINING WORKSHOP OF TEACHERS By Dr. Esrom T. Jokthan Department of Education Gombe State University, Gombe The paper examined the potentials of the use of the values of Educational Psychology for enhancing and sustaining the Millennium Development Goals, MDG, in the retraining of teachers in Early Childhood Care and Development Education, ECCDE, Primary and Junior Secondary Schools . Values of Educational Psychology which include individual differences attitude, behavior modification among others considered as necessary for a sustainable MDG. The paper reported that the lackadaisical attitudes by participants who attend workshops organized either by the State Universal Basic Education, SUBEB, Gombe or the National Teachers Institute, Kaduna as act not desired of teachers. Problems of punctuality or leaving early, use of mobile phones in class and appearing too gorgeous among others were considered not acceptable attributes of trained a teacher. The paper concluded by prescribing the need for including Educational Psychology in the retraining of teachers in the MDG workshops.

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