Tcs Synonyms

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  • May 2020
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PSG Paper latest In my college 320 got placed and some people just mugged up trhe answers, these ppl they are asked the same qs that were asked in the written test then if they are not able to answer tey are rejected(even if they are toppers and even if they perform the interview well they are rejected)…….plz understand the meanings of all the words before lerning, for some qs I have given th options and for some I do not know, for a thse words just get to know the meanings synonyms a) Onus 1)honest 2)inclination 3)responsiblilty 4)accuse b) sacrosanct 1)too important 2)worship 3)sacrifice 4)jungle c)augment 1)cockpit 2)inclined 3)to increase 4)pipette out d)spendthrift e)bolster 1)fresh 2)activity 3)strengten 4)raise f)parlance 1)glance 2)discussion 3)equality 4)terminology g)cajole 1)sympathise 2)potential 3)possible 4)coax h)liasion 1)disagree 2)minimize 3)link 4)desirable i)obliterate

1)candid 2)distribute 3)illiterate 4)eradiate j)exasperate 1)sadden 2)tire 3)desirable 4)pity k)compliance 1)agreement 2)eagerness 3)willingness 4)balsting m)pedigree 1)dogs 2)line oflancestry 3)courage 4)reputation n)standing 1)reputation 2)activity 3)long time 4)duration o)irradiate 1)light 2)fresh 3)take away 4)energize p)ramfication q)alteracation r)recaptitulate 1)summarize 2)remind 3)captivate 4)jumble s)impasse 1)route 2)deadlock 3)unlikely 4)insignificant g)semblance

some meanings paradox – ambiguity parley – conversation vitiate – corrupt hiliarious – gay expound – elucidiate daze – stun attenuated – thin scathing – scornful icon – symbol fraught – full of pithy - concise appaling - dreadful regal – dignified sinister - ominious abdicate - renounce destitution – beggary pithy – concise isotropic – having uniformity algis – protection docile – submisive veracity - truthful antonynms – (these may be the answers , I am not sure , plz check it out, some might be wrong also) anomoly – regularity exacting - undemanding cryptic – fiasco - success exonerate – nascent - mature nacesnt – sceptical – unquestioning objective – emotional intercept - permit retrograde – progressive invoke - refuse salient – insiginificant tender – truncate transient – arbitray - specific whimsical – categorical – abstract protract - shorten exonerate - accuse gregarious – solitary sagacity - foolishness fidelity – disloyalty commensurate - dispropotionate survillience – inattention nonchalant - anxious divulge – conceal cryptic – effusive – reserved rupture - continue

emprical – theoritical revocable - final expedient – impidiment slump augment – reduce translucent - opaque gewneric – particular censure – approve dangle – answer the qs after readig this passage every market activity in time energy and money. Few companies would spend a large sum of money on , a purchase of capital equipment with out full investigation……..(a long passage like this is given, and based on this 6 qs will be asked) qs1)amount of money spent on marketing by most companus each year ans: is not based on an assesment of its potential value qs2)managers usually regards the costs of marketing as ans: unnessa there will be six fill up the blanks, I am writing the answers for all the fillups) 1’st fillup answer – and if u now look to see how this happen you immediately perceive that the clue is associated with some thing that is instantly associated withb the thing recalled. 2’nd fillupanswer – so immediately before you go tobusiness conmference or before you make the speech for which u prepare hastily, look over data and think over the facts to refresh 3’rd fill up answer 4’th fillup answer –association is a trick that can be learned 5’th fillup answer – it needs in shoprt a cue 6’th fillup answer – if he does, his memory will be working at only half of its possible efficiency

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