
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,211
  • Pages: 27
SYNONYMS Abandon Abatement Abbreviate Abeyance Abhor Ablaze Abnormal Abridge Abstain Abysmal Abundant Accentuate Accessible Accommodation Accumulate Accusation Acquiesce Acquisition Acquittal Adamant Adieu Adulation Advantage Affliction Aggressive Agony Amateur Amiable Ancient Anecdote Annihilation Appalling Apparel Apparent Applaud Apprehension Apt Arrogant Astounding Astute Attenuation Audacious Autobiography Backbiting Banish Banishment Bargain Behaviour Benediction Bequeath

Beseech Bestow Bewitched Blasphemous Boycott Brief Bureaucracy Camouflage Carnage Carnival Catapult Catastrophe Category Caution Cavalcade Cavalry Censure Chagrin Challenge Chaperon Chastity Cheat Chivalrous Citizen Civil Clemency Coalition Colloquial Commemorate Commotion Compassion Conceit Concoction Confine Conscientious Contemplate Contemptible Contingent Contradict Contradictory Corridor Countenance Counterfeit Credulity Crestfallen Criticize Crotchety Culpable Culprit Cumbersome Cynical Cynosure

Dainty Damaging Dauntless Dead Deadly Debilitation Debonair Debunk Decorum Demure Desolate Desolation Despondency Detrimental Devoted Dexterity Didactic Diplomat Discerning Discord Discrimination Dishonest Distort Doleful Dormant Drudgery Dynasty Earnest Efficacious Effeminacy Elation Emulate Encompass Endeavour Endowment Entourage Ennui Example Exasperate Exhibit Extempore Extrinsic Exuberant Facilitate Fantasize Facsimile Feign Fervour Fidgety Finicky Flunky Forbearance

Foundling Franchise Fraternize Fraud Frivolous Furbish Fusty Gabby Gallantry Gauche Genteel Gimmick Gospel Govern Grandiose Gregarious Grievous Grimace Grotesque Hackneyed Hallucinate Haywire Hazardous Hoodwink Hooligan Humane Humiliation Hypocrite Iconoclast Ignominious Illegitimate Illusive Illustration Immune Immunize Impartial Impeccable Impossible Imprudent Incoherent Indelible Indignant Indispensable Indulgent Ingenious Ingenuous Inquisitive Insane Insidious Insurrection Intelligence Interminable

Invader Irresistible Jaded Jeopardize Jerky Jovial Jubilation Judgment Junk Juvenile Keepsake Knowledge Kudos Laborious Lament Languishing Laurels Legitimate Loathsome Lucrative Love Luscious Lustrous Luxurious Magnetic Malice Malignant Manifest Mannerism Melancholy Meticulous Miraculous Mirage Mourn Myth Naïve Nocturnal Nomad Nostalgia Notion Novel Oasis Objectionable Oblivious Obstinate Obstruction Optimistic Ordeal Orifice Outburst Ovation Overseer

Overthrow Painstaking Pandemonium Panorama Pardonable Pathetic Patience Peak Peculiar Penchant Perfunctory Perquisite Pertinent Pilgrimage Pioneer Pipsqueak Placard Placid Plausible Plebiscite Poignant Pompous Possession Pragmatic Precarious Precaution Precursor Predicament Prejudice Premonition Prerogative Prevention Primitive Prodigal Prodigy Prohibit Pronunciation Protocol Prowess Pugnacious Punchy Qualification Quandary Quell Quiver Rage Ramshackle Ravage Realm Rebuke Recovery Redolent

Regenerate Regime Regret Reliable Relinquish Reminiscence Reputable Requisition Resign Retrieve Rigorous Rumour Ruthless Sabotage Sacrilege Sagacious Salubrious Sanctity Scarcity Scenario Scion Scrupulous Scrutinize Secluded Sedentary Selfless Sequence Shortcomings Shriek Siesta Significant Skirmish Sleuth Sluggish Spacious Spectator Speechless Spellbound Sporadic Staunch Stigma Stupendous Sulky Sullen Sumptuous Surpass Surrogate Swear Sycophancy Synthetic Systematic Taboo

Taint Talented Tantrum Tedious Temporal Temptation Testimony Thesaurus Thick-skinned Threat Thrifty Thwart Toilsome Trajectory Trample Trance Trauma Treacherous Twilight Tyranny Umpteen Uncertain Undisputed Unequivocal Unfathomable Unfeigned Unforeseen Unscathed Unscrupulous Urbane Usurp Vacillate Vagrant Vague Valiant Vanquish Vintage Visionary Vivacious Vociferous Vow Vulnerable Warlock Waspish Whacking Whimsical Winsome Wound Zeal Zealot Zealous Zenith


bare, barren, blasted, bleak, depopulate, desert, desolate, devastate, empty, forgo, forlorn, forsake, give, give up, godforsaken compromise, cut, decline, lessen, reduce, relieve abridge, cut, reduce, shorten, slash, truncate adjournment, delay, postponement, temporizing abominate, despise, detest, dislike, hate, loathe afire, aflame, burning, illuminated aberrant, anomalous, curious, deviant, eccentric, odd, peculiar, queer curtail, reduce, shorten avoid, desist, eschew, forbear, refrain, renounce, shun bottomless, boundless, deep, infinite, unending ample, copious, full, lavish, overflowing, plentiful, profuse, rich accent, emphasize, highlight, stress, underline achievable, attainable, available, handy, possible, reachable acceptance, acclimatization, adaptation, adjustment, habituation add, amass, cluster, collect, conglomerate, hold, possess allegation, blame, censure, charge, complaint, indict, incriminate agree, approve, assent, confirm, consent, yield achievement, buy, gain, property, purchase, qualification freedom, liberation, release, vindication determined, firm, fixed, immovable, inflexible, insistent farewell, goodbye, parting extravagant flattery, fulsome praise admiration, asset, benefit, edge, gain, help, superiority distress, misery, pain, sorrow, wretchedness argumentative, belligerent, quarrelsome, unfriendly affliction, anguish, distress, misery, pain, torment apprentice, beginner, learner, neophyte, newcomer, novice, probationer affable, charming, encouraging, friendly, genial, pleasant, sociable antiquated, antique, archaic, bygone, old, timeworn hearsay, reminiscence, sketch, story destruction, devastation, holocaust, mass murder alarming, dreadful, fearful, frightful, ghastly, grim, terrifying, array, attire, clothes clear, conspicuous, discernible, evident, ostensible, visible acclaim, cheer, clap, commend, compliment, eulogise, praise anxiety, concept, fear, forewarning, premonition adroit, able, artful, correct, exact, proper arbitrary, authoritative, categorical, dogmatic, intransigent, obdurate amazing, astonishing, impressive, striking alert, clever, shrewd, smart, quick-witted atrophy, emaciation, thinness adventurous, bold, daring, enterprising, valiant memoir, self-portrait, self-revelation abuse, canard, defamation, gossip, malice dismiss, expel, exclude, exile, outlaw deportation, eviction, expatriation agreement, business, deal, treaty conduct, demeanour blessing, benison, favour, grace, invocation give, leave, will

ask, beg, petition, plead accord, allot, donate, entrust captivated, enamoured, infatuated, smitten godless, irreligious, profane, ungodly blacklist, exclude, ostracize, shun ephemeral, fleeting, fugacious, short-lived, temporary, transient administration, civil-service, corridors of power, red tape concealment, disguise, veil bloodbath, bloodshed, massacre, slaughter celebration, festival, jamboree, party, spree ballista, plunge, shoot sling, slingshot calamity, crisis, disaster, trouble class, division, section admonish, advise, reprimand array, march-past, parade, procession horse, horsemen, mounted troops abuse, blame, criticize, disapprove, reprimand annoyance, displeasure, embarrassment, humiliate competition, emulation, envy companion, escort, governess celibacy, continence, purity, virginity charlatan, conman, fake, pretender bold, courageous, magnanimous dweller, denizen, inhabitant courteous, domestic, polite humanity, leniency, mercy alliance, group, league conversational, familiar, infernal, vernacular celebrate, glorify, immortalize, memorialize bedlam, chaos, turmoil, uproar love, pity, sympathy affectation, bravura, falsehood, vanity blend, brew, combination, mixture besiege, blockade, pester, trouble careful, diligent, meticulous, painstaking brood over, consider, design, examine cowardly, dastardly, mean, sneaky conditional, possible deny, dispute, disown ambivalent, debatable, hesitant aisle, gangway, lane, passage appearance, assistance, expression copy, fabricate, fake, feign, fraudulent blind faith, silliness, simplicity, stupidity dejected, disappointed, downhearted abuse, assail, attack, challenge awkward, bad-tempered, difficult, disagreeable answerable, guilty, wrong criminal, delinquent, lawbreaker, offender awkward, burdensome, unmanageable, weighty ironic, misanthropic, pessimistic attraction, shining, example

charming, delicate, fussy, tasty deleterious, harmful, injurious bold, brave, undaunted, valiant defunct, extinct, nonexistent baleful, baneful, disastrous, fatal enervation, exhaustion, incapacity, weakness affable, charming, urbane, well-bred castigate, condemn, criticize, deflate behaviour, decency, dignity, respectability decorous, good-looking, modest, presentable, sober deserted, lonely destruction, devastation, misery, unhappiness gloom, dejection, depression, despair harmful, injurious, unfavourable godly, orthodox, sincere adroitness, deftness, skill educational, enlightening, instructive, moralizing emissary, envoy acute, ingenious, percipient, perspicacious, sharp cacophony, disagreement, disharmony, dispute, dissonance bias, favour, injustice, partiality cunning, disingenuous, insincere, unfair caricature, cartoon, farce, mimicry, misplace, misrepresent, misstate cheerless, dampening, depressing, demotivating, melancholy, sad fallow, idle, inactive, uncared, unexploited, unused chore, routine, slog, toil ascendancy, empire, regime, rule heartfelt, serious, solemn, urgent active, adequate, effective, successful delicacy, softness, womanliness buoyancy, ebullience, enthusiasm, excited compete, copy, follow, imitate, with, worship circumscribe, comprise, contain, encircle attempt, effort, enterprise, strive, trial award, benefaction, quality, talent attendants, followers, retainers boredom, dissatisfaction, listlessness, tedium benchmark, model, reference, standard aggravate, anger, exhaust, infuriate, irk, irritate brandish, flaunt, flourish, display, show offhand, spontaneously, unprepared alien, exterior, foreign, superficial animated, eager, energetic, enthusiastic, zestful advance, assist, ease, equip, expedite, help believe, conjure, daydream, hallucinate, imagine carbon copy, photocopy, Xerox act, affect, fake, pretend animation, eagerness, enthusiasm, passion impatient, jerky, nervous, uneasy choosy, critical, dainty, hard-to-please assistant, manservant, slave, yesman indulgence, leniency, moderation, patience

orphan, outcast, stray, waif authorization, freedom, privilege, right befriend, help, mix, socialize deceit, trickery childish, commonplace, impractical, paltry, trivial brighten, polish, renovate, shine airless, damp, old-fashioned, smelling chatty, gossiping, talkative, wordy bravery, heroism awkward, ill-mannered, uncultured, unsophisticated aristocratic, courteous, gentlemanly, well-mannered contrivance, device, dodge, stunt, trick certainty, news, tidings, truth command, control, direct affected, imposing, impressive, stately affable, cordial, companionable calamitous, hurtful, injurious, oppressive, painful, sorrowful detest, face, frown, mouth, sneer credulous, foolish, innocent, simple common, stereotyped, timeworn daydream, envision, imagine chaotic, confused, discovered dangerous, difficult, perilous, precarious, risky befool, cheat, dupe, hoax delinquent, rowdy, ruffian, urchin benevolent, charitable, considerable, helpful, kind abasement, belittlement, degradation, demotion charlatan, deceiver, pretender critic, dissident, radical, rebel discreditable, disgraceful, dishonourable, disreputable, inglorious illegal, illicit, unlawful apparent, deceitful, fallacious, false, misleading, spurious, untrue clarification, demonstration, example, instance exempt, free, protected, resistant, safe inoculate, protect, safeguard, vaccinate equal, fair, just, neutral faultless, flawless, immaculate, precise, pure inconceivable, unanswerable, unworkable careless, foolishness, heedless, reckless confused, disordered, inconsistent enduring, indestructible, lasting, permanent angry, annoyed, furious crucial, essential, needful, vital liberal, mild, permissive brilliant, clever, inventive artless, honest, sincere curious, inquiring, probing, questioning crazy, deranged, insane, mad, wacky badge, emblem, symbol rebel, revolt, riot, upraisal acumen, acuteness, cleverness, depth, go, inventiveness, sharpness boundless, ceaseless, continuous, everlasting, infinite, resourcefulness, unebbing

attacker, raider, trespasser bewitching, compelling, delightful, imperative, ravishing, tempting exhausted, fatigued, tired, weary endanger, hazard, imperil bumpy, bouncy, jumpy, shaky cheery, glad, happy, hilarious celebration, delight, exultation, high spirits decision, decree, finding debris, litter, rubbish, trash, waste adolescent, immature, infantile, inexperienced memento, souvenir, token depth, education, information, learning, scholarship, wisdom adulation, applause, distinction, laudation arduous, strenuous, tiresome bemoan, bewail, grieve, mourn declining, deteriorating, fading, sinking acclaims, awards, fame, glory, rewards acknowledged, authentic, genuine, lawful, legal, rightful abhorrent, abominable, offensive, repulsive advantageous, paying, profitable, remunerative admiration, adoration, adulation, affection, ardour, attachment, attraction, desire, devotion, fancy, fervour, fondness, liking, pas juicy, mouthwatering, succulent bright, dazzling, glistening, shining costly, cosy, lush, plush alluring, attractive, fascinating, hypnotic hatred, ill-will, spite destructive, dangerous, fatal, harmful apparent, declare, show affectation, angularity, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity dejected, downcast, gloomy, pensive, sad detailed, exact, painstaking, precise, punctilious amazing, astonishing, unanticipated, unexpected dream, hallucination, illusion, make-believe bemoan, grieve, regret fable, fiction, folk tale, parable artless, candid, frank, innocent, simple, sincere nightly (at night, during night) drifter, migrant, vagabond, wanderer homesickness, longing apprehension, belief, conception, impression creative, different, fresh, innovative, new, unusual haven, island, retreat deplorable, despicable, dislikable, disagreeable, repugnant careless, forgetful, unmindful firm, headstrong, inflexible, rigid, solid, stubborn bar, barricade, blockage, hindrance, impediment hopeful, positive, sanguine affliction, agony, anguish, torture aperture, cleft, hole, perforation barrage, burst, fire, fusillade acclaim, applause, cheers chief, manager, master, supervisor

conquer, defeat, dethrone, downfall assiduous, careful, diligent, industrious chaos, commotion, disorder, turmoil beauty, glory, scenery, scenic view allowable, forgivable, permissible, understandable deplorable, touching, moving calmness, composure, endurance, forbearance, perseverance apex, crest, pinnacle, summit abnormal, bizarre, curious, offbeat affinity, bias, fondness, tendency automatic, cursory, heedless, indifferent benefit, bonus, dividend, perk admissible, applicable, apt, relevant crusade, expedition, journey, mission, tour developer, explorer, founder, innovator nobody, nonentity advertisement, notice, poster, public calm, cool, gentle, mild, serene believable, conceivable, persuasive, probable ballot, vote affecting, agonizing, heartrending, pathetic bloated, boastful, grandiose control, custody, occupancy, ownership businesslike, down-to-earth, efficient, realistic dangerous, hazardous, perilous, risky caution, protection, safeguard messenger, forerunner, harbinger, sign dilemma, fix, plight antipathy, bias, preconception, preconceived notion apprehension, feeling, forewarning, intuition advantage, birthright, choice, claim, privilege avoidance, bar, deterrence earliest, elementary, uncultivated, undeveloped excessive, extravagant, liberal, squandering wanton genius, gifted, precocious, whizkid, wizard axe, ban bar, excommunicate, exercise, prelude accent, articulation, diction, elocution conventions, courtesies, formalities ability, accomplishment, aptitude, expertise aggressive, argumentative, belligerent, hot-tempered aggressive, dynamic, effective, forceful ability, accomplishment, capability, prerequisite bewilderment, dilemma, plight, predicament conquer, defeat, overcome, overpower agitate, convulse, oscillate, shake, tremble, vibrate, wobble agitation, anger, ferocity, frenzy, ire broken down, dilapidated, unsafe demolish, destroy, devastate area, country, domain, empire, kingdom admonish, blame, castigate, caution, reprimand, warm convalescence, improvement, recuperation, rehabilitation aromatic, fragrant, odorous, perfumed

rejuvenate, reincarnate, reinvigorate, renovate, resuscitate, revitalize administration, establishment, management compunction, misgiving, qualm, reluctance, repentance dependable, faithful, predictable, trustworthy abandon, abdicate, forgo, forsake anecdote, memoir, remembrance commendable, creditable, excellent, honourable, laudable, worthy acquire, seize, take over abdicate, depart, give up, quit, relinquish recall, recapture, regain, restore challenging, harsh, rigid, severe buzz, gossip, hearsay adamant, cruel, ferocious, savage damage, disrupt, treachery blasphemy, mockery, profaneness able, apt, far-sighted, shrewd beneficial, health-giving, invigorating devotion, godliness, grace, holiness absence, dearth, deficiency, lack, paucity, rarity, shortage, want masterplan, outline, synopsis child, heir, offspring careful, exact, fastidious, meticulous check, inspect, investigate, screen, verify cutoff, isolated, lonely, remote, solitary desk-bound, immobile, inactive, motionless altruistic, generous, loving, magnanimous, unselfish arrangement, chain, succession, series defects, faults, flaws, foibles, follies, weaknesses bowl, scream, screech, yell catnap, doze, nap, rest, snooze appreciable, considerable, greater, marked, notable, remarkable, substantial altercation, clash, conflict, encounter, irritation detective, investigator dull, heavy, inactive, lethargic ample, broad, capacious, comfortable, wide bystander, eyewitness, onlooker dumb, mute, silent captivated, enthralled, entranced isolated, occasional, random constant, dependable, faithful, trustworthy discredit, dishonour, ignominy, shame, taint amazing, astounding, fantastic, great, Herculean, impressive, remarkable, unbelievable annoyed, disgruntled, discontented, irascible, irritable brooding, cheerless, dismal, gloomy costly, expensive, full, gorgeous, plush, satisfying, wholesome beat, exceed, excel, outshine, overshadow alternate, deputy, proxy, substitute, vicarious affirm, assert, promise, pledge adulation, flattery, fawning, worship artificial, fake, man-made careful, efficient, methodical, organized, precise banned, forbidden, unacceptable

adulterate, contaminate, corrupt, infect able, artistic, brilliant, gifted fit, outburst, temper boring, dreary, dull, laborious civil, momentary, worldly allurement, attraction, lure, tantalization evidence, proof, verification dictionary, encyclopaedia, lexicon, wordbook callous, hard, hardened, tough, insusceptible browbeating, coercion, constraint, duress economic, frugal, miserly foil, frustrate, hinder, obstruct arduous, strenuous, tiresome, tough course, flight, route, track crush, flatten, stamp, run over daze, dream, spell, stupor agony, anguish, damage, hurt deceitful, disloyal, unreliable dimness, dusk, evening autocracy, dictatorship, oppression countless, numerous, very many chancy, dangerous, hazardous, risky accepted, acknowledged, plain, undeniable absolute, certain, clear-cut, decisive bottomless, baffling, deep, immeasurable, profound genuine, natural, sincere, wholeheartedly abrupt, accidental, startling, unanticipated, unpredicted intact, in one piece, safe, sound, unharmed, untouched conscienceless, corrupt, dishonest, dishonourable courteous, debonair, genteel, polite, stylistic, virtuous assume, appropriate, grab, misappropriate fluctuate, equivocate, falter, pause, temporize, waver beggar, destitute, nomadic, rootless, wanderer ambiguous, doubtful, opaque, uncertain, unclear bold, brave, courageous, fearless, strong beat, conquer, crush, defeat collection, classic, harvest, superior clairvoyant, extrasensory, prophetic, telepathic animated, bubbling, cheerful, high-spirited clamorous, vehement betrothal, engagement, marriage contract, plight exposed, suspect, tender, weak conjurer, enchanter, magician, wizard cantankerous, doleful, grumpy, hurtful, vicious big, curious, enormous, extraordinary, giant, innovative capricious, eccentric, unusual, weird agreeable, amiable, attractive, bewitching cut, gash, injury, laceration eagerness, enthusiasm, earnestness, fervour, passion bigot, enthusiast, extremist, fanatic afire, ardent, devoted, spirited apex, destination, destiny, top, summit

appetite, energy, enthusiasm, keenness, obsession

t, ravage, ruin, stark, unconstraint, vacate, waive, wantonness, waste, wildness, withdraw

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