Twins In Lasting Relationship

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 571
  • Pages: 3


November 29


Having drifted from the Spirit (SELF), a speck of it finds its way through several layers of the field of Life gathering around itself increasingly grosser matter to a point when it becomes almost inert and so completely insentient. The benevolence of the Spirit and the dynamic forces of life progress it back on reverse track of evolution, through succeeding states of life-forms from mineral to plant to animal and to the human through several intermediate grades. In human form are named two distinct components: the inner being, Soul (I) and an associate, Ego who for all purposes assumes functioning as though or o/b/o, the Soul, though no such authorization issues from the living Soul. This ego behaves as I and more often than not, thickens the material envelope of the Soul, unless the process is reversed by the Soul by some means. The Soul and the pseudo person, ego, have lasting association…..

In Lasting Relationship


TWINS -In Lasting Relationship Uncertain, indecisive, skeptical And ever-in-anticipation This ego unsure of itself and others Of what it wants and needs to be given Remains all through unclear Deceptively active for salvation I, (SELF) like a witness intervenes never In the deliberations and working Of I (Soul) and ego apart from enlightening Transactions of these become known By this very nature of the SELF I just grew up, no certain goal or ambition No deep desire to achieve or dreams to realize Excepting those fleeting ones Living seemed inevitable, as I feel I am in the field of life, not that I am living Never feel that I am breathing so as to live But because breathing happens I am alive Never feel there is need to do anything Barring those for basic necessities Yet the ego makes me do many things Never like unleashing my senses To enjoy pleasures the body craves Except when ego stirs me up to restlessness To get out of routine and thrill itself We hear many saying, What matters is to be happy Never mind whatever happens To oneself or anyone else related For this life is a fleeting one and passes Whatever is meant by happiness Joy or cheerfulness, for certain


I am aware most of many instances The ego had good times Of many sensual pleasures, and Of psychological gratification I had Sometimes, inflicting pain to dear and near Not by intention but by ego’s need to assert Its differing views in and about living Dense and ever desirous of strengthening, The ego, product of ignorance, is as real And eternal as the Soul, the inner being At individual or universal levels Without one the other seems Not to exist, recognizable, and knowable Just as any object and its shadow In the presence of light Perfect twins, Soul and ego Come and cease together Real only being dependent on each other To think that I live same as admitting The presence of ego, source of impurity No matter how subtle it is One is conscious when SELF, Soul (and ego) are true To be constantly conscious that I ‘am’ the I, pure sentience, the reflector And not the Soul ego-infested, the reflected, is the key to be unbound By pleasures and pains of this conditioned life Created and nurtured through senses, thoughts and feelings The Soul fully rid of ego in time May loose itself once absorbed in SELF

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