Task Based Learning.gladys Plan.doc1

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 715
  • Pages: 2
TASK BASED LEARNING PLANNING SUBJECT: METHODS II TEACHER: Gladys Baya STUDENT: Osvaldo Mammino Course: 1st year Learner’s age: 13 Seating arrangement: In pairs and in rows of 4 T seating at the front Book suggested: 2003 OUP, Geraldine Mark & Ben Wetz Adventures elementary


Unit 4 SB pages 36/37

Lesson Aims

The students will explore the topic of the elements and natural disasters By the end of the lesson the students will be able to write a report for a newspaper or a magazine about natural disasters. The learners will write a report in three paragraphs , taking into the use of connectors The learners also will also include in their report what happened before, during and after the disaster. They will be expected to use past continuous simple past and natural phenomena vocabulary

Assumed Knowledge

Present simple Have got Simple past of Be Irregular verbs Vocabulary areas: activities, jobs at home, forms of communication

INTRODUCTORY TASK The learners work in pairs of three this time and at this moment of the lesson The T gives instructions to the learners about what they are going to do for a final task: - They are going to become journalists - They have to think of a name of a newspaper or magazine - Each member of the group have to think of writing a report about a natural phenomena disaster - The T gives them the opportunity to choose what they would like to write (A blizzard, tornado, An earthquake, a volcano eruption, etc)

- The report must contain what happened before, during and after the disaster. Once they finish their reports, they share them with the class. The teacher conducts the class monitoring them and giving them positive feedback as regards their productions. The learners do peer correction guided by the teacher PRE –TASK The teacher starts the lesson by showing the learners photographs of different natural disasters. The learners describe the pictures guided by the teacher who introduces new words or phrases related to natural phenomena. Now the teacher assigns a task by telling the students to open the books on p. 36/37 and in pairs they read the text and answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper. The T also assigns the learners to underline words or phrases in the text that are unfamiliar to them. The T also put emphasis in underlying the simple past simple of be (they know it from previous lessons) and verbs that take the ing form. The need to recognize actions related to past continuous tense. TASK The learners carry out the task which is monitored by the teacher. The T let the learners to work on their own, the learners have the opportunity to work on the language by themselves. After the pre task the T gives feedback to the learners focusing on error analysis and language mistakes with the class (peer correction). The learners work cooperatively and becoming active participants. The teacher now asks the words or phrases that were unknown to them and write them on the board. The words or phrases are discussed with the class and then the learners take down notes. Now the teacher produces an example in connection with the past continuous tense, and asks the learners to produce and example related to a natural disaster, example The helicopter was flying around the area of the disaster. The T shows the difference of was and were related to this tense by giving two examples on the board and let them think of the difference between the two of them. After the presentation of the grammar pattern the T goes back to the text of the lesson and asks the learners to mark the lines that indicates what happen before, during and after the volcano eruption. . LANGUAGE FOCUS The teacher gives feedback to students and focuses on language mistakes. While doing this, the teachers gives Ss positive feedback taking into account the relevant mistakes the students have to cope with. The moment of practice is carried out by the students through different exercises assigned by the T who acts as a guider and monitoring them as much as they need. When it is necessary the T clarifies the doubts by guiding them when carrying out the exercises.

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