Tard Newsletter 4

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r e t t e l s w e N D TAR P. O Box 769, Honiara, S/ Islands Phone: +677 84186 Email: [email protected] http://toabaita-authority.blogspot.com

Issue Number 4

April 2008

Message from the TARD desk Inside this issue:


2007 Christmas Games 2

As we tarry through the first four months of 2008, it is indeed another year of excitement and adventures. We once again welcome you to the TARD Newsletter Issue 4 as we guide you through the group’s community projects and activities that occurred after the last issue in July 2007 until now.

MAANZ Med Donation


TARD Bursary Scheme 2 Water Supply Project


Triathlon Awareness


NM Chiefs’ Support


New Proposed Projects


Information About TARD TARD is a neutral, non-profit, youth volunteer group launched in late 2005 by North Malaita university students in Fiji with a goal to assist in the progressive community development and awareness in North Malaita, Solomon Islands. Vision: Our vision for North Malaita and the Solomon Islands is that of a safe and sustainable society, whose people are healthy and prosperous. Mission: Our mission is working for a better tomorrow. This can be achieved by helping communities make informed decisions and implement initiatives that will benefit them.

The second part of last year 2007 was a major transition period for TARD as most of it’s founding members had graduated from regional institutions in Fiji and had to return back to Solomon Islands. That transition also resulted in slight changes in the delineation of leadership roles within the group, which contributed to the slight delay in publishing this newsletter issue. However, that did not deter our activeness and strong voluntary commitment and vision to community development work in North Malaita. Despite the transition TARD had successfully undertaken various initiatives in late 2007 as well as pursuing further community projects within the first quarter of this year 2008. This year 2008 also marks the highest number of TARD members that are based in Fiji, taking the group’s total volunteer membership to around seventy, an increase from fifty in 2007. Anyway, you will find more about our past and upcoming community projects in the next few pages. Thank you very much for taking your time to read this newsletter, which is a living example of our little contribution in North Malaita for a “Better Tomorrow”.


TARD chairman elected to SISA presidency role in Fiji TARD is also very fortunate that it’s current Chairman, Mr. Peter Fairamoa, was duly elected late 2007 to become the President of the Solomon Islands Student Association (SISA) at the University of the South Pacific (USP) in Fiji, a body that looks after the welfare of around 700 Solomon Islands

tertiary students at USP Laucala Campus. This is an indirect recognition of TARD’s effort to groom young leaders and the students’ confidence in the leadership attributes of the TARD Chairman. It also marks the first time in the institute’s history for a

To’abaita student to become the SISA President.

Mr. Peter Fairamoa

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TARD Newsletter

Australian High Commission sponsored North Malaita 2007 free Xmas Games The Australian High Commission (AHC) in Solomon Islands has for the second consecutive year supported the annual North Malaita free 2007 Christmas Games, in partnership with TARD.

Funding provided to TARD for the games was SB$4,500. The tournament was successfully organized at Malu’u Station (North Malaita) from December 17-19 2007 and witnessed by AHC 2nd Secretary, Ms Anthea Blaikie. The tournament attracted 33 soccer and 8 netball teams from both the North Malaita & Lau/Baelelea Constituencies.

In soccer first prize was won by Green Snails; second-Columbia & third-Aurafu whilst for netball first prize was scooped by Arao girls; second-Dry Kaibia & third-Columbia. TARD is thankful to the AHC office in Honiara for this generous support.

TARD receiving the cheque from AHC 3rd Secretary, Ms Gabrielle Stewart in Dec 07

TARD delivered latest MAANZ donated medical supplies to Malu’u Clinic TARD had successfully delivered twelve boxes of assorted medical supplies being donated by the Medical Aid Abroad New Zealand (MAANZ) to Malu’u Clinic in North Malaita on December 19 2007.

Hand over at Malu’u on Dec 19 2007

The latest consignment of medical supply donation was the third from MAANZ to North Malaita in partnership with TARD since December 2006. The first donation comprised forty boxes of medical supplies which benefited four clinics in December 2006 (e.g. Fo’ondo, Gwaiau, Bita’ama & Malu’u). The second donation of an infant incubator benefited Malu’u Area Health Centre in June 2007. TARD, on behalf of the clinic committee, house of chiefs in To’abaita and people sincerely thanked the MAANZ organization for their ongoing recognition of the health needs of North Malaita people. Through

such donations, sick patients in North Malaita are able to access relatively improved service delivery and medical needs.

Malu’u clinic head staff receiving the donation from TARD Chairman

TARD supports North Malaita schools with “Partial Fee” bursary schemes TARD is pleased to announce that the group will be introducing a “Partial Fee” Bursary scheme for North Malaita community high school and vocational students, starting in semester 2 2008 (July) until 2009. This latest initiative is the first of its kind in North Malaita Constituency targeted towards the education sector. In semester 2 2008 at least 25 partial fee bursaries would

be available, each worth SB$200. The five beneficiary schools are Arnon Atomea, Anuke, Bita’ama & Walo community highs plus Ngalikekero Vocational school. Information and application details are already with the respective schools in North Malaita and application deadline for semester 2 2008 is 30 May 2008. This initiative is supported by a generous couple residing in the United Kingdom and TARD is very grateful for such widespread recognition of our vision.

Issue Number 4

Page 3

NZ High Commission approves funding for TARD Water Supply Project TARD is pleased to accept support for the Magwabaru Community Water Supply Project in North Malaita from the New Zealand High Commission office in Honiara. The cheque handover would be undertaken on April 21 2008. Assistance towards the Magwabaru Water Supply Project is being funded under the Head of Mission Fund (HOMF), a small discretionary grants scheme managed by the New Zealand High Commission in Solomon Islands. Total funding approved for the water supply is SB$54,887.90.

Such substantial support and commitment by the New Zealand High Commission office in Honiara towards the Magwabaru Water Supply Project marks another unique milestone for the development aspirations of North Malaita, particularly the Magwabaru community which endured without proper water supply for the last thirty years.

Materials for the water supply will be collected in Honiara and transported to North Malaita in late April. Ground work with the technical assistance and engineering expertise of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) office in Malaita should commence as soon as materials reach North Malaita. The water supply is expected to be officially handed over to the community in June 2008. TARD sincerely thanks the New Zealand High Commission office in Honiara on behalf of the TARD membership and North Malaita people, as this

TARD facilitates Solomon Is Triathlon sport expansion to North Malaita TARD has successfully facilitated two visits to North Malaita for officials from the Solomon Islands Triathlon Association, in their effort to expand the new sport to rural areas. The first preliminary visit to identify suitable sites in North Malaita was undertaken in November 2007. A second trip was done in December 2007 whereby community awareness about the sport was carried out throughout

several villages and weekly markets. A third detailed visit to actually engage interested community people of all ages and gender is planned for the upcoming months before the 2008 Solomon Games in Auki, Malaita.

two visits.

North Malaita is understood to be one of the first rural regions outside of Honiara earmarked for the expansion of the Triathlon sport awareness. There was widespread interest during the last

North Malaita House of Chiefs support TARD community initiatives During the recent 2007 Christmas Games at Malu’u, there was coincidentally an unrelated meeting on December 17 at the Arnon Atomea Community School (same date as the opening ceremony of the TARD 2007 games & same venue).

North Malaita Chiefs pose for a photo

That meeting which was facilitated by the Malaita Deputy Premier was attended by representatives of all the

different cultural house of chiefs in North Malaita including Baelelea. All the chiefs that were present assured TARD that the group’s community vision and initiatives are fully supported, as evidenced from the number of people and teams that turned up to participate either directly or indirectly at the games. Such an assurance from our village leaders is an inspiration.

ra P. O Box 769, Honia Phone: +677 84186

TARD Member Profiles: Name: George Ganiau (TA RD Vice Chairman) Institution: University of the South Pacific, Fiji Program of study: Bachel ors Village: Sulagwalu, ward 9, North Malaita

TARD Fiji Address: P. O Box U40, Suva, Fiji Islands Phone: +679 9746209

Email: [email protected]

Check our website on URL: http://toabaita-authority.blogspot.com

Issue 5 will be published in November 2008

Name: Jennifer Delemani Institution: University of the South Pacific, Fiji Program of study: Bachel ors Village: Manakwai, ward 8, North Malaita

Where are recent TARD graduates NOW?

Proposed TARD community projects

Several TARD members that recently graduated and returned home (Solomon Islands) have all secured employment: 1. Edward Danitofea – Dept of Mines 2. Alwyn Danitofea - Gov’t ministry 3. Lillian Faerua-Danitofea - Dept of Mines 4. Joyce Konofilia-Maetoloa - Solomon Host 5. Wilfred Atomea - Public Service Ministry 6. Alice Siuna - National Referral Hospital 7. Joe Au Ramosaea - Auditor General office 8. Hilda Maeda-Taloiburi - AusAID office 9. Ruby Kahui-Fairamoa - teaching in Honiara 10. Alfred Maebiru - teaching in Honiara 11. Hubert Baselo - teaching in Honiara 12. Doreen Baselo - teaching in Honiara 13. Darlyn Ramo - teaching in North Malaita 14. Eddie Konairamo - teaching in North Malaita 15. Fiona Peupelu - teaching

Current proposed community initiatives that TARD has already submitted applications seeking assistance from donors to be implemented within the period from June 2008 to December 2008 include, but not limited to: 1). North Malaita School and Rural Community Sports Development Initiative (Australian Sports Outreach Program). 2). Medical supply donation consignment number 4 from the Medical Aid Abroad New Zealand for North Malaita clinics. 3). 2008 Medical supplies donation for 7 clinics in North Malaita (Australasian Foundation for peoples of Asia and the pacific, AFAP). The above are proposed initiatives that applications had already been submitted and so as ongoing liaising with donors. TARD is still in the process of collating other applications for various new community activities. So check the latest updates of finalized

and approved projects in the next issue in November.

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