Tard Newsletter 2

  • November 2019
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r e t t e l s w e N D R TA Volume 2 Issue 1

March 2007

P. O Box U40, Suva, Fiji Phone: (679) 9350159 Email: [email protected] http://toabaita-authority.blogspot.com

Message from the TARD desk Inside this issue: North Malaita Games

Greetings fellow wantoks, 2

Medical Supplies Given 2 Mahitahi Initiative


Malu’u Health Show


Infant Incubator Gift


Leader’s Workshop


Upcoming Projects


Information About TARD TARD is a neutral, non-profit, youth volunteer group launched in late 2005 by North Malaita university students in Fiji with a goal to assist in the progressive community development and awareness in North Malaita, Solomon Islands. Vision: Our vision for North Malaita and the Solomon Islands is that of a safe and sustainable society, whose people are healthy and prosperous. Mission: Our mission is working for a better tomorrow. This can be achieved by helping communities make informed decisions and implement initiatives that will benefit them.

It has been a while since the last publication of TARD Newsletter Issue 1 in November 2006. Therefore, we would like to warmly welcome you again to this new issue. We trust that you have had a wonderful Christmas and new year celebrations with family members, loved ones and friends. In fact, you would have a handful of experiences to share with us should the opportunity be given. Similarly, the To’abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) student volunteer group has also undertaken various initiatives and activities in the North Malaita communities during the festive season from November 2006 to January 2007. Now, most our student members have already begun 2007 classes at various tertiary institutions in Fiji and other parts of the Pacific whilst our working elites have been well absorbed into their job demands. Regardless of the many challenges that we face as a youth volunteer group in terms of the expected outputs and academic performance required of us, as students, coupled with the lack of funds except our own fundraisings and a few personal donations from good hearted individuals to aid in the implementation of various projects, TARD has managed to secure the support of several renowned national and international donor offices.

Anyway, you will find more about our past and upcoming community projects in the next few pages. Thank you very much for taking your time to read this newsletter.


Community education awareness convened in a hot-spot A community awareness meeting plus coffee night was convened by TARD through its Chairman and another member (Ishmael Alulu) in one of the so-called “hot spot” areas in the North Malaita region on December 3, 2006. The meeting was held at Gwaunasu’u Village in the

Loina area where most of the radical militants of the disbanded Malaita Eagle Force (MEF) have originated. The objectives of that meeting was to resolve differences within the tribe and family units plus setting a platform for a bigger and

well planned ceremony.


It was attended by over 80 people including men, women and children. The coffee session was sponsored by another prominent To’abaita leader, Mr Leliana Daowana Firisua with SBD$500.

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TARD Newsletter

Australian High Commission supports North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games The Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands was pleased to announce its support for the North Malaita Christmas games, which was held from December 20-23 at the Malu’u School playing grounds.

lands has a strong focus on working with young people, Third secretary Ms Gabrielle Stewart said at the opening of the North Malaita Christmas games. Ms Stewart said Australia was proud to sponsor a sporting event which included both men and women to participate and do their best. “It is encouraging to see a community activity that meets the needs of young people and helps them to develop the team work and leadership qualities which can be gained from participation in sport.”

Australia’s assistance to Solomon Is-

Ms Stewart was one of many spectators at the Christmas Games who enjoyed watching the women’s prowess on the

netball court and the men’s skills on the soccer field during the four-day sports carnival. Ms Stewart congratulated the To’abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) student volunteer group, for organising the first North Malaita Christmas Games. Australia’s support of sporting programs and organisations like TARD demonstrate its commitment to working with the young people of Solomon Islands. The High Commission provided a sponsorship of SBD$3,680 to TARD towards the games. The games attracted a total of 59 soccer and 18 netball teams.

Four health clinics in North Malaita receive medical supplies from TARD TARD has distributed thousands of dollars worth of medical supplies to four rural clinics in North Malaita on December 2, 2006. The forty boxes of medical supplies were gifts from the Medical Aid Abroad of New Zealand (MAANZ) and coordinated by TARD. The beneficiary clinics are Fo’ondo, Gwaiau, Bita’ama & Malu’u.

Supplies for Fo’ondo and Gwaiau clinics were distributed at the Malanaofe Market, while Bita’ama and

Malu’u were done at the respective clinics. In receiving the medical supplies, the communities, chiefs, and clinic committees have thanked TARD for facilitating such assistance, particularly from a prominent voluntary organisation in New Zealand. TARD is also thankful to the donor, communities and support groups for having the confidence in a very young voluntary group such as TARD and sharing a youth initiated vision.

Mahitahi Director approves TARD sports coaching workshop for Dec 2007 The Director of the Mahitahi Catholic Overseas Volunteer organisation in Hamilton (New Zealand), Christina Reymer, has given the green light to TARD’s proposal seeking a soccer and a netball trainer to organize a 3 weeks sports coaching workshop in North Malaita

in December 2007 in partnership with the Malaita Catholic Diocesan Bishop, Chris Cardone. The proposal was submitted after Mahitahi has shown its commitment to extend its programs to Malaita in partnership with TARD.

The Mahitahi soccer and netball volunteer trainers (one of each) are expected to run coaching camps for young people in two or three villages in North Malaita. Each camp would be a week long. TARD will cover accommodation and food costs for the volunteers while in North Malaita.

Volume 2 Issue 1

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TARD assists Malu’u Health Committee to organize Health Show in Jan 2007 Despite the lack of funds considering TARD’s capacity as a student initiated volunteer group, it has managed to provide a donation of SBD$350 to the Malu’u Health Committee to help them successfully organise the first ever Malu’u Health & Awareness Show from January 10-12, 2007.

In addition to that, TARD has also set up a stall manned by its members to educate the rural populace of North Malaita who were part of that Show with regards to the importance of health, resolving conflicts, and expand-

ing the vision and goals of TARD to rural people using videos and printed pamphlets.

Kukuru dancers leading officials

The health show was regarded by provincial health authorities and communities as one of the best awareness events to be organised in the North Malaita region. It was also attended by the MP for North Malaita Constituency, Hon Daniel Enele Kwanairara.

TARD was also involved in the presentation of two skits highlighting the importance of health and why people need to care for their medical facilities. The show has attracted widespread interest and attendance from all over the North Malaita and Lau/Baelelea Constituencies

MAANZ donates infant incubator to TARD for Malu’u Clinic in North Malaita The Medical Aid Abroad New Zealand (MAANZ) has given another gift to the people of North Malaita through TARD, with the donation of an infant incubator. This equipment has already reached Honiara at the end of February and is currently being stored temporarily while arrangements and funds are being finalized before it is transported to Malu’u Clinic in North Malaita.

An infant incubator is usually used to regulate a premature baby’s core temperature stable at 37 degree Celsius. This is to avoid the underdeveloped organs and nervous system being damaged as a result of temperature fluctuations. Last year, MAANZ have also donated 40 boxes of medical supplies to TARD which was distributed to four clinics.

A sample Infant Incubator

MP involves TARD in North Malaita Leaders’ Consultative Workshop Several members of TARD have actively participated in a two day North Malaita Constituency Leaders’ Consultative Workshop at Malu’u Station from November 27-28 2006, in partnership with Honourable Daniel Enele Kwanairara and village leaders and elders.

The workshop was attended by over

60 leaders including women group representatives, RAMSI Malu’u team leader, representatives of all the To’abaita House of Chiefs, public servants at Malu’u, TARD Chairman and other members, business owners in North Malaita, youth group representatives, church leaders, provincial assembly members, Ngalikekero Rural Training Centre

founders, Hon Kwanairara, and other volunteer group representatives. The workshop was used to identify the developmental needs for North Malaita Constituency and how all stakeholders can work together to strategically develop the region. A collective communiqué was drafted.

, Fiji P. O Box U40, Suva 9 Phone: (679) 935015

TARD Member Profiles: Name: William Fikutoa “Sia ke” Age: 24 years Institution: University of the South Pacific, Fiji Program of study: Bachelor of Arts (Tourism and Marine Affairs) Village: Gwaunasu’u

University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus Suva Fiji Islands Email: [email protected]

Check our website on URL: http://toabaita-authority.blogspot.com

Next Issue will be published in July 2007

Name: John Buata Age: 23 years Institution: University of the South Pacific, Fiji Program of study: Bachelor of Science (Maths and Chemis try) Village: Raubabata

AFAP to donate supplies to 7 clinics

Australia to fund clinic solar project

The Australasian Foundation of the Peoples of Asia and the Pacific (AFAP) office in Honiara, through its Program Manager Mr Luke Johnston, has recommended TARD’s request for a medical supply enhancement project for seven rural clinics in North Malaita.

Two rural health centres in the North Malaita Constituency will soon have access to solar powered electricity after the Australian High Commission office in Honiara has signaled the green light to fund a solar electrification project initiated by TARD.

As a result, the Medical Services and Supplies (MSS) programme volunteers at AFAP’s headquarters in Sydney have proceeded with the packaging of medical supplies. The supplies are expected to be shipped to Honiara soon and should reach Solomon Islands by late April or May before being transported to North Malaita. The seven beneficiary clinics include Malu’u, Fo’ondo, Bita’ama, Gwaiau & Orukalia in the North Malaita Constituency plus Arao and Sulagwalu clinics in the Lau/Baelelea Constituency.

The two community clinic beneficiaries are Bita’ama and Sulagwalu clinics. Total cost of sponsorship for solar panels and necessary accessories for both clinics is around SBD$25,965. The need for solar electrification of these two clinics was identified by respective clinic committees and staff and forwarded to TARD for further pursual with genuine donors. Funding for this project is expected to be released sometimes in June or earlier than that if possible. This will be the High Commission’s second project with TARD.

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