Tard Newsletter 3

  • November 2019
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r e t t le s w e N D TA R P. O Box U40, Suva, Fiji Phone: +61437642032 Email: [email protected] http://toabaita-authority.blogspot.com

Volume 2 Issue 2

July 2007

Message from the TARD desk Inside this issue:


Clinic Solar Project




Provincial Recognition


MAANZ Incubator Gift 3 Capacity Building

Indeed it is hard work trying to put this newsletter initiative together, taking into account that all our work is voluntary, but we are strongly committed to live up to our vision and aware interested individuals and authorities about our small contribution to community development in North Malaita, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands. As a result, this is the third TARD Newsletter to be published by the group and hopefully there will be another issue in November just before our students go home for holidays.


Inclusiveness of youths 3 Upcoming Projects

We kindly welcome you once again to the July 2007 edition of the TARD Newsletter as we update you of the latest developments and initiatives that the TARD student/youth volunteer group has achieved after the last Newsletter in March 2007.


Information About TARD TARD is a neutral, non-profit, y o u th vo lu n t ee r g ro u p launched in late 2005 by North Malaita university students in Fiji with a goal to assist in the progressive community development and awareness in North Malaita, Solomon Islands. Vision: Our vision for North Malaita and the Solomon Islands is that of a safe and sustainable society, whose people are healthy and prosperous. Mission: Our mission is working for a better tomorrow. This can be achieved by helping communities make informed decisions and implement initiatives that will benefit them.

We trust that despite the many opportunities and challenges that you endured over the past recent months, you have managed to overcome them with perseverance and optimism. Similarly, TARD has also undertaken various initiatives and activities in the North Malaita communities during the period from March to June 2007. The group has also undergone a transition stage as some of its founding and backbone members have departed Fiji due to various reasons. But at the same time, the group has also gained some new members who came in July 2007 to study in Fiji . Anyway, you will find more about our past and upcoming community projects in the next few pages. Thank you very much for taking your time to read this newsletter, which is a living example of our contribution in North Malaita.


TARD appoints a new Fiji-based Executive TARD has recently appointed a new Fiji based executive in June 2007 to spearhead its goals and vision, after some of its former backbones have relocated from Fiji. The new executive members are Peter F ai ramo a (Chairman), George Ganiau

(V/Chairman), Hubert Baselo (Treasurer) & Ms Jillian Fa’afunua (Secretary). This occurred after the group’s founding Chairman (Exsley Taloiburi) who is now the Technical Advisor and former Secretary (Steven Filiomea) have moved from Suva, Fiji.

Handing over of files

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TARD Newsletter

Australian High Commission funds solar power for two North Malaita clinics The Australian High Commission (AHC) in Solomon Islands has funded a Solar Electrification Project for Bita’ama and Sulagwalu Clinics in North Malaita with a t o t a l s po n s o rs h i p o f ab o u t SBD$25,965.

The project was already implemented by TARD at the two clinics from June 12-13 June 2007 and witnessed by the Coordinator of the Direct Aid Program at the AHC (Michael Hogan), provincial members, health officers, RAMSI & community members.

Solar panels at both clinics are now up and running since mid June 2007 enabling the clinics to access electricity. This has been the second community development project to be funded by the AHC in partnership with TARD. The first was a SBD$3,680 sponsorship for the 2006 Christmas Games from December 20-23.

AFAP’s medical supplies donation through TARD benefits seven rural clinics A non governmental aid organization in Australia known as the “Australian Foundation for Peoples of Asia and the Pacific (AFAP) has revived hopes of access to better medical services and equipments in North Malaita clinics through a substantial donation of a whole container of medical supplies worth more than SBD$300,000. The supplies were distributed by TARD to about seven rural clinics in North Malaita from June 12-13 2007. The beneficiary clinics are Arao, Fo’ondo, Gwaiau, Bita’ama, Orukalia, Malu’u & Sulagwalu.

TARD wishes to thank the donor, and financial supporters/individuals who have assisted with freighting costs from Honiara to North Malaita. They include Hon Enele Kwanairara, SMEC, Betty Fakarii & Philip Kanairara.

TARD gets recognition & appreciation from Malaita Provincial Government TARD has managed to get the recognition and appreciation from the Malaita Provincial Government after convening a high level meeting with the Premier and his executive on June 12th 2007 at the premier’s office in the provincial capital in Auki. In the meeting, TARD Chairman (Exsley

Taloiburi) briefed the premier about the goals of TARD and the initiatives that TARD is currently pursuing. In return the premier and his deputy conveyed the province’s appreciation to TARD, in its capacity as a student/ youth group. L-R: Premier Irosaea, D/Speaker Talota, D/Premier Suibaea, Agriculture Minister Filualea, another member & Taloiburi

Volume 2 Issue 2

Page 3

Infant Incubator donation from MAANZ make it the first for Malu’u Clinic The Medical Aid Abroad New Zealand (MAANZ) has given another gift to the people of North Malaita through TARD, with the donation of an infant incubator. This equipment was handed over by TARD to Malu’u Clinic on June 13th 2007 after being stored in Honiara since its arrival at the Infant Incubator end of Febru-

ary 2007. An infant incubator is usually used to regulate a premature baby’s core temperature stable at 37 degree Celsius.

This is to avoid the underdeveloped organs and nervous system being damaged as a result of temperature fluctuations. Last year, MAANZ have also donated 40 boxes of medical supplies to TARD which was distributed to four clinics.

Maluu nurses who received the infant incubator

TARD members in Fiji mentored on how to write proposals for micro-projects More than twenty (20) student members of the TARD group in Fiji have undergone a mentoring session in May, at the University of the South Pacific, on how to write a small grant proposal for community development projects. The training which was organized by the TARD executive was aimed at increasing the capacity amongst its members to promote self-confidence in seeking funding for future community projects.

During that same session, new members have also be trained on how to write good essays and research reports which would be beneficial for their courses of study at university. Last year, TARD also conducted similar training sessions for its members and other interested Solomon Islands students in Fiji. More than forty students attended the trainings last year in 2006.

TARD Members in Suva, Fiji

TARD targets participation of unemployed youths in its community projects In the Solomon Islands, “North Malaita” was perceived as one of the most criminal regions in the country. This was evident with the significant number of former MEF militants who are from North Malaita. However, TARD is confident that if such unemployed youths and ex-convicts are involved with community projects the criminal activity in North Malaita

will reduce as youths will have more awareness and attachment to a community. As a result, TARD has involved former MEF members, ex-convicts & unemployed youths in North Malaita in various community projects that the group has implemented. This direction has shown a lot of good outcomes. Inclusiveness of unemployed youths

, Fiji P. O Box U40, Suva 2 Phone: +6143764203

TARD Member Profiles: Name: Trevor Maeda Age: 23 years Institution: University of the South Pacific, Fiji Program of study: Bachel or of Science (Marine Science) Village: Gwaiau/Roso

University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus Suva Fiji Islands Email: [email protected]

Check our website on URL: http://toabaita-authority.blogspot.com

Next Issue will be published in November 2007

Name: Helen Maelikei Institution: University of the South Pacific, Fiji Program of study: Bachel ors Degree Village: Kwene/Malu’u

TARD Members who have left Fiji

Planned upcoming TARD projects

TARD members who have left Fiji by July after completing their programs of study or for other reasons are as follows: 1. Alwyn Danitofea 2. Lillian Faerua-Danitofea 3. Edward Danitofea 4. Joyce Konofilia-Maetoloa 5. Wilfred Atomea 6. Alice Siuna 7. Joe Au Ramosaea 8. Exsley Taloiburi 9. Hilda Maeda-Taloiburi However, TARD is pleased to welcome at least ten new North Malaita students who came in July to commence studies in Fiji.

Current upcoming community initiatives that TARD is trying to pursue for North Malaita to be implemented within the period from November 2007 to January 2008 include, but not limited to:

The members who have returned to Solomon Islands will form a core of the network of TARD members in S/Is and TARD wish them a blessed future.


A 3 weeks sports coaching workshop for soccer and netball for youths and local clubs, in partnership with the Mahitahi Catholic Volunteers organization in New Zealand. 2. The 2007 free North Malaita Christmas Games to be held in either Malu’u or Fo’ondo. 3. An income generating joinery project for school dropout youths in Bita’ama. 4. A water supply project for Ngalisirimidi Community. The above are not the final list of proposed initiatives. So keep your fingers crossed for the November newsletter issue as it will contain the approved projects to be implemented by TARD student members during the holidays.

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