Newsletter 4

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 511
  • Pages: 3

21-10-2008, Utrecht

Dear Albion members, As you have noticed, there wasn’t a newsletter last week. From now on you will receive one every two weeks, instead of every week. Please note that this week’s newsletter contains some very important information, so read it carefully! London trip We would like to inform you that there are still six places on our trip to London. This is your chance to go to the capital of England and enjoy yourself in the company of your fellow students! If you want to join us, please send an email to [email protected] (please put “London trip subscription” in the subject bar) or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us. The London travel committee, Heike Hemelsoet Indira Wakelkamp Janou Petit Film Night On the 30th of October, there will be a special Halloween film night, brought to you by the Activity Committee! You are welcome from 18.00h until 21.00h. The movie(s) that will be shown remain(s) a secret until that evening, but we can tell you that it will not be too scary, so it is suitable for everybody ;). It will only cost you €1,-, which includes the movie and free drinks and snacks. In other words, a very nice evening for a very reasonable price! For this first edition of the – we hope soon to be regular - Film Night, you do not have to subscribe. We will let you know the exact location very soon, in a reminder email about this event.

Albion Newsletter © Albion 2008


Membership cards For the members who have handed in their picture: good news! The membership cards are ready, so you can pick them up anytime during office hours! Party time! On behalf of MixItUp! Op donderdag 20 november organiseert MixItUp (een samenwerking tussen A-Eskwadraat, Albion, Atlas, SGS, Usocia en UCSA) een feest! Het feest vindt plaats in de Poema van 22.00 uur tot 04.00 uur. Het thema van de avond is 'Freaky Hats and Famous Mustaches', en het bier kost tijdens dit festijn slechts €1,-! Graag nodigen wij jullie hier voor uit. Kaartjes zijn bij bovengenoemde verenigingen in de voorverkoop verkrijgbaar voor €2,50, aan de deur verkopen wij ook kaartjes voor €3,50. Dus haal je hoed van de kapstok en laat je snor staan, we zien jullie graag op 20 november! Groetjes, Namens MixItUp, Tessa van Asselt The Albion sweater You can now officially order an Albion sweater! Please check:

If you have set your mind on one, you can send an email to [email protected], subject: Albion sweater. Please include the size you would like (S - M - L - XL - XXL, Unisex sweaters).

Albion Newsletter © Albion 2008


The Albion Afternoon

As you can see on these wonderful pictures, the Albion Afternoon is a very nice way to meet you fellow students! Come and see for yourself on every Wednesday afternoon from 16.00 until… And did we mention that you get a discount on your drinks? Cheers!

Yours truly, The


Albion Newsletter © Albion 2008


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