(l)DODLOGS "1400 NEADS: White House Has Directed: to have fighter coverage over the White House" [NCT 0000969] "1442:17Clearance to shoot from Vice President is to save lives on the ground if A/C do not respond" [NCT 0000969] "01/09/11 14:31:01 Vice President has cleared to us to intercept tracks of interest and shoot them down if they do not respond per CONR CC.//scu//" [NCT 0000821] "01/09/11 14:42:49 Clearance to shoot from Vice President is to save lives on the ground if A/C do not respond.//scu//" [NCT0000821] (2) SECRET SERVICE LOG 10:25 Detail tells command center the VP has authorized shoot down of planes (3) TESTIMONY OF GENERAL ARNOLD