T8 B17 Faa Trips 2 Of 3 Fdr- Chronological Events At Dulles Tower 034

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AUG.-Q9'02(FR1) 08:49

TEL:703 661 8337

^ \l Events at Dulles Tower on September 11,2001

Starting at 1300 UTC or 9am Local (all times universal coordinated time)


Air traffic manager present in the radar room to monitor operations


All aircraft ground stopped nationwide due to the incident at the World Trade Center

1330:27 Traffic management specialist at Dulles Tower informs Washington Center that we received iho notification that all air traffic is stopped nationwide 1330:58 Traffic management specialist at Dulles Tower advises Manassas Tower controller that all air traffic is ground stopped and no one is allowed to depart 1331:45 Traffic management specialist at Dulles Tower advises Martinsburg Tower controller that all air traffic is ground stopped and no one is allowed to depart 1332:20 (time approximate) Controller at Dulles Tower xvorking the Final West position notices a fast moving radar target, with out altitude encoding, transponder, or airspeed, headed easibound in the direction of the White House 1332:30 (lime approximate) Controller at Dulles Tower working the Final West position informs tlic other controllers in the radar room about die target observed moving eastboand

1332:40 (time approximale) Controllers at the Final West, West Arrival. North Departure positions inform the supervisor in the radar room about the fast moving unidentified easibound target 1333

(time approximate) Supervisor of Dulles Tower calls Ilie White House to inform them of the fast moving eastbound unidentified target heading in die direction of the White House

1333:38 Controller at Dulles Tower working die Final West position calls Wasllington National controller on the voice call line to inform them of the fast moving eastbound unidentified target heading bi the direction of the Wliite House 1333

Controllers in Dulles Tower give constant updates to the supervisor on the position of the fast moving eastbound unidentified target heading in the direction of the White House

1333:52 The controllers in Dulles Tower again call Washington National Tower on die voice call line and inform them of the fast moving easibound unidentified target heading in the direction of the While House

1334:03 The controller at Dulles Tower working North Departure calls Washington National Tower and informs them of the fast moving eastbound unidentified target heading in the direction of Hie White House, ihc Washington National Tower controller says he see him 1334:16 The supervisor of Dulles Tower calls Washington National Tower on die telephone and informs them of the fast moving eastbound unidentified target heading in the direction of the White House 1334:24 The Washington National Tower controller again replies that they see die target and have informed the White House 1334

(time approximate) The supervisor of Dulles Tower inform the Critical Event Eastern Region hotline of the fast moving eastbound unidentified target heading in the direction of ihe Wliite House

P. 004

S.-Of 0 2 I F R I I 01:49

TEl:70J 66H3J7

1336:12 Washington National Tower controller calls Dulles Tower radar room on die voice call line to tell them to hold aJl traffic destination Washington National Airport 1339:40 Washington National Tower controller calls Dulles Tower radar room on the voice call line to tell them the Pentagon was hit 1341:08 The controller at Dulles Tower working North Departure position informs Washington Center controllers dial the Pentagon was hit. 1346

Dulles Airport is ground stopped. Volunteers for essential operational positions at Dulles Tower are solicited and remain at Dulles Tower. All other personnel are evacuated from Dulles Tower


Washington Center Potomac traffic management coordinator advises Dulles Tower that United flight 93 is not tallting to anyone and is southeast of Piusburg Pennsylvania heading south eastbound


Eastern Region Quality Assurance instructs all aircrafl within Dulles Tower airspace to land. The United States military is preparing to take over Dulles Tower airspace


Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority closes Dulles Airport


The airport manager of Manassas Airport closes Manassas Airport.

P. 005

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