T5 B8 Matricula Consular Fdr- Entire Contents- Mexican Consulate Info And Press Report (1st Pgs For Reference 693

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('NEWS channel

Is Mexico Thwarting U.S. Immigration Enforcement? Thursday, March 18, 2004 By Matt Hayes FOR NEWS Most people know that Usama bin Laden's terror group, Al Qaeda (Arabic for "the base"), derives its name from the Mujahideen database that bin Laden developed through the 1980s and 1990s. Using "the base," bin Laden could call on a corps of operatives to carry out missions. There is growing evidence that the Mexican government, in similar fashion, is working with a group called the Institute de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (search) ("Institute of Mexicans Abroad") to use its matricula consular database (search) to deploy illegals to state legislatures and city councils across America. There, the illegal aliens — Mexican nationals who have been provided a matricula consular card — pack the gallery and seek to apply pressure against legislators who sponsor or intend to vote for bills that enhance immigration law enforcement. Not since America's mid-century experience with communism has there been such an organized effort at subverting our country's political institutions. As reported in the Washington Times, local and statewide illegal immigrant advocacy groups and Hispanic groups, whose memberships include illegal immigrants as well as Mexicans who have become legal immigrants or citizens, coordinate with the Institute de los Mexicanos en el Exterior to agitate for access to public services for illegal aliens in the United States. Where does the Institute de los Mexicanos en el Exterior get its instructions? From Vicente Fox. The Institute was created by presidential decree and reports to a group of Mexican government officials who are posted to Mexico's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is Mexico's equivalent of our own State Department. If the number of boisterous illegal aliens packing legislative sessions is any indication, the two main goals of the Institute's efforts are to defeat efforts to stop adoption of the matricula consular and driver's licenses for illegal aliens. California Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy (search) recalls the floor debate on a California measure, SB 60, which would have allowed illegal aliens in California to qualify for a state driver's license. Referring to the former name of the territory ceded to the United States by Mexico as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848 (search). Mountjoy took the floor and said, "This bill paves the road to Aztlan." "Then everyone in the gallery stood up and applauded," Mountjoy said. Last summer, a Mexican consulate in Michigan detected that the small city of Holland might adopt the matricula consular as a valid form of identification. Consul General Miguel Antonio Meza Estrada traveled to Holland's city counsel meetings five times, many times with what can only be described as a mob in tow, all of whom Estrada held out to be beneficiaries of the matricula consular. Holland finally postponed a decision on the issue because the meetings had become so contentious. Mountjoy recently sponsored the Secure and Verifiable ID bill (search) (Calif. AB 2576). The bill follows Colorado's secure identification law, and mandates that when a California state agency issues a license, permit, or other document to a person, it first obtain from that person a previously issued secure and verifiable identification document. The bill defines a secure and verifiable identification document as one issued by a state of federal agency, a foreign passport with a valid United States entry stamp, or any other form of identification whose veracity can be verified by law enforcement.

http://www.foxnews.com/printer_friendly story/0,3566,114485,00.html




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1. What is the matricula consular? > A Matricula Consular is an official I.D. card, which is issued by the Mexican Governm its Consular Offices. > The document ONLY proves that the bearer is of Mexican nationality and is living Mexico. 2. Requirements to obtain the Matricula Consular: ^ > > >

Applicant must appear in person Applicant must present an original birth certificate to prove Mexican nationality. An official government issued photo I.D. to prove identity. Proof of address (utility bill, lease, etc) under the same name.

3. Secondary requirements: > Telephone number ^ Next of kin information > If a married woman wishes to use her married name, she must present an origin; certificate. ^ In case of a lost or stolen ID the applicant must also provide a police report in order to o Matricula Consular. 4. Procedure followed when issuing a Matricula Consular: ^ Information booth: the applicant receives the information regarding requirements (s above) in order to obtain the Matricula Consular. If these requirements are provided, the then interviewed and the submitted documentation is verified. If all the documentation is applicant receives an application and a control number. >

Call window: A Consular Staff member calls the number issued, reviews the documentation once again and interviews the applicant. Once the second verificatio completed the documents are processed along with the payment of the Matricula Consul dollars). The applicant is to wait while the information is inputted into the MatriculaSyst<


Data Capturing: A Consular Staff member introduces the applicants' informatic Matricula System. The system will let us know has already been issued a Matricula, ar previously captured photograph will appear, which avoids duplicity. The Matricula Sys capacity to keep a record of documents issued to each individual.

> Photograph and signature: Once the data is entered, a forth Consular Staff memb applicant and with him verifies that the information already in the system is correct. A part of this process is the fact that before the picture is taken the applicant must once aga official ID in order to avoid someone from passing himself off as someone else. Once



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