T5 B64 Gao Visa Docs 3 Of 6 Fdr- 6-12-02 Gao Interview W Brennan- Class Follow-up 565

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vepared by: Gabrielle Anderson Date: 7/9/02 Job Code: 320087

£~I T index: Type bundle index he DOC Library: Type library name he DOC Number: Tvoe document number he

Meeting with John Brennan - CLASS Follow-Up Reviewed by: Type reviewer name here Review Date: Type review date here

Record of Interview Purpose

To discuss additional questions about CLASS and how it operates

Contact Method

In person interview

Contact Place

State Department

Contact Date

June 12,2002



Before our meeting, we sent Mr. Brennan a list of 8 questions that we wanted to address. Mr. Brennan responded to these questions during our meeting. He also provided us with written answers to these same questions given by Dave Williams.

GAO's Questions after Fieldwork In response to our question concerning whether the CCD utilizes an Arabic language algorithm, Mr. Brennan said that there are no linguistic algorithms in the CCD because it is not a lookout system. As a result, on exact matches will pop up and it may take longer to play around and get the right match. Mr. Brennan noted that adding algorithms to the CCD would complicate the process. The CCD is designed to capture records, whereas CLASS is designed to capture variants. There are strong antifraud uses for the CCD, in that it can be used as a confirmation tool or to check if an applicant's relatives have been issued a visa and overstayed. Mr. Brennan confirmed that the CCD would not pull up two records on a individual if that individual received visas under two different names. In answer to our question concerning how CLASS handles French transliteration of Arabic names, Mr. Brennan stated that he believed French transliteration is taken into account in the cultural regulation algorithm tables in CLASS. In response to our question concerning the possibility of an Arabic perse dropping 2 of his 4 names and thereby reducing the number of CLASS hi Mr. Brennan said that CLASS name searches are mathematical and the system would still be searching the core names.


Record of Inter

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'by: Gabrielle Anderson '02 rcode: 320087

Mr. Brennan stated that there are anti-fraud uses for the CCD. Posts use it now for this reason on an ad hoc basis. For example, the CCD may be used as an identity confirmation tool or to see if an applicant's relatives have been issued visas and overstayed them. Mr. Brennan's office is also doing a pilot program to see if the CCD can perform facial recognition on visa photos. Please see the handout for Dave William's answers to these and other questions. Addition of NCIC Data to CLASS Mr. Brennan said that, in the next two months, he will be adding 8 million more: records into CLASS, .which currently hasiBjnllffon records. These 8 million records will come from NCIC files. NCIC contains approximately 40-50 million files, only 7.5-8 million of which pertain to identifiable nonU.S. citizens. It is these 7.5-8 million files that will be added to CLASS. As of June 1*, Mr. Brennan Ijajjlrjeady entered approximately 400,bt)0 into CLASS from the following files: Wanted Persons; Violent Gangs and Terrorism Offenders (VGTOFF); Deported Felons; and Foreign Fugitives (though they are still trying to resolve a data problem with Canada for this database). Mr. Brennan also said that VGTOFF has been and is being beefed up. The FBI has been asking field offices for leads to enter into VGTOFF. In March, VGTOFF contained 2500 records; currently, there are at least 7000 records in VGTOFF. Mr. Brennan stated that there may be some repeat hits as a result of NCIC data being entered into CLASS, but that this number would be small in terms of the total volume of records. However, Mr. Brennan did not have an estimate of how many repeat hits there will be as a result of these NCIC additions. He said there could be 100-200,000 in Mexico, but 50100,000 for the rest of the world. Mr. Brennan noted that when a consular officer gets a hit off NCIC data, they are able to see what file the hit came from but that is all. IBIS Mr. Brennan said that CLASS updates IBIS on a real-time basis. TECS updates CLASS daily, at the end of each day. and Suspicious Organizations Mr. Brennan commented that CLASS is not an appropriate tool for organizations because it doesn't handle (i.e., collect and search) organization information. There has to be a simpler, more efficient way of establishing an organization lookout list than putting it into CLASS; there should be other resources for consular officers to look up this information.

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Record of Interview

ed by: Gabrielle Anderson ,: 7/9/02 Q Code: 320087

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"00" Hits i

Mr. Brennan stated that approximately 60,000 "00" hits come from TIPOFF data; 300,000 from the DEA; and another 100,000 come from State but he does not know the origin of them (though he thought that these were probably a mix of CIA and FBI information.) Hence, Mr. Brennan noted that there is a lot more than TIPOFF in CLASS,' since TIPOFF has approximately 500,000 "00" entries in CLASS (which makes up 10-15% of total "00" hits.)

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Record of Interview

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