T5 B64 Gao Visa Docs 1 Of 6 Fdr- 1-29-03 Gao Interview Re Ins Inspections- Visa Revocations 513

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/?9/ll Law // En f or cement I I Privacy Prepared by: Kate Brentzel / jj Date Prepared: February 10, 2003 / j Reviewed by: Type reviewer name here

Index: Type bundle index here DOC Number: Type document number here DOC Library: Type library name here Job Code: Type job code here

Record of Interview/ Title Purpose Contact Method / Contact Place Contact Date Participants

INS Inspections Interview with Tim Goyer and Toidjscuss INS processes for visa revocations and to discuss available data On revocations In-pe'rson\w \; Lookout Unit; 1525 Wilson Blvd. Suite 425, Rosslyn, VA. January 29 ii J Tifri Goyer GAP: Judy McCloskey, Kate Brentzel, Jay Jennings

Comments/Remarks: / We met withlv Jand Tim Goyer to deterrnifte the actions they take to process visa revocations jind to discuss the type of revocation data available at their office.


_~jsaid that sjie receives notification from State through faxed revocation certificates and through cables (State/prepares cables on each revocation which are sent to posts and also to INS rters. Cables that arrive at INS headquarters are then serit through interagency mail to| | t her Rosslyji location) j [said that $or^etimes site receives the cable before she receives the faxed revocation certificate. \e faxes revocation certificate to this number: 202-30


from 7am to 6:30 pm (Monday through Friday? we needto check this)::Once the revocation certificate is received, the data from the certificate is ad^ed fnto NAJLSj paid that 95 percent of "adds"/are done on the same day that they are received, although if the fax arrives at 6:15pm in the evening, it will most likely be entered into NAILS the next day. Once it has been entered into NAjLS, it gets uploaded into IBIS at midnight of the same day.| [said that she files all of the faxed revocation notifications chronologically. Prudential Revocation vs. Revocations Ms. said that the INS does not differentiate between "prudential revocations" and "revocations" like State does. Condor 105/


Jrestated some information on the status of the Condor. 105 "which she covered in her first briefing for us (see doc 780929 for write-up). She provided us\e list of the 46 names that State sent her in December 2002 (the list contains the same 105 nafties that we have on our list of 105, but Jim Pritchitt at State wrote "OK" beside 59 names and told) that the Foreign Jresearched Terrorist Tracking Task Force [FTTTF] had cleared those 59 individuals).]. the 46 names on NAILS and NIIS and determined that 1 individual had entered the U.S. and already left but that 7 had entered and remained in the U.S.; she did not have exit information on these 7.

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Record of Interview

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Prepared by: Kate Brentzel bate Prepared: February 10, 2003 Reviewed byiType reviewer name here

Index: Type bundle index here DOC Number: Type document number here DOC Library: Type library name here Job Code: Type job code here


Jresearch on the 46 consists of: a copy of the faxed revocation certificate, the NAILS entry on the individual;..and the NIIS record if applicable. Mr. Goyer agreed to let us have copies of this information. We said that we would like to return to their office to do similar research on the remaining 59. IVJr. Goyer said that we would have to make this request in writing to one of his supervisors, Mike Cronin.

\Data Issues Whije discussing the revocation process at INS,i that is shared between agencies. For example:

_|mentioned several problems with data

• Name data may differ slightly between FTTTF, State and IBIS. \ Revocation certificates contain the individual's name, date and place of birth but they do not list the passport number.) paid that it might help to include the passport Dumber on the revocation certificates so that she can enter it into NAILS. She also said that \t would help if INS received all the information from the Consular Consolidated Database, such as the visa photo. • Foi; individuals with 5 or more names, it is sometimes impossible for INS to determine from the revocation certificate which is the last name(s) and which is the first name(s). it would help if State put the last name in all capital letters. • CLASS has a real-time feed into IBIS but not all CLASS records are automatically downloaded into IBIS and NAILS. Further Work at INS We ascertained that by doing data collection at the Lookout Unit, we could get access to NAILS, IBIS, and NIIS. We would also have access to hard copies of all revocation certificates received from State.

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Record of Interview

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