T3 B6 Schedules And Deadlines Fdr- Emails And Memos Re Hearing And Work Schedule 050

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Mike Hurley From: Sent: To:

Jamie Gorelick Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:04 PM staff


Thank you

Thank you to all of the staff who worked so hard on our hearing. It was highly substantive, despite the media swirl, and even advanced our knowledge in helpful ways. If our recommendations are to have any impact, we need the public to hear the most salient facts, so despite how hard it was to prepare for and put on the hearing, please know that the effort was - in this one commissioner's view - well worthwhile. You should feel good about it. Thank you for your service. Jamie Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld Jamie Gorelick Wilmer Cutler Pickering LLP 2445 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 (202) 663-6500

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Mike Hurley From:

Warren Bass


Thursday, March 04, 2004 4:47 PM


Stephanie Kaplan; Team 3; Front Office


Dan Leopold

Subject: RE: Commissioner Line-Up for March Hearing

Mike and I both think the NSC line-up looks terrific. Thanks, Warren Original Message From: Stephanie Kaplan Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 4:33 PM To: Team 3; Front Office Cc: Dan Leopold Subject: Commissioner Line-Up for March Hearing Colleagues: Below please find a draft line-up for the March hearing. I admit that it is not perfect, but it's a start. It partially reflects Commissioner feedback/interest. It also, for the most part, assigns Commissioners to witnesses whose private interviews they also attended. Day One Albright: Powell: Cohen: Rumsfeld:

Roemer, Thompson Hamilton, Lehman Kerrey, Fielding Ben-Veniste, Gorton

Day Two Tenet: Berger: Clarke:

Ben-Veniste, Fielding Roemer, Lehman Gorelick, Gorton

Please let me know which, if any, of these combinations work for you. Thanks, Stephanie


7(202)331-1125 F (202) 296-5545 www.9-11commission.gov


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Mike Hurley From:

Mike Hurley


Sunday, February 29, 2004 11:04 AM


Team 3

Subject: Ongoing Tasks


We have some busy days ahead. Here's what's coming down the road at us-

Staff Statements: • Tomorrow—Monday, March 1, we send the Front Office our draft staff statements. From March 1-8 we'll revise the statements based on input from the Front Office. Warren will be copy editor for revisions, work closely with him. • The then agreed upon drafts will be sent by the Front Office to Dan Levin for distribution to appropriate agencies for pre-publication review on either March 8 or 9. The Front Office, with our help, will then work through classification issues with agencies. • We'll have to eventually produce a 1-page "bulletized" summary of the key points in each staff statement. The 1-pagers will be distributed to press at the public hearings. Please be thinking about that.

Hearing Books: Marquittia will finalize 2 copies of the "Greatest Hits" read binder for commissioners. That will be available for commissioners' review by close of business March 1. • We'll also need to prepare separate binders for commissioners on the following issue areas: . NSC (Warren and Mike);


Page 2 of 3 Military (Bonnie); Intelligence (Alexis); Diplomacy (Scott and Dan B.); • These binders must be done and available for commissioners to read at K Street by March 8. They should include a limited number of key MFRs, significant articles, and documents. If there are documents you would like to include but that are held by agencies, we should request the documents for the limited purpose of background for commissioners. Philip said that he would support such requests. We need to start this now, however, so we can get the material we think important for commissioners' background reading. • We have other types of interesting memos and documents here -for example, Alexis, you have your "cheat sheets" on "eyes on" opportunities and your short summary of authorities; Bonnie, I think you have some DoD material you might want to include in the military binder. Work with Marquittia on these binders. There should be 2 copies of each one, in case there are two commissioners here at the same time who wish to read. We're also on the hook to prepare focused hearing books that the commissioners will have and make use of at the hearings. Those will be due on March 15.

Lines of Inquiry: We need to start compiling the questions we want commissioners to ask each of the witnesses. Please begin preparing interview questions. Keep in mind that these are "open" hearings, so we'll have to be careful about what questions we ask. • Depending on the questions, we may need to provide agency points of contacts with more specifics on what commissioners are likely to raise with their principals. • Beginning March 15, the week before our hearings, we're likely going to be spending some time going over the lines of inquiry with individual commissioners, and incorporating their feed back. 2/29/2004

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Presentation to Commissioners: • On March 22 at a working dinner, we'll formally brief commissioners on Team 3's work. We need to decide as a group how we're going to do this. PowerPoint Presentation? Hold a mock "Small Group" meeting to discuss how a key issue or two were decided? How they might have been decided differently? Other ideas?

Monograph: Also, as I requested last week, please continue working on your portions of the monograph. As you can see from the above, there's much to do related to the hearings, but try to grab some slots of time to make progress on your monograph assignments. If we're able to get some of that done, it'll make our work in April considerably less hectic.

Thanks for all your hard work! Mike


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Mike Hurley From:

Stephanie Kaplan


Tuesday, March 02, 2004 10:23 PM


Team 3


Front Office; Dan Leopold; Karen Heitkotter

Subject: March Hearing Agenda

Colleagues: Attached please find a revised March hearing agenda. It places Berger before Clarke, and lengthens Clarke's appearance to 3 hours. (I also moved the start time to 9 a.m. on the second day as an early start is neither necessary nor feasible.) I am still unclear as to which of these witnesses have confirmed. My last email suggested that Dan L. contact each of their offices. Does everyone agree on this course of action? At the very least, we need to inform Tenet and Berger of their new panel times. Tomorrow, our esteemed General Counsel will speak to Dick Clarke about his infamous scheduling conflicts. Hundreds of KSG students are going to be very disappointed about having a spring afternoon off... Finally, we have received a few panel preferences from Commissioners, but I will provide a line-up proposal tomorrow. Stephanie STEPHANIE L. KAPLAN

9-11 COMMISSION 1(202)331-1125 F (202) 296-5545 www.9-11commission.gov


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Mike Hurley From:

Ellie Hartz


Wednesday, February 25, 2004 3:46 PM


Stephanie Kaplan; Emily Walker


Chris Kojm; Mike Hurley; Philip Zelikow

Subject: RE: Releasing the Hearing Schedule Can I explain to the families that we cannot release a schedule other than the one in March, which is only still for their knowledge, until we have the extension approved? We never have the prehearing conference calls more than a week before a hearing. I agree with Stephanie that the FSC is going to have very high expectations for the hearing so the idea of questions being submitted before the call is great - perhaps we can limit them to a manageable number for each category, so their expectations of the call are met and Team 3 is not overwhelmed. Ellie Original Message From: Stephanie Kaplan Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 12:48 PM To: Emily Walker; Ellie Hartz Cc: Chris Kojm; Mike Hurley; Philip Zelikow Subject: Releasing the Hearing Schedule Ellie and Emily: I just spoke to Chris and Steve. They agreed that we cannot release the hearing schedule to the families until the extension is granted because the schedule presupposes an extension. Furthermore, the current schedule moves the NORAD/FAA hearing from April to June. The extension must be a done deal before we can go public. Chris will confirm this plan with the Chair and Vice Chair on a conference call this afternoon, as the issue did not come up at yesterday's Commission meeting. That said, I informed the families of the March hearing date because Chris had done so with Bill Harvey yesterday. (Bill stopped by the office, unannounced, during the Commission meeting. If Chris has not already done so, I'd be happy to fill you in on what Bill said). Team 3 is working very hard on their four staff statements right now. I don't think that they will want to hold a conference call with the families until March 15 or 16. Given the controversial nature of this hearing, I think that we should strongly encourage them to submit their questions in writing (and in advance of the call) according to the following categories: diplomacy, military, intelligence, and policy. These categories reflect the structure of the hearing itself, and it will help the appropriate people on Team 3 address their questions on the call. Thanks, Stephanie


7(202)331-1125 F (202) 296-5545 www.9-11commission.gov


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Mike Hurley From:

Mike Hurley


Wednesday, February 18, 2004 7:25 PM


Stephanie Kaplan


Mike Hurley

Subject: Memo to Commissioners

Stephanie: Thanks for bringing the memo back here. We got involved in a long and interesting conversation with Philip. I suggest you send the memo with your edits forward to the rest of the front office for approval. Thanks, Mike


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Mike Hurley From:

Mike Hurley


Friday, February 13, 2004 7:47 AM


Team 3

Subject: FW: Staff Statements

TeamSmates: Please do your very best to meet the deadlines as specified below. Also, as you work on your draft staff statements, feel free to submit them to a team 3 colleague (or colleagues) for a first scrub before they go to Warren on or before their due dates. Thanks, Mike —Original Message From: Mike Hurley Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 4:07 PM To: Team 3 Cc: Bonnie Jenkins Subject: Staff Statements

TeamSmates: Per today's meeting with Philip, Chris, Dan Marcus and Stephanie: • We'll do 4 staff statements for the 23-24 March public hearings: Diplomacy (Scott and Dan B.), DoD/Military (Bonnie), CIA (Alexis), and NSC Policy Coordination (Mike and Warren). • The staff statements should not exceed 10 single space pages. • Warren will copy edit our drafts. • Here are Team 3's internal due dates for our first drafts of the statements:


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Mike and Warren's NSC paper, due at opening of business Monday, February 23


Alexis's CIA paper, due at opening of business, Monday, February 23


Bonnie's DoD/Military paper, due at close of business, Wednesday, February 25


Scott and Dan's Diplomacy paper, due at close of business, Wednesday, February 25

Warren will copy edit them and return them for rewrites between Monday February 23 and Sunday February 29. We'll submit all of them to the front office at opening of business Monday, March 1.

• We'll complete the various rewrites, based on front office comments/editing, between March 1 and March 6. We'll close on them by opening of business Monday, March 8. • We'll, with the front office's approval, submit them to agencies for review on Monday, March 8. • Philip advised us to write them without worrying about classification. Those issues will be worked out during the editing process. • Bonnie: I'll provide you with Philip's guidance, which you can take or leave, on key points for the DoD piece. • Others: Philip provided guidance/suggestions on our respective issues during today's session. Those present know the points he made. Dan, you can speak to Scott about what Philip said re diplomacy. While we're drafting the staff statements, we'll need to be doing other things related to the hearings as well: draft letters of invitation, containing general lines of inquiry, to those who will be appearing in the hearings; engage with the invitees or their staff designees to prepare them for the hearings; put together hearing books, draft lines of inquiry for commissioners to use in examining the officials at the hearings; create a power point presentation to be given to commissioners to 2/13/2004

Page 3 of3 prepare them for the hearings; for each staff statement create a 1-page list of key points that can be distributed to the press. Mike


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Mike Hurley From:

Mike Hurley


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 4:07 PM


Team 3


Bonnie Jenkins

Subject: Staff Statements

TeamSmates: Per today's meeting with Philip, Chris, Dan Marcus and Stephanie: • We'll do 4 staff statements for the 23-24 March public hearings: Diplomacy (Scott and Dan B.), DoD/Military (Bonnie), CIA (Alexis), and NSC Policy Coordination (Mike and Warren). • The staff statements should not exceed 10 single space pages. • Warren will copy edit our drafts. • Here are Team 3's internal due dates for our first drafts of the statements: o

Mike and Warren's NSC paper, due at opening of business Monday, February 23

o Alexis's CIA paper, due at opening of business, Monday, February 23 o

Bonnie's DoD/Military paper, due at close of business, Wednesday, February 25

o Scott and Dan's Diplomacy paper, due at close of business, Wednesday, February 25 • Warren will copy edit them and return them for rewrites between Monday February 23 and Sunday February 29. We'll submit all of them to the front office at opening of business Monday, March 1. We'll complete the various rewrites, based on front office comments/editing, between March 1 and March 6.


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We'll close on them by opening of business Monday, March 8. • We'll, with the front office's approval, submit them to agencies for review on Monday, March 8. Philip advised us to write them without worrying about classification. Those issues will be worked out during the editing process. • Bonnie: I'll provide you with Philip's guidance, which you can take or leave, on key points for the DoD piece. • Others: Philip provided guidance/suggestions on our respective issues during today's session. Those present know the points he made. Dan, you can speak to Scott about what Philip said re diplomacy. While we're drafting the staff statements, we'll need to be doing other things related to the hearings as well: draft letters of invitation, containing general lines of inquiry, to those who will be appearing in the hearings; engage with the invitees or their staff designees to prepare them for the hearings; put together hearing books, draft lines of inquiry for commissioners to use in examining the officials at the hearings; create a power point presentation to be given to commissioners to prepare them for the hearings; for each staff statement create a 1-page list of key points that can be distributed to the press. Mike


Late March Public Hearings Next Steps Contact all participants Ahmad Rashid Letters Schedule hearing room for those days Begin preparing hearing books Bios/backgrounds Questions for Commissioners Team 3 daily update listing actions

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