T2 B4 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- Key Questions- Intel Collection- Analysis- Management- Oversight- Resources 561

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  • Words: 472
  • Pages: 1
DRAFT Team #2

Intelligence Collection, Analysis, Management, Oversight and Resources Key Questions of the Investigation 1. Who was in charge of counterterrorism intelligence collection and analysis prior to September 2001? What was the strategy? How did counterterrorism rank among competing national security threats? How effective was the prioritization process; how effective was the overall strategy? 2. How did the intelligence community perform collection, analysis and production of strategic and tactical counterterrorism intelligence for the President and the NSC prior to September 2001? What were there collection and analysis strategies? How effective were these strategies, particularly in regards to al Qaida during the 1990s? 3. What covert actions were conducted to support US counterterrorism policy? Which agencies were involved, how did it evolve during the 1990s leading up to September 2001? How effective was it, who managed it, and who was responsible for overseeing it? 4. Did any government officials or organizations act irresponsibly, negligently, or illegally in executing their responsibilities for monitoring terrorism prior to September 2001; or did they actively impede the ability of the US to attain warning of the 9-11 attacks? 5. What were the strategic and tactical warnings provided to government officials prior to September 2001? What warning was provided and who received it prior to: the attacks against US personnel in Yemen in 1992; the WTC bombing in 1993; the Khobar Towers attack in 1996; the bombings of the US embassies in 1998; the Millennium celebrations of 2000; and the USS Cole attack in 2000? When was warning effective, when was it not? What response did the warning elicit from government officials? 6. How did the Intelligence Community respond (new actions, changed policies, revised practices) and what did it learn from the succession of terrorist attacks against the US during the 1990s; how effectively did it apply these lessons to its on-going foreign intelligence and covert action operations? 7. How have various policies governing intelligence activities - e.g., the assassination ban, the ban on using human rights violators for intelligence sources, and various FISA restrictions - impacted US efforts to thwart terrorist activities? 8. How much was spent on counterterrorism intelligence and covert action from 1989 to September 2001? How was it spent? What was requested in the President's Budget for this mission; how much was reallocated within the President's Budget; how much was provided through supplemental appropriations; and how much was provided through third parties (both cash and in kind)? Were the counterterrorism efforts of the Intelligence Community adequately funded? 9. How did the Executive Branch conduct oversight of US counterterrorism intelligence and covert action programs prior to September 2001? How did Congress conduct such oversight? Was the oversight effective? Did the level of operational detail requested by the Congress impede or improve the effectiveness of the programs? How has this changed since September 2001?


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