T2 B4 Team 2 Interview Plan Fdr- Entire Contents- Memos And Draft Lists Re Interviews 560

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Download & View T2 B4 Team 2 Interview Plan Fdr- Entire Contents- Memos And Draft Lists Re Interviews 560 as PDF for free.

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Mail:: INBOX: Draft List of Non-Government Interviews 9/11 Personal Privacy

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INBOX: Draft List of toon-Government Move i copy lltlillT.??.?.?.??.!0 Interviews (5 of 80) Cis»


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Date: Tue. 01 Jul 20Q3 09:07:44 -0400

From: Bruce Berkowitzf



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'"••-.._ '""-...

To: "Scheid, Kevin" ^, "Scheid, Kevih'i Cc: "Lederman, Gordon" ^, "Salvetti, Lloyd (home)"! "Fenner, Lorry" ^ Subject: Draft List of Non-Government Interviews

Kevin: Here is a list of 16 people not currently in government that I would propose interviewing in the near future.

Regards, B 12 Unknown Document application/msword 42.48 KB


Closed by Statute

2. David Cohen

.. .

Position: Deputy Director for Operations 1996-6; previously Dl analyst; currently NYC Deputy Mayor Interview topics: CIA policy for training and development of HUMINT personnel; policy, strategy, and rules on recruitment of HUMINT assets. 3. John Deutch Position: Deputy Secretary of Defense 1994-5, Director of Central Intelligence 1995-6; currently Institute Professor at MIT Interview topics: Development and rationale for PD-35; state of CIA analysis and plans for development; CIA policies on recruitment of assets; general strategic planning for the terrorist threat in the mid-1990s.


Closed by Statute

5. Robert Gates


Position: Director of Central Intelligence, 1992-3; previously various NSC and CIA assignments; currently Dean of the George Bush School at Texas A&M University

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmai I/imp/message.php?index=672


Mail:: INBOX: Draft List of Non-Government Interviews


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Interview topics: Strategic decisions taken during tenure as DCI affecting manpower and other resources; recommendations provided to George W. Bush campaign and transition

9/11 Closed by Statute

7. David Jeremiah Position: Various Navy and DOD positions, including Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1991-4; currently President of Technology Strategies & Alliances Corporation Interview topics: Findings and recommendations of the Jeremiah Commission investigating U.S. intelligence prior to the 1998 Indian and Pakistani nuclear tests

9/11 Closed by Statute

9. Richard Kerr Position: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 1989-92; Acting Director of Central Intelligence 1991; currently Trustee, Mitre Corporation Interview topics: Strategic decisions taken during tenure as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence affecting intelligence capabilities against terrorist threats 10. Robert Kerrey Position: Member, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence 1990-6, Vice Chairman, 1995-6


Interview topics: Effectiveness of congressional oversight and recommendations for improvements; major intelligence issues of concern to Congress during his tenure

9/11 Closed by Statute

12. Ted Price Position: Associate Deputy Director for Operations 1991-2; Deputy Director for Operations, 1992-4; currently Director of Corporate Security for Lehman Brothers



Mail :: INBOX: Draft List of Non-Government Interviews

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Interview topics: CIA policy for training and development of HUMINT personnel; policy, strategy, and rules on recruitment of HUMINT assets. 13. NoraSlatkln


Postion: CIA Executive Director 1 995-6; currently executive at Citibank) interview topics: Development and rationale for PD-35; state of CIA analysis and plans for development; CIA policies on recruitment of assets; general strategic planning for the terrorist threat in the mid-1990s. 14. Jeffrey Smith Position: General Counsel 1994-6; currently Partner, Arnold & Porter Interview topics: CIA 'scrub" of HUMINT assets in the mid-1990s; subsequent rules on recruitment 15. William Studeman Position: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 1 992-5; Acting Director of Central Intelligence 1 995-6; currently executive at TRW Interview topics: Strategic decision taken during tenure as Deputy Director of Central' Intelligence affecting manpower and other resources 16. R. James Woolsey Position: Director of Central Intelligence, 1 993-4; currently executive at Booz Allen Interview topics: CIA planning and budgets in the early 1990s, especially as relevant to terrorism

1 4

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Interview Request: Non-Government Analysis and 1C Management 9/11 Closed by Statute

Mr. Richard Kerr: Former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence

Adm. William Studeman: Former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence

• Adm. David Jeremiah: Former Vice Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff I/•—^ • Dr. William Schneider: Former Defense and OMB policy official /

Amb. Stapleton Roy: Former Director, Bureau Intelligence and Research

\ Mr. Stanley Feeder: Former DI Analyst \ Mr. rU4fic< Guu^ <J*A> Collection. HUMINT and SIGINT '



Mr. Ted Price: Former CIA Deputy Director of Operation Mr. David Cohen: FormerCIA Deputy Director of Operations 9/11 Closed by Statute 9/11 Closed by Statute 9/11 Closed by Statute


Man Congressional Oversight and 1C Management Mr. Jeffrey Smith: Former CIA General Counsel 9/11 Closed by Statute


Mr. Mike O'Neill: Former CIA General Counsel Senator Robert Kerrey: Former SSCI Vice Chair Senator Warren Rudman: Former Chairman PFIAfJ,/ Mr. Nick Rostow: Former Chief Counsel, National .Security Council (NYC) Mr. Britt Snider: Former CIA Inspector General, ,$SCI Chief Counsel Mr. Art Grant: Former SSCI Staff, Deputy Staff Director, NRO Commission

9/11 Closed by Statute




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9/11 Closed by Statute


Adam Ciongoli Department of Justice


Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding CIA

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I.

Background Briefings.

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003. A.

Community Management: The organizations that perform Intelligence Community coordination (intelligence policy formulation, collection [National Intelligence Collection Board], analysis [National Intelligence Production Board], budget, financial oversight, legal review, Congressional affairs, and inspector general responsibilities).


The Intelligence Priorities Process. The process by which the Intelligence Community establishes priorities.


The Budget Process: The process by which the Intelligence Community formulates its budget.


General Counsel: Statutes, Executive Orders, and regulations governing the Intelligence Community's structure and operations.


Central Intelligence Agency. •

The Directorate of Operations: Its organizational structure and processes, and the tradecraft of HUMENT.

The Directorate of Intelligence: Its organizational structure and process, and the tradecraft of analysis.

The Terrorist Threat Integration Center: Its organizational structure and processes.

The Counterterrorist Center: Its origins, organizational structure, and operations.




Please arrange for Commission staff to interview the following individuals at the CIA as soon as possible. These interviews will be conducted in accordance with the [FELL IN], 2003 agreement between the Commission and the CIA. Please note that the Commission intends to interview additional CIA personnel and may wish to interview the following individuals more than once. A.

Community Leadership. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

John McLaughlin Joan Dempsey Charlie Allen Mark Lowenthal Larry Kindsvater


National Intelligence Council. 1. Stuart Cohen 2. Paul Pillar 3. John Helgerson


CIA Management. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Buzzy Krongard John Moseman JimPavitt Pat Hanback Jamie Misik Stan Moscowitz

Counterterrorism Management and Analysis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Fred Turco Winston Wiley John Brennan


9/11 Closed by Statut e 1 1

Patty Kindsvater 9/11 Closed by S t a t u t e ^^^^^^ 1

9/11 closed bY


\_eniraj intelligence Agency


Melissa Kevin and Gordon May 14, 2003 Interviews With Retired Officials

Please contact the following individuals to arrange interviews by Commission staff. For individuals in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, interviews will take place at the K Street location. Please allot two hours for each interview. I.

Former CIA Officials. 1. MiltBearden 2. 4. 5. fi v*

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

9/11 Closed by Statute

Jack Downing (Gordon has his address) John McMahon (Gordon has his address) 9/11

Closed by Statute


Dewey Claridge Ted Price Paul Pillar Lloyd Salvetti Dewey Claridge


Former NSC Officials. 1. Nick Rostow 2. General Wayne Downing (ret.) 3. Randy Beers 4. Richard Clarke, Council on Foreign Relations 5. Mary McCarthy 6. Linda Flohr [WORK WITH TEAM 3]


Former DQJ Officials. [WORK WITH TEAM 6]


Former POD Officials. 1. John Hamre 2. Art Money 3. SOLIC? 4. DIA?


Former State Department Officials. 1. Chris Kojm 2. INR


Former NSA Officials.


Other Former Executive Branch Officials.


Former Members of Congress and Congressional Staffers.


Adam Ciongoli Department of Justice


Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding The National Security Agency

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I.

Background Briefings.

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003.



Please arrange for Commission staff to interview the following individuals at NSA as soon as possible. [These interviews will be conducted in accordance with the [FILL IN], 2003 agreement between the Commission and NSA.] Please note that the Commission intends to interview additional NSA personnel and may wish to interview the following individuals more than once.


[POC] National Security Agency


Adam Ciongoli Department of Justice


Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding the NSC Staff

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I.

Background Briefings.

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003.



Please arrange for Commission staff to interview the following individuals at the CIA as soon as possible. [These interviews will be conducted in accordance with the [FILL IN], 2003 agreement between the Commission and the NSC.] Please note that the Commission intends to interview additional NSC personnel and may wish to interview the following individuals more than once.


[POC] National Security Council


Adam Ciongoli Department of Justice


Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding The State Department

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I.

Background Briefings.

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003.



Please arrange for Commission staff to interview the following individuals at the State Department as soon as possible. [These interviews will be conducted in accordance with the [FILL IN], 2003 agreement between the Commission and the State Department.] Please note that the Commission intends to interview additional State Department personnel and may wish to interview the following individuals more than once. 1. 2.


Richard Armitage Lincoln Bloomfield

[POC] Department of State


Adam Ciongoli Department of Justice


Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding The Department Of Justice

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I.

Background Briefings.

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003.



Please arrange for Commission staff to interview the following individuals at the Department of Justice as soon as possible. [These interviews will be conducted in accordance with the [FILL IN], 2003 agreement between the Commission and the Department of Justice.] Please note that the Commission intends to interview additional Department of Justice personnel and may wish to interview the following individuals more than once.


POC, if different from Ciongoli Department of Justice]


Adam Ciongoli Department of Justice


Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding The Department Of Defense

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I.

Background Briefings.

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003.



Please arrange for Commission staff to interview the following individuals at the Department of Defense as soon as possible. These interviews will be conducted in accordance with the [FILL IN], 2003 agreement between the Commission and the Department of Defense. Please note that the Commission intends to interview additional Department of Defense personnel and may wish to interview the following individuals more than once. 1. 2. 3.


Stephen Cambone Richard Haver John Stenbit

[POC] Department of Defense


[Majority Staff Director], Majority Staff Director [Minority Staff Director], Minority Staff Director Senate Select Committee on Intelligence


Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding The SSCI

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I.

Background Briefings.

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003.



Please arrange for Commission staff to interview the following individuals at the SSCI as soon as possible. These interviews will be conducted in accordance with the [FILL IN], 2003 agreement between the Commission and the Department of Defense. Please note that the Commission intends to interview additional Department of Defense personnel and may wish to interview the following individuals more than once.


[Majority Staff Director], Majority Staff Director [Minority Staff Director], Minority Staff Director House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence


Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding The Department Of Defense

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I.

Background Briefings.

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003.



Please arrange for Commission staff to interview the following individuals at the Department of Defense as soon as possible. These interviews will be conducted in accordance with the [FILL IN], 2003 agreement between the Commission and the Department of Defense. Please note that the Commission intends to interview additional Department of Defense personnel and may wish to interview the following individuals more than once.


[POC] Department of Defense


Adam Ciongoli Department of Justice


Kevin Scheid


Briefings and Interviews Regarding The Department Of Homeland Security

Please arrange the briefings and interviews set forth below. Please note that the Commission may supplement this list, as well as request documents and other materials, in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I.

Background Briefings.

Please arrange background briefings on the following topics in order to orient the Commission's staff by the end of May 2003.



Please arrange for Commission staff to interview the following individuals at the Department of Homeland Security as soon as possible. [These interviews will be conducted in accordance with the [FILL IN], 2003 agreement between the Commission and the Department of Homeland Security.] Please note that the Commission intends to interview additional Department of Defense personnel and may wish to interview the following individuals more than once.


[POC] Department of Homeland Security


Community Leadership. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


John McLaughlin Joan Dempsey Charlie Allen Mark Lowenthal Larry Kindsvater

National Intelligence Council. 1. Stuart Cohen 2. Paul Pillar 3. John Helgerson CIA Management. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Counterterrorism Management and Analysis. 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7.


Buzzy Krongard John Moseman Jim Pavitt Pat Hanback Jamie Misik Stan Moscowitz

FredTurco Winston Wiley JohnBrennan 1 1 9/11 Closed by Statute 1 1 Patty Kindsvater 9/11 Closed by Statute 1

Former CJA Officials I.

Milt Bearden 9/11 Closed by Statute

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.

Jack Downing (Gordon has his address) John McMahon (Gordon has his address) 9/11 Closed by Statute

Dewey Claridge Ted Price Paul Pillar Lloyd Salvetti


Dewey Claridge

(2) NSA (3) NSC A.

Former NSC Official 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Nick Rostow General Wayne Downing (ret.) Randy Beers Richard Clarke, Council on Foreign Relations Mary McCarthy Linda Flohr

(4) DOD A.

Former DOD Officials 1. 2. 3. 4.

(5) DHS (6) State (7) Congress

JohnHamre Art Money SOLIC? DIA?

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