T2 B24 Aircraft As Weapons 2 Of 2 Fdr- Straws In The Wind- Suicide Planes116

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Lorry Fenner From: Sent: To: Subject:

[email protected] ^} j&#^/c/ty£fj2> dTuesday, November 25, 2003 8:55 PM U ~ r^W [email protected]; [email protected]; SBrinkley@9- .{ /> yi/^, ^ 11Commission.gov; [email protected]; [email protected] ~A-K-y'U~L/ 'Irish1 Flynn: 'Straws in the Wind' (FINAL) -J £^

Online NewsHour: Securing the Skies -- October 2, 2001 http: //www.pbs . org/newshour/bb/terrorism/ july-dec01/airline_10-2 .html CATHAL FLYNN: The failure the wind: That people are that people who next took it, but might want to use

was on my part to put together certain straws in suicidal, that people can learn how to fly planes, and over planes might not be taking it over to divert it as a missile

TOM BEARDEN: But no one predicted that. CATHAL FLYNN: No one predicted that. But I'll regret it. I do regret it.

Straws in the Wind 'Jump Seater' Attacks Federal Express Flight Crew (April 1994) http://www.law.emory.edu/6circuit/june97/97a0184p.06.html ....One of the FedEx flights scheduled to operate out of Memphis on the day before the hearing date was Flight 705, a DC-10 cargo plane bound for California. Prior to the departure of this flight on April 7, 1994, Mr. Galloway presented himself at the plane in full flight gear and with carry-on items. Although he was not a member of the flight crew, he entered the cockpit and began adjusting instruments and controls as if he were. The real crew members -- pilot David Sanders, co-pilot James Tucker, and flight engineer Andy Peterson -arrived later, and they assumed Mr. Galloway was a "jump-seater" (i.e., an employee passenger). After the plane took off, Mr. Galloway entered the cockpit and began attacking the crew with a hammer. He then left the cockpit, armed himself with a spear gun and spear, and renewed his assault. At some point in the course of these events crew members were able to request — and were cleared for -- an emergency return to the Memphis airport. While two of the crew members struggled with Mr. Galloway, pilot Sanders successfully completed an emergency landing. A paramedic then entered the aircraft and handcuffed Galloway. The plane was later searched by FedEx security personnel, who found two claw hammers, two sledgehammers, a spear gun, and a spear. They also discovered a note from Mr. Galloway to his ex-wife, describing the author's apparent despair. The crew of Flight 705 sustained serious injuries. Co-pilot Tucker suffered severe skull fractures, and he developed motor control problems in his right arm and right leg. He was also partially blinded in one eye as a result of Mr. Galloway's attempt to gouge the eye out. Pilot Sanders suffered several deep gashes in his head, and doctors had to sew his right ear back in place. He was stabbed in his right arm and had a dislocated jaw. Flight engineer Peterson's skull was fractured and his temporal artery severed.

http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/political-science/whitehouse-papers/1994 /Sep/1994-09-12-Press-Briefing-by-Noble-and-Meyer-on-Whitehouse-Airplane-Cra

•sh Sept. 11, 1994: A single-engine, two-seat Cessna aircraft was stolen in the late evening from a Maryland airport. The plane was detected flying into Washington, D.C., but government and military officials did not respond. The plane crashed at 2 a.m. into the south lawn of the White House, just two floors below the President's bedroom. The pilot was killed.

The lesson of Air France Flight 8969 (December 1994) The Seattle Times: The Terrorist Within http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/news/nationworld/terroristwithin/chapterS.ht ml PARIS, December 1994 - Of all the cases Jean-Louis Bruguiere had handled over two decades of tracking down terrorists, this was one of the most disturbing. Four men, wearing the blue uniform of Algeria's national airline, had charged onto an Air France jet on the tarmac in Algiers, killing two passengers. They wired dynamite inside the plane and were overheard discussing how to blow it up over Paris. The Algiers control tower refused to release the plane for takeoff and a tense standoff lasted two days. But after the hijackers executed a French passenger, threw him out onto the tarmac and threatened to kill another passenger every half hour, the Airbus jet was given clearance for takeoff to France. The plane touched down in Marseille, where the hijackers ordered it filled with 27 tons of jet fuel - far more than needed to make it the 400 miles to Paris. http://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/america_under_attack/clues/timeline.html An Algerian hijacking is foiled in Marseille, France. The French government reveals the target was the Eiffel Tower and warns the next step for terrorists is to train as pilots. A Pentagon-commissioned report concludes that religious terrorists could hijack commercial airliners and crash them into the Pentagon or the White House.

January 20, 1995 Philippine police uncovered Operation Bojinka, an al- Qaeda operation organized by Ramzi Yousef, a bin Laden associate who masterminded the World Trade Center bombing in 1993. CNN.com - September 11: The Asian blueprint - March 11, 2002 September 11: The Asian blueprint By Maria Ressa CNN (CNN) --Hundreds of top secret documents from the Philippines outline a clear plan to recruit Islamic extremists and train them as pilots in flight schools in the United States. Their goal: a suicide mission. As part of a bundle of material obtained by CNN, one police report in particular stands out: "What the subject has in his mind is that he will board any American commercial aircraft pretending to be an ordinary passenger. Then he will hijack [the] said aircraft, control its cockpit and dive it at the CIA headquarters. "Other buildings targeted: the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. It may sound like September 11, but it's not. That report was dated January 2

•20, 1995. Philippine police say that document and others outlining three terrorist plots were given to the FBI in 1995 after investigators here busted a terrorist cell. Two attacks -- to assassinate the Pope and to bomb U.S. planes were foiled, but parts of the last and most ambitious plan, Philippine police say, became reality six years later. ....A senior U.S. official acknowledges America got the information. The FBI checked four flight schools named in the documents, U.S. law enforcement officials say, but found no evidence of any terrorist attacks. Still, from that 1995 Philippine cell, three men were convicted in America for plotting to blow up a number of U.S. airliners in Asia: Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; Abdul Hakim Murad, the pilot, who trained in four U.S. schools, and Wall Khan Amin Shah, who fought with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

Air Force: Mysterious jet crash a suicide http://www.cnn.com/US/9710/24/alO.crash/

(April 1997)

October 24, 1997 Web posted at: 9:49 p.m. EDT (0149 GMT) From CNN's Chris Plante WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Air Force investigators have concluded that Capt. Craig Button, whose A-10 jet mysteriously crashed in the Colorado Rockies after breaking away from formation during a training run in April, probably committed suicide. CNN has learned that in a report due out Monday, military investigators are calling the incident a case of "spontaneous" or "unpremeditated" suicide, largely because they ruled out any other explanation for the crash. ...Four 500-pound bombs that were on the jet at the time have never been recovered.

http://www.airwise.com/news/stories/99/02/12_silkair_crash.html Pilot Suicide 'Sole Cause' Of Silk Air Crash (December 1997) Feb 12, 1999 Aviation Week & Space Technology reports that international observers close to the investigation into the crash in which 104 people aboard Silk Air's Flight 185 plunged to their deaths in the Musi River near Palembang, Indonesia, in December 1997, have confirmed that suicide by Captain Tsu Ming Way was the sole cause of the tragedy. The final link in proving suicide was the re-construction of the Boeing 737's descent profile after the cockpit voice recorder and digital flight data recorder stopped operating, the magazine said. The results of simulator trials based on radar plots confirmed that only deliberate action could have resulted in the descent profile recorded. Simulator flights were conducted by Indonesian, Singaporean and Boeing test pilots in facilities in three countries with identical results. Safety experts point out that if both pilots were unconscious the aircraft would not fly straight down at full speed. It would tumble and wallow, with the nose repeatedly pitching up and down. The aircraft's transponder worked until the aircraft reached 19,000 feet. "The descent profile is that of deliberate action. There is no doubt about it," one of the observers was reported as saying.

April 12, 1999—Hijacking—Avianca—Colombia

An Avianca aircraft on a domestic flight between Bucaramanga and Bogota was hijacked by at least five armed members of the National Liberation Army (ELN) terrorist/insurgent organization. Most of the hijackers, who sat in various sections of the aircraft, were dressed as businessmen and one wore the collar of a Catholic priest. The hijacker who entered the cockpit issued specific flight instructions to the pilots and demonstrated a clear knowledge of aeronautical matters....

The Hijacking of All Nippon Airways Flight 61 July 1999 All Nippon Airways (ANA) flight 61 was hijacked by Yuji Nishizawa on July 23, 1999. The Boeing 747-400 aircraft carried 503 passengers and 14 crew on a domestic flight from Tokyo's Haneda Airport to Sapporo. On the morning of the hijacking, Nishizawa had taken two Japan Airlines (JAL) flights—from Tokyo to Osaka and back. He checked a bag containing two knives and carried another bag with him on the flight to Osaka. On the return flight to Tokyo, Nishizawa reportedly asked a flight attendant to allow him to see the cockpit of the 747-400 plane, probably to aid him in his plan. JAL authorizes cockpit tours on some flights, whereas ANA does not permit this practice on its domestic flights. Upon returning to Haneda Airport, Nishizawa claimed his checked bag and proceeded to the ANA departure gate to present his ticket for flight 61. He was not required to exit the baggage claim area and re-enter through the normal departure ticketing and security procedures. In this way, Nishizawa was able to board flight 61 without having to pass through a screening checkpoint for carry-on bags. He carried with him his two bags, one of which contained the two knives. ANA flight 61 departed Haneda Airport at 1123 hours (local). Approximately two minutes after takeoff, Nishizawa, seated in the aft section of the upper deck, stood up. When a flight attendant approached to tell him to be seated, he produced an 8-inch kitchen knife and demanded to be taken to the cockpit. He forced the flight attendant to knock on the door and pushed his way in when the door was opened. Once inside the cockpit, the hijacker ordered the First Officer to leave and then took his seat. Nishizawa gave the pilot instructions to fly to several different places: first, to Yokosuka, a U.S. Navy base south of Tokyo; then to Oshima in the Izu Islands south of Yokosuka; and finally to Yokota Air Base. Complying with the hijacker's demands, the pilot declared an emergency with Tokyo Flight Control at 1125 hours and turned the plane to the south. Meanwhile, the First Officer and flight attendants cleared most passengers from the upper deck. Several deadheading ANA crew members on board joined with the First Officer in attempting to hear what was taking place in the cockpit. The pilot discussed heading and altitudes with Tokyo Flight Control between 1125 hours and 1146 hours. He kept the transmit button pressed to enable his conversations with Nishizawa to be heard. As the plane flew over Kanagawa Province en route to Yokota Air Base, Nishizawa reportedly asked to fly the plane. Some reports suggest that he also told the pilot that he wanted to land the plane at Yokota. When the pilot refused, Nishizawa began to stab him in the neck. The pilot sustained multiple stab wounds which resulted in such serious bleeding that he died almost instantly. As the attack was taking place, the plane repeatedly pitched to the left and right. Nishizawa took the controls from the co-pilot's seat and attempted to disengage the autopilot and descend into Yokota. The First Officer and others outside the door rushed into the flight deck when they heard the plane's ground proximity warning alarm. Nishizawa was subdued as he fumbled with the controls, and with the plane at an altitude of approximately 600 feet. One deadheading ANA pilot took control and stopped the steep dive, while others tied Nishizawa to a seat with neckties and belts. The First Officer then assumed control of the plane and returned to Haneda Airport, where all three runways had been closed in preparation for the

emergency. The plane landed safely at 1216 hours. the plane and the hijacker was taken into custody. to crew members or passengers.

Upon arrival, police entered There were no other injuries

It is believed that Nishizawa hijacked the plane because, in his perception, Haneda Airport officials had failed to heed his warnings about security problems. He had claimed that these problems made Japanese airliners easy prey for hijackers. Nishizawa, as a student, reportedly held a part-time cargo handling position at Haneda Airport and gained some familiarity with the airport's operations. According to Japanese Transport Ministry officials, Nishizawa, in a letter, pointed out faults in security measures at Japanese airports. He also reportedly demanded compensation for his "investigations" into security problems. Nishizawa also reportedly told investigators that he hijacked the plane because he wanted to fly a jumbo jet. He boasted of his piloting ability in flight simulation games. It was his experience and familiarity with these games that may have led him to believe that he could safely pilot a large aircraft. Police suspect that Nishizawa's repeated playing of simulation games and reading aeronautics books played a role, not only in his decision to hijack the plane but also in a plan to fly a plane under the Rainbow Bridge, which crosses Tokyo Bay.
Monday, October 11, 1999 Published at 17:39 GMT 18:39 UK Suicide pilot destroys Air Botswana fleet http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/471568.stm The crash destroyed three ATR-42s An Air Botswana pilot has crashed his plane in an apparent suicide mission, destroying all but one of the airline's fleet. "....A private pilot at the airport quoted by the Agence France Press news agency said security was very lax and that it would have been easy for the pilot to gain access to the aircraft."

The Atlantic | November 2001 | The Crash of EgyptAir 990 | Langewiesche http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2001/11/langewiesche.htm The Atlantic Monthly | November 2001 October 31, 1999 The Crash of EgyptAir 990 -- "I Rely on God" Two years afterward the U.S. and Egyptian governments are still quarreling over the cause—a clash that grows out of cultural division, not factual uncertainty. A look at the flight data from a pilot's perspective, with the help of 5



simulations of the accident, points to what the Egyptians already know: the crash was caused not by any mechanical failure but by a pilot's intentional act. ....I knew that at the start of the investigation the Egyptian delegation had included a man named Mamdouh Heshmat, a high official in civil aviation. When the cockpit voice recording first arrived at L1Enfant Plaza, Heshmat was there, and he heard it through with a headset on. According to several investigators who listened alongside him, he came out of the room looking badly shaken, and made it clear he knew that Batouti had done something wrong. He may have called Cairo with that news. The next day he flew home, never to reappear in Washington. When NTSB investigators went to Cairo, they could not find him, though it was said that he was still working for the government. I knew I wouldn't find him either, but I wanted to see how Kelada would react to the mention of him. Kelada and I had come to the end. I said I had heard about a man who had been one of the first to listen to the tape—who could it have been? Kelada looked straight at me and said, "I don't recall his name." There was no reason to continue, from his perspective or mine.

BBC News | UK | Passengers recount mid-air terror http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/uk/1092338.stm December 29, 2000 Most of them had been sleeping and had no idea a man had broken into the flight deck and was wrestling with the crew to seize control of the Boeing 747. When the pilot came on the Tannoy he was breathless. He said that a madman had tried to take control of the plane and crash it." "Crazed passenger nearly crashed plane over Africa, airline says" NAIROBI, Kenya - An apparently deranged passenger broke into the cockpit of a British Airways flight early Friday and grabbed the controls, witnesses and the airline said. The struggle sent the Boeing 747 into two violent nose dives before the crew regained control.The man, described by passengers as tall, strong and hysterical, launched his assault on the cockpit during a British Airways flight from London to Nairobi. He eventually was wrestled down, and the plane carrying 379 passengers and 19 crew landed safely in Nairobi at 10:10 a.m. local time. BBC News | UK | 'Cockpit terror1 jet arrives home http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/uk/1092925.stm ...The incident follows a similar attack in July 1999 when the captain of an All Nippon Airways jumbo jet carrying more than 500 people was stabbed to death when a 28-year-old man burst into the cockpit during a flight.

Clues Pointed to Changing Terrorist Tactics Foiled Plots, FBI Data Showed Al Qaeda Groups Might Use Airplanes as Missiles http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A39166-2002Mayl8.html Protection From Meteorites In the spring of 1998, Gale, of the University of Pennsylvania, was part of a three-man group that presented a terrorism analysis to FAA security officials. The analysis, he said, described two scenarios: one in which terrorists crashed planes into nuclear power plants along the East Coast; another in which they commandeered Federal Express cargo planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the White House, the Capitol, the Sears Tower and the Golden Gate Bridge. Gale said the analysis was based in part on the Eiffel Tower threat and a small plane that had crashed onto the White House grounds


'in 1994. "You can't protect yourself from meteorites," an FAA official responded, according to Gale. "He was saying it's too hard." The next year, a report prepared^jfpr1 the National Intelligence Council, an *^ interagency group, by the Federal Research Division, which is part of the Library of Congress, was titfled "The~SocTb1ogy~~and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why?" In a section on new terrorist threats, the report noted the Philippines plot and warned: "Suicide bomber(s) belonging to .al-Qaida's Martyrdom Battalion could crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives (C-4 and semtex) into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or the White House."

Back to the drawing board http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1999/Mar-12-Fri-1999/opinion/10778482.html Friday, March 12, 1999 Yes, planes have been hijacked in the past. Planes will probably be hijacked in the future. But just because meteorites are certain to keep falling doesn't mean we all walk around wearing crash helmets. First, the risk is minimal. Second, the helmet wouldn't do any good anyway.

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