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© VANITY FAIR Repinted from Vanity Fair (New York) January 2002, No. 497, pp.50-56

An updated picture of Osama bin Laden with fellow terrorists Ayman al-Zawahiri left, and Muhammad Atef.

THE OSAMA FILES BY DAVID ROSE In a squat, red-brick building next to Khartoum's presidential palace, the agents who serve the Mukhabarat, Sudan's intelligence division, keep their secrets in pale manila files. "Those guys know what they're doing," says a retired longtime C.I.A. Africa specialist. "They tend to be thorough. Their stuff is pretty reliable." And sometimes very important. Sudan's Mukhabarat spent the early to mid-1990s amassing copious intelligence on Osama bin Laden and his leading cohorts at the heart of the al-Qaeda terrorist network-when they were still little known, and their activities were relatively limited. Some of the files at Mukhabarat headquarters identify individuals who played central roles in the suicide bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in August 1998; others chart the backgrounds and movements of alQaeda operatives who are said to be linked directly to the atrocities of September 11.

In the wake of those attacks, President Bush and the F.B.I, issued a list of the world's 22 most wanted terrorists. Sudan has kept files on many of them for years. From the autumn of 1996 until just weeks before the 2001 attacks, the Sudanese government made numerous efforts to share this information with the United States all of which were rebuffed. On several occasions, senior agents at the F.B.I, wished to accept these offers, but were apparently overruled by President Clinton's secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, and hi assistant secretary for Africa, Susan Rice, both of whom would not comment for this story afte repeated requests for interviews. Vanity Fair has obtained letters and secret memorandums th document these approaches. They were made directly to the State Department and the F.B.I., and also via a series of well-connected U.S. citizens who tried to warn America that the Sudanese offers were serious and significant. By definition, September 11 was an intelligence failure. As the C.I.A. man puts It, We didn't kn it was going to happen." Some of the reasons for that failure were structural, systemic: the shortage of Arabic-speaking agents, the inability of C.I.A. officers to go underground in Afghanistan. This one was more specific. CE Had U.S. agencies examined the AF Mukhabarat files when tl

http://www.rcnetwork.net/include/_tellafriend.php?jscript=yes&preview=760&criteria=id,bo... 5/28/03

"You can't complain about the subway going to pot if you're buying into this," said Kolsun, whose client loses $70 million a year to fakes. New York City counterfeiters thrive in Chinatown and "Counterfeiting Alley" - 25th Street to 32nd Street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. Even before 9/11, New York's Joint Terrorist Task Force reported a Manhattan counterfeit T-shirt ring helped finance the 1993 World Trade Center truck bombing. And by 1996, the FBI confiscated 100,000 counterfeit T-shirts from a ring run by followers of Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, who was later convicted of plotting to bomb New York landmarks. More recently: * A raid of a Midtown souvenir shop last fall yielded a suitcase "full of counterfeit watches and ... flight manuals for Boeing 767s, some containing notes in Arabic," according to a report submitted to Congress by the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition, which represents companies ripped off by knockoffs. * A similar raid of a knockoff purse shop in Manhattan uncovered faxes relating to the purchase of bridge-inspection equipment, according to the IACC. In May, truck driver lyman Faris pleaded guilty to plotting with al Qaeda to cut the cables of the Brooklyn Bridge and topple the landmark crossing. * Two weeks later, New Jersey cops investigating a Lebanese gangster found fake drivers' licenses and lists of suspected al Qaeda terrorists - including the names of workers from the knock-off purse shop, the IACC said. Although cops and anti-terrorist task forces know where the counterfeiters are, they say they are too ubiquitous to stop. "We can do a raid today and tomorrow there will be more out there," said Nancy ShermanKratzer, assistant director of fraud investigations at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

20. Agency faulted for slow immigration data sharing JERRY SEPER THE WASHINGTON TIMES Four senior senators say efforts by the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to expand the amount of critical immigration-related data being given to state and local police agencies are proceeding at a "snail's pace." The sharing of immigration information by the agency, including data on criminal aliens, was considered key to a renewed effort by the government to better guard against terrorists. Republican Sens. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, John Cornyn of Texas and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, and Sen. Zell Miller, Georgia Democrat, said in a letter this week to Homeland Security Undersecretary Asa Hutchinson and ICE boss Michael J. Garcia that they were "critically concerned" that promises made by the bureau about information availability were not being kept. They said the bureau had committed to upgrading the system and making data readily available through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), but noted that the majority of information being shared with state and local authorities had not been updated.

PRESS CLIPS FOR NOV. 27 - DEC. 1, 2003


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NEWYOWtEll NEWYORICER.COM The New Yorker August 4, 2003 SECTION: FACT; Letter From Washington; Pg. 26 LENGTH: 7231 words HEADLINE: THE SEARCH FOR OSAMA; Did the government let bin Laden's trail go cold? BYLINE: JANE MAYER BODY: One day this past March, in Langley, Virginia, there was jubilation on a little-known thoroughfare called Bin Laden Lane. Analysts at the C.I.A.'s Counter-Terrorism Center, a dingy warren of gray metal desks marked by a custom-made street sign, were thrilled to learn that, seven thousand miles away, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, colleagues from the agency had helped local authorities storm a private villa and capture Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the man believed to be the third most important figure in the Al Qaeda terrorist organization. At last, the stalled hunt for Al Qaeda fugitives had gained momentum. The authorities in Pakistan had obtained Mohammed's laptop computer and satellite phone; this breakthrough, they hoped, would help them track down the organization's leader, Osama bin Laden. Analysts in Washington speculated that news of Mohammed's capture might even prompt bin Laden into fleeing his current hideout. According to an F.B.I, official, in the weeks before his arrest Mohammed had been moving from one place to another in Baluchistan, a lawless province that borders Afghanistan and Iran. Bin Laden, it was thought, was probably in the same area. Days later, American intelligence satellites traced a telephone call made to Baluchistan by Saad bin Laden, one of Osama's sons, who was thought to be hiding in Iran. Intelligence officials knew that bin Laden no longer dared to answer the phone, but they believed the call might have been placed to one of his aides. An unmanned spy plane dispatched to the region spotted a suspicious convoy moving at night. It consisted of about a hundred people on horseback and on foot, and was advancing along an ancient smugglers' route, in a rocky desert area. Bin Laden, the officials hoped, might be travelling with this group. A team made up of C.I. A. paramilitary operatives, Delta Force soldiers, and Pakistani officials descended upon the convoy. Meanwhile, in Washington, the C.I.A. had orders to launch a Hellfire missile from an unmanned Predator intelligence aircraft if the presence of bin Laden could be confirmed. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush signed a top-secret



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LexisNexis Copyright 2001 The Conde Nast Publications, Inc. The New Yorker October 1,2001 SECTION: LETTER FROM WASHINGTON; Pg. 70 LENGTH: 7623 words HEADLINE: THE OPTIONS; After the morning of September 11th, the Presidency changed, too. BYLINE: NICHOLAS LEMANN BODY: Midway through the first Presidential debate of the 2000 campaign-not even a year ago-Jim Lehrer, of PBS, asked, "Vice-President Gore, can you point to a decision, an action you have taken, that illustrates your ability to handle the unexpected, the crisis under fire, et cetera?" Al Gore was Al Gore: instantly, in full paragraphs, he provided a somewhat self-congratulatory example of his diplomatic role in the Kosovo conflict, where "our country had defeated the adversary on the battlefield without a single American life being lost." Lehrer pivoted. "Governor Bush?" "Well, I've been standing up to big Hollywood, big trial lawyers," the Republican Presidential nominee said. "What was the question? It was about emergencies, wasn't it?" Lehrer said it was. "You know, as governor, one of the things you have to deal with is catastrophe," Bush said. "I can remember the fires that swept Parker County, Texas. I remember the floods that swept our state. I remember going down to Del Rio, Texas.... That's the time when you're tested. Not only it's a time to test your mettle, it's a time to test your heart when you see people whose lives have been turned upside down. It broke my heart to go to the flood scene in Del Rio where a fellow and his family got completely uprooted. The only thing I knew how to do was to get aid as quickly as possible, which we did with state and federal help, and to put my arms around the man and his family and cry with them. But that's what governors do. Governors are oftentimes found on the front lines of catastrophic situations." Two days after the terrorist attack on the United States, I took a train to Washington. I had a longstanding appointment with President Bush's senior counsellor, Karl Rove, to talk about politics. The Administration's theme on that Thursday was that the White House should operate as normally as possible, to provide reassurance, so Rove kept the appointment. It was a sunny day, though not quite as crystalline as the day of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The air had that still, overheated feeling that it gets when a weather front is about to come through. The train was nearly empty and exactly on time; the Washington subway system was running; there wasn't much traffic on the streets. People seemed quieter than usual and elaborately polite. The snatches of conversation that I overheard were about the attacks-stories of acquaintances who were victims or vows to cancel plans and



-Book: CIA paid, faked mullahs

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Book: CIA paid, faked mullahs Report details efforts to sway Muslims after 9/11 attacks REUTERS i|

WASHINGTON, Sept. 22— The CIA paid mullahs and created fake Islamic religious leaders to preach a moderate message and counter antiAmerican sentiment in the Arab world after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a new book said Monday.

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INBOX: Miniter points

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Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 12:34:50-0400 From: "" <wbass@9-11 commission.gov>4$ To: "" H,"" ^f,"" ^P,"" ^f Cc: "" 4f Subject: Miniter points

Thought you guys might be interested in the attached notes, taken from Richard Miniter's bestseller "Losing Bin Laden," which has attracted a lot of media attention. Since the families and the press will have seen many of his charges, I thought it might be useful to pass along a few notes on some allegations of particular interest. I've included page references and a parenthetical note about the team whose equities are involved. Hope that's helpful, and please let me know if any of the notes don't make sense. Thanks, Warren

Losing Bin Laden Richard Miniter Richard Miniter, Losing Bin Laden: How Bill Clinton;|s Failures Unleashed Global Terror (New York: Regnery, 2003) . -Sudan allegations, ch. 5, pp. 99-126 (1, 2, 3, 6) -Feb. 6, 1996 meeting between Carney, Shinn, and Sudan FM All Osman Mohammad Taha: Taha offers UBL; in March 1996, Sudan reportedly formally offers UBL to US via CIA p. 117 (1, 2, 3} -April 5, 1997 Bashir letter to Rep. Hamilton, reportedly hand-delivered by Mansoor Ijaz and containing Sudanese offer of UBL and invitation to FBI CT unit to visit Sudan to share intell p. 146 -Clarke reportedly helped develop j§daring covert-operation plan;" in late 1990s: copters to insert SOF commandos at an AQ camp for a predawn raid to capture UBL p. 167 (2, 3) -SOCOM and CIA planners drafted detailed plan p. 169 (2, 3) -Shelton opposed commando plans p. 169 (3) -tried to kill the operation by counteroffering a dauntingly large operation -second week Aug. 1998: Clinton sends Richardson to Pakistan for ;§final, secret diplomatic offer;" p. 175 (3) -asks Taliban;|s Rabbani to expel UBL; Rabbani declines p. 176 (3) -FBI Special Agent David Williams alleges Assistant SecState Rice blocking his request to go to Sudan; Rice denies it p. 180 (3, 6) -Sheehan furious; alleges Sudanese offer to hand over Abbas and Suliman, two AQ ringleaders of 1998 bombings, ;§died at the FBI;" p. 181 (1, 6) -Sept. 2, 1998: Sudanese intell officers fly Abbas and Suliman to Karachi; met by ISI p. 181 (2, 3) -COS Islamabad asks Pakistan to turn them over or let them be questioned p. 181 (2, 3) -CIA reportedly told the two jihadists escape at Karachi airport p. 182 (2) -or Sharif might have traded them to UBL for Islamist backing p. 182 (3) -Aug. 20, 1998: JCS Vice-Chair Ralston to meet Pak Army COS Musharraf minutes



Report: Capitol Was Sept. 11 Attackers Fourth Goal (washingtonpost.com)

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Report: Capitol Was Sept. 11 Attackers Fourth Goal Reuters

Sunday, October 26, 2003; 11:37 AM

BERLIN (Reuters) - The U.S. Capitol Building, not the White House, was the fourth target of the Sept. 11 attackers, a German magazine reported Sunday citing results of interrogations of suspected al Qaeda leaders.


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Der Spiegel said also planning for the attacks on New York and Washington in 2001 began as early as 1996, but plans hatched in 1999 to use four planes in the attacks were temporarily halted because only two pilots could then obtain U.S. visas. The operation, code-named "Porsche 911" by its perpetrators, was finalized in July 2001, the magazine said. "The Porsche is ready to start," it cited Mohamed Atta, the Egyptian-born student who piloted one of the two hijacked planes that destroyed the World Trade Center, as

News From Pah • SwaMowed by Kabul's C Washington Post, Oct 26, 2 • India Pushes New Ties (The Washington Post, Oct • Al Qaeda Chief Tied to I Washington Post, Oct 22, 2 • More News from Pakist News from Gen • Europeans Seek Arms_/ Tehran (The Washington P 2003) • Speechwriter, Refugee the Value of Research (Tl Post, Oct 19, 2003) • Walter Loeb, Owner Of Deli (The Washington Post, • A Solid Vote That Buttr USA' (The Washington Post • UjS^Gets Backing for M Iraq (The Washington Post • More News from Germs Free E-mail News • News Headlines • News Alert Subscribe to

saying. Another hijacked plane hit the Pentagon, while a fourth crashed in Pennsylvania before it could reach its target in Washington. Around 3,000 people died in the attacks.

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Spiegel magazine said its report was based on transcripts of the U.S. interrogation of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the accused mastermind of the attacks, and Ramzi bin al-Shaibah, the man suspected of coordinating them. "The fourth plane, according to bin al-Shaibah's questioning, should have hit the Capitol, the U.S. parliament... U.S. authorities long suspected that it should have hit the White House. Only bin al-Shaibah's statement corrected the error," the magazine reported. The magazine did not say where it had obtained the material but said parts of the transcripts dealing with Germany had been passed to German authorities. According to Spiegel, Sheikh Mohammed first suggested in 1996 an attack on the headquarters of the CIA using a chartered jet but this was rejected by al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden as not being spectacular enough. Sheikh Mohammed later suggested a 10-plane attack, it added. Bin al-Shaibah was arrested in Pakistan in September 2002. Pakistan announced it had also arrested Sheikh Mohammed in March 2003. Both men are currently being held by the United



As Prepared for Delivery Remarks By Al Gore November 9, 2003


Thank you, Lisa, for that warm and generous introduction, Thankk you Zack, and thank you all for coming here today

I want to thank the American Constitution Society for cosponsoring today's event, and for their hard work and dedication in defending our most basic public values.

And I am especially grateful to Moveon.org, not only for cosponsoring this event, but also for using 21st Century techniques to breathe new life into our democracy.

For my part, I'm just a "recovering politician" - but I truly believe that some of the issues most important to America's future are ones that all of us should be dealing with.

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