Formulation seminar on
S u t a s he ka r a rasa
b y
Dr. Santhosh B 1
introduction Three types of sutashekara rasa are available Yogaratnakara----amlapitta chikitsa Rasayana sangraha----amlapitta chikitsa Rasachandamshu---kapha roga chikitsa
Cont…. Acharya Charaka: UÉåaÉqÉÉSÉæ mÉUϤÉãiÉç iÉiÉÉå AlÉliÉUqÉÉæwÉkÉqÉç
Initially one has to understand the disease condition properly. 3
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lakshanas AÌuÉmÉÉMü YsÉqÉ EiYsÉãvÉ ÌiÉ£üÉqsÉ EªÉU aÉÉæUuÉ ¾èiMühPû SÉWû
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Types FkuÉïaÉÉÍqÉ
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complications euÉUÉiÉÏxÉÉUmÉÉlQÒûiuÉvÉÔs ÉvÉÉåjÉÉÂÍcÉpÉëqÉæÈ । EmÉSìuÉæËUqÉæeÉÑï¹È ¤ÉÏhÉkÉÉiÉÑlÉï ÍxÉSèkrÉÌiÉ
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Line of treatment mÉÔuÉïÇ iÉÑ uÉqÉlÉÇ MüÉrÉïÇ mɶÉÉlqÉ×SÒ ÌuÉUãcÉlÉqÉç । M×üiÉuÉÉÎliÉÌuÉUãMüxrÉ xÉÑÎxlÉakÉxrÉÉlÉÑuÉÉxÉlÉqÉç ॥
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Stomach It has two important tubular glands:
3. Oxyntic or gastric : Hcl and Pepsinogen 5. Pyloric : mucus Note : when stimulated, parietal cells of Oxyntic glands secrete an acid solution which contains about 160 millimoles of Hcl per litre. The pH of this acid is 0.8 17
Phases of Gastric secretion 3 phases:
3. Cephalic phase : v Before the food enters the stomach v Results from sight, smell, thought or taste of food v The greater the appetite, the more intense the stimulation v Neurogenic signals originate in cerebral cortex or hypothalamus 18
Cont… 2. Gastric phase: v The food enters the stomach and exites v Local nervous secretory reflexes v Vagal reflexes v Gastrin stimulation
Cont… 3. Intestinal phase: v Food in upper portion of small intestine particularly in duodenum, will continue to cause the stomach to secrete small amount of gastric juice, probably partly because of small amount of Gastrin that are released by the duodenal mucosa.
Therefore….. Shodhana is the prime treatment in amlapitta As it is yapya vyadhi, rasoushadhis are effective
especially parada preparation Sutashekara rasa is one among them
Yogaratnakara vÉÑ®Ç xÉÔiÉÇ qÉ×iÉÇ xuÉhÉïÇ OûÇMühÉÇ
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Cont… All the ingredients are taken in a khalva Proper Mardana is done with Brungaraja
swarasa for one day Dose : 1 Gunja Anupana : 2 Gunja Madhu or Sarpi
Rasayana samgaraha UxÉÇ ÌuɵÉgcÉ MüwÉÉï®ïÇ cÉiÉÑÈ MüwÉïgcÉ aÉæËUMüqÉç । qÉSïrÉã²ãSrÉÉqÉÇ iÉÑ iÉÉqoÉÔsÉÏSsÉuÉÉËUhÉÉ ॥ UÌ£üMüÉ mÉëÍqÉiÉÇ rÉÉåerÉÇ ÍxÉiÉrÉÉ qÉkÉÑlÉÉÅjÉuÉÉ । AqsÉÌmɨÉÇ pÉëqÉÇ qÉÔ§ÉM×ücNíûgcÉ WûUÌiÉ kÉëÑuÉqÉç ॥
Cont… All the ingredients in said quantity are taken a
khalva Mardana with Tambula patra swarasa is done
for 2 Yama { untill the parada dissappears }
Dose : 1 Ratti Anupana : sugar or madhu
Rasachandamshu ApÉëMüÇ UxÉÍxÉlSÕUÇ xÉÑuÉhÉïÇ vÉÑsuÉqÉѨÉqÉqÉç । sÉÉåWûÇ MüqoÉÑeÉpÉÔÌiÉgcÉ ÌuÉwÉÇ MülÉMüoÉÏeÉMüqÉç ॥ cÉiÉÑeÉÉïiÉÇ OûXçMühÉgcÉ vÉÑhPûÏÇ urÉÉåwÉgcÉ MãüvÉUqÉç । xÉuÉïÇ xÉqÉÇ iÉÑ MüxiÉÔrÉÉïxcÉiÉÑjÉÉïÇvÉÇ
Cont… aÉÑgeÉÉqÉÉlÉãlÉ qÉkuÉ£üÉå qÉkuÉÉSìïMüUxÉãlÉ uÉÉ । eÉrÉã²ÉiÉMüTüÉåSìãMüÇ iÉjÉÉ ZÉhQûÉSìïrÉÉåaÉiÉÈ ॥ uÉÉiÉÌmɨÉÉqÉrÉÇ WûlrÉɨÉjÉÉ UÉxlÉÉMüwÉÉrÉiÉÈ । uÉÉiÉÇ aÉÑQÕûcÉÏxɨuÉålÉ qÉkÉÑlÉÉ xÉuÉïqÉãWûlÉÑiÉç ॥ aÉÉåSÒakÉZÉhQûrÉÉåaÉãlÉ ÌmɨÉÉåSìãMüÇ eÉrÉåkÉëÑuÉqÉç । 27
Cont… All ingredients are taken in equal parts Kasturi is added { 1/4th of total ingredients } Bhavana with Ardraka swarasa and Markava
rasa is given, one day with each liquid media
Dose : 1 Gunja
Cont… Anupana :
2. Madhu/madhu + ardraka rasa --- vata-kapha hara 4. Khanda + ardraka rasa --- vata-pitta hara 6. Rasna kwatha --- vata hara 8. Guduchi satwa + madhu --- madhumeha hara 10.Khanda + godugdha--- pitta hara 29
On screening the ingredients Common rasoushadhis are:
Parada, Gandhaka, Swarna, Tamra, Loha. Common kashtoushadhis are:
Dattura, Vatsanabha, Along with these Deepana, Pachana and
Aromatic drugs{ Trikatu, chaturjataka }
Cont… Parada (Hg): Yogavahi, tridosha hara,
rasayana,balya, drug of choice for incurable diseases { B.P. } Gandhaka (S ): Useful for rasa bandha, rasayana,
dipana, pachana, visha hara Swarna bhasma (Au) : Sheeta virya Tamra bhasma (Cu) : Given as emetic drug in
artificial poisoning , lekhana property Loha bhasma (Fe) : Pitta hara, raktavardhaka 31
Dattura bija (Dattura metal ) : Agni dipaka, Madakrit, Vanti krit, Murcha janana, Harsha vardhana, pitta nashana
Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox Wall) : vyavayi, vikasi, visha hara,
sweda janana ie sroto shodhaka Tambula patra ( Piper betle Linn) : Apart from dipana,
pachana, ruchi kara, etc it has calcium, phosphorous, iodine, etc which regulate Acid-base ratio in the body, its an potent anti-viral plant Bhrungaraja (Eclipta alba Hask) : Ecliptine and Wedelo-lactone
which are Alkaline and it is anti-microbial Bilwa majja (Aegle marmelos Corr) : Aegelin, Aegelinin which
are alkaline. Also Yakrut uttejaka ,pitta saraka & anti-microbial
Pharmacopoeal standards Description : a fine black powder, faint odour,
tasteless Identification :
vcarbon disulphide extract yields the reactions characteristic of free sulphur vsolution obtained after destruction of organic matter yields the reactions characteristic of Mercury, Copper, Calcium, Gold and Borate Loss on drying at 110o c = not more than 11% w/w 33
Cont… Acid insoluble ash = not more than 6 % w/w
Assay for : mercury
sulphur copper calcium gold
= = = =
= 3-6 % w/w 4-6 % w/w 1-3 % w/w 2-3 % w/w 3-4 % w/w
The most common complication of
vamana/virechana is abdominal cramps Hence, shodhana dravya are always given
in combination with Aromatic drugs, which reduce the chance of complications Example A: Lavanga in Avipattikara churna
indicated in Amlapitta itself Example B: Eranda taila with Shuntyadi
kashaya in Amavata chikitsa { Chakradatta }
conclusion The sour taste is caused by acids i.e. by the
Hydrogen ion concentration and the intensity of the taste sensation is approximately proportional to the logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration. The more acidic the food, the stronger becomes the sour sensation.
Cont… Hence an alkaline or a basic preparation is
required after Shodhana in Amlapitta condition. Sutashekara rasa is a good example for such
an alkaline combination to maintain the Hydrogen ion concentration.