Surz Questionnaire For Retailers

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 640
  • Pages: 5
A Study and analysis report on “Necessity of Brand extension” w.r.t. type one jeans of levis. .

Hi, I”m L.C.Surjeet, a student of ARMY INSTITUTE OF FASHION & DESIGN, Bangalore, pursuing PGD Apparel Merchandising & Logistic Management and Conducting a survey for project report on “Necessity of Brand extension”

w.r.t. type one jeans of levis. I would like to know your experiences towards comfort & style of Type One Jeans of Levis. Mark () for the answers related to your experiences. All responses will be kept confidential, your identity will not be revealed. Please feel free to complete the 5 minutes simple Questionnaires. Per sonal detail s of re spondents I.1.RespondentName_______________________________________ (optional) Respondent No:-


Address:-___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Telephone No: +91-____________________________ Mobile No: - +91-______________________________ E-mail Id:-____________________________________ Gender: - Male  Female  I.2. Age group: -

15-20 26-30

 

21-25 31 & Above

 

I.3. Educational Qualification:-


Under graduate



I.4. Occupation:Government Service 

Private Service 

Self Occupation



I.5. Marital Status:Single



Living with partner

I.6. what is your average household Income:Up to Rs. 1 lacs 2-4 lacs

10 lacs & above

between 1-2 lacs 

4-10 lacs

Consumer aware ne ss towar ds T ype o ne je ans o f Levi s. II.1 Are you aware about “Type one jeans” of Levis? a) Yes  b) No  II.2 If yes, how do you know about it a) Window showroom display  c) Print media

b) Hoardings 

 d) other promotional activity  e) Electronic media

II.3 What are the products you have purchased from Brand Levis? Bottom wear 

Top 

Foot wears

II.4. Have you repeated your purchase of Levis Jeans? Yes

No 

II.5. Have you purchased any one of the type one jeans recently? Yes 

No 

II.6 How much money do you spend in buying Levis Product? a) 1000-5000 b) 5000-10,000 c) 10,000 -15,000 d) 15000 and above


Consumer pre fere nce of type one J eans o f le vi s.

III.1. How often you shop for apparel requirements? Once in a month

in 3 months

In 6 months

in a year

Special Occasion  III.2. Do you normally shop/buy for different seasons likeSummer 




III.3. Your shopping trips are accompanied byFamily members

Friends 

Alone 

III.4. Are you aware about Type one jeans of Levis? Yes

No 

III.5.Are you aware of the product range of Levis? Bottom wears 

Tops 

Foot wears 

III.6.Have you ever tried their products. Yes 

No 

If yes….. III.7. what the other aspect you look for while buying the Type one jeans from levis? (Please rank your preferences) Brand 

Price 

Compare to other brand


Style/ Fashion/ Aesthetic Appeal  Any other (Please specify) ………………………………………………………………………..


III.8. Have you ever bought any Type one jeans from levis? YES


III.9.Price as major concern, how do you find the price of Type One jeans is.. Affordable


Match with the quality of the product

 Thrown away price

III.10. What are the factors that influence you while Selecting Type one jeans is your favorite jeans? Brand Name

Style 


Affordability 

comfort ability

III.11.What are the differences you find from the Type One Jeans To other Similar category of product from different brands? High Quality with Hardwearing  Affordable price range  Brand Image

III.12.How do you grade the type one jeans of levis? a) Good  b) Average  c) Fair 

 General comment/Observation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………

Thank you


Signature of respondent



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