Sura And Thier Benifits

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  • Words: 2,696
  • Pages: 15
Ahmed Abbul Hakeem Khan

[PGG] Fwd: (°TaNoLi°) Re: •¤**¤•(¯`°TaNoLi°´¯) •¤**¤• Qurani Surah's and Their Benefits! farrukh Khan Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 11:33 PM Reply-To: [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], AJAY BASRA , anup mor , Arvind Sharma <[email protected]>, aryan <[email protected]>, Balvir Singh , [email protected], Nitesh Saini <[email protected]>, Pankaj Kalia , RAKESH KAMBOJ , rishi pal , rishi pal , Sandeep Sharma <[email protected]>, Somvir Sharma <[email protected]>, somvir bhardwaj , Suchender yadav <[email protected]>, SUMER SINGH <[email protected]>, Sumit Mahajan , Surender Saini <[email protected]>, Surender Saini , Suresh Kumar Niraniyan <[email protected]>, Vikram Sharma <[email protected]>, Vikram Sharma <[email protected]>, Vinod Saini , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: zahoor khan Date: Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 11:53 PM Subject: (°TaNoLi°) Re: •¤**¤•(¯`°TaNoLi°´¯) •¤**¤• Qurani Surah's and Their Benefits! To: [email protected]

Its very usefull for us thanx for sharing khuda is ka ajar day zahoor From: Umair Altaf To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 9:47:00 AM Subject: •¤**¤•(¯`°TaNoLi°´¯) •¤**¤• Qurani Surah's and Their Benefits!

Please find some time to read this information. Insha Allah it will help YOU. ura Name of Sura No 1



4 5 6

Physical benefits

Spiritual benefits (thawab)

Cure for every disease 2/3 of the 70x to cure pain Qur'an anywhere Aya 72-73 for Shaytan will chest pains keep away Aya 107 3x for Will not forget shoulders Allah Ayatul Kursi for Suratul Baqara Shade on eyes Qiyama if Aya 165 on recited with sweet and feed Suratu Aali displeased Imran person Fertility If recited on treatment for Friday, rahma Suratu Aali women of Allah and Imran Ayaat 8 & 9 for angels ask migraines forgiveness for Aya 145 for reciter backache 7x for love between two Suratun Nisa people

Other Benefits

Suratul Fatiha

Aya 54 on sweet Forgiveness for love If written Suratul Anaam (saffron) and drunk, free from all ailments Suratul Maida

Life, property and family protected if recite first 4 ayaat+ayatul kursi+last 3 ayaat Shade on Qiyama if recited with Aali Imran

Increase in sustenance if worn

Safety from squeezing in the grave

ura Name of Sura No


8 9 10 11


Suratul A'raaf

Suratul Anfaal Suratut Tawba (Baraa'a) Suratu Yunus Suratu Hud

Suratu Yusuf


Suratur Ra'd




Suratul Hijr


Suratun Nahl


Suratu Bani

Physical benefits If worn, then safety from enemies and wild animals Aya 8 for stomach ailments

Spiritual benefits (thawab)

Other Benefits

Once a month recitation â€' Veil between no fear on shaytan and reciter Qiyama Intercession on Fulfillment of hajat Qiyama

Safety from thieves Protection from and fire and plan by hypocrisy enemy if worn Closeness to Identifying theives Allah Forgiveness Aya 44 for and easy Courage and nosebleeds accounting of boldness if kept deeds Protection from fear on Qiyama Removal of jealousy Raised on Easy sakaraat at Qiyama with death husn of Yusuf (A.S.) Easy Destroys tyranny of accounting ruler if written and Intercession on hung outside behalf of tyrants door friends If recited in two Keeps child safe raka salaa with from ailments if Suratul Hijr in one worn. Assists rakaa, will keep digestion in away poverty, children insanity and sudden calamity Increase in Profitability in breast milk if business if worn worn by new Safety of valuables mother if kept with them. No questioning Safety from 70 about ne'ma types of Reciter diseases if read amongst Ahlul once a month Janna Written with Reciter will not die

ura Name of Sura No

Israil (Israa)


19 20 21 22





27 28

Physical benefits

Spiritual benefits (thawab)

saffron and water given to child having speech problems

Suratul Kahf

Suratu Maryam Safe pregnancy

Other Benefits without meeting Imam (A.S.) Last 2 ayaat protection against theft.

Noor created with angels praying for forgiveness if read before sleep

Protection from fitna for 8 days Lasy aya â€' alarm clock Protection from thieves

Forgiveness Friendship of Marriage arranged Allah Easy Removal of stress Aya 69 for fever Suratul Ambiya accounting on and worry Qiyama Once every three Suratul Hajj days â€' visit Ka'ba within the year Easy death for If worn will wean Suratul reciter person of drink, Mu'minun Company of drugs Prophets Prevention of wet dreams Beneficial for Suratun Nur Forgiveness Aya 35 for eyes women (as eyedrops) No questioning No punishment Safety of Suratul Furqan if read every posessions night Water on which Equivalent to Protection from Suratush recited is shafaa reciting all thieves, drowning Shuara for illnesses revealed books and fire. Aya 88 with Safety from Suratun Naml Fatiha, Ikhlas, & dangerous Qadr for creatures toothache Suratul Qasas Water â€' remedy for Suratu Taha

ura Name of Sura No

Physical benefits

Spiritual benefits (thawab)

Other Benefits

If recited with Suratur Room on 23rd Ramadhan â€' definite entry into Janna

Water â€' joy and happiness

illnesses and worries


30 31







Suratul 'Ankabut

Suratu Rum Water â€' cure Protection from for illnesses and Shaytan pain Equivalent to all night ibada on Suratus Sajda Cure for aches Laylatul Qadr if and pains recited with Suratul Mulk Safety from If kept on person, Suratul Ahzaab fear in grave honour from people Recited with Suratul Fatir â€' protection Suratus Saba of Allah all night Water- Removal of fear in heart Safety from enemies Aya 41 â€' cure Doors of Janna Suratul Fatir for headaches opened for Aya 42 for reciter migraines Cure for 1000 illnesses Forgiveness for one Drinking on deathbed â€' Equivalent to Suratu Yaseen mixture of rose angels accompany 12 complete (Qalbe Qur'an) water and janaza and easy Qur'ans saffron â€' sakarat Thawab of 20 excellent Fulfillment of hajat Hajj memory Safety from Increase in squeezing of grave breast milk Safety from all Suratus Protection from calamities Saffaat Shaytan Increase in wealth and children

Suratu Luqman

ura Name of Sura No

Physical benefits

Suratu Saad 38




42 43


45 46

Suratuz Zumar

Spiritual benefits Other Benefits (thawab) Inspires reciter to keep away from sins Reciter able to Downfall of tyrant take family, ruler loved ones and even employees to Janna Fire of Jahannam Respect and honour haram on from people reciter

Cure for wounds and scars Forgiveness if Suratul Mu'min Remedy for recited once in heart problems, 3 days dizziness and nausea Suratu Water â€' Haamim Sijda alleviates eye Nur on Qiyama (Fussilat) problems Forgiveness and salaams from angels

Suratush Shura Suratuz Zukhruf

Suratud Dukhan

Suratul Jaathiya (Sharia') Suratul Ahqaaf

Prosperity in business

Safety on journey Safety from squeezing in the grave

Water - Relief from pain Forgiveness No nightmares if and houses in kept under Janna pillow Easy Water - Cure for accounting stomach Protection from ailments Shaytan

Prosperity in business Protection from authorities

Protection of Safety from those Reciter will not newborn from who slander and see Jahannam all calamities backbite Cure for diseases

Safety from punishment

If written with saffron and dissolved in Zam Zam water â€' honour from

ura Name of Sura No

Physical benefits

Spiritual benefits (thawab)

Other Benefits people, memory retention, and safety from Jinn


Suratu Muhammad

Safety from insanity


Suratul Fath

Cure for heart problems






54 55

Thirst quenched by river in Janna 1000 graves send salaams to grave of reciter Will see Prophet (S.A.W.) when raised from grave

Protection from problems

Protection in times of war & during travel

Safety of mother and Suratul Hujurat child in Protection from Protection in times pregnancy Shaytan of war and unrest Increase in breast milk Aya 23 â€' shifa Increase in Suratu Qaaf for eyes sustenance Aya 37 for heart No suffering at time ailments of death Water - Remedy for backache Suratudh Taweedh Easy death Dhariyaat Pregnancy and delivery easy Taweedh â€' Safety from Release from Suratut Tur good health in anger of Allah bondage children Courage and respect Suratun Najm Upper hand in discussions Ease of difficulties Respect of people if Suratul Qamar kept with one during Jumua' salaa Suratur Cures eye Removal of If written on wall, Rahmaan problems hypocrisy from keeps away

ura Name of Sura No

(Bride of Qur'an)






Physical benefits

Spiritual benefits (thawab) the heart May ask forgiveness for whoever one wants Safety angel appointed

Other Benefits

household pests

Safety from poverty Forgiveness of sins if recited on Loved by Allah deathbed Suratul Waaqia and people Sustenance increased if read no of times as lunar date No punishment Release from if read with imprisonment Suratul Hadid Suratul Mujadila Safety in war Makes in wajib salaa one courageous Protects whatever is buried in the ground Ease to resltlessness Suratul Tawidh - Shafa Safety from Jinn & Mujadila of illness men If recited on sand and thrown towards enemy â€' overcome Salaams from Water â€' good all creations for memory Forgiveness retention and If recited with concentration Suratur Suratul Hashr Ayaat 21-24 3x Rahmaan, with hand on angel joint pain appointed to Ayaat 21-24 for protect at all earache times Suratul Increases vision If recited in Mumtahana Protection from wajib salaa â€' insanity heart filled with Water â€'cure eiman

4 raka salaa â€' Suratul Hashr after Suratul Hamd â€' important work successful If recited 40 days â€' even hardest task becomes easy

ura Name of Sura No

Physical benefits

Spiritual benefits (thawab)

Other Benefits

for ailments 61

Suratus Saff


Suratul Jumua'


Suratul Munafiqun


Forgiveness Safety from Shaytan Forgiveness Cure for any aches and pains


Suratut Talaq


Suratut Tahreem


Suratul Mulk (Munjiya)


Suratul Qalam


Suratul Haaqqaa

Safety from all danger

Freedom from shirk and hypocrisy Intercession to Janna if recited in wajib salaa

Suratut Taghabun

Safety on journey

Safety at time of death Protection from tyranny

If recited with Surat Tahreem, protection on Qiyama Inspiration to do sincere tawba Water â€' cure for diseases Cures insomnia Calms agitation

Clears debts Thawab of doing ibada on Laylatul Qadr Will remove Safety from fear in grave reciter from Relief for marhum/a Jahannam who has just died Protection of Intercession for Allah memoriser in Recitation on Qiyama Eid gives thawab of allnight ibada

Tawidh on painful part Alleviates pain Safety in Sign of eiman pregnancy Easy Improves child's accounting on intellect and Qiyama

No financial difficulties

ura Name of Sura No

Physical benefits memory


Suratul Ma'aarij


Suratu Nuh





76 77

Spiritual benefits (thawab) Reciter will never loose religion Covering of sins Safety from Shaytan Will not die until sees place in Janna

Other Benefits

Release from imprisonment Hajat answered straight after recitation

Protection from Jinn Protection from unjust people Safety from poverty Suratul Jinn Upperhand in confrontations Debts paid Safety of possessions Purity of heart Fulfilment of hajat Suratu Protection from Forgiveness â€' Prevents slavery by Muzzammil insanity recite 100x people Protection from misfortunes Hajat fulfilled if dua after recitation Suratu Will not die until Muddathir memorised Qur'an if dua for memorisation done with recitation of sura Increase of Raised with Water â€' safety sustenance Suratul radiance on from heart Protects life and Qiyama Qiyama ailments possessions Liked by people Suratud Dahr Water â€' heart Janna Victory in war (Insaan) ailments Suratul Water+onion Always victorious Mursalat juice â€' cure over enemies for aches and pains Tawidh â€'

ura Name of Sura No








85 86

Physical benefits

Spiritual benefits (thawab)

Other Benefits

helps to combat oversleeping Water â€' stomach problems Reciter not Daily recitation overcome by Safety and ease in Suratun Naba guarantees visit sleep if wishes journey to Ka'ba to stay awake Eye problems â€' recite after 'Asr Suratun Safety in a Naazhiaat dangerous place Recite with Suratut Takweer to be Success in all Suratul 'Abasa under shade of endeavours Prophet Safe journey (S.A.W.) in Janna On rose water Suratut and applied to Rahma on Takweer eyes for Qiyama ailments of eyes Protection from Forgiveness of Recite and blow humiliation sins even if Suratul Infitar gently into eyes Release from much as for cure imprisonment raindrops 7x for hajat Safety from Suratul Recite on child Jahannam Safekeeping Mutaffifeen who cries a lot No accounting Easy delivery of Suratul child 7x Inshiqaq Cure for poisonous bite Tawidh - To Safety from danger wean child of Protection of Suratul Buruj Safety from one breast milk Allah who speaks evil Piles Suratut Tariq Recite over Honour with Recite over food for medicine before Allah if recited safety from harm taking in wajib salaa Water â€' if

ura Name of Sura No


88 89 90





95 96

Physical benefits

Spiritual benefits (thawab)

Other Benefits

poured over wound â€' shifa Memory Entry through retention Suratul 'A'laa any door of Safety on journey Relief of ear Janna pain Calms frightened and Easy Suratul Removes bad crying child accounting in Ghashiya effects of food Pain relief Qiyama Toothache Suratul Fajr Nur on Qiyama Tawidh â€' safety for child Safety from Suratul Balad from illnesses anger of Allah Cure for nose ailments Increase in sustenance, popularity & Suratush Water â€' Fever courage Shams To remove intense grief â€' 7x with Suratul Layl Inspiration of good deeds 15x â€' One will Suratul Layl ¼ of the dream about what Qur'an if read in pleases one most Eisha Salaa Suratudh Find missing person Allah's pleasure Dhuha or something lost Water - Kidney and heart ailments Suratul Inshira Yaqeen in deen 3x on boils Relieves chest pains Evil effects on food removed Suratut Teen Palace in Janna Hajat For lost thing to be found 7x Suratul 'Alaq Thawab of Safety from shaheed accidents Safeguarding

ura Name of Sura No

Physical benefits

Spiritual benefits (thawab)


10x â€' 1000 sins forgiven 1x â€' fasting Suratul Qadr Ailments of eyes for a month In wajib salaa â€' all sins forgiven


Protection of Water â€' cure eiman for all ailments Forgiveness Safety from Acceptance of miscarriage a'maal 21x


100 101





Suratul Bayyina

Other Benefits treasure Increase in sustenance Safety from enemies Debt payment Pious children â€' 7x on spouse 11x â€' safety at night 7x on grave â€' marhum/as sins forgiven Removal of ill effects of food

Safety from tyrants Sees nur of Safety from natural Suratuz Zilzal Janna at death disasters Easy death Equivalent to Clear debts Suratul reciting entire Safety from fear Aadiyaat Qur'an Find sustenance Business booster Safety from Suratul Qaria Water â€' unwanted Jahannam pests Thawab of shaheed Cure for Suratut Recite in 'Asr headaches Takathur salaa for protection Stomach Nur on Qiyama Safety from tyrant if Suratul 'Asr ailments â€' 10x Increase in recited in Eisha Fever eiman salaa Safety from poverty if recited in wajib Eye ailments â€' Suratul salaa blow gently into Humaza Easy death eye Protection from 'evil eye' Safety from Suratul Feel enemies Problem solver

ura Name of Sura No





110 111




Physical benefits

Spiritual benefits (thawab)

Other Benefits

Ill effects of food removed Suratul Heart ailments Sustenance easier Quraysh to find if recited before sunrise If read 41x every Acceptance of day â€' free from salaa if read as dependency on Suratul Maaun part of salaa anyone Forgiveness (Salawat 10x before and after) Suratul Drink from Kawthar Kawthar ¼ of Qur'an Safety from Safety in journey Suratul shirk (with Nasr, Ikhlas, Kaafirun Forgiveness Falaq & Naas) Thawab of shaheed Suratun Nasr Relief from Suratul Lahab Safety at night backache Abundance in 1/3 of Qur'an wealth 11x â€' Palaces Suratul Ikhlas Safety in travelling in Janna (Tawheed) Hajat 100x â€' 25 yrs Protection from 'evil sins forgiven eye' Recited in wajib salaa in Ramadhan â€' Suratul Falaq as though fasted in Makka and thawab of hajj Tawidh â€' protection of children from Jinn Suratun Naas Releif of pain â€' fast cure when read on medicine

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