Sungai Melayu

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  • Words: 9,650
  • Pages: 10


Activity 1


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Several pupils are in the jungle. They are looking at the things in the jungle. A boy is collecting some insects. Another boy is taking photographs. A girl is looking at a ladybird.

4. 5.


Several pupils are observing things for a project in the jungle. A boy is collecting some insects while his friend is observing a Rafflesia. He is putting the insects into a container. Another boy with a knapsack on his back is taking photographs. A girl, who is holding a magnifying glass, is looking at a ladybird.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

This is a scene at a dental clinic. A man is sitting and reading a book on the sofa. A boy is sitting next to him. A lady is sitting opposite them. A nurse is walking into the dentist’s room.


Three patients are waiting outside the dentist’s room in a dental clinic. A nurse, who is carrying a file and some equipment, is walking into the dentist’s room. A man is reading a book while a boy is talking to him. The boy is wearing a cap and there is a pot of flowers beside him. A lady, who is wearing spectacles, is touching her cheek and waiting to see the dentist.

2. 3. 4. 5.

A boy is cleaning the chalkboard which is behind the teacher’s table. Another boy is standing and wiping the windows with a piece of rag. He has a pail of water beside him on the floor. Three pupils are sweeping the floor with brooms while a girl is arranging the desks.

Activity 5


Activity 2


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

An old lady is feeding the chickens. Her daughter is helping her. A boy is flying kite. Three children are playing marbles. They are at the compound of the house.



An old lady and her daughter are feeding their chickens at the compound. A boy is flying kite while his father is cheering. His siblings are playing with their big marbles. Two of them are squatting down and one is standing. All of them are enjoying their activity happily.


Activity 6 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Many people are picnicking at the beach. A woman is resting under the tree. Two children are building a sandcastle. Another two children are playing in the water. A man is looking at them.


A family is having a picnic under a shady tree at the seaside. The mother is resting and sleeping under the shady tree. Two of her children are building a sandcastle while the other two are playing in the water. Their father, who is wearing a pair of goggles, is sitting on a rock and watching over them. There are many kinds of food and drinks on a mat under the shady tree.

Activity 3 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The villagers are evacuating their village. A boat is carrying victims and things. Two people are sitting on the roof of a house. A man is carrying a radio on his head. A boy is carrying a bundle on his head.


A village is flooded and the villagers are evacuating the village. 2. A rescue team is carrying things and victims on the boat. A man is carrying a mini-compo radio on his head while the boy beside him is carrying a bundle of things on his head too. A mother duck and its ducklings are swimming happily while a goat is watching. Two boys are sitting on the roof and waiting for the rescue boat to save them.

3. 4. 5.

3. 4. 5.

Activity 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

These people are celebrating Deepavali. An Indian woman is serving drinks. Her guests are talking. There are some food and drinks on the table. Three children are lighting oil lamps outside the house.


An Indian family and their friends are celebrating Deepavali. The Indian woman is serving drinks to her friends as they are talking. There is a variety of food and drinks on the table in the sitting room. Three children are lighting oil lamps at the verandah outside their house. They greet each other and enjoy the happy occasion.

Activity 4 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The pupils are cleaning their classroom. Three pupils are sweeping the floor. A boy is cleaning the chalkboard. A girl is arranging the desks. Another boy is wiping the windows.


The pupils are cleaning and tidying up their classroom.

3. 4. 5.


Activity 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

This is a colouring competition. Many children have participated in it. They are using crayons and colour pencils. Many people and parents are watching. The competition is held at the zoo.


Several children have participated in a colouring competition at the zoo. They are using crayons and colour pencils to colour their drawings. Their parents are watching and admiring their children who are sitting on the ground. There is a bear in its cage behind the girl next to the pillar. The competition is held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and it is for children who are under twelve years old.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Activity 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Two boys are fighting over a toy. They are twins. A girl is trying to stop them. She is offering them some ice-cream. She wants to pacify them.


Two boys, who are twins, are fighting over a toy Ultraman. They are pulling the toy from each other in the living room. Their sister is offering them a cone of ice-cream each to pacify them. Both of them are wearing identical T-shirts and shorts. They are all in front of the television set in the middle of the living room.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Activity 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Beng Hooi is using his computer. His brother and sister are doing their homework. His father is sleeping on the sofa. His mother is in the kitchen. She is taking a cake out of the oven.

1. room. 2.

Beng Hooi and his siblings are in the living

3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The pupils are having their assembly. They are lining up to sing the national anthem. The teachers are sitting on the stage. The prefect on duty is raising the flag. The headmaster is going to make some announcements.


The pupils of S.K. Lembah Padang are having their weekly assembly. Their teachers are sitting in a row on the stage in front of them. The head prefect is standing at the flagpole to raise the flag when they sing the national anthem. All the pupils have lined up in straight rows. The teacher on duty is going to make some announcements.

2. Rani’s mother wants to hang a curtain. Her father is helping her mother. Rani’s sister is mopping the floor. Her brother is watching television. Rani is wiping the table with a piece of cloth.


Rani’s parents want to hang a curtain in the dining room. Rani is wiping the dining table with a piece of clean table cloth. Her sister, who is wearing a hairband, is mopping the floor. Her younger brother is not helping them, but watching television. There are four sets of cups and saucers on the dining table.

2. 3. 4. 5.

3. 4. 5.

Activity 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Some tourists are at the A Famosa. Two girls are sitting on the trishaw. A man is standing on a stool at his stall. A tourist is snapping some photographs. Three boys are pointing to the fort.


Several tourists are visiting the historical A Famosa in Melaka. One of them is snapping some photographs of the building. A cyclist is carrying two girls with long hair on his trishaw. A vendor is displaying the souvenirs at his souvenirs shop beside the fort.

Activity 11 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A few people are having a picnic. A girl is drowning in the water. A man is diving into the water. He is trying to save the girl. The boys on the beach are pointing to the girl.

He is doing some revision on his computer by surfing the internet. His brother and sister are doing their homework at a table behind him. Their father is sleeping and his newspaper is covering his face. Their mother, who is in the kitchen, is taking a piece of cake from the oven.

Activity 13

Activity 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Several people are picnicking at the beach. A man is diving into the water to save a drowning girl. Two boys on the beach are pointing to the girl in the water. A woman, who is sitting on the mat, is watching the incident with fear. Everyone is panicking as the girl is in grave danger.

3. 4.



Three boys are playing in front of the fort and admiring it. Activity 15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Hooi Kam and his cousins are fishing. His dog is sitting beside him. They have brought a basket, a pail and a can of worms. They put the worms on their hooks. They want to catch some fish. Hooi Kam and his brothers are fishing at the river behind their school. Hooi Kam, who is wearing a cap, has brought a pail and a can of live worms as baits. His brothers, who are sitting under a tree, have caught some fish and put them into their basket. Their dog, which is sitting between Hooi Kam and his two brothers, are waiting for them. The three of them are using fishing rods with lines and hooks to catch fish.

SUGGESTED ANSWERS FOR QUESTION 2b Activity 1 – I would choose the Menara Condong because this building is unique. It is leaning and it is the only one in Malaysia. I want to tell my pen-pal something he has not heard about in our country. It is also near Pasir Salak, a famous town in Perak. These are the reasons why I choose Menara Condong. I would choose the Kuching Statue in Sarawak because it is a symbolic landmark in Malaysia, especially in Sarawak. As a matter of fact, this city is named so because there were once many cats in the city. My pen-pal will definitely be delighted when we visit the Kuching Waterfront where many types of shows are performed and exhibitions are help. To get there, we have to take a flight which is something I have never tried before. My pen-pal and I will definitely be fascinated by the view of Sarawak and Borneo in the air. We will get the chance to travel to places around Kuching in boats or water-taxies, like what the tourists call them. With hotels and shopping malls within the city, both of us are sure to have a splendid time in Kuching. From my reasons above, I think I will choose Kuching to describe to him. Activity 2 – I would choose to prepare a scrapbook on Rafflesia because I can get all the information and pictures about this flower from the internet. I need not travel to Borneo to take pictures on them. I can also write about its uses for many diseases. So, I will choose Rafflesia. I would choose to prepare a scrapbook on the wild orchid because orchids are my favourite flowers. If anyone comes to my garden, they would think my family members are orchid planters. Everyone at home loves orchids, so I can easily acquire knowledge about this unique wild orchid from them. My mother subscribes monthly magazines about orchids. So, I don’t lack materials to read or dig for information for my scrapbook. My aunt lives in Fraser’s Hill and we visit her quite often. I can collect more orchids there and write more about them. What I like most is the sweet smell it permeates besides its colours and uses for landscaping.

Besides that, my Science teacher’s favourite flower is also orchid. She will be thoroughly wild with delight when she checks my scrapbook. As I have reasoned above, without doubt, wild orchid is my choice. Activity 3 – I would like to take part in the kite-flying competition because I enjoy flying kites. I have been flying kites since I was eight years old. The entry fee is also the cheapest. It is very near to town. So, I can walk there. I think this is the most suitable event for me. I would like to take part in the fishing competition because my hobby is fishing. Azuan’s fishing centre is barely 50 metres from my mother’s shop. She does business on Saturdays, so sending me there isn’t a problem. It may be slightly far from town, but it is quiet and peaceful. I like quietness while I am fishing. The winners will get cash and trophy. I can use the cash to buy a new fishing rod if I win. Although the fee might be more than the fee for kite-flying, I do not mind paying more for things I enjoy indulging in. So, from what I have stated above, I would surely choose fishing. Activity 4 – I would choose Melaka because many of my classmates have not been to a padi field before. We want to see what it is like. We also want to know how the food we are eating everyday is processed. The fee is quite moderate, only RM25. We can also see the animals at Zoo Melaka. This zoo has the most types of animals. If we choose this trip, all of us will get a free T-shirt. So, we will choose Melaka. I would choose Pahang because we can visit Taman Negara. This national park hosts a variety of flora and fauna species which we can never see in any other part of the country. Besides that, we can also see all the exotic plants, birds, insects and animals dwelling in this wild natural forest with our own eyes. The fee is only RM20 which is very affordable for my classmates as many of them are not from well-to-do families. We will be traveling in our school bus and so, the RM20 includes food. Fishing is included as one of the activities. Thus, those classmates of mine who like fishing will have some wonderful time fishing in the clean and unpolluted rivers there. Well, as what I have reasoned above, Pahang is the best choice for me and my classmates. Activity 5 – I would suggest to my father to buy the necklace because it is the cheapest among the three items. My father is just an average income earner. The beads necklace suits my mother because she is scared of wearing expensive ornaments. Thieves or robbers would not want it. Habibi Jewels is near our house. If my father buys this, he can also get a free brooch for her. So, he is giving her a ‘two-in-one’ gift. I would suggest to my father to buy the gold ring because Sri Emas Superstore is just nearby. We can just pop by anytime when my father comes back from work. My mother marvels at things with a heart shape and this ring has a heart-shaped gem. In addition to her liking for this shape, a heart also symbolizes love. My mother will surely be enchanted and proud of him if he gets this ring for her. RM200 is a fair deal as gold is rather expensive nowadays. My mother can also get a purse for free as her present one which she uses for marketing is old and wornout. Lastly, giving her a ring will remind her of him


proposing to her romantically twenty years ago. My mother will surely be proud and happy. So, from all my reasons above, I would definitely ask my father to buy the gold ring for her. Activity 6 – I would choose the bus because I can travel with my friends and schoolmates. Traveling in a group is safer. It is also cheaper than the taxi fare. Another reason is that I will reach school before 7.00 a.m. It may make many stops but it departs at 6.30 a.m. So, I can always be punctual for school. I would choose the bicycle because it is more economical. We have two bicycles at home. My brothers are studying in the varsities and they don’t use them anymore. It is my turn to use them. Besides that, I like to travel alone to school. I don’t like the noises in the bus or the chatting in the taxi. As a matter of fact, I need not spend any money on the bicycle as both the bicycles at home are still new. If I cycle to school, I need not stop, except at a junction or two. There will be no traffic jams for me. I can start from home anytime. So, if I cycle to school at 6.30 a.m., I can still reach school by 7.00 a.m. I would have helped my father to save RM500 to RM600 of taxi fare if I opt to cycle to school. This money can be used to spend on other household expenses. So, it is bicycle for me. Activity 7 – I would suggest the hoop because it is the cheapest. It is only RM30 and it has a 20% discount. This means she pays only RM24 for it. Besides the low price, she can get a free pair of socks. The hoop can be used indoor or outdoor. Balbir Shape-up Centre is just next to her tuition centre. She can get it easily and fast. Hence, I will surely ask her to buy the hoop. I would suggest the skipping rope as it is moderatelyprice. She can use it for her daily work-outs to slim down and also for strengthening her legs. She plays badminton and skipping improves footwork in badminton. So, it’s killing two birds in one stone. She can conveniently use it in the porch, garden, hall, her room or even in the park as it can be rolled up and carried in her hand. It costs only RM38 and comes with a discount of 10%. She can get it for around RM34 with a wrist band for free. Sashi’s 382838-Slim Gadgets is within walking distance from her school. So, getting there is not a problem. She can also ask her badminton coach, Mr. Kam, who always patronizes the shop, to buy it for her. Maybe, he might get it cheaper for her. So, with all the reasons above, I strongly feel that the skipping rope is the perfect choice for her. Activity 8 – I would choose the kebaya for her because it comes in yellow and blue. Both are her favourite colours. Furthermore, it costs the least among the tree. It is only RM120. It is made of satin and this material is soft. Fahara Lukman is a well-known seamstress in Johor. So, my sister will be very proud to wear her creation. Therefore, I will surely choose the kebaya for her. I would choose the salwar kameez for her because she loves to keep pictures and posters of Hindustani actresses in this attire. In fact, her favourite actress, Rani Mukherjee, always wears salwar kameez. So, I am sure she will like it. Though it may cost a bit more, she would not mind paying RM180 for it as it comes in three colours

of which one is her favourite – white. The material used is Indian silk which is quite costly. One thing which she will like most is this salwar kameez is hand-sewn by Balbir Dixit who is a renowned fashion designer in south Malaysia. If she chooses salwar kameez, she will get a free shawl to complement it. Wow! I can really visualize her being the prima donna at her annual dinner. The teachers and pupils will surely be gazing at her from head to toes. From what I have explained above, she will surely agree to buy the salwar kameez. Activity 9 – I think she would choose Rukman because he has a lot of experience. Rukman won second place in the inter-school acting competition last year. Besides that, he acts, dances and sings well. I am sure my drama teacher will choose Rukman because of these qualities of his. I think she would choose Beng Kam because he has acted the role of a nobleman in ‘Jebat’ before. As it is, Beng Kam is tall and handsome, just like the prince in the story of ‘Cinderella’. Rukman is too short while Shasikaran is too stern. Beng Kam can sing and in most fables, princes sang and charmed their princesses. With his loud voice, his speeches would be heard clearly and the judges in the contest will be very satisfied. As he had acted as ‘Jebat’ before, he will surely know how to act in scenes for the palace. He hasn’t won any prizes yet, but nevertheless, all the above attributes of his make up for his lack of experience. I am very confident my drama teacher will not overlook Beng Kam and choose Rukman or Shasikaran instead. Activity 10 – I would choose the Carry B-Smart bag for my sister because it is lighter than Bestpal which is 2 kg. There are many side pockets for her to keep her things. She will surely be happy with the magic padlock. The bag costs RM15 only and she can get a free pencil box and some pencils. Anyway, my main reason is this bag is made in Malaysia. I would choose the Light and Light bag for my sister because she is too young too take a heavy bag to school. With so many books to bring to school, I want my little sister to have a lighter bag. In that way, she would not be tired. Despite it being made in China, this school bag has a special lock and a high quality zip. Nowadays, China is producing quality things and this bag costs only RM12.99. For such a low price, she can also get a free pair of socks and a key bag. She can give the key bag to my father or mother to use. I am sure my parents will agree with my choice as they had also chosen a light school bag for me once, when I was in Year One. Light and Light is my choice for my sister. Activity 11 – I would advise her to choose the Bukit Tinggi Public Library because the annual membership fee is low and moderately-fixed. It is only RM15. The library is only 100 metres from the bus station. My cousin lives opposite the bus station. She can easily walk there. Since she likes to read at home, she can borrow 3 books at a time for three weeks to read. So, Bukit Tinggi Public Library suits her. I would advise her to choose the Gambir Park Library because it is just opposite the bus station. My cousin lives a stone’s throw away from the bus station. The membership fee is affordable and justified. Though it is higher than the fee for Bukit Tinggi library, she has the


luxury of selecting from 800,000 books. She will have an enjoyable time reading books there as she is an avid reader. The library is fully air-conditioned and this is surely very conducive for reading. This library gives a benefit unmatched by the other two libraries. Members can borrow 5 books at a time for a month! A bookworm like my cousin would truly appreciate this. Hence, for my cousin, this library is the most ideal. Activity 12 – I would choose the Diamondhead KBH Super because it is made of graphite. Graphite is light and durable. It costs RM180 and I think it is fair as graphite-made racquets are expensive. One feature which I like is the diamond shape. It is unique. It is available in my favourite colour, maroon. So, these are the reasons why I choose Diamondhead KBH Super. I would choose the Diamondhead KBH Super because its frame is so uniquely shaped. The shape really fascinates me. Apart from this feature, the price also catches my attention. Graphite racquets usually cost more than RM200, but this one is tagged at a fair RM180. It is available in three striking colours and two of the colours awed me. As a matter of fact, silver is my favourite. Despite being not given a discount if I buy this racquet, I am more concerned about the guarantee of the product. This racquet comes with a one-year guarantee which is unprecedented. I haven’t heard of racquets being given a guarantee of more than a month or two. So, if there are defects in this racquet, I can get a new one or get my money reimbursed. From what I have stated above, Diamondhead KAM Super is my only choice. Activity 13 I would choose the Rabbit because it is a cute and cuddly animal. It is white and furry with beautiful pink eyes. I am sure it is going to be fun having such a playful and adorable animal as pet. It is only RM 15.00 per pair. It is not too expensive and reasonable. I can buy the rabbits from the Pets World Shop which is just a walking distance from my grandmother’s place. Since the rabbit stays in a hutch so I need not buy one as I can make use of the old hutch which is in the storeroom. The rabbit feeds on carrots and leafy vegetables. I can ask my mother for some vegetables as she grows some vegetables on a small plot of land behind the house. I am sure she doesn’t mind. As I have reasoned out above, I think I have made the right choice. Activity 14 I would suggest the Chrysanthemum because it is beautiful. Besides, it comes in three attractive colours, yellow, red and white. The garden will surely look beautiful with these flowers around. In fact, chrysanthemums are longlasting and would not wilt easily. It needs to be watered twice a day. It is not a big deal because I always help my mother to water the plants. Each pot costs RM 4 which I think is reasonable and my mother can surely afford it. Although, it needs trimming and to be fertilized, it is not going to be a problem as my father is good at it and he has all the tools for it. From all the reasons mentioned above, I have decided that this is the best choice of flower to be planted in her garden. Activity 15

I would choose the watch because it is not too expensive and within my budget. It is only RM 35.00. I have enough saving to buy it. In fact, if I buy the watch, I will get a leather wallet with every purchase. It is a great offer. I can give both the things as gifs to my teacher. Moreover, it has the latest design and looks attractive. The watch is made of stainless steel frame with leather strap. I am sure it is going to be durable. Based on the reasons, I strongly believe that the watch will be the best gift for my teacher. Activity 16 I would buy the purse for my grandmother because she does not have a nice purse. Besides, it is only RM 46.90 and not too expensive. I have saved RM 50 to buy her a gift so it is within my budget. If I buy the purse, it gives a voucher worth RM10. I can use the voucher to buy other necessary thing. As the purse is imported from Indonesia, I am sure it is going to be of good quality. Leather purse is usually long-lasting because it is made of good material. The purse also has many compartments so my grandfather can put many things in it. It will be useful to her. In fact, the purse comes in black and brown. I would choose the black one as it is my grandmother’s favourite colour. With all these reasons, I have made up my mind to buy the purse for my beloved grandmother. Activity 17 I would recommend Digital Camera because he does not have one. I am sure it is going to be useful to him as he is an outgoing person. In fact, he loves to take pictures of beautiful scenery. The digital camera is only RM 399. It is not too expensive and affordable. The payment is through three monthly installments of RM 133. It is not going to be a problem to him. Besides, the camera is locally made and I think we should support our products. Apart from that, it is branded item. Olympic is a well-known brand and it is always long-lasting. He will get a memory card of 512 MB if he buys the camera. It is indeed a good offer. Last but not least, it is available at Home Appliances Store. There is one near our place so, he can get it easily from there. Activity 18 I would buy Sweater A because it is nice. It comes with stripes so, it looks elegant. It is RM 249 but it has a discount of 20%. I can buy the sweater for about RM 200 only. It is not too expensive and reasonable. Besides, it is a product of Switzerland. I prefer to buy imported products to local ones. My father said that imported products are usually of good quality and long-lasting. It gives a cap with every purchase. I think it is a good deal as my brother loves to wear caps whenever he goes out. Apart from that, free size is just nice for my brother because he is of medium built. I am sure he will be comfortable wearing it. Based on the reasons stated above, I am confident that I have made the right choice. Activity 19 I would choose Bayu Beach Hotel because it is located at Bayu Beach, Port Dickson. The room rate of RM130 is very reasonable as breakfast is provided for 2 adults and 2 children. My father, mother, brother and I can enjoy the free breakfast. There is a swimming pool and a tennis court. My mother and I love swimming whereas my


father and brother like playing tennis so we all ca enjoy ourselves. A free welcome drink and daily newspaper are provided. Activity 20 I would choose Genting Waterfalls because of the cool waterfalls and the beautiful greenery. having a picnic, we can go swimming, diving and jungle trekking. It would be fun and exciting. There is a Seafood Restaurant for us to enjoy our meals. The chalets by the hillside would be nice and the rates are only RM 120 which is reasonable. Activity 21 I would choose Toy No 3 for my cousin because she loves dolls. The price is RM 35. It is very reasonable as the doll can talk and cry. I think my cousin would like that very much. It is made in Malaysia and I support local products. It is also easily available at all Gino Stores. There is a Gino Store near my house so I can by it anytime. SUGGESTED ANSWERS FOR QUESTION 3 Activity 1 Last Friday, the pupils of SK Parit Kurma Pantai watched a football match. Their school played a match against SK Bukit Gambut. The pupils cheered wildly as the two teams ran onto the pitch. En. Hashim, the referee, blew the whistle to start the match. After about forty minutes, a player passed the ball to Sasha, the captain of SK Parit Kurma Pantai. Sasha stopped the ball. He rolled it to his right and kicked it towards the goalmouth. It went in and he scored a goal. The spectators cheered. At the end of the seventy minutes, Sasha’s school won the match. They held up the trophy. Their coach, Encik Shah, praised them. Everyone was happy on that day. Last Friday evening was an unforgettable day for the pupils of SK Parit Kurma Pantai. Almost 200 pupils turned up at the field to watch a football match between their school and SK Bukit Gambut. It was the cup final of the District Under-12 Competition. The pupils cheered loudly as Sasha, the captain of SK Parit Kurma Pantai, led his teammates onto the pitch. Three minutes later, the referee blew his whistle to start off the match. The match was evenly contested and until halftime, both teams could not score. During the break, Encik Shah, their coach explained some tactics to Sasha and his teammates. After the break, they strutted onto the field with more confident. As the SK Bukit Gambut players were attacking, Rostaman, who was Sasha’s striking partner, headed the ball over the head of a defender. Sasha turned away from his marker and with speed as fast as lightning, he raced the ball towards the opponent’s goalmouth. As he approached the goalkeeper, he slammed the ball hard and it went in. Goal! The pupils went wild and cheered, “ Sasha! Sasha!” Ten minutes later, he scored another spectacular goal. Finally, the match ended. Sasha’s team won the match and the Datuk Mohd Zan trophy. Their coach praised them as they carried and lifted Sasha. “Champions! Champions!” they screamed.

Activity 2 Roslan is an orphan. When he was young, he grew up in an orphanage. The name is Bakti Orphanage. He was very hardworking when he was there. He helped and did gardening in the orphanage. His ambition was to be a doctor. He was diligent and did well in his studies. He got good results and was awarded a scholarship. He went to the university and studied hard. He succeeded in becoming a doctor. Now, he has opened his own clinic. He gives free treatment to the orphans and poor people. Roslan was orphaned when he was four years old. His parents passed away in a tragic road accident when they went for a holiday. So, he grew up in Bakti orphanage. He was always very hardworking in his studies and household chores when he was there. Everyone liked him. He aspired to be a successful doctor. So, he worked hard. As he was diligent and perseverant in his studies, he always attained excellent results in his examination. Soon, the Social Welfare Department offered him a scholarship to pursue his higher studies. He did not decline. He studied hard in the university and achieved excellence in all his examinations. Finally, he succeeded in becoming a doctor. As a doctor, Dr. Roslan has never forgotten he is an orphan who had gotten a lot of help from others. He wants to repay other’s kindness. So, since he has established his own clinic, he gives free treatment to the orphans and the poor people who can not afford payment. Dr. Roslan is a kind, successful and considerate doctor. Activity 3 Turtles are reptiles that live in oceans. Yet, they come to lay eggs on the sandy beaches. Their eggs have soft shells. There are many types of turtles. The green turtles have a hard shell on their back. They have long flippers, so they can swim well. The leatherback turtles have a thick leathery shell. Their shell is not as hard as the green turtles. They are an endangered species which may be extinct in the future. Turtles are reptiles that live and swim in the deep oceans. They lay their eggs on the white sandy glistening beaches. In Malaysia, they come to the shores of the east coast states to lay their eggs. Turtle eggs have soft shells and they hatch on the shores. Female turtles cover their eggs after laying them. There are many types of turtles. The green turtles have a hard shell on their back. Their shell is hard. They have long flippers which enable them to swim well. They can swim for long hours across vast oceans to lay eggs. The turtles, which come to Malaysia, swim thousands of kilometers across the Pacific Ocean from the coasts of Chile in South America just to lay eggs. Another species of this reptile is the leatherback turtles. These turtles have a thick leathery shell. They have a larger head and a pointed end. The leatherback turtle is an endangered species and it may be extinct in the near future. So, we must make sure that they are protected from poachers when they come ashore to lay their eggs. Activity 4 Butterflies are beautiful insects. A female butterfly lays eggs on leaves of plants. Usually, it lays eggs on a leaf of a


plant or tree in our garden. An egg hatches into a caterpillar after a few days. It eats a lot, feeding on leaves. It grows fat in a short while. After some time, the caterpillar turns into a pupa. It stays a pupa until a few days later, it finally changes into an adult butterfly. It flies away to look for food. The butterfly is a beautiful insect which visits our garden daily. A butterfly goes through four stages to complete a life cycle. The female butterfly lays her eggs on a leaf of a plant or tree in any garden it visits. Then, she flies away. An egg hatches into a caterpillar after a few days. The caterpillar eats all day. It eats and eats till it grows fat. It usually feeds on leaves and shoots of plants and vegetables. After some time, the caterpillar turns into a pupa. The pupa does not eat. It remains a pupa for a few days until the pupa breaks open and an adult butterfly pops out and flies away. A new butterfly has come to life. This is the life cycle of a butterfly.

away. All the villagers were so frightened and they left their houses running for their lives. The next morning, after the storm and rain had subsided, they returned. Some houses were in the form of debris only while some still stood. A big angsana tree was uprooted and it fell directly across the main road leading to town. Transportation and traffic came to a halt because all the vehicles could not passed through and there was a big traffic jam. Mr. Kam, the minimarket owner consulted Datuk Lukman who is the village headman. The wise headman instantly contacted the Fire Department for immediate help. Within fifteen minutes, the firemen were seen scurrying down from their truck to the spot where the tree had fallen. They strode back to their truck and came back with chainsaws. They cut and cleared the tree trunk and all the branches. The road was clear and vehicles passed through. Many villagers were helping one another to clear the debris. Datuk Lukman went around the village talking to his people and helping to console them.

Activity 5 Lina and Johan are siblings. They love each other very much. They are helpful to their parents. They do the household chores after school and during the weekends. Every Sunday, both of them help their parents so they can rest. Lina cleans and mops the floor. Johan washes the car and wipes it clean and dry. In the evening, they work in the garden. They pull the weeds and water the plants. Both their parents love and praise them very much. Lina and Johan are siblings who love each other very much. They are also helpful to one another besides their parents. They are very obedient to both their parents who are bank officers. Almost everyday, they do the household chores as their parents work till evening. Then, they will do their schoolwork and studies. They compromise one another when they work. On Sundays, Lina cleans the house. Then, she mops it. Her brother washes their father’s car and polishes it. They enjoy helping their parents very much. Sometimes, their parents bring them out for lunch and shopping if they are free. By evening, they are back. During most evenings, they tend to their garden. They clear the weeds and water the plants before they get ready for dinner. They do their work cooperatively and happily. Both their parents are proud of them and everyone in their neighbourhood praises them. Activity 6 A thunderstorm happened in Kampung Kenanga last Sunday night. There was a heavy rain and a strong rain followed. The villagers were frightened. They ran away. In the morning, they saw that a tree was uprooted across the main road. Many vehicles could not pass through. So, the village headman quickly contacted the Fire Department. The firemen cut the tree and cleared it. Then, the vehicles passed through the village main road. Last Sunday night, a massive thunderstorm struck Kampung Kenanga. The rain followed continuously for several hours and a strong wind swept mercilessly through the village. It blew away several rooftops. The wooden walls of Makcik Rosana fell and were blown

Activity 7 Hassan is a disobedient boy. He likes to drink carbonated drinks and eat junk food. One Sunday evening, he ate a lot of those things. The next morning, Hassan woke up with a stomachache. He did not go to school. As he was feeling painful, his mother quickly took him to Aman Clinic in town. Hassan has always been scared of injection. When Dr. S. Rizal examined him, he was crying. The doctor advised him and gave him medicine. He told Hassan to have more rest and he would be better. Hassan is disobedient and greedy. He likes to consume carbonated drinks like Coca-cola, 7-up and junk food. He takes them everyday. One Sunday evening, he was at his best friend’s house. His friend’s parents were out and both of them ate a lot of junk food and drank several cans of carbonated and isotonic drinks. That night, he was a bit uneasy. Nevertheless, he went to bed. When he woke up the next morning, he had a severe stomachache. As he was sitting up, he felt an excruciating pain and he rushed to the toilet. He purged, so he did not go to school. When he was still feeling painful after two hours, his mother took him to Aman Clinic. Hassan is always scared of injections. When the doctor examined him, he cried as he was frightened the doctor might give him an injection. But, the kind and fatherly Dr. Kam only advised him not to take too much junk food. He asked him to rest more and he would get better. He also prescribed him some medicine. Hassan stopped sobbing, smiled sheepishly and said, “I thought you wanted to give me an injection.” Both Dr. Kam and Hassan’s mother looked at one another and they broke into laughter. Activity 8 It was about dusk. Mr. Karam Singh was sitting alone on the bench. He was waiting for the bus at the bus stop. Suddenly, he heard a woman’s voice. She was screaming for help. A thief had snatched her handbag. Immediately, Karam Singh stood up and chased the thief. He caught him and got the handbag. The thief managed to free himself and run away.


Karam Singh returned the handbag to the woman. She thanked him for his kind deed. One evening, around dusk, Mr. Karam Singh was sitting on the bench at the bus stop. He was waiting for the last bus to go home. As he was waiting, he was thinking about his children waiting for him to get home for their dinner. All of a sudden, he heard a woman screaming, “Thief! Thief! A thief snatched my handbag. Help! Someone, please help.” Karam Singh stood up and looked towards the direction of the voice. He saw a helpless woman wailing and looking for someone to help her as the thief was sprinting away. With two strides in one, Karam Singh, who was once a national sprinter for the SEA Games, ran and pursued the thief. Just at the bend of the main road, he had caught up with the thief. He apprehended him and grabbed the handbag from the thief’s clutch. Being a kind man, he let him go. He walked back to the frightened lady. He returned her the handbag and she thanked him for his kind deed. Out of gratitude, she took out a RM100 note for Karam Singh. He declined her politely but she insisted, “Buy your family something, brave man.” So, Karam Singh took it and thanked her for her generosity. Activity 9 Making sandwiches is very easy. First, get all the ingredients needed, like bread, sardines, onion, cucumber, butter and knife. Next, pour the sardines into a bowl and mash it with a fork. Then, add in some lime juice, chillies and onion. Stir them well. After that, spread the butter onto the bread. Put the mixture on top. Then, put the sliced cucumber on top of the mixture. Next, put another piece of bread on top. The sandwiches are ready to be served. Making sandwiches is very easy and it involves several simple steps. First, get all the necessary ingredients which are needed. You must have a loaf or half a loaf of bread, a can of sardines, an onion, a cucumber, some butter, a fork and a butter knife. First, put the sardines into a bowl and mash it evenly and thoroughly with a fork. Next, add the chopped chillies, sliced onion and a tablespoon of lime juice into the bowl. Stir all the ingredients well. After that, spread the butter on the bread with the knife. Then, spread the mixture on top of the bread. After that, slice some cucumber and put the slices on top of the mixture. Finally, the sandwiches are ready to be served. These are the simple steps in preparing sandwiches.

necessity to him. He has planned to buy a Samsung 3G mobile phone. He is saving money to buy it. Last month, during his Pendidikan Moral lesson, his teacher, Mr. Jacob announced to the class about their classmate’s mother. She was critically ill and she needed money for an operation. Ah Meng felt sympathetic for his classmate and her mother. When he reached home, he thought over that issue in class over and over again. He had to forgo the mobile phone. Helping his friend came as a priority. The following morning, he took his coin box to school and told his teacher about his intention. The headmaster heard about it. He went to Ah Meng’s class and announced to the pupils of Ah Meng’s generosity. He asked Ah Meng to hand the coin box in front of the class. Everyone clapped and was moved by Ah Meng’s unselfish act. Many came forward and gave their donation to their classmate. The headmaster praised everyone. Activity 11 Last Tuesday, the pupils of SK Parit Nawi celebrated Children’s Day in school. Early that morning, the headmaster delivered his speech. There were no lessons for the day. The pupils and teachers were very happy. They held a telematch. They competed in some events. All of them had a lot of fun. The teachers, pupils and committee members of the PTA had lunch in the canteen. There was a concert. A few pupils and teachers performed. Everyone enjoyed themselves on that day. Last Monday was a day of joy for the pupils of SK Parit Nawi. The school teachers and pupils celebrated Children’s Day with pomp and splendor. Early that morning, the headmaster started off the day by delivering his annual Children’s Day speech. He told the teachers and pupils there were no lessons for the day and asked them to enjoy themselves. They began with a telematch for the pupils and teachers. Everyone had a lot of fun. Later, all the teachers, pupils and committee members were invited to an early lunch in the canteen. There was a short concert performed by the pupils and teachers. They also sang songs during the karaoke contest during lunch. Then, the headmaster presented some prizes to the winners of some events. He ended the celebration by wishing the children ‘Happy Children’s Day’. Everyone at the canteen was very happy and enjoyed the celebration. Activity 12

Activity 10 Ah Meng is a thrifty boy. He keeps his money in his coin box. He has planned to buy a mobile phone. One morning, during his Moral lesson, his teacher announced to the class about their classmate’s mother. She was very ill and needed money for an operation. His teacher wanted all the pupils to donate some money. Ah Meng wanted to help, so the following day, he gave all his savings in his coin box to his classmate. The headmaster praised Ah Meng for his generosity. Ah Meng is a thrifty boy who keeps his money in his coin box. He only buys things which he feels are a

Encik Ahmad is a kind and loving father to his children. Every holiday, he takes them for a vacation. Last semester holiday, they went to Kuala Lumpur for two days. They visited the Kuala Lumpur Tower. They went to the top by elevator and saw the beautiful city atop the building. The next day, they visited the National Zoo. His children were excited watching the animals. They also had lunch at the park outside the zoo. They enjoyed the trip. They went home feeling tired but happy. Encik Ahmad is a kind and loving father. He loves his children and wife very much. He likes to go for short trips and vacations ay different places.


Last school semester holidays, Encik Ahmad and his family went to Kuala Lumpur. They stayed there for two days. On the first day, they toured the city and visited many interesting and scenic spots. They took photographs and bought souvenirs. They also went atop the Kuala Lumpur Tower by elevator. The view of the city was simply panoramic. By nightfall, they were exhausted and worn-out. They returned to their hotel early that night although they enjoyed their outing. They had a good sleep since all of them were almost wobbling after dinner. The next day, they visited the National Zoo. Again, all of them had a lot of thrills at the zoo while watching the animals and exploring the surroundings at the zoo. Later, they had lunch and picnic at the beautiful park. They enjoyed their trip. Then, they packed up and went home feeling happy but tired. Activity 13 On the last day of school, SK Keroma Tangkak held a cleanliness campaign in their school. The pupils cleaned all the classrooms and places in the school. They tidied the compound. They gathered all the dried leaves and rubbish. They burned them. They also trimmed the plants and planted some. They worked hard. The pupils and teachers also collected old newspapers and cans. They sold them to a recycling agent. Before the school closed for the long year-end holidays, SK Keroma Tangkak held a cleanliness campaign. All the teachers and pupils worked very hard to clean up the school and its compound. Puan Shakilarah was in charge of the compound while Mr. Sashidiren was in charge of the classrooms. Both of them are capable teachers whom pupils like very much. Within two hours, almost all the classrooms were cleaned and the windows and fans were wiped. Mr.Sashidiren asked his pupils to arrange all the desks, tables, cupboards and chairs before they proceeded to the canteen for a meal. Meanwhile, at the compound, Puan Shakilarah was giving instructions to her pupils to carry out their tasks. They gathered dried leaves and burned them. They trimmed the plants and planted new ones too. They worked hard because they liked to work with Puan Shakilarah. By noon, they had collected the old newspapers from the staffroom and library. They also collected cans. Their headmistress, Puan Nurlinda sold the newspapers and cans to a recycling agent.

Activity 14 Last Thursday, Ravi’s school held its annual Sports Day. A lot of parents and children came to watch the events. Ravi’s parents came too. Ravi participated in the 100-metre race. He ran fast and won the event. The spectators cheered. There were many other events like high jump, long jump and relays. At the end of the day, the headmaster, Encik Mutalib presented medals to the winners. Ravi received a big trophy as captain of Blue House. His parents were very proud of his achievement.

After the final UPPM3 examination, SJK (T) Siang Hari held its annual Sports Day. The school field was decorated with flags and buntings. Tents and canopies were pitched around the field a day before. Ravi’s school looked beautiful. On that grand day, many parents and children came to watch the events held. Around the field, it was crowded with spectators comprising mostly of parents and family members of the pupils. Ravi participated in the 100-metre race. He ran as swift as a gazelle and won the event. He also won the long jump and got second place for 200 metres. The spectators cheered for the participants. They were wild with excitement when the relay was held. Ravi’s housemates ran so fast and they won the event easily. By evening, all the events were carried out. The headmaster presented the medals to all the winners. When the champion house was announced, Ravi went up the podium. He received the challenge trophy from the ‘Penghulu’ of Kampung siang Hari. Their headmaster was very proud and delighted with all the teachers and pupils of the school. He thanked all of them before they went home. Activity 15 Muthu, Beng Hooi, Luqman and Nathan went camping in the jungle near Gunung Ledang. They are boy scouts from SK Tongkat Ali. While in the jungle, they lost their way. They looked for the way out but could not. They were tired. After two days, they did not return. Their parents were worried and they made a report the police station. A police rescue team searched the jungle for the missing boys. They rescued them. Their parents were relieved and grateful to see they were safe. It was the first semester school holidays. Murthi, Luqman, Beng Hooi and Hashim, who are boy scouts from SK Tongkat Ali, decided to go camping. They went camping in the dense jungle near Gunung Ledang. They told their parents they would be back the next day. Unfortunately, it rained heavily that night. When they were coming out of the jungle, they could not remember the way. They tried to look for paths or the marks and signs that they had made when they came in. But, they could not because the heavy rain overnight had washed them away. They were lost and tired. They were scared and Luqman, being the timid one among them started crying. After two days, they did not return. Their parents were so worried and they went to lodge a report at the Kampung Fatimah police station. A police rescue team was formed and soon, a platoon of policemen with dogs combed the area where the boys were reported to have camped. Since Luqman is the pampered son of a politician, a helicopter from the TUDM was also hovering above the trees in the vicinity. Then, the dogs started barking frantically and Inspector Sashi knew they had found the boys. The police approached the place where the dogs were heading and they found them squatting, shivering and crying. They brought them out of the jungle. Their parents were relieved upon seeing them. They were grateful to Inspector Sashi and his team. The boys followed their parents back.


Activity 16 Three boys went fishing at a stream near their village. They brought along their fishing nets. They caught many small fish. They put them in a container. They enjoyed themselves. Then, they saw a snake. They were frightened. They ran away and left their things at the river. Now, they have decided to have a new hobby. It is painting scenery. Activity 17 Samy was shopping in a supermarket. He saw a boy. The boy was shoplifting. Samy went to the guard. He told the guard about the incident. The guard rushed towards the boy and caught him. He took him to see the manager. The manager came to Samy and praised him. He was grateful to Samy. Samy is a responsible boy. Activity 18 Last Sunday night, Suhaimi watched his favourite programme till late night. He went to bed late. He overslept till 7.10 a.m. in the morning. He woke up and rushed for the bus. It was leaving and did not stop. Suhaimi missed it. He was late for school. Finally, he regretted sleeping late last night. Activity 19 Rizal and his family went for a picnic. He was swimming. His sister was building a sandcastle. Then, he heard shouts and looked towards the sea. He saw a boy drowning in the water. He swam towards him. He rescued the boy to the shore. The boy’s parents thanked Rizal for saving their son. Activity 20 Pak Man was fishing at the river. He saw a few boys swimming in the river too. Later, one of them was drowning. His friends shouted. Pak Man saw the boy. He jumped into the water towards the boy. He carried him to the river bank. The children thanked Pak Man for saving their friend.


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