Sunday, September 6th Bulletin In Word

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  • Words: 2,611
  • Pages: 10
“A fellowship of believers who seek to be to each other what Christ has been to them.”

Bedford Baptist Church Affiliated with the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches & Canadian Baptist Ministries

Welcome! Visitors are invited to sign our Guest Book in the foyer. If this is your first time visiting with us, we wish you warmest of greetings. Please take time to fill out a “Welcome Card” located in the pew rack and place it on the offering plate.

September 6th, 2009

“….for the people had a mind to work.” Nehemiah 4:6

bulletins may be obtained from the ushers. LARGE PRINT

An audio loop is available for the hearing impaired. Parents of small children (under age 3) may take them to the Nursery, where a caring staff will supervise them. 158 Rocky Lake Drive PO Box 44073 Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 3X5 Phone: 835-5966 Fax: 835-3984 Prayer Chain Erna Rand 835-3495 Envelopes: Marion Grant 835-3552 [email protected] Radio CHSB 99.3 Hill Top FM

Ministers - All the congregation Rev. Robert Ohsberg Rev. Dr. Ida Armstrong-Whitehouse Lic. Kevin A. Haggarty Mrs. Christine Cole Mrs. Sharon Higgins Mr. Joel Scott

(Senior Pastor) (Associate Pastor) (Director of Youth Ministries) (Interim Organist) (Office Administrator) (Caretaker)

Service of Worship at 10:55 a.m.

(*indicates standing, if persons are able)

Enter His Courts With Praise Call to Worship Prelude Ministry Opportunities *Time of Singing

Memorial Carillon “How Good To Thank Our God” (Klusmeier) Pastor Kevin Worship Team

(Children are directed to KidZone as we sing the last song)

Tithes and Offering Offertory Prayer Offertory Offertory Response

“Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace” (Temple) “#600 “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him, above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

Ministry of Music Prayers of the People

“O Rest In The Lord” (Mendelssohn)


II Thessalonians 3:6-13 (Pew Bible, NT pg. 207) Ephesians 6:4-5; 9-10 (Pew Bible, NT pg. 191) “It’s Off To Work I Go” – Can God Go With Us? “Work For Night is Coming”

Sermon *Hymn

Janette Haggarty Rev. Henry Sharam

Pastor Ida

(Those in the balcony wishing to receive communion are asked to move to the main level during the singing)

Communion: Our Lord’s Supper Introduction *Hymn # 213 “Heirs (Sons) of God” V1-3 Words of Institution Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Bread Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Cup *Hymn #441 “Lord Here Am I Send Me” V1-3 Commissioning & Benediction Postlude B Flat Major (J.S. Bach)

Deacon Heather Cox Deacon Webster Sweet

Threefold Amen

Go And Be His disciples

Review of Sunday, August 30th, 2009 Operational Budget Current/Bldg Fund Mortgage Missions

$ 5,415.21 $ 454.07

Total Operational Offerings

$ 5,869.28

Designated Special Offerings Benevolent $ 1.00 Beacon House $ 6.00 Summer Mission Reserve $ 5.00 Spiritual Week $ 10.00 School Supplies $ 80.00 Movie Night $ 143.60 Outreach $ 900.00 Total Designated Offerings $1,145.60

Total Offering for Sunday, August 30th, 2009 $7,014.88 (Automatic debit weekly offerings are included in totals)

Our Stewardship Account for Kingdom Work to August 31, 2009 (Figures are unofficial)

2009 Ministry Budget: Average Needed Weekly (52 weeks): Required for 35 Weeks: Received for 35Weeks: Year to Date Budget Deficit Morning Service Last Week: 168

Deacon on Duty Greeters at the Door Sound Tellers

$377,008.00 $ 7,250.00 $253,750.00 $241,141.00 -$ 12,609.00

Drive-In Service Last Week: 75 Year Ago: 62

Year Ago: 150

Servants in the Lord’s Work This Week Next Week Kathy Cochrane Sandra MacKenzie Webster & Sharon Sweet Owen & Hattie Nickerson Phillip Cox Phillip Cox Cathy MacMulllin, Minnie Cathy MacMulllin, Minnie Daniels & Hattie Nickerson Daniels & Hattie Nickerson

Birthday Greetings Best wishes are extended to Bob McLean who is celebrating his 83rd birthday on Saturday, September 12th.

Sunday to Sunday September6th - September 13th This Sunday

Monday Tuesday

Wednesday Thursday

Saturday Next Sunday

10:55 10:55 am 10:55 am 11:15 am 2:00 pm 6:30pm 7:30 pm 9:30am 6:00 pm 7:00pm 7-9:00pm 8:00pm 2:00pm Dusk 10:55 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 11:15 am

Communion Service Nursery Church-time Preschool KidZone Labour Day Office Closed Pastoral Staff Meeting Guys Playing Stuff Muriel Bent WMS (Muriel Bent Guest Speaker) Volleyball Youth Group Drop In Sanctuary Choir Girls in Motion Volleyball Community Fair Drive-In Movie “Night at the Museum II” Worship Service Rally Day After worship – Corn Boil & Hotdogs Nursery (Marilyn Wentzell & Ben Levy) Church-time Preschool (Bernie Levy & Michael McCurdy) KidZone


Sanctuary Gymnasium Sanctuary Heffler Room Gymnasium Parking Lot Parking Lot Sanctuary

Edu-Kid Thank you to all those who have made donations to the Edu-Kid school supplies. We are still in need of large glue sticks, scent free markers (fine line & thick), scrapbooks, calculators, paper folders with pockets and graft paper. There is a box in the foyer where you can drop off donated supplies or you can make a donation (mark as “school supplies”) and these funds will be used to meet special requests from our students. Thank you for your support!

September Calendar The September calendar of events is available for pick up in the foyer.

Coming Saturday, September 12th, 2:00pm Community Fair Tiger Belly Bounce, Princess Palace, Cotton Candy and much more.

Sunday Prayer Link Please pray for the children’s ministries and other ministry groups in our churches that they may grow increasingly passionate about reaching those who need to know Christ as well as leading Christ-followers in a deepening walk with Him. Pray for all the various leaders, teachers and others that they may be strengthened and encouraged in their ministry. Bulletin Sponsor Today’s bulletin has been given by Murrice & Bea Witherall in celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary, Saturday, September 5th.

Sanctuary Choir Sanctuary choir practices will commence this Thursday, September 10 @7:00pm. New members are welcome to join us. Friendship Circle Friendship Circle will begin on Tuesday, September 15th at 2:00pm in the Heffler Room. New members are cordially invited to join us for a time of fellowship. Stewardship Committee The Stewardship Committee will meet on Monday, Sept 14th at 7:00pm LAFF Program The LAFF program will commence on Thursday, September 17th. This session study will be held on “What in the World is Going On? – 10 Prophetic Clues You Cannot Afford to Ignore” by Dr. David Jeremiah. Facilitator - Lic. Miriam MacDonald. Please pick up the Fall newsletter in the foyer to learn more about LAFF and this study. For further information please call Miriam @864-6208 Muriel Bent WM Muriel Bent WMS is holding an open meeting this Tuesday, September 8th at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. They are and excited to have Muriel Bent, the missionary for whom the group was named as their guest speaker. Muriel will be sharing her experiences from her recent mission tour to Kenya. Everyone is invited to attend, youth, young adults, men and women

KidZone Splish-Splash Starting Sunday September 13th Come and meet two new puppet friends, hear some Splish Splash Bible stories, make some crafts, play some Games, and of course,have some fun! It's all part of our new Splish Splash program. If you are going to Primary, come and join the other children (up to and including Grade 6) as we discover what water wonders are waiting for us. Hi/KidVenture Exciting children’s Program which includes gym time crafts, stories, singing, snacks and Frog Pond. Registration 6:30-7:00pm Monday, September 14th. All children welcome who are 4 years of age up to and including grade 6 Volunteers Needed We are making plans for an exciting Fall Program for Hi/KidVenture. This program will be meeting on Monday nights from 6:30-8:00pm. We are looking for volunteers who are willing to help out on Monday evenings in a variety of capacities. If you are interested in becoming a Hi/KidVenture volunteer or would like more information, please contact the church office @ 835-5966. Anyone involved in KidVenture/HighVenture There will be an important orientation/training meeting Sept 14th after registration from 7:00 - 9:00. People who are helping with registration are still asked to be there for 6:30. ALL involved in the program are strongly urged to attend the meeting, the exceptions being those who are supplying cookies and therefore not actively involved with the kids. Rally Day Sunday. Next Sunday is Rally Day. Come hear what God has been doing and the exciting ministries planned for the fall. The Christian Education Committee will be having a Hotdog BBQ and Corn Boil following the morning church service.

Reading Program –Only 3 Weeks Left Over 200 books have been borrowed from our library since the “Summer Fun Reading Program” began! Over 66 folks have indicated that they have read books! ONE PROBLEM - the Library Committee needs to know how many you have read. Also, if you have not signed your name on one of the charts outside the Library, would you be so kind as to do so. (The list of prizes available is in library. For adults, prizes range from $5.00 - $25.00, many of which are gift certificates) Please see the list of prizes to ascertain the number of books needed for various prizes.

Do you want a relaxing weekend, great fellowship, close to nature with opportunity for great food, a canoe ride or a walk through the woods? Whether you are single or married, young or old YOU ARE WANTED at this September 18-20 retreat. This year’s speaker is Borden Scott Registration forms are in the foyer. Please talk with Heather Cox or Ben Levy for more information. Thank to Ivan MacPhee for doing the “crack-filling” in the two vestry classrooms. We are still looking for painters.

Oasis Reflections 2009 Oasis is always a great time for me to "connect and catch up" with friends in our CABC (Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches.) This is my annual visit with some very dear friends. I also commit myself to talk to some people unknown to me as I am very aware that people may be new or feeling very alone within a crowd where so many seem to know each other. Fellowship, music, devotional speakers, CBM updates, theme speaker, workshops, browsing the Book Room and business are all part of the mix and of course some aspects always seem to "speak" directly to individuals -- "as if God had designed some events just for encouraging, prodding or challenging me!" I really appreciated the early morning prayer times at the chapel -- a time to draw apart with fellow believers and thank God for His faithfulness as well as to commit the day’s events into His care. Theme speaker, Reggie McNeal, called on us to make a missional shift from "program" development to "people" development. A statement he made that challenged and stuck with me was: "As we do life, let's talk about the transforming stuff." Donna Guinta 2009 was my first experience to be at Oasis. It certainly was wonderful to be worshipping God with fellow Christians from around the Atlantic Provinces. One of the emphases of Reggie McNeal that spoke to me was how we often expect non-Christians to come to the church. Christ never cloistered himself off within the synagogues with just fellow believers. Christ went out and about ministering to and blessing those who don’t believe otherwise the Gospel would never have spread. He spoke to and blessed people from all walks of life. Sometimes we as Christians don’t associate with the same type of people Jesus did. He accepted all people. This thought has come to me several times over the last week. Jesus met whatever the need was for the people of that time. Just what can we do for the people of our time? How can we meet their real needs that would make a difference in their lives – so much so that they might want to question why we are like that. We can offer them that cup of water, or warm clothes or something else that is needed to show them the love of the Lord. I would encourage others to attend Oasis 2010 and receive the blessing God would have in store for them. Go and be refreshed at Oasis 2010. Kathy Cochrane Convention always seems to surprise me. You can count on being surprised by meeting an old friend, by finding an otherwise dull business meeting suddenly interesting but my favourite is always the surprise of learning something new. This year’s treat for the mind came from the revolutionary notion that Church programs were not all that church members should be engaged in. Dr. McNeal started by pointing out the obvious: it is taking all our energies to keep the institution of the church going. Just ask yourself how many close friends you have outside the church? How

many community-based volunteer hours are you able to contribute? And how many children are less hungry after we in the church spend our money on programs and our manpower to implement them? We do these programs to get people through the doors but what if we were released to go out those doors and talked with people where they gathered? As we continued to work through these ideas and talked about our fears of trying to ask strangers what they needed from God, more surprises came to light. The big one for me was “The Dragon of Fear has no teeth!” By that, Dr. McNeal explained that when you voice your fear out loud and in sentence form, take it apart and examine it, you are left asking yourself “what is the worst that can happen to me?” For me this was a laugh! My biggest fear is that someone might think I’m strange or, at worst, crazy! Most likely this has already happened and yet I’m still surviving! It was a sweet spirit at Convention this year. Business was done; the majority listened with respect and dignity to the voice of the minority. The presence of God was no doubt among us then but, for me, I experienced God most keenly when singing the ancient hymns and 1000 voices strong, singing Holy, Holy, Holy was a powerful force. Convention just gets sweeter every year. Nancy Duffy

Please Be in Prayer for our Sick & Shut-In QEII Infirmary Mrs. QEII VG Site Mrs. Dykeland Lodge Mrs. Parkland Estates (Cameron Hall) Mrs. Parkland Estates (Drummond Hall) Windsor Elms Mrs. Northwood Center Saint John Regional NB

At Home

Ruth (Pierce) Chiasson Lola Murphy Helen Beeler Norma Sutherland Mrs. Beth Kennedy Marjorie Levy Ms. Brenda Carson Mr. Alfred Shuve

Mrs. Sydney Derrah Ms. Carol Lumsden Mrs. Elisabeth Manteuffel Ms. Pauline Mason Mrs. Myrtle Mayhew Mrs. Mabel Murphy Mrs. Mona Welsford Mrs. Bea Witherall Baby Sarah MacKay

Halifax Halifax Windsor Halifax Halifax Windsor Halifax Saint John, Mt. Pleasant, NB Bedford Hammonds Plains Lower Sackville Bedford Halifax Lower Sackville Bedford Bedford

Mr. David Chiasson


Friends of Bayside Cookbook Want to take part in supporting Bayside Camp? A cookbook is being created and they are looking for recipes. If you would like you to submit your favourite recipes and/or order a cookbook, please check the bulletin board for details. To submit your recipe on line, please contact the church office for the form.

A Special Day At Bayside Camp For The Young At Heart! Seniors Luncheon - Thursday, September 24 Friends old and new are invited to join us at camp to sing favourite hymns, hear stories from the summer ministry season and enjoy a lunch together. The program will begin at 11:00 a.m. and lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. Reserve your seat by calling the Camp Office at (902) 868-1237

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