Sunday, November 22nd Bulletin In Word

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  • Pages: 9
“A fellowship of believers who seek to be to each other what Christ has been to them.”

Bedford Baptist Church Affiliated with the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches & Canadian Baptist Ministries

Welcome! Visitors are invited to sign our Guest Book in the foyer. If this is your first time visiting with us, we wish you warmest of greetings. Please take time to fill out a “Welcome Card” located in the pew rack and place it on the offering plate.

November 22nd 2009

Pray For One Another

bulletins may be obtained from the ushers.


An audio loop is available for the hearing impaired. Parents of small children (under age 3) may take them to the Nursery, where a caring staff will supervise them.

158 Rocky Lake Drive PO Box 44073 Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 3X5 Phone: 835-5966 Fax: 835-3984 Prayer Chain Erna Rand 835-3495 [email protected] Radio CHSB 99.3 Hill Top FM

Ministers - All the congregation Rev. Robert Ohsberg (Senior Pastor) Rev. Dr. Ida Armstrong-Whitehouse (Associate Pastor) Lic. Kevin A. Haggarty (Director of Youth Ministries) Lic. Miriam MacDonald (Supervised Field Education Student Mrs. Christine Cole (Interim Organist) Mrs. Sharon Higgins (Office Administrator) Mr. Joel Scott (Caretaker)

Service of Worship at 10:55a.m.

(*indicates standing, if persons are


Worthy of Praise is the Lord Call to Worship Prelude

Memorial Carillon “The Stories Of Jesus” (Chaplin)

Ministry Opportunities *Time of Singing

Christine Cole Pastor Kevin Worship Team

(Children are invited to come to the front pews during the last song)

Children’s Story Children’s Song

Pastor Ida

“This Is The Day” (Children, Primary to Grade 6, are directed to KidZone during singing of song)

Tithes and Offerings Offering & Offertory Prayer Offertory “Trumpet Tune” (McCab) *Offertory Response #600 “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” Ministry of Music Prayers of the People Hymn

“To God Be The Glory” His for Him (Wally Graham, David McCurdy, Nelson Metcalfe, David Waugh) Accompanist: Jane MacLaren #360”More About Jesus Would I Know” (VS. 1 & 2)

The Ministry of the Word Scripture Sermon

Ephesians 1:15-23 (NT pg. 192) “A Prayer For One Another”


#375 “May the Mind Of Christ My Savior” (Vs. 1-4)

Benediction Postlude

“Postlude” (Mallard)

Go and Be His disciple

Pastor Bob

Review of Sunday, November 15th, 2009 Operational Budget Current/Bldg Fund Mortgage Missions Initial Christmas Sale Small Group Books

$ 5,116.74 $ 457.06 $ 2.00 $ 60.00 $ 15.00

Total Operational Offerings

$ 5,650.80

Designated Special Offerings Benevolent $ 1.00 Beacon House $ 26.00 Memorial $ 25.00 Summer Mission Reserve $ 20.00 Outreach $ 950.00 Sharing Way $ 5.00 Total Designated Offerings $1,027.00

Total Offering for Sunday, November 15th 2009 $6,677.80 (Automatic debit weekly offerings are included in totals) Morning Service Last Week: 207

Deacon on Duty Greeters at the Door Sound Tellers

Year Ago: 195

Servants in the Lord’s Work This Week Kathy Cochrane Juanita Gallant & Grace Johnston Phillip Cox Sharon Sweet & Marlene Davies

Next Week Ron McLean Gordon & Donna Burris Phillip Cox Sharon Sweet & Marlene Davies

FINANCIAL UPDATE At the annual meeting in February, the Church approved a budget for 2009 of $377,000. Here’s where we stand. As of Sunday, November 8 for the first 45 Sundays of 2009, we received approximately $308,000 that can be utilized for budget-related commitments and expenses. This means that, if we are to make our budget for 2009, we need to receive an additional $69,000 over the course of the final 7 Sundays of the year. This equates to an approximate average of $9,850 per Sunday. Traditionally, we finish out the year very strongly. It is important that we do so again this year. Please consider what you can do to help achieve our budget for 2009. Together, we can do it.

Sunday to Sunday November 22nd – November 29th This Sunday





Friday Saturday Next Sunday

10:00 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 11:15 am After Worship 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 9:30 am 1:30 pm 6:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:15 pm 9:15 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7-9:00 pm 9:30-11:30 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 7-9:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:45 pm 6:30 pm 10:00 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 11:15 am 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Following Supper

Pre-service Youth Worship Service Nursery Church-time Preschool KidZone Spaghetti Social Small Groups Youth Fireside Volleyball Nominating Committee HI/KidVenture College & Career Volleyball Ladies Alive Pastoral Staff Meeting Friendship Circle Guys Playing Stuff Deacons Meeting Volleyball Youth Alive Prayer & Bible Study McLean Bible Study Library Committee LAFF “What in the World is Going On?” Association Council Christmas Cantata Practice Sanctuary Choir Girls in Motion Volleyball Executive Meeting Volleyball Movie Night “Up” & “Shorts” Pre-service Youth Morning Worship Service Nursery (April Barrett, Tanya Starratt & Brianna Bates) Church-time Preschool (Duane & Judy Yeomans) KidZone Advent Intergenerational Intergenerational Supper Hanging of the Greens

Chipman Room Sanctuary Nursery 2’s & 3’s Room Vestry Gymnasium

Gymnasium New Library

Gymnasium Heffler Room Heffler Room Heffler Room Gymnasium Youth Room Ingram’s Home Library Heffler Room Heffler Room Sanctuary Sanctuary Gymnasium Heffler Room Gymnasium Gymnasium Chipman Room Sanctuary Nursery 2’s & 3’s Room Vestry Gymnasium Sanctuary

Canadian Baptist Ministries Christmas Gifts “Gifts for Change” - Wonderful Christmas gift ideas found in a small catalogue from CBM that you can ask people to give you or that you can give to others. (Example: One goat $65.00) Gift catalogues are available in the foyer.100% of the funds received go to the project of your choice.

Mitten Tree Each year we set up a Christmas mitten tree which is now in the church foyer. As a church we bring store bought or homemade mittens, scarves, hats to put on this tree. The collected items are given to our elementary school children in Hi/KidVenture and children in a local school. Thanks to you generosity we now have about 75 items. Additional items would be greatly appreciated.

Olympia Torch Bearers Congratulations to Jeff Irving and Michael Ross who were bearers of the Olympic Torch. Jeff carried it on Tuesday, November 17 in Antigonish and Michael carried it on Wednesday, November 18, in Cole Harbour.

Communion Table Have you noticed the new runner on the Communion Table? When the huge replacement cost was discovered, the deacons asked Cathy MacMullin if she could help. She laboriously cut out the old letters and restitched them to the new cloth. The Friendship Circle was glad to contribute $100 for her costs and Cathy donated her hours.

Seniors Christmas Dinner Our special dinner and celebration will be held this year on Saturday, December 5, 5:30 pm at Faith Baptist Church, Lower Sackville. We will be sharing with seniors from Faith as we enjoy good food and fellowship along with the singing of favourite Christmas carols. Folks from Faith Baptist will be providing the dinner at a cost of $15:00. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer for those planning to attend. Please indicate if you need a ride.

Beacon House Helpers This Saturday, November 28th, from 9-12 is our turn to staff Beacon House and volunteers are needed. Please call Jean Woodworth if you are able to help 835-3586.


Sunday Prayer Link The approaching month of December can be a particularly lonely and difficult time when in prison. Please pray for our Baptist chaplains who are ministering in Atlantic Canada’s correctional system – Rev. Hugh Kirkegaard, Regional Chaplain; Rev. Phil Ferris (Westmorland Institution), Rev. Pauline Coffin(Nova Institution for Women) and Pastor Wilma Janzen (Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility).

Birth Congratulations Congratulations to Christine Woodrow and Rob MacDonald on the birth of their son Teagan Wyatt MacDonald, born Thursday, November 5th, in Ottawa, ON. Proud grandparents are Miriam and George MacDonald. Congratulations to Erin (Archibald) and Honza Pokorny on the birth of their son Wyatt Josef who was born on Friday, November 13th in Scotland. Proud grandparents are Bob & Louise Archibald and great-grandmother Lillian Dunn.

Poinsettias If you would like to donate a poinsettia for the Christmas season in honor or in memory of a loved one it would be appreciated. Plant may be dropped of at the church office the week of December 6th between 9:00am and 12noon. DESSERTS NEEDED FOR INTERGENERATIONAL We still need 3 pans of chocolate cake and 3 pans of gingerbread (9x13 if possible) for Nov. 29th. If you are able to help please contact Dianne Cox [email protected] (8656201)

Advent Intergenerational November 29th Volunteers are needed to help with registration, craft leaders, set-up of tables/chairs and removal of tables/chairs. If you would like to serve in this way please speak to Dr. Ida or phone the church office at 835-5966.Used Stamps The Friendship Circle still collects used stamps. Christmas is coming and most people receive extra mail during the holiday season. Remember to save those stamps. Stamps may be placed in the wooden box located over the coat rack in the foyer. NOTE: please clip the envelopes ¼ inch beyond the edge of the stamp. Monies raised through this project will continue to go towards the support of the French Baptist churches.


A sincere thank you for the many kind phone calls and cards we received after the death of our brother, Clifford Fraser, of Whitby, Ontario on October 29, 2009, which is deeply appreciated. Merle and Neil Cassidy Many thanks to all who made the Friendship Circle’s Christmas sale a success. The donations of baking and crafts were much appreciated. Particular mention must be made to the Trustees for their patience and to (Ted, Ivan, Lloyd and Ralph) who helped with physical labor. Over $1,320.00 was raised which will go to our special projects around the Church. Lastly, thank you buyers! Together we did it. Our thanks to Don & Barb Bishop for the gift of children’s books for the Pre-school Room.

Harvest For The Hungry Thanks for such a wonderful effort (Youth Alive) for your collection of food on Halloween for Beacon House. Beacon House has been able to fill many orders of food this month due to very generous giving from our church. Jean Woodworth, Bedford Baptist representative for Beacon House

Need Your Help Needed for Hi/KidVenture Family Craft night. cotton gingham material, pieces of wainscoting and ribbon for bows (the type with the wire) Items may be dropped off at the church office marked Hi/KidVenture.

Acadia Divinity College’s Metro Halifax Our program is in full swing! Whether you want to start an M. Div. degree part-time, gain a one-year diploma, or simply attend a class for interest, we have courses for you. Starting this January on weekday evenings, there are three courses on offer: • • •

Introduction to Family Therapy, taught by Dorothy Messenger (Wednesday evenings in Bedford-Sackville) Old Testament Introduction, taught by Rev. Matthew Walsh (Tuesdays at Regal Road Baptist Church in Dartmouth) Church History since the Reformation, taught by Dr. Robert Wilson (Mondays at Birch Cove Baptist Church)

For more information, phone Student Services at ADC at 1-866-875-8975, or email Dr. Leslie McCurdy, Director of Studies in Metro, at [email protected].


HURRICANE IDA Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel (IBE) has requested Canadian Baptist Ministries to assist them with rehabilitation of agricultural production. Due to the effects of Hurricane Ida, up to 40% of cultivations in their areas were affected (maize and beans which were planted in August). In the low lying areas where there is access to water, there is still time to replant if the farmers have access to inputs such as seeds and fertilizer, and assistance with clearing fields in order to prepare the soil for replanting. One of the “build” houses in Colonia Las Americas (Alegria) was destroyed as a result of a mudslide and a tree collapsing on the house, and there was damage to the makeshift homes below the colony due to the lack of control of runoff water. They are in the process of deciding what the response will be after they have discussed options with the municipality (i.e. building runoff canals, home rehabilitation, etc). With Hurricane Ida, El Salvador received the same amount of water as during Hurricane Mitch but in a span of 4 hours as opposed to over 4 days. Please visit the CBM website for further updates. To assist :donate online, or call 905.821.3533. You can also send a cheque marked “Emergency Relief” to Canadian Baptist Ministries, 7185 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 5R4.78, or you can write a cheque out to Bedford Baptist marked “Emergency Relief” CBM and place it in the offering plate.

Almost There We still need 36 boxes of Kraft Dinner to meet our quota for Beacon House Christmas Needs Your donation may be placed in the Beacon House box located in the foyer, no later than December 1, 2009. Noel! Noel! Christmas Concert by Bedford Singers. Bedford Singers will join with Seton Cantata Choir (a total of 100 voices) to perform classical and contemporary selections for Christmas Concert dates Saturday, Dec 5, 7:30 pm @ Bedford United Church Sunday, Dec 6, 7.30 pm @ St Matthew's United Church, Halifax. Tickets are $15.00. For information call David Waugh 865-7154.


Please Be in Prayer for our Sick & Shut-In Dykeland Lodge Mrs. Helen Beeler Parkland Estates (Cameron Hall) Mrs. Norma Sutherland Parkland Estates (Drummond Hall) Mrs. Beth Kennedy Windsor Elms Mrs. Marjorie Levy

Windsor Halifax Halifax Windsor

(Marlene Davies Mother)

Northwood Center At Home

Ms. Brenda Carson Mrs. Sydney Derrah

Halifax Mt. Pleasant, NB

(Carolyn Derrah-Murphy’s Mother)

Ms. Carol Lumsden Mrs. Elisabeth Manteuffel Ms. Pauline Mason Mrs. Mabel Murphy

Bedford Hammonds Plains Lower Sackville Halifax

(Randy Murphy’s Mother)

Mrs. Mona Welsford Lower Sackville Mr. Alistair MacLeod Bedford Mrs. Ruth (Pierce) Chiasson Halifax Mrs. Mona Ellis Bedford


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