Sunday Bulletin For September 27 In Word

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“A fellowship of believers who seek to be to each other what Christ has been to them.”

Bedford Baptist Church Affiliated with the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches & Canadian Baptist Ministries

Welcome! Visitors are invited to sign our Guest Book in the foyer. If this is your first time visiting with us, we wish you warmest of greetings. Please take time to fill out a “Welcome Card” located in the pew rack and place it on the offering plate.

September 27th, 2009 110th Anniversary Bedford Baptist Church

bulletins may be obtained from the ushers.


An audio loop is available for the hearing impaired. Parents of small children (under age 3) may take them to the Nursery, where a caring staff will supervise them.

158 Rocky Lake Drive PO Box 44073 Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 3X5 Phone: 835-5966 Fax: 835-3984 Prayer Chain Erna Rand 835-3495 Envelopes: Marion Grant 835-3552 [email protected] Radio CHSB 99.3 Hill Top FM

Ministers - All the congregation Rev. Robert Ohsberg Rev. Dr. Ida Armstrong-Whitehouse Lic. Kevin A. Haggarty Mrs Christine Cole Mrs. Sharon Higgins Mr. Joel Scott

(Senior Pastor) (Associate Pastor) (Director of Youth Ministries) (Interim Organist) (Office Administrator) (Caretaker)

Service of Worship at 10:55a.m.

(*indicates standing, if persons are


Worthy of Praise is the Lord Call to Worship Prelude

Memorial Carillon “Sing For Joy” (Handel)

Christine Cole

Ministry Opportunities Time of Singing Baptisms

Pastor Kevin

Jason McCurdy: “How Great is Our God” Sasha Hubley: “Mighty to Save” Taylor Parsons: “Hosanna” Nicole Willmore: “Sanctuary” As each candidate is baptized we will sing the first verse of their favorite song. Also a candle will be lit signifying new life in Christ. (Children, Primary to Grade 6, are directed to KidZone during singing of last song)

Tithes and Offerings Offering & Offertory Prayer Offertory *Offertory Response Prayers of the People Ministry of Music

Pastor Bob

“Alleluia” (Mozart) #600 “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”

“Arise, Shine” (Archer)

Pastor Ida Sanctuary Choir

The Ministry of the Word Scripture Sermon *Hymn

Luke 10: 25-37 (NT pgs. 71 & 72) "Where is the Inn?" Rev. Dr. Harry Gardner #360 “More About Jesus Would I Know” (Vs 1&2)

Benediction Postlude

“Largo” (Handel)

Go and Be Followers of Christ

Bedford Baptist celebrates 110th Anniversary

Review of Sunday, Sept. 20th, 2009 Operational Budget Current/Bldg Fund Mortgage Missions

$ 5,448.81 $ 358.58

Total Operational Offerings

$ 5,807.39

Designated Special Offerings Benevolent $ Beacon House $ School Supplies $ Total Designated Offerings $

21.25 21.25 10.00 52.50

Total Offering for Sunday, September 20th, 2009 $5,859.89 (Automatic debit weekly offerings are included in totals) Morning Service Last Week: 185

Church Camp:

Deacon on Duty Greeters at the Door Sound Tellers


Year Ago: 186 Church Camp: 52

Servants in the Lord’s Work This Week Heather Cox Wanda Tingley & Tara Brewster Phillip Cox Cathy MacMulllin, Minnie Daniels & Hattie Nickerson

Next Week Graham Starratt John & Marlene Davies Phillip Cox Janette Fiander & Heather Ross

Contribution Statements Contribution statements to the end of August are available in the church foyer. Please pick up your statement to avoid mailing costs. If you would like to begin using church envelopes please contact Marion Grant at 835-3552. Rapha Seminar One in three people are affected by mental illness. Are you and your church prepared to provide an appropriate response to their needs. Are you able to be the support people need in their time of crisis? Please mark October 17th on your calendar for an informative learning opportunity. Registration from 8:30- 9:15. The program including lunch will conclude at 3:00PM . Please pre register by contacting Kathy Cochrane at KRC@NS. or by phone at 864-3069. The cost is $10.00

Sunday to Sunday September 27th – October 4th

This Sunday



Wednesday Thursday

Next Sunday

10:00 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 11:15 am After Worship 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 9:30 am 1:30 pm 6:30-8:00pm pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:15 pm 9:15 am 2:00 pm 6:30 pm 9:30 am 6:00 pm 9:30-11:30 am 7:00 pm 7-9:00 pm 8:15 pm 8:00 pm 10:00 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 10:55 am

Pre-service Prayer 110th Anniversary Service - Dr. Harry Gardner Nursery Church-time Preschool KidZone Spaghetti Social and Reading Celebration Pot Luck Dessert Buffet Small Groups Youth Fireside Volleyball Pastoral Staff Meeting Hi/KidVenture McLean Bible Study College & Career Volleyball Ladies Alive Friendship Circle Guys Playing Stuff Volleyball Youth Group LAFF “What in the World is Going On?” Sanctuary Choir Girls in Motion Music Committee Volleyball Pre-service Prayer Communion Service Nursery (April Barrett & Tanya Starratt) Church-time Preschool (Bernie Levy & Michael

Prayer Room Sanctuary

Gymnasium Gymnasium


Grant’s Home Gymnasium Heffler Room Heffler Room Gymnasium Heffler Room Sanctuary Heffler Room Gymnasium Prayer Room Sanctuary


11:15 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm

KidZone Small Groups Youth Fireside

Constitution Task Force The meeting of the Constitution Task Force scheduled for this Tuesday at 7:00pm has been cancelled. Pastor Ida on Vacation September 29th - October 8th . Please be in prayer for Ida and her family.

Summer Reading Program Finale Today is the finale of our Summer Reading Program. Come join us and “Winkie Specs”, for our Reading Celebration during the Spaghetti Luncheon. Everyone who participated will be given a small prize. Over 280 books have been borrowed from our library since the “Summer Fun Reading Program” began! Over 80 folks have indicated that they have read books! Please be sure to let the Library Committee know how many you have read. Also, if you have not signed your name on one of the charts outside the Library, would you be so kind as to do so. (The list of prizes is available in the gymnasium. For adults, prizes range from $5.00 - $25.00, many of which are gift certificates) Please see the list of prizes to ascertain the number of books needed for various prizes. Prizes can be picked up today in the gymnasium or in the Library until Thanksgiving. Please note the Library will be closed after the service today. We will be having a Winter Reading Program. Stay Tuned!

Welcome and Thank you Welcome to our guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Harry Gardner, President, Acadia Divinity College. Dr. Gardner, graduated from Dalhousie University (BA 1974), Acadia Divinity College (MDiv 1977) and from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California (DMin1993). He has served as the minister of the Burlington-Victoria Harbour, Wilmot and Liverpool-Brooklyn United Baptist Churches. He has worked with the Home Mission Board of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches and in 1989, became the Director of Home Missions and Church Planting. For the past 11 years he has served as the Convention’s Executive Minister. Recently, he was the President of the North American Baptist Fellowship and a member of the Executive of the Baptist World Alliance. In January 2008 he began as President of Acadia Divinity College and Dean of Theology for Acadia University. He and his wife, Gail, reside in Kentville. Their family includes two married children and two grandchildren.

HARVEST GATHERING “Harvest fields with gold aglow, laden branches bending low, Crowded garners, closing year – sing Thanksgiving time is here. Lord, we know not how to tell all the thanks our hearts that swell, Hearts that, full of grateful cheer, sing Thanksgiving time is here.” Anna Bancroft

Thanksgiving –

a time when the decorations in our sanctuary remind us of the beauty of the season, when we celebrate the harvest time and give thanks and sing praises to God for our many blessings. It is a time when we often think of those who have so much less than ourselves. All too often as individuals we feel there is little we can do to help, but this Thanksgiving we, as a church family, are going to have a special occasion to give to those in need. On Thanksgiving Sunday, October 11th, 2009 we will be having a “Harvest Gathering.” This is an opportunity to bring donations of produce - potatoes, apples, carrots, etc. and non perishable goods such as sugar, pasta, peanut butter, and cereal and place them at the front of the sanctuary. Monetary gifts will also be gratefully accepted and may be placed in an envelope marked “Beacon House”. All contributions will be given to Beacon House and, as they are short of both goods and money for those in need, this gesture will be greatly appreciated. For those who will be away on Thanksgiving Sunday you will have the opportunity to bring in your perishable and non perishable contributions in on Sunday, October 4th, or during the week prior to Thanksgiving. As we, in Christian love, bring our gifts and place them at the front of the Sanctuary to bless others, we too will be blessed. “Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35


Sunday Night Small Groups Starting Today, September 27 This first session will begin following the Pot-Luck Dessert Buffet at 6:00pm! The Life You've Always Wanted by John Ortberg John Ortberg teaches us how simple spiritual disciplines can help us move beyond superficial Christianity to a life of dedicated discipleship. He has provided a resource that will help us embark on the road of discipleship together. The Participant's Guide is filled with intriguing insights, provocative questions and practical applications that will challenge our communities to set superficial Christianity aside so that we can live the life of dedicated disciples. (Facilitator: Dianne Cox.) Who Stole My Church by Gordon MacDonald Millions of people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies feel their churches have been hijacked by church-growth movements characterized by loud praise bands, constant PowerPoint presentations, and cavernous mega churches devoid of any personal touch. They are bewildered by the changes, and are dropping out after thirty, forty, or fifty years in a congregation. It's a crisis! In this fictional story, pastor and author Gordon MacDonald uses topical examples and alltoo-familiar characters to reassure readers that it is possible to embrace change, and to demonstrate how that change can actually be a positive influence in their church. The church, he says, has always been in a state of change; it has been changing for the last two thousand years. It is time to embrace that change and use it to further the Kingdom of God (Facilitator: Goldye Smith) “So You’re a Christian! – Now What?” by Catherine Painter Exploring Your Faith – Discussions: Perhaps you have some questions you would like to explore a bit. This group is open to experienced and new believers who want to look together at some of the important issues surrounding their faith. So old and new, come join us as we share, learn and laugh together. (Facilitator: Bob Archibald)


Images of the Spirit by Dale and Sandy Larsen How do you picture the Holy Spirit? Our imagination is likely to run to something like a vague fuzzy cloud. Or perhaps we think of an invisible, impersonal force. No wonder the Holy Spirit is often called “it.” However, the Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit is a person. Scripture gives us strong word pictures of the Spirit as wind, fire, a counselor and anointing oil. This book will study these images and the participant will find mental pictures of the Spirit come into focus. And even better, you will find that you can have a real relationship with the Third Person of the Trinity. (Facilitator: Doug Burke) Forgiveness: Breaking the Power of the Past by Kay Arthur, David Lawson, B.J. Lawson Forgiveness: Breaking the Power of the Past is 6-week small-group study for people who are interested in learning for themselves more about what the Bible says on various subjects, but who have only limited time to meet together. This liberating study deals with the difficult questions of forgiveness, including how can I forgive when the pain is so great? Does forgiving mean I have to forget the past? What if I choose not to forgive? Each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion. Facilitators: (Kathy Cochrane and Donna Guinta)


Our Relationship With ADC A mission moment brought to you by “The Bedford Baptist Mission Committee” At Bedford Baptist Church our relationship with Acadia Divinity College has been long and fruitful. In the past 30 years did you know that we have had at least 15 people who have graduated from ADC with either a degree or a diploma? Can you name them? Charles Hudson, Christine MacDormand, George Neilly, Shant Manuel, Marlene Knowles, Donnie Miller, Peter Metcalfe, Joan Nickerson, Sarah (Duffy) Scott, Sara (Archibald) Campbell, Erin Archibald, Borden Scott, Christopher Drew, Michelle Bland, Chris Grundke and Kevin Haggarty. Do you know that we have 2 people that are currently M. Div. Students at ADC. Can you name them? Miriam McDonald and Heather Cox. As well, we have 7 clergy in our congregation who graduated OVER 25 years ago from ADC. Can you name them? Henry Sharam, Ron McLean, Nelson Metcalfe, Gary Myatt, Frank Guinta, Gregg Whitehouse and Ida Armstrong-Whitehouse. Do you know that one of our former Pastors taught a course on Preaching and received his D.D. from ADC? Can you name him? Our beloved, Dr. George McNeill. Do you know that one of our Pastors had a dad who was the professor of Christian Education at ADC? Can you name the pastor and his dad? Pastor Bob and his dad Dr. Oliver Ohsberg. Did you know that we support ADC in a variety of ways? Prayer, sending our people for training, giving them encouragement, giving money to the McNeill Bursary Fund for those who are studying for ministry, giving to ADC through our church budget, giving to our Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches (a portion of that money goes to ADC), hosting some of the “Mondays in Metro “ courses at our church, taking courses , supervising students through the colleges SFE program (we have had at least 10 students). Did you know that we have had a number of people serve on the ADC Board? Can you name some? Bob Short, Nelson Metcalfe, Goldye Smith, Graham Starratt. We have had a special relationship with ADC and we pray that it will continue. Please let us know if we have forgotten anyone. Thanks


Sunday Prayer Link Please pray for Potential Impact which will be taking place October 2nd – 4th in Sackville, NB. Potential Impact is an opportunity for students in grade 12 to begin to explore whether God may have gifted them and be calling them to prepare for vocational pastoral ministry. Please pray for these students that they will have discerning spirits to sense how the Lord is leading them.

LAFF Program The LAFF program continues this Thursday, October 1st Topic “What in the World is Going On? – 10 Prophetic Clues You Cannot Afford to Ignore” by Dr. David Jeremiah. Facilitator - Lic. Miriam MacDonald. The Fall Newsletter is available in the foyer. For further information please call Miriam @864-6208. Hi/KidVenture Exciting children’s Program which includes gym time, crafts, stories, singing, snacks and frog pond. All children welcome who are 4 years of age up to and including grade 6. Monday 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Pot Luck Dessert Buffet All are invited to come back at 6:00pm Bring your favourite dessert And join us for our Pot-Luck Dessert Buffet. The evening will continue with the start of our Small Groups for the Fall Season. (Please see insert for interesting selection of programs)

Bereavement As a caring community of faith and love we extend our sincere Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Sherman Craig, who passed away Thursday, September 17th. As a caring community of faith and love we extend our sincere Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Paula Steeves, who passed away Thursday, September 24th. Flowers have been placed in the church by his family.


Please Be in Prayer for our Sick & Shut-In


QEII VG Site Mrs. Ruth (Pierce) Chiasson QEII VG Site Mrs. Lola Murphy QEII Halifax Infirmary Mr. Alistair MacLeod QEII Halifax Infirmary Mr. Steven Cole Dykeland Lodge Mrs. Helen Beeler Parkland Estates (Cameron Hall) Mrs. Norma Sutherland Parkland Estates (Drummond Hall) Mrs. Beth Kennedy Windsor Elms Mrs. Marjorie Levy Northwood Center Ms. Brenda Carson Saint John Regional Mr. Alfred Shuve

Halifax Halifax Halifax

At Home

Mt. Pleasant, NB Bedford Hammonds Plains Lower Sackville Halifax Lower Sackville

Mrs. Sydney Derrah Ms. Carol Lumsden Mrs. Elisabeth Manteuffel Ms. Pauline Mason Mrs. Mabel Murphy Mrs. Mona Welsford

Hallifax Windsor Halifax Halifax Windsor Halifax Saint John,

Induction Service A service of Induction for Rev. Renée Clark as Associate Minister: CE will be held at First Baptist Church, Halifax today, September 27, @ 3:00pm. Dr. Harry Gardner will be the preacher.

Prayer Request from Joyce Hancock Joyce Hancock asks us to pray for the new faces who came to the youth congress held recently at the church she attends. Pray that they will feel welcomed and accepted and that they will choose to claim the church as their own. Pray also that they will grow in their knowledge of the God who loves them and gave himself for them. Joyce’s September Newsletter has been posted on the bulletin board in the foyer.

October Calendar The October calendar of upcoming events is available for pick up in the foyer.



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