Bulletin For Sunday, November 15 In Word

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  • Words: 2,328
  • Pages: 9
“A fellowship of believers who seek to be to each other what Christ has been to them.”

Bedford Baptist Church Affiliated with the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches & Canadian Baptist Ministries

Welcome! Visitors are invited to sign our Guest Book in the foyer. If this is your first time visiting with us, we wish you warmest of greetings. Please take time to fill out a “Welcome Card” located in the pew rack and place it on the offering plate.

November 15th, 2009 .

Before the mountains were formed, From everlasting to everlasting YOU are God. Psalm 90:2

bulletins may be obtained from the ushers.


An audio loop is available for the hearing impaired. Parents of small children (under age 3) may take them to the Nursery, where a caring staff will supervise them.

158 Rocky Lake Drive PO Box 44073 Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 3X5 Phone: 835-5966 Fax: 835-3984 Prayer Chain Erna Rand 835-3495 [email protected] www.bedfordbaptist.ca Radio CHSB 99.3 Hill Top FM

Ministers - All the congregation Rev. Robert Ohsberg (Senior Pastor) Rev. Dr. Ida Armstrong-Whitehouse (Associate Pastor) Lic. Kevin A. Haggarty (Director of Youth Ministries) Lic. Miriam MacDonald (Supervised Field Education Student Mrs. Christine Cole (Interim Organist) Mrs. Sharon Higgins (Office Administrator) Mr. Joel Scott (Caretaker)


Service of Worship at 10:55a.m.

(*indicates standing, if persons are


Worthy of Praise is the Lord Call to Worship Prelude

Memorial Carillon “My Comfort By Day, My Song By Night” (Martin) Christine Cole

Ministry Opportunities *Time of Singing

Pastor Kevin Worship Team (Children are invited to come to the front pews during the last song)

Children’s Story Children’s Song

Don’t Be Afraid “Our God Is An Awesome God”

Pastor Bob

(Children, Primary to Grade 6, are directed to KidZone during singing of song)

Dedication of Pew Tithes and Offerings Offering & Offertory Prayer Offertory *Offertory Response

#600 “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”

The Ministry of the Word Scripture Sermon

Psalm 90 (OT pg. 547) “What is Your Expiration Date”


“O God Our Help In Ages Past” (Croft)

Prayers of the People *Hymn


Benediction Postlude

“Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory of the Lord” (William Steffe)

Pastor Ida Sanctuary Choir

“Praise My Soul The King of Heaven”

Go and Be His disciple

Review of Sunday, November 9th, 2009 bedfordbaptist.ca

Operational Budget Current/Bldg Fund Mortgage Missions

$ 3,601 00 $ 178.00

Total Operational Offerings

$ 3,779.00

Designated Special Offerings Benevolent $ 10.00 Beacon House $ 10.00 Bldg Memorial Total Designated Offerings

$.. 50.00 $. 70 00

Total Offering for Sunday, November 9th 2009 $3.849.00 (Automatic debit weekly offerings are included in totals) Morning Service Last Week: 170

Year Ago: 251

Deacon on Duty Greeters at the Door Sound Tellers

Servants in the Lord’s Work This Week Miriam MacDonald Marion Grant Melvin Fiander Sharon Sweet & Marlene Davies

Next Week Webster Sweet Juanita Gallant Grace Johnston Sharon Sweet & Marlene Davies

Rev. Marlene Knowles Mission in India A short update from Siligui India. The air is hot and dusty outside this little internet cafe....the fan keeps it bearable.....and I just want to say hello and give a quick update. Yesterday we went to Darjeeling .... high elevation with hairpin turn roads.....edge of cliffs and many times no guardrails....sometimes just a stone or two to keep us from going over the edge. But the drivers are experienced (they do this every day) and we put ourselves in God's hands....if we don't trust we'll never enjoy anything......and we made it back safe and sound. The rest of the team left this a.m. for Gangtok, but Beth and I are staying behind. Monday we'll all go to Satali (orphanage) and to Calcutta and then home. Already this a.m. we met a man from LA who directs a mission organization with a vision similar to Far Corners Ministry.....so we plan to get together in the near future. Am sure it'll be beneficial. Tomorrow / Sunday / we'll go again to the English church, and from there to lunch with a leader and his wife, and after that meet with some women who struggle with suppression (inferiority to men) and Christianity....so Beth and I will enlighten them! :) This has been a great trip Thanks for your prayers and notes. Will have lots of pictures!! Hugs and kisses for all those under 15....... !! Blessings. Marlene Sunday to Sunday November 15th – November 22nd This Sunday

10:00 am

Pre-service Youth bedfordbaptist.ca

Chipman Room





Friday Saturday Next Sunday

10:55 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 11:15 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 9:30 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:00pm 8:00 pm 8:15 pm 9:15 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30pm 9:30am 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 9:30-11:30 am 7:00pm 8:00 pm 7-9:00 pm 8:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:30AM 10:00 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 10:55 am

Worship Service Nursery Church-time Preschool KidZone Small Groups Youth Fireside Volleyball HI/KidVenture McLean Bible Study Missions Meeting College & Career Volleyball Ladies Alive Intergenerational Planning Mtg. Pastoral Staff Meeting Friendship Circle Guys Playing Stuff Constitutional Review Trustee Meeting Youth Alive Volleyball Prayer Prayer/Bible Study Lay Intern Committee LAFF “What in the World is Going On?” Christmas Cantata Practice Sanctuary Choir Girls in Motion Volleyball C.L.A.S.S. C.L.A.S.S. Pre-service Youth Morning Worship Service Nursery (Kim & Tim Mclean) Church-time Preschool (Donna Peverill &


Gymnasium Ian’s Home Library Gymnasium Heffler Room Library Heffler Room Library Pre-School Youth Room Gymnasium Heffler Room New Library Heffler Room Sanctuary Sanctuary Gymnasium

Chipman Room Sanctuary Jason


11:15 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm

KidZone Spaghetti Social Small Groups Youth Fireside



FINANCIAL UPDATE Once again this year, we find ourselves in a deficit position versus our budget requirements; as we near year-end. While we do not intend to launch a special appeal this year, it is important to make the Church’s financial position known to the congregation. At the annual meeting in February, the Church approved a budget for 2009 of $377,000. Here’s where we stand. As of last Sunday (November 8), for the first 45 Sundays of 2009, we received approximately $308,000 that can be utilized for budget-related commitments and expenses. This means that, if we are to make our budget for 2009, we need to receive an additional $69,000 over the course of the final 7 Sundays of the year. This equates to an approximate average of $9,850 per Sunday. As you know, costs continue to go up. 2009 has been a year of restraint, during which we had considerable budget cut-backs from the previous year’s budget. At the pre-budget meeting this week, it was clear that there is a need to increase our budget for 2010; as compared to the 2009 budget. It is important to show that we can support the 2009 budget, if we are to consider increases for 2010. Traditionally, we finish out the year very strongly. It is important that we do so again this year. Please consider what you can do to help achieve our budget for 2009. Together, we can do it. Sunday Prayer Link Please pray for the Regional Ministers of NS and NL (Rev. Wayne Fevens, southwest NS; Rev. Ron Baxter, Annapolis/Eastern Valley; Dr. Frank Guinta, eastern NS and NL; and Rev. Elias Mutale, African Assoc.) as they serve as pastor to pastors as well as ministry consultants for churches within their respective regions.


C.L.A.S.S. If you missed CLASS 101 in October mark your calendar for Friday, November 20, 7:00pm and Saturday, November 21, 9:00am (morning only) and join us for an exciting basic introduction to who and what our church is. This course is especially helpful to those who are thinking of becoming Church members at Bedford Baptist. It is also an excellent refresher course for mature Christians.

Seniors Christmas Dinner Our special dinner and celebration will be held this year on Saturday, December 5, 5:30 pm at Faith Baptist Church, Lower Sackville. We will be sharing with seniors from Faith as we enjoy good food and fellowship along with the singing of favourite Christmas carols. Folks from Faith Baptist will be providing the dinner at a cost of $15:00. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer for those planning to attend. Please indicate if you need a ride. DESSERTS NEEDED FOR INTERGENERATIONAL We are looking for 6 pans of chocolate cake and 6 pans of gingerbread (9x13 if possible) for Nov. 29th. If you are able to help please contact Dianne Cox [email protected] (8656201) PRE-SCHOOL ROOM Come take a look at our Pre-School S.S. room. (next to the Heffler room) It’s been freshly painted with a brand new floor. The bathroom is inside the room to make it safer for vulnerable children. Our thanks to young and old who worked on this labour of love for children! Noel! Noel! - Christmas Concert by Bedford Singers. Bedford Singers will join with Seton Cantata Choir (a total of 100 voices) to perform classical and contemporary selections for Christmas.. Concert dates are Saturday -

Dec 5, 7:30 pm. at Bedford United Church

and Sunday - Dec 6, 7.30 pm at St Matthew's United Church, Halifax Tickets ($15) and information available from David Waugh 865-7154.


Advent Intergenerational November 29th Volunteers are needed to help with registration, craft leaders, set-up of tables/chairs and removal of tables/chairs. If you would like to serve in this way please speak to Dr. Ida or phone the church office at 835-5966

Canadian Baptist Ministries Christmas Gifts “Gifts for Change” - Wonderful Christmas gift ideas found in a small catalogue from CBM that you can ask people to give you or that you can give to others. (Example: Pair of rabbits $20.00) Gift catalogues are available in the foyer.100% of the funds received go to the project of your choice More information to come

Mitten Tree Each year we set up a Christmas tree in the church foyer. (This year it will be up on Nov.15) As a church we bring store bought or homemade mittens, scarves, hats to put on this tree. The collected items are given to our elementary school children in Hi/KidVenture and children in a local school.

Young Couples Night Please join us for an evening at the home of Graham and Tanya Starratt at 1 falcon Run, Bedford on Saturday, Nov. 22 at 6pm. We will have pizza and dessert. Cost $6. RSVP to Goldye Smith at 463-5929 or [email protected] by Thurs., Nov 19..

Bereavement As a caring community of faith and love we extend our sincere Christian sympathy to the family of Ida Johnston, who passed away on Wednesday, November 11th. Funeral service was held in Milford on Saturday, Nov. 14th.

Barbershop Harmony The Millstream Chorus (Barbershop Harmony Society) and Guests will present "An A Cappella Christmas" on Saturday Nov. 28th, 2009 at 7:30 pm in the Bella Rose Art Centre (Halifax West High School complex). Tickets are available from Lloyd Mitchell. Regular admission $15.00. Seniors and Youth $12.00


Miro and Christy Serving in Czech Republic – November 2009 Update Greetings from Litomerice, Czech Republic! It’s been way too long since our last update. We have done lots of things, as I’m sure many of you have back in Canada. It would be great to sit down over a hot drink and here each other’s stories.. • In September Miro preached at the Baptist church that supports Bethel, where we work. It was a bit of slogging, writing the whole thing out in Czech, given that Miro’s never really written much in Czech. But it was fun. He gets another crack at it at the end of November. •

Christy expanded her English classes in the fall to one weekly conversational English class and two classes for children, one with parents and one without. Plus she tutors three times a week.

Miro has been teaching 5 English classes weekly from beginner to advanced, with a total of 45 students. In addition every two weeks he tutors four people in English.

Isaiah is always growing and such a joy to be with. You can see pictures of him at www.rakersons.blogspot.com.

Miro started a seeker small group in October, primarily for his English students. The group is called Straight Talk and deals with fairly fundamental questions like, ‘Isn’t God more like positive energy than a person?’, ‘Is Jesus the only way to God?’, and ‘Can’t a person be good without religion?’


Future As for the future, we are at the place of trying to discern what the next move is. There is a Czech pastoral opportunity. But we are also exploring opportunities and new vocational calls in Canada. In the immediate future we’re returning to Ontario on Dec. 7th for two weeks (one week with Miro’s parents and brothers, one week with his sister) and then to Halifax on Dec.22nd to stay with Christy’s parents. While in Halifax we’ll be looking to see what type of job and housing opportunities exist. Then we’ll be heading back to Edmonton likely by the end of January. ______________________________________________________________________________


Please Be in Prayer for our Sick & Shut-In QEII Hospital Mrs. Dykeland Lodge Mrs. Parkland Estates (Cameron Hall) Mrs. Parkland Estates (Drummond Hall) Windsor Elms Mrs.

Barb Bishop Helen Beeler Norma Sutherland Mrs. Beth Kennedy Marjorie Levy

Windsor Halifax Halifax Windsor

(Marlene Davies Mother)

Northwood Center At Home

Ms. Brenda Carson Mrs. Sydney Derrah

Halifax Mt. Pleasant, NB

(Carolyn Derrah-Murphy’s Mother)

Ms. Carol Lumsden Mrs. Elisabeth Manteuffel Ms. Pauline Mason Mrs. Mabel Murphy

Bedford Hammonds Plains Lower Sackville Halifax

(Randy Murphy’s Mother)

Mrs. Mona Welsford Lower Sackville Mr. Alistair MacLeod Bedford Mrs. Ruth (Pierce) Chiasson Halifax Mrs. Mona Ellis Bedford

Beacon House Christmas Needs Bedford Baptist has been asked to collect 375 boxes of Kraft Dinner for Beacon House. Your donation may be placed in the Beacon House box located in the foyer, no later than December 1, 2009. To date we have received 278 boxes. Only 78 more to go!!


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