Sun And Daughter Written By Rose

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  • Words: 2,974
  • Pages: 6
Sun and Daughter Shun was a beautiful planet, but lived in darkness for many years waiting. Just waiting... 2090 – Three suns Adena Tortan strolled down the river bank, a childish grin on her face. She couldn’t hide the excitement in her eyes as she stared up at the three suns. She called them Charlie, Sam and Michelle. Sam was her favourite with his wide grin always matching her mood. Today it was particularly pleasant and a delicious smell came from the window of her home. Quickening her pace she raced home only to find a man there. “Hello” he mumbled. “My mother told me to never speak to strangers” she replied, a dead look in her eyes. She was fifteen a respectable age to marry and knew today was the day she’d meet another young suitor attempting to win her heart, but failing miserably. He grinned and then spoke. “But I am no stranger to you my dear.” His reply puzzled Adena muchly and a burning desire to know what he meant she stupidly asked him how. His smile became calm and kind and she relaxed easily. Offering him a seat she waited patiently for his tale. “I’ve watched you every day Adena, I’ve smiled down on you, desperate to meet you, and I’ve always loved you.” A silent tear appeared in the corner of his eye. Her face held a confused look until she too spoke once more. “What on earth do you mean?” her voice barely a whisper. He looked into her eyes and straight through to her soul. “Let me show you,” he smiled and with a mixture of excitement and fear she grabbed his held out hand and they scampered outside. When she stepped outside she stared up at the sky, in total shock. In the sky lay two suns, and Sam was missing. Her face twisted with anger she turned to the man and screamed. “!” her voice going up several octaves at a time. “Here,” His voice booming above all other noises. It happened quickly but with a blinding flash Adena had gone, vanished from the spot, and in her place were her shoes, burnt to a crisp. The man had also vanished, yet he left no trace and the police of shun were deeply puzzled upon their arrival. Rapidly the day became cold and harsh. Storms raged and ranted for a very long time whilst the planet sat in darkness. This was the very day Sam died. 2095 – Pretty Lady The woman paid for her lunch. Her short spiky black hair caught the sight of many passerbies’ but she ignored their smirks and the hunger in their eyes. Her name was Christine and her face was as white as marble. Her pale blue eyes and electric styled hair captured attention of many and upon looking at her you knew what beauty meant. She’d lived upon sinran for five years, but it felt like many more. Her heavy heart ached and burned and she knew she would not live her expected life. With a heavy sigh she turned into her apartment on the 1000 floor and sat down. Undisturbed she ate her lunch. The wind blew and whispered a name to her. A tear rolled down her cheek. She lay down on her bed and slept until the morning dew and birds call woke her. 2090 – Sam

Sam had bought Adena to the clouds. He wanted to show her his world, but she was still in a state of shock and so lay her down upon the small sofa in his room. He ran his smooth fingers across her lips and gently stroked her face. He didn’t take his eyes off her, not even when his brother and sister walked in. “What are you doing?!?” Michelle sang out to him, “You’re going to kill us you mad man, take her away, go away with her if it pleases you, but do not bring her here!” Her face was perfect anger and she stared at her brother Sam for a long time. The fury was strong and it burnt Sam’s heart to hear such words. “Come away Michelle” Charlie was scared. Having never enjoyed his life as a sun he’d become quite suicidal. The confused but calm look in his eyes made Sam feel much better and upon this picked up Adena, with her eyes shut still. “Let me show her the clouds, brother, sister,” he pleaded. Michelle had a look of anger and stormed away from him. Charlie nodded once, but was unhappy about the idea. Sam grinned and swooped down to the cloud below. He was going to show her everything, but first needed to wake her up. Carefully he whispered her name in her ear. “Adena” his beautiful voice rang in her ears and with a bolt she shot up. She was awake now. 2095 – Theia Christine walked down the sidewalk towards the school her daughter went to. Theia was her only daughter and her precious thing in life. Without her Christine would be living no more. The emptiness she felt would swallow her up and the blackness would consume her. She lived for Theia. Theia trundled out of school, her face smothered in chocolate. Holding out her sticky hand for Christine to take she beamed at her mum full of pride. When she saw Christine’s unhappy face she frowned. “Was mummy crying again?” The curiosity burned in her eyes. “Yes Theia, mummy cried again today.” Christine felt bad, but she couldn’t deny it. Her girl had a gift. 2090 – Small talk pleasures Adena refused to calm down. Her entire body trembled as she sat in the corner of the cloud palace, attempting to shake the nervousness away, but failing miserably. Sam looked with watchful eyes and was perfectly still in where he sat. Eventually having given up on waiting he sauntered over and sat down next to her. “Adena,” he began, “it’s alright, and I know you’re scared but it’s alright” His voice was like that of angels and she slowly calmed down and was able to speak. “Hello Sam.” Her voice rang out and was as clear as a bell, but there was no hiding the pure shock in her voice. “Hello Adena.” He grinned at her and she shyly smiled back. Standing up sharply he yanked her up and dragged her with him to a beautiful cloud bed. The poles were covered in thick white ivy and the covers were the purest she’d ever seen. Sam pulled her gently onto the bed to lie down. “Sleep Adena, we have plenty of time. Later I shall show you my world!” His voice was excited and he spoke of such nice things that Adena started to drift off. “Stay with me please Sam,” the panic in her rose as she spoke. “I will always stay,” he replied and she lay her head down on his chest. The last thing she saw was Sam’s beautiful auburn eyes. 2095 – Unspoken memories

Theia was scared. From the day she was born her mother had cried tears and tears. Theia was so sure there were none left and yet she continued to cry. Her mother had told her not why she cried and this only frightened Theia more. Even the bravest of daughters could not live through what Theia did every day and had been for many more. She sighed as she lay down upon her bed. She could hear her mother’s sobbing from next door and with a heavy heart she made a plan. Tomorrow she would find out what was wrong. She made it her mission. ‘Yes tomorrow’ she thought, ‘tomorrow not today, the night is for sleeping’ and she closed her auburn eyes and dreamt of angels. 2090 – Angry faces and Hidden smiles Adena awoke brightly and her eyes flickered to the person she could feel lying next to her. Sam was still and his heavy breathing could be heard. As quietly as she could Adena climbed out of bed and walked towards a door she could clearly spot not far off. Turning the handle slowly and with precaution she was surprised to see Michelle standing outside the door, a look of fury upon her face. “Why are you here!” she screeched. “But...I...erm...” Adena stammered having been thrown into shock by the anger and hatred in Michelle’s voice. “You will kill him, you’re a horrible person and I wish you were dead!” Michelle screamed at Adena the fury burning in her eyes. A big fat juicy tear rolled down Adena’s cheeks followed by many more, she sank to the ground and her heart felt like it weighed a tonne. Her sobbing grew louder and louder and eventually Sam woke up. She could hear his movements the other side of the door. Standing up sharply she ran and ran and she did not stop. She came to an edge and threw herself off. 2095 – Trouble shoot Theia awoke with a start. She turned on her side and was amazed to hear no sobbing from next door. Feeling scared Theia walked into the room next door to find the police standing there over a body. Moving closer Theia peered under her eyelashes at the lifeless thing on the floor. Her mother lay broken and tattered her eyes open staring up at the ceiling and a look of shock on her face. Stumbling around with a horrified look on Theia’sface she caught the attention of a female police officer. She cradled Theia as the tears poured down her cheeks in the millions and soon a small puddle surrounded them both. Theia could hear the nearby police officers talking in hushed voices. “Suicide” one said. “Horrific” said another. “Shame” the last one said and with this all three turned to look at Theia. But she was not there, and lying there asleep lay the police officer smiling as she dreamt. There was no denying it. Theia had a gift. 2090 – The end? Adena had never in her life imagined the way she would die. Falling off a cloud castle was not high on her list however the sensation was soothing. She shut her eyes and imagined she was flying. ‘Strange’ she thought, ‘I feel like I’m flying’. “Adena!?!” a voice called from nearby. It was Sam’s. Sam. She forgot about Sam. Although she had not known him for long, she knew what she felt inside of her. She indeed did love him too. It was as if they were made for each other, like the

gods had created them for a purpose. Adena knew she was going to hit the ground soon, yet she did not feel afraid and kept her eyes shut, waiting, waiting, waiting... 2095 – Back to the future Theia didn’t know what happened. One minute she was in the room with her mother, the next she felt like she was floating through air. Staring around her she realized she was being teleported upwards towards the sky. “Help!” she screamed, but no one below could hear her. She was all alone now. She could feel herself slowing down and then eventually she stopped. Here was her destination. She was surrounded by clouds, millions and millions of them. Her eyes wide she saw two figures coming towards her. “Hello darling,” the man figure smiled and stepped closed whilst the female stayed far away. “Hello,” Theia shyly replied, insure whether to trust these people or not. “Theia, my name is Charlie, I’m going to help you, take my hand and I will show you why you are here.” He sounded so certain of himself and yet Theia could feel the feeling of fear rising inside of her. Taking one step forward at as time she could feel the fear and doubt running out of her and dying away. Soon she felt relaxed and calm and took the hand of the man named Charlie. Still the woman looked at her with a furious look in her eye. Theia felt scared of her and walked the opposite side to her. However Charlie’s warm smiled made Theia feel safe and with this she walked with him towards the castle cloud. 2090 – Soon to be child Adena’s eyes opened sharply. She was sure she was dead and was expecting to be in the heaven she always imagined but instead she was lying on a bed. Turning her head slightly to the right she saw Sam’s large auburn eyes gently looking down on her. “Sam?” Her voice croaked and even she didn’t recognise it. “Shh, it’s alright, I’m here,” His voice was strangely calm considering what had happened. Her eyes brimmed over with tears and she sobbed in his arms. “Oh Sam, I am sorry, but...I...She...said...death...I...” Adena made very little sense but Sam understood. “I talked to Michelle about that. She can’t stand it you see. She can’t stand the fact that I love you, and you’re human. I was so scared when I saw you falling. I’ve never been so scared in my life.” Sam’s grave face said it all and Adena felt the guilt rising inside of her. “I thought I was dead,” her voice quiet and faltered on the word dead. “Me too,” Sam looked away from her. Adena didn’t know how she had got back up here, but she wanted to know how she had survived. “Sam, I should be dead. I should be lying on the ground mangled and barely recognisable. What happened Sam? I heard your voice, but I thought I was just a dream.” Adena was certain he’s answer. “Not now love. Another time.” Adena’s expression showed what she thought. She felt the fury rising in her and shot up and marched across the room from the bed. “Please Adena, now is not the right time.” Sam had joined her. He bent down and swiftly lifted her in his arms. She was as light as a feather to him. Carrying her over towards the bed he whispered ‘I love you’ in her ear. She blushed a deep shade of scarlet. Laying her down with caution Sam caressed her neck and gently kissed her strawberry coloured lips. Her hands entwined round his fiery

red hair and they kissed passionately for some time. From that intimate encounter a child was conceived. 2095 – Beautiful Child Theia was afraid. There was no denying it, her face said it all. Charlie smiled. He remembered what his brother had told him. ‘She’ll join you one day brother’ he had said ‘and she will be the most beautiful you have ever seen.’ There was no mistaking the beauty in her round mouth, flaming red hair and large auburn eyes – just like her fathers. She had the strong mindedness of her mother and the powers of her father. Yes she was a one in a million child. 2090 – Goodbye to the happy days Adena felt herself clutching to thin air. Startled she searched around trying the find Sam but he was not there. Charlie stood in the door way, a grim look on his face. “Where’s Sam?” Although deep down, she knew the answer, she had hope inside of the same. “Sam’s gone far away he’s...” “Dead.” Michelle stood behind him. Her hands clenched and her face rigid. Adena couldn’t control herself much longer. So it’s true what they say. Once a child is conceived by a sun they are taken to heaven where they wait for their beloved to join them. ‘Suicide’ she thought. “You can’t kill yourself Adena, you won’t join him then,” it was as if Charlie had read her mind. Charlie walked swiftly over to her a sorry look on his face. He placed a hand on her tummy and took a deep breath. “A girl,” he smiled. Adena blushed. So they had known what they had got up to. She thought she saw a faint glimmer of a smile from Michelle, but it was quickly wiped away. “Adena, you can’t stay here, we must take you back to earth, there you will raise the child, and when you die, and your child shall join us, where she belongs.” Charlie took Adena’s hand and led her to a white horse. With a Silvery white mane and a crest in gold upon its head it was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. Carefully climbing up she felt the horse rise and lead her back down towards shun once again all alone. She was not surprised to get home and find her mother gone. She warned one day she would leave. Adena went to her room and closed the door. She shut her eyes and dreamt of angels, eyes and Sam. 2090 and 2095 - Conclusion to this tale Theia’s mother Christine was in fact Adena. She had changed her name and moved to sinran a few months after Sam’s tragic death. By then the planet Shun had been in darkness for a long time, waiting the long waited return of Adena’s daughter – Theia. Theia, half human half sun, returned home shortly after her mother’s death which turned out to not be suicide at all, but Michelle had murdered her after losing her mind and going on a killing rampage. Searching the many planets she soon found Adena with a false name and a child with her. Not wanting to anger Sam who although dead was still watching over Adena and Theia from the holy place called heaven, she spared Theia. Charlie bought up Theia as if she was his own daughter and taught her many special things. Charlie

had now found something to live for and stopped trying to commit suicide. This is the story of Shun – The planet, the life, the love. The end.

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