Summer 2009 Get Active! Magazine

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  • Words: 18,436
  • Pages: 44
Best of Shoe Top Fitness Footwear of 2009 FIND YOUR HAPPY PLACE

How to Cope With Rage and Stress

Nancy O’Dell On Family, Fitness and the Joy of Giving Back SUMMER 2009

Fix Your Diet

What Researchers Say You’re Doing Wrong PLUS!

Get The Most Out of Your PERSONAL TRAINER

THE EXERCISE CURE Routines That Help Treat Diabetes


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:: Summer 2009

34 Finding the ideal trainer for your goals


20 Access Happiness Red Carpet regular Nancy O’Dell knows that inner beauty is the real secret to life.

By Chris Mann


24 Curing “Diabesity” The toxic mix of diabetes and obesity is a national epidemic. The solution? Exercise.

By Timothy Moore, PhD

34 A Little Help, Please A guide to finding a great personal trainer.

By Jake Rossen


28 2009 Shoe Review Here’s everything you need to know to choose the best athletic shoe for you.

By Cregg Weinmann


Workouts that eliminate “diabesity”

28 Hit the treadmill in style and comfort.

2 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

Tax Incentives for Healthy Lifestyles!

Join our Virtual March on Washington We believe President Obama and Congress should support wellness and prevention by encouraging healthy lifestyles. One way to do this is by allowing Americans to pay for fitness-related expenses with pre-tax savings accounts. The Personal Health Investment Today Act would let you use pre-tax savings accounts now available for such costs as prescriptions and doctor visit co-pays, to pay for: • health club membership dues • youth sports league fees • home fitness equipment • senior fitness programs • and more! Voice your support for healthy lifestyles and write to President Obama and your Member of Congress to ask for their support of the Personal Health Investment Today Act. Visit today. It’s fast and easy, but you can make a major difference in the Campaign for a Healthier America.

Look for the Campaign for a Healthier America online. You



International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association | Seaport Center, 70 Fargo Street, Boston, MA 02210 USA

Contents :: Summer 2009



How busy people work in their workouts

Ways to eat clean, stay lean

40 A smashing success



Publisher’s Welcome


By Jay M. Ablondi


The Active! Life News and notes on all things fitness. Compiled by the Editors


By Kathy Thames, MS, RD, LD


By Dean Brierly


Ask a Trainer Problem solving from a pro. By Drew Logan

4 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

Results A young mother loses her fast-food habit and finds her inner hottie.

By Allison Earnst

Food Smarts Here’s the secret to a successful diet.

Hot Tips ANGER MANAGEMENT: Control the rage


In the Club VENUS WILLIAMS: The tennis legend on her iconic career and future plans.

By Eric Butterman SUMMER 2009

Best of Shoe Top Fitness Footwear of 2009 FIND YOUR HAPPY PLACE How to Cope With Rage and Stress

Nancy O’Dell On Family, Fitness and the Joy of Giving Back

Fix Your Diet What Researchers Say You’re Doing Wrong PLUS!

Get The Most Out of Your PERSONAL TRAINER

THE EXERCISE CURE Routines That Help Treat Diabetes

Cover Photo: Courtesy of Access Hollywood

EDITORIAL Jim Schmaltz E D I T O R I A L D I R EC T O R Jay Ablondi P U B L I S H E R Lynn Weatherspoon M A N A G I N G E D I T O R

ART Michelle Brown A RT D I R EC T O R


For an Under Armour dealer near you, go to:

Pam Wells CO N S U LT I N G P R O D U C T I O N D I R EC T O R

CONTRIBUTORS Dean Brierly, Eric Butterman, Allison Earnst, Drew Logan, Chris Mann, Timothy J. Moore,


Jake Rossen, Kathy Thames, Kristen Walsh, Cregg Weinmann

ADVERTISING SALES Main Office Number (800) 228-4772 (617) 951-0055 fax: (617) 951-0056 [email protected] Michele Eynon A SS O C I AT E V I C E - P R E S I D E N T O F A DV E RT I S I N G (617) 316-6760

Jessica Gutstein S E N I O R A CCO U N T E X EC U T I V E (617) 316-6762

Donna Garrity A CCO U N T E X EC U T I V E (480) 575-1486

Christine Paterson A CCO U N T E X EC U T I V E (617) 951-0055

Will Finn A DV E RT I S I N G B U S I N E SS D E V E LO P M E N T (617) 316-6755




IHRSA Seaport Center 70 Fargo St., Boston, MA 02210 Copyright 2009 IHRSA UA REVENANT // STABILITY

Volume 5 issue 2. Get Active! magazine (ISSN 1520-8397) is printed quarterly in the U.S.A. and is distributed through leading gyms and health club facilities and paid mail subscriptions. ©2009 by IHRSA. Title is protected through a trademark registration in the U.S. Patent Office. Canada Post International Publications Mail (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 1041622. Published by IHRSA, 70 Fargo Street, Boston, MA 00221. All Rights Reserved. Third Class Postage paid at Pewaukee, Wis. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Get Active!, c/o IHRSA, 70 Fargo Street, Boston, MA 00221. Please enclose mailing label or call (800) 228-4772. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Canadian GST#893770475. Printed in the U.S.A. Neither IHRSA nor Get Active! magazine is affiliated with any healthcare practitioner, health-food store or healthcare facility. Every effort has been made to establish that the individuals and firms in Get Active! are reputable and will give reliable service. The appearance of these advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by Get Active! or IHRSA. Get Active! does not endorse any form of medical treatment, nor does it encourage you to undertake any such treatment on your own. We urge you to see your family physician before undertaking any kind of medical treatment. IHRSA accepts no responsibility or liability, either expressed or implied, for any products featured, advertised or demonstrated herein.




:: Publisher’sWelcome

I’m One ... Are You? Get active and join the A-list.

Barack Obama is one. So is the First Lady. Clint Eastwood is one, as are Oprah and Regis. Whether it’s Tom Cruise or Penelope Cruz, it doesn’t matter — each is one. So is Dr. Mehmet Oz, Jennifer Aniston, LL Cool J, Hilary Swank, Tiger Woods, Cindy Crawford, and Nancy O’Dell, who graces our cover this month. They are all ones. What is “one”? One is someone who has made physical activity part of his or her daily life. You don’t have to be famous or successful to enjoy the many benefits of exercise. But it’s almost a requirement for those of high achievement — just try to find a successful celebrity who doesn’t make physical activity a priority. If you are “one,” you’re making a difference. You’re increasing your productivity, your energy, your stamina and your life span. You are also decreasing the likelihood that you will become a burden on our nation’s healthcare system. By taking care of yourself, you are not just doing a favor to your family and friends, but to the entire country. Excuses about being too crunched for time to work out just aren’t credible. During a “60 Minutes” profile in March, President Obama 6 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

said that he and wife Michelle start each morning by working out. It is part of their commitment to themselves and to us, because they know that exercise helps them stay at the top of their games. If the busiest couple in the world can find time to exercise, so can you. This is not a partisan idea. Former presidents George W. Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush, are both avidly committed to regular exercise. Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice famously hit the White House gym at 5 a.m. most mornings. As a Get Active! reader, you most likely are a regular health-club member. But I’m guessing that there is someone in your life who you wished were also “one.” If you know someone you would like to convert, here’s a suggestion: Don’t tell them they have to drastically change their daily routines. They don’t, unless they are superglued to their couches. The key is for them to make one small change to increase their activity level: Take a walk or use the stairs. Then when that becomes second nature, they can make another change: Go for a run or, better yet, walk into a health club and join the fun. Why a health club? It’s where lives are made healthier. It’s where “one” becomes “many.” And if they do join the club, they’ll be in some pretty remarkable company. Just ask the president. Yours in health,

Jay Ablondi Publisher

ABOUT IHRSA Founded in 1981, the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) is a nonprofit association representing more than 9,800 health clubs worldwide. IHRSA and its member clubs are dedicated to making the world healthier through regular exercise and fitness promotion.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Gene LaMott, Chairperson Gold’s Gym/Total Woman Gym & Atmosphere Day Spa Laurie Smith Leisure Sports Phil Wendel ACAC Fitness & Wellness Centers Lynne Brick Brick Bodies Fitness David Patchell-Evans Goodlife Fitness Clubs Rick Beusman Saw Mill Club Bob Shoulders Fayetteville Athletic Club Frank Napolitano GlobalFit Mike Raymond Curves International Susan Cooper BodyBusiness Health Club & Spa Art Curtis Millennium Partners Sports Club Management Sandy Hoeffer Western Athletic Clubs Jeff Klinger Anytime Fitness David Hardy Club Fit Corp. Fitness Industry Council of Canada Kilian Fisher ILAM - Ireland Michael Levy, Ex-Officio Spa Chakra Fitness

SPECIAL ADVISOR P.S. Visit to order a copy of the 2009 The Economic Benefits of Exercise.

LATIN AMERICA Richard Bilton Companhia Athletica


|| Exercise || Fitness || Food || Nutrition || Health || Wellness || Community || IHRSA wire || BY THE EDITORS

Taking her daily dose of the happiness pill.


Want To Live Better and Happier? Exercise More! New research once again links happiness with fitness. o hum, another day, another study proving the life-enhancing properties of exercise. This time, research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine and a study from Columbia University came to the same conclusion with different population groups. The journal study discovered that life-enhancement increased in all areas for those who exercised, including mental health, emotional well-being, agility, and functioning in social situations. Also, the more subjects exercised, the greater their improvement in overall energy and vitality. The Columbia research found that by adopting a fitness lifestyle, you’ll suffer from fewer chronic diseases and for shorter periods of time. Women who were overweight or obese lived three years more with health problems (such as heart disease, arthritis and diabetes) than people who were fit. THE TAKEAWAY A growing pool of data continues to prove that exercise is the closest thing we have to a happiness serum. Use it daily.


S U M M E R 2 0 0 9 | GET ACTIVE!


TheActiveLife ||


[ research shows ] He’s training for the daily crossword puzzle.

Lose the Hunger Only horses have feedbags, so we can be fairly certain you won’t be snacking when you’re jogging on a treadmill. But exercise has lasting effects on blunting hunger besides keeping you in the gym and out of Mickey D’s. key appetite hormones, ghrelin and peptide YY, that are partly suppressed by aerobic exercise. A separate study found that those who walked

Exercise Invigorates the Aging Brain Two new studies give another reason for boomers and seniors to keep their gym memberships current.

on a treadmill for 15 minutes found their chocolate cravings reduced. Yes, they even unwrapped and handled chocolate bars. The things we do for science. THE TAKEAWAY

More research

needs to be done, but cardio training in particular appears to help reduce cravings for sugary, fatty foods. 8 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

1 ) Regular exercise can reverse age-related mental decline. This study, performed at the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, found that “an active lifestyle with moderate amounts of aerobic activity will likely improve cognitive and brain function, and reverse the neural decay frequently observed in older adults,” according to lead researcher Arthur Exercise F. Kramer, PhD.


Source: British Journal of Sports Medicine

2) Physical activity improves cognition and memory. In a group of volunteers age 50 and older, 24 weeks of exercise helped improve cognitive ability in those with memory problems. Source: The Journal of the American Medical Association

Weight Training Lowers Cardiac Risk

A meta-analysis of 29 studies determined that weight training decreased LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by 5%. This is why the American Heart Association recommends weight training to help stave off heart disease. Source: Preventive Medicine

Photo, left to right: iStockphoto; Johner/Getty Images. Previous page: Colorblind Images/Jupiter Images

Scientists have identified two

FATIGUED? TRY THE LIGHT-CARDIO CURE Frequent tiredness is a maddening and frustrating feeling. But instead of opting for pep pills or surrendering to the couch, you should head to the nearest health club or running track for light exercise. The journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics recently reported that healthy individuals suffering

from persistent fatigue reported a 20% increase in energy after engaging in six weeks of moderate cardio exercise. THE TAKEAWAY The subjects in this study used a stationary bike three times a week and worked out at a leisurely pace to gain the energizing benefits of light exercise.

mini-workouts that work

Burn Fat in 12 Minutes! Here’s a quick cardio workout from trainer Angie Schumacher, CPT, who worries that many people shy away from cardiovascular training because they think it takes an hour to get results. She’s devised an ingenious interval cardio sequence that can induce great fat-burning effects in 3, 10, 20 or 30 minutes. Here’s a Quick workouts done right 12-minute interval routine can be extremely effective. for treadmill she recently put together (adjust speeds for your level).

›› 2-minute warm-up at 3.5 mph

Photo: Arne Trautmann/iStockphoto

›› 1 minute at 6.0 mph ›› 1 minute at 3.5 mph ›› 1 minute at 6.0 mph ›› 1 minute at 3.5 mph ›› 1 minute at 6.5 mph ›› 1 minute at 3.5 mph ›› 1 minute at 6.5 mph ›› 2-minute cool-down. Observes Schumacher, “I burned calories, elevated my heart rate, burned some belly fat and gave my metabolism a boost for the day — all in 12 minutes!” For more of Angie Schumacher’s workout and training tips, visit Womens

100 That’s the number of steps per minute you need to do to make sure that your walking workout is intense enough to produce fat-burning results, say researchers in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

[ research shows ]

Just Think It! Apparently, you don’t “just do it” unless you first decide you can. That’s according to researchers at the Public Health Agency of Canada, who found that self-perceived ability has a profound influence on how much you do in the gym. “Confidence in one’s personal ability to carry out exercise plays a central role in the direction, intensity and persistence of health-behavior change,” said lead researcher Sai Yi Pan, MD. THE TAKEAWAY Don’t make the mistake of convincing yourself that an exercise program may be too challenging. When motivating yourself — or others — to live a more active lifestyle, recall those times in life when you thought a task would be difficult or impossible to do, yet you performed it relatively easily. It’s not always pain for gain. S U M M E R 2 0 0 9 | GET ACTIVE!


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TheActiveLife ||


[ research shows ]

In addition to a lousy diet and lack of exercise, not getting enough sleep can alter your blood sugar enough to increase your chances of developing type 2 diabetes. One study determined that getting less than six hours of sleep over a period of six years raised blood-sugar levels by 4.5 times. THE TAKEAWAY According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. Also, beware of sleeping pills, which can lead to dependence and may not induce quality sleep.

Relax, fella. Your tantrums damage more than your golf clubs.

Mad Men Are Fat Men On the list of things that make you fat, you expect the usual suspects such as cheeseburgers and donuts, but now you can add something that doesn’t have calories: a bad attitude, mainly hostility. Angry men are much more prone to pack on the pounds than their more chilled-out peers, according to French scientists. The effect was less marked in women. Cause and effect of

a hostility-obesity link may be less physiological than simply that angry men are less willing to adhere to healthy prescriptions out of sheer obstinacy, or they may be clinically depressed. THE TAKEAWAY If you’re quick to rile, seek anger-management counseling or try calming activities, such as yoga and tai chi. (See Page 19 for more anger-management tips.)

The Myth of Multitasking That’s the title of Dave Crenshaw’s book about the 21st century habit of juggling multiple tasks at one time. While many of us call ourselves capable multitaskers as a badge of honor, Crenshaw, a consultant, business coach and entrepreneur, feels that multitasking is counterproductive. He’s rebranded the term “switchtasking,” meaning that you’re wasting time and actually reducing productivity by switching attention without giving any one task due diligence. Worse, he says, is when switchtasking bleeds into our personal relationships, and we fail to give colleagues, family members and friends our full attention. Crenshaw sees technology as the culprit. Instead of people using cell phones and computers, these things use us. To combat the trend, he’s created TimeGym to help people better manage their daily activities. By minimizing the switches, you can gain as much as two to three hours per day, he insists. (See for more tips and information on TimeGym.) Here are some of his suggestions for minimizing switchtasking. Take control over technology. Your cell phone (even on vibrate) doesn’t need to be on all the time. Give yourself permission to turn off email notification on your computer as well. Become master over the nagging beeps and buzzes by creating some silence. 12 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

Schedule what you can schedule. Set regular times in the day and week to check your voicemail and email. Let others know that you will be using that schedule so they know when to expect a reply.

Focus on the person. When you switchtask while on a computer, you simply lose efficiency. But if you switchtask with a human being, you additionally damage a relationship. Be present, listen carefully, and make sure everything has been taken care of before moving on.

Photos, clockwise from top: Andrew Penner/iStockphoto; Daniel Rodriguez/iStockphoto; iStockphoto; Sándor F. Szabó/iStockphoto

The SleepDiabetes Link


[ research shows ]

Favorable Fish Findings Two recent studies add to the evidence that fatty acids in fish have a range of

Photos, top to bottom: Maria Bacarella/iStockphoto; Daniel Loiselle/iStockphoto

health benefits. In March, it was reported that men who consumed the most omega-3 fatty acids from fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines, had a 63% lower risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer compared to men with the lowest intake of omega-3s. An April study

Studies continue to reveal the nutritional bonanza of fatty fish.

showed that the omega-3 fatty acid in fish called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) helped to reduce tumors in mice. THE TAKEAWAY Include fatty fish in your diet at least once every week to gain the health benefits, or take fish oil supplements.

MICROWAVE VS. ANTIOXIDANTS Although it’s quick and easy, microwaving vegetables may reduce their health benefits by destroying disease-fighting antioxidants. It was found that broccoli cooked in water in a microwave lost 97% of its flavonoids, while boiling it on top of the stove destroyed 66%. Steamed broccoli lost only 11% of its flavonoids. It appears that the culprit may be direct contact with water, as the nutrients are released into the liquid. So if microwaving, mist your vegetables rather than submerging them. THE TAKEAWAY The closer to their natural state, the better when eating veggies. Don’t zap the zip out of your veggie nutrients.

Vital Stat

To neutralize some of the chemicals in new clothing and bedding, soak them in a sink or washing machine with one cup of baking soda or borax for several hours (or overnight).

The CDC reports that Americans on average consume more than 3,000 mg of sodium daily, double the recommended intake for most people. S U M M E R 2 0 0 9 | GET ACTIVE!


TheActiveLife ||




o those who call for more realistic body proportions

on girls’ dolls, here you go. This vivid imagining of a bloated Barbie-type doll is courtesy of Active Life Movement, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyles and battling obesity. Made by the creative wizards at LatinWorks (, this and other illustrations of supersized cultural icons are being circulated by the group

These days her dream house has golden arches.

to confront Americans with the reality of their fast-food

chomping, soft-drink guzzling, sedentary lifestyles. (See for more.) With obesity rates climbing — eight out of 10 Americans over 25 are either overweight or obese — it’s time to get real about the problem.

New report gives the highest marks to Vermont. Unhealthiest? Louisiana.

Despite the best efforts of ice cream kings Ben and Jerry, Vermont once again topped the list of healthiest states in the 19th annual rankings by the United Health Foundation. The report takes into account such factors as obesity, binge drinking, violent crime, air pollution, smoking, cancer deaths and other data. The biggest regional loser once again was the South, where eight of the bottom 10 states (if you count Texas) are ranked, with Louisiana the lowest. 14 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

Texas (46), Tennessee (47), South Carolina (48) and Mississippi (49) round out the bottom five. The healthiest states after Vermont are, in order, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Minnesota and Utah. Of course, obesity is where the blubber hits the road when it comes to unhealthy living. Mississippi fared worst in that category, with almost 33% of its residents considered obese. Colorado fared best, with “only” 19.3% of its population considered obese.

Here are some other Best and Worst in selected categories: Violent Crime Best: Maine Worst: South Carolina Air Pollution Best: Hawaii Worst: Georgia Cardiovascular Deaths Best: Minnesota Worst: Mississippi Binge Drinking Best: Kentucky Worst: (tie) North Dakota, Wisconsin

48% That’s the percentage of respondents in a Money magazine survey who chose health-club membership as the one cost they would not give up in a deep recession. Here’s how expenses compared. Gym Membership: 48% Eating Out: 41% Extra Car: 35% Premium Cable: 30% Wine and Spirits: 20%

Photo: Courtesy of Active Life Movement

how healthy is your state?


Combine networking and working out for a winning formula in tough times.

Laid Off? Get to the Gym hen you lose your job, your first urge may be to hide under the covers in bed for a few days. Don’t do it! Instead, visit a health club, advises life coach Brandi Hamrick ( “Health clubs are filled with all kinds of people, and you just may meet someone who knows of an opening,” she says. “Most successful people know the importance of staying fit and healthy, so no one is likely to wonder why you are out at a gym when you should be looking for a job. On the other hand, if you were out at a bar or dropping thousands at Nordstrom, it doesn’t exactly give off a good impression (so don’t do that). Experiment with going to the gym at all times of the day. A couple of days, go first thing in the morning. Many people who run their own businesses, or who have spouses who do, have flexible schedules and will be able to work out in the a.m. Next, go at lunch. Many busy people take advantage of their lunch hour to exercise. Finally, go in the evenings around 5–7 when people are getting off work. Strike up a conversation with people around you, and take classes where you will be forced to interact.” As an added bonus, many health clubs and wellness companies are currently hiring! If you would like to work in a casual, positive, healthy environment, check out the opportunities in sales, service, marketing, management and other fields at

Photo: Altrendo Images/Getty Images


HEALTHCLUBS.COM: A RESOURCE FOR ALL THINGS THAT MOVE YOU. If you’re looking for a gym or need a bit of inspiration, log on to and become part of the fitness revolution.

Help Make America Healthier You have the power to improve not only your own health, but that of all Americans! Join the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) in the Campaign for a Healthier America, a national grassroots project bringing together exercise enthusiasts to make healthy lifestyles a priority for all Americans. You work hard to be healthy. We think the government should support that. Be a part of the Campaign’s Virtual March on Washington and tell Congress to support the passage of the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act to make exercise accessible for more Americans. If passed, you could pay for your health-club membership, exercise classes, home fitness equipment, your kids’ sports league fees and much more with pretax dollars. You should be able to spend your pretax health-care dollars on preventing chronic disease, not just treatment. Why be taxed for activities that make you, your family and your community healthier? It doesn’t make sense (or cents)! Join the Campaign for a Healthier America, and ask your legislators to support healthy lifestyles by passing the PHIT Act. To learn more, log on to Let your voice be heard! S U M M E R 2 0 0 9 | GET ACTIVE!


:: FoodSmarts

A variety of food choices is key to any diet success.

Fix Your Weight-Loss Plan Eight out of 10 people who start a diet choose one that is guaranteed to fail. Now we know why. BY KATHY THAMES, MS, RD, LD

16 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

these and other diets are almost certain to fail in their weight-loss efforts. The study, from Harvard School of Public Health and Pennington Biomedical Research Center, compared weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein and carbohydrates. Each diet contained healthy fats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and was low in cholesterol. Each dieter was encouraged to cut 750 calories a day from their food intake, exercise 90 minutes a week, keep an online food diary and meet regularly

with diet counselors to chart progress. The researchers concluded that successful weight loss happens with calorie restriction that allows dieters greater variety of food choices and enables them to stick with the plan over a longer time. Confused? For permanent weight loss, ask yourself these questions: • What do my lifestyle and food choices look like when I maintain my weight? • How will I continue to practice the changes I have made?

Photos: iStockphoto

A CALORIE IS A CALORIE, AND FOR weight loss, the type of diet doesn’t matter. That is what a landmark study recently reported in The New England Journal of Medicine. The key to losing weight requires basic math: Burn more calories than you eat. As the world struggles with obesity at epidemic levels, millions turn to weightloss solutions, such as Atkins, Zone or Ornish diets that claim the benefits of one macronutrient over another. But statistics show that 80% of people on

• Are my portions distorted? What can I do to keep portions in check?


You Cut:


Bagel, 3 oz with 2 Tbsp. of cream cheese ›› 450 cal Orange juice, 12 oz ›› 163 cal Starbucks grande latte ›› 232 cal Total: 845 calories

Whole-wheat English muffin ›› 130 cal Peanut butter, 1 Tbsp. ›› 94 cal Clementine ›› 35 cal Starbucks double tall nonfat latte ›› 68 cal Total: 327 calories

518 Calories


Subway footlong turkey with lettuce, tomato, pickles, olives and no dressing ›› 580 cal Chocolate chip cookie ›› 210 cal Total: 790 calories

Subway 6-inch turkey with lettuce, tomato, pickles, olives and no dressing ›› 289 cal Apple ›› 72 cal Total: 361 Calories

429 Calories

Trail mix, 1 cup 693 calories

Trail mix granola bar 140 calories

553 Calories

Spaghetti and meatballs with Parmesan cheese, 3 cups ›› 850 cal Rolls with butter (2) ›› 265 cal Salad with cheese, dressing, croutons; 2 cups ›› 470 cal Total: 1,585 Calories

Lean Cuisine “type” spaghetti and meatballs ›› 260 cal Green salad with 1 Tbsp balsamic dressing ›› 100 cal Steamed broccoli, 2 cups ›› 60 cal Total: 420 Calories

1,165 Calories

Ice cream, 1 cup, with 1 cup strawberries and 2 Tbsp. chocolate sauce 435 Calories

Strawberries, 1 cup, with 2 Tbsp. nondairy whipped topping and 1 Tbsp. chocolate sauce 121 Calories

314 Calories


Instead of:


If you are maintaining your weight and want to lose pounds, find 750 calories (the amount easily found in a restaurant-size appetizer or dessert) to cut out of your daily intake. Practice this seven out of seven days, and you have a weekly 1.5-pound weight loss. Aim for 300–400 calories at breakfast and lunch, 100–200 calories for snacks, and 400–500 calories at dinner, for a total of 1,200–1,500 calories — reasonable for weight loss. See the table below to see what a typical day’s intake may look like.


Regardless of the type of diet, the study found that dieters who attended all or most counselling meetings had greater weight loss — 22 pounds compared with the average 9-pound loss. Remember, a healthful lifestyle requires planning, proficiency and practice in making appropriate choices, estimating portion sizes, and diligence in monitoring energy intake and activity. These skills take time to develop and maintain.

Reducing portion sizes appears to be the most important weight-loss strategy for everyone. Typical food and drink portions today are usually double a standard serving size — a trend now called “portion distortion,” which describes the perception of large portions as appropriate amounts to eat as a single serving. This distortion is reinforced by packaging, dinnerware and serving utensils that have also increased in size. For weight loss, all that really counts is cutting calories consistently. It takes 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat.

what can you do?

Make an action plan.

■ Use portion control strategies such as meal replacements (liquid meals, meal bars, or calorie-controlled packaged meals and

frozen entrees) and smaller plates. ■ Try whole-grain, high-fiber cereal and nonfat milk to replace usual evening snacks. ■ Don’t change everything at once. Ask yourself, “What is one thing I can do?” ■ Set, write down and tell someone your food choices and activity goals. ■ Exercise properly — remember, it takes more than exercise to induce weight loss. ■ Focus on what you are doing, not on what you don’t do. ■ Find support with a professional, group or friend who shares the same goals. ■ Keep a weight-loss journal/diary. Visit free databases, such as ■

S U M M E R 2 0 0 9 | GET ACTIVE!


:: AskaTrainer 90 seconds or so. This night-before preparation is always a great stress reducer during a hectic morning. (Tip: Try being creative with egg whites, ground turkey, spinach and feta cheese, and have a piece of whole wheat toast or a piece of fruit as your side.) • Work out in the a.m. This is one of the best “secrets” of the ultrasuccessful/superbusy person. By waking up and getting straight into your exercise routine, you increase your metabolism, kick up your endorphins, reduce stress, and start the day with a caloric deficit. • Sleep. I always encourage people to do whatever they can to get a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night. When you miss sleep, you increase cortisol levels, which leads your body to store stubborn abdominal fat, increases stress levels, and ultimately contributes to serious heart-health concerns. Your body and mind need adequate rest. Make sure you get it.

Make Time for You

I usually eat healthy, but often have sugar cravings, especially in the afternoon. Any suggestions?

I want to eat healthy and exercise, but I have a really busy schedule. I typically start the day early, and eat a lot of restaurant meals because of my work. How can I still reach my goals?

If you’re living relatively healthy — eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, along with some healthy fats — your body is likely trying to break the “sugar addiction” and convert to burning body fat as energy. This would explain the sweet tooth. But it’s a good sign. To combat sugar cravings, make a single serving of sugar-free gelatin or pudding, and top it with a couple of tablespoons of sugar-free Cool Whip for a quick afternoon sweet snack. Also, keep healthy fruits such as berries and apples handy to help stop you from reaching into the candy jar. You’ll find many more options if you check out healthy cookbooks and Web sites. Be creative with snacks, and you’ll eventually have an entire bag of tricks that you can share with others who deal with similar issues. ■

This is an excellent question because there are many common health and fitness issues involved in your situation. First off, you’re going to have to be diligent about sticking to a schedule, but after you get used to it, you’ll find it automatic. Most importantly, follow these three basic rules: • Never miss breakfast. I actually encourage all of my clients to prepare a big, filling breakfast in the evening and put it in a microwave-safe container overnight. This ensures that you have a high-protein, high-fiber breakfast that can be ready in only


Quick Tip :: Can’t get to the gym in the a.m.? Grab your iPod and get out in your neighborhood for a 45-minute power-walk/jog. Drew Logan is an L.A.-based celebrity fitness trainer, who has also consulted the U.S. Marines. In October 2004, he suffered three sudden cardiac arrests and has since lived unimpaired. 18 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

Photos, top to bottom: Robert Milek/;



:: HotTips

All the Rage Controlling anger is important to your health. BY DEAN BRIERLY

Pfeiffer offers the following tips on managing your anger.

:: Accept the fact that anger is a normal emotion. “All emotions have value,” says Pfeiffer. “It’s what you do with that emotion that determines whether it’s a positive or destructive force in your life. So just acknowledge that, yes, I am angry and I admit to it, and it’s OK to be angry.”

:: Identify the source of your anger and put it in perspective. Ask yourself if it’s really worth being angry about. “I have what I call ‘The 10-Year Rule.’ I say to myself, ‘Will I even remember this thing that’s bothering me 10 years from now?’”

:: If you get worked up over an important issue, however, look at how to correct it. “If you’re angry because, say, your boss is constantly criticizing you, that anger is telling you that there’s something in your life that needs to be addressed.”

:: “It’s also important to understand

Photo: Radius Images/Jupiter Images

Anger can wreak havoc on your cardiovascular system. Learn to chill.

IT’S CALLED ONE OF THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS, AND FOR GOOD REASON: Uncontrolled anger can negatively impact your health. Women have traditionally tended to internalize their wrath more than men, but anger management expert Janet Pfeiffer, president of Pfeiffer Power Seminars, says women are becoming more comfortable with anger, especially in certain demographics and cultures. “Regardless of gender, anger is harmful anytime it creates a problem in your life,” she states. “Anger becomes a very destructive force when we deny or repress it, because it doesn’t resolve itself. It stays within you and manifests in some form, whether through a physical condition or emotional disorder. “The other way that people deal with anger is through explosive behavior. Many people believe that it’s better to let it all out than hold it in. So they will lash out at someone, yell or throw things, or engage in some other very counterproductive manner. Those are not healthy ways of managing your anger either, and there are a whole host of clinical studies that show the medical ramifications of handling anger in that way.”

that everything we feel is generated by what we’re thinking,” Pfeiffer states. “All feelings come from our thoughts. So the easiest way for me to get over anger is to refocus what I’m thinking about. If my husband forgets our anniversary, the first thought that goes through my head is, Oh, I guess he doesn’t love me anymore. If I’m thinking that way, of course it’s going to hurt my feelings and I’m going to get angry. So I need to change my thoughts to, Well, maybe he had a lot on his mind today and didn’t realize today was the 10th of the month. Just by refocusing my thoughts, I can change how I feel.” ■

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20 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m


elivering celebrity juice since joining the hit TV-newsmagazine “Access Hollywood” in 1996, unstoppable multi-hyphenate Nancy O’Dell finally took more than she could dish out last March. Days shy of waltzing onto the season debut of “Dancing With the Stars,” the 43-year-old journalist-turned-emcee-turned-author twisted her knee while rehearsing the salsa. A torn meniscus sidelined O’Dell, but only from the disco-ball-illuminated parquet floor. While trying to squeeze surgery and 6–8 weeks of rehab into her airtight schedule, the perennially sunny yet uber-competitive TV-star kept juggling her day job with other hosting duties while promoting her new book of “mom-to-mom tips” called Full of Life, and remaining proudly attentive to her daughter, Ashby Grace, who turns 2 in June. The telegenic and award-winning reporter graciously turned her national spotlight to a cause close to her heart two weeks after her “Dancing” dreams were dashed. O’Dell’s mother, Barbara Humphries, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (more commonly, ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease) in November 2007, and sadly died three days shy of Ashby Grace’s first birthday last year. On March 18, O’Dell hosted “Augie’s Quest,” an annual bash celebrating fitness pioneer and ALS survivor Augie Nieto’s hugely successful research initiative for the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s ALS division.

access happiness BY CHRIS MANN

It looks harmless enough, but O’Dell, here with Tony Dovolani, soon took a fall.

To date, Nieto’s efforts have netted more than $18 million for ALS research, and O’Dell, who co-hosted last year’s MDA Telethon, couldn’t be happier to lend her name and her “Access Hollywood” airtime. Days prior to her dancing injury, the omnipresent TV-host — she also co-emcees annual Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants, the Rose Bowl Parade and endless red-carpet arrivals for awards shows — talked with Get Active! about her career as a TV-personality and activist, her efforts to shed pregnancy pounds, her new book, and the eternal bond between mothers and daughters.

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Nancy takes husband Keith Zubchevic and stepson Tyler to another day at the office.

here to answer any and all questions, to walk you through this.” You so need that when you get a diagnosis that you’re unfamiliar with. You have no clue and you have so many questions. You’re at a complete loss. And they were our No. 1 resource. They hook you up with other families that are going through the same thing. I can’t say enough about them. So I said, “Whatever you need me for, I am there for you.”

GA: MDA connected you with fitness industry giant Augie Nieto. What can you share about your involvement with him? NO: He’s done an amazing job. I met him

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Get Active: How is your recovery going? Do you expect to run — and dance — again soon. Nancy O’Dell: My recovery is going well. I had surgery for the two tears in the meniscus of my knee on March 20. The doctor said my meniscus was “shredded” — that I had really done some damage to it. The doctors say that about six weeks after surgery and rehab, my knee will be completely back to normal. I’m trying to make sure I’m really organized and prioritizing, and have plenty of time to spend with my family, too, because that’s instrumental to your mental health, that’s for sure.

GA: The last two years have seen profound changes in your life, with the birth of your daughter and, sadly, the loss of your mother to ALS. You’re on a personal mission in your work with MDA and their ALS division. Tell us how you came to give back to MDA. NO: I’m very involved with MDA now. I’m so glad that I met them. I wish I never had to meet them. I found out about them because of my mom. She’d gone for about a year [undiagnosed], and her voice was gone. We’d taken her from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what was going on. They never could diagnose her, and she kept coming out here from South Carolina. So we said that maybe she should see a neurologist. She was diagnosed at UCLA at the MDA clinic. The minute she was diagnosed … a representative of MDA walked in and said, “We’re

GA: What makes Augie’s experience with ALS so special? NO: He’s the most positive person I’ve ever met. He said he’s never been happier in his life because he felt like he was helping so many people. What an amazing statement to make — here you are with this rapidly progressive, fatal disease and you’re saying you’ve never been happier in your life because you’re helping so many other people. I was so honored to host the Augie’s Quest Bash this year for MDA.

GA: What do Augie’s story and ongoing ALS genetic research tell us? NO: What his story tells about him is that ALS can strike anybody. There’s a strong need for people to learn more about it because it seems more are coming down with it, I think because of all the environmental toxins out there. There may be something in your body that makes you predisposed — maybe because of my mom’s genetic makeup she was vulnerable but my dad wasn’t. If they can find the root cause of it, usually that’s a way to find a cure. So that’s what MDA is trying to do.

GA: What did your mom’s life and her struggle with ALS teach you about living with purpose?

Photo: Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images. Previous page: ABC/Craig Sjodin

“After she [Mother] passed away, I wanted to feel good again,” says O’Dell.“I started running. I started to feel really good; the weight started coming off. It helped lift my mood ....”

through MDA. I saw him on the “Today” show and read his book [Augie’s Quest] right after my mom was diagnosed. And I knew that he and MDA were pioneers and were up on the latest technology and research. So I asked through MDA if they could put me in touch with him. I started e-mailing back and forth with his wife, Lynne, and then Augie.

NO: I think to be in the moment and enjoy the moment. I made sure that the time I spent with her was quality time. Don’t ever take that time for granted. And I’m bound and determined that we’ll raise enough money and awareness so that no more families will have to go through this.

GA: What inspired your new book? NO: The book is subtitled, “Mom-to-Mom Tips I Wish Somebody Had Told Me When I Was Pregnant.” I thought it’d be fun to write down different things that happened to me during my pregnancy — probably that’s the journalist in me coming out — so that Ashby could look back at it. I was just floored at how many things happened to me that I never expected; they just completely came out of the blue.

GA: What types of scares and surprises did pregnancy bring you? NO: I woke up one morning and had all of these red dots all over my chest. I was like, Oh, my God. Do I have the measles or the mumps? What is this? And it turns out — I was in a panic the entire day, but when I made it to the doctor, he said, “Oh, that’s completely normal. You have twice the amount of blood in your body when you’re pregnant, and you’re just seeing the ends of your blood vessels.” Who knew? I think your friends don’t think to tell you because they’re so excited about telling you how great it’s going to be when you are a new mother, how it’s a love you’ve never felt before, and how you’ll feel when you hold the baby. They don’t want to tell you all the scary things that can happen.

GA: So there’s lots of practical advice and even humor in your book, too. NO: Oh, yeah, there’s lots of humor. [Laughs.]

Photo: ABC/Scott Garfield

Even in Hollywood, pregnancy is not so glamorous, like when you’re constipated. I even included one of my mom’s recipes for this delicious cake that has a ton of prunes in it. I couldn’t do straight-out prune juice without throwing up. The cake’s a way to get medicine, so to speak.

GA: You lost most of your pregnancy weight pretty fast. What can you tell us about your pre- and postpartum exercise routines? NO: I had a bulging disc before I was pregnant, so I did very light workouts when I was

pregnant. I went swimming a lot, and a little bit of yoga and some walking Post-pregnancy, my bulging disc had gone back in, so I could start running again. But then my mom was diagnosed, so I spent almost all of my extra time doing stuff with her. After she passed away, I wanted to feel good again, because I just wasn’t feeling good inside. So I started running. That made me feel really good; the weight started coming off. That was a great postpartum thing for me. It helped lift my mood and everything.

GA: How did you squeeze running into your life as a new mom with a busy career? NO: I’d nurse the baby for 45 minutes. And then I’d change the baby and get her ready for a nap. She’d nap for maybe 45 minutes and then she’d be ready to feed again. I’d grab my outfit, go downstairs and run up and down my driveway for about a half-hour until the baby woke up, then I’d go back up and feed her again. That was my exercise routine right after I gave birth.

GA: You have two stepsons, Tyler, 13, and Carson, 9, with husband Keith Zubchevic. How do you incorporate nutrition and exercise into your family’s life? NO: I try to have some healthy snacks around, and I’m always encouraging them that if they want something to eat, to have a piece of fruit or some whole grains. Every now and then, because they’re kids, I’ll make a batch of cookies. You want them to be healthy and strong. We try to keep the temptations out of the house.

GA: Do you exercise together? NO: Yes. The boys love sports. We have a basketball net here at the house, so we’ll do that. I’m not a big golfer, but I’ll hit the ball a bit because they like to golf. I got my bulging disc from throwing a baseball. I was trying to be cool for my stepsons by throwing a really hard pitch. And I can throw a football in a spiral. When I did that my oldest stepson said, “You’re all right. You can be our stepmom.” ■

Chris Mann is a writer, art director and editor of the pop culture webzine Retroality.TV. S U M M E R 2 0 0 9 | GET ACTIVE!


“Failing to prescribe exercise to patients with diabetes is simply unacceptable practice.” — William Kraus, MD, Duke University Medical Center

Curing The dangerous combination of type 2 diabetes and obesity is a national health-care crisis. One of the cures? Exercise. Here’s the prescription for getting healthy.


Photo: Altrendo Images/Getty Images

BELIEVE IT OR NOT, DIABETES IS ONE OF ONLY TWO main causes of death in the United States that continues to increase while all other major causes are declining. According to the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 23.6 million adults and children in the U.S. have diabetes. At issue is type 2 diabetes, which is linked to physical inactivity and obesity. Formerly called non-insulin dependent or adult-onset diabetes, type 2 diabetes accounts for 90%–95% of all diabetes cases. Alarmingly, experts estimate that as many as 5.7 million Americans are unaware that they have type 2 diabetes. In all, type 2 diabetes affects an estimated 246 million adults worldwide and accounts for 6% of all global deaths. It’s no wonder why the medical community is so alarmed by the epidemic proportion of diabetes that’s sweeping our nation. The good news is that type 2 diabetes is preventable.

That’s because the disease can be directly linked to being overweight. Regular physical activity and dietary modifications help to reverse type 2 diabetes. In fact, the correlation between type 2 diabetes and obesity is so well established that many researchers now refer to the two collectively as “diabesity.”

So Easy a Caveman Could Do It Here’s how diabesity develops: When you gain weight, fat cells grow more biochemically active, churning out inflammatory compounds. This inflammation, in turn, promotes insulin resistance (why inflammation leads to insulin resistance is unclear). Insulin is a critical hormone that helps regulate blood sugar. When your body becomes insulin-resistant, it loses the ability to process sugar properly, causing life-threatening consequences. This dangerous sequence of events that leads to insulin resistance is also known as the “metabolic syndrome.”

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In short, both resistance training and aerobic exercise play a role in reducing diabesity.

The Health Club as Health Clinic Here are some specific guidelines for a diabetes workout program from the American College of Sports Medicine’s “Exercise Is Medicine” initiative (see As always, consult with your health-care practitioner before starting any exercise routine.

:: Your exercise prescription must be tailored to your medication schedule and the presence and severity of any diabetic complication, as well as your specific goals for your exercise program. :: Daily exercise is highly recommended. At a minimum, do moderateintensity cardiovascular exercise for 20–60 minutes at least four days per week.

:: On two days per week, consider doing a lowerresistance, lower-intensity strength-training program with one set of exercises for the major muscle groups, with 10–15 repetitions. :: Start slowly and gradually progress the intensity and duration of your workouts. :: Take frequent breaks during activity, if needed. :: For every one hour of

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exercise, consume an additional 15 g of carbohydrates before or after. :: Avoid activity when your blood glucose is too high. :: Extended or vigorous activity may trigger an excessive release of adrenaline and other hormones that can counteract the effects of insulin, thereby increasing blood glucose levels. :: Drink plenty of fluids before and after exercise.

“These days, we are accustomed to getting our food by driving up to a drive-through window and placing our orders for ‘supersized’ portions,” says Kaufman. “But our cavemen ancestors had to work for their food. Men went out and hunted, and women foraged for nuts, berries, fruits, vegetables and roots. It was a full-time job with lots of legwork. The men often trekked great distances in their search for game.” Diabesity is what can result when the genes that were supposed to protect us from famine collide with a sedentary lifestyle — a lifestyle that includes a neighborhood with bacon cheeseburgers on every corner. Thankfully, many street corners also have health clubs. And that’s where an important part of the diabesity cure can be found.

Ounce of Prevention, Pounds of Cure Many studies have confirmed exercise’s benefits in reducing the dangers of diabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Program found that intensive lifestyle changes that include diet and exercise were more effective than the diabetes pill metformin in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes. Other studies have similarly shown that exercise and an improved diet are more effective than medicine for people with type 2 diabetes. What kind of exercise should type 2 diabetics consider? New data have identified specific workout routines that are especially effective against diabesity. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), as part of their “Exercise is Medicine” initiative, have created an exercise protocol specifically for diabetes and other diseases (see adjacent sidebar). In short, both resistance training and aerobic exercise play a role in reducing diabesity. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that people with type 2 diabetes who performed aerobic exercise and also lifted weights had the biggest improvement in blood-sugar control. Research shows that the increased muscle developed through weight training aids in the management of diabetes. As lean body mass increases, additional blood glucose is cleared from the blood. The greater the muscle mass, the more calories you burn at rest, which equates to greater weight loss. It is also important to note that losing abdominal fat is a key factor to improving insulin sensitivity.

Photo: Bambu Productions/Getty Images

It’s no secret that lifestyle factors are the major culprits for the diabesity epidemic. Over generations, our lifestyle and eating habits have changed dramatically, explains Francine Kaufman, MD, former president of the American Diabetes Association and current Head of the Center for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles.

Photo: Gary Wade/Getty Images

In a study published in No matter where you start, Diabetes Care, one group of subevery journey begins with jects trained with weights, while that first step. a second group did stretching exercises. The weightlifters did nine different exercises three times a week that worked the major muscle groups in their upper and lower bodies. A test of blood glucose showed significant improvements in the weightlifting group after three months of exercise, and continued to improve six months later. Subjects in both groups lost weight and fat, but the weightlifters showed gains in lean body mass, while those who didn’t lift weights showed muscle mass losses. Researchers concluded that by encouraging high-intensity weightlifting for people with diabetes, complications could be reduced in the long run. A similar study, also published in Diabetes Care involving people with type 2 diabetes, showed that subjects Ready, Set, Goals Current exercise guidelines recommend that assigned to the weight-training protocol had a reduction in the dose of prescribed diabetes people should perform moderate to vigorous aerobic and resistance exercise for several medications after only 16 weeks of training. hours per week. While these guidelines are For those in the non-weight-training group, a widely accepted standard, a lack of complia 42% increase in prescribed diabetes medance indicates the need for an alternative. ication was noted. This novel approach may help people to lead A team of researchers from Heriot-Watt a healthier life simply by making it easier for University in Edinburgh, Scotland, investigated people to find the time to exercise. the effects of high-intensity interval training The true test of a change in lifestyle is not (HIIT) on diabetes. The subjects used whether it works quickly but whether it can exercise bikes to perform 30-second sprints be followed successfully over the long term. at their highest possible intensity level four Whether it’s a 20-minute walk around the times daily for two days a week. After two neighborhood, taking the stairs at work or weeks, the young men had a 23% improvesetting the morning alarm early enough to ment in how effectively their body used get to the gym, it’s all about taking the first insulin to clear glucose (blood sugar) from steps to create a new healthy habit. the bloodstream. The scientists noted that the risk of develop“You need to set realistic goals — ones you ing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes can accomplish. If you do that, over time you is substantially reduced through regular will not only lose weight and become more physical activity. Unfortunately, many people fit, you will help prevent obesity and many feel they simply don’t have the time to follow of the complications it brings, such as type 2 a structured program. The results of this diabetes,” says Kaufman. study showed that just seven minutes of Establishing a new lifestyle pattern isn’t exercise each week helped a group of men easy, but if the overall outcome is health and control their insulin. longevity, it’s well worth it. ■

Future Shock How important is it to confront the diabesity epidemic? A study presented by the Yale School of Public Health found that, if current trends hold, by 2025:

• Blindness from diabetes will increase three-fold to 70,000. • Cases of kidney disease because of diabetes will almost triple to 119,000. • Amputations because of diabetes will triple to 239,000. • Diabetes-associated deaths will nearly triple to 622,000. • Costs associated with diabetes will nearly triple to $351 billion.

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Sh Award Winners BEST SHOE Neutral SP

RIN G 200


BEST SHOE Performance SP

RIN G 200

Motion Stabilizing RIN G 200





Zoot Ultra TT 2.0 Best Shoe—Performance



Saucony Triumph 6 Best Shoe—Neutral

adidas adiStar Salvation Best Shoe—Motion Stabilizing ASICS GEL–1140 Best Value K-Swiss Run One miSOUL Tech Best New Shoe Diadora Mythos 280 GB Best Renovation

28 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m



TWO TRENDS ARE IN THE FOREFRONT THIS SEASON: GENDER AND MONEY. A few seasons back, some brands attempted to market to men and women separately — even with different names for the same shoes — with less-thansuccessful results. This season, the shoes carry the same names and attempt to provide the same kind of running experience for runners of each gender. More than one-third of the shoes in our review have been modified to account for differences between male and female runners. Men generally weigh more than women and have more muscle mass, which means they can more easily flex running shoes. They also land a little harder than women do. Designers adjusted their shoes to accommodate these very real differences. For men, the landing area is a bit larger and firmer, while the women’s models are, in comparison, softer and more flexible. The second trend has been a noticeable jump in prices. This may have been some time in coming, as the world economy is shifting. Workers everywhere expect higher wages, the costs of resources and transportation have increased, and the bottom line is the bottom line — running shoes are not what they used to be. While they’re not rocket science, running shoes are technical, and technology, research and delivery have very real costs associated with them. Both trends coincide with the continued push to make running shoes better able to handle the idiosyncrasies of the human foot and, by extension, make your daily run more beneficial.

N EUTRAL adidas Super nova Glide — $100 The Supernova Glide is as good as the best neutral shoes in the adidas line. The upper features better breathability and reduced weight, thanks to a change in the mesh that doesn’t sacrifice comfort. The GeoFit memory foam ankle collar still provides a cozy fit around the ankle. The midsole sports slight changes to the molding and retains the ForMotion cassette, so the ride is still the same. Subtle changes in the outersole’s appearance improve its flexibility, and adidas has kept the combination of carbon heel and blown rubber that has worked well for the Supernova series. “Fits great, very comfortable, and wraps around the foot nicely. They were lightweight and felt great while running. The cushioning was very noticeable — almost bouncy, but protective. The shoes are very comfortable, but I think a little overpriced.” Sizes: Men 6.5–13 (whole & half sizes), 14–20 (whole sizes only); Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 12.6 oz. (size 11); Women 10.2 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, adiPRENE+ Strobel board (heel) • For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation

Diadora Mythos 280 GB — $100


The Mythos series displays the best Diadora Running offers, and the 280 GB is a nod to Olympic Marathon champion Gelindo Bordin, longtime brand icon and one of its key developers. The Mythos 280 improves the ride by adjusting its Axeler technology. The threadlike titanium wire is unchanged, but Axeler WI5 adds angled thermoplastic elements to absorb shock by flexing and then springing back to shape, providing an energetic toe-off. The upper is open air mesh with synthetic leather overlays to support the foot, and accommodate a range of foot shapes. Reliable Elaston foam means that the midsole is well-cushioned and durable. The shank is vented, providing support and breathability.The outersole is Duratech 5000 and Flexoft (carbon rubber heel, blown rubber forefoot) because it works. New cushioning technology, fine-tuned fit, cushioned ride and flexibility have earned the Mythos 280 GB our Best Renovation award. “The fit allows good heel fit and support with a good amount of toe room. I was impressed with the cushioning and forefoot flexibility, though they were heavier than other Diadora shoes I have tried.” Sizes: Men 6–13.5; Women 5.5–10 • Weight: Men 13.8 oz. (size 11); Women 11.1 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board • For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

New Balance 1063 — $125 The 1063 stays true to the mission of its predecessors: providing great cushioning for low-arched, neutral feet. The upper has been upgraded for a bit more support, with a full rand, redesigned and repositioned overlays in the saddle and the toe, and a little softer mesh to go with the same smooth interior. The midsole sports a new configuration of DTS (Dynamic Transition System): a crash pad that improves the lateral release on touchdown and better smooths the foot’s transition through the footstrike. The forefoot cushioning has been enhanced with a little more Abzorb SBS, but, almost magically, the weight has been reduced (by almost 3% in the men’s shoe), which means less work for runners, and a little faster time on the watch. “The shoes felt supportive and fit quite well. Excellent cushion, especially for long training runs. The support and cushion were better than expected, and this is a good step forward for NB.” Sizes: Men 7–13, 14, 15 (B, D, 2E, 4E); Women 7–11, 12 (B, D) • Weight: Men 13.2 oz. (size 11); Women 11.0 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, Abzorb Strobel board • For: low- to medium-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Reebok Premier Ultra KFS VI — $120 If there were an award for best aesthetic improvement, the Premier Ultra KFS VI would certainly be in the running. Reebok has raised the bar to a new height, gaining ground in both fit and performance. The upper has received improvements to fit, support and comfort. The KFS inserts have been repositioned nearer the instep, which opens the stretch mesh across the metatarsals, and the overlays have been enhanced from the midfoot to the heel to better secure the shoe to the foot. The midsole is still responsive, but a little better cushioned than version 5, thanks to minor tweaks to the DMX Shear and the shank. The outersole features new flex grooves for better flexibility, and a noticeably more energetic toe-off. “Good fit, snug on the heel, and comfy toe box. Bit of a lift (roll up) at the tip of the toe box, which fosters a natural toe push-off. Definitely durable. After 100+ miles, no noticeable wear and tear — shoes still feel like new.” Sizes: Men 6.5–13, 14; Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 14.0 oz. (size 11); Women 11.2 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, DMX Foam Strobel board • For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Saucony Triumph 6 — $125


RIN G 20


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The Triumph epitomizes the Saucony commitment to producing quality running shoes. The sixth edition, like other updated shoes in this review, requires close inspection to see the changes. The upper is much the same, but the tongue is better padded (though a good deal thinner), and the overlays have been trimmed back or repositioned to provide more open space across the metatarsal area, making the shoe bunion-friendly. The midsole appears largely untouched, though the shank reveals a bit more of the thermoplastic than the Triumph 5 did. The ride is responsive, with cushioning befitting the Triumph legacy. The overall feel, craftsmanship and ride were responsible for the Triumph 6 earning our Best Neutral Shoe award. “The shoe felt light as I ran, probably from the comfortable fit through the arch. I liked the supportive, stable feeling, and the good measure of cushioning. There are tiny differences, but the shoe is very close to the last few versions I have used.” Sizes: Men 7–13, 14; Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 12.7 oz. (size 11); Women 10.4 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, HRC Strobel board • For: low- to medium–high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

N EUTRAL /M OTION S TABILIZING Under Ar mour UA Apparition — $110 Under Armour is new to running footwear, but its development team is not. The UA Apparition, flying a bit under the radar, is actually the best shoe in its new line. The upper utilizes FootSleeve technology, which is similar to the gusseted tongue construction or monosock used in other running shoes. The midsole is a combination of EVA and rubbery inserts — ArmourBound, ArmourLastic and Cartilage — that make for quite a comfortable ride. The flat sole, which keeps the foot in contact with the ground during transition, and good flexibility permit the foot to move naturally. “This shoe fit very well. The more I wore the shoe, the better it fit, but it had a lengthy break-in period. The cushion felt about right; it felt stiff at first, but broke in with running. Fairly comfortable shoe, I was pleased with its overall feeling.” Sizes: Men 8–13, 14, 15; Women 6–11, 12 • Weight: Men 13.9 oz. (size 11); Women 11.6 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board • For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

adidas adiStar Salvation — $140 A new name for the old adiStar Control isn’t all that’s new about this shoe. The last (new about a year ago) has been dialed in to maximize the fit for as many runners as possible — a little to either side of a medium arch. The strength of the Salvation is that it fits well and has outstanding cushioning and stability. The upper switches to EVA in the tongue for better protection, a different open mesh, and repositioned overlays that reduce the weight. The midsole features a minor extension of the Pro-Moderator support and a full-length adiPRENE Strobel board for seamless cushioning. Small reductions here and there add up to almost half an ounce shaved off the weight of the shoe. The cushy ride and reliable stability earned the adiStar Salvation our Best Motion Stabilizing Shoe award. “It fits very well. I feel that it gives very good arch support, and toes have enough room. Very good cushion — almost like slippers underfoot. Foot felt stable and secure with no rolling. Pleased with the overall capabilities of the shoe.” Sizes: Men 6.5–13, 14, 15; Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 13.3 oz. (size 11); Women 10.8 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, adiPRENE+ Strobel board (heel) • For: medium- to high-arched feet with moderate overpronation

BEST SHOE Motion Stabilizing SP

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ASICS GEL–1140 — $85 The GEL-1140 has a lengthy heritage in the ASICS line. Runners looking for effective stability on a budget have always responded to this model. The 1100 series has been the beneficiary of a generous trickle-down of ASICS’ experience and technology. The upper is little changed from the 1130, even using what appears to be the same mesh, with the expected minor tweaks to the overlays. The tailoring has been adjusted for a better heel fit and more room in the toe box. The midsole is time-proven SpEVA (ASICS’ preferred foam prior to its introduction of Solyte), and this configuration gives the 1140 a stable, well-cushioned ride. The outersole is classic ASICS fare: AHAR (carbon rubber) heel with a blown rubber forefoot. The combination of the fit, stability, ride and — most of all — price earned the GEL-1140 our Best Value award. “From the first time I tried the shoes on they fit my foot perfectly. I felt like my foot was supported and cushioned. It's like running on a gel pack. It seems to help my push-off. My foot feels well-balanced and secure in the shoes while I’m running.” Sizes: Men 6–13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (D), 7–13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (2E, 4E); Women 5–12 (B, D) • Weight: Men 12.8 oz. (size 11); Women 10.5 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: slip-lasted • For: low- to medium-high-arched feet with mild to moderate overpronation


Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9 — $105 Over time, the Adrenaline series has been very consistent; the overall visual impression is one of gradual change. The Adrenaline GTS 9 is “one of the boys,” but with a few tricks up its sleeve. The upper is the same Element mesh, with slightly larger holes to better handle moisture from the foot. The midsole, added this season, is BioMogo, which does a great job of cushioning and, when you’re done with the shoe, it doesn’t last forever in a landfill. The ride is very stable with enough cushioning to keep runners coming back. The HPR carbon heel and blown rubber forefoot are effective and familiar. Runners who swear by the shoe will be pleased, and those looking for stability, fit and cushioning have another option to try. “These shoes fit very well. I didn’t have any break-in period; right out of the box they fit. I like that. There were several pluses in these shoes: They were comfortable, durable and stable. A good training shoe — not too heavy, not too light.” Sizes: Men 7–13, 14, 15; Women 5–12, 13 • Weight: Men 12.5 oz. (size 11); Women 10.5 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: combination Strobel-lasted, Texon board (heel), S257 Strobel board (forefoot) • For: medium- to high-arched feet with moderate overpronation

Etonic Jepara 3 SC — $110 The strength of the original Jepara was its combination of cushioning and effective stability. The Jepara 3 has outdistanced the earlier versions by tackling their weakness: weight. The upper is a uniform open mesh, with stretch mesh and HF-welds across the metatarsal region to provide a forgiving yet supportive fit, and a much plusher feel. The midsole features redesigned flex grooves for better forefoot flexibility, an adjusted second density of foam for better stability, TPR inserts only in key impact areas, and a redesigned shank — all of which save weight while providing better stability and support. The effectiveness of the polyurethane innersole and EVA Strobel board combine to enhance the ride. The total weight savings is almost 1.4 oz, testament to the role judicious use of materials plays in a quality running shoe. “On the first few runs, I thought it was relatively stiff, but after a little break-in, it fits well and is comfortable. The foot feels slightly controlled, but it does produce a comfortable footstrike. Compares well with the major brands I have tried.” Sizes: Men 8–14; Women 6–12 • Weight: Men 13.4 oz. (size 11); Women 11.0 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board • For: medium- to high-arched feet with moderate overpronation

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M OTION S TABILIZING Karhu Strong Fulcr um Ride — $140 Karhu’s shoes over the past few seasons were appreciated for their low profile and responsive feeling. The Strong Fulcrum Ride features Karhu’s Fulcrum technology (think “mini teeter-totter”) to improve responsiveness by pivoting the foot forward after touch-down. Shortening the time on the heel also reduces overpronation. The upper is a well-supported air mesh, but with few overlays and a bunion-friendly open forefoot. The interior is plush and accommodating. The multipart midsole features an effective heel crash pad and a stable configuration of the Fulcrum element with a flexible forefoot. The polyurethane memory foam innersole adds an extra measure of comfort. The durable full-length carbon rubber outersole provides excellent traction. “Great, low-profile fit, one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I’ve ever put on. The cushion is very comfortable, but still bouncy. Strong lateral control, great on the ankles. Have really enjoyed these shoes on runs of 10 miles or shorter.” Sizes: Men 8–13, 14; Women 6–11 • Weight: Men 12.6 oz. (size 11); Women 10.5 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted • For: medium- to high-arched feet with mild to moderate overpronation

K-Swiss Run One miSOUL Tech — $125 K-Swiss demonstrates its commitment to running with its new miSOUL (Modular Interchangeable Sole Technology), a midsole structure designed to accommodate different snap-in innersoles. The Run One comes with two options: a Cushion innersole with resilient rubbery inserts and a Light configuration. By changing them depending on your workout, they don’t get compressed as quickly as the traditional innersole. The combination-lasted design adds stability, along with the dual-density midsole and shank supports of the miSOUL components. The upper is open air mesh with cooling perforations through the toe cap and the perimeter of the heel; rubbery thermoplastic overlays give a snug but forgiving midfoot fit. The outersole is traditional carbon rubber in the heel, blown rubber in the forefoot. The combination of the familiar and the innovative earned the K-Swiss Run One our Best New Shoe award. “Quite comfortable, nestles my foot nicely, no signs of blistering or hot spots. I preferred the feel of the Light insole, it enveloped my heel much more snugly. I liked this shoe and the idea of two insoles.”


Sizes: Men 7–13, 14 (D); Women 6–11, 12 (D) • Weight: Men 13.2 oz./14.0 oz. (size 11, with each insole); Women 11.1 oz./11.9 oz. (size 8, with each insole) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel combination-lasted, Superfoam (forefoot) and thermoplastic (heel) Strobel board • For: medium- to high-arched feet with mild to moderate overpronation

Nike Zoom Str ucture Triax+ 12 — $100 Gender specificity, championed by the Structure Triax+ in the Nike line, is evident in this version, which is precisely tuned for men and women. This version features the unchanged midsole chassis that worked well for the Structure Triax 11: Phylon, an articulated second density with TPU, and a decoupled crash pad that curbs overpronation while allowing the foot to effectively transition. The mesh has a better feel to it (smaller holes feel less coarse) and the overlays have been replaced with HF-welds wherever possible to reduce seams. The outersole is almost the same, with a slightly thicker Duralon layer in the forefoot providing extra protection. “The first few miles had a soft footfall and I wondered how many miles the cushion will hold up — it hasn’t quit yet. The shoes performed well, and overall I think they are as solid as the other shoes I’ve tried in the category.” Sizes: Men 6–13, 14, 15 (D, wide, narrow, 4E); Women 5–12 (B, wide, narrow, 4E) • Weight: Men 13.3 oz. (size 11); Women 11.4 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board • For: medium- to high-arched feet with moderate overpronation

Pearl Izumi SyncroPace III — $115 The evolution of Pearl Izumi’s SyncroFrame shoes has taken a stable technology and adapted the ride to increase the comfort, finally dialing in the combination of stability and cushion. The ride has been softened with a combination of Skydex and foam. The major change is in the outersole, which has been segmented into pods to improve transition and flexibility. The cushioned feel up front is achieved by a new Skydex bag in the forefoot, combined with a better midsole foam. The strength of the SyncroPace continues to be the stability of the SyncroFrame. A dual-density innersole feels soft on top, but has a supportive, dense layer underfoot. The seamless upper offers a snug fit with a plush interior, a fan favorite. “I love the fit of these shoes! They are comfortable the moment you put them on. The cushioning is the first thing you notice. They ride a little firmer than they feel, but I didn’t develop any problems/injuries elsewhere in my leg, hips, etc. I was impressed with it as an excellent, light shoe with a surprisingly long-term cushioning feel.” Sizes: Men 7–13, 14; Women 5–11, 12 • Weight: Men 14.2 oz. (size 11); Women 11.9 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board • For: medium- to high-arched feet with moderate overpronation

Under Ar mour UA Revenant — $120 After several years of development, Under Armour rolls out its running shoe line. The upper is open air mesh with a closefitting, gusseted tongue that Under Armour calls “FootSleeve,” tying its shoes to its compression apparel. The midsole employs ArmourGuide, a cradle that offers stability and support. A rubbery material called Cartilage is designed to improve the cushioning between the cradle and the EVA. The EVA formulations in heel and forefoot — ArmourLastic and ArmourBound — contribute to the responsive ride. The articulated heel curbs overpronation by lateral release, stabilizing and smoothing the transition. Relying only on the strength of its own technologies, Under Armour has done a very good job right out of the gate. “Good fit, no blisters, lots of toe room. The tongue could be a bit longer; it just kind of hits into the top of my ankle. I like the bouncy feel — not too squishy. Great stability; my foot was nice and straight, staying right on top of the shoe.” Sizes: Men 8–13, 14, 15; Women 6–11, 12 • Weight: Men 13.8 oz. (size 11); Women 11.2 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board • For: medium- to high-arched feet with moderate overpronation

32 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

P ERFORMANCE ASICS GEL-DS Trainer 14 — $110 ASICS has refined the three key areas of the GEL-DS Trainer: upper, midsole and outersole. The upper is still open mesh with Biomorphic Fit inserts, but by adjusting the asymmetrical lacing to restore the familiar sizing and support, the upper fits better. The overlays sport new tailoring that gives a better fit through the heel and midfoot. The midsole features a shorter medial second density, which may be partly responsible for the slightly softer feel. ASICS reports that the midsole is a millimeter thinner and the outersole is 2 mm thicker, making the forefoot a little more responsive. That extra millimeter has been added to the blown rubber in the forefoot, improving the ride and helping to cradle an insert of high-traction rubber called Wet-Grip. “I really like the snugness of these shoes; they fit around my feet very well. Great feel, lighter than average, good cushioning. The flexy region [Biomorphic Fit inserts] of the uppers is fabulous.” Sizes: Men 6–13, 14, 15; Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 11.4 oz. (size 11); Women 9.1 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: slip-lasted • For: low- to medium-high-arched feet with mild to moderate overpronation, for faster-paced runs

Mizuno Waverider 12 — $100


The Waverider alternates between being a performance shoe and a midweight training shoe. Version 12 has slimmed down to a performance weight. A quick glance at the upper reveals a more open mesh, with overlays that are a bit more substantial and supportive. Trying them on reveals a snugger fit and a softer step-in feel, thanks to the addition of the Ortholite innersole. The midsole is noticeably thinner. The ride is more responsive, which is good for lighter runners and shorter runs, but on longer runs, testers noted that it seemed a bit less cushioned than earlier Waveriders. The women’s version features more flex grooves to accommodate less body mass to flex the shoe, while the men’s version has a broader flare in the sole for a better landing. “I like the lower cut on the back — many shoes are too high on the Achilles tendon. Need more support and cushioning, though they did fine for mid-length runs. Light compared to what I normally run in — I hardly know I’m wearing them.” Sizes: Men 7–13, 14, 15, 16 (D, 2E); Women 6–12 (AA, B) • Weight: Men 11.9 oz. (size 11); Women 9.4 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted • For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics, for mid-mileage runs

Nike Zoom Start+ — $88


The Start was conceived as a shoe for those who want to begin running. All runners need good shoes, and the Start is a good shoe. The upper is air mesh in front and closed mesh from the midfoot to the heel. Then Nike minimized the overlays and threw on some Flywire for “tech” appeal. The midsole is Cushlon (thinned a bit to reduce price and weight, and improve flexibility), with a Zoom bag in the heel, and gender-specific design reflected in varied flex grooves and crash pads. The outersole is the Waffle design of the Bowerman shoes, Nike’s best multisurface traction. The ride is well-cushioned and responsive, which is the hallmark of the Cushlon foam. The price tag is perhaps the best surprise — the value here is outstanding. “I liked the way these shoes feel from the first time they went on my feet. The cushioning and flexibility in the forefoot make them very comfortable to run in. Overall, I am very impressed with this shoe. Comfortable, light and stable.” Sizes: Men 6–13, 14, 15; Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 11.8 oz. (size 11); Women 10.0 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board • For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Puma Complete Concinnity III — $95


The Concinnity III makes a few well-considered changes. The upper is an open air mesh with a well-finished interior. A traditional lacing system replaces the asymmetrical lacing of the I and II, giving this version a secure but roomy fit. A deeper throat and a reshaped toe also help. The midsole is reconfigured with a smaller second density, a slightly more flexible forefoot and a lower profile feel. While the cushioning is good for a lightweight runner, some of our testers found that it was not substantial enough for longer runs or heavier runners. The outersole features EverTrack carbon rubber throughout, with blown rubber in the lateral forefoot for durable cushioning. Overall, the improvements succeed in providing a solid stability alternative. “I really liked the snug fit. The comfort and bounce were great for short, fast runs, but I would not recommend them for anything long.” Sizes: Men 6–13, 14, 15, 16; Women 5.5–11.5 • Weight: Men 11.9 oz. (size 11); Women 9.5 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, full-length EVA Strobel board • For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation, for faster-paced runs

Zoot Ultra TT 2.0 — $135 Zoot’s Ultra footwear line is geared to triathletes. The 2.0 offers better cushioning while shaving weight from a very light shoe. The upper has more open mesh, an exposed neoprene insert for a snug but forgiving fit, and a DryLex moisture-wicking lining combined with anti-microbial silver nanotechnology. The midsole offers a more generous layer of Z-BOUND, and an extended shank for better stability. Thermoplastic overlays and large holes in the tongue and heel improve the grip, and help you get the shoe on fast. The outersole has been upgraded to a tougher carbon rubber in the high-wear areas and combined with blown rubber and TPU to lighten it and improve the ride. All these features meet the needs of triathletes, while providing all runners with low-profile, efficient performance. The upgraded materials, design and performance earned the Ultra TT 2.0 our Best Performance Shoe award. “Fit like a second skin, very minimal. Great light weight. I like it when shoe companies understand that a shoe doesn’t have to be beefy to be good at what it does.” Sizes: Men 8–12, 13, 14; Women 6–10, 11 • Weight: Men 9.9 oz. (size 11); Women 7.7 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted • For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics, for faster-paced runs


BEST SHOE Performance SP

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Ready to sign up for a personal trainer? Not before you read our guide to getting the most out of private lessons.

A Little Help, Please 34 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m


n fiction, mentors abound. Rocky had Mickey; Luke had Obi-Wan; Harry Potter had Dumbledore. Despite


an abundance of courage and strength, it’s likely these heroes would still be toiling in meat packing or Wampa-hunting if not for the guidance and wisdom provided by their teachers.

Your goals may not equate to KO’ing a heavyweight champ or blowing up a space station, but anyone looking to get

their fitness goals in sharper focus would be wise to consider enlisting a personal trainer. A qualified private instructor can help custom-tailor an effective exercise program, provide accountability and ensure proper form. While the rewards are great, so are the risks: With a confusing alphabet soup of governing bodies, enlisting a tutor with dubious credentials is dangerously common. “A research study in 2003 determined there were at least 70 agencies certifying personal trainers in the United States,” reports Fabio Comana, MA, MS, an exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise (ACE). “Those range from legitimate organizations to the online diploma mills.” Overwhelmed? Don’t be. Good trainers are as common as fleas on a Wookiee if you know where to look.

Credit Report

Search Engine

Pretty much anyone with a tan, a heart-rate monitor and a duffel bag full of creatine can label themselves a personal trainer. “When we look for a doctor, we at least know that anyone with the label ‘MD’ has gone through the government-certified course of training,” says Paul Chek, HHP, NMT, founder of the C.H.E.K. Institute in California. With personal training, he observes, “You could get somebody at my skill level who is training world-class athletes, or you could get somebody who looks good on paper but is licensed from the Internet.” IHRSA recommends that its member clubs hire personal trainers holding at least one current certification from a certifying organization/agency that has begun third-party accreditation of its certification procedures and protocols from either the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) or an accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education or Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Of the dozens of outfits operating, 10 organizations have been conclusively identified as NCCA-compliant, while at least two others are accredited by an organization recognized by USDE or CHEA. While not absolutely necessary, it’s also beneficial for trainers to have a degree in exercise science, exercise physiology, kinesiology or physical education; it further reinforces their ability to provide reliable advice about your specific situation.

Go to a tanning salon, gym or health food store, and chances are terrific you’ll see a stack of business cards from a local trainer. While you can pick one up and head online to research their reputation, you should try the analog approach first. “All the best personal trainers I’ve found and worked with, I’ve found through friends and word of mouth,” says Charlotte Hilton Andersen, a fitness blogger for “Go to someone satisfied with their current personal trainer,” says Ron J. Clark, president of the National Federation of Professional Trainers. “If you respect their opinion and the results they’re getting, a referral would be the best way to go.” Ask your club if they have personal trainers on staff. Trainers affiliated with your club are great options since they’re already on premises and familiar with the equipment and layout of your gym. If your gym doesn’t have personal trainers on site or you can’t secure references, try the Web: Clark’s site has a database that lists trainers by ZIP code. (Prices vary widely by region, but $50/hour is the national average.)

This Time It’s Personal If you had a stint in the military, maybe you enjoy someone screaming in your face and motivating your quads to pump out another squat; if you’re a career S U M M E R 2 0 0 9 | GET ACTIVE!


Goal Tending If your dream is to run a 10k without crumpling to the floor like a used tissue, a trainer with biceps like grapefruits may not be your best choice. Finding one who understands and can custom-shape a routine to meet your goals is probably the most critical part of the process. “A specialist in women or in body-shaping or in training for triathlons should be able to demonstrate clear evidence of expertise in that area above and beyond reading an article

in a magazine,” admonishes Chek, who has found numerous instances of trainers setting up an identical protocol for clients regardless of their aspirations. “Find someone who can give you references from satisfied customers who have achieved the objectives that you want to achieve.”

Also on the Menu ... When consulting with a trainer, there’s an expectation that no health question is outside their comfort zone. But depending on their qualifications, orders to ingest certain foods or supplements should be taken with a grain of salt. “A personal trainer can make fitness-related recommendations like total calories, or the

Cross Trainers You thought you found the perfect coach, but all of a sudden he’s acting surlier than a music critic at a Miley Cyrus concert. What’s the problem? It could be you. Compare yourself against these common trainer pet peeves.

BODY OF LIES Don’t blame the trainer for your pizza-fueled breakdowns. “The biggest thing trainers complain to me about is people not following directions,” says fitness blogger Charlotte Hilton Andersen. “They don’t follow the program, don’t follow the nutrition, and then they come back and say, ‘I’m not seeing results.’” 36 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

ODOR OF BUSINESS “People wearing too much perfume can be overwhelming,” adds Andersen. A training session isn’t a date: Don’t bathe yourself in fragrance before getting your sweat on.

DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR If you haven’t been able to see your toes in years, don’t expect a trainer to help you run the Boston Marathon in three months. “If I did try and train them for that, I’d only be contributing to injury and further dysfunction,” says personal-training guru Paul Chek, HHP, NMT.

TIME BOMBS Your trainer is a mentor, not a parole officer. Don’t bombard your trainer with countless emails and phone calls. “They’ll train with you for an hour, then ask you questions for 20 minutes and make you late [for something else],” bemoans Chek. Ask your trainer how many off-clock consults are appropriate and adhere to that.

Photo: Anderson Ross/Getty Images. Previous page: Altrendo Images/Getty Images

Finding a trainer who understands and can custom-shape a routine to meet your goals is probably the most critical part of the process.

woman with diabetes, maybe not so much. “Every good personal trainer I’ve ever met has been willing to sit down with me and talk for a half-hour off the clock, with no money at stake, just to make sure we sync up,” says Andersen. “See if their personal philosophy matches up with yours.” That sit-down will also give you an opportunity to gauge the trainer’s commitment to his own health. In talking to several personal trainers, Andersen discovered that some used questionable supplements and health practices in order to achieve a beach-ready look — all while hypocritically proclaiming they’d never advise a client to do the same. “The first question I’d ask while I look them directly in the eyes is, ‘How congruent are you with the philosophy of exercise and health that you teach your clients?’” says Chek. “Do they get nervous, do they look away, do they begin to sweat?” If they do, walk away.

percentage of carbs to fats,” says Clark. “But they can’t say, ‘If you eat lentils, your arthritis will go away.’ Telling someone what a supplement does or what function it serves is one thing, but you can’t tell someone to take a particular supplement to get a specific result.”

Trainers with accredited certifications are taught to recognize signs that their client is being overtrained: dizziness, heart-rate elevation, nausea. Unfortunately, these symptoms need to be communicated to them, and it’s sometimes difficult for a person to admit they’re failing physically. “If the exercise is too intense, the client needs to tell the trainer,” cautions Comana. “They’re paying for a service. A client has a right to go to a trainer and say, ‘This is too much, it’s too hard.’ If they don’t, the trainer is going to assume everything is good.” But don’t be too forthcoming when it comes to nonfitness woes. Unless you’ve had your trainer sign a confidentiality agreement, there’s always a chance your personal hardships could become gym gossip. “I would stay away from the personal details, if you’re not comfortable with them getting out,” says Andersen. “Anything that does not affect your workout, keep to yourself.”

Separation Anxiety

To help offset concerns, ask your club if they have an on-site nutrition expert, or look for a trainer who’s also a registered dietitian (RD) or registered dietetic technician (RDT).

Photo: Eliza Snow/iStockphoto

Honest to Bod Having an open dialogue with your trainer extends to more than just the weather — you want them aware of any medical issues, especially if you feel you’re being pushed too hard. “If someone has high blood pressure, they’d better tell their trainer,” advises Clark. “The trainer needs to know so they can get the appropriate health-care professional involved in that consultation.” (Don’t be surprised if the trainer asks you to sign an informed consent waiver to disclose any relevant medical issues. Most liability insurance companies require it, especially if you’re being trained at home.)

Rarely, a trainer may withhold information in order to keep a client on the vine indefinitely, but “the good personal trainers will set up a plan to make you independent of them, to where you don’t need their help anymore,” says Andersen. “They teach you the skills.” “You should put yourself out of business,” says Chek. “It’s very important to teach people to be self-sufficient.” Ask a trainer for a written description of routines. If he waffles, he’s probably looking to keep you dependent. Once you’re comfortable working out on your own, consider making monthly appointments so your trainer can make sure you’re retaining proper form and adding — or subtracting — exercises for variety’s sake. You can always return to your trainer periodically for a tuneup if necessary. “At some point, it’s the trainer’s ethical responsibility to wean the client off them,” concludes Comana. “Ultimately, the client has to do it on their own.” ■

“The good personal trainers will set up a plan to make you independent of them, to where you don’t need their help anymore,” says Charlotte Hilton Andersen of GreatFitness

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:: Results before

How Mom Got Hot This busy young mother of three said goodbye to drivethroughs and hello to healthy foods and fitness.

38 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

Allison Earnst Age: 33 Hometown: Miami, Fla. Beginning weight: 185 Weight now: 133 Allison’s Advice: Just do it! No excuses, start today! focused. She reminded me to always keep myself and my health in the front of my mind. Over the course of eight months, I was down more than 50 lb. I decided to take the ultimate challenge and began training for a marathon. Finally, in January 2008, I completed my first marathon! This journey has taught me that you really can do whatever you put your mind to. You just believe in yourself and visualize what you want, and you really will make it happen. The possibilities truly are endless. You have to want it. It’s something that no one else can do for you. There is no magic pill. You have to learn to practice discipline. You have to get yourself to the gym, and not order that pizza —even when you can already taste the cheese. Through this experience, I learned to really challenge myself. I am important and I am worth putting myself first and living my life so that I can be the absolute best that I can be! ■

Photos: Courtesy of Allison Earnst

FOR SOME IT’S ALCOHOL AND cigarettes; for me, it was fast after food and TV. I remember making more trips to fast-food restaurants than to the gym, and I was literally on a firstname basis with the girl who worked the lunch shift at the burger place on the corner. I remember slowly going up a pants size … then another … and another. I snacked on leftovers, breezed through drivethroughs, and did not set aside any time to exercise. I put myself last on the list of “things to do.” That was until one day “it clicked.” I was sick of being tired and overweight and unhealthy. I had given birth to my third child six months earlier, and it hit me like a ton of bricks — I not only needed and wanted to be healthy for my three young children, but also for myself. I wanted to be an example for them of a strong and healthy mom, but most of all I realized that I was worth spending the time it took to plan meals and eat healthy, and get in my daily workouts. I was ready. At this point I was approaching 200 lb, and I started slowly. I cut down fast food from several times a week to once a week. I made slow changes to my diet and educated myself on the importance of clean eating. I subscribed to several fitness magazines and got lots of new workout and recipe ideas. It opened up a whole new world for me. It did take more time to plan and prepare healthy meals, but I knew that the payoff would be priceless. Once I started working out consistently and eating clean, the pounds came off. The more fit I got, the more fit I wanted to be. It was such an amazing thing to see what could happen when I believed in myself. After dropping the first 20 lb, I got a trainer to help keep me on track and

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Venus Rising Tennis icon Venus Williams brings her trademark intensity to her off-court training and commercial pursuits. BY ERIC BUTTERMAN

GA: What’s the most important part of your training? VW: You have to keep yourself conditioned. If you aren’t fast out there, you won’t be able to get to the shots you need to — matches can last a long time. You also need to go over your strokes enough to feel confident in them.

GA: What’s the best part about having your sister playing with you on the tour? VW: Just getting to share all these experiences with her. We’re just great friends and laugh together all the time.

GA: You’ve become involved in design. Can you take that as seriously as tennis? VW: I’ve always had a lot of things that I like to do, especially design. I’ve even spent time in design school for a few years … I get very into it. Wilson Leather had me design bags, and that was a lot of fun. It’s a challenge to try and think of what I’d like and then get to the final product.

GA: You have an interior design firm called V Starr. Do you literally go to a client’s house? VW: I definitely do. I’ll go over there with my designs and sit with them to try and think of what they’ll really love.

GA: What’s something else about you that people might not know? VW: I just like to have fun. I’ve never

GA: Do you still have the same competitive fire that you did as a teenager? VW: I want to win every tournament I play in. It’s important for me to know that I did my best. There’s always something to work at. Even when I win, I’m always looking at what I can do better. You never want to beat yourself out there.

GA: It was rumored in the past that you and your sister got into arguments with players on the tour. Any truth to it? VW: I think the talk of me and Serena having trouble with other players is just a ‘90s thing — old news and blown out of proportion to begin with. I want to focus on good things and move forward. 40 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

thought it’s healthy just to play tennis and have nothing else … When I was a kid my parents would say, “OK, let’s go to the park.” They wanted to make sure I was happy and enjoying my life.

GA: Your dad has been talked about as going too far in his involvement with you and your sister. Is that a fair criticism? VW: I couldn’t have succeeded without him … He just always makes me feel good about myself and cheers me on. You have to stay positive, but sometimes you come home from the road after an upsetting loss and it’s tough. He just tells me, “You’re the best.” Confidence, that’s what he gives me. ■

Photo: Alfredo Estrella/Getty Images

TRAILBLAZING TENNIS ACE VENUS WILLIAMS WENT FROM PRODIGY TO PRO as a teenager, eventually ascending to No. 1 in the world while racking up 41 career titles, including five Wimbledon wins. Venus and her sister Serena have become tennis legends, redefining the expectations of African-Americans in a sport where they have been traditionally underrepresented. Now 28 years old, Venus is branching out into design.


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