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Laila Ali Finding the Power Within To Change Your Body WINTER 2010





Get Fit — FAST! The Ultimate Circuit Workout


Experience Life In Focus

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:: Winter 2010


Best of both workout worlds


20 Still a Knockout New mom and former boxer Laila Ali is fighting to shape up America’s kids.

By Chris Mann


24 Super Circuit No time? This routine can get you fit in a flash.

By Tom Weede, CSCS


28 2010 Winter Shoe Review Choose the best shoes for your workout.

By Cregg Weinmann

N U T R I T I O N / H E A LT H

34 Food Fraud These 10 myths may be holding you back.

By Andrea Platzman, MS, RD

34 The top 10 food myths

28 Run like a champ.

W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 | GET ACTIVE!


Contents :: Winter 2010

18 A real happy meal

38 Ryan Kwanten’s perfect balance


Exercise as part of pain therapy


3 6

Publisher’s Welcome

In the Club “True Blood” star Ryan Kwanten may be the fittest guy in Hollywood.

The Active! Life

By Jim Schmaltz

News and notes on all things fitness.

Compiled by the Editors



By Jay M. Ablondi

Food Smarts The Mediterranean diet may lift your mood as it helps your heart.

By Karen Orsi


Results This former Marine got off the couch and back into fighting trim. WINTER 2010

Laila Ali

Finding the Power Within To Change Your Body

By Marke Turner




Ryan Kwanten


Get Fit — FAST! The Ultimate Circuit Workout

Cover Photo: Courtesy of Laila Ali

2 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m


:: Publisher’sWelcome

What Would You Do With 100 Years? Get Active … and you may find out.

“A person who has health has a thousand wishes, a person who doesn’t, has but one.” While the author of this quote is unknown, the truth behind it is clear. In today’s hectic world, many people take their health for granted. It isn’t until they are sick, or injured, or simply feeling run-down that they realize how critically important good health is to their ability to lead a happy and productive life. As Get Active! readers certainly know, one of the most essential ingredients for good health is regular exercise. Its many physical and mental benefits have been shown time and time again by researchers, and lauded in countless medical and scientific journals. When pressed, most people will admit to knowing that exercise is good for them. But far too many of these same people have yet to make the changes needed in order to improve their health. What to do? More on that later. Recently, I read a Financial Times profile of a man many consider to be the “father”

of exercise. His name is Jerry Morris, a retired scientist living in Britain. It was Morris, working shortly after WWII, who first discovered that heart attack rates of different workers could be directly correlated to the level of physical activity in their occupations. In 1949, Jerry noticed that London bus drivers — who were sedentary throughout the day — had much higher rates of heart attacks than conductors, whose jobs required them to ascend and descend 500 to 750 steps daily. When he looked at the data from other occupations, he came to the same conclusion about health: Exercise helps people live longer. An avid exerciser since his childhood, Jerry walked four miles almost every day of his life. In May, he will turn 100 years old. Surprised? Me neither. Jerry knew that health — and, consequently, life — is better for those who exercise. So he exercised. Every day. Further, he dedicated his life to getting policymakers and others to learn from his groundbreaking research. “Exercise is a universal for health,” he has said. We’re back to the question of what to do. Maybe it’s time to simplify our message: Want to live to 100? You’d better exercise. It’s not a guarantee, but if you don’t make regular exercise a part of your week, the odds are slim that you will live to be 100. Does that motivate you? Will it motivate someone you love? Thank you, Jerry, for showing us the way.

Yours in health,

ABOUT IHRSA Founded in 1981, the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) is a nonprofit association representing more than 9,800 health clubs worldwide. IHRSA and its member clubs are dedicated to making the world healthier through regular exercise and fitness promotion.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS David Patchell-Evans, Chairperson Goodlife Fitness Clubs Lynne Brick Brick Bodies Fitness Rick Beusman Saw Mill Club Bob Shoulders Fayetteville Athletic Club Mike Raymond Curves International Susan Cooper BodyBusiness Health Club & Spa Art Curtis Millennium Partners Sports Club Management Sandy Hoeffer Western Athletic Clubs Jeff Klinger Anytime Fitness David Hardy Club Fit Corp. Fitness Industry Council of Canada Kilian Fisher ILAM - Ireland Kay Yuspeh Elite Fitness & Racquet Clubs Bill McBride Club One Gene LaMott, Ex-Officio TW Holdings

SPECIAL ADVISOR Jay Ablondi Publisher

LATIN AMERICA Richard Bilton Companhia Athletica

W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 | GET ACTIVE!


EDITORIAL Jim Schmaltz E D I TO R I A L D I R E CTO R Jay Ablondi P U B L I S H E R Lynn Weatherspoon M A N AG I N G E D I TO R

ART Samantha Cuozzo A R T D I R E CTO R


CONTRIBUTORS Chris Mann, Andrea Platzman, Marke Turner, Kristen Walsh, Tom Weede, Cregg Weinmann

ADVERTISING SALES Main Office Number (800) 228-4772 (617) 951-0055 fax: (617) 951-0056 [email protected] Michele Eynon AS S O C I AT E V I C E - P R E S I D E N T O F A DV E R T I S I N G (617) 316-6760


Jessica Gutstein S E N I O R AC C O U N T E X E C U T I V E M

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Will Finn A DV E R T I S I N G B U S I N E S S D E V E LO P M E N T CY

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IHRSA Seaport Center 70 Fargo St., Boston, MA 02210 Copyright 2009 IHRSA

Volume 5 issue 2. Get Active! magazine (ISSN 1520-8397) is printed quarterly in the U.S.A. and is distributed through leading gyms and health club facilities and paid mail subscriptions. ©2009 by IHRSA. Title is protected through a trademark registration in the U.S. Patent Office. Canada Post International Publications Mail (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 1041622. Published by IHRSA, 70 Fargo Street, Boston, MA 00221. All Rights Reserved. Third Class Postage paid at Pewaukee, Wis. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Get Active!, c/o IHRSA, 70 Fargo Street, Boston, MA 00221. Please enclose mailing label or call (800) 228-4772. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Canadian GST#893770475. Printed in the U.S.A. Neither IHRSA nor Get Active! magazine is affiliated with any healthcare practitioner, health-food store or healthcare facility. Every effort has been made to establish that the individuals and firms in Get Active! are reputable and will give reliable service. The appearance of these advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by Get Active! or IHRSA. Get Active! does not endorse any form of medical treatment, nor does it encourage you to undertake any such treatment on your own. We urge you to see your family physician before undertaking any kind of medical treatment. IHRSA accepts no responsibility or liability, either expressed or implied, for any products featured, advertised or demonstrated herein.

4 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m


|| Exercise || Fitness || Food || Nutrition || Health || Wellness || Active Lifestyle || IHRSA wire || BY THE EDITORS


Go Green by Getting Lean A more fit humanity just may save us all. hile enormous investments by the U.S. government and private gazillionaires like T. Boone Pickens and Richard Branson are planting wind farms and funding other climate-saving projects, the rest of us can do our part just by getting in the gym and buffing up. That’s according to researchers at


6 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, who claim that obesity is creating tons of extra greenhouse gases due to the demand of creating all the extra food too many of us are shoving down our throats. How much of the dirty toxins do the portly pour into the atmosphere by their

gastronomical excesses? The scientists calculate that a lean population of a billion people would create 1,000 million tons less carbon dioxide than a billion obese folks. Yeah, that’s a lot. In other words, your body’s either an Escalade or a Prius. So streamline your chassis, and you just may save the planet.

With a half marathon, 5K and kids’ races, plus Disney’s Fit for a Princess Expo, it’s the happiest storybook ending to your training. Register today at ©Disney S&R11160

TheActiveLife ||


The 12-Hour Buzz “Hi, honey. I’m at the gym. Getting high.” This may not be the usual way you think of a visit to the health club, but that’s exactly what exercise can do for your mental mood. Scientists have discovered that the feel-good effects from a workout can last as long as 12 hours. The findings, presented at a meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, found that the exercise required to produce this happy “afterglow” was moderate intensity for only 20 minutes. The researchers stressed that even just a few minutes can elevate your mood for a good chunk of the day. Experts believe that exercise’s feel-good effects are partly due to a rise in levels of the brain’s mood-enhancing neurotransmitters, such as endorphins. THE TAKEAWAY: Other research has also shown that exercise helps decrease chronic depression, so the workout buzz is both a short- and longterm benefit.

Exercise Can Help Achy Joints hose with chronic soreness in their joints or who suffer from arthritis often avoid exercise at all costs. That’s a mistake, according to Arthritis Advisor. While those with arthritis should avoid high-impact workouts (e.g., aerobics on hard surfaces), such activities as swimming, walking, golf and tai chi will actually benefit people with the painful condition. THE TAKEAWAY: Go ahead and get moving. Just make sure to warm up and cool down to better protect your heart and joints. Besides stretching, good shoes are a must for reducing your chances of injury or soreness. See page 28 for some tips on buying great shoes.


ExerciseRx EXERCISE INCREASES LIFE SPAN Those who maintain 30 minutes of moderate physical activity (e.g., brisk walking) five or more days a week live longer than nonexercisers, according to researchers. In a separate study, it was discovered that regular physical activity is directly associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality from coronary artery disease. Source: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

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Moving Words “For the first time in history, the mass of the population has deliberately got to take exercise. It’s a new phenomenon, which is not appreciated.” Jerry Morris, 99, British researcher who, in 1949, discovered the statistical link between physical activity and longevity. He’s been preaching the benefits of exercise since — in between his own workouts. (See page 3 for more on Morris.)

Exercise Now — Avoid Alzheimer’s Later ne of the most frightening conditions that lurk in our golden years is Alzheimer’s. While medical scientists continue to work hard at finding treatments and cures, aging populations engage in a variety of brain fitness activities to help stave A l z h e i m e r ‘ s off age-related neurological disease. There is one place v where you may want to take that crossword puzzle to help o keep your mind active: the gym. i Middle-aged people who exercise at least twice a week d are 60% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than couch potatoes, according to new research. The study, which appeared in the esteemed British journal Lancet Neurology, found that the greatest beneficiaries of this brain boost were those who had a genetic predisposition for Alzheimer’s. THE TAKEAWAY: The subjects in the study primarily engaged in walking and cycling, but any exercise that elevates the heart rate should do.


$147 Billion That’s the medical costs due to obesity in the U.S. every year. In total, obese Americans pay $1,429 more for medical care than their fit counterparts. (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

FIVE TIPS FROM A CELEBRITY TRAINER Personal trainer Michael George has helped such stars as Tobey Maguire and Reese Witherspoon get into hot Hollywood shape. He shares five can’t-miss suggestions below that can help you get a body worthy of a red carpet strut.


EAT OFTEN AND LIGHT. In order to make your body look good, you have to stick to a solid diet. George recommends eating 5–6 times a day, divided up into three main meals and the rest in snacks. “Have a bit of protein in every meal, and don’t spike insulin levels through too many carbs,” he says. “You do that and it tells your body to store it as fat.”


TRY HIGH INTENSITY. If you’re trying to drop body weight, work out at a high intensity, by moving around the gym at a fast pace with little rest. This keeps your heart rate up. “There’s a tendency to do reps and then just rest but that takes away half the benefit,” he says.


PUSH THE CARDIO FOR GETTING LEAN. If you need to burn body fat, then you should try to do 45–50 minutes of moderate cardio 4-6 times a week.

4) 5)

DO IT AGAIN — AND AGAIN. If trying to get cut, keep weights light and reps from 12–18. Repetition is essential.

VARIETY IS KEY. Change your exercises frequently. When you don’t, your body gets used to the workout and doesn’t change.

W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 | GET ACTIVE!


TheActiveLife ||


Weight-Loss Drug No Guarantee

STRESS MAKES YOU FATTER NOT TO STRESS YOU OUT, but your stress is making you fat. That’s the conclusion of a study in the journal Obesity that found that social anxiety can release stress hormones that deposit more fat in your abdominal area. Worse, abdominal fat behaves metabolically different — you might say, diabolically — and has a more harmful effect on your cardiovascular system than the fat found in other parts of your body. In the science of body-fat behavior, belly blubber is the bad stuff. THE TAKEAWAY: Get active in finding ways to lessen stress in your life. One suggestion: meditation. New research proves that meditation doesn’t just relax you, it can actually increase brain volume in the hippocampus and other brain areas that are associated with emotional calm and stability — things that make you go “Ommm.”


The prescription weight-loss pill orlistat, sold under the name Xenical, failed in the long term to help obese patients keep weight off, say European researchers. According to a study in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, those who took the drug failed to maintain recommended diet restrictions, thus undermining any initial benefits of taking the pill. According to Mette Svendsen, PhD, of the Ulleval University Hospital in Norway, people taking orlistat didn’t maintain eating standards necessary for long-term success. THE TAKEAWAY: There’s no shortcut. Even when using a prescription obesity drug, lifestyle changes must occur in the gym and at the dinner table.

Flooding your room with a pleasant fragrance, such as flowers, can lead you to experience happy dreams as you sleep, according to Bottom Line Health. On the other hand, unpalatable odors can cause you to experience nightmares. So get the cat box out of your room, and place a bouquet of roses next to your bed.

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“Brain Eating” Not Just For Zombies Anymore “The brains of obese people looked 16 years older than their healthy counterparts while [those of] overweight people looked 8 years older.” UCLA neuroscientist Paul Thompson, senior author of a study published online in Human Brain Mapping. (source:




hat in the name of Reese’s Pieces is going on here? First, chocolate is found to help cut risk of death from heart disease, then peanut butter

gets a thumbs-up for its healthful benefits. The chocolate study in the Journal of Internal Medicine found the sweet stuff helped healthy older men and postmenopausal women reduce heart-related mortality. The Harvard Health Letter reported that adding nuts or peanut butter to your diet cut the risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. THE TAKEAWAY: This is hardly a license to gorge on candy. Researchers say to limit your chocolate consumption to 6.3 g of dark chocolate per day (about two Hershey’s Kisses) and avoid milk chocolate. And choose healthier peanut butters that have little saturated fat and sugar. Of course, if you’re allergic to peanuts, stay away.

Eat These Three Fruits Superfoods may sound supercool,

Drinking Problem “Weight loss from liquid calories is greater than loss of calorie intake from solid food.”


Liwei Chen, MD, assistant professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health at the LSU Health Science Center in New Orleans. Chen was lead researcher in a study that discovered that eliminating just one sugary beverage per day accounted for 2.5 lb of lost weight over an 18-month period.

provide a


but common fruits can be just as powerful. New methods of measuring nutrients in food reveal that apples, peaches and

greater antioxidant boost than previously believed. According to the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, these three fruits contain five times more “extractable”

Juice Your Workout With Beetroot Juice Popeye, put the spinach aside. You may want to give beetroot juice a try. While previous research had found a link between beetroot juice and reduced blood pressure, a new study found that drinking beetroot juice can increase stamina during workouts by as much as 16%. The study subjects, healthy men aged 19–38, drank 500 ml a day of organic beetroot juice for six days and pumped up their exercise endurance during cycling tests. Scientists say the improvements were due to a reduction in oxygen uptake provided by the nitrate contained in the beetroot juice. The research appeared in the Journal of Applied Physiology. THE TAKEAWAY: Drink 500 ml, which is equivalent to one pint (two cups) of beetroot juice per day, and see how you feel.

disease-fighting polyphenols than scientists had measured in the past. That puts them in the same category of other so-called “superfruits” being hyped by some food producers. THE TAKEAWAY: Pretty simple: Reach for apples, peaches and nectarines whenever you crave a delicious snack.

W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 | GET ACTIVE!


TheActiveLife ||



30%-40% That’s the amount of heat that’s lost through your head, so make sure your noggin

is covered during winter workouts. More cold-weather exercise tips, according to the Mayo Clinic: Head into the wind, drink plenty of fluids (even if you’re not thirsty), and warm your hands and feet every 20–30 minutes to avoid frostbite.

A lot of folks stow away their sunglasses during the winter. That’s a big mistake. While it seems like the sun has disappeared for a few months, it’s still blasting those potent ultraviolet (UV) rays on you. And if there’s snow on the ground, the problem can be increased by reflected sunlight. The American Osteopathic Association warns that exposure to excessive UV rays can lead to photokeratitis, a harmful condition that damages the eyes in the same way your skin gets damaged by a sunburn. “It’s not just the skiers that need to worry about photokeratitis,” says Carlo J. DiMarco, DO, an osteopathic ophthalmologist and a member of the American Osteopathic Association Board of Trustees. “Appropriate eye protection should be worn when shoveling snow, putting up or taking down holiday decorations, or just going for a walk.” So, if you enjoy winter sports, or aren’t otherwise hibernating like a grizzly, you need to protect your eyes from the winter sun. * Winter: actually a good time for Lasik. A recent study discovered that winter conditions are favorable for people who have Lasik eye surgery to correct their vision. Keith Walter, MD, assistant professor of ophthalmology at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C., led a study that found that the cold, dry air during snow season allows for a smoother post-surgery recuperation. The findings were published in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, though it failed to mention the bonus of being able to wear those awesome tinted ski goggles after Lasik. For more information on the procedure, check out

Get a New Self-Image in One Simple Step ou don’t need six-pack abs or Lance Armstrong-level cardio capacity to feel good about your body; the simple act of exercise is all you need. That’s according to a University of Florida study that found that those who exercise enjoy an improved body image whether they are actually fit or not. “This is an important study because it shows that doing virtually any type of exercise, on a regular basis, can help people feel better about their bodies,” Kathleen Martin Ginis, MD, a kinesiology professor at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, told ScienceDaily. “With such a large segment of the population dissatisfied with their physiques, it’s encouraging to know that even short, frequent bouts of lower-intensity exercise can improve body image.” So that’s why they have so many mirrors at the gym.


12 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

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TheActiveLife ||


The Exercise Cure Why we must work up a sweat to solve the health-care crisis BY JEFF KLINGER WHAT IF EXERCISE WERE A PILL? Can you imagine how different things would be if we could simply pop a couple of workout tablets and receive all the benefits of actual physical exercise? I can hear the incessant commercials now urging, “Ask your doctor if exercise is right for you.” And I bet if exercise was a pill, there would be powerful interests spending and stirring millions to ensure it remains accessible and affordable for all Americans. As we know, exercise is not a pill. However, exercise is medicine and there’s a wealth of research showing how it can prevent chronic diseases and extend healthy lives. Knowing that, why aren’t we including exercise as part of the solution to our health care crisis? Physical inactivity has been called “the greatest public health problem of our time,” and it contributes to the estimated $147 billion annual cost of obesity in the United States. In southern California, Kaiser Permanente keeps track of its patients’ physical activity to see if they are meeting the new federal Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, believing there is no greater indicator of health and longevity than how many minutes a person exercises each week. Yet as a nation, we still spend less than 1 percent of our total health care expenditures on prevention and wellness. This has to change! In promoting exercise’s role in solving our healthcare problems, I don’t mean to diminish the serious medical conditions that afflict many Americans for whom exercise may not be a treatment option. Exercise isn’t a cure-all, but getting more exercise could help millions of people and, in doing so, could save us billions in health care costs. Every day, I hear stories that bring to life how exercise can reduce health care costs – stories such as Laurie Norman’s of Gretna, Neb. Laurie’s situation was like countless others. A wife and mother of six, she struggled to take care of herself while caring for her family. Forced to take a variety of medications after reaching nearly 200 pounds, Laurie looked in the mirror and saw her life spiraling out of control. 14 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

She took action and joined her local gym. Within seven months of beginning an exercise program and working with a supportive personal trainer, Laurie had lost 70 pounds. And with her improved physical condition came a common “side effect” of regular exercise — Laurie no longer needed drugs to treat her high blood pressure and cholesterol. There are thousands of remarkable stories like Laurie’s across this country and we need to do everything we can to create millions. Not everyone can or will begin an exercise program. But countless Americans will if we make exercise options more affordable and accessible and if we continue to forge partnerships between the fitness industry and the health care community that encourage the use of exercise as medicine. Neither idea is revolutionary; both have been proven to work. In my home state of Minnesota, we’ve seen how a small incentive, like paying individuals $20 for using a fitness facility eight or more times a month, promotes more regular exercise, lowers health care costs and improves overall health.


A study by nonprofit health care provider Medica found discounts on fitness center memberships motivated individuals to exercise more frequently and revealed that those who reached the threshold of just eight visits to the gym per month reduced their costs for prescriptions, doctor appointments, and care at clinics and hospitals by more than a third! The findings of this study and others, such as one from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, prove that providing incentives for exercise and wellness initiatives is effective and leads to a healthier population. Our tax code, though, doesn’t make it easy for employers to fully foster a healthy workforce, and few states have embraced fitness club reimbursements programs the way we have in Minnesota. In fact, at a time when we need to do everything we can to promote health and wellness, policy makers across the country are cutting programs, underfunding trails and facilities that make it easier for us to get off the couch and get outside, and erecting barriers to exercise such as increased regulations and taxes on health clubs. Not everyone is taking this approach. I’m encouraged to hear leaders such as Sen. Tom Harkin call for prevention and wellness to be a centerpiece of health care reform. We need to urge all our elected officials to adopt this viewpoint and support programs that promote exercise and its role as medicine in any health care reform efforts. It won’t be easy, but as with exercise, we’ll be rewarded for our hard work. Jeff Klinger is the CEO and cofounder of Anytime Fitness and an IHRSA board member.

YOUR KIDS ARE LOSING YEARS Life expectancy for the average American could decline by as much as five years over the next few decades, according to the National Institutes of Health. This means that today’s kids could have the unfortunate distinction of being the first generation in modern times to have a life expectancy shorter than their parents. The reason: obesity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity rates have tripled for children since 1980. “We are in essence addicting our children to sedentary lifestyles; we’re addicting them to high-salt, high-sweet, high-fat diets,” says former Surgeon General David Satcher, MD. “And then we pay for it later on when they come to us with cancer, heart disease and diabetes.” Exercise is an essential element in combating this multigenerational crisis. And it doesn’t take much to make a difference. Reducing body weight just 5%–10% can lower the risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions.

The Institute of

Lifestyle Medicine

Active Doctors, Active Patients The Science and Experience of Exercise November 13-15, 2009 The Hyatt Regency Hotel and The Sports Club/LA Boston, Massachusetts Join distinguished faculty from Harvard Medical School and world class fitness and wellness practitioners for this highly interactive, exercisecentered course that will provide physicians with the necessary tools to assess and recommend changes in patients' levels of physical activity/exercise.

Questions? Can’t make it? Learn more about the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education PO BOX 825, Boston, MA 02117-0825 G W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 | GET ACTIVE!


TheActiveLife ||


A NEW NAME FOR “ACTIVE CAREERS” If you want to see what kind of employment opportunities are available in the health club industry, change your browser’s destination from to Since 2005, has been the health club industry’s premier online career center. This year, IHRSA has harnessed the power of and is pleased to present The new site includes: I Job postings at some of the top fitness clubs and wellness companies located around the world, including Wellbridge, Sport & Health, Club One, Plus One, California Family Fitness, MVP Sports Clubs and many more. I Featured Employer profiles that allow you to learn more about the industry’s leading employers.

I Free job-seeker resources such as compensation data, detailed information about various health club positions, and automatic notifications via email when new jobs matching your criteria become available. So why not work where you work out? Exciting full-time and part-time positions are available now. Current openings include: general manager, aquatics director, personal training director, marketing coordinator, wellness coordinator, and boot camp director, just to name a few. Upload your resume and cover letter, and apply instantly for any position. Log on to today!

Lose It and Love It! Join “I Lost It at the Club!” and get in shape by spring. By Kristen Walsh anuary is the perfect time to start a fitness program, considering that wearing those revealing clothes are months away. Why not try a program that actually works? Here’s one: “I Lost It at the Club!” Offered exclusively in IHRSA member clubs, this fun, eight-week motivational weight-loss regimen runs from January 11 through March 5. The program works by focusing on goalsetting and diversifying your workout routines, two essential elements in shedding unwanted, unhealthy extra pounds. Does it really work? Ask a clubgoer like Tracy Srybnik, a member of Anytime Fitness in Hollywood, Fla. “The ‘I Lost it at the Club!’ program was a great experience for


16 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

me,” says Srybnik. “I have never been part of something so extremely motivational. I also met some wonderful people through the experience. I really look forward to the next program … bring it on!” Wayne Henderson, a member of Circuit Wellness in Columbus, Ohio, lost 22 lb and 6.5% of his body fat on the program. “At first I was hesitant, but I am so glad I signed up,” he says. “I can fit into size large shirts — I can’t remember the last time I could do that! I’m in better shape now than ever before.” In total, “I Lost It at the Club!” helped over 28,000 participants lose more than 130,000 lb in 2009. This year promises to be bigger and better. Ask your club’s staff how you can sign up today! You have nothing to lose but excess weight.

IHRSA Passport: The Fit Traveler’s Best Friend Need a workout while traveling? Make sure you bookmark and its essential gym locator. You can also sign up for the IHRSA Passport program, and have access to over 3,000 health clubs worldwide.

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:: FoodSmarts

Happy Meals The Mediterranean diet can help reduce depression while it cuts body weight. “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” is a common cliché, with plenty of truth supporting it. But just as relevant: You are where you eat. We’ve all become accustomed to hearing about population clusters that have physiological advantages from ingesting the foods that are common to certain geographical regions. One of the most famous of these regional diets is the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in heart-healthy fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains and various nuts. Now the Mediterranean diet is making waves in the area of mental health and cognition. So what exactly is the Mediterranean diet? According to the American Heart Association, it is characterized as:

:: eating a high consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole-grain bread and other cereals, potatoes, beans, nuts and seeds

:: using olive oil as an important monounsaturated fat source :: eating low to moderate amounts of fish, dairy and poultry 18 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

:: eating small amounts of red meat :: consuming eggs from zero to four times a week :: drinking wine in low to moderate amounts While dining this way can be a little more costly than fast-food takeout, it’s well worth it. According to a 2008 study reported in The New England Journal of Medicine, the Mediterranean diet beat both low-fat and low-carb diets in weight-loss efforts for men and women. Now, new research has gone further in identifying the benefits of Mediterraneanstyle eating: It can significantly reduce depression by as much as 42 percent to 51 percent. This new study, reported in the Archives of General Psychiatry, joins separate research in The Journal of the American Medical Association showing that the Mediterranean diet can also lead to enhanced cognition.

Herbed Lamb Chops With Greek Couscous Salad 4 servings Active Time: 25 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes Ingredients :: 1 cup water :: 1 tablespoon minced garlic :: 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley :: 1/4 teaspoon salt :: 2 1/2 pounds lamb loin chops, (about 8), trimmed of fat :: 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil :: 1/2 cup whole-wheat couscous :: 2 medium tomatoes, chopped :: 1 medium cucumber, peeled and chopped :: 1/2 cup crumbled feta :: 3 tablespoons lemon juice :: 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill

12 servings (about 1/4 cup each) Active Time: 40 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Ingredients 1 medium eggplant, (about 1 pound) 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese, preferably Greek :: 1/2 cup finely chopped red onion :: 1 small red bell pepper, finely chopped :: 1 small chile pepper, such as jalapeño, seeded and minced (optional) :: 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil :: 1 tablespoon finely chopped flat-leaf parsley :: 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste :: 1/4 teaspoon salt :: Pinch of sugar, (optional) :: :: :: ::

Preparation 1) Put water on to boil in a medium saucepan. 2) Combine garlic, parsley and salt in a small bowl. Press the garlic mixture into both sides of lamb chops. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the lamb chops and cook to desired doneness, 5 to 6 minutes per side for medium. Keep warm. 3) Meanwhile, stir couscous into the boiling water. Return to a boil, reduce heat to a low simmer, cover and cook for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and let stand, covered, for 5 minutes; fluff with a fork. Transfer to a medium bowl. Add tomatoes, cucumber, feta, lemon juice and dill. Stir to combine. Serve the couscous with the lamb chops.

Preparation Position oven rack about 6 inches from the heat source; preheat broiler. Line a baking pan with foil. Place eggplant in the pan and poke a few holes all over it to vent steam. Broil the eggplant, turning with tongs every 5 minutes, until the skin is charred and a knife inserted into the dense flesh near the stem goes in easily, 14 to 18 minutes. Transfer to a cutting board until cool enough to handle. Put lemon juice in a medium bowl. Cut the eggplant in half lengthwise and scrape the flesh into the bowl, tossing with the lemon juice to help prevent discoloring. Add oil and stir with a fork until the oil is absorbed. (It should be a little chunky.) Stir in feta, onion, bell pepper, chile pepper (if using), basil, parsley, cayenne and salt. Taste and add sugar if needed.

Nutrition Per serving: 333 calories; 14 g fat (6 g sat, 5 g mono); 121 mg cholesterol; 18 g carbohydrate; 36 g protein; 3 g fiber; 386 mg sodium; 442 mg potassium.

Nutrition Per serving: 75 calories; 6 g fat (2 g sat, 4 g mono); 6 mg cholesterol; 4 g carbohydrate; 2 g protein; 2 g fiber; 129 mg sodium; 121 mg potassium. Visit for more recipes.

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Recipes and photos: Copyright 2009 Eating Well, Inc. (; photography by Ken Burris / Eating Well Inc.

Reseachers credit several factors for these beneficial effects. The nutrients in the Mediterranean diet aid in the function of endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels, which is important for nerve health. Olive oil can improve the binding of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter, to its receptors. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fish, can also aid the nervous system and brain function. Of course, the Mediterranean diet is no replacement for medical treatment for depression, but it’s yet another bonus for a way of eating that can help you lose weight while reducing your risk of heart disease. To give you an idea how tasty and varied the Mediterranean diet can be, here are a couple of recipes, courtesy of Give these a try.

Roasted Eggplant & Feta Dip


Former boxer and new mom Laila Ali is now fighting to help Americans get into shape. She already has one success story: herself.

Still A


Photo: Russell Baer

AFTER BOXING CHAMP LAILA ALI HUNG UP HER GLOVES IN 2007, she never dreamed she had yet to face her toughest opponent: baby weight. The youngest daughter of legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, Laila married NFL player Curtis Conway in July 2007 and gave birth to their first child, Curtis Muhammad Conway Jr., in August 2008. As a seasoned athlete, Ali figured that getting back into fighting shape wouldn’t be a big deal. After all, before she became a mom, the 5' 10" beauty had finished third on the hit show “Dancing with the Stars,” a competition that makes tremendous physical demands on its celebrity guests. But regaining her taut figure post-childbirth proved surprisingly tough for the 31-year-old. It took Ali 10 months to reclaim her fit physique. Ali now uses her experiences as an athlete and mother for her new gig as health, fitness and beauty correspondent for CBS' “The Early Show.” She has also signed on for the Subway Fresh Fit for Kids campaign to champion smart eating for children. Educating and empowering youth is an increasing passion for Ali. Last year she served as host and mentor to a group of Midwest teens vying to lose weight and shape up on “The N’s Student Body” series from The N cable network (now TeenNick). Get Active! caught up with the busy Ali to talk about her weight-loss battles and her mission to help others, especially kids, to get into shape.

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The new mom is an enthusiastic proponent of youth exercise as part of her dual roles on the California Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, and the Subway Fresh Fit For Kids campaign.

“People who work out look good because they work hard.And everyone has the opportunity to be healthy and fit. Do you want to spend the rest of your life complaining,or are you going to get a gym membership and take control of your health?” 22 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

Get Active: You’re looking good. Everyone probably thinks your pregnancy pounds just fell off after childbirth. Laila Ali: It took me 10 months to get all the baby weight off — the same amount of time it took me to put it on.

GA: Why was it such a struggle? LA: I think everyone’s body is different, but for me it just really took time. Six weeks after I had the baby, I started working out again. The weight was coming off, but it seems like by month 10, everyone really started noticing: “Hey, you really lost a lot of weight.” It just takes time for your body to snap back. Your hormones are different; you’re holding a lot of water.

GA: What prenatal or postpartum exercises helped you the most? LA: I’ve done everything. I’ve done Spinning, I’ve done Pilates, I’ve gone swimming, I’ve started boxing again recently. The boxing I think is what did it, because it’s full-body, and I hadn’t boxed in so long that it really shocked my body. And I work out very intensely, five days a week. I never thought it would take 10 months.

GA: So even a world champion athlete can get frustrated with pregnancy weight? LA: I knew I was eating right and doing what I was supposed to be doing. I was losing weight gradually, but I’m the kind of person who wants to see results fast. And that

Photo: California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

just wasn’t happening. I’m still toning, though. I’m still trying to get my body back to where I want it to be. I got the weight off. Everyone says, “Oh, you look so good.” But I know how I want to look, so I’m still not satisfied.

give everyone the benefit of the doubt. But what it comes down to is that people just don’t want to make sacrifices.

GA: What types of new programs would you like to see at U.S. health clubs? LA: I definitely think having a good

healthy and fit — to be there for my kid and to be an example for my kid. I don’t always feel like going to the gym. I don’t always feel like working out. I want to eat bad foods at times. But you have to have something in you that makes you go to the gym, that makes you say, “No, I’m not going to eat that because it’s bad for me.” People who work out look good because they work hard. And everyone has the opportunity to be healthy and fit. You’re either going to do the work or you’re not. Do you want to spend the rest of your life complaining, or are you going to get a gym membership and take control of your health?

day-care program is important. Even at the health clubs I go to, I have yet to leave my son there. Not that there’s anything wrong — I might be a little crazy about it, but it’s hard to make sure everything is up to the best standards in terms of day care. Also, a lot of clubs have a kitchen or a bar area. A healthy cooking class would help make people more interested in cooking for themselves and understanding why it’s important to eat organic, to eat small meals so many times a day, and to stay away from all the crazy diets we have because we’re so overweight.

GA: How can the fitness industry do a better job of educating the public? LA: I think the only thing we can do is keep beating people over the head with it. (Laughs.) We need to find creative ways to get people into the gym, and dedicate some of that space to educating people. Invest some money into getting the information out there, and, hopefully, they’ll find their way to the gym. People want to know about health and fitness. Everywhere I go — like to my child’s pediatrician — people say, “Oh, look how skinny you’re getting. How did you lose the weight?” They want me to explain what I eat, and I’m like, “You know what, I’ll e-mail you something.”

GA: Do you think it helps? LA: Most of the time people know what to do. They’ve heard it all before. And most likely they’re not going to do it. Because if you’re in your 40s and are overweight and want to lose weight but haven’t done it yet, I don’t know what I’m going to tell you differently. But I’m going to do it just in case. You want to

GA: As a new mom, where do you find the energy and the inspiration to work out? LA: I have even more reason now to stay

“You have to have something in you that makes you go to the gym, that makes you say,‘No, I’m not going to eat that because it’s bad for me.’”

GA: You’re a spokesperson for the Subway Fresh Fit for Kids campaign, and a member of the California Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Why is reaching out to youth so important? LA: You have people trying hard to be fit and eat healthy, and you’ve got all of these fast food places supersizing meals. In one sitting people are not only eating a meal with no nutritional value, they’ve got enough food in one serving for five people. And it’s sad, because America is so fat, and many kids are getting started off like that. I think it’s so important to start with the youth and educate them to make a change for a brighter, healthier future. A lot of times adults have certain ingrained mentalities — they have the information and lots of times they just don’t want to do it. That’s why I get involved with kids. It’s easier for me to relate to them as far as knowing they don’t have the information, and aren’t just lazy and don’t want to do anything. I definitely have more patience with kids. (Laughs.) I

Ali’s rare combination of beauty and athleticism has made her an icon for many young women.

Chris Mann is a writer and editor of the pop culture webzine Retroality.TV. W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 | GET ACTIVE!




Get the best of both worlds with this CARDIO and WEIGHTLIFTING mashup.


o help you follow through on your end-of-year fitness goals, or to get a head start on the next decade, we’ve got an innovative workout that combines elements of the weight room and cardio section. Designed by veteran personal trainer Karl List, this ultimate aerobic circuit training program will tone your muscles, strengthen your core, and improve your endurance with its variety of routines. “As a trainer I’ve been working with circuits since 1987,” says List, whose clients include pro athletes and people suffering chronic pain and disability. “And it’s the only way I primarily train myself.”

CARDIO-CORE COMBO By mixing up bouts of cardio with core and resistance exercises, this three-for-the-priceof-one program targets overall muscle and aerobic conditioning. The cardio-training portion requires large muscle groups to churn through calories. The resistance training not only builds muscle and strength, but it also helps boost the “afterburn” effect (the number of calories you burn post-training) from the workout. You’ll target the upper and lower body, as well as the all-important core, your center of mass and gravity. The first circuit includes single-joint movements, which encourage blood flow to the muscles and prepare the body for more demanding multi-joint movements in later circuits. And by progressing from smaller body-part exercises to larger-muscle movements, you’ll steadily increase your heart rate. Be prepared for a tough mental challenge. “With the endurance factor involved in a circuit workout, it takes a certain amount of bravery to step up,” List says. “This kind of endurance is very taxing mentally.” This workout should be performed three days a week, and because it’s rigorous you should only perform it for about four weeks. Also, circuit training causes higher cardiovascular stress than traditional lifting, so it’s advisable to get your doctor’s clearance before embarking.

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The Workout

CIRCUIT TRAINING TIPS Perform each of the three circuits consecutively. For your first time, cycle through all three circuits just once. As you progress, you can cycle through twice. Vary your intensity by including easier bouts of 65 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR = 220 minus your age) as well as harder days (75 percent MHR). Advanced athletes can include short bouts at 85 percent MHR. A heart rate monitor (starting around $50) can help gauge this. Intensity may also be manipulated by increasing weight loads or adding ankle weights to leg exercises. Here are a few more points to remember:

:: For cardio, use any machine you prefer, or run or power walk outdoors.

:: Use the first circuit as a warm-up. :: Take minimal rest between exercises, but if you feel your ::


form suffering, slow down the cardio or use less weight. Very important: During exercises, engage your core by lifting your pelvis up and pulling your belly in. Think of keeping the spine straight, your shoulders low and your neck long (by tucking in the chin slightly). Don’t hold your breath. Instead focus on keeping a consistent breathing rate and rhythm to stay in your targeted training zone.

CIRCUIT 1 :: Cardio: 6–8 minutes :: Upper Body (5–10 lb) • Lateral raise 10–15 reps • Front raise 10–15 reps • Bent-elbow horizontal external rotation 10–15 reps (2.5–7.5 lb) :: Lower Body (body weight) • Side-lying leg raise 10–15 reps each side :: Core (body weight) • Hip raise 15–20 reps • Abdominal crunch with hips tucked 20–30 reps CIRCUIT 2

:: Cardio: 6–8 minutes :: Upper Body • Push-up 10–15 reps • Bent-over one-arm dumbbell row 10–15 reps each hand :: Lower Body (body weight) • Split squat * 10–15 reps • Heel walk 30 steps :: Core • Right arm, left leg reach 10 reps each side • Cat stretch 6 reps • Bicycle crunch 10–20 cycles

CIRCUIT 3 :: Cardio: 6–8 minutes :: Upper Body • One-leg alternating hammer curl 10 reps each hand • Triceps kick-back (10 reps simultaneously, 10 reps alternating) :: Lower Body • Body-weight squat with reach for ceiling* 10–15 reps :: Core • Dead bug 10–15 reps • One-leg hip raise 10–15 reps • Cat stretch 4–6 reps • Hip flexor stretch 20 seconds each side FINISH (AFTER ALL CIRCUITS)

:: Cardio: 6–8 minutes :: Cooldown: 5 minutes

*Dumbbells may be added when you master body weight.

GET MORE ONLINE! Check out for descriptions on all of the exercises in this workout and other information to help you reach your goals.

Circuit training is designed to condense your workouts into full-body routines that both strengthen muscle and enhance cardio.

26 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

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his winter, three major trends continue among running shoes: gender specificity, ever-lighter shoes, and incorporation of innovative solutions in shoe development. Gender-specific design is becoming a best practice, with each brand adapting its technologies and design to make its shoes better-suited to consumers. The old “Shrink It and Pink It” approach won’t cut it anymore. All consumers, but especially women, expect that shoes will cushion or flex appropriately for their size, weight and gait. New materials that provide the same or better quality but weigh less are producing shoes lighter than their predecessors. New compounds and components continue to migrate from other industries, and shoes will improve as a result. These materials also are more durable; in fact, fully one-third of the performance shoes in this review can handle the rigors of daily training. Innovations and approaches to biomechanical challenges are raising the bar for the industry as a whole. Some of these innovations have come from the automotive and aerospace industries, but more of the brands are finding opportunities and adaptations to refine their own technologies. This creative engineering and continual search for chemical solutions for all shoe components has resulted in more effective foot protection and improved shoe performance.


28 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m


Award Winners Pearl Izumi Cruise — Best Shoe, Neutral adidas adiZero Aegis — Best Shoe, Performance Brooks Trance 9 — Best Shoe, Motion Stabilizing ASICS Gel-Pulse, Nike Air Pegasus+ 26 — Best Value (tie) Nike Lunar Glide — Best New Shoe Saucony ProGrid Omni 8 — Best Renovation W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 | GET ACTIVE!


N EUTRAL ASICS Gel-Nimbus 11


With a well-deserved reputation for consistent performance, protection and quality, the Nimbus 11 keeps the edgy aspects of the Nimbus 10 while integrating some new strengths. The upper features asymmetrical lacing (though it has been altered from last season’s version), subtly providing the same contoured fit without overlays to irritate the foot. The midsole has a lower profile, the heel cradle and large Gel units provide excellent cushioning, and the transition is smooth thanks to the well-spaced segmentation of the heel. The forefoot flex grooves have slightly wider spacing to improve the toe-off. The similarities are a story here, as well, as the responsive ride and great protection have been preserved, and for that, we’re sure the fans of comfort and outstanding cushioning thank ASICS. “Every time I put them on, I felt the familar feel of a quality running shoe! Comfortable cushion, I like the cushion. Good feel in weight, not really light but very comfortable for training. I have been so impressed with the shoe that I am thinking of using them for Rock ‘n’ Roll this weekend.”


Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation • Sizes: Men 6–14, 15, 16 (D); 7–14, 15, 16 (2E, 4E); Women 5–13 (B); 6–13 (AA, D) • Weight: Men 13.5 oz. (size 11); Women 11.2 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, Solyte Strobel board (heel)

ASICS Gel-Pulse


As the entry-end of a line that culminates in the Nimbus and Cumulus, the new Pulse has a lot to live up to. The SpEVA midsole demonstrates that there’s plenty of life left in this proven elastomer, and in the Pulse it’s ably assisted by a generous Gel pad, a combination that provides effective and responsive cushioning. The upper is wide-open, breathable air mesh that has a comfortable, if not plush, feel, and it’s roomy and flexible. The outersole is standard carbon rubber in the high-wear areas, blown rubber in the forefoot, with well-placed flex grooves to keep the ride smooth. The performance and very reasonable price of the Gel-Pulse earned it a tie for our Best Value award. “A great-fitting trainer. There are so many shoes that I have to be careful how I tie to make sure they feel good for longer runs. These feel comfy every time. The cushioning is good; the midsole compound is responsive. Just a little lighter than the average trainer. Overall, a very good shoe. Holds up well to day-after-day training.”


Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation • Sizes: Men 7–13, 14, 15, 16; Women 5–13 • Weight: Men 12.5 oz. (size 11); Women 10.1 oz. • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board

New Balance 758


The 750 series continues to offer good performance at a reasonable price. The 758 follows the weight-savings trend by switching to the N-ergy elements in the new crashpad and changing from polyurethane to Abzorb innersoles. The midsole now feels more resilient and has a snappier response. The outersole has a sleeker heel, a better supported shank, and additional blown rubber in the forefoot, which add up to a smoother transition. The upper has the supportive feeling of an extended saddle since overlays have been added between the N-lock webbing and the metatarsals — the security is noticeable. Without veering too far from its lineage, the 758 is a significant overall improvement over the 757. “Actually fit okay, but the arch was not quite in the right spot. Cushioning was quite good, and they were fairly stable for a cushioned shoe. A good shoe, which surprised me since New Balance has not been quite right for me in the past. I may have to rethink things.”


Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation • Sizes: Men 6–13, 14, 15 (B, D, 2E); Women 5–12, 13 (AA ,B, D) • Weight: Men 11.9 oz. (size 11); Women 9.9 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, Abzorb Strobel board

Nike Air Pegasus+ 26


Updating the silver anniversary edition of the Pegasus was approached with care. The midsole and outersole have been retained intact. The resilient and protective cushioning provided by Cushlon and encapsulated Air has been little-heralded, but we think it’s about as good a system as you’ll find. The ride is smooth and the cushioning is very good — fine-tuned between cushy and responsive. The upper sports a few changes, mostly shaving a bit off the overlays here and there, but somehow they found a way to reduce the weight of the shoe by more than 2%. The fit is unaffected; it’s still secure and effective with good toe room. Maintaining the price, along with its performance and quality, earned the Air Pegasus+ 26 a tie for our Best Value award. “I found the fit was secure and comfortable. The cushioning was almost bouncy and seems very durable. With over 100 miles in them, they are still very comfortable. They have a light and bouncy feel to them. I have been very happy with them.”


Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation • Sizes: Men 7–13, 14, 15 (D, 4E); Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 12.3 oz. (size 11); Women 10.3 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board

Pearl Izumi Cr uise



The Pearl Izumi running line has been missing a high-mileage, neutral trainer. Not anymore. Meet the new Cruise. The upper has a distinctive sublimated graphic and features the seamless construction that contributes to the unique feel of Pearl Izumi’s shoes. The midfoot gets good support from the webbing structure that extends from the eyelets into the midsole, and the forefoot leaves room for the toes without feeling too loose. The midsole cushions effectively thanks to the solid Skydex hemispheres in the heel and the Skydex bag in the forefoot. The outersole features carbon rubber in the heel and high-wear areas of the forefoot, and surrounds blown rubber inserts in the forefoot to add to the cushioning. The smooth ride, protective cushioning and accommodating fit earned the Cruise our top honors in the Neutral category. “They fit well, the lacing is different, but I liked the fit. They have a light sensation, even though they are pretty average weight for a trainer. The cushioning in the heel was really good, and the flexibility in the forefoot makes them roll well. I was surprised by how well they did for me.” Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation • Sizes: Men 7–13, 14; Women 5–11, 12 • Weight: Men 13.3 oz. (size 11); Women 11.1 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board

30 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m



The Velosis is the first of two new models that lead Puma shoes in a new direction. Well, maybe not entirely new; perhaps it’s more of a return to the original Complete series shoes. Built on a new comfort last, the shoes put a Puma spin on many of the industry’s best practices. The upper is breathable air mesh with a plush but snug fit that runs about a half-size shorter than most shoes. The ankle and heel fit is enhanced by a memory foam collar and an external TPU heel counter. The midsole is cushy — partly due to the ld Cell Strobel board and Ortholite innersole — but it’s still fairly responsive. The outersole has well-placed flex grooves arranged in a radial pattern, making the transition through the gait very smooth. “Very comfortable to run in. Well-padded everywhere; by far one of the more comfortable pairs of shoes I’ve had. Puma did something right when it came to the cushioning. I like the overall look and fit of the shoe.”


Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation • Sizes: Men 6.5–14; Women 3.5–10.5 (sizing runs about a 1/2-size short) • Weight: Men 13.8 oz. (size 11); Women 11.6 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, ld Cell Strobel board (heel), second density (forefoot)

Reebok Premier Verona KFS II


The Premier Verona KFS II looks sleeker than round one, but the improvements are more than skin-deep. The upper features a stretchy air mesh not unlike the previous version, but the Kinetic Fit panel allows a better fit across the metatarsals, and the midfoot has better support from the Vector stripes. The midsole is responsive and has a lower profile. The crashpad is softer, as well as more effective, thanks to its articulation. The shank has been redesigned — it looks lighter and thinner though we can’t measure it to be certain — and now incorporates a strip of the outersole to lend some of the support. The flex grooves are more pronounced and the toe spring makes the transition fairly energetic, which was applauded by some of our wear-testers. Runners looking for responsive cushioning and an accommodating fit should be sure to try on a pair. “Overall, a good training shoe that feels good on and looks good, as well. Pretty good cushion. Not really squishy, but absorbs shock well.” Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation • Sizes: Men 7–13, 14, 15; Women 6–11 • Weight: Men 13.7 oz. (size 11); Women 11.4 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, DMX Foam Strobel board

adidas Super nova Sequence 2



The Supernova Sequence 2 keeps its focus on fit, cushioning and stability, with minor adjustments to dial in the performance. The upper shifts to a breathable but more closely woven mesh with softer overlays in the toe, a stretchy “bunion window” in the women’s version, and more pliable tongue padding. The chassis is virtually unchanged with only the slightest lengthening of the medial Pro-Moderator support — a change that isn’t enough to alter the ride for most and might be an improvement for a few. With its stable, cushioned ride, the Supernova Sequence 2 is a quality high-mileage trainer. “Surprisingly fast for such a well-cushioned trainer. Excelled in cushioning especially — on the highest level. Superbly smooth transfer of weight and energy from heel-strike to toe push-off. Good enough for road racing.” And this: “Great, snug fit, but still room for toes to wiggle. Good cushion, but not a lot of bounce. Good, but not overwhelming stability; not as stiff as the earlier version.” Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with mild to moderate overpronation • Sizes: Men 6.5–13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20; Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 12.7 oz. (size 11); Women 11.1 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, adiPrene Strobel board

Brooks Trance 9



The Trance 9 telegraphs change. Up top, the fit is closer, the prominent saddle has been reduced to improve flexibility, and new overlays provide support without restriction. The midsole and outersole feature more pronounced segmenting of the lateral pods that improve flexibility and contribute to an overall weight reduction of 6%. The durable and responsive BioMoGo foam has proven that sustainability and performance are not incompatible. The well-cushioned ride provides supportive protection with a bit more responsiveness. A completely reworked Progressive Diagonal Rollbar, Brooks’ effective multidensity medial sidewall, improves stability. Enhanced cushioning, stability and improved performance garnered the Brooks Trance 9 our award as the best shoe in the Motion Stabilizing category. “The fit is snug. I haven’t developed any blisters or hot spots so far while running. The cushion is great, it’s bouncy and I don’t feel any sinking, squishy feelings. They have good stability and feel as if the shoes are part of your feet. They held up well and felt great.” Recommended for: low- to medium-arched feet with mild to moderate overpronation • Sizes: Men 8–13, 14, 15; Women 6–11, 12 • Weight: Men 11.9 oz. (size 11); Women 9.9 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, S257 Strobel board

Mizuno Wave Alchemy 9



The Wave Alchemy continues to provide reliable support, cushioning and stability. The size of the stretchy Dynamic Fit insert has been increased to effectively follow the foot’s movements. Improved stretch in the breathable open forefoot mesh better accommodates the metatarsals, and an Ortholite innersole adds an extra layer of cushioning. A synthetic leather strap shores up the rear foot while allowing an overall reduction in overlays. The midsole has a lower-profile look and feel to it, along with a more pronounced toe spring. The reconfigured outersole also amps up the performance, especially in the women’s model, by improving flexibility. The Wave plate is the more stable asymmetrical configuration, which does an excellent job of providing a solid rear-foot feel. By deftly straddling stability and cushioning, the Wave Alchemy continues to exemplify versatility. “Good comfortable fit; better in the heel. Nice amount of cushioning, the spongy insole adds quite a bit to the feel. The stability really keeps the foot lined up well, but it feels a bit hard in the heel. They did well for me overall; a good improvement over last year’s shoe.” Recommended for: low- to medium-arched feet with moderate overpronation • Sizes: Men 7–13, 14, 15, 16 (D, 2E); Women 6–12 (AA, B) • Weight: Men 12.9 oz. (size 11); Women 11.0 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted


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This update keeps the classic Saucony fit going for runners who need stability. The upper has the open air mesh of the Omni 7 but fewer obstructions over the toes, better ventilation, and reduced overlays that are strategically positioned for effective support. The innersole is still made of cushy polyurethane, but it’s now perforated to breathe better, and molded for improved fit and better cushioning. The midsole is functionally the same, although the medial second-density is topped with a softer layer of ProGrid, which feels better against the plantar fascia. The reshaped and lightened shank still provides the necessary structure. The outersole looks different, but it’s the same effective combination of blown rubber in the forefoot and durable XT-900 carbon rubber in the heel. The overall feel, quality and performance of the ProGrid Omni 8 earned it our Best Renovation award. “Great comfortable fit, no pressure on my bunion. Good support, good stability, but also quite cushy. Got me through training for the San Francisco Marathon very solidly. I was quite satisfied with the upgraded feel, and think it is better than the previous version, which I also liked.”


Recommended for: low- to medium-arched feet with mild to moderate overpronation • Sizes: Men 7–13, 14, 15; Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 12.9 oz. (size 11); Women 11.0 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, HRC Strobel board

Somnio Exact Change


Somnio is a new brand that customizes the fit and function of its three models (Stability, Neutral and Motion Control) with 12 interchangeable parts to match your foot shape and biomechanics. The Exact Change is its moderate motion-stabilizing model built on a semi-curved last. The upper is air mesh in the forefoot with tight mesh and overlays in the rear foot. The dual-density CM-EVA midsole features chambers in the medial forefoot and lateral heel that can be filled with one of three densities of foam. The FEAT (Functionally Engineered Adaptable Tricomponent) system does its best work inside the shoe with three innersole choices that allow you to select more or less volume and cushion. Overpronation can be offset by choosing from three thicknesses of Varus wedges. Authorized running dealers ( can measure and set up a runner in 5 to 10 minutes. So, how do the shoes run? Think high-quality training shoes adapted to you. “Adaptable system made the fitting better than any shoe I’ve used. Was able to adapt the shoe to my foot — just right on the cushioning—instead of my foot to the shoe. Same with stability: a little was built in, the rest was up to me. Performed as well as any of my recent shoes.”


Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with mild to moderate overpronation • Sizes: Men 7–13, 14; Women 5–11, 12 • Weight: Men 13.6 oz. (size 11); Women 11.5 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted

ASICS Gel-Evolution 5


The best of the ASICS motion-stabilizing shoes, the Gel-Evolution 5 has an unchanged dual-density Solyte midsole that provides good cushioning, heavy-duty stability and durable, effective traction. The upper has received a bit of refining. The fit is improved by shaving off a few millimeters of PHF ankle foam and slightly extending the BioMorphic Fit panels to enhance the comfortable feel. Performance has been enhanced by a 2% reduction in the overall weight — not big numbers, but definitely a move in the right direction. The shoe feels better-balanced thanks to an update in the Gel cushioning elements. Bottom line? Runners who expect ASICS’ best IGS performance will get comfortable fit, stability and cushioning from the Evolution 5. “The shoe fit well. There are no pressure points and no loose or sloppy areas that allow excess movement. These shoes continue to maintain their soft pillowy feel when first putting them on. From heel-strike, to load, and through the push-off, I feel secure in this shoe.”


Recommended for: low- to medium-high-arched feet with moderate to maximum overpronation • Sizes: Men 7–13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (D, 2E); 8–13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (4E); Women 6–13 (B,D) • Weight: Men 14.4 oz. (size 11); Women 11.8 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, Solyte Strobel board (heel)

New Balance 1225


The 1225 features small but important fit changes. The medial forefoot has improved metatarsal shaping, and the top lace eyelets now cinch down at a more comfortable angle to improve security and work effectively with the N-lock system to provide a better volume fit. The DTS crashpad is upgraded to N-ergy and the TS2 variable-density sidewall has been replaced by Stabilicore, a thermoplastic component that reduces overpronation as well as weight. In fact, this shoe is almost 4% lighter, a big change in a maximum motion-stabilizing shoe. The ride is more dynamic now that the elements interact better with your foot motion. Runners looking for support and stability will be pleased with the responsive ride and quality feel of the 1225. “I really love the fit; snug around the arch and ankle with plenty of toe space. Great cushioning. They’re bouncy and feel great! I felt plenty of stability, and they had good traction, whether running on trails or pavement. Especially comfortable and well-fitting from the first run.”


Recommended for: low- to medium-arched feet with moderate to maximum overpronation • Sizes: Men 7–13, 14, 15, 16 (B, D, 2E, 4E); Women 6–12, 13 (AA, B, D) • Weight: Men 13.7 oz. (size 11); Women 11.6 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, Abzorb Strobel board

adidas adiZero Aegis


The Aegis splits the difference between a racer and a trainer. Stability and running efficiency have been improved with a new, very low-profile midsole. The upper is a thin air mesh with synthetic overlays providing support. The tongue is open only on the lateral side, with a webbing loop at the top of the medial side and an elastic band inside to secure the foot; the logo stripes provide additional support. The very low-profile midsole has a particularly responsive feel to it, and the ForMotion cassette and flat contour of the sole make for a noticeably smooth transition. Consider easing into the Aegis with shorter, periodic runs. The improved fitness and efficiency that develop as your muscles adapt make this small (and temporary) accommodation worthwhile. Its fit, light weight, and ride earned the adidas adiZero Aegis top honors as our best shoe in the Performance category. “Great fit, roomy toe box, snug heel. Fairly neutral feeling ... no wobble, good stability for something so light. Durable, no observable signs of wear at 75–100 miles. These are fast, light, awesome.” Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation, for faster-paced running • Sizes: Men 6.5–13, 14, 15; Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 10.3 oz. (size 11); Women 9.5 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted

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P ERFORMANCE Brooks Launch


The Launch is Brooks’ new speed shoe, and that’s clear right from the get-go. A thin, light air mesh is particularly well-vented in the forefoot. The midsole is BioMoGo with Hydroflow in the heel and offers a nicely cushioned, flexible ride. For the über-efficient runner, the low-profile Launch may be used as a cushy daily trainer. Whether you race or train in it, nearly all neutral-footed runners will recognize its fast feeling. The outersole is durable HPR, Brooks’ carbon rubber formulation, with enough blown rubber in the forefoot to offer a bit more cushioning than is typical in a speed shoe. Runners looking for a fast, versatile, neutral shoe should consider the Launch. “Great shoes! I like them light, and these were light and well-cushioned. They are perfect for the track or tempo runs. I wore them for a half-marathon and plan on using them for long races.” Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild overpronation, for faster-paced running • Sizes: Men 8–13, 14, 15; Women 6–11, 12 • Weight: Men 10.2 oz. (size 11); Women 8.3 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, S257 Strobel board

Brooks Ravenna


The Ravenna is a new shoe from Brooks, but many will see a strong resemblance to its grandfather, the Axiom. The upper is air mesh with sparse overlays. A pair of elasticized eyelets across the instep improve the shoe’s ability to move as the foot moves. The interior has a smooth, comfortable feel. The BioMoGo midsole has a low but not a super-low profile, and features a small but effective second density through the arch to provide support. True to its heritage, the Ravenna is stable, responsive and light. Though not designed as a racer, we think it can be an excellent choice for longer races and is definitely suited to faster training. Many runners will find that it meets their daily running needs. “Fit well, close and tightly around the middle of my foot (which I prefer). Well-cushioned with decent stability, pretty light for this much shoe. Versatile enough for daily training, even speed work; like it says on the heel: a go-to shoe.” Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to mild overpronation, for faster-paced running and everyday training • Sizes: Men 8–13, 14, 15; Women 6–12 • Weight: Men 11.3 oz. (size 11); Women 9.6 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, S257 Strobel board

Mizuno Wave Precision 10


When updating the award-winning Precision 9, the Precision 10 kept what worked in the mid- and outersole, while improving comfort and support up top. Retained are the plush interior of the heel and tongue. The air mesh is functionally the same, but the overlays have been consolidated, the Runbird logo is larger and takes on more supportive duties, and is now repositioned below the Dynamotion insert for a better fit. Down under, the midsole and outersole are indistinguishable from the Precision 9, and that’s a good thing, as it continues to provide a great blend of responsive cushioning and protection. The Precision 10 will satisfy runners looking for a durable, lightweight, neutral shoe, and Precision fans have an even better shoe to look forward to. “With the roomy toe box, the cushion from heel to toe, and the flexible beehive (honeycomb), breathable fabric, these shoes kept my feet secure whether I was scrambling up a dirt hillside or pounding asphalt downhill. These have been my go-to shoes for any type of training.” Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics, for faster-paced running • Sizes: Men 7–13, 14; Women 6–11 • Weight: Men 11.4 oz. (size 11); Women 9.5 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted

Newton Sir/Lady Isaac


With the new Sir and Lady Isaac, Newton Running broadens the scope of its shoes by making the technology originally developed for forefoot strikers now available to heel strikers. This was done by modifying the Action/Reaction membrane so it’s a little sturdier to accommodate the increased impact of heel strikers, and tapering the shape of the forefoot actuators just a bit. Carbon rubber has solved the durability issues of the forefoot outersole seen in previous models. The upper features the quality, stretchy air mesh used in other Newton shoes, with good support provided via the well-placed overlays. This has added a little weight, though they are still among the lightest training shoes available. The midsole is well-cushioned EVA shaped to encourage rolling onto the toes for take-off. Now heel strikers have a tool to improve their gait’s efficiency. “Very comfortable fit, good room in the toes. Light shoe, but I wouldn’t say light like a racer. At first, I didn’t particularly enjoy running in this shoe, but the more I ran in it, the more I liked it and got used to the feel/ride of the shoe. Sometimes while running I felt as if the shoe helped with a quick turnover. Made me feel faster and as if I was helped being ‘moved along’ or ‘propelled forward.’ ” Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics, for faster-paced running • Sizes: Men 6–13, 14, 15; Women 5–11 • Weight: Men 11.3 oz. (size 11); Women 9.3 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board

Nike Lunar Glide


This may be Nike’s most versatile shoe yet. The key to Lunar shoes is the very resilient Lunar Lite foam, which requires supportive containment in a firm Phylite shell. The new idea? Reshape the shell and the foam to work with the biomechanics of the foot. Basically, the firmer shell is thicker on the medial side to curb overpronation, while the inlay is thicker on the lateral side to cushion heel strike and allow for lateral release. The upper is plush, breathable mesh with a saddle of Flywire and a premolded, external heel counter. The two-part midsole works for all runners, whether they overpronate or not. Its flexibility and weight make the shoe ideal for faster running, but its stability and cushioning make it great for high mileage. Its resourceful approach, use of materials, adaptability and reasonable price earned the Lunar Glide our Best New Shoe award. “Super comfortable, snug fit, very smooth ride. Don’t ‘sink’ into cushion; good balance between feel of road and cushioning. Not crazy about how they pick up gravel; on one run, seven pieces got stuck in the grooves. Couldn’t really feel them through the cushion, though.” Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to moderate overpronation, for faster-paced running and everyday training • Sizes: Men 6–13, 14, 15; Women 5–12 • Weight: Men 11.7 oz. (size 11); Women 9.6 oz. (size 8) • Shape: semi-curved • Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board

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Food Fraud Don’t be fooled by these 10 nutrition myths. Here’s the truth.


According to the dictionary, a myth is “a set of often idealized or glamorized ideas and stories surrounding a particular phenomenon, concept, or famous person.” You would think that in today’s world of instant communication, around-the-clock news updates and data at your fingertips online, misinformation about nutrition would be a relic of the past. But, no. All of this technology just means that certain myths have an even greater opportunity to reach an even larger population. Here’s a look at 10 such enduring nutrition misconceptions that should have been tossed aside years ago.


Wheat bread provides high-fiber whole grains.

Don’t be fooled. Foods and ingredients labeled as “wheat” simply means they are made with wheat, not that they are whole grain. (I know — confusing and misleading.) “Wheat” bread is not the same as “whole wheat bread.” There is a big nutrition difference. “The health benefits of wheat depend entirely on the form in which you eat it,” explains Kristin Latzo, MS, nutrition expert in Seattle. The unrefined wheat flour used to make whole-wheat bread still has the high-fiber, nutrient-dense bran intact. Not only is it rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, it also packs phytochemicals, disease-fighting compounds found naturally in plants. “On the other hand, refined wheat flour used to make white bread (often labeled as wheat bread) has had the bran

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processed out. Over half of the vitamin B1, B2, B3, E, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, and fiber are lost through this process,” says Latzo. Even the term “multi-grain,” which sounds so healthful, simply means several grains are used. It tells you nothing about whether those grains are refined or not. Unless it says “whole wheat,” it’s probably made from refined white flour. And if it doesn’t say “100 percent whole wheat,” it may still contain come refined flour, with caramel coloring. Check the list of ingredients. “The important thing to remember is that the DRV (daily recommended value) for fiber is 25 g based on a 2,000-calorie diet and with high-fiber foods supplying 5 g or more of fiber per serving, although I would not consider the typical slice of bread supplying 1.4 grams of fiber a “high-fiber” foods, you would definitely be on your way to your daily requirement,” suggests Latzo.

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breakfast will help you Avoid eggs and shellfish if you have lose weight. cholesterol. 2 Skipping 3 high

Eating snacks or mini-meals several times per day can help manage hunger, reduce bingeing and improve energy. Snacks should be around 100 calories each.

You know how mom used to always say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Well, guess what? She was right! Mom knows best when it comes to realizing that breakfast is the fuel that keeps us running throughout the day. Skipping breakfast is a common strategy for losing weight, but not a smart one. Many people believe that they will lose weight, but that isn’t true. “Skipping breakfast deprives the body of the nutrients needed, causing it to go into a starvation mode whereby metabolism drops and cravings increase,” explains Wendy Kirby, RD, LD, dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH. “People who skip breakfast are more likely to consume additional calories later in the day, which could contribute to the development of obesity.” Although researchers cannot make definitive statements about cause and effect regarding skipping breakfast and obesity, but the evidence seems to point in that direction. Studies have found strong correlations between regular breakfast consumption and health, and they include: lower body mass index (BMI); decreased weight gain and a positive influence on family eating behaviors. “Research shows that skipping breakfast has been associated with low levels of physical activity; high levels of soft-drink consumption and less than an ideal body weight,” says Latzo. So don’t skip breakfast. Period.

You can have the whole egg — yolk and all. It’s the saturated fats such as the cream in your coffee and the butter on your toast that raises your cholesterol. According to the American Egg Board, “Not only have decades of research shown no association between egg intake and heart disease risk, but eggs are an excellent source of choline, which plays an important role in breaking down homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood that may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease.” One egg has 13 essential nutrients, including high-quality protein, choline, folate, iron and zinc, for only 75 calories! “The cholesterol found in shellfish has little effect on blood cholesterol; again it’s the saturated and trans-fatty acids that raise cholesterol levels,” says Fran Grossman, MS, RD, CDE, nutrition expert based in New York City. Grossman also says that shellfish is low in total fat and especially low in saturated fat. And, an added benefit for shellfish is the presence of “good” fats called omega-3 fatty acids which has been shown to lower cholesterol levels.

5 Snacking will make me gain weight.

This is only true if your snacks are as large as your meals. The concept of snacking had gotten a bad rap because foods people often chose for snacks were high in fat, sugar

4 Light olive oil has fewer calories.

This is one of the worse marketing ploys food companies have ever produced. Light only refers to the color and to the flavor, it has nothing to do with the fat content. “Olive oil comes in a number of varieties, including virgin, light and extra virgin,” explains Elizabeth Pash Penniman, MS, RD, LD, Manager Nutrition Therapy, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. “All are the same in terms of fat contents (both the type of fat and the total amount of fat) and provide the same amount of calories at 120 calories and 14 g of fat per tablespoon,” continues Penniman. If your idea of an appetizer is dunking a few pieces of bread in olive oil, you could easily down 500 calories before your main meal arrives. A better strategy would be to use extra virgin olive oil since it is from the first cold pressing of the olives without any heat or chemicals so it packs in more flavor and therefore you can get away with using less and ultimately fewer calories.

8 Frozen vegetables aren’t as good as fresh.

“Frozen vegetables can be just as nutritious as fresh if they are made without [fatty] sauces,” says Kirby. Frozen and canned vegetables are generally processed at their peak and may have more nutrients than fresh produce, especially if the latter spends a lot of time in storage or in your refrigerator. And, although canned produce loses some nutrients in the liquid and may be lower in fiber than fresh produce, it’s still a healthy choice. “Just avoid brands packed in lots of sugar and salt,” recommends Latzo. and sodium and typically did not provide any significant amounts of nutrients. “Eating mini-meals or snacks several times a day can help manage hunger, reduce bingeing and support energy levels. Plus, eating a healthy snack prior to your next meal may dramatically reduce the amount of calories you eat during the day,” says Latzo. Aim for one to two snacks per day and they should be around 100 calories each. Select foods that supply a balanced amount of carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fats.


Alcohol will prevent heart disease.

Don’t believe the hype. Recent research suggests that moderate alcohol consumption, one standard drink per day, is associated with reduced cardiovascular risk. But that doesn’t give you an excuse to have a daily pub crawl. “Moderate amounts of alcohol produce an antiatherogenic by increasing HDL levels and decreasing LDL levels. This evidence, however, should not encourage people to increase alcohol consumption in order to maintain a healthy heart,” says Penniman. Don’t start drinking alcohol if you do not already do so. Many of these same heart benefits derived from moderate imbibing can be achieved through diet and exercise.

7 A food labeled “fat-free” is fat free.

If the packageing says,“95 percent fat free,” that means that five percent of the total weight of the product is from fat. The calories can actually range from 30 percent to 60 percent. For example, luncheon meat is advertised as 95 percent fat free. If you read the label carefully, you will discover that each slice of meat contains 50 calories and 3 g of fat. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories, so 27 of the 50 calories are from fat or 54 percent of the calories are from fat — not so lean is it?

9 Granola is a great snack.

This is a classic example of how “all-natural” can also be “all-fattening.” “In most granolas, healthy ingredients like oats, dried fruit and wheat germ are bound together with hydrogenated oils (the kind that raise your cholesterol). And at 380 calories and 20 g of fat in a two-thirds cup serving, this snack will blow your diet worse than a McDonald’s cheeseburger! The only good news here is that it also packs a powerful fiber punch, more than 8 grams per serving,” says Grossman. It is wiser to find healthier crunchy items such as Grape Nuts cereal, low-fat granola or Kashi cereal. All are high in fiber and work well over yogurt for an extra crunchy treat.

{ did you know? } When it comes to red meat, saturated fat is what you want to avoid. To do that, choose leaner cuts, including eye of round, top round roast, top sirloin and flank, pork tenderloin and loin chops. Also, consider exotic, low-fat meats like emu, elk and buffalo.

10Red meat is bad for your health.

It is true that some studies have linked red meat with increased heart disease, partly due to the saturated fat content. But, in fact, even chicken can contain as much saturated fat as lean cuts of pork or beef. For instance, a serving of sirloin beef or pork tenderloin has less saturated fat than the same serving size of chicken thigh with skin. It is true that poultry such as chicken and turkey is naturally lower in saturated fat. But it is only true if you do not eat the skin. Instead of excluding red meats, select leaner cuts of beef, veal, lamb and pork, and eat them only three to four times per week. So, as your browse the buffet of life, some fat bombs are easy to avoid but others come in disguise as healthy foods. Remember to read food labels and don’t believe the hype. Make your own educated decisions. Andrea Platzman, MS, RD, is a nutritionist based in New York City. W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 | GET ACTIVE!


:: InTheClub Cory Sorensen

YOUNG ACTORS WHO MAKE IT BIG IN HOLLYWOOD often hype their exposure by dating starlets and hitting the club scene. Not Ryan Kwanten. The Australianborn star of “True Blood” may be a clubgoer, but it’s exclusively health clubs. A former welterweight boxing standout as a teenager, Kwanten grew up in an athletic family in his native Sydney before moving to Los Angeles to take on the role of Jason Stackhouse in the supernatural-themed HBO drama. While the 32-year-old has won critical raves for his considerable acting skill, a large part of Kwanten’s fanbase is more impressed with his ripped physique, which he maintains by running triathletes and performing yoga. Kwanten has won the L.A. Biathlon series two straight years (2006, 2007), qualifying him for the world championships in Sweden and Italy, which he had to skip due to filming commitments. He shared some of his passion for fitness with us.

Get Active: Have you always been fitness conscious? Ryan Kwanten: I grew up with physical activity, so now it’s just a part of who I am. I do a little something every day. Even when I’m working, I’ll go home and run on the soft sand at two in the morning. No matter the time, even if I have to wake up at four, I do whatever [exercise] I can. If I don’t then I’m not me.

GA: Was it hard to leave Australia? RK: Once I made the decision that [Los

True Bod Rising star Ryan Kwanten has become a Hollywood sensation after starring on the HBO hit “True Blood.” But forget the partying and nightclubs — he’d rather run a triathlon. 38 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

Angeles] was where I was going to live, it was important to find a place that was as close to where I grew up to help with my homesickness because I’m very close with my family. It had to be by or near the water. I think that saltwater and the saltwater breezes tend to chill people out. Literally, when I cross a certain street heading back home, I can feel my heart rate and pulse drop and my shoulders relax.

GA: You do a lot of different things for fitness — boxing, bicycling, surfing. RK: I think it’s important to get your sweat on and to not just limit yourself

to one particular sport. To do nothing but lift weights to me would be a quick death. Life has too many great things to offer in terms of physical exertion. I think you always need a sense of clarity, whether you get it through meditation or going for a hike, when it comes to bettering your life. It may not work for everybody, but it does for me.

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GA: What’s your approach to nutrition? RK: I’ve always been of the opinion that you look after yourself but at the same time you have to give yourself those rewards. So yeah, I eat really well, but if the boys want to go out and have a couple of beers, I’m not going to be that guy who says, no I’m on a diet, I’m not going to do it. I’ll always do that. And if that means doing an extra half hour run the next day, then so be it. You have to have that discipline, but at times that discipline has to have a release point.

GA: How do you maintain a balanced outlook in such a high-stress environment as acting? RK: In our industry, 90 percent of the time you’re getting rejected. Most of the jobs actors go out for they’re not getting. Even among the A-list actors there are less jobs out there. Studios are making less films. The networks are making less shows. You have to have that mentality, that well-rounded, well-balanced attitude to handle it and be tenacious at the same time.

GA: You do Vinyasa yoga. How did you get into that? RK: When a friend of mine suggested I try yoga to help with flexibility, I said, no that’s more for the girls. It’s not my cup of tea. But I tried it and it beat me up.

GA: What made you stick with it? RK: That first class I was looking across the room and seeing girls and even guys putting their feet behind their heads, and I thought, Wow, that’s where I want to be. And I’m sort of naturally competitive, so once I sink my teeth into something I’m not going to let go.

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GA: Your frequent shirtless scenes have made you a sex symbol... RK: (Laughing) Your words, not mine.

GA: Are you worried about being typecast? RK: I’m confidant with who I am. I know what

Cory Sorensen

I’m capable of, and without sounding like an egomaniac, I have no problems quashing anyone’s expectations. Whenever they say I can’t do something, it just inspires me more to do it. If somebody tells me that’s my pigeonhole, I guarantee you I’ll break out of that. To be a man means more than having muscles. There’s so much more to being a stand-up guy. I always loved that Ralph Waldo Emerson quote: “What lies behind us and what lies before us is small matter compared to what lies within us.”  W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 | GET ACTIVE!


:: Results before

SEMPER FAT This Marine let himself go big time (315 lb!) after he left the service. Now he’s back in fighting trim. BY MARKE TURNER WHEN I GOT OUT OF THE MARINES IN 1992, I swore after I would never do another physical thing as long as I lived, and for 11 years I didn’t. I went from a 194-lb solid Marine in 1992 to a 315-lb guy with a 52-inch waist in 2003. And you’re saying to yourself right now, “Just another weight-loss story. Good for you, buddy.” During that time I also went through a divorce, reintegrated back into civilian life in Huntington Beach, Calif., fought for and won custody of my three children, and worked a full-time job. That in itself is enough to handle without thinking about getting back into shape, especially because physically I felt miserable. That kind of heaviness takes its toll on your body in a number of ways, and I could feel it. But I longed for someone to spend time with. And here I was, a guy with three kids who weighed 315 lb and couldn’t even get out of his own way. My children always supported me, but when I went to school functions I just knew deep down that they were embarrassed by my appearance, though they never said a word. I always said I would get in shape for my kids but had never followed through with it. Their mom lived 2,500 miles away, and if I were to die of a massive heart attack, what would happen to them? The alternative was heartbreaking to think about. I wanted to be in the best shape of my life but knew it had to be a complete lifestyle change and not just a bandage. I joined a local health club and used my Marine Corps discipline to get myself back into shape slowly and methodically. I discovered that if you expect quick results by cutting calories, carbs and fat, you will lose weight — but it will come back with a vengeance. 40 IHRSA | w w w. h e a l t h c l u b s . c o m

Marke Turner Age: 43 Hometown: Upland, Calif. Height: 5'11" Weight Before: 315 lb Weight Now: 190 lb Marke’s Advice: “Anyone can do it, and it really isn’t that hard. It’s simply the human will to live strong, eat smart, train hard and supplement right.” What I’ve learned over the last five and a half years is that diet and timing the consumption of protein, carbs and fat intake is almost more critical than just going to the gym and sweating it out for two hours a day. Now I’m a self-confessed gym rat and can’t imagine my life without fitness as one of my priorities. Here I am, almost six years later wishing I hadn’t wasted those years of my life but thankful for everything I have learned about myself and my body. As the saying goes, I wish I knew then what I know now. I’m now 43 years old and in the best shape of my life, even better than when I was in the Corps. I can run, ride, swim and lift circles around a lot of guys half my age. If I could just muster up the courage to ask a woman out for a date, we could call the transformation complete. I

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