Image Magazine Summer 2009

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Ten for men Simple rules for health and happiness… New-look Models Direct – perfectly placed for the future of all our models

Get a grip: positive self-image for teenagers

Summer skin solutions 0871 224 6000 UK BT landline calls to the above 0871 number will cost no more than 10p per minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary

It’s all happening!

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through Models Direct about the assignments they’ve got Here’s what working models say “I really enjoyed working at the show, it was so much fun. The people I was working for were lovely and very down to earth, they really looked after me and made sure I was OK with everything I was doing! They took a few pics of me and they are going to email them to me so I will upload these on to my profile on Models Direct, and hopefully may gain some more work in the near future. Thank you for your help – much appreciated.” Sacha, model fee £300 “The assignment was fantastic. The other models were very friendly. The members of staff from Jasmine Direct are a great bunch to work with, looking forward to working with them again.” Rebecca, model fee £400 “Thank you for the assignment, it was a great day. The team made me feel comfortable throughout the day. It was a really enjoyable day.” Margaret (first assignment within three weeks of registering), model fee £185

“Thank you again for the assignment, all the team were extremely polite and friendly.” Laura, model fee £300 “Thank you for the opportunity to work at the event. I really did enjoy myself and met some very interesting people.” Tara, model fee £260 “First I got a call from the agency saying I had to go for a photoshoot with Lee the photographer. I was so excited to just take the photos because this was the first time the agency got back to me. He was really friendly, he explained everything that was happening. After a few days I was told I had the part and had to go for a wardrobe check! The day I went I was so excited but nervous about what I would be asked to wear. But when I was there the people were so nice and helped me with everything, I even got breakfast! On the commercial day they did my hair and make up, I was feeling like a star already! I was looked after the whole time. It was an amazing day and if I had the chance to do it again I would!” Antoniette, model fee £532 “Both days went well. Saturday was lovely, a nice chance to be out making the most of the nice weather and Sarah, the girl I was with, was really nice and easy to get along with which made the day go a lot faster, even with sore feet! Sunday was

pretty good too, when I went in at 10 I was told they’d had some interest in one of the flats we were advertising in the leaflets, and one couple wanted to buy which was encouraging and made it seem more worthwhile to get on and hand out some more leaflets even though it was raining that morning! The lady there, I think her name was Hilary, was really friendly and relaxed which was nice and they took a few photos on the Saturday which was cool too. Overall, a great weekend for my first experience doing promo work. I’m glad to have been offered the chance and look forward to what’s thrown my way next!” Emma, model fee £266 “Natasha was very helpful. I found the people very friendly and welcoming, they made me feel at ease. Thank you for the assignment.” Amie, model fee £133


Look after your smile – it’s good for you! A winning smile may help your modelling ambitions, but now it’s clear that it could help protect against major health issues too. Gum disease – typically signalled by bleeding – affects 19 in 20 of the population to varying degrees, according to the British Dental Health Campaign. Research links gum disease to: • Heart disease – September 2008 saw researchers present new evidence to the Society of General Microbiology in Dublin. Bristol University Professor Howard Jenkinson said: “It doesn’t matter how fit, slim or healthy you are, you’re adding to your chances of getting heart disease by having bad teeth.” • Diabetes – Columbia University last winter completed an extensive study on links to type 2 diabetes and established a pattern of people with gum disease being nearly twice as

likely to develop the condition. • Premature births – in July 2007 the University of Chile found links between gum disease and premature births. One in three women at risk of premature labour presented with gum disease bacteria in their amniotic fluid, as well as their mouth. • Low birth weight babies – the raising of amniotic fluids means women with gum disease are seven times more likely to have a low birth weight baby. Thankfully, beating gum disease can be a simple matter of good oral healthcare. Studies show people leading healthy, active lifestyles are 40 per cent less likely to experience gum disease. Brushing twice a day for two minutes a time with a fluoride toothpaste is an essential start to the routine, while flossing or brushing between the teeth is another essential technique.


Models Direct has unveiled a bright new look and business branding this summer – just the latest move in the company’s continuing commitment to invest in its people and position at the forefront of the modelling industry. For more on the new look take a look at p11 or log on to the website

SUMMER ‘09 IS HERE AND while none of us can predict quite what the weather will be, we can promise that the MD team will be working hard to help you achieve your modelling ambitions. Here at Image magazine we’re doing our best to help too, with tips on health, beauty and mental well-being for all, plus news of some of the assignments that those already signed up with Models Direct have enjoyed in recent months. Whatever your plans this season, we’re delighted to welcome you to the MD community, and hope you’ll find plenty to inform and entertain you in this issue. GILLIAN BENDALL Editor

In this issue 04 Ten for men Forget those rigorous exercise regimes, restrictive diets and guilt-ridden lifestyle plans – if you’re a man, all you need to stay healthy and happy is to follow this simple set of rules 07 Models Direct news A roundup of news from the team at Models Direct, plus models talk about their recent assignments 11 New-look MD With its fabulous new branding, Models Direct is even better placed to bring models and clients together… 12 Get a grip! We all have a mental picture of who we are, how we look, what we’re good at and what our weaknesses might be and for teenagers, it’s especially important to make its impact on the self-esteem a positive one 14 Summer skin Change your skincare regime to suit the new season…

Summer 09 IMAGE 3

Ten for men Forget all the rigorous exercise regimes, restrictive diets and guilt-ridden lifestyle plans – if you’re a man, all you need to stay healthy and happy is to follow this simple set of rules…


t’s fair to say that some men are notoriously slow on the uptake when it comes to health advice – they either fall into the Jim Royle couch-potato category of woeful slothdom, or hurl themselves headlong – and with all the gusto of Eddie the Eagle – into exercise with the belief that pain must surely equal gain. Thankfully, for those who 4 IMAGE Summer 09

occupy the middle ground between the two extremes, the Men’s Health Forum – an independent body that works for the development of health services to meet men’s needs, and to enable men to change their risk-taking behaviours – has come up with what it calls ‘the top ten incredibly easy things that any fool can do to improve their health’. They are: • Read a book or two – now a

National Men’s Health Week 2009 aims to improve men’s awareness of the range of health and related services available, and how they can use them effectively. For news on this, plus all-year-round health advice, log on to

prescribed treatment in some health authorities for beating the blues, reading in the evening also helps relaxation and sleep • Open a window – it lets in negative ions which neutralise the positive ions from electrical items • Play cards and do crosswords – they keep the brain active • Support a decent team –

success boosts testosterone levels which is why men are competitive. Identifying with a successful team can have the same effect • Work on your relationships – a study of 6,000 blokes found that the married ones got better jobs and were healthier • Sleep long and get up late – regularly getting four instead of eight hours’ sleep brings forward the physical and

mental signs of ageing. Late risers have faster brains and lower stress levels. Sleep well and live long! • Get out in the sun – vitamin D, which is important for bones, teeth and happiness, is boosted by sunlight (but keep the sunscreen on) • Walk – it’s good for the heart and lungs and improves brain function by boosting its oxygen supply. Get off the bus

a stop early, or take the stairs instead of the lift • Sing – the breathing control needed to sing (however badly!) makes it one of the easiest and most effective ways to shed stress • Drink water – many of us don’t drink enough. The darker your urine, the more dehydrated you are. A couple of extra glasses of water a day should make you feel better I Summer 09 IMAGE 5

MODELS DIRECT The hottest news from Models Direct Worldwide

CHANCE TO SHINE AT THE SESSION! Damian O'Connor, Managing Director

imes might be hard currently, with the downturn in the economy, but at Models Direct we’re continuing to invest in our business and bring you plenty of great reasons to smile! Our recent barnstorming promotion ‘The Session’ – a free get-together for models on the MD books – was a fantastic success! The Session provides models with a unique opportunity to get in front of the camera and get some experience. Though places were limited, we were able to give models of all


shapes, sizes and ages a fun day out, a selection of professional pictures for their e-portfolios and the opportunity to feature on our YouTube channel and in MD’s promotional material… great for us, fantastic for you! The Session is just the first of many thrilling promotions we have planned – watch this space for more.

A dream assignment Samantha Models Samantha, Mary and Rebeka had the winning smiles, perfect skin and great hair that photograher Jeff Brown wanted when he came to MD for models to take part in a boudoir-style photoshoot for hair and make-up artist Marissa. Samantha told us: I Rebeka loved being pampered and having my photo taken – I was very pleased with my photographs and loved my hairstyle.” And Rebeka added:

“It felt great to be doing something I’ve always dreamed of… I felt at ease from the moment I walked through the door. If someone is thinking of being a model, I’d say go for it! Everyone is friendly and it’s fun.”

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UK BT landline calls to this 0871 number will cost no more than 10p per minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary

Summer 09 IMAGE 7



Learning opportunity Third-year university student Candice Bossley approached Models Direct looking for up-andcoming models to model Primark casual wear for her final project. The models Kyle and Kirsty received a fee plus the images and experience for their portfolio. Afterwards Kyle told us: “I really enjoyed the chance to try something new, and felt very privileged to be picked. If someone is thinking of being a model, I’d say try it – if it is for you then you will really enjoy each job.” Image is published four times a year by: Models Direct UK Ltd 34 Hurricane Way, Norwich, Norfolk NR6 6HU Tel: 0871 224 6000 Editor: Gillian Bendall Email: [email protected] Design director: Ike Davis Email: [email protected] Advertisement director: Laura Thorpe Email: [email protected] Printed by: GB Print Unit 7 Europa Way, Martineau Lane, Norwich NR1 2EN ‘The World Stage’, ‘Talent Management’, ‘Models Direct’ and ‘Image’ are all registered trademarks © 2009


Baubles on the beach Models Kayleigh and Milly enjoyed posing around Cornwall’s famous Minack Theatre and on the nearby beach when they were selected for a photoshoot for the Joseph Lamsin Jewellery website and brochure. It was Milly’s first shoot and although she admitted to some initial nerves, she told us: “The team were very friendly and the day turned out to be fun and enjoyable. The setting was inspiring and as a first shoot the whole experience was very positive.” Kayleigh said: “I loved every minute of it! Everyone was so kind and put me at ease, and I have met some great people from this shoot.” She described the photoshoot as a ‘great confidence boost’ and offered the following thoughts to anyone else thinking of taking up modelling: “It’s great fun and makes you feel really good about yourself.” Three’s company! Fay, Zuzana and Maria had great fun when they posed for client Andrew J Cope Photography – and had plenty of positive advice to offer afterwards to other aspiring youngsters hoping to get into the modelling business. The client asked for concession models who would work for the experience and to get images for their portfolio, and the girls’ assignments took place in locations including the beach and in

Fuss-free and fast It might have seemed a tall order when Macmillan Education came to us asking for an experienced Mediterranean-looking model for a two-hour photoshoot, but of course MD came up trumps! Model Chris was perfect for the shoot, where he had to pose for scenes to be used in an English language book which will be distributed in Yemen. He told us afterwards: “The shoot was very swift and organised… there was no hanging around but the clients were friendly and got the shots they needed with no fuss.”

the grounds of a manor house. Fay told us: “I really liked the unusual shots the photographer took. It was great, I loved every minute of it!” And Maria said: “It was a good experience to work with someone new… I thoroughly enjoyed it.” She added: “If someone is thinking of being a model, and they had the potential, I’d say go for it and see what happens. And apply to Models Direct!” Echoing those sentiments, Zuzana offered this advice to other modelling hopefuls: “It’s a really nice job to do, but you must be passionate about it to be able to go far. It’s not easy, but the results are sweet!”



Surf’s up! Photographer Dylan Baker selected young MD models Edward, Claire and Melissa when he wanted fresh faces for a photoshoot for a Tynemouth surf company – the three had a great time on the beach and at a skate park posing in a variety of surf, skate and urban wear. Afterwards Claire told us: “I felt really proud and happy to be a model for the day – Playtime fun Ten-yearold Joseph enjoyed a morning in the park when he was chosen by client The Vast Agency for a photoshoot on behalf of Puffa jackets. Accompanied by his dad Paul on the shoot, Joseph was asked to run around Bramham Park in West Yorkshire, modelling Puffa jackets for the company’s new season collection.

the best thing was meeting new people and getting on really well with them.” So what advice does she have for other youngsters thinking of being a model? “I would definitely say go for it, but modelling isn’t as easy as just standing posing for a camera – it is hard work getting each and every look and pose right, and you also have to be a good listener to make sure you understand what look is being asked for.”

All in day’s work Care Aspirations contacted MD through the website when it was looking for a range of models to help promote its care home, and models Tosin, Cheryl and Sarah were chosen to act as staff and guests, joining in with exercise classes, shopping and general domestic duties – tasks they were well up to and hugely enjoyed! Feedback from both client and models was exceptionally positive and all three models look forward to similar assignments in the future. Sarah told us: “I had to pretend to be a nurse at a day centre for people with learning disabilities – we did various shots of myself and a patient (another model for Models Direct) carrying out various activities and everyday tasks. I was pleased with how the assignment went, and feel more confident now about taking on another one. “I was made to feel at ease and so did not feel uncomfortable about being the focus of attention.”

0871 224 6000

UK BT landline calls to this 0871 number will cost no more than 10p per minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary

Summer 09 IMAGE 9



In the holiday mood Client DB Photography was commissioned by Woodhill Holiday Park in Norfolk to take brochure photos and was delighted with the shots he got of models Lorna and Jon, who posed on the beach and around the holiday site. Jon told us: “I thoroughly enjoyed the assignment – it was a great experience and the weather was incredible, which made the whole photoshoot that much more enjoyable.” Jon also praised MD’s handling of the assignment, saying he was: “Impressed with the organisation and thoroughness in advising me of the assignment,” and his advice to would-be models was: “Give it a go. It may not be for everyone, but you don’t know until you have tried it.”

Perfect fit Models come in all shapes and ages, so we were delighted when photographer David Tucker approached MD with a request for a male and female model who were ‘middle-aged and overweight’. Models Julie and Shaun had great fun at an army barracks in Larkhill, near Salisbury – their photoshoot was part of a health campaign and Julie told us: “I felt very privileged and special. I was asked to change into my T-shirt and sports trousers, and do several poses whilst holding a tape measure firmly across my waist and hip area.” Shaun added: “ It was different… I am a little conscious about certain body parts but I just got on with the assignment, and it was great doing this kind of work.”

0871 224 6000 10 IMAGE Summer 09


LOOKING GREAT With its fabulous new branding, Models Direct is even better placed to bring models and clients together… n these days of style-savvy everything, branding really is super-important! Branding is the interface between business and clients, the glue that binds the two together so that they can interact successfully and with benefit to all. Not for nothing do worldwide organisations such as the insurance giant Norwich Union transform itself into Aviva. And what works for international high finance works equally well for an agency such as Models Direct. Despite an instantly recognisable branding, the powers that be at MD decided that it was time to bring the interface bang up to date: “Like all brands, it was necessary to refresh and modernise,” asserts MD’s Suzy O’Connor. “The underlying philosophy behind the rebranding was to give a clear and direct image to the market whereby we are seen to be in control of putting ourselves and our models forward. The fresh and exciting new colour range and style is devised to demonstrate Models Direct is on top of its game,” explains O’Connor with a conviction which perfectly demonstrates her determination to keep the company at the forefront of its market. She continues: “The

I First shoot success When client Jerry Holt worked on a fostering campaign with Islington Council he chose Siane and Cameron from the MD shortlist – it was the first professional shoot for both of them and their range of facial expressions and emotions helped convey the real stories behind the marketing message brilliantly. Cameron told us: “I found the people were very helpful and they made the experience an enjoyable one. It felt very good to be a model, and it was like I was an important part of the process.” UK BT landline calls to this 0871 number will cost no more than 10p per minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary

New look Models Direct

rebrand is a further indication of us being totally aware of the power and importance of presentation – both of our own and our models.” And what does it signify to clients, those searching for the perfect model for their clothes range or next promotion? “Clients, too, like to see that the people they use are on top of their business and understand the importance of presentation.”

As well as the fabulous new look, O’Connor says many more changes are planned for the coming months, including: “Detailed model requests which can be searched, case studies of assignments, model blogs and details of our massive photoshoot The Session 09!” And the reaction so far? “Very now, brilliant, sensational and cool!” You can’t argue with that… Summer 09 IMAGE 11


Give yourself

a good talking to!

elf-esteem is all about how much we feel valued, loved, accepted and thought well of by others — and how much we value, love and accept ourselves. Developing good selfesteem may take some effort, but it’s a skill you’ll have for life. It plays a role in almost everything we do. People with high self-esteem do better in school and at work, and find it easier to make friends. They tend to have better relationships with peers and elders, feel happier, find it easier to deal with mistakes, disappointments and failures, and are more likely to stick with something until they succeed. We all experience problems with self-esteem at certain times in our lives, but it’s especially put to the test during the teen years, when we’re figuring out who we are and where we fit in the world. They might think they’re grown-up and know everything, but teenagers are still forming their own values and beliefs and their selfimage is generally formed by


what a parent, teacher or other person says about them. That means it is easily damaged when someone whose acceptance is important (like a parent or teacher) constantly puts them down. But criticism doesn’t have to come from other people – some teens also have an ‘inner critic’ that seems to find fault with everything they do. And listening to a negative inner voice can harm the selfesteem just as much as if the criticism were coming from another person. If your self-esteem needs a bit of a boost, here‘s how to give yourself a good, positive talking to… • Start thinking about positive aspects of yourself that outweigh the negative focus. When you catch yourself being too critical, for example, counter it by saying something positive about yourself. At the end of each day, write down three things about yourself that make you happy. • Aim for accomplishments rather than perfection. Instead of holding yourself back with thoughts like “I won’t join a

modeling agency until I lose 10lb,” think about what you already have to offer, and go for it. • View mistakes as learning opportunities. Remember that a person’s talents are constantly developing, and we all do well at different things. • Recognise what you can change and what you can’t. If you’re unhappy with something about yourself that you can change, then start today. But if it’s something you can’t change, like your height, then instead think about how you can use what you have to your best advantage, say by wearing the right style of clothes. • Think about what you’d like to accomplish, then make a plan for how to do it. Stick with your plan and keep track of your progress. • Make a contribution – help a classmate who’s having trouble with schoolwork, take part in a charity event, take a badly-dressed friend shopping for a new outfit. Feeling that your help and advice is valued can do wonders for your own I self-esteem.

We all have a mental picture of who we are, how we look, what we’re good at and what our weaknesses might be, and for teenagers it’s especially important to make its impact on the self-esteem a positive one Summer 09 IMAGE 13

REGIME BODYCARE You alter your clothes, shoes and accessories to suit each new season, so it makes sense to change your skincare regime too… hatever your age and whether you’re a man or a woman, a flawless complexion can make you really stand out from the crowd, and is a sure-fire way to be a success in front of the camera. But each new season brings its own challenges – changes in environment, temperature and activities can all take their toll and there’s no such thing as an all-year-round regime for taking care of your biggest organ, the skin. Summer’s al fresco lifestyle means most of us enjoy more fresh air and fresh food, both of which provide an instant boost for the looks. To capitalise even further on this, start to revitalise your skin by exfoliating once a week – shedding the dead skin cells brightens the complexion and lays the foundation for a flattering tan, whether real or fake. It’s worth investing in a good quality exfoliating product for your more delicate facial skin, so free up some funds by treating the rest of your body to an old-fashioned (and cheap!) formulation of a warm bath to which four cups of goat’s milk have been added – it contains natural enzymes which

Hair today As with your skin, hair appreciates a little extra care to help it cope with the summer season. Use a moisturising shampoo and conditioner to counter the drying effects of the sun’s rays and heat, and if your colour comes from a bottle then choose products which protect against fading. A weekly scalp and hair mask will give deep-down nourishment, and choose styling products that include SPF to finish off your look.


14 IMAGE Summer 09

Summer e skin ‘nibble away’ dead skin cells, plus proteins to nourish. One of the most important things you can do for your skin is to get your cleansing routine sorted. It’s reckoned to be the true secret of great skincare, yet recent research from the International Dermal Institute revealed that the average female spends less than

20 seconds washing her skin and, even when she does so, many only splash it with water! There’s no need to spend a fortune on expensive cleansing lotions and potions, but a soap formulated specially for the more delicate facial skin is a sound investment, so make that your must-have beauty buy this summer.

The market for moisturisers is as massive as ever, and again this is a skincare product that should alter to suit the season. Most people find they can move to a ‘lighter’ moisturiser at this time of year, and swap their usual cream for something more milk-like, or even just use a light oil instead: avocado is one of the best-

absorbed and doubles up as a fantastic hair conditioner too – just add a few drops to your usual brand for extra shine. By now we should all have read and understood the messages about safe tanning – protection against the sun is paramount if you want to stay looking young, minimise wrinkles and reduce your

risk of skin cancer. Protection again harmful rays is built into many beauty products these days so check your moisturisers, makeup and foundations for SPF, and don’t get caught out without sunscreen – there are plenty of bag- and pocket-sized products to make sure that you always have I some to hand. Summer 09 IMAGE 15

Client requests Office National Assignments Department Here are examples of recent client requests, received by our Head

We search our database of models from all over the country and propose to clients those which match their requirements. Our co-ordinators call the models selected, offer them the assignment together with a fee… then the assignment takes place! Male, female and children models required at very short notice for ‘Camping In Style’ campaign. Budget £1000 Ten female models of any height and look required for charity fashion show in aid of Cancer Research UK. Budget N/A Nationwide department store requires male and female models in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 60s including plus-size female and lingerie models and also children for large fashion show to promote their Spring/Summer 09 collections. Budget TBC

Male and female fitting models required for major jeanswear manufacturer. Must be a very specific size. Budget TBC One female and one male extras for advert for major energy supplier. Budget £500 One adult female model as ‘mother’ and one child female model as ‘daughter’ to be extras for TV commercial for bed company. Budget £400 Four female models (one pregnant), three males, one boy and girl age 6-7, one girl age 12 required for half-day photoshoot to advertise family leisure store. Budget £750 Creative marketing company requires three male character models for an ad for an IT services company. Half-day. Budget £450 Female extras to advertise major men’s deodorant brand. Budget TBC Real ventriloquist required for commercial for directory enquiries website. Budget £250 18-25-year-old female and male models for website usage. Budget N/A Image library looking for male and female models for various location shoots. Budget N/A Male and female models for website use and outside location shots. Budget N/A

Female model required for three-day trade show to model cocktail dresses and specialist evening wear. Must have long hair, be very glamorous and a size 10. Budget TBC

Female athletes required for new BBC series ‘Last Woman Standing’ must be willing to take part in worldwide tour May-September 2009 and undertake gruelling challenges as part of the TV show. Budget N/A Research company looking for five actors/ extras to attend 10-minute consultation with doctor. This will be filmed and used for internal purposes. Models required: an elderly male or female model, an Asian model and three male models between 40-60 years. Budget £500 Air Studio in Israel looking for models for exhibition in October. Budget TBC One female model 5’7-plus for catwalk round of hair competition. Must have the confidence and experience to catwalk. Budget TBC Two female promotional models required for PR event at hotel, will be required to hand out flyers. Budget TBC One female model required for catwalk show at hair competition. Must be willing to have hair cut and coloured. Budget TBC

Male and female models required for wellknown fashion catalogue, aged 20-50. Budget N/A

Three female models required for a full day catalogue shoot. Budget £700

Teenage girls required for front cover shots for teen magazine, aged 13-17. Budget N/A

Babies required for nursery brand catalogue shoot. Budget £120

Major television production company looking for pregnant model 18-35 weeks for sex education series. Budget £300

Large national infant and nursery brand requires babies of varying ages for photographic catalogue shoot, two hours each. Budget £150 per model

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UK BT landline calls to this 0871 number will cost no more than 10p per minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary

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