Summary Proposal 032009

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  • Words: 867
  • Pages: 3
March 20, 2009 To the Elders of Christ’s Community Church: Below is a summary of a proposal I am praying and planning to submit to the National Clergy Renewal Program (NCRP)of the Lilly endowment, Inc. Through a competitive process, Lilly awards as many as 120 grants of up to $50,000 each directly to the congregations who support their pastor’s sabbatical and renewal program. (For more information, visit Focused on worship renewal in multi-cultural/multi-ethnic and multi-generational CRCs, I hope to learn through this sabbatical proposal and eventually benefit a diverse CRC such as CCC and the 55 SEAPI CRCs in the U.S. and Canada. Lilly requires that proposals are developed by an applicant in collaboration and with the endorsement by the church leadership and congregation. After reading the proposal’s summary and clarifying other details, I would request your approval for me to continue writing the proposal and consulting with you until completed for submission. Deadline for submission is on May 14, 2009. TITLE: “Towards an Effective Understanding and Edifying Practice of Worship Renewal in Culturally/Ethnically Diverse and Multi-Generational CRCs“ BACKGROUND: Today, some CRCs had become multi-cultural/multi-ethnic and multi-generational by virtue of their church age and geographical location. Others intentionally reached out and transitioned their ministries to become diverse. Most SEAPI CRCs are first generational, mono-ethnic, and predominantly immigrant churches. A few are now facing the pressures and opportunities to become diverse and multi-generational. Given these scenarios, a church may need to deal with one of the highly unifying components of church life: how it worships individually and corporately. When a church and its members mature and progress in their worship theology, practices, creativity, and obedience to the Lord, that church becomes healthier and grows with greater and more effective missional passion. This contrasts to a church that just goes through the routines of worship, stagnate in its mission, and die. GOAL: This sabbatical program is aimed at understanding the many facets of Biblical worship in multi-cultural/multi-ethnic and multi-generational church settings. Such understanding is anticipated to lead towards identifying and applying appropriate teaching and practices for worship renewal in these churches. SOME KEY ISSUES TO BE STUDIED:

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Does Biblical worship negate, supplement, transcend, or replace the religious beliefs and practices of people from non-Christian backgrounds? Why and how should multi-cultural/ethnic and multi-generational congregations learn, share, and be united in a common theology of Biblical worship? In a multi-cultural/ethnic and multigenerational church, why and how can worship be done in ways that are respectful of varied traditions and at the same time encourage and harness diverse gifts and practices among the members?

Why and how can culturally and generationally diverse churches uphold the teaching of God’s Word, practice of the Sacraments, sustain pastoral care for the congregation, and urge faithfulness to its mission and call through its worship?

Why and how can a church enhance and make its worship more meaningful given the beauty and richness of as well as possible issues and tensions of different ethnicities and generations in a congregation?

SABBATICAL PLAN: A combination of literature researches; registration in a worship theology course in Calvin Seminary and Fuller Theological Seminary; face-to-face interviews with pastors and worship leaders; actual visits during church worship services; written surveys using paper and online questionnaires; interviews and visits with diverse churches doing “live” worship renewal programs; conduct of “listening” seminars as well as meetings to share lessons and findings through this sabbatical; invite 1 or 2 SEAPI CRCs to undertake “live” worship renewal projects; attend worship renewal-related conferences especially Calvin College’s Worship Symposium in 2010. Through all these, I will consult with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, other worship teaching institutions, and other pastors and churches (Asians in North America in particular) that had worked ahead in this field. Towards the end of sabbatical, I will write a report that summarizes observations, lessons, and recommendations about worship renewal among SEAPI CRCs in particular. BASIC TIMELINE: Mar ___-May 13, 2009 (if approved) continue writing of proposal; consultation with CCC pastors/leaders May 14, 2009 submit proposal to Lilly Endowment Jun-Sep 2009 preliminary researches, interviews, surveys and recruitment of a “pilot” church to undertake “live” worship renewal project Oct 2009 grant recipients notified Oct-Dec 2009 work with “pilot” church on a worship renewal proposal to Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW) Jan 10, 2010 deadline for submission to CICW Jan 28-30, 2010 attend Calvin Worship Symposium Feb 1-Dec 31, 2010 NCRP Sabbatical program proper (Note: I plan to apply for a half-year temporary reduced-time arrangement in my job at UC Berkeley.) RESOURCES NEEDED:

NCRP financial grant to pay for travel expenses, attendance in seminary courses, worship retreats or conferences, conduct of regional worship renewal group meetings and interviews, regular visit and participation in “pilot” SEAPI CRC, purchase of books and office supplies, and partial compensation for loss of income from my reduced-time job at UC Berkeley.

Regular consultations and meetings with CCC elders, pastors, and worship team

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Regular consultations with worship renewal ‘experts’ A blog or website dedicated to my sabbatical program and progress Will be working mostly from home if not travelling

Fernando del Rosario Jr Ministry Associate Christ’s Community Church Hayward, CA

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