Suggestion Partial Draft

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  • Words: 6,113
  • Pages: 32
FADE IN: EXT. DOWNTOWN SEATTLE - THIRTY STORIES UP - NIGHT Seattle's skyline sparkles in a light rain. An attack helicopter rises into frame. It's TURBINES WHINE as it banks around the city's tallest tower ahead of an armored motorcade rapidly approaching the tower's base on the streets below. INT. ARMORED LIMO - MOVING - NIGHT In the back of the limo - two armed BODYGUARDS remain alert, scanning - everything. Across from them sits the LYDIAN, an ancient soul dressed in wealth and power, on his right hand rests the BLACK RING. THE BLACK RING, glossy volcanic stone, jet black but for a blood red swirl on its crown carved in the shape of a blossoming rose. EXT. DOWNTOWN SEATTLE - THE BLACK TOWER - NIGHT The HELICOPTER GROWLS overhead as the Lydian's MOTORCADE ROARS into the entrance of the tower's parking garage. INT. THE BLACK TOWER - PARKING GARAGE - NIGHT The LIMO SCREECHES to a halt surrounded by its motorcade. Submachine gun toting bodyguards wear special goggles as they spill out of the SUV's - take up defensive positions and slowly scan the garage in silence. Each man nods in turn and the TEAM LEADER opens the limo's back door. Suddenly, a SCRAPING SOUND comes from O.S. The Team Leader slams the door closed. Three men charge forward, their laser-sighted weapons sweeping back and forth. They find -- A RAT, RUSTLING in a trash can. POV THROUGH GOGGLES The rat's bones and internal organs glow under its skin. BACK TO SCENE One bodyguard's SUBMACHINE GUN BURPS through its sound suppressor and the RAT SPLATTERS against a concrete wall. INT. ELEVATOR DOORS - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT The Lydian stands behind a wall of bodyguards. point outward as the elevator's doors close.

Their weapons

INT. UNDERGROUND PARKING GARAGE - NIGHT The garage is empty and completely silent. Suddenly, A MAN stands in the distant shadows of the garage.

2. His eyes obscured by the darkness, he frowns. In each gloved hand, he holds a silenced pistol. The Man holsters his pistols - turns around and then -- vanishes. Yet his footprints are visible in the rain water that meanders in off the street. His footprints continue outside EXT. ENTRANCE TO PARKING GARAGE - NIGHT - and turn left on wet sidewalk. Along his way, there suddenly falls to the ground the wrapper of a JOLLY RANCHER CINNAMON candy. His footprints cross the street, pass a -EXT. NOISY NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT Where a highly frustrated, drunken, twenty-something GUY GALLAGHER shouts at a burly, tow-truck operator. GUY Will you just listen to me?! The man climbs into his tow truck and pulls Guy's car away. GUY You . . . Dick! Passer's-by stare.

Guy reacts.

GUY What?! How am I supposed to get to work tomorrow?! Huh?! They walk away.

Guy huffs, gestures and turns to walk home.

EXT. ENORMOUS MONOLITHIC OFFICE BUILDING - DAY Next morning, Guy, dressed business casual, skateboards up to building's enormous monolithic front entrance - kicks-up his skateboard, grabs it's nose and heads inside. INT. ENORMOUS MONOLITHIC OFFICE BUILDING - DAY Guy walks through the building's enormous monolithic lobby passes an enormous monolithic help desk behind which sits sits a YOUNG WOMAN busily answering phones. YOUNG WOMAN (on phone) Good morning, Megalithic Technologies. Guy walks past her through a swirl of co-workers, none of whom acknowledges him. He enters an -INT. ELEVATOR - DAY Guy stands silently between two FEMALE CO-WORKERS. He stares straight ahead, listens in bemused silence as they chat.

3. FIRST CO-WORKER O.S Really, CancĂșn? SECOND CO-WORKER O.S. Yeah. We're going native all the way. Josh is going too. Who knows? Maybe he'll get lucky. Maybe? thing.

FIRST CO-WORKER O.S. Come-on Judy; you're a sure

They get off and two MALE CO-WORKERS get on, stand on either side of Guy and chat as the two women had before. FIRST MALE CO-WORKER O.S. CancĂșn huh? SECOND MALE CO-WORKER O.S. Yeah; lots of alcohol, sun, sand, sex. Judy's going too. Who knows? Maybe I'll get some while we're their. Maybe?

FIRST MALE CO-WORKER O.S. Judy's a sure thing Josh.

Guy shakes his head. INT. ENORMOUS MONOLITHIC OFFICE - DAY Guy exits the elevator, crosses to his cubicle, leans his skateboard against a wall and sits down to stare at the lamest screen saver ever. A youthful, smiling face pops over the opposite cubicle wall. Its BUDDY, Guy's only friend. BUDDY What's up Wanksta? Guy smirks.

Buddy smiles.

BUDDY So dikfor, what'd you do this weekend? GUY Well Buddy, I -BUDDY No wait, I know this one. You stayed home and spanked it to the Dead or Alive girls - all weekend long! Guy flips him off. Buddy laughs then suddenly freezes, his eyes locked on a distant target. BUDDY (whispers in awe) Yes - Baby!

4. Guy rolls his chair toward his cubicle's opening. GUY What? BUDDY (nods up) Hot newbie on the floor. Guy peers around the cubicle's corner and down the hall. GUY (whispers) Nice. GUY'S POV - THE NEW GIRL JORDAN, an elfin twenty-something brunette, as Emo as she can be in an enormous monolithic office sort of way, walks up the hallway holding a post-it note, obviously looking for her new cubicle. BACK TO SCENE Buddy and Guy stare. BUDDY (to Guy) It's Bud-man to the rescue. (to Jordan) Can I help you, Miss?! Jordan stops in her tracks - eyes Buddy and laughs. JORDAN Not in this life time. Buddy shoots Guy an astonished look. BUDDY What'd I say? Jordan stops at Guy's cubicle - reads her post-it note again looks down at Guy and frowns. JORDAN You're in my cubicle. Guy stares back up at her blankly. INT. THE TEAM LEADER'S OFFICE (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Guy stands next to JIM, the team leader who sits scanning a computer screen for several seconds before asking -JIM You said you worked here - how long?

5. Three years. everything!

GUY I've got vacation and

JIM Don't get crazy Greg. GUY I'm Guy -(points at screen) Guy Gallagher. JIM Oh, there you are. Jim considers Guy for a beat - shrugs. JIM Why haven't I seen you before? GUY Don't ask me; I've been here every day since -- since they put that Coke machine in the break room. Jim leans up to peer out his doorway. JIM Coke machine? Guy groans, scrubs a hand down his face. INT. OFFICE HALLWAY (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Guy stands motionless - yet moving as he passes several cubicle openings while hugging a mail bin of his things. GUY Why doesn't anyone listen to me? Buddy pushes Guy through the office on his skateboard. BUDDY Maybe if you actually had something to say . . . GUY Oh I've got plenty to -BUDDY (overlapping) What was that? Did you say something? GUY Dick. Buddy chuckles, keeps pushing.

Guy doesn't look so amused.

6. INT. GUY'S NEW CUBICLE - DAY Guy looks miserable as he sets things straight in his new but smaller cubicle. Jordan comes to visit. Uh, hi.

JORDAN It's -- Guy isn't it?

Guy stares her down. JORDAN Well, I was going to offer to exchange spaces but -(looks around) Maybe one move is enough for today. GUY And now you that realize this space is half the size of your - I mean my old cubicle . . . JORDAN Yeah. (shrugs) Sorry. GUY Who are you? JORDAN (offers her hand) I'm Jordan. GUY Of course - another "J" girl. JORDAN "J" girl? GUY (rises) Come with me. Jordan does and Guy leads her down the center of the enormous monolithic office pointing into one cubicle after another. GUY That's Jasmine, Jane, Joanne and then we have Jennifer's - one and two. (motions forward) And it gets better. They move on to --

7. INT. BREAK ROOM - DAY Where they find three attractive YOUNG WOMEN huddling around a single salad. They are: JESS, the petite Asian hottie, JESSE the slender redheaded hottie and JESSICA, the buxom blonde hottie. Guy points them out in turn. GUY That's Jess; that's Jesse and that's -JORDAN Jessica? GUY (sarcastic) Oh she's a sharp one. the three Jessica's.

Jordan, meet

JORDAN (waves) Hi guys. The three Jessica's consider Jordan for a moment before each sneers in turn then resume picking their salad to death. JORDAN Friendly group. GUY Not really. Jordan follows Guy down the hallway - tries to make friends. JORDAN Look Guy, I'm really sorry about the mix up. Guy turns to eye Jordan - sighs. GUY It's not you Jordan. invisible.

It's me.


Jordan smirks then slowly reaches out and pokes Guy in the chest with her finger. GUY It's a figure of speech. Jordan's smile is infectious then she remembers something. Oh.

JORDAN You left this.

She produces a video game magazine with balloon breasted video game girls cavorting on its cover. Guy hesitates.

8. GUY That's not mine.

It's -- Buddy's.

JORDAN He said it was yours. GUY Okay, I'll take it for him. (grabs magazine) JORDAN (knowing smile) Sure. EXT. ENORMOUS MONOLITHIC OFFICE BUILDING - DAY It's raining slightly when Guy and Buddy exit the building to walk down the sidewalk. Buddy looks up in disgust. BUDDY Perfect! GUY Hey, what do you think of Jordan? BUDDY Some guy's got her tagged already. Guy smiles impishly.

Buddy shakes his head.

BUDDY Some - other - Guy. They cross the street just as the Lydian's MOTORCADE ROARS down upon them. EXT. OPPOSITE STREET CORNER - DAY They sprint for the curb. Guy drops his skateboard in the street. The motorcade tears past, splashes a tidal wave of water out of the gutter. BUDDY Ass - holes! A SECOND SUV ROARS past after the motorcade. lands in pieces at his feet

Guy's skateboard

GUY (dripping wet) Nice. Buddy laughs.

Guy growls and they continue on.

9. EXT. ON THE WAY HOME (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY It's raining sideways as Guy and Buddy cross the street again heading toward a -EXT. TROLLEY STOP - DAY -- where Buddy shouts up at the rain. BUDDY Pluck this face! Guy smiles then remembers something. GUY Oh yeah He pulls the video game magazine, Jordan gave him, from under his raincoat and slaps it into Buddy's chest. GUY (angry) Here. BUDDY Thanks. GUY Dickhead. BUDDY (smooches magazine) Shot you down like a guided missile. Guy notices a nearby sign which reads, "CEDAR GROVE TRAIL." GUY Hey. (nods toward sign) Short cut. Buddy looks then shakes his head. BUDDY It's freakin' dark in there, man. GUY Chicken? BUDDY Whatever. (wipes rain from face) I'm taking the Slut. The South Lake Union Trolley arrives and Buddy gets aboard. Guy nods, pulls his jacket hood down against the slanting rain and crosses the street to enter the --

10. EXT. CEDAR GROVE TRAIL - DAY -- where he heads down the wooded path. Guys fails to hear AUTOMATIC GUNFIRE that POPS O.S. in the distance. EXT. CEDAR GROVE TRAIL, DEEPER IN THE WOODS - DAY The Lydian staggers downhill in the opposite direction on the rain-slicked trail. The Lydian clutches his chest and stumbles, catches hold of the trunk of an enormous -EXT. OLD CEDAR TREE - DAY -- just as Guy rounds the opposite corner on the trail and nears the same tree. The Lydian falls from behind the tree and crashes into Guy GUY Hey! - knocking Guy down and landing atop him. GUY What's your problem Old Man?! The Lydian rolls off Guy and onto his back. LYDIAN Sorry, I'm -The Lydian clutches his chest in pain. GUY Mister, are you alright? The Lydian tries to rise but can't. Guy helps him to sit up with his back against the cedar tree. Guy discovers that the Lydian is bleeding. Jesus!

GUY You need a hospital.

Guy stands, shouts -HELP!

GUY Somebody call 911!

The Lydian begs Guy to stop. Quiet!

LYDIAN He'll hear you!

Guy takes a knee. GUY Who'll - what?

11. The Lydian tugs his coat open to reveal a gun shot wound. LYDIAN Aster's the man who shot me. Guy tries to lift the Lydian. GUY You're going to the hospital! The Lydian pushes Guy away. No.

LYDIAN We can't! GUY

You'll die! The Lydian slumps over to lie on his back, panting on a bed of rain drenched ferns. Guy kneels next to him. LYDIAN Perhaps my time is -- I've lived so very long . . . (grabs Guy's arm) But Aster - no hospital! He'll kill us to take it. We can't . . . Kill us?!

GUY Why -- Us?

The Lydian takes Guy's hand and his VOICE suddenly ROILS IN RICH AND POWERFUL TONES. LYDIAN (in the supernatural voice of the Black Ring) Listen to me. You - must - hear what I have to say. Guy finds The Lydian's wish impossible to resist. LYDIAN (the voice) You must take it. It's time. wants its new master.


GUY I don't understand. LYDIAN (the voice) You must take it from me. Promise you'll keep it safe. Never let Aster or anyone like him --

12. The Lydian coughs, has trouble continuing. GUY Jesus, don't die on me! The Lydian grabs Guy's right wrist, shaking it to quiet Guy's questions. With great effort, The Lydian pulls off the Black Ring and sets it in the open palm of Guy's right hand. Guy stares at the Black Ring. LYDIAN Put it on -- Now! Guy slides the large Black Ring onto the middle finger of his right hand. GUY'S POV The Black Ring stirs then shrinks to fit Guy's middle finger. BACK TO SCENE GUY jumps to his feet and SCREAMS IN PAIN -GUY Shhhit! Guy tears at his shirt collar. GUY Holy Damn! Guy claws at his necklace, a golden crucifix and chain which he tears off and throws to the ground. Guy rubs his neck, stares down at the necklace. LYDIAN My mistake, I should have told you. GUY No, you think? What the hell was that? LYDIAN Gold. As long as you wear the Black Ring, no gold can touch your skin or -GUY (overlapping) It burns the living shit out of you! The Lydian nods. LYDIAN Only gold gets through; only gold can touch you.

13. Guy looks confused.

The Lydian eyes his blood soaked shirt.

LYDIAN (stares at his chest) Golden bullet -- Aster's smart. No one ever used golden bullets before. Guy tries to rise -GUY I getting help. LYDIAN (pulls Guy back down) No! Aster will kill you and he will take the Black Ring! Guy pulls away. GUY I can't do nothing! LYDIAN Yes. Aster will stop at nothing to posses the Black Ring. The Lydian squeezes Guy's arm, implores his obedience. LYDIAN You must protect it. The Black Ring holds the greater power but you must defeat Aster. Take back . . . Guy doesn't understand. GUY But I, how can I . . ? But his question goes unanswered as the Lydian fades away. LYDIAN Take it back. Take it . . . back. Guy has failed. The Lydian dies. Guy stands alone in the rain, staring down as the Lydian's blood turns to dust on his hands. GUY (reels in panic) Goddamnit! Guy pulls off the Black Ring GUY Screw this bullshit!

14. - and throws it to the ground. The Black Ring rolls a few feet, turns downhill on a rabbit trail and soon becomes lost beneath ferns several yards away from the Lydian's body. Guy sprints up the trail, running away from The Lydian's body and the Black Ring. INT. SEATTLE POLICE HEADQUARTERS (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Guy bursts into the police headquarters, out of breath, approaches a POLICE SERGEANT standing behind a counter but is shouldered aside by AGENT RICH. RICH Move. GUY But I got to report a murder! RICH Yeah I bet -Rich points toward the next line of people in queue. RICH Get in line Kid. Guy fumes as he moves to the next line. He studies Agent Rich, an enormous man in a dark suit who is accompanied by equally huge AGENT TEMPLE and a somewhat smaller AGENT IN CHARGE. Guy grows tired of watching them and turns away just as the Agent in Charge speaks to the sergeant. AGENT IN CHARGE Sergeant. SERGEANT Who are you again? The Agents produce their identification. RICH Agent Rich. TEMPLE Agent Temple. The Agent in Charge holds out his badge. AGENT IN CHAGRE Special Agent -- Aster. Guy's head spins around at the mention of Aster's name. ASTER We're here to see your chief.

15. Guy fidgets with fright.

Aster notices.

ASTER You okay kid? GUY I'm - good. Aster's suspicious stare is unnerving. ASTER You're sure? GUY Yes Aster Aster - Sir. Aster is now even more suspicious. ASTER Do you often eavesdrop on the private conversations of others? GUY No Sir. Aster smile becomes a carnivorous sneer. ASTER Good. After all, eavesdropping is government business. I can't have you doing my job, now can I? And (draws closer) I don't accept competition very well. RICH Not at all actually. Aster laughs and the Police Sergeant lets the agents inside while shaking his head. The Police Sergeant at the next window calls out -SECOND SERGEANT Next! Guy jumps, looks to the window where the other sergeant is waving for him to approach and report a crime. Guy hesitates briefly then decides to leave. GUY Ah -- nevermind. SECOND SERGEANT Nevermind? Kid if you got something to report, let's have it. GUY No, I got nothing.

Sorry, my mistake.

16. The First Sergeant catches Guy's arm. FIRST SERGEANT You said you wanted to report a murder. Right? Guy watches Aster greeting the police chief. GUY'S POV Aster and the Chief of Police look like old friends. BACK TO SCENE GUY (nods, distracted) No Sir. Guy pulls away with every fiber of his being. GUY I have to go. FIRST SERGEANT Take my card. GUY Okay. Guy pockets the sergeant's business card and turns to go. Something makes him look back. GUY Thanks. The Sergeant nods quietly as Guy hurriedly exits the police headquarters. EXT. SEATTLE POLICE HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Guy exits the building and runs left - stops - runs right, stops again. His chest heaving, Guy's fear turns to anger. GUY Do something -- Damn it! Guy grimaces, curses silently and jumps into a run - courses down the street - leaps onto a INT. CITY BUS (MOVING) - NIGHT Guy stands in the aisle panting - stares out the windows checks his watch. At last, the bus stops.

17. EXT. BUS STOP - NIGHT Guy leaps off the bus practically knocking an old woman down. OLD WOMAN Oh lord! BUS DRIVER Hey there! Guy shouts back over his shoulder. GUY Sorry! Guy dodges cars - crosses the street - dives into the EXT. CEDAR GROVE - NIGHT - were he bursts onto the trail and charges uphill for the EXT. CEDAR GROVE - CLEARING - NIGHT - where The Lydian's body lies still in the shadows. kneels next to the Lydian. I'm sorry.


GUY I wish I could . . .

Guy searches for the Black Ring on his hands and knees. GUY What's so damned special about this ring anyway? Suddenly, ASTER'S VOICE comes from O.S. ASTER (O.S.) Check the cedar trail! EXT. AT THE TRAIL-HEAD - NIGHT Aster appears, back lit by car headlights. ASTER He may have gone down in there. EXT. CLEARING, CEDAR TRAIL - NIGHT Guy panics. GUY (whispers) Shit!

18. EXT. LEAVING THE TRAIL HEAD - NIGHT Lantern beams sweep through the woods as Aster and his men start down the trail in Guy's direction. EXT. CLEARING, CEDAR TRAIL - NIGHT Guy jumps up to run but slips on a slick tree root, crashes backward into the brush and tumbles off the trail. EXT. GROTTO OFF THE TRAIL - NIGHT Guy rolls down an embankment to land on his ass in a fern filled wallow. Lantern beams sweep the trail above him. The agents find the Lydian's body. Here!

RICH (O.S.) He's down on the trail!

Three lantern beams quickly converge in the woods above Guy. ASTER (O.S.) I did get you! (laughs) At last. EXT. WOODLAND TRAIL - NIGHT Aster checks the Lydian's hand for the Black Ring. It is gone. Aster quivers with rage as his growl becomes a howl. No!

ASTER Where is it?!

Aster slaps the Lydian's face back and forth, shouting ASTER Where's - My - God - Damned - Ring?! Temple interrupts -TEMPLE Boss - Boss! Maybe it fell off his hand -- you know, while he was dying. Aster drops the Lydian's body. ASTER Then look for it! EXT. GROTTO OFF THE TRAIL - NIGHT Guy watches the lantern beams split up on the trail above him. Then, to his horror, he sees Rich leap off the trail and start down the slope in his direction.

19. Guy rolls over to crawl deeper beneath the brush. But it's too late -- he's been spotted. Rich leaps, plants a boot on Guy's butt and pushes him back down. RICH Hold it right there! We've got questions for you and you -(cocks submachine gun) Better have answers. Rich shouts up to the others -RICH Down here! Guy lies spread-eagled in the mud as the laser beam from Rich's submachine gun sweeps about the brush. GUY'S POV The laser beam from Rich's weapon flashes back and forth over the Black Ring standing on edge at his right hand's fingertips. Guy slowly slides his middle finger into the Black Ring. BACK TO SCENE Rich kicks Guy's side to roll over. RICH Roll over! Guy rolls over to face the muzzle of Rich's submachine gun. GUY Don't shoot! RICH You're just a kid - wait a minute. You're that kid from the station. Guy swallows hard and then -- The Black Ring turns slowly inward on Guy's finger. Guy's next WORDS FLOW THICK WITH AN UNNATURAL POWER. GUY (in the Black Ring's supernatural voice) No. I'm not him. Rich shakes his head, seems confused. reaction and speaks more.

Guy notices this

GUY (the voice) In fact -- you don't even see me. There's nobody here at all.

20. Rich takes a step back, looks around just as a RACCOON emerges from the brush and ambles across Guy's legs back into the brush. Both Guy and Rich watch the raccoon pass in silence. Aster calls from the trail above. ASTER (O.S.) Well Rich, what is it?! EXT. WOODLAND TRAIL - NIGHT Aster calls down to Rich. ASTER Did you find my ring?! EXT. GROTTO OFF THE TRAIL - NIGHT Guy moves Rich to lie. GUY (the voice) Don't waste your time, there's nothing but raccoons down in here. Rich turns back toward the trail. RICH No! Thought I saw something but must have been a raccoon! Whatever it was, it's gone now! EXT. WOODLAND TRAIL - NIGHT Aster isn't happy. ASTER Raccoon huh? Well, that furry little fucker better not have swallowed my ring. He racks the slide on his pistol. ASTER He'll regret it for about two seconds if that's the case. EXT. GROTTO OFF THE TRAIL - NIGHT Guy stares at the Black Ring as he speaks. GUY (the voice) Maybe the Old Man left the ring with a friend, someone he trusts. Rich nods as if Guy's words are his own thoughts.

21. RICH (whispers) The Stripper - she might have it. Rich slings his weapon and climbs back up the hill. EXT. CEDAR GROVE TRAIL - NIGHT Rich gets a hand from Temple and climbs back onto the trail. They join Aster. Rich has an idea. RICH Maybe he left it with the Stripper. TEMPLE Could be. ASTER The Stripper? Perhaps but we can't leave this place until we've searched it from top to bottom. EXT. GROTTO OFF THE TRAIL - NIGHT Guy rises to a crouch as the Agents search the trail above him. Guy sneaks quietly away in the dark until he exits the woods behind a -EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - NIGHT -- where he bumps into a pickup truck with a large FIERCELY BARKING DOG. The Black Ring is still in play. GUY (whispers in the voice) Quiet! Sit! The Dog obeys. Guy checks the woods behind him then stares in wonder down at the Black Ring - shakes his head then runs out of frame. INT. THE OFFICE BREAK ROOM - DAY The next morning: Guy enters the office break room where Buddy pours a cup of coffee. Buddy grins at Guy. BUDDY Hey fucktard. Guy is too deep in thought to respond as Jordan joins them. Guy struggles with the previous night's events -- oblivious to other's action in the scene. Buddy teases Jordan, playing keep away with the sugar. GUY You know, something really strange happened to me last night --

22. Jordan interrupts Guy. JORDAN Hi Guy. Guy fails to notice Jordan's greeting. GUY It's weird but -Buddy complains to Jordan. BUDDY What about me? JORDAN What about you? Buddy frowns for a moment then brightens with a smile. BUDDY Hey, you two know when a chick looks her absolute best? Guy fiddles with the Black Ring as he speaks. GUY It's hard to explain -Ignoring Guy, Jordan answers Buddy. JORDAN I'm afraid to ask. Also ignoring Guy, Buddy delivers the punch line. BUDDY When she's smiling like a doughnut! Buddy mimics a girl giving a blow-job. gives Buddy a shove.

Disgusted, Jordan

GUY So let's say the ring had this like -Buddy shoves Jordan back. GUY Magical power and I said, something like -Jordan punches Buddy. Buddy starts to slap her back just as Guy turns the Black Ring on his middle finger. GUY (the voice) Stop - Sit!

23. Both Jordan and Buddy instantly stop fighting and take chairs at the break table. Guy continues fiddling with the Black Ring without realizing what is happening behind him. GUY You know, or something crazy like (the voice) - Laugh your ass off! Both Jordan and Buddy erupt in hysterical, side splitting laughter. Guy turns slowly around to find Jordan and Buddy running out of breath. BUDDY (between laughs) Can't -- breath! JORDAN (between laughs) Me -- neither! Guy jolts on the realization of his power. GUY (the voice) Stop laughing! Jordan and Buddy stop laughing and collapse forward on the table, out of breath. Guy turns the Black Ring back to rest. GUY Are you guy's okay? BUDDY (panting) What the -- hell? Guy crosses his hands behind his back, lies. GUY Don't know. You're the funny fuck. You tell me. Jordan rises, punches Buddy's shoulder - staggers away. INT. OFFICE HALLWAY (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Guy walks along, examining the Black Ring as he passes Jim's office. Jim leans out, calls. Greg!


JIM Wait a second!

Guy stops short, is confused.

Jim approaches.

24. JIM Greg, your H.R. files are missing or need updating or . . . you just need to fix them. (serious) Today Greg. Guy shakes his head. GUY Sure thing -- John. on that.

I'll get right

JIM Jim. GUY That's what I said John. JIM (angry) My name is Jim, Greg and you know that. Guy twists the Black Ring and leans closer to speak. GUY (the voice) Your name is John. My name is Guy and I'm the boss here, not you. Jim's demeanor snaps from alpha to subordinate. JIM Yes Sir. GUY (the voice) Now John, I want you to clean all Jim's things out of that office and then move my things in. Do you understand me? JIM Yes Mr. -- ah, Mr. GUY (the voice) Mr. G. will do for now, John. JIM Yes, Mr. G. GUY (the voice) Today John.

25. Jim jumps to work moving Guy into his old office. INT. GUY'S NEW OFFICE (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Guy watches Jim carry the box of his stuff into the office. NORMAN, the division head, walks in, sees Jim. NORMAN What's going on Jim? Jim doesn't respond.

Norman grabs Jim's shoulder. NORMAN

Jim. JIM (confused) I'm John. Norman looks to Guy. NORMAN Who are you? Guy hesitates. NORMAN I said, Who are you? GUY (the voice) Norman, I'm Mr. G. your new boss. Now give John a hand. Norman nods almost bowing and turns to help Jim move offices around. Guy turns around smiling hard and then finds Jordan watching him from around the corner. He approaches her. JORDAN What's going on? GUY I got promoted. JORDAN You? GUY I'm the boss - so you better be nice to me. JORDAN (not so sure) You - the boss? GUY The big boss.

26. JORDAN This place is fucked up. GUY I know. Guy takes Jordan by the arm and GUY But it's about to get a lot better. - leads her down the hall. GUY I need an assistant.

You interested?

JORDAN An assistant - what? GUY (laughs) Strictly professional. JORDAN I don't know, Guy. expensive.

I'm pretty

GUY Of course. They pass Buddy who does a double take. Where?

BUDDY What? Hey wait up!

JORDAN Guy's the big boss. Right.

BUDDY Like I'm the president.

GUY President? (to Jordan) Why not CEO? BUDDY (huffs) Jerk off. GUY Careful there, you don't want to get on my bad side, not today.

27. EXT. CEDAR GROVE TRAIL - DAY Several ARMED MEN stand around the place where the Lydian's body had lain as a MRAP troop carrier RUMBLES up to a stop. Lucian exist the armored truck's passenger door ad comes to considers the place where his master's body was found. He then turns back to the MRAP and nods. EXT. BACK OF MRAP - DAY The vehicle's rear door opens and out steps an ANIMAL HANDLER holding three long leashes in his hands. He calls into the truck in an extinct language. HANDLER (in Lydian) Come! Out of the vehicle jump a trio of enormous, brindled hounds. EXT. CEDAR GROVE TRAIL - DAY Lucian watches as the hounds sniff the ground where their master's body had lain. They soon begin to howl. LUCIAN (to handler) Is it here? HANDLER (in Lydian) Hounds! Ring! Discover! The hounds begin hunting its scent in earnest. Soon one hound barks and jumps off the trail down into the grotto of ferns where Guy had tumbled earlier. LUCIAN Excellent! EXT. GROTTO OFF THE TRAIL - DAY The hounds converge on the place where Guy found the Black Ring. They circle the spot - become increasingly agitated. LUCIAN What is it -- the master's ring HANDLER I think so. Yet I think -(deeply troubled) -- it has a new master. Lucian draws a machine pistol and nods gravely to the hound's Handler. The man unleashes his charges - motions a command.

28. HANDLER (ancient Lydian) Hounds! Thief! Hunt! The snarling hounds leap into a full run and are fast away on Guy's scent. Lucian gestures and the MRAP comes CRASHING through the brush. He jumps in and tears off after the hounds. INT. BOARD ROOM - DAY Guy, wears a tailored suit, stands at the head of a long table at which sits the company's board of directors. GUY (the voice) So then, all those in favor of the Chief Executive Officer's new pay package, say 'Aye.' Everyone raises their hand. ALL THE BOARD (in unison) Aye! GUY (the voice) Thank you. This meeting of the board of directors is now adjourned. Guy slaps a gavel down and all the board members rise to file out of the room just as Jordan walks in, rocking a designer business suit. Guy approves. Jordan gathers documents off the table - reads them - looks confused. JORDAN You -- lowered your pay? GUY Did you see how much the last guy was taking? It was bank robbery. JORDAN You lowered your pay package. Guy shrugs. Jordan shakes her head and walks out. Guy turns to stare out the conference room's enormous windows. GUY'S POV Sunlight sparkles off Elliot Bay as the whole of Seattle lies beneath his feet. BACK TO SCENE Guy turns from the window smiling, sits in his enormous monolithic chair and spins around. He stops, looks bored.

29. GUY Well this is fun. EXT. OUTDOOR FITNESS COURSE - CLIMBING WALL - DAY Guy hangs from the climbing wall, roped off and smiling as he reaches for the top. GUY (slaps top of wall) Yeah! Guy rappels down as Jordan feeds out his line from below. JORDAN Good job! Guy lands amid a group of smiling friends, Buddy, Jordan and the three Jessica's. GUY This is great! I want one of these. The facility's owner approaches. OWNER You want it, you got it and we deliver! GUY Deal. INT. FITNESS COURSE - OFFICE - DAY Guy stands next to Jordan who reads the contract for Guy's new playground. GUY So? JORDAN Looks fine. Guy hunts his pockets for a pen but has none. OWNER (extends metallic pen) Here, use mine. GUY Thanks. Guy grabs the pen in his fist - reacts in pain. His whole frame quaking - Guy shoots the pen a frightened look. GUY'S POV

30. The pen's barrel is solid gold and sears his FLESH which HISSES as wisps of smoke rise from between his fingers. BACK TO SCENE Guy throws the pen, backhand. It smashes into a coffee maker, shattering its decanter. Jordan rushes to his side. Guy!

JORDAN Are you okay?

Guy turns away from her - covers his injured hand. GUY I'm fine. Must have been a -- muscle spasm or something. JORDAN Let me see. GUY No, it's good. Forget about it. (to owner) Sorry about the mess. I'll sign this later, get it back to you. No problem.

OWNER Take your time.

INT. GUY'S HIGH RISE OFFICE (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Guy smiles as Jess sets a silver ice bucket with bottle of champagne down on his office bar. GUY Thank you Jessica. She nods and sways out of frame. Guy jerks the bottle out of the bucket and slides his hand down into the ice. Jordan enters and catches Guy cooling his hand. JORDAN It's nothing huh? GUY I told you to forget about it. Jordan draws near, slides a hand across Guy's shoulders and comes close enough to kiss him. JORDAN Let me get a doctor. Guy almost jumps. GUY No!

31. Jordan flinches.

Guy winces.

GUY (quieter) Just remember this one thing for me. JORDAN Anything Guy. GUY No - gold. JORDAN Gold? GUY I don't want to see any gold anywhere around me - ever again. JORDAN (as a statement) Gold? GUY No gold. You don't need to understand it, just remember it for me. Okay.

JORDAN No gold it is.

Jordan licks her lips as if to kiss and Guy slides away. pulls his hand from the ice.


JORDAN (crosses arms) What about the hand? GUY (towels hand) I'm good. (flexes hand) See? I'm loosening up already. Jordan stands only two feet away from Guy yet she stands alone, too much alone. INT. GUY'S OLD APARTMENT - NIGHT Guy's old place is not only dark and empty, it's cheap and messy. The front DOOR HANDLE JIGGLES, is locked. One beat later, the DOOR EXPLODES and the Ring Hounds leap into the apartment followed by Lucian and his team of gunmen. It takes only moments to clear the small apartment. LUCIAN He hasn't been in a while.

32. One gunman answers from the bedroom doorway. GUNMAN Would you be? Lucian gestures about the place. LUCIAN Everything; take it all. here somewhere.

He's in

Lucian picks an envelope up off Guy's old coffee table. LUCIAN I've got you now (reads envelope) Greg Gallagher. EXT. QUIET CITY STREET - NIGHT The Agents' Black Suburban rolls down the deserted street. INT. BLACK SUBURBAN - NIGHT Aster sits in the front passenger seat, Temple drives and Rich sits in the seat behind Temple. Aster snarls -ASTER This is driving me crazy! Are you absolutely sure The Stripper didn't have the ring? They stop at a red light in the middle of nowhere. TEMPLE Yes. She was really cooperative; I searched her thoroughly. She did have another sort of ring on her. Had it right through her -ASTER I don't want to hear about that shit! RICH I do! What did she have pierced? Maybe I should search her next time. ASTER Will you two stay on topic? What do we have on the Lydian's Lieutenant, Jacob? RICH He's hard pin down --

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