Sex And Violence 2.0

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  • Words: 13,899
  • Pages: 67
SEX AND VIOLENCE 2.0 written by Michael Stucky

[email protected]

FADE IN: INT. NAPLES, ITALY - POSTMODERN PENTHOUSE - DAY A brushed aluminum castle in the sky. Rays of sunlight splinter in through cathedral windows as the guttural SOUNDS of a life and death STRUGGLE come from offscreen. This leads us around a corner to where a broken Pembroke table's spindly legs lay splintered about the tiled floor along with a jammed automatic pistol. TWO MEN wrestle furiously on the tiles. A HITMAN strangles his much larger TARGET from behind. The Target elbows the Hitman hard - breaks away - rolls toward the pistol. The Hitman spins to his feet - kicks the pistol away and -INT./EXT. PENTHOUSE BALCONY - CONTINUOUS It scuds onto the balcony and then - falls off the balcony. INT. PENTHOUSE - CONTINUOUS The Hitman grimaces at the loss of his weapon - grabs up a broken table leg and leaps - plunges the table leg's jagged end into the Target's neck. The Target clutches his throat. Blood gurgles through his fingers. The Hitman rips the leg up again and plunges it into the Target's heart with shocking fury. The fight is over. The Hitman's name is JACK, a tough old tiger whose path you'd not want to cross - ever. Jack rises to his feet - glares down at the Target. JACK (quietly) Fucking - die already! Jack smooths his hair - turns just as a POLICEMAN enters. POLICEMAN (in Italian) You there! The Policeman rushes Jack while pulling his sidearm. Jack meets and disarms him. The Policeman front-kicks Jack away. Jack recovers but the Policeman is on him again. They struggle a moment until -Jack grabs repeatedly stairs for steps over

a nearby statuette, a golden tiger with which he bashes the Policeman's head until he falls. Jack a beat at the chaotic scene - shakes his head his second kill and exits the room. FADE OUT:

2. FADE IN: EXT./INT. MEDITERRANEAN - ZODIAC BOAT - MOVING - DAY The sun shines bright as Jack navigates the Italian coastline at high speed - strips down to a pair of swim trunks - shoves his blood stained clothes into a gym bag - drops the golden tiger into the bag and heaves everything overboard. Jack slams the throttle home and rooster tail's away. Jack in the sun. Fifty year old Jack isn't buff, he's sculpted, a burnished Remington Bronze, a Frazetta "Death Dealer." Chords of twisted steel ripple beneath his skin as Jack pulls on a loose cotton shirt. He banks - steers a great looping arch toward an anchored -EXT. SAILING BOAT - DAY Jack pulls alongside the larger vessel and there, on deck, lies his prize. JACK'S POV You've found heaven; that's how beautiful the day is, how perfect the ocean sparkles, how phenomenal SHE looks, lying on the sail boat's foredeck in the sun. She moves, arches her back, turns her head toward us and smiles. Her name is FELICIA. She's impossibly beautiful and younger than Jack by nearly half. Felicia rolls onto her belly, lowers her sunglasses. FELICIA Jack! BACK TO SCENE FELICIA Where have you been? to be on holiday!

We're supposed

JACK Just running a few errands. Jack ties off the Zodiac - stands looking down at her. Felicia sits up and smiles. FELICIA You're retired Jack. (playful) Stop - working! Jack drops to his knees almost on top of Felicia. JACK Want to see how hard I used to work?

3. Her smile now as wicked as it is sweet, Felicia rolls over to lie on her blanket. Jack's discarded shirt floats overboard on the breeze to drift away on a glittering sea. INT. SAILING BOAT - CABIN - NIGHT Jack's satellite phone flashes quietly from its charging station as Jack enters the cabin from his bedroom. Felicia can be seen, naked and asleep on Jack's bed, through the open bedroom hatchway behind him. Jack picks up the satellite phone - glances back at Felicia - climbs steps to -EXT. SAILING BOAT - AFT COCKPIT - NIGHT Jack steps out onto the deck while taking his call. The phone glows in the starlit night. A MAN'S VOICE answers. Jackie Boy!

MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) S'bout time.

JACK Fuck's up Ray? RAY (V.O.) Just called to say, 'great job' on that last hit. Jack rubs his forehead in an uncomfortable moment. JACK (apologetic) Yeah, that one - kind'a -Genius!

RAY (V.O.) Pure genius, Jack!

Jack stops rubbing his head - stares in disbelief at phone. RAY (V.O.) Stabbing the Sicilian with a wooden stake (laughs) Fuck! JACK It was a table leg. We broke a table, there was a leg . . . RAY (V.O.) (laughs) I love it! The Italian cops are calling it a crime of passion. The Sicilian and the Chief of Police have a falling out, kill each other, mano-a-mano. Brilliant Jack - that's why you're still the best.

4. JACK Thanks. RAY (V.O.) But I guess you won't need to work for a while either. You know, with that little cat paying the bills and all? JACK The what? RAY (V.O.) "La tigre dorata" -- "the golden tiger" -- you know, the five hundred year old Venetian masterpiece worth about four million? (beat) The piece you took Jack and are now havin' a bitchin' time selling. Jack has screwed up again - palms his brow. JACK (silently) Fuck! RAY (V.O.) Jack? JACK I - I unloaded it already. RAY (V.O.) Wow that was fast. JACK Yeah, you know me -(disgusted) Too fast. Ray laughs, a strange sound on such a quiet night. RAY (V.O.) Yeah that's right. (beat) Hey, how's that little Italian stow away of yours? JACK Sleeping. (new topic) What work have you got for me, Ray? Ray's tone changes.

5. RAY (V.O.) You'll want to drop her off Jack. Take her back to momma before you head out this time. JACK One of those? RAY (V.O.) 'Fraid so. But hey, big money on this one. As if you needed it. JACK I need it. (glances into cabin) How big, Ray? RAY9V (O.S.) Buy a real boat. Shit, buy that girl a house - on the beach, ya bum. Jack sits - a slight smile flirts with his lips. JACK I'm listening. EXT. ROME - LUXURY APARTMENTS - DAY A dark sports sedan cuts off a delivery van and swings up to the curb on a busy street. The passenger door flies open and out hops Felicia, cussing a mile a minute. FELICIA (in Italian) You shit! You lied to me, Jack! You always lie! Jack climbs wearily out of the driver's door. JACK Felicia! FELICIA (in English) You said you were retired! Jack joins her - has nothing to say. FELICIA (back to Italian) Bastard, liar, killer, thief! Felicia keeps tearing him a new asshole even as Jack takes her elbow and helps Felicia over the curb in heels.

6. FELICIA (English) I'm not waiting. I won't! see. Lot's of men . . .


Jack pulls Felicia close - kisses her quiet. Felicia pushes him away - stares daggers at him, spins around and struts away. JACK Baby - just -Felicia glares back - snarls one last curse and heads inside her building. It's time for Jack to leave. JACK I'll look you up again -- soon. Jack watches her go - blows out a breath and gets back in his car. Jack sits staring at Felicia's door for a couple of beats then looks away, guns the engine and roars off down the street. INT./EXT. EUROSTAR BULLET TRAIN (MOVING) - DAY Jack walks up the isle as the train rockets across the French countryside. He tosses his jacket onto an empty seat and sits in the next one. A MAN leans over from across the isle, it's RAY, Jack's handler, dressed like an American tourist. RAY So - she was happy to get rid of you for a couple weeks? JACK You know when they call you an asshole, Ray? Believe 'em. Ray laughs and slips Jack an envelope of cash. RAY Is that what you do? Jack counts the cash openly - shakes his head. JACK This is big? RAY It's an advance. JACK I'm coming back you know. RAY It'll be here.

7. JACK (nods) Yes -- it will. EXT. TUNNEL ENTRANCE - DAY The train jets into the mouth of a channel tunnel in the French countryside disappearing in a flash. EXT. OVER THE CHANNEL - DAY We zoom over the English Channel, like the bullet train beneath us, to arrive at the -EXT. UNITED KINGDOM - TUNNEL EXIT - DAY The bullet train explodes out of the channel tunnel on the British side of the channel. MONTAGE - LONDON IN ONE MINUTE - CUE MUSIC - something triphop like "Sleepy Language" by LAYO and BUSHWACKA, maybe. -- The Eurostar rolls into London and Jack gets off. -- Jack taxis around London. -- Jack meets contact in a Gentleman's Club, gets Hit Packet. -- Jack taxis to Heathrow Airport - boards 747. -- Jack meets an ATTRACTIVE WOMAN in jet's lounge. -- Jack introduces woman to mile high club in jet's lavatory. END MONTAGE INT./EXT. JET'S LAVATORY - DAY Jack and his new playmate fuck like rabbits. A LARGE MAN BANGS on the lavatory's door. Jack shakes his head, keeps banging the woman from behind. The MAN BANGS the door again. JACK Do you mind?! More DOOR BANGING and Jack's had enough. open, pant's down and all. Hey Buddy!

He jerks the door

JACK I'm trying to --

Jack recognizes the man. It's NICK from England, another contract killer. Jack is not happy. JACK For fuck's sake.

8. NICK She any good? JACK What are you doing here? NICK Earning a living same as you, Jack. Jack growls - slams door shut - keeps pounding away. JACK I'll deal with you later, Nick! NICK (O.S.) So Jack, you thought you'd be the only one on this little junket?! JACK Stay out of my way Sutherland! NICK (O.S.) Have you seen Mickey?! Jack pops the door open again - keeps screwing the woman tries to look around cabin. JACK Where? Nick points forward. Just then a WOMAN'S VOICE with a decidedly French accent comes from behind the open lavatory door. WOMAN (O.S.) Hello Jack. Jack opens the door farther to reveal a lovely redheaded French woman, MICHÉLE who now peers into the lavatory. Jack sighs but doesn't stop banging his new friend. JACK Michéle. She nods - keeps watching. MICHÉLE (to Nick) Nicholas. NICK (smiles brightly) Mickey. MICHÉLE (to Jack) Is she any good?

9. JACK (throws up his hands) Not bad! Michéle smiles knowingly then leaves. Jack starts to close the door. Nick stops him, still looking in. JACK (put off) You want in here?! NICK I might. Jack growls and tags hands with Nick. They trade places. Nick smiles down at the glowing woman's waiting rump. NICK Hello darlin' Unzips his trousers NICK I'm Nick. Nick slaps her rosy backside once and goes to work. INT. JET CABIN - DAY Jack finds his seat. Michéle takes the seat next to him. They exchange a long look that speaks volumes about their past. Michéle smiles, leans near -MICHÉLE (whispers) You smell like -Her lips brush his ear MICHÉLE (whispers) Fuck. Jack can only shrug. EXT./INT. LOS VEGAS AIRPORT - DAY MONTAGE - LOS VEGAS IN ONE MINUTE - CUE MUSIC - More TripHop like, "I Am Home" by MASSIVE ATTACK maybe. -- The 747 lands - Jack and his "Crew" deplane - walk through terminal. -- They taxi from airport across Vegas to Casino where -- Michéle watches over Jack who sits at a private table goes over hit package and -

10. -- Nick who gambles and loses - get's angry. -- Jack runs alone at sunrise. A hard man in a hard town, Jack's PARKOUR STREET WORKOUT is an incredible display of power and grace. END MONTAGE EXT./INT. JACK'S HOTEL ROOM - DAY Jack returns from his run to find Michéle waiting there. JACK What's up? MICHÉLE Nick. JACK Still gambling? Michéle nods. Jack shakes his head - strips - heads for the shower. Michéle watches Jack shower for a moment until his CELLPHONE CHIRPS with a text message. She discreetly checks Jack's cellphone. INSERT - JACK'S PHONE Jack's phone displays a photo of Felicia lying in the nude on silken sheets. Her name is superimposed over the shot. Michéle checks the text message which reads -TEXT MESSAGE "I'M SORRY JACK. LOVE YOU. ME."


BACK TO SCENE Michéle erases the text message - strips off her dress starts for the shower but turns back - picks up Jack's phone and snaps a photo of her gravity defying breasts - sends the photo to Felicia's phone. Michéle opens the shower enclosure - joins Jack. He complains but Michéle touches fingers to his lips. Her eyes ask him to say yes. Slowly, Jack agrees. They shower together, old lovers momentarily reunited yet unsure. INT. CASINO - (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Jack crosses the casino floor to find Nick playing roulette he taps Nick's shoulder. Come on.

JACK We got shit to do.

11. NICK I'm ahead! JACK And I'm behind - because of you! want to hit Rio tonight. Nick turns - their eyes meet.


Jack walks away.

Nick sighs.

NICK Fuck. Nick pockets his chips and follows Jack out of the Casino. EXT. CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE SHOP - DAY A Cadillac swings into the shop's parking lot, parks sideways. Jack gets out of the driver's door. Nick climbs out of the passenger's door and reacts to the burning midday sun. NICK Goddamn Sahara. JACK Bitchin' don't fix it. They head for the shop's front entrance. INT. CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE SHOP - DAY Jack and Nick enter the front door, look around. MIKE the shop's proprietor approaches looking as So-Cal cool as he can. Jack nods. Mike Nods. Nick smirks and they head toward -INT. THE BACK OF THE SHOP - DAY Where Mike unlocks and slides to one side a heavy steel fire door. This is how he shows them his other business. GUNS, lots and lots of GUNS. They look around. Jack nods approvingly. Nick handles a matching pair of automatic pistols with a growing smile. Mike watches him with a growing frown. NICK Mike, how much you asking for -MIKE Nick you prick, you still owe me from last time! Jack laughs.

Nick complains.

NICK Hey, shit happens.

12. MIKE It always does with you Nick, ya cheap bastard. NICK (to Jack) Help me out here. JACK Pay him. (to Mike) Does that help? Mike smiles, crosses his arms. NICK I don't have it yet. Jack motions with a shotgun in his hands. JACK You got a gun anyway. NICK That one's special. MIKE Special? JACK (checking out knives) His mommy gave it to him. Mike laughs.

Nick fumes.

NICK Spot me the price. One of you two can do me right this one time. MIKE Mother fucker! I do you right every time you slide in here! What you talkin' 'bout - 'do you right?' JACK How much, Mike? MIKE Whose asking? Jack slides a hand across Mike's shoulders and gives the back of Mike's neck a powerful squeeze as he stares him down. Okay! fair?


MIKE You ever hear of dealin' (MORE)

13. MIKE (pulls away with a shiver) Goddamn shooters, you're going to put me out of business! Jack laughs. Nick sneers. Mike grumbles as he loads their things into a shopping cart. EXT. CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE SHOP - DAY A scruffy looking BIKER wheels up to the shop's front door just as Jack and Nick exit the shop pushing two shopping carts filled with large duffel bags. The Biker enters the shop but then watches through a window as Jack and Nick load the duffel bags into the Cadillac and drive away. The Biker pulls out a cellphone - makes a call. INT. PARKING GARAGE (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Jack and Nick unload the trunk of their Cadillac. into the trunk as Nick complains about the price.

Jack leans

NICK Two thousand. You let him charge me two grand for these? JACK (looks up) Charge who? NICK I'm paying you back! Jack leans back into the trunk just as Nick is struck in the neck by a dart from a blow gun. NICK What?! (jerks dart out) Bullshit! Jack looks up in time to see Nick wobble to one side while holding the dart up. NICK (slurs) Fucking - blow - gun. Nick slides down the side of the Cadillac to lie on the ground. Jack can't help it. He points down at Nick and Laughs. JACK Dumbass.

14. And then Jack -- is hit in the neck. Ow!

JACK Cocksucker!

Jack dives behind the Cadillac, whips out a silenced pistol with one hand and returns fire. With the other hand he pulls and tosses away the dart then tears his jacket's lining getting an auto-injector from an inside breast pocket. Jack bites the cap of the auto-injector and plunges its business end into his left thigh and holds it there. He fights the dart drug's effect, wills the antidote into swift action. JACK (shakes head) Come on, come on! Three local THUGS come at him from different angles. Jack recovers quickly enough to kill the FIRST THUG before he can get too close. But the SECOND THUG dives on Jack's back just as the BLOW GUN THUG draws close and takes a deep breath. JACK (struggling with one and growling at the other) Fuck -- both of you! The BLOW GUN PUFFS and Jack twists the Second Thug into the path of the dart and then shoots the Blow Gun Thug between the eyes dropping him mid-breath for the next shot. The Second Thug rolls away from Jack and takes out an autoinjector of his own. Jack dives on him. They wrestle and Jack twists the the injector up to the Second Thug's juggler vein and rams it home. They struggle mightily until too much of a good thing does the Second Thug in. Jack rises, crosses to the Blow Gun Thug, checks him, finds another auto-injector which he stabs into Nick's ass cheek with considerable glee. JACK (staring into Nick's eyes) Bet this hurts like a mother fucker. Nick blinks twice.

Jack laughs out loud.

INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The ceiling is a bad attempt at Art Deco. The chandelier glows with hundreds of white led's. Michéle leans into view. She smiles, turns her pretty head and calls to someone across the room.

15. MICHÉLE He's awake! She leans back down, close enough to kiss, her eyes dart back and forth searching for - something. She turns again is about to speak when Jack appears over her shoulder. He stares down for a moment. JACK He'll live (evil grin) Damn it. Jack smiles - rises - leads Michéle away and out of frame. The ceiling grows darker - the chandelier twinkles out. INT. RESTAURANT LOUNGE - A TABLE IN THE BACK - NIGHT Jack and Michéle go over the day. Jack wears a running suit drinks ice water. Michéle sips a glass of wine. JACK I gotta find out who they were. Michéle nods, pulls a smart phone from her purse and plays with the device. JACK I can't have people sneaking up on me. It's -MICHÉLE Unprofessional? JACK (scowls) Bad for my reputation. MICHÉLE That's what I said. JACK Whatever. (sips water) So where were you today? MICHÉLE Running errands. FLASHBACK - INT.


TWO POLICE OFFICERS sort boxes on shelves locked away inside a steel cage. The FIRST OFFICER goes through a box while checking a printout on a clipboard. Something's odd.

16. FIRST OFFICER Hey, the evidence for that shoot-out at the garage yesterday? The SECOND OFFICER looks up from his own box. SECOND OFFICER What about it? FIRST OFFICER There were three cell phones on the ah, the shooters. (glances up) Right? Three phones? I guess so. say?

SECOND OFFICER What does the inventory

FIRST OFFICER It says three. SECOND OFFICER So? FIRST OFFICER There's only two phones in the box. He holds the box up - the Second Officer looks confused. INT. RESTAURANT LOUNGE - A TABLE IN THE BACK - NIGHT Jack watches Michéle play with the phone. JACK Errands huh? She shrugs - continues playing with the phone. JACK And it took you all day? FLASHBACK - POLICE STATION - DAY TWO POLICEMEN look up from their duties - both break into bright smiles. THEIR POV - MICHÉLE IN UNIFORM Michéle walks through the office, rocking a very tight police woman's uniform. She smiles invitingly to the two male officers. MICHÉLE (points down hallway) Evidence locker?

17. BACK TO SCENE Both POLICEMEN struggle to be the first to show her the way. INT. RESTAURANT LOUNGE - A TABLE IN THE BACK - NIGHT Jack frowns. JACK Anyway, nobody pushes me around. I'm going to -Jack stops talking yet Michéle keeps smiling and nodding as if Jack's still talking while she plays with the phone. JACK Are you even listening to me? MICHÉLE (innocently) What? FLASHBACK - INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY A petite young POLICE WOMAN waits in line for coffee. MICHÉLE (O.S.) Great uniform. The Police Woman turns back - Michéle stands behind her, smiles sweetly. The Police Woman smiles back. INT. RESTAURANT LOUNGE - A TABLE IN THE BACK - NIGHT Jack wants an answer. JACK You were gone all freaking day. (stabs finger on tabletop) I don't baby sit!


Michéle looks up - gives Jack a "Poor-Baby" pout. JACK (angry) It's Nick we're talkin' here! I watched his stupid ass all day long! FLASHBACK - EXT./INT. JACK'S MOTEL ROOM - DAY (MOS) Jack leans against balcony railing - watches PRETTY GIRLS sunning around the pool down below - scowls - enters room where Nick recovers from poisoning - sits on sofa - holds up an empty water glass for Jack to take.

18. Jack stares down at Nick. Nick offers glass again. Jack jerks glass from Nick's hands - points outside - curses fills glass anyway. Nick drinks the glassful - tries to rise - stumbles. Jack catches him a moment - then drops him back on the sofa. INT. RESTAURANT LOUNGE - A TABLE IN THE BACK - NIGHT Michéle shrugs. MICHÉLE You think I was having fun? FLASHBACK - INT.


The young Police Woman lies naked and drugged on a disheveled bed. Michéle squeezes into the sleeping police woman's uniform - poses in a full length mirror - smiles. Michéle sits on the edge of the bed next to the sleeping police woman - moves hair from the woman's face - whispers -MICHÉLE Sleep well. (kisses her cheek) Sorry about the headache. Michéle leaves the drugged police woman and exits the room. INT. RESTAURANT LOUNGE - A TABLE IN THE BACK - NIGHT Jack is through waiting. JACK I want you to find these fuckers and -Michéle holds the phone open for Jack to see. Jack glances at the phone, doesn't get what she means. Michéle points at the device's screen. MICHÉLE Sapphire Shipping -JACK Yeah? Michéle gives him a disgusted look. MICHÉLE It's a front, Jack. Dominic Rio.

Sapphire is

Jack looks more closely at the phone's call log. INSERT - THE PHONE'S CALL LOG

19. There's a phone number listed for "SAPPHIRE SHIPPING" that's been called several times. BACK TO SCENE Jack looks up, slowly grins. Michéle hits re-dial - puts the phone to her ear. Jack thinks aloud. JACK Rio. (smiles) I knew there was a reason I kept you around. Michéle laughs once then answers the phone. MICHÉLE Yes . . . Sapphire Shipping? Hi. I need to move something -- hazardous. Jack watches her intently.

She notices, covers the phone.

MICHÉLE I've got this. JACK Maybe I should go with -MICHÉLE I said - I got it. JACK Yeah but I could -MICHÉLE Jack! Alright.

JACK Do it yourself.

Irritated with Jack, Michéle continues talking on the phone. MICHÉLE (on phone) Thank you -(glares at Jack) What was that address again? EXT. CASINO - SHORT TIME LATER - NIGHT Jack and Michéle exit the building. She gets in a taxi. turns - walks the crowded sidewalk into the neon night. MONTAGE - JACK ALONE - CUE MUSIC - Something lonely like "Don't Look Back" by TELEPOPMUSIC maybe. -- Jack walks through street crowd.


20. -- Jack takes out his cellphone - dials. INT. ROME - FELICIA'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT Felicia lies in bed.

Her bedroom clock reads "2:00 AM"

INTERCUT - JACK CALLS FELICIA -- Felicia wakes to phone ring - checks Caller ID - hesitates. -- Jack walks, waits, checks his watch. -- Felicia hugs a pillow - bites her lip. -- Jack listens to the phone ring - it hurts. -- Felicia's answering machine beeps - she listens for Jack. -- Jack hesitates - curses - hangs up and walks on alone. -- Felicia softly weeps. -- Jack pauses at strip club's door - goes running instead. END INTERCUT - MONTAGE INT. HIGH RISE OFFICE - SAPPHIRE SHIPPING - DAY A LARGE MAN carries a bouquet of flowers down a hallway passes a "SAPPHIRE SHIPPING" logo on the wall and walks into -INT. THE CHAIRMAN'S OFFICE - DAY Where he sets the flowers on a coffee table. The Chairman, DOMINIC RIO, a gangland thug if ever you saw one, looks up gives the guy a "What's this?" shrug. LARGE MAN Flowers. RIO I fucking see that. putting them there?

Why are you

The Man shrugs - reads note attached to bouquet. LARGE MAN To Dominic Rio, the best chairman -RIO (angry) Did you check them? The Man shrugs again. Rio puts a finger to his lips - reaches into a cabinet for an electronic bug sweeper which he wands up and down the bouquet. It's bugged. He snatches up the clandestine device - shakes it angrily.

21. RIO (smashes bug) You idiot! Don't ever bring shit in here without checking it first! EXT./INT. HIGH RISE OFFICES - ACROSS THE STREET - DAY Michéle peers out a window and across the street into Rio's office through a telescopic sight while listening to the bug's transmission on a headset. She smiles. MICHÉLE Too late Rio. Michéle reaches to a laptop set on a table next to her, presses the "ENTER" key, triggering a tripod mounted infrared laser that shoots a beam across the street and onto a window of Rio's office. The vibration's of Rio's voice are read in the window pain by the laser beam. Rio's voice comes from her laptop. RIO The buyer wants Diamond wrapped up today. LARGE MAN Diamond's a real bad-ass. kill easy.

He won't

RIO So we do it right this time. DuPont wants this Diamond guy real dead. Michéle reacts to the name. MICHÉLE DuPont?! Rio holds up a glossy brochure - lots of lovely young girls. RIO DuPont's next auction is tomorrow. Rio tosses the flyer to the other man who reads it. RIO Bet he's even got a bitch for you. MAN Where is this island anyway? RIO Costa Rica or -- something. Michéle reacts to this new discovery.

22. MICHÉLE DuPont - alive in Costa Rica? She hurriedly stuffs her surveillance gear into a briefcase. MICHÉLE (whispers) Jack is going to shit! INT. HIGH RISE OFFICES - MAIN LOBBY - DAY People walk casually through the lobby. The doors of an "OUT OF SERVICE" elevator, open. Out steps Michéle who crosses the lobby and exits the building. INT. VEGAS STRIP CLUB - VIP LOUNGE - DAY ROCK MUSIC THROBS. Jack sits in a large chair alternately nursing a drink and a young dancer's ample breast when his CELL PHONE BUZZES. He answers - reacts strongly - pushes the dancer off his lap and quickly rises to leave. EXT. ISLA HEDONIA - DUPONT'S PRIVATE ISLAND - DAY DuPont's island is a jewel, a hundred carat emerald set in the middle of a platinum sea. SUPERIMPOSE: "ISLA HEDONIA, ISLAND STRONGHOLD OF PHILIP DuPont" EXT. ISLA HEDONIA - GOLF COURSE - DAY The island's owner, PHILIP DuPont, a billionaire crime boss if ever you saw one, readies his driver for the long shot. As DuPont begins a practice swing, a large HENCHMAN standing nearby CLEARS HIS THROAT. DuPont's swing screeches to a halt. He glares at the offending Henchman. The Henchman shrugs. DuPont lines up again - backswing and -- the HENCHMAN COUGHS. DuPont shanks the ball and immediately plugs the Henchman in the chest with a .45 automatic that he keeps tucked in the back of his pants. OTHER HENCHMEN carry the first one away as DuPont's Assistant VICTOR sets a new ball atop a new tee for DuPont's next swing. DuPont looks around. No one moves or even breaths. He swings and the ball flies like a heat seeking missile to the green. DuPont tosses the driver to Victor. They climb into his golf cart and peel away. A crew of GROUNDS KEEPERS jump to, repairing DuPont's divots and tire marks. INT./EXT. JACK'S CADILLAC - MOVING - DAY Jack talks on a headset to Michéle - drives like hell.

23. JACK This is real? No bullshit? Jack checks his holstered pistols as he swerves through traffic on his way to -EXT. HIGH RISE OFFICES - PARKING LOT - DAY Jack's CADILLAC ROARS into take a parking space next to European sports coupe out of which steps Michéle. Jack exits his car with a gym bag in hand - heads for the street. Michéle stops him, her hand to his chest. MICHÉLE You have a plan, even? JACK Kill everyone. MICHÉLE No Jack, an - actual - plan? He shrugs, "It's me." Michéle sighs - checks her own weapons and joins Jack as they reach the street. Michéle heads for Rio's Office Building as Jack enters the -EXT./INT. HIGH RISE OFFICES - DAY Jack crosses the lobby - his look, nothing but business. enters an --


INT. ELEVATOR - DAY Where he's joined by two WOMEN from the lobby. Jack's bag.

They note

FIRST WOMAN Working out? Jack nods - notes ascending floor numbers on control panel. FIRST WOMAN Maybe we'll see you there? SECOND WOMAN Yeah. Good idea Jill. The elevator stops - the Women get off but not before -FIRST WOMAN See you in the gym. Jack nods with half a smile.

24. EXT. HIGH RISE OFFICES - ROOFTOP - DAY Jack steps out a rooftop doorway and into the bright sunlight hurries to the edge and drops the bag. Jack rapidly assembles a zip-line firing rifle from the bag. Takes aim at -EXT. RIO'S OFFICE BUILDING - ROOFTOP - DAY Jack shoots a grappling hook over the street that catches hold of an air conditioning unit. Jack wastes no time zips across the street to Rio's rooftop. EXT./INT. RIO'S ROOF TOP SECURITY DOOR - DAY Jack tries the door - it's locked - prepares to shoot the lock when the door suddenly opens. It's Michéle. She grabs Jack, pulls him inside. They descend stairs. MICHÉLE Next floor. Jack says nothing - pulls his pistols. Michéle does the same. They reach to the door - share a look and - go! INT. RIO'S OFFICES - DAY MONTAGE - JACK AND MICHÉLE KICK ASS - CUE MUSIC - Something jumpy like "El Pueblo Unido" by THIEVERY CORPORATION. -- Jack rushes through the door followed by Michéle. -- Jack leg sweeps a LARGE MAN - shoots him under the chin before he hits the floor. -- Michéle kills two more MEN rushing around a corner with gun's drawn. -- Jack is a "Cat in a Bird Cage" - dodges shots from FOUR MEN whom he kills in rapid and amazing succession. -- Jack lights on his feet - doesn't flinch as Michéle shoots past both sides of his head - drops TWO MEN behind him. -- Jack and Michéle turn in perfect unison - kick open Rio's door. -- Rio greets them with a riot gun. Jack pushes Michéle down as Rio's blast shatters artwork right behind their heads. -- Rio shoots again. Jack dives aside - shoots as he falls hits Rio in the head. Rio crumples to the floor. END MONTAGE

25. Jack waits as Michéle finds DuPont's coordinates on Rio's computer and emails them to her cellphone. They exchange a satisfied look and step over dead bodies on their way out. EXT. ISLA HEDONIA - GOLF GREEN - DAY DuPont walks, talks with VICTOR. DUPONT What's the score Victor? VICTOR You're winning Boss. DUPONT That's right. I always win. (slides club from bag) Don't I Victor? VICTOR Always, Mr. DuPont, always. DuPont smiles, drops the ball in the cup on his first swing. DuPont beams - tosses the club to Victor. Stands, hands on hips admiring his island. DUPONT This is the place -- aye Victor? VICTOR Boss, can we discuss your agenda? DUPONT Victor, I'm relaxing! VICTOR It's the Prince, Boss. DuPont frowns, stares off into space. DUPONT Any word yet? VICTOR No Boss -- I mean the usual threats -I'll kill you, I'll torture everyone who ever knew you -DUPONT The usual. VICTOR Yes Boss. The Sheik has refused to pay his son's ransom. Thinking, DuPont reaches silently for his driver. sets up another ball.


26. DUPONT You know what? Fuck him. VICTOR The boy or his father? DuPont splits the cover off the ball with a vicious swing. DUPONT Both. I'm through fucking with this Bedouin. Kill the boy and -(leers) Bring his sister to me. Victor smiles - nods his agreement. VICTOR Yes Boss. It's good to see you back to normal. DUPONT It is a good day, a beautiful day, Victor. Why shouldn't I feel better? EXT./INT. FELICIA'S ROME APARTMENT - DAY Felicia arrives home after her morning run - she glows as she checks her mailbox. In her mail is a colorful packet which she opens to reveal a pair of travel tickets -INSERT - THE TICKETS The rainbow colored tickets congratulate her for winning a free vacation to "ISLA HEDONIA - THE CARIBBEAN'S PREMIERE PLEASURE ISLAND!" BACK TO SCENE Unsure at first, Felicia starts to toss the tickets away but then reconsiders the offer - slowly, she smiles. EXT./INT. COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT HANGER - DAY Jack and Nick sneak into the hanger. Nick walks first around a corner of an interior office trailer - literally bumps into a MAN. NICK Shit. MAN Yeah, sorry didn't see you. help you?

Can I

Jack comes around the corner next - drops Man with one shot to the head. Nick reacts angrily.

27. Fuck!

NICK Do you have to kill everybody?

Jack smirks - its an old complaint. NICK You could have . . . JACK What - incapacitated him? NICK Yeah. JACK Still a pussy. NICK (angry) Don't start that shit again. JACK (walks away) Stop being one. NICK (follows) Listen - Old Man . . . Jack stops abruptly - turns back. JACK (deathly serious) Now that shit's gonna hurt you. Better think twice before you say that again. They find two aircraft parked across from each other - a twin engine turboprop on the left and a twin engine jet on the right. Nick heads for the turboprop. Jack goes for the jet. JACK (of the jet) This one's faster. NICK And it's louder too. JACK But it's faster. NICK And burns more fuel. JACK Still faster.

28. NICK It takes too much runway too. JACK It's -- faster. NICK Who's going to fly it -- you? JACK Michéle, if I can get her to leave your lame ass behind. EXT. NEVADA FARMLAND - TREE LINED AIRSTRIP - DAY Michéle stands next to Jack's Cadillac, wearing a mere wisp of a sun dress, a big hat, cool shades and lace up heels. She scans the cloudless sky - smiles. The twin engine turboprop descends - lands - taxis to the Cadillac. Jack jumps out of the plane. JACK (low whistle) You look - tasty - naughty. MICHÉLE Which is it? JACK Both. She smiles.

Nick steps out.

NICK Mickey, ma belle! Nicks grabs gear out the Cadillac - passes Michéle - eyes her outfit again - jokes. NICK Beautiful -- we're heading out to kill people. You do know that, right? Michéle flips Nick off. He laughs - jealously watches Jack help her board the plane. Nick has it so bad it hurts. NICK (quietly) Anytime Darlin' - anytime. Jack grabs the last bag of gear from the Cadillac as Nick boards and climbs into the pilot's seat. Jack's cellphone rings - he pauses with a bag on his shoulder - answers phone. JACK Yeah?

29. RAY (V.O.) Jack, who are you with? JACK (turns from plane) The crew. RAY (V.O.) What crew? JACK My old crew, Nick and Michéle. There's a long pause. RAY (V.O.) Be careful Jack. JACK What's up, Ray? RAY (V.O.) Rumors, nothing solid. JACK Yeah. (rubs forehead) Shit never changes. Jack hangs up - stares for a beat at the plane - shakes his head and boards. INT. TURBOPROP AIRPLANE - DAY Jack dresses for battle. Black seems to be his favorite color, guns and knives his favorite toys. Michéle assembles an assortment of electronic gear. Nick complains. NICK We should have had more time. JACK Here we go. NICK Seriously - this bird -(of Michéle) Her -- stuff. No.

MICHÉLE My what? What's wrong with my equipment? JACK Here we go - round two. (to Michéle) I wanted the jet.

30. MICHÉLE We could have had a jet? JACK See? MICHÉLE Of course, this is quieter and it needs less runway. Oh and it burns less fuel. NICK Ha! JACK (grumbles) Round three. (game time) Okay you two, get your shit together. I've wanted to hit this son of a bitch for a long time. MICHÉLE AND NICK (simultaneously) We know! JACK Hitting DuPont is hitting the big time. He won't go down easy. (serious as a heart attack) We - may have to leave Nick behind. Michéle laughs. Yeah?

Nick does not. NICK We'll see, Jack.

INT. THE PLEASURE DOME - ELEVATOR - DAY Victor preens, picks lint from his lapel. arrives at --

The elevator

INT. THE PLEASURE DOME - LOBBY - DAY Where twenty beautiful TWENTY-SOMETHINGS wait for their visitor's briefing. Victor exits the elevator on a balcony overlooking the expansive resort lobby. VICTOR Hello! We'd like to thank you for making us your Spring Break headquarters. Now! (fight announcer's voice) Welcome to - the - Pleasure Dome!

31. The guests ROAR, CLAP, and generally MAKE NOISE, happy to be in such a hot spot for sin. VICTOR Remember friends, everything you do, each experience you have, and we hope you have a lot, will be simulcast online to millions of our paying customers! So -- let's Party! Again THEY ROAR! RAVE MUSIC THROBS and the fun begins in earnest as the Pleasure Dome lives up to its name. EXT./INT. THE PLEASURE DOME - DUPONT'S OFFICE - DAY DuPont watches the kick off of his most lucrative enterprise from behind the safety of several inches of bullet proof glass. Victor turns from the balcony - crosses to an air lock through which he passes to join DuPont inside his inner sanctum. Victor smiles. VICTOR Good looking crowd. DuPont is busy going over several video feeds popping up on a very large wall projection as he singles out the best faces for his upcoming on line auction. DuPont highlights a particular young BLONDE WOMAN. Her smiling image freezes and is set off to one side of the screen. DUPONT Here's our first sale right here. As Victor talks, a LAB TECHNICIAN enters behind him, holding a tray of small aerosol spray cans. VICTOR (of the Blonde) Very nice. We could -TECHNICIAN (interrupts Victor) Mr. DuPont. DUPONT What is it? The Technician offers a spray canister to DuPont. TECHNICIAN The new formula. VICTOR (eyes another can) Date Rape in a can.

32. Dupont laughs then has an idea. the screen.

He points to the Blonde on

DUPONT Bring Blondie up here. VICTOR Yes. DuPont selects a young MAN from among the new arrivals. DUPONT Him too. Moments later, both the young Man and the young Woman are brought into DuPont's office. DUPONT Hello. BLONDIE Hi. DuPont pulls them close together. DUPONT Okay you two. Fuck. YOUNG MAN What?! DUPONT She's hot right? YOUNG MAN Yeah but -DUPONT So -- fuck her. (checks his watch) Come on; I haven't got all day. BLONDIE Hey mister, I don't know who you think I am, but -Dupont stops Blondie cold with a shot from his spray can. Hey fucker!

YOUNG MAN What are you --

DuPont hits him with a sprits next. Both young adults, instantly high, soon seem drawn to each other. YOUNG MAN Whoa - she's hot! Can I fuck her?

33. BLONDIE Yes you can! Blondie jumps on the young Man knocking him down and out of frame. Dupont, Victor and the Technician stare down at the copulating couple on the floor at their feet. Clothes fly up in the air as Victor speaks. VICTOR It works. TECHNICIAN (tilts head right) No kidding. DUPONT Good job. (tilts head left) Real good job. TECHNICIAN Thank you Sir. EXT./INT. THE TURBOPROP - DAY The turboprop descends through low clouds. Already flying low, Nick pilots her lower - approaches the island. Wheels drop and tires kiss ocean spray as a storm whips the sea into whitecaps. JACK Jesus! NICK Relax old man. JACK Go ahead, say that again. No, don't.

MICHÉLE Wait till we've landed.

The turboprop sweeps along a beach - a river delta looms ahead. Michéle points -MICHÉLE There. NICK Read my mind. The turboprop banks up the river - flashes past giant hardwoods rocking in the wind. JACK What the fuck are you doing?

34. MICHÉLE Golf course. JACK I didn't bring my clubs. NICK Funny, really isn't your thing. You know that Jack? JACK What is up your ass?! MICHÉLE Not now! JACK He's asking for it. NICK Look who's talking. MICHÉLE Shut up! Nick, land this piece of shit! Jack! JACK What! MICHÉLE (quieter) Calm down. Jack glares at them both - takes a seat and straps in for the landing. Michéle takes the co-pilot's seat and does the same. Nick follows suit. EXT. ISLE HEDONIA - GOLF COURSE - DAY The turboprop roars up the river toward the golf course. Behind the course is a two lane road for which the turboprop banks wildly in the wind. It touches down twice before coming to a stop. INT. PHILIP DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - DAY Victor smiles over a row of computer monitors displaying various island scenes. He touches the side of the headset he wears and DuPont's face appears on the largest screen in a video-phone call. DUPONT Yes Victor? VICTOR Diamond is here.

35. DUPONT (smiles) The golf course? VICTOR You were right -- of course. DUPONT (nods) Of course. DuPont smiles and turns away. gets to work.

The video link closes.


VICTOR (on headset) Gentlemen? The screens fill with several faces, mercenaries, killers, bounty hunters, etc. VICTOR Our final guest has arrived. Do make sure he's not killed. The boss would definitely not appreciate it if Jack Diamond failed to make the big game fully ready to play. Everyone acknowledges the order and once again the screens go back to island scenes. All except the largest one which now swings around to zero in on the turboprop parked on the golf course road. EXT./INT. TURBOPROP - DAY Three jeeps roar up to the turboprop. Several ARMED MEN pile out of the Jeeps - assault the plane. It's empty. One MERCENARY, we'll call him WADE, SHOUTS into a radio headset. WADE It's empty! (beat) That's what I said! Wade directs the others. WADE Split up - spread out! We're heading back to the big house! DuPont wants Diamond alive - remember that! Another Mercenary responds. MERCENARY And the other two?

36. Wade shakes his head - waves his men to move into the island's jungle and begin the hunt for Jack and his crew. EXT. ISLA HEDONIA - JUNGLE UNDERBRUSH - CONTINUOUS Jack crouches in the shadows - watches Wade and his men. Glances back over his shoulder to where both Michéle and Nick kneel setting up an explosive ambush for their followers. Jack turns back to the trail - Wade's men close in. to Nick.

He nods

JACK (whispers) Get moving. MICHÉLE You're coming too. Jack shakes his head. Michéle glares. Nick takes her arm to pull her away. Michéle jerks her arm from Nick's grasp and moves out ahead of him. Jack turns back to the trail - pulls out a pair of long, curved, slender fighting knives and slips into action - on an intercept course for Wade himself. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS DuPont watches the action in his jungle. It seems every tree on his island has its own CCTV camera. A very capable looking Mercenary stands near DuPont we'll call him REINARD. He nods at the screen. REINARD Wade's about to eat it. Another Mercenary, we'll call him JACOBS, smiles. JACOBS Asshole. DUPONT Five hundred says Diamond takes him down in one hit. JACOBS One hit? (laughs) You're on. Reinard smirks, shakes his head.

They watch intently as --

EXT. JUNGLE UNDERBRUSH - CONTINUOUS It's raining sideways when Wade walks past Jack, crouching in the shadows. Jack rises, knives in hand.

37. It's over before Wade can make a sound. Wade's men fail to notice their leader's death and keep hunting Jack even as they are hunted by Jack. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The other's react to Wade's death. REINARD Oh! JACOBS Mother - fucker, Wade! you Bitch!

Look behind

DUPONT (laughs, hand out) Five hundred please. JACOBS Take it out of my fee. REINARD If you make it. JACOBS Fuck you. DUPONT (chuckles) Only if you both make it. EXT. JUNGLE UNDERBRUSH - CONTINUOUS MONTAGE - JACK THE JUNGLE CAT - CUE MUSIC - Something that rocks a heavy bass beat like "Would?" by ALICE IN CHAINS. -- Jack's terrifying best - big knives flashing in the night. -- Jack stalks his prey in the pouring rain. -- Jack cuts another man down - his strikes impossibly fast. -- Jack against THREE MEN. With animal grace, he strikes, spins, strikes again. His every move cuts, opens arteries, severs tendons, pierces hearts. -- Jack disappears into the shadows again. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS DuPont turns to Victor who stands working over a row of adjoined computer monitors. DUPONT How are we doing?

38. VICTOR (turns smiling) The site's bandwidth jumped three hundred percent when Diamond doubled back. (keyboards furiously) I'm putting Kazakhstan online now. Our video sales are up -- way up. DUPONT Excellent? DuPont turns back to his own monitor - smiles painfully wide. DUPONT (eyes Jack on screen) I knew you'd make me rich Jack. (beat) Right before you died. INT. PLEASURE DOME - A BACK ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS The door's dead bolt shatters in a small explosion. The door opens into a corridor. Through the blown door sneaks Michéle followed by Nick. They move down the corridor to another door which they open into INT. PLEASURE DOME - PARTY CENTRAL - CONTINUOUS Where the music is pounding, the booze is flowing, the ecstasy is popping and clothing has been optional for some time. NICK (stops short) Whoa. Nick leans over two young women intertwined on a chase lounge. NICK (head tilted to side) This could be fun. MICHÉLE (quietly) Nick! (pulls his sleeve) We have a job to do! NICK I'm joking. They continue around the perimeter of the circular building. Nick pauses again where several beautiful young people go at it on the floor. Michéle looks back - sees Nick staring - huffs.

39. MICHÉLE Somehow, I doubt it. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Victor answers a phone call. VICTOR Yes . . . good. (motions to DuPont) Boss! The boat's here. DuPont gestures his approval and switches video feeds to see his dock where -EXT. ISLA HEDONIA - BOAT DOCKS - DAY The sun is coming out as a passenger boat slides up to the dock. DECK HANDS jump into action lashing the boat to the dock. A walkway is set in order and more beautiful young PARTY GOERS saunter off the boat onto the dock. Among the new arrivals is FELICIA. Felicia is followed by off the dock by no less than three YOUNG MEN who surround her - offer to carry her bags - buy her drinks - father her children. INT. PLEASURE DOME - DOOR TO COMPUTER SERVERS ROOM - DAY The server room is at the end of a long corridor. Michéle pick's the door's lock. Nick keeps an eye out for company. Soon, two FEMALE VOICES approach offscreen. Michéle pauses, stands in front of the lock. Nick moves to intercept whoever is coming their way and runs right into two NUDE WOMEN, lost on their way to the restroom. The two girls are either drunk, high or both. FIRST WOMAN (bumps into Nick) Oh! Hey Baby, can you help us? Nick does a very slow glance over his shoulder to leer back at Michéle. She laughs once, shakes her head. Nick sighs has to decline. NICK Darlin' you have no idea how much I'd like to say yes but -SECOND WOMAN We have to pee! Oh.

NICK I think you (MORE)

40. NICK (points) Go left. Thanks.

FIRST WOMAN Hey, you work here?

NICK Just started today, actually. SECOND WOMAN Cool. They turn to go. FIRST WOMAN (waves) Maybe we'll see you later. NICK Yeah, maybe. The two women leave Nick with coy smiles. Nick sighs. Michéle huffs - returns to picking the lock. NICK Not my fault. They came on to me. MICHÉLE Keep your head in the game. NICK (quietly) My thoughts exactly. (glances after girls) If only we had more time. Michéle shakes her head at Nick's remark. The LOCK finally CLICKS open. She pushes the door in and they head into the server lab. INT. PLEASURE DOME'S SERVER LAB - CONTINUOUS Michéle enters followed by Nick. The ROOM HUMS with internet traffic - a lot of people are downloading Philip DuPont's unique brand of entertainment. Michéle looks about - spies a large screen with several live video feeds running simultaneously. She scans the compilation and interprets the situation. MICHÉLE He's podcasting live, streaming all this online as it happens out there. NICK Cool idea.

41. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Victor notices a slight traffic jam among their new arrivals near the docks. Zooming in, he discovers the dusky jewel around whom this knot of horny young men has formed. VICTOR Boss! DuPont joins Victor. DUPONT What is it? VICTOR (of Felicia) What should we do with this one? DuPont watches the disturbance Felicia causes among his guests and smiles. DUPONT Pull her file for me. Victor does and the screen they're watching splits in two. Felicia's live video plays on the left, her bio on the right. DuPont reads Felicia's bio and begins to laugh. Victor doesn't understand. VICTOR What is it? DUPONT That little tigress -(points) Is Jack Diamond's - girlfriend. Victor stares at the screen, shakes his head in disbelief. DUPONT She actually came! (disbelieving laugh) Perfect! DuPont turns as if to go -DUPONT Now how to use her . . . Then turns back - gestures excitedly as he speaks. That's it!

DUPONT Do the whole --

VICTOR Island Queen Contest!

42. DUPONT Yes! Put her face on every public monitor we have -- along with a few other, select lovelies of course. Just make sure she gets -VICTOR Yes, I've got it. DUPONT Jack Diamond is coming to me as fast as he possibly can. This, I guarantee. Victor captures Felicia on video. INSERT - THE LOOP Felicia smiles over her shoulder then turns - walks toward the pleasure dome's main entrance - is followed by a cluster of horny young men. BACK TO SCENE Victor hits the "ENTER" key and Felicia's video loop goes up on large monitors all over the island. INT. PLEASURE DOME - FELICIA'S SUITE - DAY Alone in her room, Felicia unpacks - swim wear, evening wear, etc. MONTAGE - FELICIA HAS COME TO PARTY - CUE MUSIC - Something with hot hips like "Blinking Pigs" by LITTLE DRAGON maybe. -- Felicia holds up three different bikini outfits on hangers chooses the smallest one; dons shades, sandals and a wrap looks HOT. -- Felicia leaves her room - walks slowly down hallway to --- Felicia joins other teeny-bikini girls and muscled-up boys for an elevator ride down to -INT. PLEASURE DOME - INDOOR LAGOON - AQUATIC LOUNGE CONTINUOUS -- Felicia's happy group exits the elevator and is led by a resort SPOKESWOMAN into the lounge area. -- Felicia settles in for a drink and a soak - meets a young couple we'll call MR. ITALY and MISS SWITZERLAND. Miss Switzerland recognizes Felicia. Hey!

MISS SWITZERLAND You're her -- aren't you?

43. MR. ITALY You are her! Felicia has no idea what they're talking about until they point towards a large video monitor upon which plays Felicia's video loop. Felicia watches herself smile, turn and walk into the pleasure dome. FELICIA That's -- weird. MISS SWITZERLAND But it's you, right? MR. ITALY Of course it's her! (to friends nearby) Hey guys! Look who we're drinking with over here! The OTHERS react with WHOOPS and CHEERS. Felicia doesn't know what to make of this - smiles, raises her drink. Felicia's salute is met with more WHOOPS and CHEERS. MUSIC - the same song swells again as -Mr. Italy dares Felicia to kiss Miss Switzerland. After some prodding by the boisterous crowd gathering around them, Felicia agrees. They kiss and we are now - PARTYING. INT. PLEASURE DOME'S SERVER LAB - CONTINUOUS Michéle scans DuPont's video feeds then stalls on one in particular. MICHÉLE What is this? INSERT - THE FEED IN QUESTION DuPont's auction is underway. The Blonde Girl from the American Midwest stands, looking terrified, on a table surrounded by DuPont's men. Nick sums it up in a heartbeat. NICK That girl's for sale. She's being auctioned off to the highest bidder. Michéle quivers. MICHÉLE We're stopping this. NICK Now wait a minute. kill DuPont.

We came here to

44. MICHÉLE So, he won't mind if we stop his slave auction then will he? Nick tries for a second but can't find an objection to Michéle's assertion. Finally, he nods in agreement. Michéle unzips her equipment bag and tosses Nick an antipersonnel mine which he very nearly drops. MICHÉLE (snaps) Careful! NICK (snaps back) No shit! INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS DuPont waves for Reinard to join him at the view screen featuring Felicia's seductive smile. DUPONT Reinard, have your men prepare for Diamond inside the dome. (points to Felicia's video loop) There is your bait. Ooh!

REINARD She'd make the Devil confess.

DUPONT It's better than that. Reinard looks confused. VICTOR She's Diamond's - lady love. Jacobs listens nearby - reacts angrily. JACOBS I knew there was a reason I hated that old fucker. DUPONT Your reason is this: Jack Diamond will come hard with the hurt once we have his pretty little plaything in chains. Reinard smiles knowingly and leaves to get his men into position.

45. REINARD (to his men) Get it up! We're in the game! DuPont watches as Reinard and his men leave. Victor suddenly looks disturbed.

DuPont notices.

DUPONT What is it? Victor keyboards fast - hops from one dying screen to another. VICTOR They're already inside. (realization) The server lab!

Someone is --

DuPont shouts to Jacobs and his crew. DUPONT Got to the server lab immediately! JACOBS Diamond? DUPONT It doesn't matter! with my cash flow!

They're fucking Now go!

Jacobs and his men jump into a run out of the office and INT. PLEASURE DOME - UPPER CATWALK - CONTINUOUS Down a spiral staircase - cross the dome's courtyard - to run down the long corridor -turn a corner and storm through the normally secure computer lab's steel door. INT. THE SERVER LAB - CONTINUOUS Jacobs and his men burst inside, lined up to clear the room. But the computer lab is empty - except for the ANTIPERSONNEL MINE set in the middle of the floor. Jacobs' boot crosses a laser beam and the MINE POPS its grenade straight up into the air, right in front of Jacobs. JACOBS Fuck. Jacobs and his fire team are shredded by the GRENADE BLAST that also sets the computer lab on fire. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The room rumbles from the distant blast. screens go black.

All of Victor's

46. DuPont shakes his head with a slight chuckle - nods with a smile. DUPONT Well done Jack. DuPont looks out his window and down to where -INT. PLEASURE DOME - PARTY CENTRAL - CONTINUOUS The dome's crowd of naked party goers slowly reacts to the computer room's DISTANT BLAST and the following FIRE ALARMS. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS DUPONT Quiet that shit down, right now! VICTOR Yes boss. Victor works fast - the fire alarms silence - his computer screens come slowly back to life. VICTOR (points to screens) The Chinese servers. DUPONT Good. (beat) Now, get her up here. VICTOR Who? DUPONT Diamond's little jewel, you idiot! VICTOR Right away Boss. INT. PLEASURE DOME - AQUATIC LOUNGE - DAY Felicia rises from the lagoon and crosses to the aquatic lounge's main doors only to find them locked. She scans the room - notes the video cameras watching her every move. Felicia smiles - steps to the lounge's bar and orders a drink. She palms the bar's ice pick behind the bartender's back sips her drink - watches as another YOUNG WOMAN tries the main doors. YOUNG WOMAN (to boyfriend) They're locked.

47. Felicia crosses to the doors. Her drink in one hand and the ice pick in another, Felicia attempts to overcome the door latch behind her back while chatting with the young woman. Felicia must suddenly stop picking the lock when the doors open and two LARGE MEN enter the lounge. Felicia drops the ice pick into a potted plant as the FIRST MAN addresses her. FIRST MAN There you are. FELICIA Me? SECOND MAN (smiles) The Boss wants to see you (beat) Miss Vittori. FELICIA (not so sure) What - boss? EXT. PLEASURE DOME'S OUTDOOR POOL - SECURITY FENCE - DAY Jack crouches, cuts his way through the fence. Sweat runs down his nose which he wipes on a shirt sleeve. But as he does this, Jack spies the pool's enormous outdoor video screen. JACK'S POV Felicia's video loop plays over and over again BACK TO SCENE Jack reacts. Visibly shaken at first, his look soon turns furious. A snarl twitches on his lips. JACK (whispers) DuPont! Jack tears his way through the fence - crosses the pool area where he encounters a stray HENCHMAN whom Jack slams against a wall and stabs furiously in the chest several times. The Henchman slumps in Jack's arms until Jack sees the video of Felicia loop once more overhead. Jack jerks the Henchman back to his feet and stabs him all over again. JACK (wroth) Fuuuck!

48. Jack finally drops the Henchman's harried body to the ground. Jack charges the pleasure dome - his knifes are holstered as his pistols come out. EXT. PLEASURE DOME COURTYARD - CONTINUOUS Jack sprints around the courtyard's perimeter hedge and into view of a group of four MERCENARIES taking a smoke break. One Mercenary sees Jack - points curiously. JACK No shit. (opens fire) It's a trap. His first volley kills two mercenaries outright and wounds the third. The forth Mercenary drags his injured comrade behind a stone wall as Jack takes another tack on their position. Jack suddenly slows into a crouch - raises a single pistol in line with his eyes. The forth mercenary soon pops his head, low, around the corner of the stone wall. Jack is waiting and shoots the forth mercenary right between the eyes. Jack runs for the pleasure dome's front door. EXT./INT. PLEASURE DOME - THE GATEWAY - DAY Jack stalks, guns in hand, into the dome's curving front entrance - a golden eyed tiger creeping into the vaulted serpentine arches of an Indo-European love palace. Jack reaches the archway's inner doorway - hesitates, scanning the entrance for sensors, traps, etc. At last, he must go and so Jack pushes the double doors open and eases his way inside -Jack's guns lead the way but they are no match for waits just inside the door. Jack walks, like every visitor to this palace, right into THE LOVE MISTS - a fan blown, atomized spray of Philip DuPont's own design. Jack recoils - tries to hold his breath TOO LATE. He's inoculated like all the rest. INT. PLEASURE DOME - PARTY CENTRAL - CONTINUOUS Jack's world is rocked. he smiles.

He weaves where he stands - slowly,

JACK'S POV It's a magical garden of carnal delights. Music entrances a golden glow washes over hard bodies copulating wherever he looks.

49. BACK TO SCENE Jack snorts a little laugh - lowers his guns until they fall out of his hands. Jack crosses to the orgy - gropes and kisses one young woman then another until he is pulled down by the tangle of arms and legs to land in a bed of pillowing breasts and hungering lips. Jack is lost. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE DuPont, Victor and Reinard watch Jack's easy surrender on the giant wall projection. DuPont gestures with satisfaction. DUPONT There -(to Reinard) Was that so difficult? REINARD Pussy. (beat) Should'a known. INT. PLEASURE DOME - PARTY CENTRAL - CONTINUOUS Jack is swimmin' in women when the one between whose breasts he rests gives him a glass of wine. Jack drinks deep from the glass and sinks into drugged oblivion. Reinard and four of his men push their way into the mash-up of naked bodies - pull semiconscious Jack from the heaving sea of tits and ass and carry him away. INT. PLEASURE DOME'S WATER PLANT - DAY Michéle and Nick hit a dead end at the island's massive underground water works. NICK This isn't the way. MICHÉLE You think? NICK Fuck. (points back) We'll have turned left -MICHÉLE Which way is that? The look around - know they're lost - share a look and curse.

50. MICHÉLE AND NICK (simultaneously) Fuck. Nick notes the water system, an enormous labyrinth of pipes, chutes, pools and tubes. NICK (points across plant) We could swim under this -MICHÉLE No, we could not. NICK I'll help you. MICHÉLE You're the Olympic swimmer; you go with the flow. (points back) I'm going back this way. NICK That way -- leads here. Michéle tries to think of an alternative but MALE VOICES come from offscreen to hasten her decision. MICHÉLE (whispers) Shit! Nick climbs into an enormous, open reservoir tank. NICK (offer a hand) Don't worry, I've got you. MICHÉLE Oh how I wish that worked for me. NICK It's me, Mickey. More VOICES from offscreen. NICK (quietly) Come on! We're running out of time. Michéle reluctantly enters the water with Nick. He shows her how to hyperventilate. They hold their breath - he nods, "Okay?" She shakes her head, "Not really." They dive under water and soon reappear inside a large windowed tube. Nick is a powerful swimmer and easily pulls Michéle up the tube.

51. But, as they go, an enormous valve opens in a branch-line off the same tube. A vortex forms and Michéle is sucked away from Nick's grasp. She screams bubbles - claws for his hand as Nick tries in vain to catch her. Michéle disappears through the open valve into the bowels of the water system. Nick lets go his handhold and kicks off the wall to go after her but the valve slams closed just as he gets to it. Nick bangs on the valve but soon must find a way out himself. He swims hard, his air runs out. EXT. ISLA HEDONIA - OUTDOOR LAGOON - CONTINUOUS Nick explodes to the surface, gasping for air. NICK Mickey! He catches his breath and dives but moments later he's back. NICK Mickey! (beat) Goddamnit! Nick is about stick crashes streams blood boat, clubbed

to dive again when, out of nowhere, a night into his head. Stunned, Nick floats, his head as he's grabbed by two men - pulled into a again and hauled away.

INT. BARRED HOLDING CELL - SHORT TIME LATER - DAY Jack sleeps, his head sags, his chin on his chest. FOOTSTEPS approach offscreen. A HAND grabs his hair jerks his head up. DuPont stares into Jack's semiconscious fluttering eyes. DUPONT Jack, oh Jackie boy. (slaps him once) Jack wake up. We've got shit to do. Nick moans just then from offscreen. and DuPont turns --

Jack stirs at the sound

DuPont'S POV Nick sags, crucified in chains, next to Jack who is more or less hung the same way only Jack's feet reach the floor. NICK (stirs) Ow! (shakes his head) You son's - of - bitches!

52. BACK TO SCENE JACK AND DUPONT (simultaneously) Bitchin' don't fix it. They both laugh at the same time too. Jack comes around sees DuPont standing only inches in front of him, staring over at Nick. Jack lunges hard - the chains catch him. JACK (to DuPont) Die! DuPont jumps back just out of Jack's reach. Jack strains with his might against the chains. It's a tense moment Jack roars his fury, every muscle rippling his hatred for DuPont, warring against the power of the chains. DuPont watches Jack fight to be free. The chains rattle, squeak and moan. It almost seems like Jack is winning, like he might tear his chains from the wall after all. At last, Jack must accept his powerless state. with a howl. Impressed, DuPont chuckles.

He gives up

DUPONT Jesus, Jack you almost made me a believer; thought for a second you might actually break free and come get me. JACK Don't let me disappoint you Philip. Unchain me and let's do this. DUPONT (to Nick) What do you think? Does that sound like a good idea to you, Nick? Nick only growls and it is now that Jack looks around. JACK'S POV The room is a barred holding cell with no one in it put Nick, DuPont and Jack. Jack winces - shakes his head then realizes they're one short. He shoots Nick a hot look. JACK Where is she? Nick quietly hangs then shakes his head. rage.

Jack trembles with

53. JACK (to Nick) You - mother - fucker! NICK I'm sorry Jack, I . . . JACK You -- I trusted you! DuPont slaps Jack hard across the face. DUPONT Hey! Asshole! Shit happens in this business or have you forgotten that? JACK Fuck you, you worthless piece of -DUPONT Yeah, yeah, yeah! I've heard it all before Jack! How, I'm such a pussy! How I've always slowed you down. How many times have you told me I lacked your level of professionalism? Nick watches their familiar exchange in amazement. JACK You are a pussy! You did slow me down! You will never be the professional -NICK Shut the fuck up! Both Jack and DuPont turn to stare at Nick. NICK (quietly) You - are an asshole - Jack. DUPONT He is, isn't he? (to Jack) You are one monumental pain in the ass to work for. You know that Jack? JACK Fuck -(to Nick) Both of you!

54. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Victor monitors the island's operations while DuPont is gone. One of Victor's video screens blinks with a new image for him to see. INSERT - THE VIDEO SCREEN The overhead shot shows Felicia outside, in a restricted access hallway accompanied by two HENCHMEN. One Henchman leans over to talk into an intercom box. HENCHMAN We've got the -BACK TO SCENE Victor cuts him off with the press of a button. VICTOR I see who you have. moment.

Wait just one

EXT./INT. THE RESTRICTED ACCESS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Felicia stands between both Henchmen. security monitor.

She glances up at the

FELICIA'S POV The security panel's video monitor is divided into four quadrants, one of which is a live feed from Jack's cell. CLOSING IN - MOS. We watch DuPont backhand Jack as he hangs in chains. BACK TO SCENE Felicia stiffens at the sight, glances quickly left and right. INT./EXT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Victor opens the door to find both Henchmen lying dead on the floor. Their guns are gone. Victor glances quickly about - leaps back behind the rapidly closing door. Victor slaps a red panic button on the wall that sets off a flashing red strobe and silent alarm. Reinard and his men come running through an opposing doorway into the office. REINARD Diamond? VICTOR (shaking his head) No.

55. REINARD Who? VICTOR I don't know, but -- get out there and find them Reinard and his men run out into -INT. THE HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Only to trip over the two dead Henchmen. REINARD Shot? Reinard's MEN check the bodies - nod, "Yes." Victor peers out from the doorway - jolts on the realization -VICTOR Diamond's girl! These two were bringing her in. (beat) They took her. Shit! Get her back! REINARD But if we've been compromised -VICTOR It won't be anything compared to what the Boss will do when he finds out that she's been rescued. REINARD (rolls his eyes) Roger that. Reinard and his men head out, weapons drawn, looking for their opposition around every corner. INT. BARRED HOLDING CELL - CONTINUOUS DuPont stops slapping Jack around when his CELLPHONE RINGS it's not a particularly manly tune. Jack and Nick both smirk at the ring tone. DUPONT (angrily) What is it? (beat) Damn it! (to Jack) Who else do you bring besides Nick and Michéle?

56. JACK Go fuck yourself. (glances at Nick) I don't need anybody else. DUPONT (snorts) Right. You're doing great all by yourself. (on phone) I'm on my way. (to Jack) Same old Jack. DuPont crosses to the cell door - it opens - he turns back. DUPONT I actually looked up to you. (laughs) What was I thinking? JACK I'm not dead yet. DUPONT We'll take care of that. DuPont exits, the DOOR slides closed with a loud CLANK. INT. ANOTHER WATER WORKS - DAY Large water pipes end at an enormous water tank. The tank's top opening is covered by a padlocked lid Sudden SLOSHING SOUNDS come from within the tank - the LID RATTLES against its padlock. Moments later, a small EXPLOSION blasts the padlock off. More SLOSHING and the lid opens. Out climbs an exhausted looking and soaking wet, Michéle. She slides down to the ground - checks her bag of tricks - it's empty so she tosses it away - looks cautiously around. MICHÉLE (quietly) Nick! Nick! She gives up and skulks away. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Philip DuPont prepares for the big event - stands in front of a green screen - lights glare down upon him - he nods and the show begins. DUPONT Welcome to Sex and Violence 2.0! (MORE)

57. DUPONT It's bad. It's evil and you know you want it -(sweeping gesture to green screen) Want it all! INT. VICTOR'S PRODUCTION STATION - CONTINUOUS Victor shifts into high gear as DuPont's webcast producer. VICTOR'S POV The screen behind DuPont fills with a -SERIES OF SHOTS A) The Miss Nude Isla Hedonia contest B) Jack kills Wade in the jungle. C) Unusual Sex Acts Galore D) Jack furiously stabbing the Stray Henchman by the pool. BACK TO SCENE DuPont at his impish best, invites the viewer into his world. DUPONT So, what could make this remarkable experience even better, you ask? (beat) Well, I have an idea. (motions toward screen) How about a little competition? Two teams -VIEWER'S POV Behind Dupont we see the sexy side - Girls with girls. DUPONT (V.O.) We'll call these wanton beauties our "Skins" team. The video feed changes and now behind DuPont we see several tactically clad MERCENARIES preparing themselves for battle. DUPONT (V.O.) These hard hitting types we're going to call the "Shirts" for obvious reason. The screen behind DuPont now splits in two with the sexy "Skins" on the left and the roughish "Shirts" on the right.

58. DUPONT (V.O.) You watch whichever team you want. Switch back and forth anytime you want. We don't care what you watch but you should know that when you do switch, you take points away from one team and give those points to the other team. The camera closes on DuPont as he summarizes his game plan. DUPONT When the game is over, the team with the most points -- will live to play again. And the other team? DuPont slowly shrugs for the camera - a wicked smile lights his face. DUPONT And now let me introduce our team captains. The screen expands - lots of skin to look over. Several lovely young women smile into the camera. Felicia is featured prominently among them. DuPont denotes her happy face. DUPONT Many of you voted for this particular beauty for our Island Queen contest and I can see why but technical difficulties have intervened and I'm afraid she won't be captaining our first "Skins" team. Perhaps the next round will see her back in the game. Dupont happily turns back to the screen. The Midwestern Blonde appears, smiling past her fear for the camera's enjoyment. DUPONT Isn't she something? Connie will captain the "Skins" this round. BACK TO SCENE DUPONT Now, for the "Shirts" there can really be only one captain. You know who he is. Oh Captain, my Captain, won't you come out and play? INT. LONG DARK HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Jack lies face down on the floor.

59. Jack?

DUPONT (V.O.) Oh Jack?

Jack stirs, growls - half rises, free of his chains. DUPONT (V.O.) That's good Jack. Get up. Get ready now for it's our time to play. JACK (stands erect) Thought you only played with yourself, Philip. DUPONT (V.O.) Funny Jack. The hallway's distant door opens - light pours in. JACK Yeah. Jack heads for the light.

DuPont wonders aloud.

DUPONT (V.O.) Why did you come here Jack? JACK To fix my fuck-up. DUPONT (V.O.) Which would be what, exactly? JACK You, Philip. I made you and now I have to break you. DUPONT (V.O.) Them's fightin' words Hombre. better -- put 'em up!


Jack steps through the doorway into a -INT. DUPONT'S ARENA - CONTINUOUS Jack looks about the arena the size of a basketball court but octagonal. JACK Over the top as usual, Philip. Three opposing doors open around the arena and three muscular MEN enter the arena just as four wicked-looking lances sail down to stick into the ground, one in front of each man. The three Men pull up their lances and slowly advance on Jack holding the unfamiliar weapons before them.

60. Jack jerks his lance out of the ground and whips it into a martial flurry. INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS DuPont watches Jack at work. DUPONT Good Jack. Let's get the blood and money flowing. CUT TO: INT. RUSSIA - AUTO REPAIR SHOP - CONTINUOUS The shop's OWNER leans out of his office - calls his MECHANIC. OWNER (in Russian) Alexi, come see this! The Mechanic enters the office. DuPont's live game.

On the Owner's computer is

INSERT - THE COMPUTER SCREEN The Midwestern Blonde straps on a dildo in the main window while Jack kills one of his opponents in a small picturewithin-a-picture in the upper right corner of the screen. OWNER (in Russian) Fucking unbelievable! (beat) Yeah? The Mechanic nods. OWNER (in Russian) Watch this. He clicks on Jack's smaller window which zooms to full size, exchanging places on the screen with the Blonde's sexual efforts. CUT TO: INT. TOKYO - MODERN BUSINESS OFFICE - CONTINUOUS A group of male office workers stand around one computer. Their mouths hang open. FIRST WORKER (Japanese) He's good!

61. They all react to Jack's next kill - cringe then laugh and shout encouragement to Jack. One worker then points to the corner of the screen -- shouts excitedly. SECOND WORKER (Japanese) She takes it all! THE REST follow suite - SHOUT EXCITEDLY until the screen changes over to the "Skins" side of the show. INT. DUPONT'S ARENA - CONTINUOUS The arena changes as a maze of rooms rises around Jack. Jack slowly enters -INT. A DARKENED ROOM - CONTINUOUS Unarmed, Jack enter the house clearing exercise. Three armed MERCENARIES ambush him in the shadows. They fight at close quarters. Jack disarms then kills first one, then another of the three - comes to hold a .45 caliber pistol. Jack and the THIRD MAN come face to face with their .45 caliber pistols pointed at each other's head. Just then, someone tosses a GRENADE into the room which FLASH-BANGS virtually at their feet. Both men are dazed, yet Jack is fast - snaps his opponents neck and takes his pistol. Jack stands on a bear-skin rug struggles to clear his senses. His EARS RING as Jack scans the room. JACK'S POV THE DARK ROOM FROM RIGHT TO LEFT -- A broken lamp leans. -- A dead man lies across an overturned chair. -- The doorway is clear. -- A TIGER crouches in the shadows. -- Another dead man lies on the floor. -- A picture hangs askew on the left wall. BACK TO SCENE Jack rubs his eyes then stops - lowers his hand - realization dawns on his face.

62. JACK'S POV -- A picture hangs askew and -FLASH PAN RIGHT -- The Tiger Charges! BACK TO SCENE JACK stands resolute - BLASTS AWAY at the charging beast. The Tiger leaps straight ahead. Jack dives to the side. They pass close. The Tiger's talons flash out - narrowly miss Jack's chest. Jack's GUNS SPIT FLAME in return. The Tiger crashes onto the bear-skin rug - slides into the opposite corner, dead. Jack lands on a sofa with both PISTOLS trained on the beast, madly CLICKING AWAY on empty magazines. Jack tosses the smoking weapons aside - rises with a growl. JACK A fucking -- tiger?! INT. DUPONT'S IMPENETRABLE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS DuPont laughs - nods over at Victor. VICTOR Almost. DUPONT Worth a try. - - - - - - - - ORPHAN SCENE - - - - - - INT. A ROOM OR HALLWAY OR WHATEVER - DAY Felicia encounters Michéle. Though strangers, they agree to work together. First, Michéle has to change out of her wet clothes. She strips off her top and -FELICIA'S POV We've seen those gravity defying breasts before; haven't we? BACK TO SCENE Felicia attacks Michéle with a vicious round house kick, knocking Michele on her ass. Michele fights back but she's outclassed and is soon on her ass for good. Felicia straddles Michele's shoulders - draws her weapon and spells it out for the competition.

63. FELICIA Jack is my team leader! You read me, soldier?! He's mine and mine alone! (presses gun muzzle under Michéle's chin) Your time with him is over. Are we clear?! Michele nods her understanding. FELICIA Good. Felicia gets off Michele. FELICIA Now let's finish this fucking job and get off this goddamned island. They rise, face each other in an uneasy truce. - - - - - - ANOTHER ORPHAN SCENE - - - - - SOMETHING - SOMETHING - SOMETHING ELSE - BANG! INT. THE GOOD GUY'S MEET UP - SHORT TIME LATER - DAY Jack is surprised to see Felicia and Michele arrive together. He notes how Michele keeps her distance from Felicia. A moment more and he's figured it out. Jack takes Felicia's arm to pull her aside. JACK (whispers) Captain Vittori, are we roughing up the enlisted personnel again? Felicia jerks a defiant chin at Jack's remark and pulls her arm smartly away - leaves Jack with her best steely glare. Jack watches her go. He's not out of hot water yet. He tries to stop her again but Felicia spins - gets in his face. FELICIA Why are you here, Jack? JACK You know why. FELICIA Yes I do. But do you, Jack? really? JACK What the fuck?

Do you

64. FELICIA Kill him already, Jack! JACK It's not just DuPont. FELICIA Then who? JACK I, I trained DuPont. He trained them and they created this fucking place. I can't quit until I've brought all that shit down. FELICIA So it's you, you're really fighting; is that it? JACK Jesus! FELICIA I'm in this with you Jack, but only if you get off your ass and take the lead. Bring back the hurt, Jack. JACK What do you think I've been doing for fuck's sake?! FELICIA Playing his goddamn game! JACK They are his men! They are between me and him. I kill them and then I kill him. Everyone on DuPont's side dies and then -FELICIA And then - what, Jack?! JACK And then -- then we both quit. This is the answer Felicia's been waiting for. FELICIA Clean up the mess -JACK (nods) And go home -- for good. FELICIA You promise?

65. Jack pulls her close. They stare into each other's eyes for a long moment until we know this is it for both of them. Jack nods and slowly, so does Felicia. Their fight is over. - - - - - - - MORE ORPHAN SCENES - - - - - -- Jack is betrayed -- Jack at Death's Door - - - - - - - - - THIRD ACT -- Jack RISES against all odds -- Jack and DuPont, brothers never more END THIRD ACT EXT. THE PRECIPICE - DAY Felicia pulls Jack's harness with all her strength - drags him back up onto level ground. She hovers over him. Jack!


FELICIA Come on Baby.

Jack opens his eyes - considers her aspect and smiles. JACK Hey Beautiful. Are we there yet? FADE OUT: - - - - - - - - - FADE IN: CLOSING IMAGE INT./EXT. MEDITERRANEAN - JACK'S


It's a postcard perfect day on the water as Jack and Felicia go scuba diving. FELICIA Happy retirement, Baby. JACK (smiles) It's not so bad. (beat) Is it? Felicia kisses him then seats her scuba mask.

66. FELICIA See you down there. She bites her regulator and rolls over the side into -EXT. ETHEREAL BEAUTY BENEATH THE SEA - DAY Felicia swims under the Zodiac as Jack splashes into frame from above. He swims to her side while holding an UNDERWATER METAL DETECTOR. Jack and Felicia go "treasure hunting." FADE OUT: THE END.

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