Silver City, The Legend Of Smiling Jack

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  • Words: 20,987
  • Pages: 112

[email protected] (206) 412-5937

FADE IN: EXT. HIGH IN THE DESERT HILLS - DAY The sun slips behind painted dessert hills as a rifle toting HUNTER hikes out of the hills and into -EXT. SILVER CITY - MAIN STREET - SUNSET A picturesque western ghost town. An old WINDMILL CREAKS on the wind coming from the right. The wind changes - the WINDMILL GROANS around to the left - CREAKS on again. HUNTER (looks left) Out of the South. The Hunter yawns, stretches his back while glancing up the street. He spots a church steeple - smiles - turns. Suddenly, the GHOST of a western GUNFIGHTER stands menacingly behind the Hunter's back. Unaware of the Gunfighter, the Hunter heads toward the church. EXT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT The Hunter enters the church. The Gunfighter materializes outside the church's entrance - leans an ear to the door and listens intently with a sneer on his face. INT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT The Hunter leans his rifle against the wall. With a flashlight he spot-lights the church's wooden icons. HUNTER (shudders) Spooky. Crossing the church, he finds bloody hand prints on the lectern that slide down its sides and streak across the floor. HUNTER What the hell? A PIANO RUMBLES off screen.

He turns and jolts in terror.

HUNTER (quietly) Holy, Shit! His flashlight goes out.


EXT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT The HUNTER SCREAMS off screen. The Gunfighter laughs.

2. GUNFIGHTER Welcome to town. The Gunfighter whistles and a GHOSTLY HORSE appears in the street. The Gunfighter mounts the saddle and moonlight glints off a silver star pinned to his vest. He rides away revealing a sign behind him that reads, "SILVER CITY, POPULATION 99." The number has been crossed out and rewritten several times until only the number "0" remains. The old WINDMILL CREAKS eerily on the South wind. EXT. SUN-DRENCHED DESERT HIGHWAY - DAY The highway stretches on forever in the heat. A newer Mercedes meanders back and forth between the lines painted on the shimmering asphalt. INT. MERCEDES (MOVING) - DAY EMMA PEACOCK, 36, multi-tasker extraordinaire, drives with the windows down - pulls a book out of a bag on the seat next to her - reads it's cover - talks on a Bluetooth headset. EMMA Cover number 11. (beat) Yes, approved.

Good one Terry --

Emma grabs another book - reads it - smiles. EMMA Number 12 - Approved. Emma reaches into the bag for another book. EMMA Don't worry Terry; it's just for the weekend. I won't leave you alone with Robin any longer than that. But this book's cover is a little - strange. What?

EMMA Whose book is this?

Emma reads the author's name. EMMA Johnson?! Emma freezes - horrified. EXT. SUN-DRENCHED DESERT HIGHWAY - DAY Emma's MERCEDES SQUEALS to a sudden stop.

3. INT. MERCEDES - DAY Emma stares at the book's cover in disbelief. EMMA (sweetly) Ah Terry? I'm looking at number 13. (beat) Yes. I have just one question. (furious) Are -- You -- Crazy?! The title on the book's cover reads "STUPID BITCH" EMMA (full on ballistic) Johnson is our relationship doctor! The book is dedicated to his wife! EXT. SUN-DRENCHED DESERT HIGHWAY - DAY Emma's Mercedes rolls on once again. INT. MERCEDES (MOVING) - DAY EMMA Of course Robin got it wrong! Emma drops the book into the bag -EMMA We're done for today. And the bag into her back seat. EMMA Well, you'd better fix it Terry or "Stupid Bitch" is going on your -(beat) What was that? Emma's mood slowly softens. EMMA Yes. I just picked it up. She smoothes the page in an appointment book laying open on the passenger's seat with a note highlighted in the "4:00 PM" slot that reads "GRANDMA." EMMA (strange question) A - nice urn? Emma closes the appointment book and glances down at a funeral urn set on the floor in front of the passenger seat.

4. EMMA I guess so. It's an urn. is it supposed to be?

How nice

Frustrated, she nonetheless describes the funeral urn. EMMA Well Terry, it's, brass, kind of blue and it has -She looks more closely. EMMA Little silver . . . doves on it. Yes. I'm sure my grandmother would approve too. Emma glances back up to the road ahead and in the distance on the side of the road - stands a solitary shade tree. EXT. SHADE TREE - DAY FAMKE JOHANSSON, mid-twenties, haunting beauty, a Dutch national lost in the American West, lies in the shade of the tree. Famke half-rises at the WHOOSH of the approaching CAR. Seeing the Mercedes, she gets to her feet, licks her dry lips and raises an arm overhead. INT. MERCEDES - DAY Ahead: Famke waves for a ride from the shade of the tree. Emma notices this and frowns. EMMA Okay, now what? Emma slows down while rolling-up the car's windows. EMMA Terry, I need to go. Emma locks the car's doors then reacts to her caller's odd questions one more time. EMMA No Terry . . . no . . . no. Terry! Listen carefully. Don't - do anything Robin says until I get back. Emma tears off her ear-piece and shouts into it. EMMA Because she's - Robin!

You dumbass!

Emma hangs up - tosses the headset into her back seat.

5. EMMA God! Emma pulls over at the shade tree.

Famke approaches.

EXT. MERCEDES - DAY Famke's reflection distorts in the passenger door's window as Emma lowers it a few careful inches to speak to Famke. EMMA Are you alright? FAMKE I am now. (dry mouthed) I'm Famke. EMMA You're what? FAMKE I'm Famke. EMMA What is -- Famke? FAMKE (impatient) My name is. I'm called Famke. EMMA (never heard of it) O - kay? INT. MERCEDES - DAY Emma glances up the road. There's not another car in sight. Emma sighs then turns back to Famke. EMMA I'm Emma. Emma moves the appointment book from her passenger seat. EMMA Come on, get in. Famke is halfway into the car when Emma stops her. EMMA Wait, just a second. Emma moves the funeral urn back behind the passenger seat. FAMKE Family?

6. EMMA (snaps) Certainly not the ashes of a stranger! Famke reacts to the scolding.

Emma's regrets it.

EMMA I didn't mean -- they're my grandmother's ashes. Oh.

FAMKE I'm sorry.

Emma nods and Famke gets in. Emma drives onto the road while rolling the windows down. Famke reacts to the rush of air. Oh yes!

FAMKE That's good.

Emma gets a bottle of water from a cooler behind their seats and hands it to Famke. Famke beams. FAMKE You - are - an angel. Famke downs the bottle of water in one shot. Emma offers Famke another bottle which she drinks as quickly as the first. INT. PARKED MERCEDES (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Emma sits alone in her IDLING MERCEDES, checks first her watch and then bushes by the roadside. EXT. BUSHES BY THE ROADSIDE - DAY Emma calls to the bushes from her car. EMMA Aren't you done yet?! FAMKE (O.S.) I'm . . . almost! Sorry! INT. MERCEDES - DAY Emma stares at the bushes as she talks to herself. EMMA Just drop her off at the next anything. She's a big girl; she'll be fine. Emma bounces her head off the back of her seat. EMMA If she'd just - shut - up.

7. EXT. MERCEDES - DAY Famke jogs back to the Mercedes and climbs in. INT. MERCEDES - DAY They start down the road again. FAMKE Woo, just in time. Emma extends a container of wet-wipes.

Famke takes one.

FAMKE Thanks. So anyway, there's Belmont and Chloride and Fairbank and then along Route 66 there's -EMMA Chloride? Belmont's a horse race; you're making these up. FAMKE I am not. They're all real live ghost towns. There's Calico and Ballarat, which is kind of funny and, um -Famke drones on while Emma checks the cooler. EMMA I need a drink; you're making me thirsty or . . . something. FAMKE Coloma! (laughs) Ha, Coloma. Emmett says that people were kooky back then. Emma stops hunting for water to ask -EMMA Who's Emmett? FAMKE My boyfriend. Emma huffs and continues looking for water but soon -EMMA You drank them all? Emma glares at Famke. EMMA You drank them all.

8. Famke doesn't notice but continues listing her favorite old west ghost towns. FAMKE Then there's the Silver Cities. Wesley's book says that almost every state in the west has a Silver City. Can you believe that . . . nearly every state? Emma shakes her head and drives on. EXT. DESERT PLATEAU - DAY DANIEL, surfer-bronze, thirty, perpetual grad student, takes a leak next to an old school bus. He zips-up his cargo shorts and steps around the bus to where: PROFESSOR DIK, middleaged and approachable, balances on one knee with a large SLR camera in his hands. Professor Dik motions to CANDICE, African American, late twenties, another grad student as Candice kneels, smiling sweetly in the sunshine. PROFESSOR DIK Excellent Candice, don't move. Candice holds a ruler next to a petroglyph carved on a boulder. Professor Dik photographs the rock carving then gathers his small archeology class about him. PROFESSOR DIK Group photo time! Everyone, gather in front of the glyph. Candice is joined by undergrads: SARAH the "Cute Kid," ASIA the "Latina Hottie," SCOTT the "Class Clown" and LUTHER the "Native American Player." Professor Dik struggles to mount the camera on a tripod. PROFESSOR DIK Why won't you? Technology! Daniel, come fix this -- camera for me. Daniel arrives as the camera slips from Professor Dik's grasp. PROFESSOR DIK Catch-it, catch-it, catch-it! DANIEL I got it, I got it, I got it! The camera eludes them and crashes off the rocky plateau. They stare down in disbelief. One piece of the exploded camera has a sticker that reads, "Property of UCLA." DANIEL Whoa.

9. PROFESSOR DIK There goes half my grant. Professor Dik looks up, sees Sarah's camera hanging around her neck. Sarah notices his stare and subconsciously grasps her camera's straps to her chest. PROFESSOR DIK Please, Sarah. Sarah sighs and slips off her camera - hands it to Professor Dik with an anxious look. He smiles. PROFESSOR DIK Thanks Sarah. Daniel takes the camera away from Professor Dik and mounts it on the tripod. Daniel hangs back. Professor Dik waves him into the frame. PROFESSOR DIK You too Daniel, get in there, right in behind Asia then Luther behind Candice and Scott behind Sarah. He checks the viewfinder and changes his mind. PROFESSOR DIK No, Asia in front of Luther. Candice, you move in front of Daniel please. I want you two grads together. Asia trades places with Candice. But as Professor Dik snaps the shot, Sarah jumps up and kisses Luther's cheek. Luther grins down at Sarah. Professor Dik scowls. PROFESSOR DIK Sarah, you're disrupting - again. He readies the camera to take the shot again. PROFESSOR DIK Everybody, pretend that you're enjoying this field trip and smile. They all do and the class picture is taken at last. INT. SCHOOL BUS - DAY Everyone enters the bus. behind him. Candice sits down to nap in his seat. gives Candice a concerned

Daniel drives. Professor Dik sits opposite Professor Dik who slides The bus is slow to start and Daniel look. She crosses her fingers.

10. EXT. DESERT PLATEAU - DAY The bus finally starts and leaves the plateau on a dusty desert road. INT. ROAD-SIDE CONVENIENCE STORE - DAY Emma considers the various cold-drink offerings in a geriatric cooler at the back of the dusty store. EMMA Corn syrup with fruit concentrate or -She scans the next shelf. EMMA Corn syrup without fruit concentrate. Emma grabs a six-pack of bottled water. holding up a large paperback Guidebook.

Famke approaches,

FAMKE Look, they have it! EMMA Have what? Famke traces the title with a finger as if Emma is slow. FAMKE Walter - Wesley's - Weird - Wonders of the - Wild - West! Emma sips from a bottle of water and shrugs. EMMA Wow. Emma crosses to cash register.

Famke follows.

FAMKE They really had it . . . right over there by the beef jerky. Awesome.

EMMA You should get it then.

Emma pays for the water. EMMA That way, you can finally shut the hell up about it. EXT. ROAD-SIDE CONVENIENCE STORE - DAY Emma exits the store, dons designer sunglasses. Famke follows reads her new guidebook - finds something interesting.

11. FAMKE Oh! EMMA No. FAMKE But Emma, it's close. EMMA Not happening. FAMKE But it's where they exploded the missiles. You know, the big ones. Booom! Emma unlocks the car with a key fob. EMMA Oh, in that case . . . Hell no! FAMKE Emma, please. Emma drops the water bottles into her cooler. EMMA Look you; I have a life -FAMKE You mean a career? EMMA Same thing. The only reason I'm on this godforsaken road is to drive up to the top of some mountain called "Baldy Peak" and scatter my grandmother's ashes to the wind. Then I'm out of here. FAMKE Mount Baldy. EMMA What? Famke points to a map on the back of the guidebook. FAMKE It's called - Mount Baldy. Emma glares. EMMA Get in the car.

12. INT. MERCEDES - DAY Emma and Famke both climb into the Mercedes. FAMKE You seemed nicer this morning. Emma starts the Mercedes. EMMA I didn't know you were crazy when I picked you up under that tree. They drive back onto the highway. EMMA You people need to -- wear signs or something. Ha-ha.

FAMKE You're cunny for a funt. EMMA

(smirks) Clever. EXT. SIDE ROAD (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Emma's Mercedes pulls over at the gated entrance of a side road that leaves the highway in the middle of nowhere. INT. MERCEDES - DAY The side road's gate has a government sign which Emma reads. EMMA Danger, UXO. Enter at your own risk. What the . . ? Famke turns to the glossary of her guidebook. FAMKE UXO. EMMA There's no way that's in there. Famke holds the guidebook open, points to its glossary's pages. Emma leans down to read. EMMA UXO, Un-Exploded Ordinance. Several areas in the Western United States serve as target ranges for the various military -She stops short.

13. EMMA You have got to be shitting me! FAMKE That's the road. EMMA How do you know? Famke reads from her guidebook while pointing out the signs. FAMKE Getting to Mount Baldy - here it is. Turn left on BLM road #13 by entering through gate located at milepost -Famke points across the road. FAMKE One-twelve. EXT. THE SIDE ROAD - DAY There is a milepost numbered "112" on the opposite shoulder of the highway. INT. MERCEDES - DAY EMMA But there's - UXO out there! Famke refers to the guidebook. FAMKE Though it may seem tempting, one should certainly avoid: handling, kicking, striking with a stick, throwing stones or shooting firearms at any Un-Exploded Ordinance. Visitors are especially cautioned not to drive over any UXO which they might encounter along the way. Famke closes the guidebook. Easy,

FAMKE drive around it.

EMMA The bombs, you mean. FAMKE U - X - O.

14. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY The college group's bus sits near the precarious edge of a mountain road. Professor Dik fiddles with its dead motor. PROFESSOR DIK Okay Daniel, try it again. The STARTER CLICKS but won't turn the engine over. PROFESSOR DIK Well for Pete's sake. Daniel exits the bus. DANIEL We're going to need a jump. PROFESSOR DIK Good Daniel. Just . . . flag down the next tow truck you see. Asia paces, holding her cellphone high, trying for a signal. Scott watches Luther steal a kiss from Sarah. Candice joins Daniel and Professor Dik. CANDICE So? DANIEL We be screwed. PROFESSOR DIK It's not that bad. CANDICE Oh really? Asia calls out, pointing down the road. ASIA Car! PROFESSOR DIK What Asia? ASIA There's a car coming up the road. Maybe they can help us. INT. MERCEDES - DAY Emma and Famke encounter the stranded group. Daniel waves for them to stop. They do and he leans into Emma's window. Daniel smiles.

15. DANIEL Ah, hi. FAMKE Howdy Partner. Emma smirks at Famke.

Daniel nods toward the bus.

DANIEL I, we need a jump. Sure.

EMMA I think I've got jumper cables.

EXT. THE BUS AND THE MERCEDES - DAY The bus and the Mercedes sit nose to nose on the precipitous edge of the road. Scott sits behind the steering wheel of the bus while Daniel hooks up the jumper cable's last clamp. DANIEL Okay! INT. SCHOOL BUS - DAY Scott turns the key.

The bus starts with a forward lunge.

EXT. THE BUS AND THE MERCEDES - DAY Emma drinks from a water bottle. The bus crashes into her Mercedes and Emma spills water down her front as her car is shoved off the mountain road and into oblivion. EMMA (whispers) Fuck! EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY Emma's MERCEDES tumbles down the mountainside to land atop a large UXO and EXPLODE! EXT. SCHOOL BUS - DAY Dust and smoke swirl around Emma who turns and is now standing at the opened door of the bus. She spies Scott. He grimaces. SCOTT Ah . . . need a ride? EMMA Die! Emma tosses the water bottle over her shoulder and jumps for Scott. Daniel catches Emma, spinning her around in midair.

16. Hold it.

DANIEL He didn't mean to.

He sets her down and a flaming car tire rolls by. Emma leaps again and Daniel catches her as she claws the air after Scott. EMMA Come here you-little-fucker! DANIEL Calm down! EMMA He's little; you won't miss him. promise.


Daniel laughs and sets Emma on her feet again DANIEL Maybe so but - just take it easy. He stands between her and Scott with his arms spread wide. Emma feints left. Daniel adjusts. Emma growls. Daniel motions for calm. DANIEL Emma - stop. Emma finally turns back to stare down at her burning Mercedes. Famke joins her. FAMKE Like Vikings. Emma does a very slow take. EMMA Huh? Famke explains with flourish. FAMKE Funeral pyre - Your grandmother's ashes, carried on the flames, up to Valhalla. It's poetic if you think about it. EMMA Ashes! Emma turns back to shout at Scott who is now keeping his distance and the rest of the group between them. EMMA You little . . . my grandmother's ashes were in that . . . thing!

17. DANIEL Take it easy. EMMA You take it easy! I'm supposed to scatter those ashes at four O clock! FAMKE Why four? EMMA Because. It's, it's on my schedule. If I had my appointment book I could show you. But no! I can't do that now. Can I?! No one says a thing for several seconds. DANIEL Okay. Emma snarls. EMMA Don't give me that. DANIEL Give you what? EMMA You know what. Don't give me - that look. FAMKE What look? EMMA You either. Stop it both of you. I have the right to be upset. This is not on my schedule, not in my plans, not what I want . . . not happening! This can't be happening to me! INT. SCHOOL BUS (MOVING) - DAY The bus rocks and jostles as it moves up the mountain road. Emma fumes in the seat nearest the front door. Professor Dik takes the seat behind Emma to try a little diplomacy. PROFESSOR DIK Rough day, huh? Emma doesn't answer.

18. PROFESSOR DIK I mean, you came up here to scatter your grandmother's ashes and . . . it was your grandmother right? Raquel.

EMMA Her name was Raquel and --

PROFESSOR DIK I'm so sorry. EMMA She was beautiful and strong and -PROFESSOR DIK She sounds just -EMMA She took me in when I needed help and -PROFESSOR DIK She sounds perfect. EMMA Yes. (quietly) She was. Professor Dik rests his chin on Emma's seat back. PROFESSOR DIK I know it doesn't seem like it now but you might eventually come to find this - this whole thing, rather funny. EMMA Funny? PROFESSOR DIK Well not now of course, but who knows. Some day, in the future, after -EMMA After all of you have died horribly painful deaths? Professor Dik laughs. PROFESSOR DIK If that helps, I suppose you're free to look at it that way. EMMA Oh trust me . . . it helps. (MORE)

19. EMMA (grumbles) Bunch of grab-ass-tic spastics. Famke leans forward to interrupt. FAMKE She's not really a joyful person, anyway. PROFESSOR DIK You know, I was kind of getting that. Emma points a stabbing finger over her shoulder at Famke. EMMA And you can take her to hell with you when you go. Be my guest. The bus swerves hard to the right.

Daniel shouts.

DANIEL Whoa, damn it! EXT. SCHOOL BUS, A CURVE IN THE ROAD - DAY The bus runs aground on the hillside, narrowly avoiding a herd of MUSTANGS that gallops across the road and uphill. INT. SCHOOL BUS - DAY Everyone goes to the windows on Emma's side to see the horses. SARAH They're beautiful. CANDICE Get your camera! Everyone files off the bus, past Emma who sits quietly in her seat -- that is until Scott comes by, last in line. Emma stands blocking Scott's exit. SCOTT Look, Emma, I'm really, really -Emma clocks Scott right on the chin, knocking him out-cold. EXT. SCHOOL BUS, A CURVE IN THE ROAD - DAY Emma steps down off the bus and joins the group as they stare up the hill, admiring the herd. Daniel notices that Emma is smiling, at last. DANIEL Is that a smile?

20. Sure.

EMMA Why not?

DANIEL You like horses then? EMMA Not really. Daniel's own smile turns quizzical then . . . he jumps. DANIEL Where's Scott? Emma jerks a thumb over her shoulder. EMMA Asleep. INT. SCHOOL BUS - DAY Daniel climbs into the bus, looks down, spies Scott. Scott!

DANIEL You alright Buddy?

Scott grumbles from the floor. SCOTT (O.S.) Oh, just peachy. Daniel helps Scott up. SCOTT You think she's still mad? DANIEL One of us is. EXT. SCHOOL BUS, A CURVE IN THE ROAD - DAY Daniel helps Scott off the bus. an arm over Daniel's shoulder.

Scott staggers by Emma with

SCOTT She's a damned boxer. EMMA Tae Kwon Doe, actually. DANIEL Just don't do that again. me, Emma?

You got

EMMA Or what, you'll kick my ass?

21. DANIEL No, you'll walk - your ass - home. SCOTT (punch drunk laugh) It's a nice ass too. Daniel grimaces.

Scott notices, frowns.

SCOTT I said that out loud, didn't I? He pushes Scott's arm off his shoulder. DANIEL Dumb shit. Scott shrugs an apology to Emma.

Emma huffs and turns away.

The group is joined just then by CRAZY KELLY a grizzled prospector who approaches them unnoticed, leading his pack mule ESMERELDA up the road behind him. CRAZY KELLY Mustangs is sure enough pretty. The Group jumps then turns in unison. CRAZY KELLY But Mustangs can be awful ornery and ain't nowhere near as good company as a mule. Crazy Kelly pats his mule. CRAZY KELLY Huh Esmerelda? Esmerelda nods her agreement. awe-struck.

Crazy Kelly smiles.

FAMKE You're a . . . prospector, a real prospector! Emma groans. Yup.

CRAZY KELLY Name's Kelly.

Professor Dik comes closer. PROFESSOR DIK Mr. Kelly, aren't the mines all played out in this area?

Famke is

22. Crazy Kelly motions for Professor Dik to draw near then whispers in his ear. CRAZY KELLY All exceptin' the Dutchman. Crazy Kelly arches a brow. Professor Dik chuckles. PROFESSOR DIK The Dutchman? That's generally considered to be a myth and besides, it's supposed to be over -CRAZY KELLY Two hundert miles south of here. I know's it. But things ain't always what they says things is. Now is they? Folks can call me Crazy Kelly all they want. It don't bother me none 'cause some day they'll see. You'll all see. Old Crazy Kelly was right the whole time. FAMKE But the book says -CRAZY KELLY And don't go givin' me no book nonsense little girl. I can tell you stories -But then, Crazy Kelly notices Famke's guidebook. CRAZY KELLY Is that Wesley's book? Yes.

FAMKE You know it?

CRAZY KELLY Know it? Hell, I know'd him. Me and old Walt used to sit out here and watch the fireworks together. PROFESSOR DIK Fireworks? CRAZY KELLY Back that way. The government used to shoot off some really big ones over them hills, back in the day. DANIEL What big ones?

23. CRAZY KELLY Shit. You'd think the sun was coming up early, they was so big. They'd shake the ground clear up to Silver City. Oh!

FAMKE Silver City!

CRAZY KELLY You looking for Silver City? EMMA No, we're not. Yes!

FAMKE Where is it?

CRAZY KELLY You're already on the road that takes you there - sort-a. Famke turns to Professor Dik. FAMKE Please.

Can we?

PROFESSOR DIK Well, we should be turning back already. CRAZY KELLY You ain't going back that way. EMMA Why not? CRAZY KELLY The fire. Crazy Kelly draws their attention to a column of black smoke rising to the sky behind them. CRAZY KELLY Some darned fool run his rig off the mountain back about ten miles or so. It done set the whole world on fire; won't be safe to go that way till it's all burnt off. PROFESSOR DIK That's not good. Crazy Kelly points to the Mustangs grazing on the hillside.

24. CRAZY KELLY That's what's got the Mustangs over here. They don't normally get this close to Silver City, not this time of year anyhow. CANDICE What's wrong with Silver City? Ghosts.

FAMKE It's a ghost town.

Famke points in her guidebook. FAMKE Truly. EMMA Would you stop? You're giving me a headache. CRAZY KELLY She's right and you take some good advice. Don't go up to Silver City. Don't be like them church folks, some years back. CANDICE What did they do? CRAZY KELLY Died or killed each other. They was fixing the town up, was goin' to make what they called a "Retreat" out of the place. Retreat is what they should a done instead. EMMA They didn't make it? CRAZY KELLY Not a one. PROFESSOR DIK Really now, let's take a minute. CRAZY KELLY No, I been there. Believe me, you don't want to be in Silver City when the sun goes down and the Devil Wind begins to blow. EMMA Devil Wind? You've got Devil Wind out here? (throws up her hands) Okay. crazy time is over. Let's go.

25. CRAZY KELLY People get strange, start seein' things when the wind comes out of them hills south of town. You might even get to see old Smiling Jack duelin' the Devil at Dawn. FAMKE Smiling Jack! The gunfighter? Famke flips through her guidebook to a portrait of infamous gunslinger SMILING JACK, Silver City's last living sheriff whose ghost was in the opening scene. FAMKE Please, Professor Dik! We have to go see it. Please, let's go to Silver City! CRAZY KELLY Is she touched? EMMA Oh - you called that one right. FAMKE We can't come this far and not see Silver City. It's anthropology, it's sociology, it's criminology, it's -EMMA Spooky-ology, from the sound of it. ASIA What's one more stop? Famke sells the idea from her guidebook. FAMKE It's got a jail, a church, a hotel, a saloon and -A saloon?

SCOTT I'm in!

But Emma wants no part in their little adventure. EMMA Hey, I just want to get home! Asia is bored enough to pick a fight. ASIA Who asked you anyway? Emma tries reason.

26. EMMA Look you, I'm due back on Monday. lot of people are counting on me.

A I --

ASIA Big deal. EMMA What I'm trying to say is that I have a full schedule of meetings, two international conference calls and -Asia throws up her hands. ASIA So - what?! Emma gives up on reason. EMMA Well, screw you little Miss -Attention-whore! LUTHER Oh! (raises hand) Shotgun! Both Emma and Asia question Luther with a look. LUTHER Seriously, if you two ever want to get together, like - you know - count me in. But the girls are not having it. ASIA Shut up. EMMA Yeah. Crazy Kelly takes off his hat and prays. CRAZY KELLY Lord, won't you please help these poor fools see the error of their wicked ways. CANDICE Excuse me?

27. CRAZY KELLY And please, Lord, don't let 'em go up to Silver City. But if'n you do, well, don't say I didn't warn-em. Crazy Kelly steals a peek during his prayer. CRAZY KELLY And Lord, if you could, please save the pretty foreign girl for later. You know how lonely it gets out here on the trail, even with my mule and all. He dons his hat. CRAZY KELLY Amen. Emma taunts Famke. EMMA You could go with him now. You know . . . if'n you want to. Famke crinkles her nose. FAMKE He's, Old. EMMA What do you care? remember?

You're nuts,

EXT. THE MOUNTAIN ROAD (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY Willows sway in the breeze as the bus creeps around a curve. Sunlight sparkles off quartz crystals on the mountain road. INT. SCHOOL BUS (MOVING) - DAY The group discusses its plans. DANIEL We've still got three quarters of a tank. If it's not too far -CANDICE And if we only stay for a little while -PROFESSOR DIK Whatever we do, we can't let the bus die. We've got to keep the motor running no matter what.

28. FAMKE But Smiling Jack duels the Devil at Dawn! EMMA Yeah. Exactly what is that about anyway? Famke reads from her guidebook. FAMKE Smiling Jack, the sheriff of Silver City was the most feared man for a hundred miles who, to prove his prowess as a pistolero -FLASHBACK - EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET - DAWN 1880 FAMKE (V.O.) Challenged the Devil - to a duel at Dawn. Smiling Jack steps into the street as the sun crests cactus studded hills. The CREAKING WINDMILL swings to face South as THE DEVIL appears out of the ground. Smiling Jack takes a fighting stance, fingers the ebony handles of his revolvers. The Devil copies him and a gun belt materializes around his red waist. Smiling Jack draws first. Both fire. INT. SCHOOL BUS (MOVING) - DAY CANDICE What happened? Famke looks up from her guidebook with a shrug. FAMKE He lost. FLASHBACK - EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET - DAWN 1880 Smiling Jack looks down and finds an enormous flaming hole in his chest. He falls to his knees. SMILING JACK Well - shit. Smiling Jack slumps forward, planting his face in the dirt. INT. SCHOOL BUS (MOVING) - DAY Famke continues the guidebook's article on Smiling Jack.

29. FAMKE Smiling Jack lost and became the Devil's Soul Wrangler. He haunts Silver City, rounding up Hell's stragglers each night till dawn when he must duel the Devil again. EMMA And if he should ever win, what then? FAMKE He duels - the Devil. EMMA And? DANIEL Hence, he never wins. CANDICE But what if he did win? PROFESSOR DIK He'd be free; his soul wrangling days would be over, I guess. EMMA But until then, he just keeps losing, gets shot all over again every dawn. FAMKE Right. FLASHBACK - EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET - DAWN 1880 A SERIES OF SHOTS: Smiling Jack loses the duel time and time again. INT. SCHOOL BUS (MOVING) - DAY EMMA That would piss you off. FAMKE I guess so. FLASHBACK - EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET - DAWN 1880 Smiling Jack leads a train of ghost horses carrying DOOMED SOULS down the street as the Devil rises. Smiling Jack stands there with a frown, waiting. The DEVIL LAUGHS. BANG! END FLASHBACK. INT. SCHOOL BUS (MOVING) - DAY Emma eyes Famke.

30. EMMA You really love this stuff, don't you? Famke clasps the guidebook to her chest. FAMKE It's wonderful. EXT. FORK IN THE ROAD - DAY The bus stops at a sign post that reads: "SILVER CITY, RIGHT, THREE MILES." INT. SCHOOL BUS - DAY Professor Dik gathers the group's attention. PROFESSOR DIK Okay, all those for Silver City, raise your hands. Everyone but Emma raises a hand.

Emma sighs.

EMMA The funny thing is, I know I'm right; just like I know that all of you are going to wish you had voted with me. ASIA Whatever. SARAH Do you poop every party you come to or are we just special? EMMA Darling, you're riding the short bus, or haven't you noticed? FAMKE Short bus? EMMA You know, like the short - donkey cart that took the weird kids to school in - whichever Transylvanian hamlet you're from. Famke huffs. FAMKE Holland, not Transylvania. Emma turns away.

31. EMMA Just smile and look pretty. Famke smiles and looks pretty. EXT. A FORK IN THE ROAD - DAY The bus turns up the road for Silver City. EXT. WILLOW GROVE - SILVER CITY MAIN STREET - DAY Clapboard buildings bake in the sun. Wild flowers and blossoming trees do a dainty dance on the breeze as the bus rounds the corner into town. EXT. SILVER CITY SALOON - DAY The bus stops. big rock.

The group gets off.

Candice hands Daniel a

INT. SCHOOL BUS - DAY Daniel sets the big rock against the bus's accelerator pedal. DANIEL (to rock) Stay. (to bus) Keep - running. EXT. SILVER CITY SALOON - DAY The group gathers in front of The Saloon. PROFESSOR DIK Okay, everyone stay together. Scott tries the Saloon's door. SCOTT Hey, it's open! PROFESSOR DIK I mean we should all be very careful. Scott enters The Saloon. SCOTT (O.S.) It's a hooch hunt and I'm winning! ASIA Not yet, you're not! Asia charges after Scott.

32. Hold on! there!

PROFESSOR DIK We have no idea what's in

The rest of the group follows Scott into the Saloon. INT. SILVER CITY SALOON - DAY They find Scott behind the bar, holding up two dusty, old bottles of whiskey. SCOTT Score! Scott struggles to open a bottle. CANDICE That can't be safe. (to Daniel) Can it? DANIEL Not a good idea, Scott. Scott can't be discouraged.

Daniel shrugs to Professor Dik.

PROFESSOR DIK Well, they continue to unearth WW-II caches of French Cognac in Macedonia from time to time. ASIA Those any good? FAMKE Very good and very expensive. Most of the bottles are found by farmers digging in their fields who drink them before they can be sold. EMMA You would know that, wouldn't you? No one else here would know that. And why would you know that? No one really knows. Only you would know that too . . . wouldn't you? FAMKE Huh? Scott finally conquers the bottle's cork and takes a huge swig then chokes, coughs and wheezes. SCOTT That's . . . It's . . . Holy shit!

33. CANDICE Good stuff I guess. SCOTT Pure venom, rot-gut poison right from the rattler's fangs. EMMA You should definitely finish it then. Everyone gives Emma a disgusted look. EMMA Oh please. He's your dork. Tell me you haven't wished he'd bite the big one before now. Famke quietly examines the saloon's piano. Running her hands over the dust covered instrument, she lights up with a discovery. Here!

FAMKE It's right here.

PROFESSOR DIK What's where? FAMKE The bullet hole. Famke sets up the fatal shot. shooter's position.

She drags Candice to the

FAMKE He stood around about here and -Famke raises Candice's arm, makes her hand into the shape of a gun. I got it.


Not yet. CANDICE Sorry. Famke then has Luther sit on the piano stool. FAMKE The piano player was playing away and -CANDICE Pow!

34. FAMKE Not yet! But Luther falls over anyway. LUTHER Oh you got me! Famke is disgusted. FAMKE Oh! Well that's how it happened anyway. She points out the piano's BULLET HOLE once again. FAMKE And the bullet is still in there. Luther examines the bullet hole. LUTHER It is. DANIEL Who shot the piano player? EMMA Don't encourage her; maybe she'll go away if we ignore her. Famke points to a page in her guidebook. FAMKE Smiling Jack, he shot the piano player. Pow! Shot him right in the middle of the song. LUTHER What song? Famke checks her book. FAMKE It doesn't say. Emma sits in a chair, rubbing her head. EMMA Please, somebody make her stop. CANDICE Must have been something he didn't feel like listening to. DANIEL Smiling Jack, is that even a name?

35. FAMKE (reading on) Smiling Jack a.k.a. Jacob Pearlman -Famke pauses. FAMKE Pearlman? Emma laughs. EMMA A Jewish gunfighter? Famke shrugs. FAMKE It says he was very dangerous. Famke offers Emma the guidebook EMMA No thanks. Emma glances over at the piano. EMMA Well, one thing's for sure; he managed to kill the piano. Famke points in the guidebook again. FAMKE Piano - player. Emma waves Famke's comment away with a smirk. PROFESSOR DIK Okay lets finish up. Take your pictures, use the rest-room -ASIA Rest room, where? Scott points with whiskey bottle in hand. SCOTT Lots of bushes out there. Asia steps to the doorway and checks the street with a frown. ASIA Baby don't do bushes. PROFESSOR DIK Let's all get ready to go. (MORE)

36. PROFESSOR DIK We don't have an unlimited supply of gasoline in that bus and we need -ASIA I don't think gas is going to be the problem. Oh shit.

DANIEL Did it quit? ASIA

Yup. Emma glares at Daniel. EMMA Did you let that damned bus die? SCOTT Wasn't me. EMMA Shut up. DANIEL We'll fix it. EMMA Yeah?


back off. out.

CANDICE We'll figure something

EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET (SHORT TIME LATER)- DAY Professor Dik stands in front of the saloon, wipes a hand across his brow. Daniel and Candice work on the bus. Sarah and Asia both flirt with Luther until Scott interrupts them. SCOTT Hey, who wants to go exploring? The three give him a perturbed look. SCOTT Ah come on; somebody's got to go with me. SARAH Are you afraid?


SCOTT Maybe. Sarah laughs.

37. SARAH Where did you want to go Scott? He points. SCOTT I was thinking about the hotel. Sarah groans.

Scott pleads.

SCOTT Come on Sarah, it's stupid dull out here. Let's go find some trouble. SARAH Okay, but only for a little while. Sarah kisses Luther goodbye and heads off with Scott. confronts Sarah and Scott.


CANDICE Where are you two going? SARAH We're getting a room. Scott laughs a little too loudly. CANDICE You should probably not. You should probably stay with the rest of us. SARAH You should probably kiss my ass Candice. Professor Dik watches the quiet argument then sees Asia hitting on Luther. He frowns, confronts Luther. PROFESSOR DIK And what exactly are you doing? How about helping us find a way to get out of here. Luther ambles over to Professor Dik, squats down, sifts a handful of dirt from the road at their feet and speaks in a thick WESTERN MOVIE ACCENT. Hmm.

LUTHER This 'm road - Kemo Sabe.

He stands. LUTHER We come town -He points North.

38. LUTHER This a way. Me thinkum, best thing do now is -He turns. LUTHER Go back -He points South. LUTHER That a way. Professor Dik sighs. Luther winks. Asia laughs. Professor Dik turns and meets Emma's gaze. She shakes her head. EXT. SILVER CITY HOTEL - DAY Emma sits in the shade of a large lilac. Famke studies the guidebook while pacing off the distance from the saloon to the church. Emma frowns. EMMA What are you doing? FAMKE The original mine entrance is hidden under one of these buildings. Emma groans then lies back in the shade. Across the street and behind the bus, the CREAKING WINDMILL turns slowly in the breeze. Emma drifts off to dream. DREAM SEQUENCE - INT. GRANDMA RAQUEL'S HOUSE - DAY Emma's GRANDMA RAQUEl snaps green beans from a large bowl on her kitchen table. The RUMBLE of a MOTORCYCLE approaches outside. Raquel leans back in her chair to peer out her kitchen's screen door. RAQUEL'S POV Outside, Emma, in motorcycle leather, arrives on the back of her boyfriend JAKE'S motorcycle. She punches his shoulder. BACK TO SCENE EXT. GRANDMA RAQUEL'S HOUSE - DAY Emma climbs off the bike. Jake reaches for her but she pushes him away. Emma pulls off her helmet and her hair is died red with streaks of blue.

39. She shouts but he cranks the throttle drowning her out. Emma flips him the finger with both hands as Jake pulls away. INT. GRANDMA RAQUEL'S HOUSE - DAY Emma stomps into the kitchen as the MOTORCYCLE'S ROAR fades off screen. Emma removes her leather jacket revealing a deep tan, a bikini top and a pierced navel. This is Wild Emma, Emma ten years younger. She gets a glass of water at the sink. Too angry to drink, Emma slams the glass down on the counter top. EMMA Shit! RAQUEL Amen. Emma turns with a questioning look on her face. RAQUEL That's what I've been thinking ever since you started up with that asshole. Saw you two ride off together and I said to myself, 'Shit'. Emma laughs. EMMA Grandma. RAQUEL I'm old. I can say whatever I want. (snaps a bean) Shit. (snaps another) See? EMMA I don't need Jake anyway. I don't need anybody. I'm fine by myself. RAQUEL Now that's a lie. It's a lie and don't you go believing it Emma Peacock. You need people. We all need people, sometimes more than others. Like now?

EMMA Like I need you?

Raquel pushes the bowl of beans at Emma.

40. RAQUEL Like I need some help with all these damned beans. Now get to snappin' so we can start canning afterwards. Emma calms as they snaps green beans. some news.

She decides to share

EMMA Grandma? RAQUEL Hmm? EMMA I got in. Raquel takes her glasses off, stares across the table into space. RAQUEL To Columbia? EMMA Yes. Raquel puts her glasses back on and quietly goes back to snapping beans. That's it?

EMMA No comment, nothing?

RAQUEL You'll be fine. I always knew you'd make it. That is if you don't -EMMA If I don't what? RAQUEL Take up with anymore assholes like Jake. It's time you took yourself seriously Emma, time you grew up. Emma is silent, goes back to snapping beans. END DREAM SEQUENCE. EXT. SILVER CITY HOTEL - NIGHT Emma is awakened by Daniel who squats near snapping his fingers near her ear. She squints. He has a winning smile. DANIEL Hey.

41. Emma pushes his snapping fingers away with a frown. stands.


DANIEL So, you gonna sleep out here or come inside with the rest of us? Emma half rises to find the sun setting behind the bus parked on the side of the road beneath the windmill. Everyone else has evidently gone inside. EMMA You said, sleep - inside? DANIEL There's new beds in the hotel. EMMA New beds? Daniel gives Emma a hand as she stands, dusting off her butt. DANIEL Yeah, the church-folk were evidently fixing the place up. There's even a phone. EMMA Did you call for help? DANIEL It's not a - working phone - not now anyway. But there's solar-cells on the roof and -EMMA Solar. That's DC. We could charge the bus's battery -DANIEL Tomorrow when the sun comes up, right. They start for the hotel. EMMA You're sure about this, I mean spending the night in Silver City? the sun's going down, you know? Daniel chuckles. DANIEL Yeah. Look out for that Devil Wind. It could blow any second now. Woo. Emma can't help but smile. Daniel either. After several seconds, he turns toward the hotel; Emma follows.

42. EXT. SILVER CITY HOTEL - NIGHT Daniel enters the hotel. The next moment, a breezes stirs the trees and the WINDMILL PIVOTS NOISILY toward South. Emma faces into the new breeze, takes a deep breath and smiles. EMMA Hmm wild flowers. Emma heads into the hotel. The CREAKING WINDMILL's spinning blades pick up speed as the Devil Wind comes into town. INT. SILVER CITY HOTEL - NIGHT Emma follows Daniel down a hallway lined with guest rooms. Famke steps out of her room, purposefully brushinb her breasts against Daniel. FAMKE Oh, I'm sorry. DANIEL It's okay. Famke and Emma exchange looks. Emma mocks Famke.

Daniel doesn't notice as

EMMA (silently) Oh Emma juts out her chest. EMMA (silently) Sorry! Famke smiles even more brightly and keeps going. pushes open a door to show Emma her room. DANIEL Is this one okay? She peers inside. EMMA Looks okay. He nods over his shoulder. DANIEL I'm across the hall. EMMA Hmm, thanks.


43. Emma enters her room but then turns back to Daniel. EMMA Daniel, maybe we should get that battery out of the bus now. You know, have it connected to the solar grid before the sun comes up DANIEL Good idea. EMMA I can help you with that if you like. DANIEL Deal. Daniel enters his room. Emma glances down the hall and sees Asia pulling Luther into her room. Luther looks up and meets Emma's gaze. He smiles, puts a finger to his lips asking her not to say anything. Emma nods with a smirk. EMMA (quietly) Oh you know I'm telling Sarah, the very first chance I get. Daniel comes back. DANIEL What were you saying? Nothing.

EMMA Let's go get that battery. DANIEL

Right. They start off. Emma's pace slows as she glances back up the hallway behind them. EMMA Have you seen Sarah? DANIEL No.


Emma gives him no answer but a smile. EXT. THE BUS - NIGHT Emma hands Daniel a pair of pliers as he stands on the bus' front bumper leaning into the engine compartment. Emma takes a moment to look around.

44. EMMA It's actually kind of pretty here; spooky but pretty. DANIEL Arrested Decay. EMMA What? Daniel motions toward the old buildings. DANIEL That's what they call it; arrested decay. Oh yeah?

EMMA What's arresting it?

Daniel shrugs and lifts out the detached battery. DANIEL Alright, so it's in - slow decay. Sarah and Scott exit the hotel and approach. mission.

Sarah is on a

SARAH Have you seen Luther? DANIEL No. Emma's chance has arrived. EMMA Have you checked Asia's room? Sarah growls. SARAH Oh no she doesn't! EMMA You better hurry. I bet she's naked and on her knees by now. SARAH Oh! Sarah does an about-face to march back to the hotel. smiles with wicked delight. Daniel notices. DANIEL Why do you do that?


45. EMMA Because it's fun? Sarah bumps into Scott on her way to the hotel. SARAH Move! Sorry.


But before Sarah can take another step, the MUSTANG HERD THUNDERS into town. Emma pulls Daniel behind the bus. Sarah bolts for the hotel. Scott freezes in the street. The Mustangs are lead by a WHITE STALLION that rears up in front of Scott who stands mesmerized in the road. SCOTT Wild - Stallions. Scott!

DANIEL Get out of the way!

The White Stallion has a long lasso looped around its neck and it charges Scott. Scott continues to stand in the way. SARAH Scott, jump! The White Stallion leaps over Scott and its WHIPPING LASSO catches him by surprise, wrapping around his neck as the horse passes overhead. Scott's NECK SNAPS as he is yanked off his feet and dragged away. Sarah calls after Scott - quietly at first. SARAH Scott? But then terror takes hold. Scott!

SARAH Oh my god, Scott!

Emma and Daniel come out from behind the bus to join Sarah. DANIEL We'll go after him! Emma snorts once as if she's about to laugh. DANIEL (quietly) Don't even. EMMA Oh . . . he's dead.

46. SARAH Shut up! EMMA Seriously, his neck snapped. had to hear that.


Sarah lunges at Emma, with fists swinging. DANIEL Scott! We have to help Scott. catch the horses and --

Daniel intervenes. We'll

EMMA How? DANIEL We have to try. Emma picks up the battery and heads for the hotel. EMMA Fine, go find his body so we can take it back when we go. But I'm telling you; he's done for. SARAH I hate you! EMMA Look, I'm sorry about your friend, but how are you going to get him back? Sarah can't answer and begins to weep. Emma looks toward Daniel. Daniel takes Sarah into his arms. EXT. SILVER CITY HOTEL - NIGHT The rest of the group rushes out of the hotel. Daniel holds Sarah as the group arrives. Emma carries the battery inside. PROFESSOR DIK What happened? Where's Scott? SARAH They took him. PROFESSOR DIK Who did? Sarah moves from Daniel's arms to Luther's. DANIEL The Mustangs. His neck snapped.

47. CANDICE The horses took Scott? PROFESSOR DIK Wait, wait a second. The horses? How do horses? Did you say his neck snapped? SARAH It had a rope around its neck. PROFESSOR DIK What did? DANIEL The horse did and then Scott did and then it just . . . dragged him away. PROFESSOR DIK What? INT. SILVER CITY SALOON (SHORT TIME LATER) - NIGHT The group except for Emma sits quietly in shock. pours everyone a shot of whiskey.


CANDICE That's just too weird. Candice turns back to the bar shaking her head. She glances into the mirror behind the bar and sees Smiling Jack snarling at her from over her shoulder. CANDICE Shit! Candice spins around but there is no one behind her. CANDICE Where is he? PROFESSOR DIK Who, Scott? No.

CANDICE The, the --

DANIEL Who did you see? CANDICE The Gunfighter! He was in the mirror. He smiled right at me. Professor Dik rises to stand at Candice's side.

48. FAMKE Smiling Jack? You saw him?


Candice points by the piano. CANDICE He was standing over there. FAMKE Did he have his guns? CANDICE Two . . . with ebony handles. Professor Dik puts an arm around Candice's shoulder as Emma enters and stands in the doorway overlooking the scene. Luther reaches for the whiskey bottle he's sharing with Sarah and Asia. LUTHER Okay, pass the hooch. When folks start seeing ghosts it's definitely time for more whiskey. EMMA Who's seeing ghosts? Candice did.

FAMKE She saw Smiling Jack!

PROFESSOR DIK Now wait a minute, we don't know what she saw. CANDICE I saw a man dressed like a cowboy with guns and he looked really mean and -SARAH There! Sarah points to the darkened hallway next to the bar. SARAH I saw him too. She climbs into Luther's lap, pulls his arms around her. SARAH He was standing right there, Jack the gunfighter.


Sarah kisses Luther's cheek raising Emma's suspicions.

49. EMMA Yeah. Well, I'm going to bed and should any of you actually make it through the night -She salutes. EMMA I'll be seeing you in the morning. Emma exits the saloon. ASIA Nice. DANIEL She's right. We should all try to get some sleep. SARAH But what about Scott? Sarah's complaint goes unheard. FAMKE Not me; I'm staying up. I want to see Smiling Jack myself. LUTHER You are touched. FAMKE What does that mean? SARAH But what about Scott? ASIA You know, I think I'm ready to go to bed too. Asia runs a foot up Luther's leg behind Sarah's back. He glances down and smiles with the very slightest shake of his head for Asia. Sarah doesn't notice. SARAH But what - about - Scott! Everyone answers in unison. EVERYONE Scott's Dead! Sarah shakes her head and catches Luther smiling at Asia behind her back. She turns and gives Asia a ferocious glare. Asia smiles but gets up and moves away toward the bar.

50. EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET - NIGHT Emma crosses the dark street toward the hotel. COYOTES HOWL. She turns. A PACK OF COYOTES rounds the street corner and heads her way. Emma fights with the hotel's front door. The Mustangs charge in from the opposite direction, meeting the Coyotes in a mid-street stand off. Emma is surprised to find Scott's tortured-remains-on-a-rope lying at her feet, in the street. EMMA Hi Scott. The Mustangs surge on, chasing the Coyotes out of view. Scott's body is ripped away on the rope behind them. Emma offers a slight wave as he goes. EMMA Bye Scott. Emma tries the hotel's door and it opens. She goes inside. Moments later: Smiling Jack rides a pale horse up the street and leads another ghostly horse carrying Scott's savaged soul behind him. INT. SOLAR POWER ROOM - NIGHT The room is filled with electrical panels, gages and cables. Emma connects the last charger cable to the bus' battery then leaves the solar power room to enter the -INT. HOTEL KITCHEN - NIGHT Where she fills a bathing pitcher with water from a hand pump at the sink. Suddenly, Smiling Jack stands behind her. He touches Emma's hair as if to smell it. Emma spins around but no one is there. Quaking, she turns to the sink and catches a faint reflection in the window. Looking closer, Emma sees Smiling Jack staring back over her shoulder. He gives her a toss of his chin. SMILING JACK Are you fast? Emma freezes, stares speechless into the window. SMILING JACK I think you're plenty fast, not like them stragglers down at the saloon. I think you might make it. EMMA Make it?

51. SMILING JACK You might just live to see the sun come up. Smiling Jack fades a bit then reappears. SMILING JACK Oh and one more thing. EMMA What? SMILING JACK Watch your feet. Smiling Jack vanishes. Emma looks down and jumps at the sight of a RATTLESNAKE coiled nearby, ready to strike. EMMA Shit! Emma tosses the pitcher of water at the snake, splashing it away. The snake slithers down a hole in the floor and disappears. Emma turns back to the sink. EMMA Okay it's official; this place sucks. INT. HALLWAY, SILVER CITY HOTEL - NIGHT Emma heads down the hall to her room. his room.

Daniel steps out of

DANIEL Hey, did you hear the Coyotes earlier? EMMA Ah - yeah. DANIEL Pretty cool huh? Emma shrugs. EMMA Oh, and I saw Scott. You did?

DANIEL Was he . .?

EMMA He's lost a lot of weight recently. It didn't look good on him though. Daniel is both amused and disgusted.

52. DANIEL You're sick; you know that right? Sick - sexy?

EMMA Or sick - not so sexy?

Daniel shakes his head. EMMA So you'll have to think about it then? DANIEL I really have no idea what to do with you Emma. EMMA So it's - sexy then. Daniel slowly closes his door. DANIEL Good-night Emma. She shakes her head at his retreat. EMMA Coward. Emma enters her room. INT. EMMA'S ROOM - NIGHT A candle glows as Emma turns down the bed then turns around and strips down to panties and a tank-top thus failing to see the TARANTULA that creeps across the sheets and under her pillow. Emma slides into bed, blows out the candle. DARKNESS. Moonlight from a window divides the room. Seconds later: Emma screams, jumps out of bed and throws back the covers. The tarantula crawls out onto her sheets. Emma shakes the covers and the spider onto the floor. She grabs up a boot and whacks the spider repeatedly. EMMA Fuck - this - town! Her door flies open; Daniel comes to her rescue. DANIEL What's going on? Emma continues bashing the spider with her hiking boot. EMMA Big spider - big spider - big spider!

53. Daniel takes Emma's shoulders and pulls her chest to his. DANIEL I think it's dead, Em. EMMA You're, ah (glances down) Squashing my tits. DANIEL Yeah, I (glances down) Guess I am. EMMA You gonna do that all night? DANIEL I kinda like it. EMMA Kinda? Famke and Sarah interrupt their clutch, from the doorway. FAMKE We can't find Luther. SARAH Or - Asia. Emma frowns. EMMA We're kinda -Emma pulls Daniel closer. EMMA -- busy here. DANIEL We had better go find them. EMMA Why? DANIEL Em, you know why. Daniel leaves. Sarah huffs coolly at Emma and then follows Daniel down the hall. Famke smiles. Em?

FAMKE You're "Em" now?

54. Emma shrugs while brushing down her erect nipples. laughs. Emma frowns. What?


EMMA It's cold in here.

FAMKE Right - that's what it looked like. EMMA What do you know? INT. HOTEL CELLAR (SHORT TIME LATER) - NIGHT Professor Dik and Candice use an oil lamp to look for Luther and Asia in the cob-webbed bowels of the hotel's cellar. CANDICE (whispering) Asia! - Luther! PROFESSOR DIK Why are you whispering? CANDICE You know - they could be -Candice acts as if copulating. calls out.

Professor Dik sneers, then

PROFESSOR DIK (whispers) Asia! - Luther! (louder) Where the - hell are you two? Their lamp suddenly lights a gruesome sight. A WOMAN'S DECOMPOSING BODY lies face-down on a wooden table. CANDICE Eww. Candice reaches gingerly to the corpse and it rolls over. The woman's corpse clutches the equally emaciated body of a huge RATTLESNAKE to her breast. Its fangs are stuck in her neck. Candice and Professor Dik jump and shout. The oil lamp goes out. DARKNESS CANDICE Oh, you better get that lit but quick! PROFESSOR DIK I got it, I got it. Jesus, did you see that snake? CANDICE Just hurry-up and light that lamp!

55. He does and they retreat from the cellar. Candice hurries ahead but then bumps into the body of a HANGED MAN swinging from a rope tied to the joists overhead. She screams and jogs up the stairs ahead of Professor Dik. He pushes the swinging corpse aside and follows Candice up the stairs. But then, as he passes an old photo on the cellar wall, Professor Dik is greeted in the photo's glass by Smiling Jack. SMILING JACK Ever been a miner? PROFESSOR DIK (stops) A what? SMILING JACK You look like a damned miner to me; like you belong underground, way down deep. PROFESSOR DIK Is this a trick? SMILING JACK You tell me - Miner. The stairs cave in beneath Professor Dik sending him crashing down, way down into the old silver mine below the hotel. PROFESSOR DIK Shiiit! INT. HOTEL KITCHEN - NIGHT Candice leans back through the cellar's doorway and sees the stairs are gone, leaving a deep black hole with only the dimmest flicker of light from Professor Dik's lamp visible at its bottom. Professor!

CANDICE Professor Dik!

He calls up from the abyss. PROFESSOR DIK (o.s.) I'm alright! CANDICE Are you sure?! It looks like a long way down there! INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT Professor Dik lies on his back.

56. I'm fine!

PROFESSOR DIK The net stopped my fall! CANDICE (O.S.)

The net?! Yeah!

PROFESSOR DIK There's a . . !

He looks around now, only to realize that his so-called net is actually a pit of sleeping snakes. PROFESSOR DIK Oh funk. INT. HOTEL KITCHEN - NIGHT Candice calls again. CANDICE A net, what kind of net?! PROFESSOR DIK (O.S.) Snakes! Its snakes! Hundreds and hundreds of snakes! Candice panics. CANDICE Get out of there! Candice runs to the kitchen's opposite doorway and calls up the stairs. Help!

CANDICE Somebody please, Help!

INT. ANOTHER MINE, NOT TOO FAR AWAY - NIGHT A pickax strikes against a wall of rock in the light of a miner's head-lamp. Crazy Kelly wipes his brow and swings the pickax once again. Esmerelda pulls a small mining cart by a rope clenched in her teeth. She nudges Crazy Kelly's back with her nose. He looks back, head-lamp shining in her face. CRAZY KELLY What do you want? Esmerelda glances back toward the opening of the tunnel. Outside, wind blows. Tumbleweeds swirl by the mouth of tunnel. Esmerelda turns back to Crazy kelly and snorts. CRAZY KELLY Out of the South is it? Esmerelda nods.

57. CRAZY KELLY You expect me to go back, don't you; to go see if they're alright in Silver City? Esmerelda nods again. CRAZY KELLY Well, I ain't and you ain't neither. Esmerelda tosses her head, snorts angrily. CRAZY KELLY No you ain't. You stay here and keep your head clear of that nonsense going on up there. Esmerelda turns back to the mine entrance and stamps a hoof. CRAZY KELLY Look, we'll go see in the morning, okay? Esmerelda glances back at Crazy Kelly. CRAZY KELLY I promise. We'll go see when the wind stops. Now hand me that shovel. Esmerelda picks up the shovel and nods it toward Crazy kelly. INT. HOTEL KITCHEN - NIGHT Daniel and Candice stare down at Professor Dik stuck in the mine, several feet below them. Wow.

DANIEL That is bad.

CANDICE Tell him to stay away from the snakes. DANIEL He is, he got out of them already. INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT Professor Dik kicks a boot at a slow moving rattlesnake crawling a little too near. He shouts up -PROFESSOR DIK A rope would be nice! Daniel calls down.

58. DANIEL (O.S.) We're looking! Have you see one anywhere?! PROFESSOR DIK It was - in use! INT. HOTEL KITCHEN - NIGHT Daniel turns to Candice. DANIEL What does that mean? Candice

shudders shaking her head.

Daniel calls down.

DANIEL Well, I guess we're out then! INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT PROFESSOR DIK Swell. He looks around then shouts back. PROFESSOR DIK So how the hell do I get out of here?! DANIEL (O.S.) We're working on that right now! PROFESSOR DIK You're working on my problem. He rubs is head. PROFESSOR DIK Well that does it. I'm screwed. INT. HOTEL KITCHEN - NIGHT Emma and Famke join the other's in the kitchen. EMMA There's got to be another entrance somewhere. I doubt they mined silver through this kitchen's pantry. Daniel calls down. DANIEL We're going to find you another way out!

59. INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT PROFESSOR DIK Another way?! How are you going to track me? How are you going to talk me out of here?! INT. HOTEL KITCHEN - NIGHT EMMA Good point. Famke studies her guidebook. FAMKE A map! EMMA Oh sure, why don't you just pull a damned elevator out of that book while you're at it. FAMKE No, Wesley explored the mine, he drew maps that fold out. Famke folds out a three page map from the guidebook. On it is a crude sketch of the mine's shafts and tunnels with place names like, SNAKE PIT, BOTTOMLESS SHAFT and CAPILLA DEL ERÓTICO. DANIEL Let me see that. Fake leans the guidebook nearer to Daniel. He reaches for it just as a weird gust of wind fills the fold-out map like a sail and pulls the book from Famke's grasp. FAMKE Catch it, catch it, catch it! INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT Professor Dik listens to them shouting above him. DANIEL (O.S.) I got it, I got it, I got it! PROFESSOR DIK Ah shit. But, to Professor Dik's surprise the guidebook arrives, landing right in the middle of the snake pit. That's

PROFESSOR DIK how Daniel does it alright.

60. DANIEL (O.S.) Do you see the book?! It just took off! It should be down there with you somewhere! Yeah!

PROFESSOR DIK It's in the . . !

Professor Dik tries reaching after the guidebook with an old shovel he's found nearby. PROFESSOR DIK It's with the . . ! But the old shovel snaps in two. PROFESSOR DIK Damned snakes, you idiot! INT. HOTEL KITCHEN - NIGHT EMMA Snakes? CANDICE Rattlesnakes. EMMA He's got snakes down there? DANIEL Yeah, now hush; we're trying to work here. EMMA Don't hush me. DANIEL Shhh. EMMA I don't care how good looking you are, I'll push you're shushing ass in with him if you don't stop -FAMKE You really should shush. EMMA And you right along with him. INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT Professor Dik has the guidebook in hand as he hops and kicks away from the edge of the pit filled with rattlesnakes.

61. Okay.

PROFESSOR DIK Let's see . . .

He unfolds the map. PROFESSOR DIK Okay, so there's a main entrance -He sighs. PROFESSOR DIK On the other side of town. EXT. SILVER CITY STREET (SHORT TIME LATER) - NIGHT Famke and Sarah search for the mine's front entrance. FAMKE The map showed the mine's main entrance up ahead, on the left. They come then to the -EXT. FRONT ENTRANCE TO MINE - NIGHT Where its large oak doors are looped-through with chain and secured by a padlock. An abandoned wagon sits next to the doors. FAMKE How do we get this chain off? Sarah looks about and spies a wood cutter's ax stuck in a tree stump across the street. SARAH Deus ex Machina. FAMKE (nods) Get it. Sarah wrestles the ax from the stump. She starts back but is cut off by the sudden appearance of the Mustangs. FAMKE Look out! SARAH Yeah buddy. The White Stallion confronts Famke, rearing and striking at the air. Famke ducks behind the wagon. The White Stallion turns around bucking and kicking where Famke had stood thus kicking in the mine's doors

62. The White Stallion gallops ahead - Sarah jumps forward and cuts the rope dragging Scott's body with the Ax. The Mustangs charge into the night. Famke rises and joins Sarah to consider Scott's skeleton. FAMKE I'm sorry. SARAH Yeah, me too. The COYOTES HOWL somewhere nearby. SARAH We can't leave him outside. have to carry him back.


FAMKE But he's all - icky. Sarah looks about. SARAH We need a board or something to carry him on. Famke finds a canvas tarp in the back of the wagon. FAMKE We can - You can put him on this. SARAH Me? FAMKE We'll lay it on him and then -Famke pantomimes rolling Scott up in the tarp. SARAH Like a smoke. Famke nods and they begin. body and head back.

Soon they lift Scott's rolled-up

FAMKE We'll get Scott back to the saloon and then we'll go find Luther and Asia. Okay? SARAH I guess so. FAMKE What does that mean?

63. SARAH Luther's good looking and - fun and all but -FAMKE I thought you loved him. SARAH Love? (laughs) Luther's future prospects are a little limited, I think. Famke shakes her head. INT. SCHOOL BUS - NIGHT Asia leads Luther toward the back of the bus. on a bus seat.

She lies down

LUTHER Aren't you the bad little girl? ASIA Come down here and see. Luther gets comfortable atop Asia. She wraps her legs around his hips and suddenly, SOMETHING BANGS against the window above their heads. ASIA What was that? Luther looks up in time to see a SNAPPING COYOTE jump at the window again. He jumps too. LUTHER Jesus! ASIA What? Luther gets to his feet and pulls Asia close as several SNARLING COYOTES enter the bus's front door. Luther opens the bus's rear door. EXT. SCHOOL BUS - NIGHT Luther and Asia drop out of the bus and slam the rear door shut. Luther sprints to the front of the bus where he jerks the front doors closed on the leaping Coyotes. Luther and Asia back away from the bus. LUTHER Gotcha you bunch of damned dogs!

64. ASIA (frowning) We need that bus to get home. LUTHER Ah shit. The bus's front door unlatches and the Coyotes come creeping out of the door's widening gap. ASIA Run! LUTHER The church! They sprint, Asia is faster and makes the church's front doors, yanks them open. ASIA Come on! Luther is jumped by two Coyotes near the church's front steps. Asia kicks one off him. Luther fights the other one off and they both barely make it inside. INT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT Luther and Asia leap into the church slamming the doors behind them. Asia scolds Luther. ASIA Why didn't you run faster? LUTHER (incredulous) What? Asia pulls Luther close. ASIA Thank God you're alright. Luther kisses Asia then glances back to the doors. LUTHER What the hell's with those Coyotes? Asia's gaze falls on a wall mounted mirror hung behind Luther's back. Smiling Jack taunts Asia in the glass. SMILING JACK Are you all - prayed-up, sweetheart? Asia is about to speak when the church's piano comes to life. Its KEYS RUMBLE DOWN-SCALE TO DOOM. Asia and Luther turn around to see --

65. INT. THE PIANO SIDE OF THE CHAPEL - DAY An enormous COUGAR stands atop the still sounding instrument with a forepaw on the keyboard. The big CAT GROWLS. INT. THE FRONT DOOR - DAY Asia and luther freeze - fail to notice the Hunter's rifle leaning against the wall behind them. LUTHER Church - Sucks! Luther pushes open a nearby closet door and shoves Asia inside slamming it shut. The door's lock has a key in it. Luther locks Asia in and comes away with the key. ASIA (O.S.) Luther!


Luther bolts for the balcony's stairs and trips over something in the dark. He comes up holding the dead Hunter's flashlight. Turning it on, Luther discovers the Hunter's remains. LUTHER Christ! He heads for an open window but the Cougar cuts him off. LUTHER Bitch! INT. THE BALCONY - NIGHT Luther runs up the balcony stairs only to find himself trapped before a stained glass window at the end of the balcony. LUTHER Goddamnit! The Cougar follows Luther up the stairs. Luther wields a wooden folding chair like a lion-tamer, while hurling hymnals at the Cougar. Smiling Jack materializes behind the creeping Cougar. SMILING JACK Tuff spot, ain't it, Injun? LUTHER Go to Hell! The CAT SNARLS and inches closer. SMILING JACK Sure thing, Injun. But I'm not leaving alone.

66. Smiling Jack nods to the Cougar. SMILING JACK Sick 'em kitty! The COUGAR charges Luther with a HORRIFYING SCREAM. leaps through the stained glass window.


EXT. BACK OF THE CHURCH - NIGHT Luther's body dangles high in the air, impaled on a large iron cross atop the gates to the church's back lot cemetery. EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET (MOMENTS LATER) - NIGHT Smiling Jack rides a ghostly horse around from behind the church trailing two more ghost horses bearing, first Scott's and then Luther's souls, both bound in shackles for Hell. INT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT The closet door remains locked. within her keep.

Asia calls out softly from

ASIA (O.S.) Luther? Luther are you alright Baby? Hello? (beat) It's so dark in here. INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT Professor Dik comes to a tunnel crossing and takes a moment to read the guidebook. PROFESSOR DIK Snake Pit - that sucked. He turns the map. PROFESSOR DIK Bottomless Shaft? He turns the map a few times more and realizes he's lost. PROFESSOR DIK Excellent. Professor Dik orients the map with the mine. As he turns about, Professor Dik, catches sight of his shadow on the wall. Something flicks a spindly leg on his shadow's back. Professor Dik slowly moves the lamp at arm's length, while very closely watching his shadow on the wall. INT. HOTEL KITCHEN - NIGHT From the opening into the mine, we hear Professor Dik scream.

67. PROFESSOR DIK (O.S.) (echoes) SPIDER! EXT. IN SEARCH OF A BACK MINE ENTRANCE - NIGHT Emma follows Daniel as they hike up a wooded hillside. EMMA You're sure it's back here? DANIEL Not really. EMMA But you said -DANIEL I said it looked like an entrance sort of - thing on the map before it blew out of our hands. EMMA Let's get him out, get some sleep and then get that damned bus going back down the trail home. DANIEL That's the plan. But then Daniel stops, raises a hand and listens intently. EMMA (whispers) What is it? DANIEL (whispers) Come here. EMMA What? Emma comes near and Daniel pulls her close for a passionate kiss. Emma laughs afterward. Daniel frowns. DANIEL What's so funny? EMMA God, you're slow. We've been out here for like twenty minutes already and you're just now getting around to -He cuts her off with another kiss. Impressed, Emma wipes the corners of her mouth with a smile.

68. EMMA Better. We're definitely starting to get somewhere with this - love thing. Next time a little less tongue though. I still have my tonsils you know. DANIEL Are you done with the commentary? EMMA I'm very verbal. Daniel turns and they resume looking for the mine's entrance. DANIEL No shit. INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT Professor Dik swings, upside down by a heavy chain coiled around his feet. The light of the oil lamp flickers somewhere overhead as he oscillates back and forth in a vertical shaft. PROFESSOR DIK (tired growl) Bottomless Shaft. Damn it! He swings on the chains, trying to reach one side of the shaft or another. EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET - NIGHT The CREAKING WINDMILL cranks hard on the Devil's Wind. INT. SILVER CITY SALOON - NIGHT Candice adjusts the wick of an oil lamp resting on the bar. Reaching a searching hand into the shadows under the bar, Candice jumps, jerking her hand back. But she's intrigued and reaches gingerly back into the darkness and pulls an Old Revolver out from under the bar. She smiles at her find. CANDICE You're a - big boy. She admires the weapon then glances up into the mirror. Smiling Jack is back. He shouts furiously in the mirror. SMILING JACK What are you doing Girl?! Candice spins around and is transported to another time.

69. DREAM SEQUENCE - INT. SILVER CITY SALOON, 1800'S - NIGHT Years Past: the saloon is clean, well lit and gleams with polish. COWBOYS smoke, drink and play cards at its tables. Smiling Jack leans over the bar, his face is flushed with anger and whiskey. SMILING JACK You know I don't allow you people to have guns! He grabs Candice's top and drags her over the bar and onto the floor. Smiling Jack wrenches the pistol from her grasp and backhands Candice hard. SMILING JACK What are you doing down here?! CANDICE I, I don't know. SMILING JACK You bet your ass you don't. I told you to stay in your room. There ain't no whores allowed down here, not on Sundays. CANDICE I'm not a whore. Smiling Jack laughs, drags Candice into the middle of the saloon. He shouts for all to hear. SMILING JACK What do you say boys? Is this dark blossom the delicate flower she claims to be or is she really a bed breakin' man makin' whore?! The whole crowd ROARS WITH LAUGHTER. over the room.

Shouts go up from all

VARIOUS COWBOYS Whore! Filthy little whore! favorite whore!


SMILING JACK Whose whore? Smiling Jack jerks Candice to her feet, pulls her close. Squeezes her ass - whispers in her ear. SMILING JACK Everyone knows you're my whore. I'll bury Tommy if he comes anywhere near you.

70. CANDICE Tommy and I don't -SMILING JACK You bet you don't 'cause I'll kill him. You hear me? I'll kill that piano player for sure, should he ever try and get a taste of my sugar. Smiling Jack spins around and shouts at the PIANO PLAYER. SMILING JACK Hey Tommy! The piano player sits in a quiet rage at the piano. SMILING JACK I said, hey Tommy, you ain't been laying with my whore have you? CANDICE Stop, stop it! Smiling Jack shakes Candice hard by the hair and snarls. SMILING JACK Why do you care? He turns to Tommy. SMILING JACK Play something Damn it! Tommy plays a song.

Smiling Jack objects.

SMILING JACK Play something else. Tommy plays a different tune.

Smiling Jack snarls.

SMILING JACK No, not that either, Damn it! Smiling Jack draws a pistol. Candice fights for the pistol and it goes off, killing Tommy the piano player in the middle of his song. Smiling Jack shoves Candice against the bar and laughs. Everyone laughs. Candice grabs the revolver off the bar and spins around to shoot Smiling Jack. END DREAM SEQUENCE. INT. SILVER CITY SALOON - NIGHT Candice is back in the present and holding the revolver on an empty room in the dim saloon. Smiling Jack's laughs off screen. Candice stands trembling, jumping at shadows, all alone.

71. INT. BACK MINE ENTRANCE - NIGHT Daniel pulls weathered boards away from the mine's back entrance letting moonlight stream into the darkness. EXT. BACK MINE ENTRANCE - NIGHT Emma bundles sticks, twigs, grass etc. into a make-shift torch which she lights with a Zippo. Daniel eyes her lighter. DANIEL Do you smoke? EMMA You mean like - tobacco? DANIEL Yeah. EMMA Nope, never have. Emma enters the mine. INT. BACK ENTRANCE TO SILVER MINE - NIGHT Daniel follows Emma inside.

Once inside he calls out --

DANIEL Professor Dik! Professor Dik! EMMA (chuckling) What a name. DANIEL It's Dutch for 'thick'. EMMA Dik is thick? She laughs. DANIEL It's just a name. EMMA Thick is Dik. She laughs again. DANIEL Don't start. (beat) Professor Dik!

72. EMMA Professor Thick! I mean Dik! Professor Thick Dik! DANIEL (groans) Jesus Emma. She laughs again. The torch flickers, threatens to go out. Daniel points this out. DANIEL Hey the light -EMMA I got it. She tilts the torch back into full flame and they move on. INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT Professor Dik's Oil Lamp glows dimly on the mine's floor; its wick burns short. A few feet away, lies the guidebook. A few feet farther away lies the yawning mouth of the Bottomless Shaft down into which dangles the chains of an overhead winch. The CHAINS JINGLE. PROFESSOR DIK (O.S.) Spiders. I hate big freaking spiders. Professor Dik struggles up the chains, his head pops up above the mouth of the shaft. He spies his lamp. The wick is very short and in danger of burning out. PROFESSOR DIK Don't you dare go out! He reaches out for the edge but is too far away. He swings on the chains, back and forth trying to get to the edge. Meanwhile the wick burns shorter, its light grows fainter. Come on!

PROFESSOR DIK You can do it!

He swings, reaches for the edge, misses and swings again. Finally he makes it. Professor Dik climbs out of the shaft and rolls onto his back panting with exhaustion. He reaches over to adjust the wick for more light. PROFESSOR DIK crank you up a little and -He bumps the lamp and the FLAME on the tip of its short wick POPS OUT. DARKNESS. PROFESSOR DIK (O.S.) Traitor!

73. He fumbles noisily for a match in the dark. PROFESSOR DIK (O.S.) You damned spiders, you stay back! A MATCH LIGHTS. The lamp lights next. Professor Dik reaches for the guidebook only to discover a huge TARANTULA resting atop its pages. PROFESSOR DIK Yiah! Professor Dik flings the book into the darkness. PROFESSOR DIK What next? INT. SILVER CITY SALOON - NIGHT Famke and Sarah enter the dimly lit Saloon, carrying Scott's remains. Famke nods toward one side of the room. FAMKE Over there. SARAH The chair? Famke nods and they set Scott's body in a chair next to the piano. They step back, have a look. SARAH Feels like we should say something. Candice joins the conversation from across the saloon. CANDICE (O.S.) Here's to Scott -Sarah and Famke turn to find Candice setting an oil lamp on the bar. She then holds a half bottle of whiskey high in salute to Scott. CANDICE To Scott who -SARAH Wait, we'll join you. CANDICE Come on; let's have a drink to old Scottie-Boy They join Candice.

Shot glasses are soon raised in a toast. CANDICE, SARAH, FAMKE

To Scott.

74. They down the shot then catch their breath as Candice pours each another drink. CANDICE Yeah Scott, he sure was funny. SARAH He loved to laugh. FAMKE He liked this place too. CANDICE Liked it? Shit, Scott was crazy about this place. Candice leers bleary eyed and jokes. CANDICE You know, he loved it so much I bet wild horses couldn't have dragged old Scott out of this place. Sarah gasps.

Candice guffaws.

CANDICE Hah! Now that's some funny shit there! SARAH You're horrible! FAMKE You should apologize. CANDICE Wild horses, get it? Sarah takes a swing at Candice across the bar. Candice ducks and yanks the revolver from under the bar pointing it at Sarah's head. Everyone freezes. FAMKE Wait! CANDICE How's that for funny shit, you little Bitch? Candice brandishes her heavy weapon. CANDICE Yeah, its real. Found it under the bar with the whiskey and the lamp there.

75. Candice NOISILY SPINS the REVOLVER'S CYLINDER and points it back at the other two. CANDICE Yeah, and it's loaded too. what else?

You know

SARAH What? CANDICE Smiling Jack and I are real tired of drinking alone. Candice motions to Famke. CANDICE You get to be the barmaid. sit at the first table.


Famke picks up the whiskey bottle and glasses. They take chairs at the table. Sarah tries to calm Candice. SARAH Why are you doing this Candice? Candice mocks Sarah in a whining tone. CANDICE 'Why are you doing this?' I told you. Smiling Jack and I are tired of drinking alone and now that you're here -Famke pours three more shots then turns to Candice. FAMKE What are you going to do? CANDICE Not me, we. We're going to play a little game Smiling Jack's been teaching me. SARAH Which is? Candice SPINS the REVOLVER'S CYLINDER. CANDICE It's a surprise. INT. BACK SIDE OF THE MINE - NIGHT Emma and Daniel creep deeper into the mine by torch light. They come upon an underground lake.

76. Flooded.

DANIEL That's perfect.

Emma sniffs the air. EMMA Do you smell that? Daniel does the same. DANIEL Petroleum? EMMA I think so - yeah. INT. OPPOSITE SHORE OF UNDERGROUND LAKE - NIGHT On the water's far shore sits a large fuel tank with the word, "KEROSENE" painted on its side. The forgotten tank drips fuel into the water. INT. BACK SIDE OF THE MINE - NIGHT EMMA The Professor's not coming out this way. Daniel takes Emma's arm, in which she holds the torch, and lifts it higher to better light the cavern they have found. EMMA Here then. She hands him the torch.

Daniel steps to one side.

DANIEL Maybe we can get around it. EMMA The water's not moving, its a lake. Emma takes his arm now and pulls the torch down lower near the water. EMMA See, its everywhere. DANIEL How do we know we can't, if we don't look? A piece of burning torch falls into the lake. surface explodes into HISSING FLAMES. EMMA Whoa!

The lake

77. They scramble backwards. Let's go! stay.

DANIEL It'll suffocate us if we

Emma is already leaving. EMMA Hurry Daniel! They run back the way they came. EXT. BACK MINE ENTRANCE - NIGHT Emma and Daniel exit the mine in billowing smoke. Emma stumbles, Daniel helps her into clear air. They collapse catching their breath, lying on their backs in tall grass. DANIEL Smooth, that was real smooth. EMMA Professor Dik should be okay if he's below the fire, right? Emma turns to Daniel. EMMA Right? DANIEL Yeah, I think so. They lock stares for a moment then Emma touches his face. EMMA You know, you're kind of sexy all burnt up and stuff. Daniel rises to his feet and offers her his hand. DANIEL Yeah, like we got time for that. Emma takes his hand and gets to her feet. DANIEL Let's make it through the night first. EMMA You make it sound so romantic. DANIEL You're something else Emma. They start back.

78. EMMA Maybe Famke and Sarah are having better luck than us. DANIEL Let's hope so. INT. SILVER CITY SALOON - NIGHT Candice, Sarah and Famke sit at the table, a shot glass rests in front of each one. Candice plays with her gun. CANDICE Colt 45. This bad boy right here will sure ruin your day. SARAH Put it away Candice. FAMKE Yes, put the gun down. What?

CANDICE We're just getting started.

Candice SPINS the REVOLVER'S CYLINDER then, quick as a flash, she points it at Sarah's head and pulls the trigger. Sarah jumps as the REVOLVER goes "CLICK" on an empty chamber. SARAH You're crazy! Candice laughs. CANDICE Oh-ho-ho, you don't know how lucky you are. Shit. You must be the luckiest bitch in this whole - damned town. That's for sure! FAMKE Put the gun down. Candice does the same thing again, SPINS the CYLINDER and fires at Famke. "CLICK" goes the REVOLVER. CANDICE Two lucky bitches at the same table?! We got us a miracle here. That's what it is, a damned act of God. Candice points the revolver once more at Sarah. Famke leaps across the table, grabs the revolver. Sarah SMASHES the WHISKEY BOTTLE on the edge of the table and plunges its jagged end into Candice's throat. Candice crashes to the floor in a spray of arterial blood. Famke has the revolver. Sarah screams down at Candice.

79. SARAH Screw you - Bitch! Later: Famke and Sarah sit bloodied and silent at the table. Candice's blood-soaked body slumps in a chair next to Scott. Famke raises a shot glass in their memory. FAMKE Here's to -Sarah growls. SARAH Ah - screw 'em. Famke shrugs and downs the shot. She then casually checks the revolver's cylinder. Her eyes pop in surprise. FAMKE You're shitting me! SARAH What? FAMKE It is loaded. SARAH Right. That's how you play Russian Roulette. You load one bullet and leave the other five chambers - empty. Famke unloads the revolver and places five live rounds on the table. Sarah stares in wonder. SARAH I guess we are lucky bitches. Famke nods then reloads the revolver.

Sarah frowns.

SARAH Why are you doing that? FAMKE You never know. It's been a crazy night so far. SARAH Yeah, well don't you get crazy too. Unnoticed behind them, Smiling Jack hoists Candice's handcuffed soul over his shoulder and heads out the saloon's front door. FAMKE I'm not Candice; besides we should go look for Asia and Luther.

80. SARAH Whatever. Sarah pours another drink and kicks up her feet instead. EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET - NIGHT Smiling Jack adds Candice's bloodied soul to his train of the damned. The church stands eerily white in the moonlight behind him. INT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT Inside: the church is dark and still. Only the faintest flicker of light creeps out from beneath the locked closet door. INT. CHURCH CLOSET - NIGHT A candle glows, its flame is leaned down to light another candle, then another and another. Asia, trapped in a storage closet and surrounded by hanging robes above her and flickering sacramental candles in a semi-circle on the floor. She finds then rights a leaning statue of the Virgin Mary. then -INT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT The Cougar comes sniffing at the closet's door. INT. CHURCH CLOSET - NIGHT Asia turns in terror to see the Cougar's snuffling nose and searching paw darkening the gap at the bottom of the door. Asia turns back in tears to the icon. Most of her dialogue from here out will be in whispers. ASIA (prays) I fly unto you, oh Virgin of virgins, my mother. INT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT The Cougar lies down at the closet's threshold and plays, very kitten-like, with the bottom of its door. INT. CHURCH CLOSET - NIGHT Asia implores the Virgin Mary. Please!

ASIA Help me!

81. EXT. BACK WOODS - NIGHT Emma and Daniel start back through the woods heading into town. Emma sidesteps a fallen tree branch and calls back. EMMA Stick! DANIEL What? Daniel steps on the fallen branch that snaps and flips, slapping him in the crotch. Ow!

DANIEL Son of a bitch!

EMMA I warned you. Daniel grasps his crotch. DANIEL You did not. You said, "Stick." That's not a warning. He pulls at his shorts. DANIEL That's just what I need, a broke dick. Emma chuckles, that is until she sees -EXT. MOONLIT CLEARING - BACK WOODS - NIGHT The Coyote Pack lopes into view and heads their way. EXT. BACK WOODS - NIGHT Emma stops in her tracks. EMMA Oh shit. Daniel doesn't see the Coyotes for staring at his fly. DANIEL It's okay, no permanent damage done. Emma grabs Daniel's head and points his nose toward the approaching pack. He sees them at last. DANIEL Oh shit. Emma pulls Daniel by an arm to a nearby oak tree --

82. EMMA Run Daniel! Which they climb, just in the nick of time. EXT. THE OAK TREE - NIGHT The COYOTES leap and SNAP at Emma's and Daniel's feet dangling from a high limb. Daniel glances up at Emma. She's smiling. DANIEL What now? Emma sings an old schoolyard chant. EMMA Emma and Daniel, sitting in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g. DANIEL We're in a tree! We got chased up a damned tree by a pack of Coyotes! So?

EMMA I've done it in a tree before.

DANIEL You've - in a tree?

That's -

He sighs. DANIEL No, that does not surprise me, actually. Emma leans back against the trunk demonstrating proper arboreal technique. EMMA You just hold on real tight, that's all. DANIEL You're never meeting my mother. Oh?

EMMA And why not?

DANIEL She hates it when I bring bad girls home, made me promise to stop. EMMA So that's a yes then? Daniel grumbles as he slides closer on the tree limb.

83. DANIEL In a frickin tree - above a pack of wild dogs. Emma meets him halfway, pulling Daniel close and getting him into position. EMMA They won't mind. Emma and Daniel somehow manage to make love in the oak tree. He slips a little at first but she catches him and soon they're off to the races. INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT Professor Dik stands at the mouth of the Bottomless Shaft, holding the lamp high overhead. The guidebook has landed on the other side of the chasm before him. PROFESSOR DIK Of course. He sets the lamp down - leaps for and barely catches the chains. The CHAIN-HOIST above him CLICKS and the chains slip ominously. PROFESSOR DIK Oh no you don't. He hurriedly swings across to the other side, lands, rolls, grabs the guidebook, shoves it in his trousers and prepares to leap back to the lamp. The CHAIN HOIST CLICKS again, and this time all the chain slips out. PROFESSOR DIK No, no, no, no! Professor Dik glances alternately down into the shaft and back over at his burning lamp. He sags with frustration then reads from the guidebook in the lamp's sparse light. He turns to toward the dark tunnel. PROFESSOR DIK The way out couldn't possibly be where my light is. No, it's got to be off in the dark, the damned creepy, spidery dark. INT. BACK SIDE OF THE MINE - NIGHT Fire consumes timbers supporting the flooded mine section. The kerosene TANK EXPLODES. The gutted section caves in and the burning lake drains slowly back into the mine.

84. INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT Professor Dik stumbles as the MINE RUMBLES from the explosion. The lamp tumbles over and goes out one last time. Professor Dik shouts in the darkness. PROFESSOR DIK (o.s.) Daniel! What the hell are you doing up there?! EXT. THE OAK TREE - NIGHT Emma and Daniel are making love in the tree when the MINE collapses with a ROAR. The oak tree leans, the Earth shakes, the Coyotes run off as the ground opens up under the tree. DANIEL We better -EMMA Get the hell out of here! But they're too late and the tree rolls into the yawning mine. They dangle precariously from its branches over the lake of fire. Flames leap up all around them! In an instant, Emma loses her grip and cries -EMMA Daniel! He catches her by one hand and they fight desperately to pull her back to safety. Emma is saved but the tree continues slipping slowly down into the fiery pit. DANIEL Come on! Emma nods and they claw their way up the sinking, burning tree, reaching the safety of a rock outcropping as the tree is lost to the fire-gutted mine. Daniel holds Emma close as they catch their breath. EMMA Wow! DANIEL I'm sayin'. Emma lets her guard down for the first time. EMMA Thank you. Emma waits for a kiss. But Daniel misses his cue and takes Emma's hand to lead her away from the smoldering pit.

85. That's it?

EMMA You got nothing?

Daniel answers distractedly while scanning the woods. DANIEL Sorry. It's just been, been one of those days. Emma stops him short to argue. Bullshit. this.

EMMA You do not have days like

DANIEL (frustrated) Emma. EMMA No body has days like this. I defy you to show me anyone who's ever had a day like this. He sighs, pulls her by the hand, leading the way again. DANIEL Oh be quiet. Emma yanks her hand away from his and storms ahead. EMMA You be quiet. They start back.

Wind whistles out of the South still.

EMMA And what's with this damned wind? DANIEL The Devil Wind? Emma exaggerates a shrug, too angry to continue speaking. EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET - NIGHT The CREAKING WINDMILL churns furiously on the Southern wind. EXT. SILVER CITY SALOON - NIGHT Famke and Sarah run outside into the street. FAMKE Was that a quake? Famke and Sarah share a look.

86. FAMKE The mine! SARAH Professor Dik! They jog toward the mine's main entrance. But, the Devil Wind is strong upon them and soon, they slow to a walk as if slipping into a daze. Something unusually interesting catches Sarah's attention off to the right in the midst of the -EXT. SILVER CITY TOWN SQUARE - NIGHT An artillery piece draws Sarah to an historical display in the square. SARAH Is that a . . . Gatling Gun? Famke joins her at a Gatling Gun set on a concrete pad. FAMKE It is a Gatling Gun. SARAH I've always wanted to fire one of those. FAMKE Me too but -SARAH But Professor Dik -FAMKE The mine. Sarah steps behind the gun and grabs its hand-crank. FAMKE Are you sure you should do that? I mean we've been lucky with guns so far but -SARAH Don't be stupid. It's not loaded. What kind of idiot leaves a loaded Gatling Gun lying around? It's

FAMKE this town, it's like -SARAH



Famke nods. Sarah scoffs and turns the crank with a "CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK," then at a "BANG!"

87. The gun's .45 caliber BULLET CLANGS off the steel side of a mining-cart across the display then RICOCHETS off a sliver bearing boulder and finally, sails straight back to THUMP Sarah between the eyes. She drops, dead as can be. Famke considers her with a tired frown. FAMKE Yeah, that's right. one.

I'm the stupid

INT. SILVER MINE - NIGHT Professor Dik creeps toward an eerie glow of a small cascade, water mixed with burning kerosene which becomes a stream, danced over by a flickering blue flame. PROFESSOR DIK Surreal. The stream of fire meanders down the tunnel lighting his way. Professor Dik follows it. Gets too close to the flaming stream, accidentally lights a pant cuff on fire. He hops and swats, kicks and curses, finally puts out the pant cuff. He continues on until the stream cuts him off. Backtracking, he finds a narrow spot and jumps across. Landing, he celebrates then notices his other pant cuff is on fire. More swatting, hopping, kicking and cursing, then it's out. He takes up his journey again. PROFESSOR DIK I used to be lucky. What ever happened to that? INT. SILVER CITY SALOON - NIGHT Famke stands alone at the bar and lifts a drink to Sarah and Candice and Scott, dead in their chairs, all in a row. FAMKE Here's to luck. Yours really sucked. Hope that mine keeps on looking up. She downs the shot and leans against the bar with a heavy sigh and a shake of her head. She pushes off the bar and moves to the saloon's front doorway. EXT. SILVER CITY SALOON


Famke exits the saloon onto the boardwalk. HOOFBEATS approach from her left. Turning, Famke meets Smiling Jack, who leads his ghost train with Scott, Luther and Candice. Smiling Jack dismounts, enters the saloon and re-emerges with Sarah's shackled soul in tow.

88. He lifts Sarah high and another ghost horse materializes beneath her. FAMKE (whispers) Sarah, no. Smiling Jack tips his hat to Famke. the wall of the saloon.

She slams back against

SMILING JACK Evening Miss. Famke fumbles for the door behind her then backs hurriedly into the saloon. Smiling Jack laughs, tips his hat once again and rides slowly on, trailing his catch of lost souls behind him. EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET (SHORT TIME LATER) - NIGHT Emma and Daniel walk down the street toward the saloon. Emma continues their conversation. EMMA I'm just saying, instead of always losing the duel he could try something else. Why play fair? Daniel smirks. DANIEL That won't work. EMMA Why not? DANIEL I'll tell you why not -FLASHBACK - EXT.


Smiling Jack hides behind the corner of the saloon with his pistols aimed on the street. He checks the rising sun and cocks his pistols. The Devil materializes behind Smiling Jack then smiles and shoots him in the back. Smiling Jack glares down at the flaming hole in his chest. SMILING JACK (disgusted) Fucker. Smiling Jack bites the dust yet again. END FLASHBACK.

89. EXT. SILVER CITY MAIN STREET - NIGHT Emma and Daniel share a laugh as they enter the saloon. INT. SILVER CITY SALOON - NIGHT Emma and Daniel enter the saloon and find Famke minding the Morgue. Daniel, especially, is stunned. DANIEL What happened here?! Famke points to each dead body in turn, starting with Scott. FAMKE Wild horses dragged him away. Tried to kill Sarah and me. Got stupid with a Gatling Gun and damned if I know why. EMMA Why - the Gatling Gun? FAMKE Why - anything, everything! DANIEL What about Professor Dik? Famke can only shake her head. FAMKE The mustangs came. We got Scott back and we came back here and she Candice was out of her mind. She tried to shoot Sarah and me. DANIEL Candice did what? Come on, Famke. FAMKE No, truly. She said Smiling Jack told her to do it. She was nuts with that damned gun. EMMA With the - Gatling Gun? Famke lays the revolver on the table before her. FAMKE With this damned gun. DANIEL Where did that come from?

90. FAMKE Candice had it under the bar. EMMA Luther and Asia? Famke can only shrug. DANIEL Meanwhile, Professor Dik is still down there in the mine. Hopefully, he's still alive. EMMA And can stay that way. with the fire and all. Fire?

You know,

FAMKE What fire?

INT. THE SILVER MINE - NIGHT The stream of fire rounds a corner to pool up in a cavern filled with wood carvings like those in the church but of a distinctly erotic kind. PROFESSOR DIK What in hell? Erotic murals cover the cavern's walls and are made even more lurid by the light of the burning pool behind him. PROFESSOR DIK A Kama Sutra temple in a silver mine? Strange -- on par for this town but strange nonetheless. Moving on, he soon comes upon stairs at the back of the cavern which he climbs. Higher up the stairs, he hears a WOMAN WHISPERING off screen in Spanish. He climbs faster. INT. LANDING, TOP OF STAIRS - NIGHT Professor Dik reaches the landing and listens more closely. The WHISPERS come from behind a wooden door at the back of the landing. PROFESSOR DIK (whispers) Escape! He tries the door's ornate iron latch. INT. CHURCH CLOSET - NIGHT Asia kneels, looking back at where the Cougar's snuffling nose darkens the gap beneath the closet's door.

91. Trembling, she turns, whispering to the Virgin Mary. ASIA (in Spanish) Deliver us from all dangers, oh glorious and blessed Virgin. Suddenly, the back wall of her prison opens wide. Asia looks up and sees Professor Dik standing behind the statue of Mary. ASIA'S POV Professor Dik glows like her rescuing angel. BACK TO SCENE Asia's prayers are answered! Mary and --

She jumps over the statue of

INT. LANDING, TOP OF THE STAIRS - NIGHT Asia leaps into Professor Dik's arms. ASIA (whispered shout) Professor! Professor Dik catches Asia, almost tumbling off the landing. PROFESSOR DIK Whoa, whoa, whoa. Asia continues speaking in whispers. ASIA Oh Dear God, thank you! PROFESSOR DIK Asia, let's get out of here. She quiets him, her hand on his mouth. ASIA Shush, he'll hear you. Professor Dik glances back to the small room Asia was in. PROFESSOR DIK (whispers) Who? What's wrong? Asia pushes Professor Dik back from the closet's rear door, closes it with a shake of her head. ASIA All this time, there was a door, a way out.

92. She takes his hand and heads down the stairs. short, pulling her back from the stairs.

He stops her

PROFESSOR DIK Oh no we don't. She fights.

Away from the closet, Asia finds her voice again. ASIA We're leaving, we're finally

We must. leaving!

PROFESSOR DIK Right, we're leaving through that door. No.

ASIA We can't. It's impossible.

PROFESSOR DIK Watch and learn. ASIA There's got to be a way out this way, the way you came - came to save me. PROFESSOR DIK Save you? Who's saving whom? I'm the one trapped. I've been in this damned mine for three and a half is it a half? Anyway, I'm getting out. ASIA Yes.


Asia bolts downstairs but then slides to a stop surrounded by the cavern's erotic murals and statues. Turning away, Asia is overwhelmed by the pool of fire. Holy Mother!

ASIA Save me!

Professor Dik catches up to Asia.

He takes her arm.

PROFESSOR DIK Look, Asia -She thrusts him away. ASIA Stay away from me! you . . . Devil!

Don't touch me,


93. Asia runs down the tunnel away from Professor Dik.

He groans.

PROFESSOR DIK Ah . . . you dumb slut. He gives chase and finally catches her.

They struggle.

PROFESSOR DIK You can't go that way! ASIA Let me go! PROFESSOR DIK You have to come with me, Asia you must come with me! Never!

ASIA Let go of me you - deceiver!

PROFESSOR DIK What the hell has gotten into you? Asia punches Professor Dik. His knees buckle. She runs off again. He regains his senses and chases after her. PROFESSOR DIK Asia! Asia runs to where the burning river blocks her escape. Professor Dik catches her and they fight. He knocks Asia out and then carries her back. INT. CHURCH CLOSET (SHORT TIME LATER) - NIGHT Asia lies on a pile of robes, drifting in and out of consciousness while Professor Dik examines the lock on the closet's front door. Looking about, he finds a box of woodcarver's tools. PROFESSOR DIK You might do. Kneeling on the guidebook, he picks the lock. INT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT The Cougar reclines on the church's alter. It wakes at the CLICKING SOUNDS made by Professor Dik's picking of the lock. The big cat pads silently toward the closet door. INT. CHURCH CLOSET - NIGHT Asia comes-to,

as Professor Dik unlocks the door.

94. ASIA (whispers) No! Asia picks up the statue of Mary. closet door.

Professor Dik opens the

INT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT The Cougar rushes the opening door. INT. CHURCH CLOSET - NIGHT Asia bashes Professor Dik on the back of the head with the statue of Mary. He slumps forward, crashes into the door, which latches closed on the COUGAR who GROWLS. Asia drops the statue and retreats behind the closet's rear door. INT. LANDING, TOP OF STAIRS - NIGHT Asia latches the rear door peering into the candlelit closet where Professor Dik lies bleeding and unconscious against the closet's outer door. Smiling Jack forms before Asia as a floating apparition of blue fire from the flaming lake below. SMILING JACK I know what I'd do? This close to the door, Asia speaks in whispers once more. ASIA Go away, Demon! SMILING JACK You're pretty, sure enough, just not too bright though. ASIA Why do you taunt me? SMILING JACK It's my job Senorita. ASIA Leave me alone! Then Asia has another thought. ASIA Wait. Can you help me, tell me how to escape? SMILING JACK Thought you'd never ask Darling. Smiling Jack drifts closer.

95. SMILING JACK Now this, if this were me, is what I'd do. Horror spreads across Asia's face as she listens to Smiling Jack, her demon of fire. Finally, she can bare no more. ASIA (louder) No! (whispers) I can't do that! SMILING JACK You saw the things he has down there. You know what kind of fiend he really is. Send him to me. I got a special place for his kind. Asia stares through the cracks at Professor Dik. SMILING JACK Hurry now, before he wakes up. INT. SILVER CITY SALOON - NIGHT Emma and Daniel check the Dead Bodies in chairs. with Scott.

They start

EMMA This is Scott? Daniel gently pulls back the canvas wrapping.

Emma grimaces.

EMMA Eww. Famke shouts from another room. FAMKE (O.S.) I know - he's icky. DANIEL What are you doing, Famke? Famke steps back into the hallway next to the bar. up a large cast iron skillet. FAMKE I found the kitchen. does --

She holds

Tell me; how

She trades the skillet for a large unmarked tin can. FAMKE Whatever this is, sound?

96. EMMA Like fried, whatever. Famke shrugs and Emma and Daniel move on to Candice's bloody body where Emma decides to stop. EMMA Nope, that's enough. DANIEL Let's go sit down. They return to the table. Famke comes back to the bar with a lit candle in a holder which she swaps for the oil lamp. FAMKE Trade you. I can't see anything with this, in there. Famke returns to the kitchen.

Emma shouts advice.

EMMA Don't cut yourself whatever you do! FAMKE (O.S.) Shut up! EMMA Superstitious?! DANIEL I'm starting to get that way. EMMA Maybe you're both right. Sorry Famke! Hey, hurry up with that whatever! I'm starving out here! FAMKE (O.S.) Yes Ma'am, happy to Ma'am, whatever you say Ma'am! Emma smirks.

Daniel rubs his forehead.

INT. LANDING, TOP OF STAIRS - NIGHT Asia rushes into the closet where: INT. CHURCH CLOSET - NIGHT She pulls the heavy chord belts from several robes and makes one long chord. This, she ties to the handle of the closet's front door. She drags Professor Dik into the center of the closet and backs out the closet's rear door, trailing the long chord behind her.

97. INT. LANDING, TOP OF STAIRS - NIGHT Asia latches the closet's rear door and slowly pulls the chord -INT. CHURCH CLOSET - NIGHT Unlocking the closet's front door and letting the Cougar in with Professor Dik. INT. LANDING, TOP OF STAIRS - NIGHT Asia stifles a scream as -INT. CHURCH CLOSET - NIGHT The Cougar licks Professor Dik's bleeding head and then drags Professor Dik out of the closet and into the dark church. INT. LANDING, TOP OF STAIRS - NIGHT ASIA (whispers) Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I'm going to Hell, I'm really going to Hell. INT. CHURCH CLOSET - NIGHT Asia creeps into the closet, picks up the guidebook and peers out the closet's opened front door. The church's front doors are visible, only a few feet away. Asia gathers her strength and is about to leap for freedom when she hears something horrible. What the?


Off screen: The COUGAR SCREAMS; PROFESSOR DIK SCREAMS. Asia screams and bolts out of the closet for the front doors of the church. EXT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - NIGHT Asia explodes out the church's front doors but then stops to latch them closed behind her before sprinting down the street for the saloon. Asia cries as she runs. ASIA He got what he deserved. You'll be okay. The Blessed Virgin will help you escape Hell. EXT. SILVER CITY GENERAL STORE - NIGHT Asia passes the General Store and Smiling Jack's reflection laughs at her from its front windows.

98. She turns. Smiling Jack loads Professor Dik's spirit atop another ghost horse. Smiling Jack nods to Asia. SMILING JACK Damn you're good girlie. I could use someone like you around here. He mounts his horse and makes her an offer. SMILING JACK Why don't you stop running and come with me my pretty senorita? ASIA No! Asia sprints for the saloon.

Smiling Jack laughs.

INT. SILVER CITY SALOON - NIGHT Asia bursts inside the saloon. table. Asia runs to Daniel.

Emma and Daniel sit at a

ASIA Daniel! Emma and Daniel spin around. Asia falls into his arms.

Daniel jumps up as sobbing

DANIEL Asia, you're alive. ASIA Oh Daniel, it was horrible. was in the church!


DANIEL What? Emma notices that Asia has the guidebook. EMMA The book, she's got the guidebook! DANIEL The guidebook? He takes the guidebook from Asia's hands. DANIEL Where's Professor Dik? Asia, have you seen Professor Dik? ASIA (quietly) In the . . . church.

99. DANIEL Why didn't he come with you? ASIA They're dead, both dead. them. They?

Satan ate

EMMA Asia, where's Luther?

Asia turns toward Emma and in so doing, spies the dead bodies of the other three. She stumbles back. The night has been too much for her. EMMA Asia, where are Luther and Professor Dik? Asia turns on Emma and screams. ASIA Why, so you can murder them too?! You're too late anyway, Bitch! Murder?

EMMA What are you talking about?

Daniel takes Asia by her shoulders. DANIEL Asia, you're safe now. we can help you.

Calm down;

EMMA What's this about Murder? Asia tears away from Daniel, grabs the revolver off the table and points it at Emma. ASIA She's the one. She killed them. She hated Scott and she killed him, like she did the others. Emma stands. EMMA What? Asia shakes the revolver at Emma. ASIA You're a murderer! Daniel gets between them.

100. DANIEL No, Asia, you're wrong. Asia grabs Daniel's shirt sleeve. ASIA Come with me Daniel, please come with me. You're not safe with her. I can't let her kill you like the others. Now wait

EMMA one damned minute.

Daniel interrupts Emma. DANIEL Let me do this. He turns back to Asia. DANIEL Asia, it's not like that. They died their own deaths. Emma had nothing to do with it, with any of them. ASIA Lies! She's lying to you Daniel! Oh please Baby, come with me. EMMA Baby?! ASIA Be safe with me Daniel. Trust me again. We can go back to the way we were, remember how we were? EMMA And how was that? Not now!

DANIEL Jesus Emma.

ASIA Leave her alone Daniel. Come with me. It's me, Asia. She'll kill you Baby. DANIEL No Asia. Emma didn't do anything. I know because she was with me. She never left my side the whole night. EMMA Thanks for the vote of confidence.

101. ASIA You can't trust her Daniel. know we can't trust her.


Famke, holding the iron skillet, creeps up behind Asia. Asia doesn't notice Famke behind her as she readies to shoot Emma in front of her. ASIA I can do this. I can save us Baby; just let me do this - for us. Famke winds up with the skillet behind Asia's head as Asia takes aim at Emma and COCKS the REVOLVER. DANIEL No! Famke CRACKS Asia's SKULL with the iron skillet. Asia crumples to the floor. Okay.

FAMKE Can we go now?

Daniel checks Asia's pulse and shouts up at Famke. DANIEL You killed her! Famke drops the skillet. FAMKE It's been one of those nights. Emma laughs. DANIEL It's not funny! Emma comes closer. EMMA No, it isn't but -Emma dives down and grabs the revolver from Asia's dead fingers and jumps back away from Daniel. EMMA But then we're okay, now. Daniel rises. DANIEL Give - me - the gun. EMMA Not happening.

102. FAMKE She means it when she says it. DANIEL I don't give a good goddamn what she means. Emma, give me the damned gun. Emma laughs. EMMA Sure, like you're in the right frame of mind to be holding a loaded weapon. FAMKE She has a point. DANIEL Screw the both of you! FAMKE What did Asia say happened to Luther and Professor Dik? EMMA Something about the church. She said they were dead and that -DANIEL She said - Satan ate them. FAMKE Satan? EMMA Well, it sounds like they're dead anyway. Maybe Asia's - Satan. Daniel scoffs at the thought while he jerks up the bottle of whiskey, bites off its cork and slugs a mouthful down. EMMA You and Asia, you two were . . ? Daniel flips Emma the finger while choking down more whiskey. He coughs from the whiskey then growls in anger -DANIEL What do you care, Emma? EMMA Hey, maybe I do care - it's possible. FAMKE Like I said, can we go now?

103. EMMA Where? How? That damned bus won't start until the battery charges and that won't happen until the sun rises. FAMKE You mean like - now? Emma turns to look out the saloon's front windows. EXT. MAIN STREET SILVER CITY - DAY The sun colors the Eastern sky. EMMA About time. FAMKE The Duel. EMMA At dawn? FAMKE Yes, anytime now. EXT. SILVER CITY SALOON - DAWN Emma, Famke and Daniel walk out into the street. Smiling Jack leads Asia's unwilling spirit out of the saloon behind them as the sun creeps across the hills toward town. Smiling Jack checks the time and hurriedly sets Asia on her ghost horse then steps for the middle of the street loosening his pistols in their holsters. Emma shields her eyes from the rising sun with her hand. Smiling Jack walks up silently behind her. EMMA I guess we're too late. SMILING JACK (O.S.) Too late? Emma glances back. SMILING JACK Shit, you're in the way. Smiling Jack reaches to shove Emma aside even as the Devil rises from the ground opposite them both. SMILING JACK Move Girl! The Devil draws. A SHOT RINGS OUT. Smiling Jack is beaten to the draw once more yet he laughs at seeing that he is

104. unharmed. The Devil looks down now and finds a burning hole in his chest. He snarls, falls dead on his face and is swallowed up in the fires of Hell. Emma stands with the smoking revolver in her outstretched hand. Smiling Jack tips his hat to her. SMILING JACK Much obliged Miss. Emma lowers the revolver and turns to Smiling Jack. EMMA Fuck off. Smiling Jack smiles wide and swats the first ghost horse on its rump setting all the ghost horses and their dead riders free. He nods at Emma as he slowly disappears. SMILING JACK I knew you were fast Emma smirks. No!

Suddenly, Famke screams. FAMKE Emma no!

Emma spins around. Famke kneels next to Daniel who lies dead in the street. Emma rushes to help. No, no, no.

EMMA That's not fair!

FAMKE You killed him! Emma why? Emma tosses the revolver away and joins Famke at Daniel's body. EMMA It was the Devil! She explains with a pointing finger. EMMA Smiling Jack was there and the Devil was here . . . right here. Oh Daniel, I'm so sorry. Famke cradles Daniel in her lap.

Emma touches Daniel's face.

EMMA I really liked him. The Mustangs stampede into town. Emma drags Daniel's body toward the saloon. Famke runs to the General Store and fights mightily with its front door --

105. Open up!

FAMKE Let me in!

Her efforts shake the aged building to its foundations. The Mustangs pass by. Famke steps away and the GENERAL STORE CREAKS OMINOUSLY then collapses in a heap, right where Famke had stood. Both women jump, share a look. FAMKE Shit! EMMA This town. FAMKE I told you; it's a real live ghost town. EMMA (nodding) For real - dead - people. Smiling Jack suddenly appears behind Emma. SMILING JACK Tough night huh? I told you it can get rough up in this town. Emma spins - shouts furiously. EMMA You go back to Hell! This town isn't big enough for the both of us and I think we both know who the better gun is by now. The CREAKING WINDMILL CHANGES ITS TUNE, slows down then turns around. Smiling Jack notes this change. SMILING JACK It's about time we had a change in the wind. It's a good thing too from the looks of this place. Emma realizes now that Smiling Jack has a mule by his side. The CREAKING WINDMILL faces North and Smiling Jack changes into Crazy Kelly. EMMA Kelly. You're not Smiling Jack. CRAZY KELLY You'll be alright now, now that the wind's changing. Emma shakes her head.

Crazy Kelly looks around.

106. CRAZY KELLY How many are left? FAMKE Just us. CRAZY KELLY Yeah, that sounds about right. That church group was thirty-strong when they got caught by the Devil Wind up in here. Thirty?

EMMA What happened to the bodies?

CRAZY KELLY I buried some; the Coyotes got some. A bunch where in that damned church. That was one hell of a mess, boy. EMMA You buried those too? CRAZY KELLY Me? No, Old Sam took care of those. He's been living in that church ever since, that mean-ass, son of a bitch. FAMKE Who's Old Sam? The Cougar! Old Sam? No.

CRAZY KELLY Didn't I tell you 'bout

EMMA You sure as hell did not!

Crazy Kelly consults his mule. CRAZY KELLY Esmerelda, didn't I say anything about Old Sam? Esmerelda shakes her head. CRAZY KELLY Shoot. Sorry about that, must have slipped my mind. Anyway, there's a Cougar, lives in that Church and he eats people, so don't go in there. EMMA Satan ate them; that's what Asia said.

107. CRAZY KELLY Satan, Old Sam, it doesn't matter what you call him; he's an evil som' bitch so you stay the hell out of that Church. You hear me? Don't worry.

EMMA We're leaving.

He nods then pulls a shovel out of Esmerelda's pack saddle. CRAZY KELLY Best get to burying, I guess. EXT. SILVER CITY CEMETERY (LATER) - DAY The last grave completed, Emma and Famke set a cross for Daniel. Crazy Kelly tosses a shovelful of dirt atop the grave then leans against the shovel and wipes his brow. CRAZY KELLY How you two gettin' outta here? FAMKE The bus; when the battery is -CRAZY KELLY You could take that bus I reckon but it belongs to -EMMA Dead people. Kelly nods - shoulders the shovel, grabs Esmerelda's lead rope and waves for them to follow him. EXT. SILVER CITY LIVERY STABLES - DAY Emma and Famke stand aside as Crazy Kelly slides open the building's door. They enter. INT. SILVER CITY LIVERY STABLES - DAY The building is filled with an odd assortment of vehicles; trucks, cars, snow mobiles, motorcycles and mountain bikes. EMMA You running a dealership here? CRAZY KELLY You ain't the first folks to get stuck in this town. Take your pick. Emma notes a particular vehicle waiting in the shadows. EMMA Is that an Indian?

108. EXT. SILVER CITY LIVERY STABLES - DAY Emma pushes an old Indian motorcycle with leather saddle bags out of the livery stables. EMMA (to Crazy Kelly) Are you sure about this? CRAZY KELLY Old Walt left her here and never came back. You ever ride one of these things? Emma smiles, throws a leg over the motorcycle and it starts with her first kick. Famke joins Emma on the bike. Crazy Kelly shouts over the MOTORCYCLE'S CRACKLE. CRAZY KELLY You girls take care of yourselves! They nod and ride the motorcycle out of town. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY Emma and Famke roll to a stop at the place where Emma's Mercedes went over the edge. I

EMMA want to say something.

You know?

FAMKE Of course. They get off the motorcycle and peer down at Emma's burnt up car. Emma jolts on making a sudden discovery. EMMA Shit. EXT. THE EDGE OF THE ROAD (SHORT TIME LATER) - DAY A HAND reaches up past the rocky edge of the mountain road and ANOTHER HAND takes hold of it. Famke helps Emma onto the road. Emma holds the dented but still capped, FUNERAL URN. EXT. ON TOP OF MOUNT BALDY - DAY Emma and Famke ride to a stop and get off. Famke holds the urn and now gives it to Emma who steps to the edge and sets the urn on the ground. The view is spectacular. Emma sits down opposite the urn and stares at it for a long time. EMMA Well Grandma, we're finally here.

109. Famke sits down too as Emma says goodbye to her grandmother. EMMA I dreamt we were snapping beans in the kitchen and you told me to grow up, to take myself seriously. I've been trying to remember if you really said that or if I dreamt it. Emma continues talking while admiring the view. EMMA I guess that's how it is. You've told me so much, taught me so many things that I've lost track. I don't know which words are yours and which are mine. Emma smiles at the urn. EMMA And that's just fine. You're such a big part of me Grandma that I can't see me without seeing you. Emma rises followed by Famke. EMMA I thought I would say I love you but it sounded - empty maybe? Then I thought about how much Grandpa loved you and how much your children loved you and how much everyone loved you and I know that it isn't empty or pithy or -Emma needs a moment. but stops.

Famke starts to touch Emma's shoulder

EMMA Or that saying it a thousand times is no better than meaning it once. Emma picks up the funeral urn. EMMA And you taught me that being your best doesn't have to mean being perfect. Emma weeps. EMMA Yet, that's exactly what you were. She opens the funeral urn.

110. EMMA Help me do this right, Grandma. Emma holds the urn high and pours. A sudden wind catches her grandmother's ashes and they sail away into the sky, never touching the ground at Emma's feet. Emma laughs even as she cries. EMMA Good job Grandma. Emma smiles as she caps the urn.

Famke gives Emma a hug.

EMMA I love you Grandma. Emma slides the urn back into a saddlebag. the motorcycle and ride away.

They climb on

EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY Emma and Famke ride back down the mountain road past a -EXT. MOUNTAIN MEADOW - DAY Where the Mustang herd grazes quietly in the sunshine. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY They smile at the pretty horses. Emma cracks the MOTORCYCLE'S throttle open and they RUMBLE away. EXT. SUN-DRENCHED DESERT HIGHWAY - DAY Emma and Famke ride down the road past a tour bus heading in the opposite direction. Famke excitedly pats Emma's shoulder to turn around. The tour bus pulls over and stops. EXT. TOUR BUS - DAY Emma and Famke pull up to the bus. Famke gets off the bike as handsome young EMMETT jumps off the bus. FAMKE Emmett! Emmett sweeps Famke up into his arms spinning her around. They kiss passionately. Emma remembers the guidebook which she pulls from a saddle bag. EMMA Here. Famke shows Emmett the guidebook. He flips excitedly through its pages - points in the book. Famke waves the idea off.

111. FAMKE No Silver City. Famke and Emmett get on the bus. Famke waves goodbye to Emma from a window as the bus pulls away. Emma throws a leg over the motorcycle and fires it up. EXT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - DAY The MOTORCYCLE'S RUMBLE ECHOES off screen. INT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - DAY The Cougar pads to the front door as the MOTORCYCLE RUMBLES past. The Cougar notices the Hunter's rifle - raises a forepaw to claw at the unfamiliar object. EXT. SILVER CITY CHURCH - DAY Off screen, the RIFLE FIRES and the COUGAR SCREAMS -FADE OUT: THE END

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