Study And Implementation Of 5s

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,697
  • Pages: 9
4. STUDY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF 5S 5s- A strategy for performance excellence4.1 Introduction 5S is a reference to a list of five Japanese words which 'start' with S. This list is a mnemonic for a methodology that is often incorrectly characterized as "standardized cleanup", however it is much more than cleanup. 5S is a philosophy and a way of organizing and managing the workspace and work flow with the intent to improve efficiency by eliminating waste

4.2 What is 5S? The key targets of 5S are workplace morale and efficiency. The assertion of 5S is, by assigning everything a location, time is not wasted by looking for things. Additionally, it is quickly obvious when something is missing from its designated location. 5S advocates believe the benefits of this methodology come from deciding what should be kept, where it should be kept, and how it should be stored. This decision making process should lead to a dialog which can build a clear understanding, between employees, of how work should be done. It also instills ownership of the process in each employee. In addition to the above, another key distinction between 5S and "standardized cleanup" is Seiton. Seiton is often misunderstood, perhaps due to efforts to translate into an English word beginning with "S" (such as "sort" or "straighten"). The key concept here is to order items or activities in a manner to promote work flow. For example, tools should be kept at the point of use, workers should not have to repetitively bend to access materials, flow paths can be altered to improve efficiency, etc.


The 5S's are: •

Seiri : Separating. Refers to the practice of going through all the tools, materials, etc., in the work area and keeping only essential items. Everything else is stored or discarded. This leads to fewer hazards and less clutter to interfere with productive work.

Seiton : Sorting. Focuses on the need for an orderly workplace. "Orderly" in this sense means arranging the tools and equipment in an order that promotes work flow. Tools and equipment should be kept where they will be used, and the process should be ordered in a manner that eliminates extra motion.

Seisō : Shine. Indicates the need to keep the workplace clean as well as neat. Cleaning in Japanese companies is a daily activity. At the end of each shift, the work area is cleaned up and everything is restored to its place. The key point is that maintaining cleanliness should be part of the daily work - not an occasional activity initiated when things get too messy.

Seiketsu : Standardizing. This refers to standardized work practices. It refers to more than standardized cleanliness (otherwise this would mean essentially the same as "systemized cleanliness"). This means operating in a consistent and standardized fashion. Everyone knows exactly what his or her responsibilities are.

Shitsuke : Sustaining. Refers to maintaining standards. Once the previous 4S's have been established they become the new way to operate. Maintain the focus on this new way of operating, and do not allow a gradual decline back to the old ways of operating.


4.3 Translations and modificationsOften in the west, alternative terms are used for the five S's. These are "Sort, Straighten, Shine, Systemize and Sustain". "Standardize" is also used as an alternative for "Systemize". Sometimes "Safety" is included as 6th S. Similarly 5Cs aim at same goal but without the strength of maintaining the 5S name. •

Clear out and Classify


Clearing items no longer required


Tagging items that may be required and storing away from workplace



A specific place for specific items


“ A place for everything & everything in its place”

Clean and check


Identify cleaning zones, establish cleaning routines



Consolidate the previous 3C’s by standardizing the new process and use of ‘Visual Management’

Custom and practice


Monitor process adherence


Continually validate process


Make further improvements using the PDCA cycle, otherwise known as the Deming cycle.


The 5S methodology has been adopted into a variety of organizations from small business to Fortune 500 companies. All implement the 5S's in the hope to improve productivity and performance.

Fig. 4.1 Before


Fig. 4.2


4.4 Keys to successful implementation of 5S•

Get everyone involved – 5S is not be the responsibility of a concerned few. It is a concern of everyone to act. All levels of management should take part in decision making required to ensure 5S implementation. Incorporate 5S activities as part of company’s small group activities.

Get company authorization – 5S activities should not be performed in a secret or disguised such as overtime work. Get management approval for all 5S activities. Make signs and posters as means to promote 5S to everyone. Conduct a general monthly meeting where company and managers can address 5S issues and themes.

Final responsibility rests with the president – The 5S’s will not be taken seriously until the managers and even the company president take personal responsibility and interest on its implementation. Nothing could be worse for the success of 5S implementation than to have managers who “pass the 5S implementation buck” to their subordinates. Company managers must take a strong leadership role in 5S promotional meetings and other 5S events.

Make yourselves understood and aware of - Don’t leave people wondering “ Why are we sticking red tags on things?” or ”Is all this 5S stuff really necessary before we can make any improvements?”. Hold 5S promotional meetings to explain 5S and to entertain all questions from all participants. Present actual examples from successful 5S implementation, or take participants on tour on successful 5S workplaces.

Do it all the way – When establishing proper arrangement, make sure to carry out all the tag campaigns and use correct red tagging formats and procedures. When establishing orderliness, use signboards. Make sure that signboards have proper format, descriptions and locations. Prepare your company’s own 5S manual, complete with all the necessary details.

The president should inspect the shop floor personally - The president should personally inspect offices and point out their various positive and negative conditions. 64

Don’t stop halfway in establishing 5S - Don’t do things halfway. Once the 5s promotional organization and methods have been established, get started and stick with it. when developing red tagging and signboards throughout the company, make sure gets everyone involved. Ones you have laid the foundation by establishing proper arrangement and orderliness, start developing discipline habit to keep the foundation strong.

5S is a half way towards other improvements – don’t stop with 5S; follow through with zero defects, cost reduction and other productivity and quality improvements. Once the office has been cleaned up, start putting casters on drawer cases to make them easily movable. Eliminate defects as close to their source as possible and implement flow process.

By implementing 5S eventually productivity, efficiency and working spirit will be promoted. It is not only useful to manage workplace physically but also useful to develop employee’s attitude and discipline.

4.5 Implementation of 5s Step by step internal audit 1. Preparation of 5s auditing•

Formation of 5s audit team

Representative from all departments.

2. Internal 5s audit training 3. Defining territorial areas 4. Setting up 5s grouping in each department 5. Develop audit criteria •

based on working area


6. Preparation of audit material •


report writing format

auditor tag

7. Distribution of audit criteria for each of 5s working areas 8. Grouping of auditor and area for auditing.

4.6 5S auditing committee Function •

developing 5s evaluation criteria ,guidelines and stickers

developing schemes on measuring impact of audit; scoring point and achievement level

developing guidelines to aid in effective standardization of improvement projects

submitting audit summary every month to the top management

4.7 Internal training 1. weekly training 2. encouraging masses 3. generating the interest 4.9 Territorial areas 1. administrative group- getting complete daily report 2. production group-keeping watch on production 3. store group- providing all the necessary materials and tool at workplace, proper storing of finished workpiece 4.10 Audit criteria 66

1. proper sorting 2. proper usage of stickers and labels 3. quality check 4. safety of workers 4.11 Implementing step 1 1. setting up audit checklist criteria according to area of 5s team 2. setting up ”audit summary report” step 2 •

Audit schedule

1. area to be audited 2. audit date step 3 — Audit implementation •

performing audit

1. all 5s auditors gather at the meeting room half an hour before audit 2. briefing by 5s audit to chairman •

activities of the day

highlighting any new area criteria to be checked

action date on sticker( two weeks from audit date )

time to report back

wearing 5s auditor tag

3. every auditor is only allowed to use up to three stickers of each kind for each 5s team

4.12 During audit 1. bringing all audit material e.g checklist, sticker, file holder and Audit summary 2. getting the team group leader or facilitator to accompany auditor 67

3. good public relation 4. checking outstanding matter from the previous audit 5. proper issue of stickers and justified 6. closing the matter when Action has been taken 7. issuing new sticker when action is not fully satisfied( old sticker will remain ) and Also for new matter notice 8. listening to the feedback given by workers 9. providing positive suggestion for improvement if stickers is not appropriate 10. preparing audit report of each working area on the audit summary 11. getting document signed by auditor and team leader 12. auditing the next area 13. Ending •

calculating audit score for each team audited

submitting score and checklist to 5s chairman for compilation

making a copy of the audit summary for head of department

wrap up session – getting feedback from auditor for future improvement

14. Managing audit results. 4.13 Benefits of 5S•

Saving of searching time.

Making availability of extra space in plant.

Safety of workers in shop.


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