Stu Org Manual

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  • Words: 29,274
  • Pages: 46
Your Organization’s Guide to Success Office of the Dean of Students

Published by the Office of the Dean of Students

Student Activities & Leadership Development

Student Activities & Leadership Development

Student Services Building 4.104 512-471-3065 Updated August 2005

This manual exists to help student organizations understand their rights and responsibilities and to assist them in being effective organizations. It is not a comprehensive source of rules and policies related to being a student organization at The University of Texas at Austin. Please refer to the Revised Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities for a more detailed explanation of university rules and policies. This document is available in Student Activities & Leadership Development (SSB 4.104) and on the web at We strongly encourage you to consult with Student Activities & Leadership Development staff for more information on policies related to being a student organization.

:: Registered Student Organization Manual: Table of Contents Section 1 – Introduction Welcome Letter from the Director .....................................................2 Being a Leader....................................................................................3 “Not So Easy”....................................................................................3 Student Activities & Leadership Development...................................3 Categories of Student Organizations ........................................3

Section 2– Rights and Responsibilities Rights .................................................................................................4 Relationship Statement .............................................................4 B e n e fits for Registered Student Organizations..........................4 Aw a rd s ......................................................................................4 Responsibilities...................................................................................5 S t a rting a New Organization....................................................5 R e - registering Your Organization .............................................5 Authorized Representatives.......................................................5 Using the Name of The University ...........................................6 Becoming Officially Sponsored by The University ...................6 R e p resenting UT Austin in an Official Capacity ......................6 Single Sex Organizations ..........................................................6 B e n e fits of Having an Advisor ..................................................6

Section 3– Creating an Effective Organization Running an Effective Meeting ............................................................7 P rogram and Event Planning..............................................................8 P reparing a Budget ............................................................................8 Accessibility to All..............................................................................9 Retaining Members ..........................................................................10 Considering Community Service ......................................................10 Constitution and Bylaws ..................................................................10 Leadership Transition.......................................................................11 Sample Constitution.........................................................................12 Sample Bylaws..................................................................................13

Section 4– Publicity Publications Disclaimer ....................................................................14 Distribution of Literature ................................................................14 Signs ................................................................................................14 Banner Space ....................................................................................15 Tables ...............................................................................................15 A-frames and Exhibits .....................................................................15 T- s h i rt Policy ...................................................................................16 Use of Campus Mail ........................................................................16 Contacting Student Organizations ...................................................16 A d v e rtising and News Outlets .........................................................17 University Calendar..........................................................................17 Copyrights and Trademarks.............................................................17

Section 5– Events and Activities Room Reservations .........................................................................18 Co-sponsorship ................................................................................19 Guest Speakers ................................................................................20 Film Policy........................................................................................20 Security.............................................................................................20 Equipment ........................................................................................20 Social Rules for On-campus Dances and Parties..............................20 Responsibilities Before, During, and After Campus Events .............21 Public Assemblies and Amplified Sound ..........................................22 Fund Raising ....................................................................................23 Common Issues with Fund Raising ........................................23 Sale or Distribution of Food on Campus................................23 R a ffles .....................................................................................24 Ticket Pro c e d u re for Registered Student Organization ..........24 State Sales Tax ........................................................................24 Sources of Funds on Campus.......................................................... 25

re g i s t e red student organization manual

Senate of College Councils......................................................25 Student Events Center Events Cosponsorship Committee. . . . . .2 5 Student Government ...............................................................25 Ticket Guidelines..............................................................................26

Section 6– Risk Management Philosophy........................................................................................27 Student Organization Travel ...........................................................27 F i re Prevention and Awareness ........................................................27 Hazing “Myths and Facts” ..............................................................28 The Law, Rules, and Information on Hazing...................................28 Alternatives to Hazing ....................................................................30 Alcoholic Beverages..........................................................................30 University Policy on Fire a rms and Facsimile Weapons ....................31 Date and Slave Auctions ..................................................................31 Crisis Response ................................................................................31

Section 7– Banking Student Organization Banking Service .............................................33 Using the Student Organization Bank ..............................................33 Banking Responsibilities of the Student Organization .....................33 Responsibilities of the Student Organization Bank ..........................34 Banking Fees ....................................................................................34 Explanation of Bookkeeping System................................................34 Deposits............................................................................................34 Writing Checks.................................................................................35 Voiding a Check ...............................................................................35 Stop Payment on Checks..................................................................35 Web Services for Student Organizations ..........................................35

Section 8– Advisors Selecting an Advisor .........................................................................36 The Role of the Advisor...................................................................36 The Organization's Responsibilities to the Advisor .........................37 Suggestions For Effective Advising...................................................37

Section 9– Leadership Opportunities Leadership Education and Progress–LEAP ......................................38 Multicultural Leadership Institute (MLI) .........................................38 Senate of College Councils ...............................................................38 Student Government ........................................................................39 Graduate Student Assembly .............................................................39 Student Events Center (The Texas Union) .......................................39 UT Leadership Board .......................................................................39

Section 10– Campus Resources Student Organization Center............................................................40 Copies for Student Organizations ....................................................40 Division of Recreational Sport s........................................................40 Gender and Sexuality Center ...........................................................41 Greek Life and Education ................................................................41 Multicultural Information Center (MIC) .........................................41 Notary Service..................................................................................41 O ffice of the Dean of Students .........................................................41 Ombudsperson .................................................................................41 Volunteer and Service Learning Center ............................................41

Section 11– Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policies Nondiscrimination Policy.................................................................42 Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment.....................................42

Miscellaneous Kiosk and Rally Locations Map ......................................................44

:: Section One: Introduction Dear Students,


tudent Activities & Leadership Development (SALD) is excited about your interest in student organizations. We recognize that student organizations provide a valuable s e rvice to The University of Texas at Austin community by p romoting leadership development, community spirit, activism, public service, and social and cultural interaction. As a student at UT Austin, you have the unique opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities. The campus community at UT Austin is rich, varied, and an excellent environment for learning and growing. We are a community that values diversity and we strive to be inclusive and accepting of all people. SALD expects that all student o rganizations exemplify respect and inclusion in all organization events and programs. It is our hope that all student leaders ro l e model and practice sensitivity and inclusion for all members of our community. Involvement in student organizations is a great way to get connected to the campus, build leadership skills, meet people, and to have fun. Student organizations exist to build upon and enrich the classroom experience. Every student can participate in an extensive array of activities and find a place to belong. SALD believes involvement in student organizations is an important aspect of your education at UT Austin. With over 1,000 o rganizations to choose from, all students can find a group to call their own. Additionally, any student can take the initiative to create a new student organization. Whether you arrive with outstanding leadership ability or an emerging potential, there is an organization to meet your needs.


The University of Texas at Austin is an exciting environment w h e re registered student organizations sponsor conferences, seminars, lectures, debates, cultural and social events, and fine a rts programs. These programs allow UT Austin students to meet and interact with local, state, and nationally renowned scholars, a rtists, politicians, academicians, and other professionals. Each year, student organization members spend countless volunteer hours participating in service projects. Not only do these eff o rt s b e n e fit the students involved, they impact and enrich the university and local communities. As you re p resent your organization through its activities and events, remember you are also re p resenting The University of Texas at Austin. Please review and pay close attention to the institutional guidelines in this manual. As a student leader, you a re expected to understand and follow all guidelines. Feel free to consult the SALD staff for clarification, guidance, and advice at any time. SALD takes great pride in its work to support students and the educational mission of the university. We encourage and welcome feedback on this resource guide and all programs and s e rvices provided by our office. Feedback can be provided in person or by emailing [email protected]. I encourage you to connect with our office—feel free to stop by and visit. We look forw a rd to meeting you! HOOK ’EM

Annemarie Seifert D i rector of Student Activities & Leadership Development O ffice of the Dean of Students

student activities and leadership development

i n t ro d u c t i o n

Being a Leader Being a student leader is a challenging and rewarding experience. It will give you the opportunity to make an impact and leave your mark on The University of Texas at Austin. Through the years, student leaders have learned about civic responsibility, activism, and making change through participation in student o rganizations. SALD is here to support and assist you in your role as a student leader and to help broaden student impact on campus. Although it is not always easy to be a leader, SALD wants to congratulate you on your decision to get involved at The University of Texas at Austin.

Not so easy It is easy to do nothing. Yet what is easiest is not always what is best. It is easy to hope for the best outcome. To actually bring it about often requires difficult and even painful decisions, actions and solid, tangible commitment. It is easy to criticize the actions of others, particularly in hindsight, or to speculate about what should have been done. But nothing ever has been accomplished by criticism or speculation alone. Accomplishment comes from those who are willing to put themselves on the line. The world moves forward because of those people who step up to do what is right and what is best, rather than just what is easiest. Taking the easy way out can often lead to results that are not so easy to handle. Doing nothing is easy to justify and easy to implement, but in the long run it ends up being a diffic u l t , b u rdensome way to live. Make your choices based not on what is easy, but on what is best, and do what you know needs to be done. That’s the strategy to take you where you truly would like to be. Copyright 2003 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. Used by permission. Originally published in “The Daily Motivator” at www.

Student Activities & Leadership Development Student Activities & Leadership Development (SALD) is an area within the Office of the Dean of Students. This area maintains current information on each registered student organization, its officers or authorized representatives, its purpose, and its advisor if applicable. A student wanting to get in touch with an organization can readily find information at Student Activities & Leadership Development or by searching the Registered Student Organization database at u t d i re c t . u t e x a s . e d u / d s o rg.

Categories of Student Organizations

Each year a list of current organizations is published according to the following eleven categories: c Educational/Departmental Organizations Promote development in a particular academic area. Activities may include outings, business meetings, and social activities. c Honorary Organizations Recognize high level of academic achievement and generally require a demonstrated interest in a particular career or academic discipline. c International/Cultural Organizations Foster cultural diversity and support for their members and the campus community. c Political Organizations S u p p o rt political parties, political issues, and/or candidates seeking office. c Professional Organizations Provide students with a preview of their anticipated professional careers. Group activities may include speakers, field trips, and volunteer or field work. c Recreational Organizations Promote sports-oriented programs and/or recreational activities. c Religious Organizations Serve as support for students of a particular religious persuasion or denomination. c Service Organizations Provide volunteers for on and off-campus projects. Membership requirements generally include a commitment to work for and/or an interest in a particular cause. c Social Organizations Foster social networks among members. c Special Interest Focus on a specific issue or topic. c Student Governance Address student needs and express student views. Organizations in this category include Student Government, Senate of College Councils, and University Residence Hall Association.

re g i s t e red student organization manual


:: Section Two: Rights and Responsibilities Rights Relationship Statement


tudent organizations at The University of Texas at Austin actively participate in and contribute to a vibrant university community. The 1,000+ registered student organizations at the university provide invaluable experiences and opportunities for students to grow as individuals, leaders, and community members. The conferences, social and cultural events, lectures, debates, and many other events put on by student organizations contribute to making The University of Texas at Austin a very dynamic and exciting campus. Student Activities & Leadership Development (SALD) works to be proactive in its approach to guiding student organizations by providing education, training, and consultation. Registered student organizations and SALD exist as partners in the university community. The staff in SALD strive to be facilitators to student organizations by defining appropriate boundaries, sharing information, and assisting in the decision making process. We work to help student organizations appropriately manage their risk and achieve their goals.

Benefits for Registered Student Organizations Being a registered student organization at The University of Texas at Austin has many benefits. Student organizations have the privilege of using on-campus facilities, banking services, raising funds, sponsoring speakers and public performances, and distributing literature. One of the most important benefits of being a re g i s t e red student organization is access to the staff in Student Activities & Leadership Development for assistance in program planning, risk management, conflict resolution, fund raising, or other issues related to your student organization.


Beyond the obvious advantages of being a re g i s t e red student organization on campus, there are many other re w a rds for students who engage in student organization activities. First, student organizations add an important component to campus life at The University of Texas at Austin by providing an outlet for the student voice to be heard and a vehicle for students to have a substantial impact on campus. Secondly, students gain valuable experience in the practical aspects of leadership, communication, risk management, and teamwork. Finally, it is our experience that students who are involved on campus are more likely to be successful in college and to gain more from their time at UT Austin. For all of these reasons, SALD would like to congratulate you on your decision to get involved and make a diff e rence at The University of Texas at Austin.

Awards The University of Texas Leadership Board (UTLB) hosts and p resents the annual Swing Out Awards each spring to recognize outstanding registered student organizations. Because all registered student organizations are welcome to apply, a Swing Out award is one of the highest honors an organization can receive at UT Austin. The awards are given in eight organizational categories: Cultural, Spirit, Departmental/Academic, Political/Activist, P rofessional, Recreational, Service, and Social. Awards are also given in three special categories: Best New Organization, Most Improved, and Most Outstanding on campus. All registered student organizations at The University of Texas at Austin in good standing with Student Activities & Leadership Development are eligible to apply. Each student organization has the option of placing itself into the category it feels best represents the strengths of the organization, regardless of the type of o rganization it is registered as with SALD. For example, a group registered as “Spirit” may apply in the “Service” category for the purpose of the Swing Out Awards.

student activities and leadership development

rights and re s p o n s i b i l i t i e s

An organization can only apply in one of the eight organizational categories, but may also apply for all three special categories. These special categories are Best New Organization, Most Improved, and Most Outstanding. There are separate applications for each organizational category and additional questions for each of the special awards. If you are uncertain about the category, you may wish to look closely at the questions that are specific to each c a t e g o ry. When reviewing your application, the University of Texas Leadership Board will only consider those activities that your organization participated in that fulfill the organization’s mission statement and the scope of the category. UTLB supports the concept of “doing what you can with what you have.” Thus, organizations with small memberships and few financial re s o u rces will not be penalized when compared to larger organizations with more financial resources in the same category. For the purpose of the Swing Out Aw a rds, a new organization is d e fined as an organization that initially registered with SALD within the previous four long semesters. Applications for the Swing Out Aw a rds are available in February at the University of Texas Leadership Board’s Web site (studentorgs. Please refer to the website for the most current information about the Swing Out Awards. Winners will be announced in a ceremony at Texas Revue.

The past winners of Swing Out Awards are prominently displayed on plaques in the Student Services Building, near the Student Organization Center (SSB 4.102A).

Responsibilities Starting a New Organization New student organizations are always forming. If you cannot find a student organization already on campus that will meet your needs, consider forming your own organization. Here are the requirements and pro c e d u res for starting your own group: • Pick up a new organization packet from the Student Org a n i z ation Center (SSB 4.102A). • Choose an orientation date from the list and call the SOC at 471-3065 to re s e rve your space in the Orientation Session. Although only one member is required to attend the Orientation Session, we encourage attendance for all officers and authorized re p resentatives. • Read through and complete the Application for Registration— New Organization. • Fill out the Authorized Representatives Form. Make sure that each student’s UT EID number is listed. It is also important to make sure that someone from the authorized re p resentatives list has signed the form. • Read through and sign the Legal Responsibilities Form. New o rganizations do not need to fill in the Solicitation Statement i n f o rmation, but all other blanks need to be completed.

re g i s t e red student organization manual

• R e t u rn the forms to the Student Organization Center (SSB 4.102A). There is a $10 registration fee that must be paid when the forms are turned in. Note: It usually takes about two weeks to process the paperwork once it has been submitted to the SOC and you have attended a new organization orientation. Reminders for New Organizations • Make sure that the $10 fee has been paid and that you have signed up for an orientation. • Limit your group membership to students, faculty, and staff at UT Austin. • Do not deny membership on any basis prohibited by applicable law, including, but not limited to sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, veteran status, or disability. • Agree to conduct organization affairs in accordance with institutional regulations.

R e - registration Pro c e d u res for Student Organizations Student organizations need to re - register every Fall and Spring Semester. Only a current authorized re p resentative may register an o rganization. Fall Semester: • Go to your organization’s page on SALD’s Registered Student O rganization database (link to: /). • Click on “Online Organization Registration” under your group’s name. • Log in using your UTEID (authorized re p resentatives only). • Complete all fields and submit the forms online. • Come to the SOC (SSB 4.120) and pay your re - registration fee (cash or check). • Your group is now re - registered. Spring Semester: • Follow the steps outlined for Fall re-registration. You do NOT need to come to the SOC to pay for Spring re - registration if you paid the fee in the fall. • Your group is now re - registered If your organization is unable to successfully register online, you may re-register by completing the paper forms. You may download a copy of the forms or pick them up at the SOC.

Authorized Representatives As a re g i s t e red student organization, you will designate the members who are authorized to do business on behalf of your g roup on the Authorized Representative Form, which is available at the Student Organization Center or as a download from the SALD Web site. Only the students who are listed as Authorized R e p resentatives for your organization can conduct university Please note that Authorized Representatives may be different than the Authorized Signatories for the Student Organization Bank.


rights and re s p o n s i b i l i t i e s

business for your group. Examples of university business include the ability to make room re s e rvations, schedule outdoor events, re s e rve table or banner space, and conduct other official business for the organization.

Using the Name of The University In 1981 The Board of Regents of the UT System established a licensing program to protect its name and identifying marks. The University of Texas at Austin is a trademark of The Board of Regents and can only be used by organizations that are officially sponsored by a university department. There are two types of student organizations at UT Austin. Officially Sponsored student organizations are organizations that have obtained official sponsorship from a university department. These organizations may use the words “The University of Texas at Austin”, “UT”, or other trademarked words in their name. (For m o re information on an Officially Sponsored organization, please refer to “Becoming Officially Sponsored by The University” below). The second type of student organizations at UT Austin are registered student organizations, which comprise the bulk of student organizations. Registered student organizations are not considered “officially sponsored” by the university. Therefore, registered student organizations may not use the name of The University of Texas at Austin, an abbreviation of the name, or any of its trademarks or logos in its name. However, a registered student organization may use words such as “campus”, “university”, “Texas chapter”, or “Austin” as part of its name. (For more information on trademarks, please refer to “Copyrights and Trademarks” on P. 17).

Becoming Officially Sponsored by The University Sponsorship may be granted only to those organizations whose purpose and activities are in accord with the mission of the sponsoring department or agency. Sponsorship requires support , endorsement, supervision, and the assumption of responsibility for the actions and activities of the sponsored organization. Sponsorship may not be extended to organizations involved in political or religious activities or projects for private gain. (UT Austin Policy Memorandum 4.101) In order to be sponsored by The University of Texas at Austin, an organization must complete the following steps: • Obtain a Sponsorship Form from Student Activities & Leadership Development. • Obtain the endorsement of a department or agency of the university, and approval of the advisor and appropriate dean. • Submit the Sponsorship Form to SALD with appropriate signatures. SALD will forward the form to the Vice President of Student Affairs for consideration. • Renew sponsorship annually at the beginning of the fall semester by resubmitting the Sponsorship Form to SALD.


R e p resenting The University of Texas at Austin in an Official Capacity O fficially sponsored student organizations which re p resent the university in intercollegiate competition, public perf o rmances, fund raising projects, printed literature, or any other endeavor must have the activities approved by the dean or executive officer of the d e p a rtment or agency which sponsors the organization. (Policy Memorandum 4.101)

Single Sex Organizations Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities at the university unless such programs and activities are specifically exempt from the law. The university is required to be in compliance with the provisions of Title IX. Therefore, compliance with Title IX is a condition to be a re g i s t e red student organization at the university. Since passage of this law and the publication of the implementing regulations, the U. S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights has evolved a rather clear set of criteria for determining when single sex organizations are exempt from the provisions of Title IX. These criteria are as follows: • The organization must have tax-exempt status under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code; • Members must be limited to student, staff, or faculty at The University of Texas at Austin; • The organization must be a “social fraternity” as defined by the D e p a rtment of Education. The Department of Education defines a “social fraternity” as a group that can answer “no” to all the following questions: • Is the organization’s membership limited to persons pursing or having interest in a particular field of study, profession or academic discipline? • Is the membership limited to individuals who have a high level of achievement in scholarship or any other endeavor? • A re the members permitted to hold membership in other f r a t e rnities or sororities at the university? If a group answers “yes” to any of the questions, it is not a “social f r a t e rnity” and therefore is not exempt from the re q u i rements of Title IX and therefore must accept members of both sexes. Questions re g a rding this policy can be directed to staff in SALD.

Benefits of Having an Advisor The knowledge, leadership, and guidance that an advisor can p rovide your organization is priceless. Although advisors are not required by the university, SALD recommends that student o rganizations have an advisor to assist their organization. An advisor can also assist in designing and evaluating organization goals and activities. An advisor can help provide continuity and s e rve as a signatory on official forms when other authorized re p resentatives are not available. Also, in most cases, your advisor will have more familiarity with the university and its extensive community of services. (For more information on advisors, please refer to “Advisors” on P. 36).

student activities and leadership development

:: Section Three: Creating an Effective Organization Running an Effective Meeting

During the meeting:


• G reet members to make them feel welcome and be sure to introduce any new members. • If possible, serve light refreshments. • Start on time. End on time. • Follow the agenda. • Encourage discussion so that you get diff e rent ideas and viewpoints. Remember that the organization belongs to all of the members. When members see that their ideas have an impact on the decision-making process, their commitment to the organization is increased. • Keep the discussion on topic and moving towards an eventual decision. • Keep minutes of the meeting for future re f e rence in case a question or problem arises. • The leader or facilitator should model leadership skills such as staying on task, listening, valuing members, and appreciating diverse points of view. • Set a date and time for the next meeting.

areful planning is the secret to running an effective meeting. Poorly planned or unplanned meetings are typically viewed as boring, unproductive, and a waste of time. However, with proper planning any meeting can be productive and fun. The following steps will guide you in planning a meeting that is informative and enjoyable to all members.

Before the meeting: • Define the purpose of the meeting. A meeting without a purpose is like a class without an instructor. The purpose is the reason why people come to the meetings. Without a purpose, members may feel that their time was wasted and it could discourage their re t u rn to the organization. • Develop an agenda. • Choose an appropriate meeting time. Set a time limit and stick to it. • Distribute the agenda and any other materials before the meeting so that members can be prepared. • The location of the meeting is very important. Choose a location that is easy for members to find. Keep in mind that many students do not have their own means of transportation, so it is a good idea to stay on or close to campus. Be sure to select a location that will accommodate the size of your organization. Take time to check out the room prior to your meeting to ensure that the space is appropriate. • Be sure that everyone knows where and when the meeting will be held. If possible, hold meetings at the same time and place e v e ry week.

re g i s t e red student organization manual

After the meeting: • Write up and distribute the minutes within 2-3 days. Quick action re i n f o rces the importance of the meeting. • Discuss any problems that may have surfaced during the meeting with officers so that improvements can be made. • Follow up on delegated tasks. Make sure that members understand and carry out their responsibilities. • Put unfinished business on the agenda for the next meeting. • Most importantly, give recognition and appreciation to the members for excellent and timely progress!


c reating an effective org a n i z a t i o n

Program and Event Planning Program and event planning helps your organization achieve its goals, teach leadership skills, and foster camaraderie within your organization. However, it takes a great deal of planning and forethought prior to your event to ensure success. The following list will describe some basic programming tips that will help keep you on track.

Concept • Determine the goals of the program. Examples: to bring a community together, to educate, to expose individuals to diff e rent points of view, to support other p rograms, to provide entertainment, to provide opportunities, to socialize, to recreate • Brainstorm the type of event and possible themes that will match your organizational goals. Examples: speaker, film, dance, fund raiser, trip, food, festival, athletic event, re c reational tournament • Decide on a program within your budget. • Discuss the options within your organization and make a group decision.

~ Stay on budget. ~ B r a i n s t o rmadditional funding sources if you need more money. (For more information on Fund Raising, please refer to “Sources of Funds on Campus” on P. 25). • Publicity ~ Design publicity strategies for targeted audiences. ~ Design your promotion to fit the style and theme of the p rogram. Be creative. ~ Make the publicity neat and accurate. Include the name of the program, date, time, place, and ticket information if n e c e s s a ry. ~ Distribute publicity in ample time. This allows people to plan ahead. Two weeks advance notice is ideal. • Food ~ D e t e rmine food needs. Are you planning a dinner or a reception? Who will cater this activity? Consult with E n v i ronmental Health and Safety (471-3511) to ensure that you have the proper food permits for your event.

Implementation Planning • Date ~ Find a convenient date for members in the group and for the entertainment/speaker. ~ Choose a date that does not conflict with other existing campus programs. (For more information on scheduling, please refer to the “University Calendar” on P. 17). • Entertainment/Speaker ~ D e t e rmine the type of entertainment/speaker you would like to sponsor. ~ R e s e a rch local, regional and national possibilities and negotiate a fee. • Location ~ P roject the attendance to make sure that you have reserved an adequate facility. ~ D e t e rmine the type of space that is needed for your event and any special needs you may have. Specific facility needs may include the need for: chairs, tables, lighting, sound, a stage, open space, a cooking area, an outdoor area, lecture hall, etc. • Time ~ D e t e rmine a convenient time for your targeted audience. For example, if you want commuter students to attend your p rogram, many are on campus during the day; so plan a time between day classes for a program. Do not plan a p rogram when major organizations have standing meetings. • Budget ~ P roject all expenses and incomes such as fees, advertising, security, food, etc.


• Develop a list of tasks that need to occur before, during, and after the event; then determine who will be responsible for each one. For example: ushers, clean-up crew, stage crew, publicity, and hospitality. • On the day of the program ~ Arrive early to check on room arrangements and the set up. ~ P re p a re a brief introduction statement. For example, “Welcome to tonight’s perf o rmance sponsored by _________. If you are interested in having more events like this one, please talk to a re p resentative of our organization.” • Do an evaluation of the program at the next meeting. ~ Determine if you have accomplished your program goal. ~ R e c o rdboth positive and negative results for future planning. ~ Prepare financial statement of actual expenditures. ~ Send thank you notes to appropriate people. Adapted from: Central Connecticut State University, The Success! Series, “ABC’s of Programming”

Preparing a Budget Setting Targets and Measuring Results Student organizations should become familiar with preparation of financial plans, budgets, and the benefits of using a budget as a management tool. There are three primary purposes for developing a budget: • To put the group’s plans into monetary terms • To provide a means of allocating limited re s o u rces among the organization’s activities • To aid in tracking the organization’s actual revenues and expenditures against its goals

student activities and leadership development

c reating an effective org a n i z a t i o n

Student organizations should budget their operations annually. The proper management of funds is important, especially when dealing with limited financial resources. Also, the more complex the group’s objectives, such as managing multiple programs with diff e rent activities and funding sources, the more important the budget process becomes. If a group has both restricted funds and u n restricted generated funds, the use of budgets to identify expenditures provides the necessary means for tracking the two fund types.

Developing a Budget If your organization has been in operation for a fair amount of time, the easiest way to prepare a budget is to start by recording your last two or three years of actual financial data by year. A schedule thus prepared will allow you to compare trends and identify major expense centers. It will also point out areas where your group is growing or declining and indicate areas where reductions and cost savings might be possible. This historical information can then be used as a basis for preparing a current year budget forecast. The budget forecast is adjusted and modified from the historical data for projected major changes in revenues, programs, or expenditures. Obtain historical data from your organization’s re c o rds to assist you in this process. If your organization does not have these re c o rds, begin creating a system now that can be used in the future.

Choosing a Format

is a tremendous benefit for registered student organizations. G roups that are intentional about being inclusive in their re c ruitment and retention of members have the advantage of being able to interact with students from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, which strengthens the group experience for all students involved. SALD is committed to fostering diversity within the student o rganization community. When we speak of diversity, we are speaking not only about ethnic diversity, but also diversity of religion, national origin, sexual orientation, ability, age, gender, socioeconomic status, and other unique characteristics that make us who we are. As a leader in a registered student organization, it is important to consider how you can make your organization as inclusive as possible for all students. Consider questions such as:

W h e re do you hold your meetings? Consider holding your meetings in locations where all students can feel comfortable, and not in establishments that might make some students feel unsafe.

When do you hold your meetings? If your organization always holds your meetings at night, you might be excluding commuters or students who have family responsibilities.

Are your meetings and activities accessible to students with disabilities?

You can choose among several methods of preparing and monitoring budgets. They can be organized by program and cost item, fund type, or solely by program.

Let members know that you are willing to change meeting sites or p rovide accommodations for persons with disabilities.

The most common format uses program and cost item formatting. This method provides a sufficient level of detail for analyzing the individual budgeted items and identifying cost item variances by categories, plus overall program variances.

What do you talk about in your group? Is your group conversation inclusive, or do people use dero g a t o ry or racist language? Educate yourself and your organization on how racist, sexist, or other forms of hateful language can be very damaging.

S u m m a ry While preparing a budget may seem excessive and cumbersome, any student organization that operates without a formal budgeting process cannot effectively manage or plan its operations. A properly prepared budget allows even small organizations to identify potential problems and to take corrective action before they become major issues. Adapted from: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Student Organization Handbook (2003). http://carolinaunion.unc. edu/ activities_orgs/handbook/funding.html

Accessibility To All It is important that your organization is accessible to all interested students. UT Austin is a large community of diverse people, which

re g i s t e red student organization manual

How do you advertise your organization and its activities? If you only advertise in limited areas, it is likely that you are excluding some interested students from your organization. Think about how you can reach out by intentionally advertising in new ways and to new areas on campus. Remember that relying only on word-of-mouth advertising has a negative effect on diversity! For more information, or to discuss issues of diversity, inclusiveness, and equality more in depth, please contact staff members in Student Activities & Leadership Development (SSB 4.104). For specific information about how you can accommodate students with disabilities in your organization, please contact S e rvices for Students with Disabilities (SSB 4.104) at 471-6259.


c reating an effective org a n i z a t i o n

Retaining Members

Considering Community Service

Students stay with organized, dynamic groups that meet their personal goals for membership. Prospective members want to know that the organization is moving forward and will be successful in achieving its goals. Identifying the needs of the individual members is the key to having a strong organization with enthusiastic members. To remember why students join o rganizations and what helps retain them, just think of GRAPE.

Community service, volunteerism, and service learning enhance your college experience in many ways. The following are a few of the ways that the members of your organization can benefit from p a rticipating in community service. • A strong sense of self-worth and pride • New experiences, new friends, new possibilities • Increased independence and managerial skills • Improved decision-making abilities • Visibility and prestige in the community and on the job • Personal growth • Contacts for job advancement • Satisfaction from helping to build a stronger and safer community

The Grape Principle: G is for Growth Does your organization provide growth opportunities for all i n t e rested members? Are there opportunities for members to move into positions of leadership or are leadership opportunities usually “saved” for the senior members? R is for Recognition Do you recognize members when great things occur in your o rganization? Don’t wait until the end of the year. People need and appreciate being recognized in a timely manner for their hard work and accomplishments. Recognition or awards that are p resented may also serve as a motivating factor for other members who would like to achieve a certain level of success. A is for Achievement A sense of “team” achievement is important. Healthy o rganizations make sure that everyone feels as if they contributed to the success of the organization. When the organization is h o n o red, it is important to realize that everyone has contributed and should have a feeling of accomplishment, from a member who may have done a simple task to the president of the o rganization. P is for Participation Can everyone participate in programs and events? Make sure your o rganization is open and willing to accept all student members’ contributions regardless of how long they have been with the organization. E is for Enjoyment Volunteering and working hard in an organization has to be fun! If being part of a group isn’t fun, why be a member? A student’s time is valuable and there are many opportunities for involvement. Make sure one of the best options on campus is being involved with your organization! Adapted from: The Ohio State University’s Student Organization Handbook (2003). default.asp


If you are interested in doing community service, please contact the Volunteer and Service Learning Center (VSLC) at 471-6161 or go to www.utvolunteer. o rg to find non-pro fit community agencies who need volunteer help, or to sign your organization up to p a rticipate in large service projects such as Project Reach Out.

Constitution and Bylaws Student organizations should consider adopting constitutions and bylaws that will help their group in orderly functioning. Constitutions and bylaws articulate the purpose of and spell out the pro c e d u res to be followed by student organizations. The documents should be re f e rred to when questions arise, reviewed annually, and utilized in the training of new officers. The needs of a group will change over time and it is important that the constitution and bylaws are kept up to date to re flect the curre n t state of affairs. Make sure that all members have copies of these i m p o rtant documents so that they are informed about the o rganization and its procedures. A constitution will serve to clarify the organization's purpose, delineate basic structure, and provide the cornerstone for building an effective organization. It will also allow members and potential members to have a better understanding of what the organization is all about and how it functions. Constitutions usually require a t w o - t h i rds vote of the membership for adoption. (See “Sample Constitution” on P. 12). Bylaws set forth in detail the pro c e d u res a group must follow to conduct business in an orderly manner. They provide further d e finition to the articles of the constitution and can be changed m o re easily as the needs of the organization change. Bylaws usually only re q u i re a simple majority for passage. (See “Sample Bylaws” on P. 13).

student activities and leadership development

c reating an effective org a n i z a t i o n

Leadership Transition Implementing an effective officer transition for your student o rganization is a critical responsibility of outgoing leadership. Here are some reasons why transitioning is important: • P rovides the new leader with significant organizational knowledge. • Minimizes the confusion of leadership change throughout the e n t i re organization. • Outgoing leaders gain a sense of accomplishment and closure. • Helps the incoming leadership take with them some of the special expertise of the outgoing leaders. • I n c reases the knowledge and confidence of the new leadership. • Minimizes the loss of momentum and accomplishments of the organization. • Provides a sense of continuity among the membership. The following are suggestions that may prove helpful in your leadership transition.

• Leave behind files that might be helpful to the new person. • I n t roduce incoming officers to advisors, SALD staff, the Student O rganization Bank, other student leaders, and university administrators. • Orient incoming officers to resources used in the past.

Add Your Personal Touches • S h a re the effective leadership qualities and skills you learned on the job. • S h a re problems, helpful ideas, pro c e d u res and recommendations. • Write and share reports containing traditions, ideas or completed projects, continuing projects and concerns, or ideas never carried out. • Have the officers go through personal and organizational files together. • Acquaint the new officers with physical environment, supplies, and equipment.

Start Early

S h a re the Organization’s Stru c t u re

• Identify potential leaders in your organization early in the year. • Encourage these potential leaders through personal contact. • Have the officers help develop skills by delegating responsibility to potential leaders. • Share with them the benefits of leadership. • Clarify job responsibilities. • Let them know that the transition will be orderly and thorough. • Model effective leadership styles. • C reate an organizational stru c t u re to support leadership development. • Develop a mentoring program. • Develop leadership notebooks. • Create a shadowing program. • Orient the new officers together with the outgoing officers so they can understand each other’s roles and start building their team. • Transfer the knowledge, information, and materials necessary for the new officers to function well. • Ask outgoing officers what they wish someone had told them.

• • • • • • • • • •

Constitution and by-laws Job descriptions/role classific a t i o n s Organizational goals and objectives Status reports on ongoing projects Evaluation of previous projects and programs Previous minutes and reports Resources and contact lists Financial books and records Mailing lists Historical re c o rds, scrapbooks, and equipment

Make the Transition Smooth • Hold officer elections one month before installation to provide an overlap period for new and old officers to work together. • Fill the gaps for new officers by asking yourself what i n f o rmation you wish someone had shared with you a year ago. • Review and make current if necessary your constitution and bylaws to re flect changes made during your administration. • Review the job descriptions to make sure they accurately describe the offices your organization needs and uses. • Encourage informal meetings between incoming and outgoing o fficers. • Plan a transition retreat. • Review and update your mailing list or membership records.

re g i s t e red student organization manual


Sample Constitution This information is off e red only as a suggestion to guide the organization’s thought processes. Please consult with SALD if you are looking for more information about organizational constitutions.


Name of Organization:

Article II.

Statement of Purpose: Should include which SALD category the group falls under (i.e., social, educational, service, etc.).

Article III.

Membership: (should include at least the following sections) Section 1. Membership shall be open to students of The University of Texas at Austin regardless of race, national origin, creed or political affiliation, sex (in accordance with Title IX), sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or veteran’s status. Section 2. Membership must be limited to students and/or faculty and staff of The University of Texas at Austin.

Article IV.

Officers: Section 1. Titles of elected officers (i.e., president, vice president) Section 2. Titles of appointed officers (i.e., chairperson, parliamentarian) Section 3. Recall of officers (when applicable)

Article V.

Executive Board: (when applicable) Section 1. Voting members (i.e., elected and appointed officers) Section 2. Ex-officio members (i.e., faculty advisor); indicate if voting or non-voting.

Article VI.

Meetings: Section 1. Regular meetings (frequency and time) Section 2. Special meetings (indicate who has authority to call)

Article VII.

Method to Amend the Constitution:

Article VIII. Dissolution Clause: Section 1. Provide for the succession of elected officer in the event of permanent incapacitation, resignation or removal. Section 2. Provide for disbursement of funds should organization dissolve.

(Additional articles and/or sections may be added, if needed.) Reference: Roberts Rules of Order, Edited by Sarah Corvis with the assistance of Henry M. Roberts III, James Cleary, and William Evans. Scott Foresman Company, 1970, Glenview, Illinois.


student activities and leadership development

Sample Bylaws Remember, an organization is not re q u i red to have both a constitution and bylaws—either one will suffice. When using bylaws, start them on a separate page, since they are to be separate from the constitution. If using bylaws, review them annually and revise as necessary. Please consult with Student Activities & Leadership Development if you are looking for more information about bylaws.


Membership: Section 1. Type of members (i.e., active and inactive) Section 2. Provision for expulsion of members

Bylaw II.

New Membership: (if needed for further explanation)

Bylaw III.

Dues: Statement of whether or not dues are collected and amount of dues

Bylaw IV.

Officers: Section 1. Powers and duties of elected officers Section 2. Powers and duties of appointed officers Section 3. Filling vacancies

Bylaw V.

Committees: Section 1. Standing committees and duties Section 2. Special committees (appointment and approval)

Bylaw VI.

Elections: Should include sections that cover the following: time of elections, votes necessary to be elected, qualifications of voters, method of balloting (secret or open).

Bylaw VII.

Quorum: The fraction or percentage of members that are to constitute a quorum

Bylaw VIII.

Parliamentary Authority: Source of authority (i.e., “Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure” 2nd edition, or “Roberts Rules of Order”)

Reference: Roberts Rules of Order, Edited by Sarah Corvis with the assistance of Henry M. Roberts III, James Cleary, and William Evans. Scott Foresman Company, 1970, Glenview, Illinois.

re g i s t e red student organization manual


:: Section Four: Publicity Publications Disclaimer


All registered student organizations, whether sponsored or not, must print a disclaimer in all publications, including web pages. The disclaimer should read: [Name of publication] is published by [name of student o rganization] a registered student organization. [Name of publication] is not an official publication of The University of Texas at Austin and does not re p resent the views of the university or its officers.

Before publicly posting a sign, the student organization must include the name of the student organization on each sign and place the date of posting or date of event on each sign posted. The following guidelines apply for publicly posting signs on university property:

Distribution of Literature Registered Student Organizations have the ability to distribute literature on campus. Literature can be used to advertise your o rganization, spread information, promote an idea, or for a variety of other purposes. Registered student organizations may sell, distribute, or display literature on campus in accordance with the following guidelines: • The literature is not distributed by hawking, shouting, or accosting individuals. • The literature is not a promotion for an off-campus for- p ro fit business, organization, agency, or national association. • The literature that is dropped on the ground in the area where it was distributed must be picked up by the sponsoring registered student organization. Literature is defined as any printed material, including any newspaper, magazine, or other publication, and any leaflet, flyer, or other informal matter, that is produced in multiple copies for distribution to potential readers.


Outdoor • Signs can only be posted on kiosks. (See Kiosk & Rally Area Map P. 44). • An organization may only post two signs per kiosk. • Signs must be attached to the kiosks only with the bungee cords p rovided (tacks, staples, tape, etc., are prohibited). • Signs may not be posted on trees, lamps, columns, trash cans, or other physical structures on campus. • Signs may not be larger than 11”x17.”

Indoor: Bulletin Boards Signs may be posted only on approved bulletin boards. A bulletin board is under the jurisdiction of the college, school, department, or administrative office that maintains it. A student organization shall apply to the appropriate college, school, department, or administrative official for permission to use a bulletin board, and shall not use a bulletin board without such permission.

Removal of Signs An organization should remove each of its signs no later than 14 days after posting or within 24 hours after the event to which it relates has ended, whichever is earlier. When the organization removes its own signs, they should also remove other outdated material on the kiosk.

student activities and leadership development


Violation of Sign Posting Policy All improperly posted signs are subject to removal. Violations of the sign posting policy are subject to review and potential disciplinaryaction for the student organization.

Banner Space Student Activities & Leadership Development reserves the West Mall and the Speedway banner spaces on a Monday to Sunday basis. Applications may be submitted beginning on the first working day in May for the summer and fall semesters, and on the fir s t working day in December for the spring semester. Applicants will be notified when their banner space requests have been approved. Banners must be dropped off at the Student Organization Center (SSB 4.102A) by 5 p.m. the Friday before the banner is to be hung. Banners must include rope already attached. Failure to cancel banner space two weeks prior to approved date may result in loss of privileges. The pro c e d u re to reserve the space is as follows: • Pick up an Application for Banner Space from the Student O rganization Center (SSB 4.102A). • Fill out the application form and make sure it is signed by an authorized re p resentative of the organization. • R e t u rn the completed application to the Student Organization Center. • R e s e rvations are assigned according to a priority system which includes the date of the request, size and longevity of the event, and availability of the space. Banner space is also available at the following locations: • The McCombs School of Business (471-5921) has banner space on the bridge over 21st Street, between the McCombs School of Business and UTC. They also have banner space available in the Atrium of the McCombs School of Business. To hang a banner in these locations, go to the Dean’s Office at GSB 2.102 to fil l out an application. • The College of Engineering (232-5778) has banner space on the banner display poles located on the north end of the pedestrian walkway over Dean Keeton Street between ECJ and CPE/ETC. To hang a banner in this location, fill out the application online at: • Jester Center (471-5444) has space for paper banners in the Jester Center Academic Concourse. To hang a banner in this location, go to the Jester Center Mail Desk to complete an application. If you have any questions about publicity, feel free to contact Student Activities & Leadership Development at 471-3065.

p rovided that the tables do not disrupt other university functions or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Please consult with SALD for ideas and information about appropriate locations to place tables on campus. Some additional things to remember about tables: • Each table must have a sign or literature that identifies the student organization sponsoring the table. • The organization sponsoring the table is responsible for cleaning up any litter at the end of each day. • The table must be staffed by a member of the sponsoring o rganization at all times. In order to use a university table, the registered student organization must complete an application, available at the SOC or online. Active organizations in good standing can be approved for table use for one semester at a time. Student organizations can supply their own tables or use tables p rovided by the university. University tables are available for use in the following locations on a first come, first serve basis (daily). Student organizations may use one university table per day. • West Mall Are a tables are available on the first floor of the Main Building by the Information Desk. These tables can be checked out after 8 a.m. and must be re t u rned by 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. • G re g o ry Plaza tables are located underneath the stairs of the Gregory Gym and are available for check out from the Information Desk in Gregory Gym. These tables can be checked out and re t u rned anytime the Information Desk in Gregory Gym is staffed. • Jester Center tables are available at the Jester Center Mail Desk. These tables can be checked out from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturdays during the long semesters.

A-frames and Exhibits Student organizations use A-frames and exhibits to promote their g roup, disseminate information, or to engage in other forms of e x p ression. In order to erect A-frames or exhibits on campus, advance permission from SALD is required. Student organizations can apply for A-frame or exhibit space at the Student Organization Center (SSB 4.102A). Active organizations in good standing can be approved for A-frames/exhibits for fourteen days at a time. A-frames and exhibits may be renewed for an additional fourteen days if space is available on the date of expiration.


Tables Using tables to promote your group is a popular option for student organizations. Tables can be used to display literature , disseminate information, raise money, and for other forms of expression. Any outdoor location (except for the Main Mall) and any large, open, indoor location can be appropriate for tables,

re g i s t e red student organization manual

An A-frame is a movable and self-supporting sign board designed to stand on the ground. Student organizations are responsible for designing and building their own structure. The sponsoring organization’s name must be clearly displayed on the stru c t u re. Aframes can be displayed in areas 2,3, and 4 of the West Mall or in the gravel area next to the sidewalk on Speedway Mall. (See maps on next page.)



Student organizations are responsible for removing the A-frame or exhibit on the expiration date. If the structure is not removed, the organization will be fined $50 for removal of the structure. In addition, the student organization will be barred from room re s e rvations, banking, and other services provided by SALD until the situation is resolved. The stru c t u re will be disposed of if it is not picked up from SALD within a week from the time of removal.

T-Shirt Policy In order to ensure compliance with trademark regulations, re g i s t e red student organizations must complete a T- S h i rt Form and have their t-shirt design reviewed by staff in SALD prior to printing t-shirts. The T- S h i rt Form is available at the Student O rganization Center (SSB 4.102A). O rganizations selling or distributing t-shirts that use trademarks without permission may lose privileges associated with being a re g i s t e red student organization.

Exhibits An exhibit is an object or a collection of related objects designed for temporary display and not permanently attached to the g round. Exhibits can be displayed in outdoor locations on campus designated by SALD, as long as they do not impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic or pose a safety risk. No exhibits may be erected on the Main Mall between 8 a.m.–5 p.m. on weekdays. The o rganization sponsoring the exhibit is responsible for removing the litter around the exhibit at the end of the day. The sponsoring o rganization assumes full responsibility for the exhibit.

Use of Campus Mail The Handbook of Operating Pro c e d u res (Section 6.07) specifies that campus mail privileges shall be limited to official budgetary units for official university business. There f o re, organizations that a re officially sponsored by a department may use campus mail, but re g i s t e red student organizations may not.

Contacting Student Organizations T h e re are several ways for student organizations to contact other student organizations – mailbox stuffing, mail labels, and the SALD database. Groups use these methods to promote events, distribute information, and for communication with other o rganizations.

Mailbox Stuffin g The staff at the Student Organization Center will stuff a tri-fold flyer produced by your group into each of the active student o rganization mailboxes. The cost is $10 for registered student o rganizations. If you would like to use this option, please stop by the SOC (SSB 4.102A) or call 471-3065.

Mail Labels Another way to reach student organizations is through a direct mail out. SALD can order a set of mailing labels for your group that will contain a label for each re g i s t e red organization. The cost is $10 for registered student organizations and these labels can be o rd e red at the SALD front desk (SSB 4.104). Please allow 2–3 days for the labels to arrive after the initial order.

SALD Database The SALD database is the best way to reach a specific org a n ization or type of organization. This resource can be accessed t h rough our web site, Using this database, you can search for organizations by name, keyword, or type of group. Click on the name of the organization to retrieve c u rrent contact information.


student activities and leadership development


A d v e rtising and News Outlets College Television–KVR-TV KVR-TV broadcasts various shows by students for students. All inquires should be submitted to the Production Director and should justify the time and cost of KVR-TV for broadcast consideration. For more information, call 471-7899.

Student Radio Station–KVRX KVRX radio is operated by students for students. All inquiries are handled by either the station manager or the broadcast advisor at 471-5106. www. k v rx . o r g

Student Newspaper–Daily Texan Student organizations may inquire about coverage or advertising at the following numbers: Display advertising–471-1865, News and editorial coverage– 471-4591. News coverage is up to the d i s c retion of the Daily Texan. Registered student organizations receive a substantial advertising discount. Specific placement of advertisements is usually available upon request (i.e., placed in the sports section).

E l e c t ronic Bulletin Boards–Business School A d v e rtise on electronic bulletin boards in CBA, GSB or UTC. For more information, contact the Dean’s Office, CBA 2.104, 471-5921.

University Calendar The UT Events Calendar is a very effective way to publicize your events to the campus community online. This calendar is the official UT Austin calendar for all campus events. All student o rganizations have one authorized re p resentative who has access to the UT Events Calendar. The person in your organization who is listed first on the Authorized Representative Form is the person who has this access. SALD encourages your organization to take advantage of this great campus resource!

Copyrights and Trademarks egistered student organizations are not allowed to use trademarks or logos owned by commercial entities in conjunction with any activity promoted or conducted on campus. This includes, but is not limited to using the logos on: flyers, posters, or banners. Groups without prior written approval shall not use trademarks of The University of Texas at Austin. Additionally, all products must be produced by licensed vendors that are authorized, pursuant to license agreement, to use UT Austin trademarks. Contact The Office of Trademark Licensing for a list of the licensed vendors.


Trademarks include but are not limited to the following: T • UT • Design of Interlocking UT • TEXAS • University of Texas • Design of Longhorn • The University of Texas at Austin • Design of Seal • Tower Logo • Longhorns • BEVO • Caricature of Mascot • Hook ’Em Horns • Design of Hook ‘Em Horns • Lady Longhorns • Helmet Design • Steerhead with Texas Design • University of Texas with Longhorn Design O fficially Sponsored organizations who wish to use the university’s trademark or service mark must gain permission from the Office of Trademark Licensing. They can be contacted at 475-7923, or you can visit their Web site at The following symbols are a few examples of UT Austin trademarks that cannot be used by Registered Student Organizations.

To use the UT Events Calendar, follow these steps: • Go to • Click on the “Get Authorization to Add Events” link, which will prompt you to log on to UT Direct with your EID* and password. • F rom this page, the authorized person in your organization will be able to add, delete, update, and copy events for your o rganization. All events submitted by registered student o rganizations will be considered “unofficial” by the UT Events Calendar system. If your organization is officially sponsore d , your event can be posted as “official” through your sponsoring department. * Please note you must have a High Assurance EID to be able to add events to the UT Events Calendar. Contact the ID Center (SSB G1.408, 471-4334) if you need to upgrade your EID.

re g i s t e red student organization manual


:: Section Five: Events and Activities Room Reservations General Purpose Classrooms


eneral purpose classrooms may be reserved by registered student organizations by filling out an online form at If technical problems arise, paper forms may still be obtained from and submitted to the SOC (SSB 4.102A). The only exceptions to this are the two beginning dates that room applications are accepted for each semester. Those dates are always the first working day of May and December—only online forms will be accepted on those days. Please see the general purpose classroom list ( or pick one up at the SOC front desk to make sure that any room that you may be requesting is on it. Room requests are processed one semester at a time and are assigned on a first come, first served basis. The process begins the first working day in May for summer and fall requests, and the first working day in December for spring requests. There is a $5 per room per day fee for general purpose classrooms used on weekends between 5 p.m. Friday and 7 a.m. Monday. These fees are payable at the SOC before the start date of the reservation. Please be aware that most miscellaneous rooms in buildings across campus may not be available to student organizations. Most of these rooms are controlled by the College or Dean’s office in that p a rticular area, such as the third floor cohort rooms in the Graduate School of Business and the CBA Atrium. The Texas Union, Student Services Building, and Recreational Sports areas have their own re s e rvation process and separate form that they use for re s e rvations.


General purpose classrooms are off e red to student organizations only after all courses, departmental re s e rvations, Extension classes, Texas Union Informal classes, etc. have been booked. This limits the available space on campus for student organizations because of priority order in the re s e rvation process – student organizations are the last group on campus to make re s e rvations in these rooms each semester. The Student Services Building is currently the only building in which student organizations are priority users. Please be aware that room availability has been decreasing each semester and plan your requests accordingly. We will do our best to accommodate your organization, but please understand that we have limited general purpose classroom space available for room assignments. A list of available rooms and facilities may be picked up at the Student Organization Center.

Filling Out the Room Reservation Form Room re s e rvations can only be processed when signed or filled out online by an authorized re p resentative of the re g i s t e red student organization. When making reservations for each upcoming semester, please do not make a series re s e rvation (each Monday, Tuesday, etc.) if you are only going to use the room every other week or only a few of the dates. Room availability cannot be checked beforehand over the phone and is not necessary; the rooms you request will be substituted with alternate rooms if they are not available. An email confirmation response will be sent to let you know which rooms were assigned. If the room request was made in paper form, please return to the Student Organization Center (SSB 4.102A) to pick up your confirmation sheet. Please take your confirmation with you to the meeting/event to avoid conflicts in case someone else is trying to use the room at the same time.

student activities and leadership development

events and activities

Please organize the room re s e rvation requests within your group before requesting rooms so that we will not get duplicate requests from groups—many times this happens and we are n ’t aware of it, which contributes to the room shortage problem. Changes to re s e rvations (dates, times, locations) will not be accepted during the first three weeks of each semester. Please meet with your organization before turning in any re s e rvation requests to confirm all dates and times. Change/Cancellation Forms a re are required to change or cancel an event. They are available at the Student Organization Center (SSB 4.102A), or as a download from the SALD Web site.

Student Services Building There are ten meeting rooms in the Student Services Building which are available for use by registered student organizations and by permanent occupants of the SSB. Priority for registration of rooms is according to the following policy: • Student Government and the Senate of College Councils and their respective standing committees have first priority for scheduling the Glenn Maloney Student Assembly Room (G1.310A + G1.310B) for their regularly scheduled meetings between 6 p.m. and midnight. • When not otherwise committed to regularly scheduled meetings of Student Government and the Senate of College Councils and their respective standing committees, re g i s t e red student o rganizations have priority over permanent building occupants for scheduling the Glenn Maloney Student Assembly Room (G1.301A + G1.310B) between 6 p.m. and midnight. • P e rmanent building occupants, to include Student Government, Senate of College Councils, and their respective standing committees, have first priority for scheduling the SSB meeting rooms (G1.104, G1.106, G1.116, G1.402, G1.406, G1.410, 3.406, and 4.212). These permanent building occupants also have priority for scheduling the Glenn Maloney Student Assembly Room (G.1310A + G1.310B) before 6 p.m.

Media Room Console Keys Some of the general purpose classrooms that can be re s e rved for student organizations have media consoles in them. The media console keys can be signed out by an authorized re p resentative of the organization at the Student Organization Center (SSB 4.102A). The key must be signed out in the Key Log and signed back in upon return—please do not leave the key at the counter without signing it back in. Keys must be turned back in within 24 hours of use of the room unless the key is used on a weekend. Note: The code you may need when using the console is 1988. To access specific information about the media consoles, go to This web page gives technical details about the consoles and provides a phone number and email address for help, but mainly pertains to UT Austin departments. Some of the rooms listed on this web page are not classified as general purpose classrooms, which are the only rooms available for SALD to reserve for student organizations; please refer to the list of general purpose classrooms available at the Student Organization Center (SSB 4.102A) or online at info/#gpc for the complete list of these rooms. Not all rooms re s e rved by student organizations contain media consoles. Please note that rooms in the business area such as UTC, GSB and CBA do not have media consoles; call 232-6679 or go to RoomsEquipment.asp for more information on the media available in those buildings.

Co-sponsorship SALD encourages registered student organizations to work collaboratively with other university entities for events and programs. Registered student organizations may co-sponsor events with other registered student, faculty, or staff organizations or with university d e p a rtments or agencies.

Reservations for each priority group are processed in the ord e r received.

The University of Texas at Austin seeks to pre s e rve the limited space on campus for the use of students, faculty, and staff . Therefore, registered student organizations may not co-sponsor on campus programs or events with off-campus persons or organizations. Examples of prohibited co-sponsorship activities include, but are not limited to: • An event that substantially depends on an off-campus person or o rganization for planning, staffing, or management of an event • An event that re s e rves a room or space for the use of an off campus person or organization • An event that operates for the benefit of an off-campus person or o rganization (except for solicitation of charitable contributions)

At no time may scheduling of the Glenn Maloney Student Assembly Room impinge on the standard meeting schedules of the Student Government and the Senate of College Councils.

We strongly encourage student organizations to consult with SALD during the planning process in order to avoid engaging in a prohibited co-sponsorship.

Reservations for meeting rooms by permanent building occupants, to include Student Government, Senate of College Councils, and their respective standing committees are accepted beginning on April 15 for Fall and on November 15 for Spring and Summer. Reservations for meeting rooms by registered student organizations are accepted beginning on the first working day of May for Fall and on the fir s t day of December for Spring and Summer.

re g i s t e red student organization manual


events and activities

Guest Speakers


Registered student organizations may present guest speakers who may make speeches, give perf o rmances, or lead discussions in fixed indoor or outdoor locations approved by SALD. A guest speaker is a speaker or perf o rmer who is not a student, faculty member, or staff member. In order to have a guest speaker at an event, advance permission from SALD is required.

Student Activities & Leadership Development provides several pieces of equipment for use by student organizations. Some examples of available equipment include walkie-talkies, a bullhorn, and a large portable sound system. There is a deposit fee for all of these items and some rental fees may also apply. Please contact SALD for the complete list of equipment and fees. In addition, a sound system for use on the West Mall is available and can be reserved for approved rallies at a cost of $10.00 per day.

Guest speakers may distribute literature to persons who attend the event, but not to others who have not chosen to attend the event. The guest speaker may not accost potential listeners who have not chosen to attend the event. The guest speaker may not help staff a student organization’s table or exhibit. Finally, a guest speaker may not solicit for his or her off-campus business, organization, or service. When presenting a guest speaker, the registered student o rganization must make clear that the organization, and not the university, invited the speaker, and that the views expressed by the speaker are his or her own and do not necessarily re p resent the views of the university.

SALD can also make arrangements for trash receptacles, tables and chairs, platforms, microphones, etc. Charges will apply for these services. Organization authorized representatives are required to sign an A g reement of Charges Form whenever they submit a request for equipment. The form attests to the fact that the individual is authorized by the organization to contract for the service. If the organization defaults, the individual will be responsible for paying the cost of the service. In the event of nonpayment both the organization and the individual can be barred.

Social Rules for On-campus Dances and Part i e s Film Policy Registered student organizations may sponsor slide shows, videotapes or films on campus provided they do not charge admission nor solicit donations for the showings and comply with all copyright regulations. (Policy memorandum 5.103) This policy means that student organizations must obtain permission from the individuals who have the rights to the film prior to showing the film. Remember that your student o rganization may not charge any money nor accept any donations for the showing of a film. For more information about obtaining rights to films, please refer to

Security To ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff, student org a n izations may be required to hire campus security for on-campus events. Organizations may not hire private security for an oncampus event. To arrange for UTPD security at a registered student organization event, complete the Security Request Form ( admin/utpd/forms/secureq.html) and submit it via fax to UTPD at (512) 471-7505. Submit your request at least two weeks prior to the event. After submitting the form, contact UTPD at (512) 4714441 to arrange a meeting to discuss your organization’s needs.


The scheduling and conduct of all dances and parties on campus sponsored by registered student organizations shall meet the following guidelines: • Dances and parties sponsored by registered student organizations may be attended by (1) any currently enrolled UT student, (2) one guest of each UT student in attendance, and (3) by any currently enrolled student in another college or university. Picture college or university identification will be required of all attendees. It is the responsibility of the student organization to check the IDs of all attendees in order to comply with this policy. • All events covered under these guidelines shall conclude not later than 1 a.m. on Sunday through Thursday, and 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. No social events may last past 10 p.m. on the Friday and Saturday nights of Texas Relays weekend. Rare exceptions may be granted by the Vice President for Student A ffairs upon written request. • The university will determine reasonable capacities for all facilities to be used during on-campus dances and parties s p o n s o red by re g i s t e red student organizations. These capacities must be strictly enforced and monitored by the student o rganization. This may re q u i re limiting admission of latecomers until an appropriate number of persons currently in attendance at an event have departed. • Minimum lighting levels will be re q u i red for events held on campus. Appropriate levels will be determined by representatives of UTPD and the building management. • R e p resentatives of the registered student organization(s) sponsoring an event must meet with appropriate university o fficials prior to the event and must agree to adhere to any special requirements that may be imposed. When re s e rving a facility, the student sponsors will review the document entitled

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“Responsibilities of Student Organizations and University D e p a rtments Before, During, and After Campus Events”. In addition, re p resentatives of the student organization(s) must have two pre-event meetings with the UTPD. The first meeting with UTPD is to be held at least ten days prior to the event in o rder to allow the department enough time to assign personnel. The second meeting will be held between the UTPD supervising o fficer who will work the event and the organizational re p resentative(s). Any special security concerns may be a d d ressed at this second meeting which may be conducted by telephone. Failure of the organization(s) to comply with p e rtinent university requirements, rules, and regulations, including those involving security, lighting, and financial obligations related to the event, may result in forf e i t u re of the privilege of scheduling events on campus. • Registered student organizations sponsoring dances and parties on campus will be held responsible for the conduct of all attendees. • The university will determine the nature and extent of security re q u i red for each dance and party scheduled on campus by a re g i s t e red student organization. The university will make staff available to handle security and other activities at the event, such as ticket sales, ticket taking, and crowd control. The sponsoring student organization(s) shall reimburse the university for the costs of staffing and security, including special items such as metal detectors, turnstiles, and overtime pay, as required. The number of police needed will be based on the size of the facility, the number of entrances and exits, and the number of people expected. At least one officer will be a supervisor. The senior o fficer working the event will complete a checklist as part of the after action report. The guideline to be used will be one offic e r for every 100 people or potential audience. One additional o fficer will be needed for each metal detector. The average cost for police is $45 per hour per officer. • Dance forms that pose a direct threat of injury to participants and bystanders are prohibited at social events and dances. Examples of these dances include, but are not limited to slam dancing, stepping, stage diving, and moshing. • The sponsoring student organization(s) are responsible for the enforcement of dance policy and must post these rules at the entrance of the event. In addition, the organization must adhere to the responsibilities outlined in the “Responsibilities of Student O rganizations and University Departments Before, During, and After Campus Events”. This policy will be published in the “Manual for Registere d Student Organizations” and be provided to each organization planning a social event. * Official Policy issued by Vice President for Student Aff a i r s , J a n u a ry 21, 1992. Amended January 1994; Amended April 1997.

Responsibilities Before, During, and After Campus Events Student Organization Sponsoring the Event: • Meet with SALD staff to discuss event (type of event, security, tickets...). • R e s e rve facility with appropriate office (i.e. SALD, Texas Union, R e c reational Sports). • Follow procedural guidelines specific to individual facilities. • A rrange for security through UTPD. • O rder special equipment a minimum of four working days in advance of the event. • Have members easily identifiable at the event. • Have at least one authorized re p resentative for the student o rganization in attendance at the event. • Post signs at the door setting ground rules for the event (i.e. college ID required, no alcohol). Check IDs at the door in compliance with the university’s social policy. • Keep an accurate count of event attendance to ensure compliance with maximum room capacity. • Work closely with UTPD to ensure a safe event. • Monitor room capacity and provide “re t u rn passes” at the door. • Watch for problems; if they occur, intervene and notify police. • Assist with clean up when the event is over. • Assist UTPD in clearing the facility. • Balance ticket report with the Student Organization Bank within 10 working days of the event. • Notify SALD and UTPD in writing if an event is to be canceled. N o t i fication must be a minimum of 24 hours in advance to avoid charges.

Student Activities & Leadership Development: • Consult with student organizations about all aspects of the event (speakers, facilities, security, tickets, special equipment). • Process special equipment requests. • Discuss ticket pro c e d u re (collection and handling of money and tickets). • Discuss maximum room capacity for event facilities. • Audit tickets. • Follow up on reports from the event.

Custodial: • Monitor re s t rooms and restock paper products during the event. • Lay visqueen when requested and remove at completion of event. • Clean up when the event is finished. • File any written re p o rts of the event with SALD.

Facilities and Staff : • Consult with the student organization about the appropriate use of the facility. • Unlock and lock the facility. • Consult with event organizers if problems occur with the facility. • If requested by student organization, make cashier staff available.

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• Update SALD, UTPD, and student organizations on maximum room capacities. • Assist the student organization and UTPD in clearing the facility. • File any building manager reports with SALD.

Physical Plant: • P rovide services requested if the request is made a minimum of four working days in advance. • Deliver and pick up special equipment (i.e. tables, chairs, stages, p l a t f o rms, coat racks, stanchions, folding screens, podiums, trash cans, easels and lecterns). • Set up and take down special equipment if requested in the work ord e r. • File any written reports of the event with SALD.

UTPD: • O v e rtime officers working social events are responsible for the enforcement of state law and university rules and regulations. They will assist building staff, appropriate university staff and student organization re p resentatives as needed; however, the student organization is responsible for enforcement of house rules. • Make metal detectors available and provide personnel to operate them upon the request of the student organization. • Meet with organization re p resentatives, building manager and university staff on arrival and discuss assignments. • Communicate with the above people during the event to see that the safety and well being of the participants is being maintained and that university rules and regulations are being followed. • When admission is charged at the door, one officer should monitor cash collections at all times to prevent robbery attempts. • Student organization re p resentatives will first intervene in p roblems that are less than a violation of the law, or a breach of the peace. Officers should notify sponsoring organization leaders if a problem is suspected. Officers will intervene in fights or when summoned by the representatives. • Handle and/or remove alcohol, weapons, drugs and disruptive individuals. • Administer first aid and call for appropriate assistance as needed. • E n s u re a safe exterior surrounding by providing a positive police p resence and regular communication with on-duty officers. • E n s u re a safe interior surrounding by providing a positive police p resence with a minimum check every 1/2 hour of the interior for violation of the law. Circumstances may dictate more frequent interior inspections. • Assist the building staff and the student organization in clearing the building as needed. The senior overtime officer is responsible for determining when the officers are no longer needed and can be released, following the event. Consideration should be given to the number of people remaining outside and the security risk involved after the conclusion of the event. Officers should remain on scene as long as significant numbers of people remain near the event location.


Public Assemblies and Amplified Sound The freedoms of speech, expression, and assembly are fundamental rights of all persons and are central to the mission of the university. Students, faculty, and staff have the right to assemble, to speak, and to attempt to attract the attention of others, and the corresponding rights to hear the speech of others when they choose to listen, and to ignore the speech of others when they choose not to listen. However, these activities are subject to the well-established right of colleges and universities to regulate time, place, and manner so that the activities do not intrude upon or interf e re with the academic programs and administrative processes of the university. The university shall not discriminate on the basis of the political, religious, philosophical, ideological, or academic viewpoint e x p ressed by any person. University persons and organizations may publicly assemble on campus in any place where, at the time of the assembly, the persons assembling are permitted to be, without advance p e rmission, as long as there is no disruption to other University activities. A m p l i fied sound is permitted on weekdays in eight areas on campus, with advance permission from SALD. Between the hours of 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays, all organizations must use sound equipment owned or controlled by the university. SALD may limit the number or frequency of re s e rvations for each organization to e n s u re reasonable access for all organizations to use amplified sound on weekdays. The areas in which amplified sound may be used on weekdays are as follows: • The West Mall Amplified Sound Area is the extreme east end of the West Mall, adjacent to the west steps of the Tower. O rganizations may use amplified sound in this area from 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. • The Union Patio Amplified Sound Areas is the flagstone are a between the Texas Union and the Flawn Academic Center. O rganizations may use amplified sound in this area from 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. • The East Bus Circle A m p l i fied Sound Area is the grassy area south of the East Mall Fountain and east of Steindam Hall. O rganizations may use amplified sound in this area from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday through Friday. • The East Mall Amplified Sound Area is the area bounded by the west side of Speedway Avenue, by the south end of Welch Hall, by the top of the steps at the east side of Inner Campus Drive, and by the north end of Waggener Hall. Permanent speakers will be installed in the planters in this area. This area may not be used until those speakers are installed. Thereafter, o rganizations may use amplified sound in this area from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday through Friday. • The Battle Oaks Amplified Sound Area is the area bounded by the north wall of Hogg Auditorium, by an extension drawn n o rt h w a rd from the east wall of the Texas Union, by the south edge of the sidewalk on the south side of 24th Street, and by the west edge of the sidewalk on the west side of Inner campus

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Drive. Organizations may use amplified sound in this area from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday through Friday. • The Mustangs A m p l i fied Sound Area is the area bounded by the sidewalk on the east side of San Jacinto Boulevard, by the west wall of the Texas Memorial Museum, and by the outer edge of the two stairways on either side of the lawn. Organizations may use amplified sound in this area from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday t h rough Friday. • The San Jacinto A m p l i fied Sound Area is the area bounded by the south wall of the Art Building, by the east edge of the sidewalk on the east side of San Jacinto Boulevard, by the north edge of the sidewalk on the north side of 23rd Street, and by the west edge of the sidewalk on the west side of Trinity Avenue. O rganizations may use amplified sound in this area from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday-Friday. • The LBJ Fountain A m p l i fied Sound Area is the area bounded by the east edge of Robert Dedman Drive, by the first sidewalk n o rth of the LBJ Fountain, by a line drawn tangent to the west side of the LBJ Fountain and parallel to Robert Dedman Drive, and by the base of the hill on the south side of the Fountain. O rganizations may use amplified sound in this area from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday through Friday. On evenings and weekends, organizations may use any outdoor location on campus for amplified sound, including the eight p reviously mentioned areas, with advance permission from SALD. O rganizations can use their own sound equipment or they can rent equipment from the Student Organization Center (SSB 4.102A) for a nominal fee. If the event occurs on a Sunday– Thursday, the sound must be turned off by 1 a.m. the following day. If the event occurs on a Friday-Saturday, the sound must be t u rned off by 2 a.m. the following day.

about the ticket procedure can be obtained in the Student O rganization Bank. (For more information on ticket procedures, please refer to “Ticket Pro c e d u res for Registered Student O rganizations” P. 26). • Any distribution of food or beverages, including fund raising p rojects that involve food items, requires special permits through the Office of Environmental Health & Safety. (For more information on distribution of food, please refer to “Sale or Distribution of Food on Campus” below.) • P roceeds from fund raising activities (i.e., resale of retail m e rchandise and ticket sales) are subject to state sales tax laws. (For more information on sales tax, please refer to “State Sales Tax” on P. 24.) • Fund raisers may not be conducted for private gain of individuals or for- p ro fit business. All fund raising activities, and especially planned sales of t-shirts, mugs, caps, or any items that use the name of The University of Texas at Austin or any of its trademark symbols, should be reviewed by the Student Activities & Leadership Development s t a ff to ensure compliance with university regulations. Products that violate trademark or licensing regulations will not be a p p roved for sale or distribution. Products in violation of copyright or trademark regulations may be confiscated. Early review and advice from staff members is highly recommended.

Sale or Distribution of Food on Campus The university follows all local and state health and sanitation regulations and guidelines with regard to food handling. Pursuant to distribution, or sale of food and beverages on or in university pro p e rties, including off-campus preparation for distribution or sale on campus, students must have a current food handler’s permit.

Fund Raising Consultation with the Student Activities & Leadership Development staff in the early planning stages of fund raising activities can save time and effort and will ensure compliance with appropriate institutional regulations. Staff members are available to provide advice on planning strategies and the applicability of university regulations.

Common Issues with Fund Raising • Fund raisers and solicitation can be conducted outside university buildings by student organizations. • Only membership dues and approved ticket sales may be collected inside academic buildings. • Student organizations cannot co-sponsor activities on campus with non-university enterprises or organizations. The use of corporate logos is prohibited. • All funds collected on campus must be deposited into the Student Organization Bank account. Donations to charitable associations, etc., can be made from these accounts. • When admission is charged for attendance at an event, the university ticket pro c e d u re must be followed. Information

re g i s t e red student organization manual

The site and facilities for on-campus preparation of food or beverages must have a permit issued by Environmental Health and Safety. Exceptions to this policy will be permitted only with prior approval from the Director of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS). For more information about the sale or distribution of food on campus, or to download the necessary permits, please go to: You can also contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety by calling 471-3511 or in person at Service 202.

Failure to follow the guidelines may result in the loss of privileges to serve food on campus.


events and activities

R a ffles Most student organizations are not qualified to conduct raffles in the State of Texas. Raffles involve paying money for the chance to win a prize of greater value, which is considered gambling. Instead of raffles, SALD suggests that student organizations hold “ F ree Drawings” in which no money is exchanged. The Charitable Raffle Enabling Act, effective January 1, 1990, p e rmits “qualified organizations” to hold up to two raffles per calendar year. Two types of student organizations may conduct raffles: • An association organized primarily for religious purposes that has been in existence in Texas for at least 10 years. • A nonpro fit organization that has existed for at least the thre e p receding years, during which it has had a governing body duly elected by its members and is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c), Internal Revenue Code; does not p a rticipate in any political campaign. [A copy of your organization’s IRS Letter of Determination verifying 501(c) status will be required.] Student organizations may conduct raffles on campus for qualified off-campus organizations. Any organization conducting a raffle on campus must complete a table application and follow university ticketing pro c e d u res. Raffle tickets may not be advertised statewide or through paid advertisements. Each raffle ticket must state the name and address of the organization holding the raffle, the name of an officer of the organization, the price of the ticket, and a general description of each prize to be awarded that has a value of over $10. A prize may not be money. Only members of the organization may sell tickets. No one may be compensated directly or indirectly for organizing or conducting a raffle or for selling raffle tickets. For further information on raffles, refer to AG_Publications/txts/raffle.shtml or contact Student Activities & Leadership Development (SSB 4.104).

Ticket Pro c e d u refor Registered Student Organization When your organization sponsors a raffle or an event for which admission is charged, tickets must be used. The procedures outlined below must be followed in order to ensure the proper

accountability for tickets and funds collected on campus. Failure to meet the requirements of this pro c e d u re will subject the o rganization to university discipline. Read through the ticket procedure entirely and complete the Ticket Pro c e d u re Agreement Form. This form must be signed by a re p resentative who is authorized to do banking for the o rganization. The form states that your organization understands and will comply with the ticket procedure. Decide what kind of tickets you will be using for the event - flat or rolled. If you will be selling tickets only at the door, you may use flat tickets or rolled tickets. • R a ffle Tickets. You must use flat tickets for raffle sales on campus (For more information on raffles, please refer to “ R a ffles” on P. 24). • Flat Tickets. You must use flat tickets if you will have advance sales or if your admission price is diff e rent from the rolled tickets stocked by Student Activities & Leadership Development. If you wish to use flat tickets, you must notify SALD. If you decide to use flat tickets, follow steps A-G on P. 26. • Rolled Tickets. If you will be selling tickets only at the door and if your admission price matches the rolled tickets we have in stock, you may choose to sell rolled tickets. They cost less and the ticket pro c e d u re is simplified. Available rolled ticket prices a re as follows: $0.50, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10. Rolled tickets are purchased the day of the event. If the event is on a weekend, tickets should be purchased the Friday before so that organizations do not treat roll tickets as p re-sale tickets. If you decide to use rolled tickets, follow steps D-G on P. 26. See “Ticket Guidelines” on P. 26.

State Sales Tax Collecting Sales Tax on Items Sold All student organizations are required by law to collect sales tax when selling goods and/or services (this may include tickets to an event). If an organization has a state sales tax exemption, this means that the group is exempt from paying sales tax. The group is still responsible for collecting sales tax when selling goods or s e rvices. Remember, student organizations can be audited by the s t a t e, so it is very important that sales tax is properly collected and remitted to the State Comptro l l e r’s Office. If you have questions on sales tax you can call the State Comptroller at 1-800-252-5555 or you can E-mail [email protected]. In order to properly remit sales tax: • Pick up a Sales Tax Permit Form in Student Activities & Leadership Development, or you can download forms from • Fill out the form and send it in to: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Austin, TX 78774-0100

Sample Event Ticket Format


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events and activities

• It will take 4-6 weeks for your form to be processed. When you receive your permit number, make a copy and keep it in your bank folder at the Student Organization Bank so that it will be readily available for you. This permit number is for you to use when you remit payments to the state. It allows the comptro l l e r’s office to readily identify what organization is remitting payment. • Obtain a “Texas Sales and Use” tax re t u rn from the Comptroller’s Office. You can do this by calling 463-4600. • Fill out the tax return and send it to the address above by the 20th day of the next calendar month after the month of your sale.

to defer payment of sales tax until time of sale. This does not mean that the organization does not pay sales tax. It means that it will collect sales tax for the item when it is resold and that sales tax will then be remitted to the state. (2) The organization can pay the vendor sales tax on the items purchased. Please note, however, that if the organization is selling the merchandise at a mark-up, sales tax must be collected and paid on the mark-up.

Sources of Funds on Campus If your organization owes less than $500 in sales tax for a calendar month or $1,500 for a calendar quarter, taxes may be paid on a quarterly basis. This means payment is due by the 20th day of the month following each calendar quarter. Exceptions to sales tax law • If an organization is planning a one-day sale within a calendar month, it does not have to collect sales tax on any goods sold during that one-day period. An organization may only hold one tax free sale per month. • If an organization is holding an event that is exclusively for members of the UT Austin community and they have not hired any off-campus business to provide services (such as a caterer or DJ), the organization does not have to collect sales tax for tickets to the event. We highly recommend that organizations who are planning events on campus talk to Student Activities & Leadership Development about sales tax. Paying Sales Tax on Items Purchased • Student organizations are NOT automatically exempt from paying state sales tax. To find out if your organization may file to become sales tax exempt, refer to Comptroller of Public Accounts, State Sales and Use Tax, Rule 3.322 (Texas Tax Code 151.309, 151.310: Texas Civil Statutes, Article 342-908). If your o rganization is eligible, you must first obtain 501c status from the Internal Revenue Service. It may take over eight weeks for the forms to be processed by the IRS. If 501c status is granted, the organization may apply to the state by submitting a letter, a copy of your charter/bylaws, and a copy of your 501c letter of determination from the IRS (if applicable) to the following address: Tax Policy Division Exempt Organizations Section Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts P.O. Box 13528 Austin, Texas 78711-3528 • Upon a ruling by the State Comptro l l e r’s Office you will receive a letter allowing or denying exempt status. If exempt status is granted, please inform Student Activities & Leadership Development and provide a copy of documentation for your organization’s permanent fil e . • If an organization is purchasing merchandise for resale, it has two options regarding sales tax. (1) The organization may obtain a resale cert i ficate from the State Comptro l l e r’s Office, which will allow the organization

re g i s t e red student organization manual

If your organization needs money for programs and events, the following organizations may be a good place to begin. These o rganizations have funds in their budgets for the sole purpose of redistributing these funds to registered student organizations.

Senate of College Councils The Senate of College Councils allocates funds to registered student organizations. Only registered student organizations may apply for Senate funding. The Senate looks forw a rd to helping your organization create programs that will benefit the students of the university. Please feel free to visit the Senate of College Councils (SSB 4.204), 471-3166, if you have any questions or c o n c e rns.

Student Events Center Events Cosponsorship Committee An organization that would like to receive funds from this committee must be a registered student organization in good standing with the Texas Union and the university. The program in which funds are used must be of interest and open to the general UT Austin community. Emphasis will be placed on those programs that benefit the greatest number of people on the UT Austin campus. Visit the Students Events Center Events Cosponsorship Committee at for c u rrent information about applying for funds.

Student Government The University of Texas Student Government will be appropriating funds each fall and spring to various student organizations in supp o rt of their projects. Your organization must contact a Student G o v e rnment Representative to sponsor you and re p resent your request to the Appropriations Committee of the Assembly. A list of SG Representatives can be found on the Student Government Web site. For more information, visit the Student Government Office (SSB 4.206), 471-3166 or the SG Web site at www. u t s g . o rg.

It is to your organization’s advantage to submit an application early, as money is allotted on a first come, first serve basis.


events and activities

Ticket Guidelines A. Ticket Approval ~ Obtain an A p p roval for Printing Tickets Form from Student Activities & Leadership Development. This form must be signed by a representative who is authorized to do banking for the organization. Return the A p p roval for Printing Tickets Form to Student Activities & Leadership Development staff for approval at least seven days before selling tickets. B. Ticket Format Flat Tickets must contain the following information: ~ Name of the registered student organization sponsoring the event ~ Admission price (only one price may be printed on each ticket) ~ Name of the event ~ Date of the event ~ Location of events (i.e., Texas Union, FAC Auditorium, etc.) ~ Admit One ~ No Refund (if no refund will be given) ~ Tickets must be consecutively pre-numbered beginning with #1 by the machine at the printers. ~ Include sales tax if applicable (For more information on sales tax, please refer to “State Sales Tax” on P. 24). NOTE: If there will be different admission prices to the same event, or if the ticketed event will take place on more than one date or time (such as a series of performances), the tickets must be printed in diff e rent colors for each price and/or event.

C. Ordering Tickets ~ Select and contact a printing company. The University Duplicating Center at the Texas Union can print tickets for your organization’s event. ~ Design proposed ticket copy. ~ Submit proposed ticket format to Student Activities & Leadership Development for approval. SALD will create a one page hard copy to take to the printer. ~ Once ticket format is approved, order tickets from printer. ~ Make arrangements for the printing company to bill your organization directly for the printing costs. ~ Pick up tickets from the printer and deliver them to Student Activities & Leadership Development at least two (2) working days before your organization needs to check them out and begin the ticket sale. Tickets must be accompanied by an invoice indicating total number of tickets printed at each price. D. Checking Out Tickets from the Student Organization Bank ~ Pick up and complete a Ticket Request Form, which may be completed only by an authorized banking representative of your organization. ~ Pick up a Complimentary Ticket List if you need one. Complimentary tickets must be regularly pre-numbered tickets stamped complimentary. You may sign out a complimentary stamp from Student Activities & Leadership


Development. Keep complete records of the complimentary tickets issued including names of persons receiving complimentary tickets and ticket numbers. ~ Pick up Ticket Refund Forms if you need them. You don’t need them if you are using rolled tickets or if your flat tickets say “No Refund.” The Ticket Refund Form requires a list of the names of individuals receiving the refunds and the ticket numbers involved. ~ Rolled tickets will be paid for at this time. Payment can be accepted only in cash or a check from the organization’s Student Organization Bank account. Rolled tickets are sold only in increments of 100, and cost $1 per hundred tickets. ~ Student Activities & Leadership Development staff will issue tickets to you at this time. E. At the Event ~ Tear in half all tickets, both rolled and flat, collected at the door at the time they are taken from the holder. Retain torn stubs to turn in after the event. If an organization is found not to have torn tickets, the organization may be subject to disciplinary action. ~ Keep complete records of the complimentary tickets issued and any refunds, including names of persons receiving complimentary tickets or refunds and ticket numbers. ~ Any expenses that must be paid from cash ticket sales require prior approval from Student Activities & Leadership Development (SSB 4.104). All cash payments require written receipts. F. After the Event ~ All money collected for ticket sales must be deposited in the Student Organization Bank account (SSB4.104). Ticket deposit monies should be deposited separately from any other organization funds. Monies must be deposited daily if receipts are $50 or more. All ticket deposits must be completed within ten (10) working days after the event. ~ All torn ticket stubs and unsold tickets are to be turned in to Student Activities & Leadership Development within ten (10) working days after the event. ~ All complimentary ticket lists and refund lists should be turned in at the time you return unsold tickets. ~ Any discrepancy that occurs between unsold tickets and deposited funds will require a written explanation from the organization. G. Canceled Ticketed Events ~ If a ticketed event is canceled, all unsold tickets must be returned to Student Activities & Leadership Development. ~ If monies have been collected, a deposit is required for the amount of tickets sold. ~ If a refund occurs, a ticket refund list must be submitted with the unsold tickets to Student Activities & Leadership Development. Any discrepancies concerning the canceled event will require a written explanation.

student activities and leadership development

:: Section Six: Risk Management Philosophy


e believe that our role is to balance student fre e d o m and responsibility so that students can learn from their experiences in a safe environment. We encourage student organizations to work with the Dean of Students staff and/or organizational advisors in order to plan safe and successful activities. Student Activities & Leadership Development is committed to working with student organizations to assist them in managing the risk that can occur in the course of student activities; including but not limited to risk of injury, financial risk, and risk of University Policy violations.

Registered Student Organizations are strongly encouraged to review and complete the Travel Information Packet (PDF link). Additionally, SALD offers one-on-one travel consultations to assist g roups in planning safe trips. Please contact us to learn more if your group is planning a trip!

S e rvices off e red for student organizations include consultations with organizational re p resentatives and advisors on issues c o n c e rning: travel, event planning, and organizational development. In addition, we can connect students with campus resources related to risk management and event planning. Presentations are also available on topics related to risk management.

A fire can occur anywhere, causing a catastrophic event and irreparable loss of human lives. Because of the potential danger, student organizations need to understand and be knowledgeable of some basic precautions that need to be taken to reduce the risk of fire.

Registered Organizations are reminded that mandatory travel may not be a condition for membership.

Fire Prevention and Awareness

Student Organization Travel Student organizations travel for many purposes: retreats, conferences, competitions, and for fun! Traveling can help an organization accomplish its goals and can serve an extremely valuable purpose. However, it is important to remember that travel is a high-risk activity. With proper risk management, your organization can reduce the risk your organization faces as a result of travel. Sponsored Student Organizations at the University of Texas are required to complete the necessary documentation in order to p roceed with their travels. Visit the Vice President for Student A ffairs Web site to learn more about the policy and to download the necessary forms:

re g i s t e red student organization manual

When we think about fire, we usually think about fire happening at our place of residence. Unfortunately, fire can occur anywhere, including venues that student organizations use to host events, such as off-campus clubs, apartments, or houses. When you select a place for a social function, there are some things that you should keep in mind: • Does the location have sprinklers? • What is the occupancy limit? Do not exceed this limit. • A re your decorations flammable? If so, get them fire - p roofed or do not use them. • A re the smoke detectors blocked or covered? Ensure that smoke detectors are in good working order and are not covered in any way. T h e re are some student organizations which own or rent property for the purpose of housing members. These organizations need to


risk management

comply with an annual fire safety inspection. Failure to comply with this can result in the cancellation of their registration as a student organization. You can find the pro c e d u res and the form to request the inspection at the Texas State Fire Marshall’s Web site: More valuable information is available at the Austin Fire Department’s Web site:

Make the following inquiries of each activity to determine whether or not it is hazing. c Is alcohol involved? c Will active/current members of the group refuse to p a rticipate with the new members and do exactly what they’re being asked to do?

Hazing “Myths and Facts” Myth #1: Hazing is primarily a problem for fraternities and s o rorities. Fact: Hazing is a societal problem. Hazing incidents have been frequently documented in the military, athletic teams, marching bands, religious cults, professional schools and other types of clubs, and/or organizations. Reports of hazing activities in high schools are on the rise. Myth #2: Hazing is no more than foolish pranks that sometimes go awry. Fact: Hazing is an act of power and control over others—it is victimization. Hazing is pre-meditated and NOT accidental. Hazing is abusive, degrading and often life-threatening. Myth #3: As long as there’s no malicious intent, a little hazing should be O.K. Fact: Even if there ’s no malicious “intent” safety may still be a factor in traditional hazing activities that are considered to be “all in good fun.” For example, serious accidents have occurred during scavenger hunts and kidnapping trips. Besides, what purpose do such activities serve in promoting the growth and development of group team members? Myth #4: Hazing is an effective way to teach respect and develop discipline. Fact: First of all, respect must be EARNED—not taught. Victims of hazing rarely re p o rt having respect for those who have hazed them. Just like other forms of victimization, hazing breeds mistrust, apathy and alienation. Myth #5: If someone agrees to participate in an activity, it can’t be considered hazing. Fact: In states that have laws against hazing, consent of the victim can’t be used as a defense in a civil suit. This is because even if someone agrees to participate in a potentially hazardous action it may not be true consent when considering the peer pressure and desire to belong to the group. Myth #6: It’s difficult to determine whether or not a certain activity is hazing—it’s such a gray area sometimes. Fact: It’s not difficult to decide if an activity is hazing if you use common sense and ask yourself the following questions:


c Does the activity risk emotional or physical abuse? c Is there risk of injury or a question of safety? c Do you have any reservation describing the activity to your parents, to a professor or university official? c Would you object to the activity being photographed for the school newspaper or filmed by the local TV news crew? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” the activity is probably hazing. Adapted from:, Educating to Eliminate Hazing. Copyright 1998-2001.

The Law, Rules, and Information on Hazing The 70th Texas Legislature enacted a law concerning hazing which became effective on September 1, 1987. Under the law, individuals or organizations engaging in hazing could be subject to fines and charged with a criminal off e n s e . A c c o rding to the law, a person can commit a hazing offense not only by engaging in a hazing activity, but also by soliciting, d i recting, encouraging, aiding or attempting to aid another in hazing; by intentionally, knowingly or recklessly allowing hazing to occur; or by failing to report first hand knowledge, in writing to the Dean of Students, that a hazing incident is planned or has o c c u rred. The fact that a person consented to or acquiesced in a hazing activity is not a defense to prosecution for hazing under this law. In an eff o rt to encourage reporting of hazing incidents, the law grants immunity from civil or criminal liability to any person who re p o rts a specific hazing event, in good faith and without malice, to the dean of students or other appropriate official of the institution and immunizes that person for participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from that report. Additionally, a doctor or other medical practitioner who treats a student who may have been subjected to hazing may make a good faith re p o rt of the suspected hazing activities to police or other law e n f o rcement officials and is immune from civil or other liability that might otherwise be imposed or incurred as a result of the re p o rt. The penalty for failure to report is a fine of up to $1,000, up to 180 days in jail, or both. Penalties for other hazing offenses

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v a ry according to the severity of the injury which results and include fines from $500 to $10,000 and/or confinement for up to two years. This law does not affect or in any way restrict the right of the university to enforce its own rules against hazing. Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3.28, provide that: any student who, acting singly or in concert with others, engages in hazing is subject to discipline. Hazing in state educational institutions is prohibited by state law (Sections 51.936 and 37.151, Texas Education Code). Hazing with or without the consent of a student whether on or off campus is prohibited, and a violation of that prohibition renders both the person inflicting the hazing and the person submitting to the hazing subject to discipline. Initiations or activities of organizations may include no feature which is dangerous, harmful, or degrading to the student, and a violation of this prohibition renders both the organization and participating individuals subject to discipline. The law defines hazing as any intentional, knowing, or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are or include students at an educational institution. Hazing includes but is not limited to: • any type of physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, striking, branding, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity; • any type of physical activity, such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, calisthenics, or other activity that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student; • any activity involving consumption of food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance which subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or which adversely affects the mental or physical health of the student; • any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism, that subjects the student to extreme mental s t ress, shame, or humiliation, or that adversely affects the mental health or dignity of the student or discourages the student from entering or remaining registered in an educational institution, or that may reasonably be expected to cause a student to leave the organization or the institution rather than submit to acts described in this subsection; and • any activity that induces, causes, or requires the student to p e rf o rm a duty or task which involves a violation of the Penal Code.

re g i s t e red student organization manual

Activities which under certain conditions constitute acts which a re dangerous, harmful, or degrading, in violation of subsections 6-304(e) and 11-804(7) of the Institutional Rules on Student S e rvices and Activities include but are not limited to: • Calisthenics, such as sit-ups, push-ups, or any other form of physical exercise; • Total or partial nudity at any time; • The eating or ingestion of any unwanted substance; • The wearing or carrying of any obscene or physically b u rdensome article; • Paddle swats, including the trading of swats; • Pushing, shoving, tackling, or any other physical contact; • T h rowing oil, syrup, flour, or any harmful substance on a person; • Rat court, kangaroo court, or other individual i n t e rrogation; • F o rced consumption of alcoholic beverages either by threats or peer pressure; • Lineups intended to demean or intimidate; • Transportation and abandonment (road trips, kidnaps, walks, rides, drops); • C o n fining individuals in an area which is uncomfortable or d a n g e rous (hot box effect, high temperature, too small); • Any type of personal servitude which is demeaning or of personal benefit to the individual members; • Wearing of embarrassing or uncomfortable clothing; • Assigning pranks such as stealing, painting objects, harassing other organizations; • Intentionally messing up the house or a room for clean up; • Demeaning names; • Yelling and screaming; and • Requiring boxing matches or fights for entertainment. A c c o rding to the law, a person can commit a hazing offense not only by engaging in a hazing activity, but also by soliciting, d i recting, encouraging, aiding or attempting to aid another in hazing; by intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly allowing hazing to occur; or by failing to report in writing to the dean of students firsthand knowledge that a hazing incident is planned or has o c c u rred. (Texas Education Code 51.936 and 37.151 et seq.) An organization violates a regents’ rule, university regulation, or administrative rule when one or more members of an organization fail to re p o rt to appropriate university or civil authorities p romptly their knowledge or any reasonable information about a violation (Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities § 6-401(a)(7)). Activities which are dangerous, harmful, or degrading may also be c o n s i d e red hazing under state law (Subchapter B, Chapter 4, Title I, Texas Education Code). [See General Information catalog, Appendix F.] For further information or clarification of probationary member activities, contact Student Activities & Leadership Development, SSB 4.104.


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Alternatives to Hazing Sometimes, organizations that haze new members are confused about how to change these practices. There are many creative ways to change from a hazing to a non-hazing organization. The following are some specific examples of ways to eliminate hazing and make membership a challenging but positive experience: In many organizations, the very term “pledge” is often equated with hazing practices. Many national organizations have sought to eliminate this term in order to foster more positive attitudes t o w a rd the new members. Some substitute terms include “associate members” and “new members.” When organizations are challenged to eliminate hazing practices, some members may be resistant to this change. In many cases, those who are most vocal against eliminating hazing are those who are bitter and angry about the hazing that they themselves e n d u red (but don’t admit this publicly) and expect that others should be abused in order to gain “true” membership in the o rganization. You will also find that some of these folks are likely to be bullies of the organization—people who enjoy a “power trip” at the expense of someone else. Of course, if you try to eliminate hazing in your group, you will likely encounter many elaborate reasons for why this will be devastating for your organization. While there will be some staunch supporters of the status quo, there will be many who can be convinced of the negative effects and potential risks of hazing. Believers in the supposed “benefits” of hazing may be more likely to change their opinion if they can envision some alternatives. The supposed “benefits” of hazing are listed on the right with non-hazing alternatives to accomplish the same goal listed alongside. (Adapted from:, Educating to Eliminate Hazing. Copyright 1998-2001.

Alcoholic Beverages

Educating to Eliminate Hazing c Foster Unity: Have the members of your organization work together on a community service project. Visit a ropes course to work on group cohesiveness, communication and leadership skills. In organizations with houses, the group might work together on a room improvement project. Another option for fostering unity without hazing is for the members to work together to plan a social or athletic event with another organization. c Develop Problem Solving Abilities: Have new members discuss organization weaknesses such as poor recruitment, apathy, and poor scholarship, and plan solutions that the organization might then adopt. c Develop Leadership Skills: Encourage participation in campus activities outside of the organization. Encourage new members to get involved in organizational committees and/or leadership roles. Develop a peer mentor program within your organization for leadership roles. Invite university/community/business leaders into the organization to share their experiences. c Instill a Sense of Membership: Plan special events when the entire organization gets together to attend a movie, play, or religious service. Plan a “membership circle” where students p a rticipate in a candlelight service in which each person has a chance to express what membership means to them. c Promote Scholarship: Take advantage of your university academic and tutoring services. Designate study hours for members of your organization. Invite university or community e x p e rts to discuss test-taking skills, study methods, time management, etc. c Build Awareness of Organization’s History: Invite an older member to talk about the organization’s early days, its founding, special traditions, and prominent former members.

On-Campus Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in university facilities, athletic facilities, or public areas of the campus. Exceptions to this policy require prior approval from the President’s Office. Alcohol is permitted at events sponsored in the Texas Union in accordance with Union policies. Meetings or events sponsored by registered faculty, staff, or student organizations are not events sponsored by the university or The University of Texas System. State law relating to alcoholic beverages will be strictly enforced at all times on property controlled by the System and its component institutions.

c Knowledge of the Greek System (for Greek Organizations): Invite leaders of IFC, Panhellenic, and/or Advisors to speak on Greek governance including their goals and expectations of the Greek system. c Aid Career Goals: Use university resources for seminars on resume writing, job interview skills, and for information on various careers. c Involve All Members in the Community: Get involved with campus and community service projects. Plan fund raisers for local charitable organizations. c Improve Relations with Other Organizations: E n c o u r a g e new members to plan social or service projects with other organizations; work together to plan joint social or service activities.


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Off-Campus When hosting events off-campus, please remember that your student organization is accountable to applicable city, local, and state laws, including those pertaining to alcohol. For more i n f o rmation about the state law, go to For ideas on how to effectively manage off-campus events with alcohol, including good risk management practices, please consult with staff in Student Activities & Leadership Activities (SSB 4.104).

University Policy on Firearms and Facsimile Weapons The University of Texas at Austin prohibits the possession or use of fire a rms, facsimile weapons/bombs, armor-piercing ammunition and knives on university property, including academic, administrative, special use, recreational and housing facilities, as well as all grounds and parking lots. This policy applies to students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors. The only exceptions to this policy are for commissioned police officers and in cases w h e re special permission has been granted by the Dean of Students. For further details on this policy, contact Student Activities & Leadership Development (SSB 4.104).

Date and Slave Auctions At UT Austin, equality, openness, and sensitivity are strongly held values. Student Activities & Leadership Development (SALD) encourages student organizations to consider these values when planning events and activities. Sometimes organizations hold “Date” or “Slave” auction events as a way to raise money. Student Activities & Leadership Development understands that groups who hold these events, or have held them in the past, usually do so with good intentions. We would like to challenge student organizations to think more deeply about these events, the potential unintended effects of these events, and to consider holding alternative events that could accomplish the same objectives. “Date” or “Slave” auctions involve the process of “bidding” on a human being for their services or the ability to spend time with a c e rtain person. This process devalues a human being to the level of merchandise and involves a comparison of the relative “value” of each person being auctioned. This process has the appearance of actual slave auctions, which are a real and tragic part of this country’s history.

re g i s t e red student organization manual

F u rt h e rm o re, we would like organizations to consider the safety c o n c e rns that arise as a result of “Date” auctions. When a person “wins” the ability to spend time with another person, there is no way of telling what their true motives are. Given the prevalence of sexual assault in our culture, safety concerns exist if you allow a member of your organization be compelled to spend time alone with someone that she/he may not know. For all of these reasons, and because of the many imaginative and feasible alternatives to these activities, SALD feels that date and slave auctions should be avoided by student organizations at UT Austin. Remember, SALD staff is always available to help o rganizations brainstorm alternative fund raising events.

Crisis Response While student organizations are advised to plan their activities and events in such a way as to avert crisis, it is important to p roactively plan how to respond in the event one should occur. Intentional development of a crisis response plan prior to an event or activity will empower the organization to effectively respond. Educating members prior to a crisis is crucial. All organization members must know who is in charge and be prepared to follow the plan. The following information is intended to assist students in the development of a crisis response plan, but should not be c o n s i d e red a complete plan, rather a guide for designing a p rotocol that fits the organization’s needs. As a student leader, it is important to understand that crisis can happen to you and your organization. If this happens, know that you are not alone. Call on the resources in the Dean of Students O ffice to assist you. It is important to be aware of your own feelings, perceptions, and issues so that you can monitor your ability to cope with the difficult situation.

General Crisis Response Plan • Develop a crisis response strategy for your organization prior to your event or program. • C reate a step by step process for what to do in case of a crisis. • Designate organizational officers and crisis team who can take c h a rge of a crisis situation. • Review your crisis response plan on a regular basis and update plan as needed.


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If medical attention is needed, attend to those needs b e f o redoing anything else. • Contact 911 (1-4441 for non-emergency calls on-campus) or get a p p ropriate help. • T h e re is a network of outdoor emergency phones around campus. These phones are mounted in yellow call boxes, have a blue light on top, and are clearly marked, “EMERGENCY.” Pushing the call button activates a direct phone line with the University of Texas Police Department that will automatically pinpoint the caller’s location. • Consult medical release form (if available) for any special needs of victims. Blank forms are available at

Statements about the incident • Appoint an organizational spokesperson and create an o rganization statement for media inquiries. You do not have to provide the media with a statement. • Following the accident, empathize with victims/families but avoid saying anything other than “We sympathize for those a ffected by this. The situation is under investigation and more information will be shared when it is available.” • When more information does become available to you, your o rganization spokesperson should decide what information will be released. • Consult with your university advisor and/or national re p resentative to discuss what things you should discuss in a post-incident press conference or release.

Contact the appropriate authorities • Notify the University of Texas Police Department (UTPD) at 471-4441. The University of Texas Police Building lobby, located at 2201 Robert Dedman Drive (east of Memorial Stadium), is open 24 hours. • Notify your advisor if he/she was not part of the activity. • Notify all organization members in a meeting. • Notify the Dean of Students Office (SSB 4.104) at 471-1201 in the event of a serious injury or death. In the case of student death, do not contact family. This is best done by the appropriate authorities.


Post-Incident • Cooperate fully with those evaluating the incident. • Gather as a group together as soon as possible. Lack of p e rtinent and accurate information can contribute to the critical n a t u re of the situation. • Covering up or ignoring information is never the recommended manner for handling a post-incident situation. • Learn from the event.

You are not alone. The Office of the Dean of Students is always available to help you through difficult situations by providing support and referrals. Contact us at 471-1201 or visit us in person at SSB 4.104.

student activities and leadership development

:: Section Seven: Banking


he Student Organization Bank, established in 1942, was c reated to provide uniformity in accounting methods of student organizations, maintaining continuity between organization officers and their successors, and assisting all org a n izations in conducting their activities on a sound business basis. Normal banking hours are maintained throughout the year. These hours are: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Notices will be posted if the bank is to be closed during these hours. The Student Organization Bank is closed on all official staff holidays of The University of Texas at Austin.

~ C u rrent Balance Maintenance. The accountant in the Student Organization Bank keeps a daily balance for each organization’s account. The accountant will provide a financial summary at the end of each semester for all accounts. You may request an Account Report at any time which shows all transactions made from your account for the current fiscal year. ~ Other Special Services. A cash box and coin counter are available at the Student Organization Bank.

Using the Student Organization Bank Student Organization Banking Service • Bookkeeping system: A special set of financial records are pro v i ded. A student organization’s financial records are confidential. Authorized signatories may have access only to their own organization’s re c o rds. The accountant in the Student Organization Bank gives assistance to students setting up and using accounts. • Audit of financial re c o rd s : The re c o rds of the Student O rganization Bank are audited once a year by outside auditors and are subject to audits by UT auditors. • Student Organization Fund: ~ Deposit of Funds. Funds of organizations are deposited in this office, thus eliminating frequent trips to a bank, or the tre a s u rer having to hold large amounts of money to be deposited. ~ A Standard Check System. Checks to be used are provided by the Student Organization Bank. There is no additional charge for checks. Checks must be signed by a member of the organization who is authorized on the account and countersigned by a Student Activities & Leadership Development staff member. The amount of the check is imprinted with a check protector. The university assumes no control or responsibility for how the funds are spent.

re g i s t e red student organization manual

If your organization has not yet opened an account, you need to complete a Bank Account Authorization Form and bring your cash or check to the Student Organization Bank, where your o rganization will be assigned an account number. When you are ready to do any banking business, come to the Student Organization Bank. Your organization will have a bank folder containing the ledger sheet, checkbook, copies of previous deposits, and any other necessary information for your account. All folders are filed by account number in the Student O rganization Bank files. Obtain your folder and go to the work table at the Student Organization Bank. For your convenience, you will also find calculators, deposit slips, and endorsement stamps.

Banking Responsibilities of the Student Organization • Adopt the bookkeeping pro c e d u res prepared by the accountant for student organizations and keep all accounts up-to-date in these books. • Make all payments by check. • E n s u re all checks, drafts, and monies are received and credited for the organization. No responsibility is assumed by SALD for



their collection, and the right is re s e rved by the accountant to charge them back to the organization’s account if they are dishonored or lost in transit. • Pay any applicable overdraft fees. • Assume responsibility for the safekeeping and appropriate expenditures of the organization’s funds and compliance with all university regulations. • P rovide financial information to organization members on a regular basis. Members have a right to know how funds are utilized, and officers are responsible for keeping all members informed.

Responsibilities of the Student Organization Bank The Student Organization Bank ensures that only authorized individuals sign checks and that the organization has sufficient funds to cover the check. The University of Texas at Austin assumes no responsibility for how funds are spent. If the organization becomes inactive or inoperative for any reason for a period of two academic years (September 1-August 31), any money remaining in its student organization bank account shall be handled as follows: ~ The accountant for the Student Organization Bank shall re p o rt the amount of the funds credited to the organization to the Dean of Students, who shall invest or spend the funds so as to benefit to the fullest measure the students and the university. ~ In transferring funds under the provisions of this section, the Dean of Students or his/her re p resentative is here b y authorized to sign the check for the organization.

An ad in the Daily Texan will be published announcing accounts that have been inactive for at least two years, then these accounts will be closed and money deposited in a Student Activities & Leadership Development account. Organizations will be given 30 days to respond to the ad. After the 30 days an organization must petition the Dean of Students to have their funds restored.

Banking Fees Student organizations with bank accounts will be charged an annual fee based on account activity from the prior year deposits. Activity Range (deposits/yr)

less than $500 $500 - $999.99 $1,000 - $4,999.99 $5,000 - $9,999.99 $10,000 - $24,999.99 $25,000 or more

Annual Fee

$0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25

• Sub-Account. These accounts will be subject to the same activity charges as the primary account plus an additional $5 per year. • Stop Payment. This charge is $25. (For more information on stop payment, please refer to “Stop Payment” on P. 35)


Explanation of Bookkeeping System All money collected on campus must be deposited daily, or as soon as possible, if receipts exceed $50. The treasurer is personally responsible for any money from the time it is received until he/she has a receipt showing that it has been deposited. Checks should always be deposited as soon as possible. Although the money may have been in the writer’s bank account when the check was written, it may not be there if the check is held some time before being deposited. If the bank returns a check for any reason, it will be charged back to your account. Deposit slips should be filed with the organization’s banking re c o rds so that they will be available for audit purposes. Disbursements must be by check only. Checks may be written and signed by any member of the organization whose signature appears on the current Bank Account Authorization Form on file at the Student Organization Bank. To ensure appropriate handling of all funds, UT auditors encourage adding optional restrictions on your account. Some examples of these restrictions might be “all checks must be signed by two authorized representatives” or “all checks must be approved, in writing, by the advisor” or “all checks over $50 require two signatures.” The bank staff will be happy to work with you if you are interested in adding an additional safeguard to your account. The person writing checks should be very careful to fill out every check stub with full details. This is necessary for audit purposes as well as for the information of other members of the organization, who have a right to know how their money is being spent. Documentation verifying expenses (i.e. receipts, bills, etc.) should be kept in the organization’s folder. PLEASE NOTE: Forg e ry or falsification of any information on the Bank Account Authorization Form will subject both the individual and organization to university discipline. Previously authorized signatures on the bank form are required and are checked when the Bank Account Authorization Form is properly p rocessed with the Student Organization Bank.

Deposits • To deposit checks, endorse them by signing the name of the organization on the back of each check and stamping it “For Deposit Only” (stamps for this purpose are kept on the banking work table). Note: The endorsement must be the same as the payee on the front of the check. If it is made payable to someone other than the organization, it must be endorsed by that person and with your organization name, plus the “For Deposit Only” stamp. Initials are not acceptable for endorsement purposes. If your organization has a long name that makes endorsing checks a lengthy process, we suggest you have a stamp made with the following information on the stamp: O rganization Name and Acct. # For Deposit Only The University of Texas Student Organization Fund Account #591105795 (Endorsements must be made within 11⁄2 inches of the “trailing edge” of the check.)

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• Fill out a deposit slip with the organization name, the account number assigned by the Student Organization Bank, and date; itemize currency, coin, and checks; and write in the total at the bottom. If a large number of checks are being deposited, they do not have to be listed separately unless a list is needed for your own records. • Be sure to bring your ledger sheet up-to-date by entering the date, the amount of deposit, and the new balance in the proper columns. Explain any miscellaneous entries. The accountant will verify the deposit and give you a copy to be kept in your organization’s bank file. • Check your new balance with the accountant to maintain the c o rrect current balance. Note: If you are depositing checks, you must allow clearing time before the funds can be withdrawn. With a few exceptions, checks should clear within three working days after your deposit is posted.

Writing Checks • Make sure you have an adequate balance for the amount of the check(s) you are writing. • Fill out the check stub completely. Enter your organization name, the check number, date, payee, amount, an explanation of expense, and appropriate signatures. There is less opportunity for misuse of organization funds if more than one organization o fficer signs a check. Do not fill out the written amount of the check—we have a check protector machine for that purpose. To number the check, put your four digit account number in the first blank and consecutively number the second blank with your four digit check number. Based upon recommendations from UT auditors, the Student Organization Bank will not p e rmit self-reimbursement on amounts over $50. • Bring your ledger sheet up-to-date by entering the date, the payee (under “Description”), the check number, the amount, and the new balance, all in the proper columns. Explain all miscellaneous entries. • Get the check countersigned by the accountant in our office. The bank will not pay a check that has not been re g i s t e red and countersigned. The Student Organization Bank ensures that only authorized individuals sign checks and that the organization has s u fficient funds to cover the check. • Check your new balance with the accountant to maintain c o rrect current balance.

Voiding a Check • T h e re is no need to void a check that has not been re c o rded and re g i s t e red by the accountant. Simply tear up the check, mark the check stub to indicate the check was not used, and use the same number on the next check. • You may void a check only when you have the check to re t u rn to the accountant. If you don’t have the check to re t u rn, you must instead request that payment be stopped by completing the a p p ropriate form available in the offic e .

re g i s t e red student organization manual

• Using a red pen, enter the date of the void on your ledger sheet, write “VOID” plus the payee’s name under “Description”. • Enter the check number and put the amount in parentheses (indicating a reverse entry) in the CHECK column. Add the amount of the void to your old balance and put your new balance in dark ink. • P resent the void check to the accountant and verify your new balance.

Stop Payment on Checks • A stop payment request form must be filled out by an authorized re p resentative on the bank account. • A $25 fee for stop payment is required. An organizational check payable to Student Activities & Leadership Development or cash is acceptable. • A receipt will be provided to the organization when the stop payment request form and check is given to the accountant. • Allow three to four working days for credit to be made to the organization’s account. The accountant will place a notification in the organization’s bank folder indicating they have received c redit for the check that was stopped. • The organization cannot stop the payment if the check has a l ready been paid. If this happens, the organization will receive a refund on the $25 stop payment charge.

Web Services for Student Organizations All currently registered student organizations are listed along with their contact information, purpose and membership requirements on the: • The address for the student organization web pages is: • The address for your organization’s page will be:’s_name In order to publish a Web site, one of the authorized representatives of the student organization must open an ITS computer account with a user number validated for UTS, or get an existing user number validated for ITS. Student Organizations are charged about 3¢ a day ($10/year) for this account. A $15 payment must be submitted to Student Activities & Leadership Development (SSB 4.104A) before your account can be activated. It takes about 24 to 48 hours from the time of payment for your web directory address to be activated. Complete information on publishing a student organization Web page can be found at the “Student Organization Publishing” page or by contacting the ITS help desk directly by phone at 475-9400, or in person at the Flawn Academic Center (FAC) 200-B. Student organization Web pages must comply with all institutional policies including solicitation, use of trademarks, co-sponsored activities, etc. In addition the disclaimer for publications must also be used (P. 14). For more information on trademarks, please refer to “Copyrights and Trademarks” on P. 17.


:: Section Eight: Advisors


n advisor is an educator in a “non-traditional classroom.” The advisor uses personal expertise and perspective to stimulate individual development of members and the overall development of the organization. McKaig, R. & Policello, S. (1984). Group Advising-Defin e d , Described, and Examined. In Schuh, J.H. (Ed.), A Handbook for Student Group Advisors 47.

Selecting an Advisor When selecting an advisor, find a UT faculty or staff person who will have the time to devote to your organization. Make sure that this person will take the role willingly and seriously, and find someone who has knowledge or skills related to the mission/ purpose of the organization. Make certain that he/she has a clear understanding of the organization’s purpose. Discuss with the potential advisor what is re q u i red of him/her, his/her duties, and the time commitment involved. Be open and honest with the potential advisor about the types of activities in which the organization may participate. Allow the person a reasonable length of time to consider his/her decision. If possible, choose someone who shares some of the same interests as the organization, and who has previously interacted with the leadership of the organization.

The Role of the Advisor By sharing both knowledge about the university and personal experiences, the advisor can assist the organization in the conduct of its activities. In addition, valuable, mutually rewarding, c o - c u rricular relationships between students and advisors are fostered. The relationship between an advisor and an organization will v a ry from year to year and individual to individual. However, the student/advisor relationship can be crucial to the success of the o rganization. The list that follows contains possible roles of an advisor. It is important that the advisor and the organization communicate their expectations to each other. The advisor should be very clear about the things he/she will do, and the things he/she will not do. Of course, the expectations will vary according to the needs of the organization and the advisor. • The advisor recognizes and supports participation in student o rganizations for its contributions to the educational and personal development of students. • Advisors should work with student organizations but not dictate the group’s programs or activities. However, advisors should be frank in offering suggestions, considerations or ideas, and discussing possible consequences. • The advisor should be well informed about the plans and activities of the organization. The expectation is that the advisor will attend some meetings and will consult frequently with the organization’s offic e r s . • The advisor should know the goals and directions of the o rganization and should help the group evaluate its progress. • The advisor should be aware of the constitution and bylaws of the organization and help with interpretation, if applicable.

The SALD Staff is available to help guide you in advisor selection. SSB 4.104, 471-3065


student activities and leadership development


• The advisor provides a source of continuity within the o rganization and is familiar with the organization’s history. • The advisor should be familiar with university policies and p ro c e d u res and help the organization comply with them. • The advisor should be aware of the general financial condition of the organization, and encourage good re c o rd keeping. • The advisor should help in training new officers and help them develop their leadership skills. • The advisor should be prepared to deal with major problems or e m e rgencies within the organization. • The advisor should monitor group functioning and encourage members to fully participate, to assume appropriate responsibility for group activities, to maintain a balance between academic activities, and to maintain a balance between academic activities and co-curricular commitments.

The Organization’s Responsibilities to the Advisor Keep in mind that the advisor is voluntarily associated with the o rganization. It is the organization’s responsibility to inform the advisor on the activities of the organization. • Notify the advisor of all meetings and events • Consult your advisor in the planning of all activities. • Consult him/her before any changes in the structure of the o rganization, or in the policies of the organization are made, and before major projects are undertaken. • Understand that although the advisor has no vote that he/she should have speaking privileges. • Remember that the responsibility for the success or failure of the organization project rests ultimately with the group, not the advisor. • Talk over any problems or concerns with the advisor. • Acknowledge the advisor’s time and energy are donated, and express appreciation. • Be clear and open about your expectations for your advisor’s role. • At the end of each semester, evaluate your advisor and give a p p ropriate feedback.

re g i s t e red student organization manual

Suggestions for Effective Advising The maturity/skill level of the organization and its leadership should dictate your style of advising. If they have beginning skill levels, you may need to be more actively involved with the o rganization. As the leaders’ skill level matures, you can then d e c rease the amount of direction you need to provide the organization. • E x p ress sincere enthusiasm and interest in the group and its activities. • Be open to feedback from the group. Talk with them regarding your role as advisor. Be willing to admit mistakes. • P rovide feedback to the group and the leaders re g a rding their performance. • Be familiar with the Revised Institutional Rules on Student S e rvices and Activities and this manual so that you can be a knowledgeable resource for the group. • P a rticipate with the organization and get to know the members. Be available and accessible to them. They will feel more comfortable with you and be more open to your input if they know you. • Following organization meetings, discuss any problems encountered during the meeting with the officers. • Be careful of becoming too involved with the organization. Remember that you are not a member. Your role is to advise, assist, and facilitate.


:: Section Nine: Leadership Opportunities


he University of Texas at Austin is full of exciting leadership opportunities for students. Because involvement on campus is highly correlated with student success in college, we encourage all students to get involved on campus in some way. Listed below are a few of the leadership opportunities that students can participate in at The University of Texas at Austin. Keep your eyes open for other great leadership o p p o rtunities on campus!

Leadership Education and Progress—LEAP LEAP (Leadership Education And Pro g ress) is an eight-week seminar that targets beginning level student leaders. The desired outcomes for the participants in this program are: • To bond with fellow freshmen and upperclass mentors • To be made aware of involvement and leadership opportunities on campus • To build connections with The University of Texas at Austin • To build or improve self-confidence • To expand or develop leadership skills • To create interest in co-curricular programs and involvement We hope to achieve these outcomes by exposing participants to new ideas and theories, offering interactive workshops, and p roviding an opportunity to meet and visit with student leaders and administrators. In addition, students participate in teambuilding activities, and social events. Applications for freshman participants and upperclass mentors are available at the Student Organization Center (SSB 4.102A) in the fall semester.


Multicultural Leadership Institute (MLI) The Multicultural Leadership Institute is a program committed to the philosophy that “leadership can ONLY be effective if we are aware of, sensitive to, and respectful of the multicultural community in which we live.” MLI is dedicated to developing and training students to be productive and proactive citizens of a diverse society by enhancing leadership skills through the incorporation of diversity awareness in all aspects of life. MLI is also designed to help students find their own cultural context, while exploring and respecting the cultural identities of others. The institute is off e red in the spring semester, and it involves weekly seminars on topics including privilege, public speaking, budget management, public relations, and diversity. Participants of MLI apply their skills by developing a “College Preparation C o n f e rence” for junior high school students and their parents. For more information, please contact the Multicultural I n f o rmation Center at 232-2958.

Senate of College Councils The Senate of College Councils was founded in 1973 to bring together the student councils from every college across UT Austin and re p resent the entire university student body in academic affairs. Today the Senate is 17 councils strong, involving the P resident, Financial Director, and Senate Representative from each council, as well as a six-member executive committee. In addition, Senate members and other UT Austin students participate in Senate committees on a variety of issues that impact student life at the university. Each Council is an official, university sponsore d student organization that works to improve student life in its college. Senate of College Councils put on countless programs each year that affect our academic environment, student-faculty interaction, outside community, and much more.

student activities and leadership development

leadership opport u n i t i e s

Student Government

Student Events Center (The Texas Union)

Each student enrolled in the university is automatically a member of the Student Government (SG). Originally established in 1902, and re-established in 1982, it is UT Austin’s elected student government. Composed of a Student Assembly, a Judicial Branch, and an Executive Board, the Student Government promotes/serves as an advocate for student views within the university administration and coordinates a number of programs. It appoints students to various campus-wide committees, including the Student S e rvices Fee Committee and Texas Union Board of Directors, as well as recommending students for General Faculty and P residential Standing Committees.

The Student Events Center (SEC) is the premier event-planning body of The University of Texas at Austin. The Events CoSponsorship Committee coordinates an incredible variety of programs for the campus and Austin communities. From concerts and speakers to movie screenings and cultural events, the Student Events Center programs for all facets of student interest. Funded by student fees and monies from The Texas Union, the Committee allocates approximately $349,000 each year to plan the best events for students, by students. txunion/students/sec

Elections for President, Vice President, and Student Assembly a re held in March, and many other students become involved in Student Government by volunteering to work on agencies and p rojects. Topics include voter registration, community relations, legislative relations, disabilities issues, safety issues, women’s issues, university policies and student services, as well as tempor a ry work on specific projects. Each year, Student Government also allocates a limited amount of money to student organizations. www. u t s g . o rg

UT Leadership Board University of Texas Leadership Board (UTLB) members are students who serve as a re s o u rce to UT Austin students and campus organizations. Members strive to develop student leadership and support students in leadership roles at UT Austin. The University of Texas Leadership Board promotes leadership development by providing events and activities wherein members encourage active participation of UT Austin students and o rganizations. UTLB is an officially sponsored liaison between Student Activities & Leadership Development and all registered student organizations.

Graduate Student Assembly The purpose of the Graduate Student Assembly shall be the principal body for the re p resentation of the interests of graduate students throughout the University. The GSA meets once a month (and more often if necessary) to discuss items of interest to graduate students. The GSA reports administratively to ViceP rovost and Dean of Graduate Studies, and is considered an official element of the UT stru c t u re. Administrative expenses of the GSA are funded through an allocation from the Student S e rvices Fee paid by students each semester. studentgov/index3.php

re g i s t e red student organization manual


:: Section Ten: Campus Resources Student Organization Center


he Student Organization Center (SOC) is the center of activity for all registered student organizations. The SOC (SSB 4.102A) offers an opportunity for student organizations to work at a central location, near SALD, Student G o v e rnment, and the Office of the Dean of Students. Additionally, the SOC can provide information for student organizations, assist with paperwork, and serve as a point of contact for questions and i n f o rmation. Make sure that your group becomes familiar with the SOC and the services that it provides for your organization. Remember, whenever you have a question related to your student organization, turn to the Student Organization Center for help!

The Student Organization Center offers: • The opportunity to lease office, cubicle, and locker space • Mailboxes • Fax services • Art center • Electric typewriter • General use phone • Paper cutter • Computers and Printer • A centralized drop-off point for any applications that your o rganization might be collecting The Student Organization Center (SOC) is located on the 4th flo o r of the Student Services Building (SSB 4.102A). The SOC is open Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday noon-8 p.m.; and Sunday noon-10 p.m. Please note that hours are subject to change. Keep your eyes open for holiday, summer, and intersession hours.


Office, cubical, and locker space are available by application for all student organizations. The application process occurs in the spring. Contact the Student Organization Center at 471-3065 for more information.

Copies for Student Organizations Registered Student Groups can purchase copies from Student G o v e rnment. The price is 3 cents per copy plus tax ($32.49 per 1,000 copies). The payment must be made with either exact cash or a check from the Student Organization Bank. Student Government provides white recycled paper and organizations can bring their own colored paper if they wish. The copiers are available when the Student Government Office is open (Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.; some nights and weekends). For more information, contact Becky Carreon in the Student Government Office, SSB 4.206, 471-3166.

Division of Recreational Sport s The function of the Division of Recreational Sports is to offer the university community a well-rounded program of sport and re c reational opportunities. Superior skill levels and previous sports experience are not prerequisites for participation in activities. There is a place for everyone from the novice to the advanced competitor. A component of the Division of Student Affairs, Rec Sports attracts over one million hours of participation annually in the sport club program, intramurals, open re c reation, and outdoor re c reation activities. For further information on sport and recreation opportunities, stop by Gregory Gym, or visit the Rec Sports’ Web site.

student activities and leadership development

campus re s o u rc e s

Gender and Sexuality Center

Notary Service

The GSC supports student groups and eff o rts to educate and i n c rease awareness about women and LGBTQ issues. The office is guided by an Advisory Board comprised of students, faculty, staff , and administrators who are interested in and committed to the mission of the GSC.

N o t a ry service is provided through the Student Government office (SSB 4.206).

Our goals are: • To support a strong and welcoming community for women and LGBTQ individuals on campus. • To provide a safe and supportive environment for women and LGBTQ students at UT Austin so they may reach their academic and personal goals. • C reate functional links to allies within the larger institution, as well as the wider Austin community . • Work to diminish the prejudice that not only impairs the educational experiences and the safety of individual women and LGBTQ students, but also impedes the development of others within the institution.

O ffice of the Dean of Students The Dean of Students Office offers a wide variety of programs t a rgeted at the unique needs of specific groups of students. We’ll do our best to see that you get to the resources that could be of g reatest benefit to you. And sometimes it helps just to talk with someone who really cares. With a student body as diverse as the student population at UT, not all students have the same needs or interests. The office is comprised of several components— Academic Enrichment Services, Student Activities & Leadership Development, Greek Life and Education, New Student Services, S e rvices for Students with Disabilities, Student Governance, Student Judicial Services, and Volunteer and Service Learning Center which are all located on the 4th floor of the Student S e rvices Building. At the Dean of Students Office we care about you—your unique interests, your needs, and your success at the university.

Greek Life and Education The area of Greek Life and Education of the Office of the Dean of Students provides advising, support services, leadership o p p o rtunities, and educational programs for the Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Panhellenic Council, Texas Asian Panhellenic Council, and United Greek Council. Leadership development programs include the Greek Leadership R e t reat, Greek Leadership Class, Greek Week and scholarship recognition such as Order of Omega and Gamma Sigma Alpha. G reek lettered organizations often participate in service projects, p rovide academic support, participate in cultural enrichment, play intramural sports, and attend social activities. More information is available at:

Multicultural Information Center The vision and passion of the Multicultural Information Center is to create a welcoming environment for all students at The University of Texas at Austin. The mission of the MIC is: • to develop and train students for the multicultural and diverse society of today and the future; • to assemble, process, and disseminate any and all information p e rtinent to the retention and graduation of students of color; • to create a welcoming and safe environment for students of color; • to provide diversity education opportunities and support services for African American, Asian American, Caucasian American, Chicano(a)/Hispanic/Latino(a)/Mexican American, and Native American students. The MIC hosts programs at the beginning of each school year to welcome African American, Asian American, Chicano(a)/ Hispanic/Latino(a)/Mexican American, and Native American students to the campus community. The MIC also off e r s culturally relevant leadership development institutes.

re g i s t e red student organization manual

Ombudsperson The Office of the Ombudsperson serves as a neutral third part y designed to investigate university-related student grievances of a non-legal nature. The office serves as an advocate for fairness. The Ombuds helps students by serving as a source of information, counseling students on their options, and advising students of possible solutions. Assisting students with grade disputes, confli c t s with university personnel, parking citations, college or departmental problems, and library fines are just a few examples of the cases the office deals with on a daily basis. Students confused by university policy or attempting to resolve a university problem a re invited to contact the Ombuds’ office. The office is located on the ground floor of the Student Services Building (G1.404). The phone number is 471-3825, and the e-mail address is [email protected].

Volunteer and Service Learning Center The Volunteer and Service Learning Center (VSLC) offers studentdriven community service programs for UT Austin students, faculty, and staff, as well as a web-based volunteer clearinghouse for over 200 non-pro fit agencies and schools. Every year over 8,000 UT Austin student volunteers participate in VSLC p rograms. These programs and events are facilitated by the 19 g roups comprising the Student Volunteer Board (SVB), by the s e rvice learning group UT Students Enriching Education through S e rvice (UT SEES), and include UT’s annual one-day service event, “The Project”. Service opportunities include semester or year-long p rograms tutoring and mentoring youth or visiting the elderly, once-a-semester activities such as Project Reach Out and Volunteer Fairs, and intensive programs such as Alternative Spring B reak and Student Hunger Awareness Week. Contact the VSLC for more information at 471-6161 or www.utvolunteer. o rg


:: Section Eleven: Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policies Nondiscrimination Policy



A person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination or harassment in violation of this policy should re p o rt the incident to any University official, administrator or supervisor. Students are encouraged to re p o rt such incidents to the Office of the Dean of Students (SSB 4.104, 471-1201).

n accordance with federal and state law, the University pro h ibits unlawful discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, citizenship, and veteran status. Pursuant to University policy, this policy also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Definitions Discrimination is defined as conduct directed at a specific individual or a group of identifiable individuals that subjects the individual or group to treatment that adversely affects their employment or education because of their race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, citizenship, veteran status or sexual orientation. Harassment as a form of discrimination is defined as verbal or physical conduct that is directed at an individual or group because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, citizenship, veteran status or sexual orientation when such conduct is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to have the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual's or group's academic or work p e rf o rmance; or of creating a hostile academic or work environment. Verbal conduct is defined as oral, written, or symbolic expressions that: personally describe or is personally directed at a specific individual or group of identifiable individuals; and is not n e c e s s a ry to an argument for or against the substance of any political, religious, philosophical, ideological, or academic idea.


Detailed information about the University’s nondiscrimination policy can be found on the Web at

Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment In accordance with federal and state law, the University prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment. Sex discrimination and sexual harassment will not be tolerated, and individuals who engage in such conduct will be subject to disciplinaryaction. The University encourages students, faculty, s t a ff and visitors to promptly report sex discrimination and sexual harassment.

Definitions Sex Discrimination, including sexual harassment, is defined as conduct directed at a specific individual or a group of identifiable individuals that subjects the individual or group to treatment that adversely affects their employment or education on account of sex.

student activities and leadership development

nondiscrimination and Harassment policies

Sexual Harassment is a form of sex discrimination that can occur when: the submission to unwelcome physical conduct of a sexual nature, or to unwelcome requests for sexual favors or other verbal conduct of a sexual nature, is made an implicit or explicit term or condition of employment or education; or the submission or rejection to unwelcome physical conduct of a sexual nature, or to unwelcome requests for sexual favors or other verbal conduct of a sexual nature, is used as a basis for academic or employment decisions or evaluations; or unwelcome physical acts of a sexual nature, or unwelcome requests for sexual favors or other verbal conduct of a sexual nature, have the effect of creating an objectively hostile environment that interf e res with employment or education on account of sex.

re g i s t e red student organization manual

Reporting A person who believes that he or she has been subjected to sex discrimination or sexual harassment should re p o rt the incident to any University official, administrator or supervisor. Students are encouraged to report such incidents to the Office of the Dean of Students (SSB 4.104/471.1201). Incidents should be re p o rted as soon as possible after the time of their occurrence. No person is re q u i red to report sex discrimination or sexual harassment to the alleged offender. Detailed information about the University’s nondiscrimination policy can be found on the Web at



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