Kvha Org. Manual (draft)

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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 4,948
  • Pages: 23
The Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance is involved with many cultural and natural resources in the Kansas (Kaw) River Valley. By joining as a member, you’ll receive our acclaimed newsletter, The Water Shed, and receive updates on area water happenings, and invitations to hands-on events.

Partner Memberships $125

Email ______________________________

Sponsor Memberships $75

Name: _____________________________________

City, State ___________________________

Individual Memberships $25

Mailing Address: ______________________________

Your monetary support, your time, and your energy are a critical and appreciated part of reaching the vision of the Alliance. Thank you.

Send your completed form to KVHA 412 East 9th Street Lawrence, KS 66044-2629.

Total Enclosed ____________ Please Make Checks Payable to KVHA.

Zip Code __________________ County __________ Phone: ______________________________ Additional Donation: *one time$________ *semi-annual$_______ *annual$_______ Please send me a reminder ________

KVHA Workplace Culture KVHA is a diverse organization that has been tweaked and re-tweaked based on the creative energy of the people who have chosen to take part. We hold ourselves to the high ideal of being an initiator of change in environmental and social situations pertaining to the quality of life. Our internal guideposts are to be timely, resourceful, cost-effective, exciting and engaging. We recognize that creativity is a valuable and precious commodity and specifically hire individuals who have demonstrated a unique spark. Finally, we hold to the philosophy that people do best what they most enjoy. Based on these principles, we have devised the following expectations. Your creative energy is important to us. We expect you to help reduce distractions that keep you from attaining and extending your potential. Your happiness is important to us. We expect you to help us balance your work load to maximize everyone’s unique skill sets. Your thoughts and opinions are important to us. We expect that if something stinks, you’ll say so. Your work here is important and unique. We expect people to work together but to also be respectful of each other’s job obligations. Based on the largely communal structure of our work, we have two hard, fast respect rules for each other. 1) Come to work when you say you’re coming to work. Give advance notice of expected absences. 2) Come to work dressed to receive the public. You never know who’ll stop by. It is our intention to maintain a creative team that blends veteran talent with new talent. It is the responsibility of the entire group to bear the following observations. * Experience will not impede equality but it may prevent expense. * Tradition should not corrupt our ability to see reality. * Standard procedures should not prevent things from getting done.

Job Descriptions for KVHA Staff KVHA operates at a very fast-paced, intense level. Staff members work as a team to keep multiple projects moving forward simultaneously. Individual work priorities will shift quite a bit from week to week depending on the needs of our projects and partners. Employment Requirements *must have a valid drivers license, *be able to handle occasional light weight lifting, *be able to navigate rugged terrain, *be able to tolerate moderate outdoor conditions, *be willing to make public presentations, *have the computer skills necessary to efficiently operate office systems (or be willing to somewhat independently learn).

A. KVHA Intern (paid) Internships are usually part-time positions held by a college student, recent graduate or someone considering an environmental career shift. This position is highly variable and designed to help candidates expand their range of abilities/experiences. Assignments are tailored to assist candidates in reaching career goals while fulfilling organizational needs. Based on experience and skill level, interns may function as Office Assistants or Project Assistants. Paid interns typically earn between $7 and $11 per hour depending on the experience; all interns have flextime privileges. Holiday privileges are not typically provided. “Work at Home” privileges for specific assignments may be extended by Program Directors or the Executive Director after a six month trial period. Interns are subject KVHA Personnel Requirements and Expectations at the date of hiring. However, interns are Temporary Employees. Interns are an important part of attaining the goals of the organization and are expected to represent the interests of the organization. Interns work with other staff members to prioritize tasks from week to week. Interns can expect to assist with routine office work, assist and or lead outreach activities, and occasionally travel to represent and or support KVHA at professional and program related events.

Interns can expect to occasionally assist with offsite outreach activities or represent KVHA at partner related events. Some overnight travel may be required. B. KVHA Office Assistant This is usually a full time position held by a recent college graduate, someone considering an environmental career shift, or a KVHA intern who has sufficient skills to provide general staff support. Office Assistants typically earn between $10 and $14 per hour depending on experience and have flextime and holiday privileges. However, Office Assistants are expected to arrive at the office by 9 AM on regular business days. Office Assistants may be Temporary or Regular employees based upon the anticipated duration of employment. Insurance benefits are partially provided for full time Office Assistants with Regular Employee status. Office Assistants are subject to KVHA Personnel Requirements and Expectations at the date of hiring. Assistants are a part of the planning staff and are expected to represent the interests of the organization. Office Assistants are considered a critical part of the organization and work directly with the Executive Director to prioritize tasks from week to week. Office Assistants are primarily responsible for managing the day to day flow of external communications in order to minimize office distracts. This includes filtering incoming phone calls and mail. Office Assistants handle routine staff support needs such as database queries, filing, maintaining printed outreach materials, updating KVHA websites, and organizing bulk mail and electronic distribution efforts. Office and project assistants are jointly responsible for maintaining supply storage systems. Office Assistants may occasionally be required to manage Interns assisting with the above listed tasks. Additional assignments may be delegated to Office Assistants based on his/her interests, talents and long term career goals. Office assistants can expect to occasionally assist with offsite outreach activities or represent KVHA at partner related events. Some overnight travel may be required. C. KVHA Project Assistant This can be a full or part time position usually held by a recent college graduate, someone considering an environmental career shift, a qualified retiree, or a KVHA intern who has attained sufficient program expertise. Project Assistants are subject to KVHA Personnel Requirements and Expectatoins at the date of hiring. Project Assistants may be Temporary or Regular employees based upon the anticipated duration of employment.

Project Assistants typically earn between $10 and $14 per hour depending on experience, and have flextime and holiday privileges. However, Project Assistants are expected to maintain a work schedule that facilitates communication and cooperation with other KVHA staff members. Insurance benefits are partially provided for full time Project Assistants with Regular Employee status. Assistants are a part of the planning staff and are expected to represent the interests of the organization. Project Assistants work directly with Project Directors (or the Executive Director) to prioritize tasks from week to week. This position is highly variable and designed to be flexible enough for assistants to apply and extend their talents in any of KVHA’s endeavors. The bulk of a program assistant’s assignments may focus on a mutually agreed upon KVHA project or a specific support function. Project assistants can expect to be involved with a variety of tasks that will require some level of independent planning and implementation. Project Assistants may occasionally be required to manage Interns assisting with various tasks. Project assistants routinely assist with offsite outreach activities or represent KVHA at partner related events. Some overnight travel may be required. D. KVHA Program Director This full time professional position is typically held by someone with several years of strongly-related experience. Program Directors are expected to maintain a high level of commitment to the organization and its ideals. This is a Regular Employee position. Compensation rates vary based on funding available and the experience of the employee. Program Directors have flextime and holiday privileges. However, Program Directors are expected to maintain a work schedule that facilitates communication and cooperation with other KVHA staff members. Program Directors are subject to KVHA Personnel Requirements and Expectations. This is a very fast paced, creative position that requires a high degree of confidence, ingenuity, diplomacy, and flexibility. Programs Directors are considered part of the organization’s administration and must be able to demonstrate leadership skills. Program Directors work directly with the Executive Director to develop and implement strategies for meeting the goals of the organization. Program Directors are primarily focused on a mutually agreed upon KVHA project or a specific support function. However, Program Directors are expected to apply and extend their talents and expertise to any of KVHA’s endeavors as a matter of cooperatively meeting organizational goals and obligations. Program Directors must be prepared to serve in a supervisory capacity with guidance from the Executive Director.

Program Directors serve as the primary contact, partner recruiter, organizer, and planner for their assigned project or support function. Program Directors maintain records to support the successful implementation of specific grants. Program Directors routinely assist with offsite outreach activities or represent KVHA at partner related events. Some overnight travel may be required. Program Directors are expected to work with other staff members to tailor assigned project efforts in a manner that maximizes the overall benefit to the organization or reinforces other KVHA endeavors. Frequent communication among staff members is necessary to achieve this goal. Additionally, Program Directors are expected to help priorities the week to week work focus of the organization. E. KVHA Associate Director This staff title is extended at the discretion of the Board of Directors in consultation with the Executive Director. Typically it is a position held by senior Program Directors. All the benefits associated with the Program Director position apply. Specific responsibilities will be negotiated at the time of promotion. F. KVHA Executive Director (incomplete) The Executive Director serves as the official representative of the KVHA Board of Directors and Steering Committee. The Executive Director routinely communicates with the Board of Directors and presents concise, specific requests support/assistance as needed. The Executive Director has the authority to enter into contract on behalf of the organization. The Executive Director is the primary fundraiser and grant liaison for the organization. The Executive Director is responsible for developing and maintaining the organization’s annual budget and ensuring that the organization has sufficient administrative systems to meet accountability standards. The Executive Director is responsible for staff management including hiring, firing, and staff evaluations, coordinating personnel assignments and providing sufficient guidance and oversight for staff to fulfill assignments. The Executive Director prioritizes staff activities and maintains strong lines of communication to ensure work is being accomplished. The Executive Director maintains a consistent, documented management philosophy and implements the policies and expectations of the organization. The Executive Director ensures compliance with all labor-related laws and regulations. The Executive Director is responsible for maintaining a workplace that allows for the successful implementation of the organization’s goals. This includes employee

relations, information management, office maintenance, and the creation/maintenance of organizational communication systems. The Executive Director serves as the primary spokesperson for the organization and maintains KVHA’s public image. The Executive Director publicly represents KVHA’s partners and uses the organization’s Vision Statement as a consistent standard. The Executive Director is provides direct oversight regarding the use and sutainability of KVHA’s tangible and intangible resources and ensures that sufficient records of these resources are maintained.

KVHA Employment Procedures and Policies KVHA complies with the Kansas Act Against Discrimination (K.SA. 44-1001 et seg.), the Kansas Age Discrimination in Employment Act (K.S.A. 44-1111 et seg.) and the applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seg.). KVHA does not discriminate against any person because of race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, or gender identification in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Compensation •

Temporary and Trial Employees will be compensated based on the actual numbers of hours worked in a pay cycle unless standardized compensation has been offered. Temporary and Trial Employees receiving standardized compensation may bank hours. Banked hours need to be reconciled ay the end of each quarter; no more than one standard work week may be carried forward into the next quarter.

Regular Employees receive a level paycheck each month (calculated based on the percent full time multiplied by the 1/12th of the BOD's established total annual work hours). The actual number of hours may vary from month to month but the paycheck will be standard. Banked hours accrued expire after 4 quarters and are not monetarily Regular Employees receive 10 standard work days for personal use. A standard work day is the number of hours in a work week divided by 5 days per week. Additionally, Regular Employees are credited an additional hour of personal time each month for each full year of service following the first January 1st of KVHA employment. The base personal use hours expire after 4 quarters and are not monetarily compensated. Banked and personal hours are not transferable.

Conflicts of Interest Employees must confer with the administration regarding any situations that may be perceived or considered a conflict of interest. Below are example situations; the list is demonstrative - not exhaustive or comprehensive. Situations in which someone with a significant relationship with an employee stands to fiscally gain from KVHA activities; Situations in which an employee (or someone with a significant relationship with an employee) may derive a passthrough monetary gain from an expenditure of KVHA funds; Situations in which an employee voluntarily provides work-related, programmatic expertise to a third party.

Employee Status •

Temporary Employee — assigned to employees who do not anticipate being at KVHA for more than a year; privileges are limited

Trial Employee - assigned to all employees with Regular Employee positions beginning at the date of hire and ending on the last day of the second fiscal quarter of employment.

Regular Employees - Accrue personal time; May negotiate “Work From Home” privileges; Receive health benefits if working 3/4 + -KVHA covers a standard portion of the monthly premium (The 2004 rate is $150 for full time employees. The rate is reviewed annually when the fiscal budget is being set.)

Harassment Policy KVHA strictly maintains a positive, pleasant work environment. Employees are expected to be respectful of their coworkers. Therefore, the organization will not tolerate harassing behavior on the part of employees. KVHA's anti-discriminatory policy extends to areas of harassment. (see Job Descriptions) Employees who feel uncomfortable at any time are asked to clearly express their limits of tolerance verbally to coworkers &/or the Executive Director. If the situation persists, a written statement of the situation with specific examples needs to be given to the Executive Director. All staff members will be provided specific guidance regarding acceptable behavior. KVHA will take all reasonable measures to mediate the situation. Employees voicing concerns will not be discriminated against in any way. Employees who continue to disrupt KVHA's work environment through harassing behavior will meet with the Executive Director and one Board Member to review a written list of expectations. Reported failures to comply with these expectations will be investigated. The outcome of the investigation will guide any potential mediation and may result employment termination. Office Employees are expected to help keep the office in a publicly presentable state and effective working order. This includes maintaining common workspaces by putting away the materials and supplies and consolidating projects awaiting completion. Each employee will be assigned oversight of a portion of the office space. Shelf space closed cabinet space and coat hooks are provided for staff to store personal effects. The office operates under reduce, reuse, and recycle standards. This includes all office supplies, project materials, and misc. product packaging. All waste paper, aluminum cans, glass & plastic bottles, cardboard, and plastic bags beyond reuse are recycled.

Additionally, staff should model these ideals when representing the organization or producing a product of the organization. Organizational Confidentiality Employees may not externally share or personally utilize internal records, tools, sensitive or legally binding documents, or concepts, plans or materials specifically developed for building fiscal security EXCEPT with direct administrative approval. Below are example situations; the list is demonstrative - not exhaustive or comprehensive. KVHA's database (contact records, program records, etc…) Materials developed or internal decision making or guidance such as technical data or reports, draft planning documents. Concepts, discussion content, planning documents or written materials related to active grant proposals except for the purpose of recruiting implementation partners. Performance Reviews Reviews will be based on KVHA's Job Structure document including the specific staff member's job description, the Culture and Climate document, and the related job responsibilities of the supervising Director(s). A summary of the review meeting including any plans of action will be written and signed by both parties. Plans of action should be revisited frequently to ensure that the hoped solution is working. A follow up summary of the outcome should be written and attached to the written meeting summary. Privacy Policy The organization respects the individuality and integrity of each staff member. However, no staff member should presume privacy with regards to usage of KVHA property (eg desks and computers). All Internet activity conducted using KVHA's equipment is subject to review. Reimbursement Guidelines Requests for reimbursement are submitted at the close of a pay cycle with timesheets and must be accompanied by receipt documentation. (Except per diem and mileage see below) A master reimbursement request form is located at the end of the timesheet set. Ask for assistance to complete the form electronically. Supply expenditures need to be coordinated with the administration. Travel expenses: Employees driving personal vehicles outside the Lawrence area may submit mileage reimbursement requests. The beginning and ending odometer reading must be recorded on the reimbursement form. Mileage is compensated at the level set by the IRS (currently 0.375/mile). Per Diem is provided during events and meetings away from the Lawrence area. Current reimbursement rates are $4, $6, and $8 for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Resource Commitments Employees may not lend support to outside proposals or commit/expend significant amounts of organizational resources without administrative approval. Smoking Policy Smoking is not permitted in or around the office. We also do not allow staff to smoke when they are representing the organization or when they are gathered for work related functions.

Exp 20041231

Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance

Employment Application

Date: Name: Address: Phone(s): E-Mail: What position are you applying for? Special Talents and Interests:

Computer Skills:

Academic Background & Related Experiences:

Why are you interested in this position? What are your long term aspirations?

From your perspective, what will make this time well spent?

Have you reviewed the KVHA Personnel Requirements and Expectations and are you able to meet these needs? Please let us know as soon as possible about any special work related needs you may have.

Have you carefully reviewed the Job Description? Do you have additional questions?

Have you reviewed the KVHA Work Place Culture document? Do you have any additional questions? Please let us know as soon as possible about any special work related needs you may have.

Contact information for someone to be notified in the event of an emergency.



Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance

Job Evaluation Date : Name: Address: Phone(s): E-Mail: What is your position? Please list three primary tasks you are responsible for.

Is the Job Description for this position consistent with your regular duties and activities?

Compared to your initial expectations, how would you describe your overall work experience? Overwhelming, Challenging, Well Paced, A Little Slow, Boring

Which one fits best? I fantasize about sleeping under my desk so I could get to work faster. I wish I had 7 SL shirts so I could wear one everyday. Everyday is an adventure when I’m at work. I can’t wait to check my email when I get to work. For a pick-me-up I make a list of worse places to work. When people ask me what I do, I panic and tell them I’m a rodeo clown. Being chased by a rabid bear would be better than going to work.

In your opinion, is your daily work environment consistent with the description of the ideal work place culture?

My creative responsibilities are: Overwhelming, Challenging, Well Paced, Underwhelming, Frustrating

My leadership responsibilities are: Overwhelming, Challenging, Well Paced, Underwhelming, Frustrating

My administrative obligations are: Overwhelming, Challenging, Well Paced, Underwhelming, Frustrating

My co-workers help me work to my highest potential. Definitely, Pretty Much , Almost, Not Really, Never

Have your experiences with KVHA been consistent with your long aspirations? Is this time well spent? Definitely, Pretty Close , Almost, Not so much, Not really at all

Do you have concerns or suggestions regarding KVHA’s Personnel Requirements and Expectations? In your opinion, are these policies being appropriately applied?

To keep our files up-to-date we need to have contact information for someone to be notified in the event of an emergency.


Exp 20041231

Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance Personal Evaluation Employment Application

Date: Name: Address: Phone(s): E-Mail: What position are you applying for? Special Talents and Interests:

Computer Skills:

Academic Background & Related Experiences:

Why are you interested in this position? What are your long term aspirations?

From your perspective, what will make this time well spent?

Have you reviewed the KVHA Personnel Requirements and Expectations and are you able to meet these needs? Please let us know as soon as possible about any special work related needs you may have.

Have you carefully reviewed the Job Description? Do you have additional questions?

Have you reviewed the KVHA Work Place Culture document? Do you have any additional questions? Please let us know as soon as possible about any special work related needs you may have.

Contact information for someone to be notified in the event of an emergency.


Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance The Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance (KVHA) represents a diverse group of citizens and partners united by their common watershed interests. KVHA is built around the philosophy that quality of life and economic health are dependent on the ecologically responsible, economically viable, and socially acceptable use of resources. The foundation of the organization is respecting and finding common ground with divergent conservation approaches and philosophies in order to strengthen broader efforts. KVHA is primarily interested in the Kansas (Kaw) River watershed. Kaw Valley communities have long and enduring relationships with the unique water and natural resources of the area. The Valley supports a rich bio-diversity, a broad number of economic endeavors, and a steadfast legacy of ideological abundance. Streams and rivers do not comply with tidy county boundaries nor do the factors that affect the quality of life or economic health of an area. Therefore, KVHA projects and partner relationships occasionally expand beyond the Kansas River Valley. The Alliance welcomes and encourages partnerships that facilitate the success of the organization and it’s projects. KVHA is an independent organization with the capacity to procure and implement funding. However, the purpose of the organization is to facilitate and assist partners in reaching their common goals. KVHA operates under a very general vision statement and has no mutually exclusive agenda per se. KVHA is a touchstone for many organizations and individuals interested in parallel projects. At its best, the project committees steer the fundraising process, handle the bulk of grant implementation, and help maintain the intangible assets of the organization. Staff members ensure that the projects/committees are moving forward effectively. The staff can assist with partner support requests and are primarily responsible for maintain the organization’s stability. The strength of the Alliance resides in its partners. When partners are involved, committee level conversations provide a fail-safe mechanism for implementing grants in the strongest, most efficient manner possible. However, if a committee is not able to operate as such, KVHA’s administration must find alternative ways to meet its obligations. This role does not routinely default to the administration given the commitment level of partners. In order to maintain our non-profit status, we must maintain a membership. KVHA’s by-laws define the membership as being the members of the Steering Committee. The role of the Steering Committee is to cultivate the organization’s tangible and intangible resources, to ensure that the programs and projects are working in an effective manner and to provide a cohesive layer of organizational leadership to make recommendations to the Board of Directors. Phone (785) 840-0700


Fax (785)-843-6080

Blank Page


KVHA Vision Statement (adopted in 1996) The people of the Kaw Valley will maintain a strong sense of place and community. The valley will be a land of farms and families, of neighborhoods, towns, and cities. It will be a place where industry and business thrive; where natural and historical places are preserved; and where clean, healthy rivers and streams support aquatic life and offer recreational opportunities. People will build consensus for resource conservation and will promote responsible use of air, water, and land, while supporting a healthy economy. Partner Agreement Our signatures below signify our mutual desire to create a partnership. This document serves as an agreement between the applicant partner and KVHA’s other partners to work together, in good faith, towards KVHA’s Vision as it applies to land and water relationships with the quality of life. You are signifying your acceptance of KVHA;s intentions and your willingness to minimally respect the philosophies of partners, your ability to both utilize the partnership and build the organizations capacity to achieve its purpose, and your endorsement of the KVHA Vision Statement. KVHA is accepting the intentions of your organization and will ensure partner respect for the philosophies of your organization. KVHA is signifying its ability to both utilize this partnership and to assist, to the best of its ability, your organization in achieving compatible purposes. KVHA’s by-laws provides clear provisions for dissolving partnerships that no longer serves their desired purpose. Partners may opt out of this agreement at any time by sending a written request to null our agreement to the Secretary of the Board of Directors. KVHA may also opt out of this agreement at any time, at the will of the Board of Directors, by sending a written request to null our agreement to the designated partner contact. As the nature of the organization requires steady partner commitment, partners are minimally expected to validate their commitment every 18 months by attending project or organization functions, voting in elections, OR contributing resources to assist with a KVHA endeavor.

Applicant’s Signature


KVHA Authorized Signature


Applicants will receive a letter regarding the status of their application within 30 days. The resources and needs of our partners are extremely varied. Partners are asked to provide information about themselves and how we can most be of service. Please complete the form on the back of this sheet.

Office Only Staff Code ________________ Partnership Start Date: ____________________


Renewal Due: ____________________

Organization: (or Watershed Representative’s Name)______________________________________________________________________ Department:____________________________ Contact:____________________________________ Street Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City & Zip: ______________________________ Fax: _______________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Website: ___________________________________ Org. Email: _____________________________ Contact Email: _____________________________ Do you wish to serve on KVHA’s Steering Committee: YES / What watershed area/counties do you live or work in?

What type(s) of partner support are you willing to commit to providing?

Time, technical support, equipment, supplies/materials

What type of partnership would you like to have with KVHA?

Continuing involvement at the organizational level

Promoting/representing KVHA and/or its projects

Program-based involvement (eg StreamLink, WRAPS,….)

Newsletter and website contributions

Special Project Involvement

Cash donations

Event Involvement

Other (Please specify)


NOT at this time Which aspect(s) of KVHA are you most interested in?

Community Arts

Community History

Community Outreach


Resource Planning / Development

Water Quality Protection

Watershed Restoration

Is there a specific program, project, or event we can partner on?

Please describe your/the organizations areas of expertise and capabilities and how KVHA can most help: (eg Promotion, fund-raising, technical support, network, volunteer opps., project inclusion…)

Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance


Date: Name: Address:

Phone: Email: Interests and Special Talents:

Computer Skills:

How much time are you interested in volunteering?

What do you hope you learn about or get to do as a KVHA volunteer?

From your perspective, what will make this time well spent?


Project Example: JAS Wetland Education

Last Edit

1/17/2006 ALR

Lead Statement of Problem

Example: Environmental intricacies and limitations are not a consistent part of the community's general world view. Define Ideal Example: People expand their local environmental knowledge-base. Hallmark of Ideal 1 Example: A broader cross-section of the community visit local natural areas annually. Hallmark of Ideal 2 Example: There is more media coverage of field-events. Hallmark of Ideal 3 Example: Community groups work together to create learning opportunities. Define Project (Potentially) JAS will offer productive, meaningful wetlands fieldtrip idea/minigrants to get kids and teachers into the wetlands. Hallmark of Success 1 Example: More groups are able to visit the wetlands. Hallmark of Success 2 Example: More people are willing to share their knowledge with groups. Hallmark of Success 3 Example: People demonstrate how the wetlands are (personally) meaningful.

What is Required?

(general categories)

1 Need program users 2 Need volunteers 3 Need a plan for event logistics 4 Need a plan for grant logistics 5 Need a venue for demonstrating meaningfulness 6 Need a media plan

These are just hen scratches…change them as needed…. -A

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