Stress Management

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 847
  • Pages: 26

Signs of Excessive Stress When stress becomes excessive, each person receives physical and psychologic Each person has an individualized way of reacting to excessive stress One person may withdraw from the environment, another may become overly gregarious, others may overeat others may lose appetites.

STRESS MANAGEMENT Practice the essentials of stress management Manage stressors Develop a balanced life style

The essentials of stress management include: ( Adaptive Response to Stress) 3. 4. 5. 6.

Deal with the problem Deal with the feelings Use available social support Reduce the physiologic arousal of stress

Burning up excessive arousal with physical exercise. Draining off excess arousal through relaxation techniques. Controlling stress reactions with biofeedback.

EXERCISE TO BURN OFF EXCESSIVE STRESS Exercise is a healthy way to expend energy. Uses large muscle movements sustained over time and that increases the heart rate allows the tension of stress to be released naturally as physiologic effects are channeled outward

exercise enhances wellness a physically sound body is more resistant to stress, recovers faster and maintains a better balance increase respiratory endurance and oxygen intake , stimulates the immune system, improves mental outlook and helps build confidence.

Positive effects of exercise are: strengthens the heart muscle decreases the heart rate lowers blood pressure decreases cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood increases muscles tone strengthens muscles to support the skeletal structures.

decreases cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood pressure increase muscle tone strengthens muscles to support the skeletal structures

lack of exercise increases the risk of physiologic inefficiency, hypertention, coronary heart dse. arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, tiredness, poor musculature and inadequate flexibility, demineralization of bones, tension and minor body pains.

RELAXATION: Draining Off Excessive Energy The relaxation response is the opposite of the stress response. Produce an increase stimulation of PNS and decrease stimulation of the SNS During stress- rise in the heart rate and blood pressure, breathing quickens and becomes shallow, oxygen consumption increases and blood flow concentrates in the active muscles.

During relaxation- heart rate and blood pressure dec. , blood flow concentrates in internal organs, respiration becomes slower and deeper, oxygen consumption dec. and maintenance system rest, revitalize, and energize. Tension drains and readiness to fight or flee is replaced by a sense of well being. >one daily 20 minute period of relaxation affects the body for 24 hours making it less susceptible to stressors.

Relaxation Techniques: a. Meditation > contemplative reflection, thought and communication with self > requirements of meditation Mental focus- focusing the mind in something Passive attitude- involves working on and not achieving anything

decreased muscle tenseness – involves sitting or lying while purposely relaxing muscles quiet environment – being free of interruptions and being where noise is at a minimum.

b. Yoga > a system of meditation and mental concentration to attain a balance in continuum of mind and body > Balance is attained through: Asana- comfortable and easy Pranayama- controlling breathing

c. Biofeedback > providing feedback to a subject about the current status of some body functions > GOAL: to gain control over a function and able to maintain control in actual life situations > uses the concept of feedback to help individuals monitor and control autonomic physiologic functions ( BP, heart rate)

d. Progressive relaxation exercise > systematically tensing and relaxing various muscle groups in the body- head to toe > steps: 1. Focus attention in a particular muscle group 2. tense the focus muscle group 3. Maintain muscle tension for 5-7 seconds 4. Relax the muscle while continuing focus on it 5. Repeat steps for each muscle group in the body

e. Autogenic training > voluntary self regulation and self – generated therapy > carried out in lying position while eyes are closed in a quiet environment > steps: 1. say “I am at peace with myself and fully relaxed” 2. focus on feeling of heaviness in each body part, one by one – include:

a. b. c. d.

Arms Legs Back Abdomen

e. buttocks f. head g. neck h. shoulder

3. Focus on feeling of warm in each body part one by one. 4. Focus on the heartbeat and breathing as being calm and regular and the forehead being cool 5. End by saying “ I am refreshed and alert” then take a deep breath and stretch

ROLE OF NURSE IN STRESS MANAGEMENT Primary role: To assist patient and family to adopt to stress and manage it wisely

Guidelines for Nurses When Helping Manage Stress a. Eliminating as many stressors as possible > Identify stressors affecting patient 1. knowledge of common stressors 2. teach about the effects of stress

3. careful observation on the patient b. Teach about the effects of stress c. Teach how to cope with stress d. Teach how to adjust to stress

MANAGING STRESSORS Take responsibility for self Assess yourself Note variables and influencing factors Alter perception and responses Develop clear, assertive communication Create reality from imagination

DEVELOPING A BALANCED LIFESTYLE Take Care of “weak links” Love Yourself Develop Balance Eat for wellness Develop nourishing social connectedness

Engage in self- expression Become environment attuned Plan for change

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