Straight Talk, February 2009

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  • Words: 2,931
  • Pages: 4

HIV Basics

Has a girl or a boy ever made any sexual advances to you?

If you have HIV, you are more likely

Malaria parasites to get malaria. At the same time,

malaria will increase your viral load (the amount of HIV in your body). This stresses your immune system. Your HIV sexual fluids will also therefore contain more HIV and you will be more infectious to others if you have unprotected sex. If you have HIV, always sleep under a mosquito net and take daily Septrin. Septrin has antimalarial qualities.

Tell us your honest story and win prizes. Write to Straight Talk P.O.Box 22366 Kampala


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Choose to be happy:

Don't worry Everyone wants to be happy and be around joyous people.

y p p a h Be

Happiness is food to the spirit. Have you ever thought about what brings happiness to you?

Straight Talk went to Hoima district and teenagers talked about what makes them happy. They also tell us what makes them look great and how this can help them stay safe. Enjoy their stories.

• Be thankful for what you have.

• Think about the good things that you have: your life, body and being in school. Many adolescents are not in school. Find something to be thankful for.

• Use the little you have well. • Work hard to get what you do not have. When you work hard, whatever the result, you do not regret. But when you do not put in enough effort, you blame yourself. • Learn something new everyday. Expanding on what you know and challenging yourself with new ideas brings happiness. • Respect yourself and your body.

"...I feel happy when I listen to sports programs and play football." Dasiki Nyangireki, Buseruka SS, Hoima

• Do not steal or have sex to get things like clothes, shoes. • Show love to other people. When you love, you also feel loved.

"When I take all the meals I need, I feel happy. I am also happy my parents are still alive and advise me." Barongo SP Amooti

• Take time off alone. Once in a while, think about your life and where you are going.

"I feel happy when I perform well in class." Nankumba Amina S4 Vac, 19, Premier SS

• Do exercises and sports. These make your brain active. • Avoid alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.

"I feel good when I am collecting firewood and fetching water. It shows I'm hardworking." Tumuhaise Robert, 16, Buhanika Seed SS

• Find time to rest. • Spend more time with your family and friends. • Laugh, laugh and laugh Laughter can cause happiness. Crack jokes, laugh with friends and family.

Are you happy? If you are not, you can change the way you feel.

I enjoy life in a safe way. I have said no to early sex and alcohol

Thinkaboutwhatmakesyouhappy. Keep yourself happy by loving yourself. Avoid behaviour that can harm your body and health. Stay safe in 2009.

• Accept who you are.

Remember: When I am not in school I look after cows. I am happy when they are healthy.

Sad things happen to everyone: relationships ending, poor performance or losing a loved one. Accept the situation. Be resilient. Resilience means that, whatever bad times you go through, you always get over it and bounce back to normal life.

Godfrey Mwine, Kitara SS


Looking nice, staying safe Despite being in the village and having challenges like poverty and getting water, youths in Hoima and Kiboga are looking and smelling nice. Here they tell us the secret of their smart-

Designer clothes

I look good when I ‘design’ (match) my favourite clothes. I can put on a black skirt and a white blouse. I design them with black shoes, a white and black bangle and white and black earrings or necklace. My parents buy my clothes. Kusemererwa Shamusha, S2, Duhaga SS

Annet Akiiki stepped out in a pink suit on Christmas.

Kind parents, bad rats

I look nice when I pu t on suits. My aunt bought me a pink suit when I went to vis it her in Kampala. I wanted to go back home immediately an d show it to my parents. But when I wanted to put it on ag ain, rats had eaten it. I cried. My parents bought me another suit. When I put it on with party shoes and cut hair, I feel smart. Asaba Immaculate, S2, Bu hanika Seed SS, Hoima

I look nice when I brush my teeth and you can talk in public. Kisakye Joseph, 17, S3, Kitaala SS, Hoima

seline, clothes Never have sex to get Va nt or need. or anything else you wa My parents make sure I have everything I need like knickers. They buy me pads. I also buy powder, bangles and eye-brow pencil from the 20,000/- they give me each term. Tumuhaise Irene Jovia, Mandela SS, Hoima

Jovia's parents can afford to buy her things. But what if your parents cannot? That is when you proudly get to work and earn money for yourself. "I have a small garden of sugarcane. I sell them and buy my clothes," says Atuhura Jackline, Bulera PTC "I buy clothes for myself. I get money by making and selling baskets," says Kyomuhendo Claire, 16, Kitara SS, Hoima.

What you can do to earn money

I use bombo to keep fresh. I squeeze it and put in my armpits. Tusiime Sylvia, Buseruka Bombo is a local plant that acts like a deodorant. There is also another useful plant, called Lweza. Pick the leaves, wash them and squeeze them. Rub them in your armpits or put the squeezed leaves in your bathing water. Do it daily until the bad smell stops. Water from banana leaves used for cooking can also help. Bathe with it or apply it to the armpits. Leave it for some time and then wash with clean water. If your parents have money, you can ask them to buy you a deodorant. It costs about 2,500/=

Clean teeth:

Live within your means

Simon Barongo of Buhanika SS digs to get money for basic needs.

Fresh smell

Be enterprising! You can earn money in the village. Sex for things are always negative.


Fetch water for people 50/- per jerry can 100/- for 4 pancakes Sell pancakes 200/- per cup Sell milk l Wash plates in the hote 500/- per day


Weekly Monthly





I feel nice when I am wearing tracksuits. Mubarak Achilles, Arua Public School, living in Buseruka

Each month in 2009 we will bring you the story of a girl, 19, who has been living with HIV since birth. She stays with her aunt and studies in the evening. She started on ARVs in 2007. Let's call her Jane. Jane loves Charles, who also loves her. 2008 was great for Jane. She got a job with an NGO. With her salary, she helped her aunt, brothers and sisters. She also bought hot clothes. But 2009 got off to a bad start!

Dear diary,

Felt dizzy ...feel better now... Happy to be out of hospital. This is my life..

had a February was so bad. I d. fight with my boyfrien We nt almost separated. He we s inu m , away for several days . I was calling, minus anythingme back so worried. Then he cabeer. and had taken a lot of to one Good enough he went she of our counsellors and r he cooled him down. Lateare now apologised to me. We fine. sn't Then I got pneumonia. Itmwa ria. ala d ha the first time. I also re fo be 0 64 My CD4 count was wn to I got sick, then it went do nce, pe ex 460. It was a terrible tchrie ing being on the ward, wa people die. But now I am ctors feeling better and the do ng sti re let me go home. I am Vs and and just taking my AR I have antibiotics. That's why ry. My time to write in my dia I want friends are coming over. e to get back to work soon. I'v got a lot to do.

Discover your inner beauty Do you look in the mirror and say "I hate my nose, eyes, body shape?" Well, that's normal! Everyone dislikes something about themselves.

like the jokes you crack. Maybe your are kind, warm, outgoing. Discover yourself. Ask family members what they like about you. Ask friends why they chose to be your friend. Build on your strong points, and improve your weak points. Ignore what that you cannot change.

Next time you look, focus on the little nice things. Check out those dimples, nice eyes, long eyelashes, nails, or pretty smile. By the way, many teenagers have good looks but are not happy.

Self-esteem is a life skill.

Everyone is beautiful. Beyond the physical looks, it could be your heart, or behaviour,


• You will not easily be advantage of. You wil taken l be strong enough to say no if you have to. • You will not feel anyone doing you a favour by loving you. • You will have peace f mind and work hard o at your

Happiness is climbng your ladder of success. Here are some winning ladders. You get T-shirts! Straight Talkers, make sure you draw your own ladder and keep revising it. Kanyesigye I, St. Paul's Seminary, Kabale

Enjoy my success Hard working Not rushing for sex or marriage Asking for advice Loving my neighbours In every aspect, I consider God first

P Abbo, Dabani Girls' SS, Busia

Fight injustice, poverty and abuse of human rights and promote peace Become a lawyer or presenter on radio or television Join university and study law or mass

Wafula L, Benedictive Voc Training Centre, Tororo

Hence the success Build my community Become a brick layer Join a technical school

Pass 'O' and 'A" levels with distinctions

Abstain from sex

Be in good terms with my teachers To stay in school always

Pass P7 Get home education

New Quiz

How did you spend your holidays? Did you stay safe? Send your true stories to POBox 22366 Kampala and get a prize.

Here is the story of Ahebwa Darlison, Bwikya SS Hoima. "I would go to the garden. When I returned home, I would prepare lunch and put cassava out to dry. I felt good when I sat with my grandmother. She tells me parables and stories of long ago." Ahebwa also cleans her room and reads the Bible. If she visits or goes for club activities, she puts on her best as in the picture 3

Namalwa Ritah, S4, vac Nabisunsa Girls' School

Other ladder winners are: Akungizibwe V and Tigaiza S, Kisiki College, Namutumba; Kakuuma G, Kaliro HS; Muwereza J, Valley Hill SS, kaliro; Ebiwa J, Lumino HS, Busia; Nyesiga M, Kahondo ST club; Angelite M, Mitandi SS, Fort Portal; Mugabe I Bukedi College, Mbale; Kato P, St Adolf HS, Kyenjojo; Sandra , Irma Pfeiffer HS, Kisubi. YOU WIN STRAIGHT TALK DIARIES!



P. O. Bo x 22 36 6 K A M P A L A

sex may lead to pregnancy, which brings body changes that may include pimples. Also, having sex when you are young and in school will cause stress. Usually the more stress you have, the more pimples too.

M, Pajule SS, Kitgum Pain on urination is abnormal. There may be an infection in your urethra (urine passage). See a doctor immediately before this condition worsens or causes more problems.

Why is it that if you have sex with your girlfriend several times, you loose interest in her? Noah, Pallisa HS This is common in youth who have sex due to curiosity (desire to know). After finding out that sex is no big deal, they lose interest. Others re-think and realise that they may not be ready for the results of sex. This can also kill the interest. Sadly, by this time the girl may be emotionally engaged and gets hurt. Delay sex until you are mature to handle it.

My mother is forcing me to get married to a man I do not know. Agnes, St. Mary’s College, Kiboga I am sorry that your mother thinks of marrying you off when you are still in school. Let her know that you are more likely to benefit her in the long term if you finish school. It is also not wise to marry a man you do not know. How will you know his HIV status? What if he has another family somewhere? Help your mother to think through all this. If she does not listen, ask an older person who you trust, like an aunt/ uncle or responsible woman on the LC to talk to her.

My sexual feelings are higher during holidays than in school. Why? Kabuke D, Mutanywana SS, Kasese Sexual feelings are natural so you are normal. However, such feelings are affected by thoughts. Thoughts about exams, work or school fees may suppress sexual feelings. Holiday thoughts about leisure, music, romantic books or movies can excite your sexual feelings. You have a lot of time for yourself during holidays. Do Do not believe physical things in myths about sex. like games or work. Nabirye M, 16, S3, Join a church or a Bikonte Seed SS, Straight Talk club. Busembatia

Pimples and sex

Is it true that if you have pimples you should have sex? Namugenyi H, Kabaale Sanje SS, Rakai It is not true. In fact, having sex will instead make pimples come! Why? Because

Is it true that if you eat a lot of eggplant and have sex with an infected person you can not get HIV? Balikowa J, Masaba College, Busia It is not true that eating eggplants will prevent HIV infection. The truth is that HIV is transmitted when someone has sex with an infected person, whether they have eaten eggplant or any other vegetables. There is no food that prevents HIV. I feel a lot of pain when I urinate. Labongo

Care for your penis

Good hygiene is part of your nice look package. This time we look at cleaning your penis. • If the fore-skin on your penis cannot be pulled back, wash only the outer part thoroughly with soap and water. Do not force the skin backwards as it happens naturally for different boys of different ages. Forcing the foreskin backwards will cause injury of the penis. • If the foreskin of your penis can be pulled back, pull it as far as it can go. Wash the glands and the inside of the foreskin gently but thoroughly with clean water. The space between the glands and the foreskin is where a white substance known as smegma is formed. Smegma is a mixture of dead cells shed by

tissues, skin oils, moisture and bacteria. Since bacteria live in any small place that has plenty of moisture, wash away all smegma from under the foreskin. If you let bacteria and dead tissue cells accumulate, your penis will smell. You will also be at the risk of getting: • Urinary Tract Infections • Scabies

Signs of penile infection:

Dr Edith Nakku

• Pimple like structures around the penis • Smelly penis • Itching • Discomfort and pain. If you have such symptoms, it may mean you have an infection. You need to go to hospital for proper check-up.

QUIZ We Know that

Girls are as intelligent as boys

So why are girls performing so poorly? In 2008 half of all girls either failed or got Div 4 on their O level exam. Send your true stories of what is happening in your school to PO Box 22366 Kampala. Are girls not encouraged? Teased when they answer wrongly? Something is disturbing girls, and ST wants to know what it is.

Write and win a cap or diary

My boyfriend does not want to have sex with a condom. I love him so much. Should I do it live? MA, Muni Girls SS, Arua No, dear M.A. don’t “do it live”. If you do it live, you will probably get pregnant within the first month and also possibly have to live with HIV and other STDs. For girls like you who are lucky to be in school, abstinence is the best. You say you love your boyfriend. The best way to protect him and yourself, if you love him and cannot stop yourself from having sex, is to use a condom. Condoms prevent HIV transmission if you use them properly every time. Dr Edith Nakku, Mulago STD Clinic, Kampala

Advise Tereza!

I have a boy lover who cheats on me so much. Yet I put all my mind and love on him. Should I also cheat on him or chuck him? I am confused, help me. Tereza, Benedictive Vocational Training Centre, Tororo. Send your advice to PO Box 22366, Kampala.

Doreen Muhumune, 19, STF’s new Runyankole-Rukiga radio journalist, models the cap! Listen for this law student on Tusheshuure.

Win a Straight Talk cap.

Straight Talk FOUNDATION Plot 4 Acacia Avenue, Kololo, P. O. Box 22366, Tel: 0312-262030/1 Kampala (U),

E-mail: [email protected], Web:, Executive Director: C. Watson, Director of Print T. Agutu, Editorial Manager: E. Kimuli, Editors: M. Akello, J. Abongowath, D. Agaba, Photo Editor: G. Awekofua, Writer: E. Mirembe Chief Designer: M.eB Kalanzi, Designers: G.B Mukasa, A.B Dentine Funded by DANIDA, DFiD, SIDA Printer: The New Vision

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