Star Trek and Modernism By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif © Copyright 2009 by Anthony J. Fejfar In the Star Trek, Next Generation Series, Star Trek is disclosed as making unfounded, non-critical, modernist assumptions, which are dead wrong. Star Trek hypothesizes a Unitary Modern, Athiestic Universe. In one episode, “Who Watches the Watchers,” a species of hominids on a planet are exposed to Star Trek technology, and make the assumption that a god or God of some sort, Exists. The Star Trek crew takes the position of Athiesm, and tries to “put the cork in the bottle” by just calling this point of view, superstition. In fact, Captain Picard’s modernists position simply begs the question about God and metaphysics.
Surely, those in Star Trek must know that
Ockham’s Razor and Logical Positivism have been trashed, destroying the unitary totalizing modernist scheme of atheist materialism. In fact, only a postmodern Critical Thomist approach is adequate to explain Reality, which includes the fact that you can prove God’s Existence by reasoning logically from sense experience. Star Trek reveals totally naïve, modernist, atheistic materialist assumptions which render the basic theme of the Star Trek program, flawed and in error.