The Afterlife And The Soul

  • Uploaded by: Anthony Fejfar
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 350
  • Pages: 2
The Afterlife and the Soul By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif © Copyright 2009 by Anthony J. Fejfar What happens to you in the Afterlife, depends to a great degree on what type of Soul you have. If you have an Immortal Substantial Soul or an Immortal Being Soul, then you can take as much time as you want in the Afterlife. You can then reincarnate on Earth, after spending time with a Life Review and Study, as Michael Newton describes it, or, as Seth describes it, you can take “lives” on the Other Side in Metaphysical Realms such as described by Michael Roads. However, many people who are Athiests or materialists, do not have an Immortal Soul, instead they have a Mortal Material Soul, as described by Aristotle. If a person has a Mortal Material Soul, and believes in reincarnation, then the person has a very short time to jump into a new body, or, the person’s Mortal Material Soul dies, and the person goes out of existence. If the person believes in Classical Philosophy then the person returns to Potency and does not go out of existence.

Some persons have a Mortal Material Soul of 5 months or 5 years, duration,

and can spend a limited time in the Spirit World on the Other Side. If the person does not believe in reincarnation and refuses to cooperate, the person is immediately taken to Hades and crosses the River Styx, getting a mind wash in the process, forgetting all past memories, and then with help reincarnates. For Spiritual Persons, the rational choice is to choose an Immortal Soul. Those with an Immortal Soul, live longer in their human, material body on Earth. On the other had, in some systems, it is possible the person could go to Hell for all Eternity with the person’s Immortal Soul. Given the foregoing,

some persons choose a Mortal Material Soul. In the Critical Thomist, Episcopalian Catholic System, you can only really go to Purgatory, so it is rational to choose an Immortal Soul. Personally, I have chosen an Immortal Substantial Soul.

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