Pravda The 9 11 Terrorist Attack Was Faked

  • Uploaded by: Anthony Fejfar
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 325
  • Pages: 2
PRAVDA AN ALLEGORICAL NEWSPAPER OF THE SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF AMERICA PUBLISHED IN WIDEMOUNT PENNSYLVANIA EDITOR ANTHONY J. FEJFAR B.A., J.D., ESQ., COIF THE 9/11 TERRORST ATTACK WAS FAKED BY BUSH © Copyright 2009 by Anthony J. Fejfar The “Terrorist” attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11 was faked by the G.W. Bush Administration so that there would be an excuse for declaration Martial Law and establishing a G.W. Bush dictatorship.

In act no aircraft were involved in 9/11 at all,

and instead the buildings were imploding by a demolition company from the ground. You see, the World Trade Center buildings had been condemned by the Fire Marshal because the sprinklers did not work in the building which were a fire safety requirement. Now, you can see objectively that the 9/11 videos were faked. First of all, jet aircraft landing gear are automatically lowered by a computer when the altitude is less than 1,800. The video of the World Trade Center “terrorist” attack shows no landing gear out. This is impossible.

Next, in order to stay in the air, a jumbo jet must be going

at least 700 miles per hour. The video shows the planes hitting the World Trade Center at a speed less than 100 miles per hour. At 700 miles per hour, from a side angle, the aircraft would have been recorded as a blur by a video camera, and this was not the case. Clearly, a computer imaging company such as Pixar did the fake video using computer

technology. Finally, no real aircraft wreckage has been recovered. No engines, no black box, no nothing. Bush and Cheney and Tom Ridge faked the whole thing so that they could establish a dictatorship, putting Democrats and Catholics in internment camps or concentration camps in Ohio.

Homeland Security was meant to be a Nazi type Gestapo, terrorizing

Americans in submission. be treated as such.

Obviously, Bush, Cheney, and Ridge are traitors and should

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