St Peter's Free Church Of Scotland, Dundee, Redevelopment Brochure

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Download & View St Peter's Free Church Of Scotland, Dundee, Redevelopment Brochure as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 1,733
  • Pages: 6
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken Ecclesiastes 4:12, NIV

“Balanced, biblical city-centre ministry is crucial but still rare in our day. David Robertson and St. Peter’s are carrying out the very kind of multi-dimensional work that we need — evangelism, student work, expository preaching, and concern for the welfare of the whole city.”

Tim Keller

Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City


strands bringing Christ to Dundee

Learning from the past, looking to the Future Taking the message to the wider world

Bringing Christ to Dundee The purpose of the planned redevelopment is the Ministry of the Word.

Our vision: The building should be used every day for the proclamation of the Word of God to bring more and more people to know Jesus Christ. This includes preaching, Bible study, discussion groups and education, as well as opening the church to more community groups such as the international café, youth groups and children’s clubs, mums and toddlers, family support work etc., some of which already use the church. Listen to ‘The Vision for St. Peter’s’ –a sermon explaining the reasons for the redevelopment in a biblical and historical context.

Learning from the Past, looking to the Future our History: St. Peter’s is a famous historical building, yet many are unaware of the amazing things that happened within its walls. If only these walls could speak! Well now they can. We intend to establish a historical centre which will tell the story of McCheyne, Bonar, Chalmers Burns and the great missions that took place. We believe the wider Christian Church can learn much from what went on in St. Peter’s and can apply the lessons to the future. Revivals are not restricted to the past. They can and will occur again.

Take the message to the wider world OUR MISSION: St.Peter’s is actively involved in the defence of the Christian faith, evangelism and church planting, through the leadership of the Minister, David Robertson. This work has led him to travel extensively throughout Scotland, the UK, Europe and the US. The redevelopment will enable more of this work to take place in Dundee. We aim to establish a Centre for Public Christianity which will provide training for Christians in evangelism, interaction with the secular media and a base for further evangelism and church planting. Already we are involved in two church plants in St. Andrews and Montrose.

With Logie & St. John’s church, Dundee, St. Peter’s organises ‘Quench’ – a well attended series of discussions in a Dundee bookshop coffee lounge, which tackle contemporary issues from a Christian standpoint and actively invite debate.

David’s book ‘The Dawkin’s Letters’ is a response to Dawkin’s ‘The God Delusion’ and directly engages with the atheist viewpoint of Richard Dawkins. Translated into six languages it has triggered a wide response and debate.

St. Peter’s Free Church in Dundee is one of Scotland’s best known churches. It is the church of Robert Murray McCheyne, visited by hundreds of Christians from all over the world each year. In disrepair, it was on the point of being turned into housing when the Free Church bought it. For the past 17 years, there has been continual growth, with people coming from a wide variety of backgrounds. The congregation is a youthful one with the vast majority being under 40 years old.

The main elements of the redevelopment are: 1 Improving access and approach to the church and opening up the entrance area

Ground Floor Plan

2, 3 Removal of the organ and pews and introducing flexible seating 4 Better linking of the hall and sanctuary and of internal and external spaces. Improving access to the upstairs hall & installing a lift

Proposed Development Work

5, 6 Subdividing the ground floor hall to allow use as 2 separate rooms and relocating the kitchen. Redeveloping the upper hall for youth work and seminars

First Floor Plan

7 Redesigning the courtyard as a safer children’s play area 8 Creating an historical display area

Cost of Development: The current estimated cost for the project is £734,000 excluding VAT and fees. “... this ministry of St. Peters, which is knowledgeable and appreciative of the past and is forward-looking and engaging of our times and culture without being trendy or faddish, is just what we need to proclaim faithfully the gospel in the 21st Century. “I whole-heartedly endorse this work and commend it to all gospel-loving, Christexalting, culture-engaging Christians.”

Ligon Duncan

Minister of First Presbyterian Church Jackson, Mississippi

“The re-establishment of an evangelical witness at St. Peter’s, Dundee, in these recent years has been a tremendous encouragement and a spiritual blessing to many in Dundee and far beyond. The vision the church has for the development of its strategic witness is worthy of the widest possible support.”

Derek Prime

former Pastor Charlotte Chapel Baptist Church, Edinburgh

The Centre for Public Christianity When the building is completed we propose to establish a Centre for Public Christianity. The centre’s aims Include providing: Contact with the media and the public Training for church leaders and missionaries in various branches of evangelism & apologetics Development of other forms of communicating the Good News; e.g. Visual Arts, Music and Literature A yearly conference and some training weekends Encouragement for planting new church groups

“I see this entire project at St. Peter’s as a further example of what the Lord did in 1560, in 1836–1843, and in1910… extending the knowledge of His glory in Christ until it covers the earth as the waters cover the sea (Isa 11:9 & Hab 2:14). I will personally support this project and I urge all other reformed and evangelical Christians to do so as well.”

Dr Sam Logan

International Director of the World Reformed Fellowship President Emeritus of Westminster Theological Seminary

Based on the Australian model of the same name led by John Dickson, it would be a separate Christian charitable company run by a board with a full time director being employed. It would be a partnership of groups interested in the communication of Christianity. It seems the Lord has set before us an open door and we would like to walk through it. These are days of great challenge and opportunity throughout the United Kingdom and Europe. The forces of secularism are also hard at work in the United States of America. We believe a centre of this type could be a significant factor in meeting these challenges and opportunities. The redeveloped building would provide an ideal base for this centre.

“One of the greatest needs in the UK today is biblical teaching which relates meaningfully to the culture… I can’t think of anything better to support right now than this new development at St. Peter’s Dundee.”

Ranald Macaulay

Christian Heritage, Cambridge.

Under McCheyne, St. Peter’s became an active church with a large programme of outreach, care for the poor and church extension. McCheyne’s success is often attributed to his devotional In 1843 McCheyne was appointed to be a commissioner life. He made prayer, meditation and self-discipline key to the General Assembly. However, he contracted typhus aspects of his work throughout his life. and after two week’s illness he died on 25 March. On Sundays, his practice was to spend six hours in prayer and devotional reading. McCheyne felt so strongly about private and family worship that he devised a yearly calendar for his people to enable them to read the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice. This calendar is still widely used today.

McCheyne was the right man in the right place. His spirituality, training, poetic and musical gifts, his youth, and his experience in the poorer areas of Edinburgh made him an ideal minister for St. Peter’s. The combination of McCheyne and St.  Peter’s was a powerful and potent one, felt far beyond the boundaries of the parish.

Robert Murray McCheyne (1813-1843) Inducted to the new charge of St. Peter’s, November 1836, his ministry was innovative and radical: He saw the prime need as evangelism. He preached simply. He preached with authority.

How you can help Why not make a one-off donation or become a Friend of St. Peter’s? The congregation have pledged to raise one third of the cost. We are thus looking for support from the wider church throughout the world to raise the rest. We Would very much welcome any assistance in funding. You can donate or make a loan on-line at: donate or in writing to Marie Henderson, Church Secretary, with the attached pledge form at the address below.

What does it involve? Firstly, it involves you covenanting to pray regularly and faithfully for the work of the Gospel here. In our prayers, we come to the Lord and cry out to him – O Lord, do it again! It is the essence of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that the latter days will be greater than the former. What does it cost? Anything you want! We would suggest a minimum monthly donation or loan of £10, $15 or €10 for a period of 12 months. This could be renewed annually. Of course, if it is possible, you could give a one off donation, or a larger sum each month. What do I get? We would provide you with a regular friends prayer/newsletter, a free copy of Awakening, David’s modern biography of McCheyne and keep you in regular contact with the work of the Lord here. You would also have unrestricted access to our members section on our website. O.K. So How do I join? To become a ‘Friend of St. Peter’s’ and receive information about the history and ongoing work of the church then please contact David ([email protected]) or Marie ([email protected]) or write to our postal address below.

St. Peter’s Free Church Offices. 4 St. Peter’s Street, Dundee, DD1 4JJ. Tel: +44 (0)1382 807004

“I don’t know if I have witnessed many churches like St. Peter’s who have set such an example as is being carried out at the present time. I will personally support their new project by putting my money where my mouth is, and I would urge others to do so - on both sides of the atlantic.”

Dr. R. T. Kendall

former minister, westminster chapel, london

© St. Peter’s Free Church May 2009. St. Peter’s is a charity registered in Scotland, No. SCO 38144. Architectural illustrations courtesy of CRGP Limited. Design & Photography:

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