St Felix Parish Advisory Council (pac) Minutes 8 Nov '08

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  • Pages: 3
PARISH ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING 12th NOVEMER 2008 7.30 P.M. Present:Fr. Hennessy, V Watts, J King, W Ablard, D Richardson, J Smith, M Jones, T Doran, D Thomas, M McDonald, B Pinto, T. Brazier, J Ablard. 1. Apologies: A. Deveney, N Gorham 2. Minutes of the October 2008 meeting were read and approved, with one alteration. St. Felix Church point 5 – The deposit for the boiler was £3,000 with a further payment of £7,000. 3. Review of actions of October meeting: ST FELIX


Clear gutters and gullies every year. Quote from small builder with insurance cover required.

D. Richardson/In Process

Replace roof window-lights in sacristy.

W Ablard/Awaiting Action

Evidence of damp on third arch on right hand side.

Fr Hennessy/C O’Brien Awaiting Action

Need woodworm and dry rot inspection.

D Richardson/Awaiting Action

Consider replacing ancient CH boiler.

Fr. Hennessy/In Process

Church floor in need of repair.

W Ablard/Awaiting Action

Restructuring of church entrance. To be considered within next 2 years. Request for structural engineer/architect via newsletter.

Fr Hennessy/Awaiting Action

CHURCH HALL Urgent – Repair defective toilets in male cloakroom. D. Richardson has accessed problem and recommends that the last toilet nearest the outside wall in both the ladies and gents toilets need to be raised to create a fall in the pipe level. The urinal trap in the gents toilet was found to have disintegrated. W. Ablard suggested making it a dry flush toilet. D Richardson recommended Chris O’Brien be contacted to carry out the work. Research into hand driers proved they we too expensive. Paper towel and soap Dispensers were thought to be a better option. D. Richardson to purchase.

D Richardson Survey Completed D. Richardson to Action D. Richardson to Action

PAC Meeting 12.11.08 -2– Clear gutters. Floor is showing its age. If ground right back will last 15 years. Doors to hall need fixing to stop scraping floor. To get quote for whole hall.

W Ablard - Completed

D. Richardson/Awaiting Quote for floor. Further investigation to be carried out re. doors.

Check fire doors Door seals defective. Have electrics checked. Emergency lighting defective. Electrical check has taken place -PAT test cost £300.80 Fr. Hennessy to query what has been checked as some items not tagged. RCB recommended at cost of 2,000. M Jones recommended a list of items is compiled and given to PAT tester in future. W Ablard to do inventory of electrical items not tagged.

Fr Hennessy/P McIntee PAT Test completed – Query items tested

W. Ablard – completed

Service HW and CH systems

Fr. Hennessy/P McIntee Awaiting Action

Deal with problem trees at front of property.

Awaiting Action by Council/contractor

Paint Cooper Room Was last done by B McDonald and team. Working party to be arranged.

M. McDonald to Action after Christmas

PRESBYTERY Urgent problem at right front end; cracking may be indicative of structural movement. Corresponding cracking interiorly. Future of garage and fence facing road? Garage needs new door so it can be used for storage.

Complete double-glazing. Check roof insulation. Roof insulation to be checked and updated. There was enough insulation left to insulate the hall loft.

Fr. Hennessy/ Awaiting Action Fr Hennessy/ C O’Brien/To Action in Spring

Fr Hennessy/ L Ablard/ Completed Presbytery Hall Loft to Action

PAC Meeting 12.11.08 -3– Prune rear garden trees. Already in operation.

W. Ablard - ongoing

ST.CECILIA’S Clear gutters and gullies.

B. Pinto

Arrange electrical wiring test.

Fr. Hennessy/ P. McIntee

Front railings need repainting.

To Action in Spring

4. Financial Report We have a balance of £80,000+ with the Diocese. There are outstanding payments for the boiler and CAFOD to come off this figure. 5. Confirmation Friday 16th October is the date for Confirmation. Mike Palmer and Alan Bennet will be helping with Confirmation Candidates. Sylvia McCallum has offered to provide catering. Fr David will start researching a location for a 2-3 day retreat in January. 6. Cambodia – The Next Step Fr. Hennessy to contact Monsigneur Leeming at St. Marys to arrange a talk on Cambodia from a parishioner. St. Marys are twinned with a Cambodian parish. 7. Parish donation for funding of St John the Baptist Cathedral Norwich. J. King suggested £5,000 was appropriate. There were no objections. 8. A.O.B. • M. Macdonald suggested that Agenda and Minutes of PAC meetings should be put on the website with a note in the newsletter to this effect. A copy could also be displayed in the church entrance. • Fr. Hennessy talked about Ukranian priests training in Rome and their need to become proficient speakers of English. It was agreed that the parish could help by inviting one such priest to the parish in July and August 2009. He would be accommodated at the Convent but would need input from parishioners willing to spend time conversing with him and correcting his language. • J. King requested that warning be given when Fr. Hennessy would be unavailable to do a newsletter to enable people to post their notices on time. 9. Next meeting 4th December 2008 at 7.30.

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